General Category >> The Cafe >> For those of you who have never had an MRI.......

Message started by arteacher on 11/17/12 at 14:27:17

Title: For those of you who have never had an MRI.......
Post by arteacher on 11/17/12 at 14:27:17

I never had, and it was a scary experience. They wheel you into a room with a Star gate in it, get you to lie down on this sliding table, and so you will fit into this tiny hole, they strap your arms to your sides tight enough to be uncomfortable. In your right hand they put a rubber bulb that you squeeze if you get into trouble. All it really does is get a response from the operator that your doing great and it won't be too much longer.
Time is relative.
Then they stuff you in this hole and you can't see anything except a neutral grey surface in front of you, which you estimate to be anywhere from 1/8" to 1 1/2" from your nose. Oh and they have put ear plugs in so you can't hear.
This tiny voice way off in the distance says "relax"
" breath in"
"breath out"
"hold your breath"
Yup... no problem.
This goes on for what seems to be an hour and I complain.
"Your doing great Mr. Norwood... we are just about to inject the dye in, and that's the important part. You may feel warm all over, and it might feel like you are urinating"
Now, they have been giving me pee pills all week, and I peed before the procedure, but I really had to go again.
I started worrying about electrical shorts in the Star Gate. These things have their own transformers.
"breath in"
Breath out"
Hold your breath"
Over and over and over and over again.
No problem.
Finally they squeeze you out of the thing like a sausage machine, unstrap you, look disapprovingly at the "soak-er" pad they had you on, and say " you did really well. That happens a lot. relax".
Total time in the machine 1 1/2 hrs.
I hope the dreams aren't too bad. :-?

Title: Re: For those of you who have never had an MRI....
Post by verslagen1 on 11/17/12 at 14:30:42

Lucky you, they didn't give me ear plugs.
Fell asleep anyway.

Title: Re: For those of you who have never had an MRI....
Post by 360k+ on 11/17/12 at 15:15:04

Look at the good side, you could have woken up in 2371 with no Savage friends here on the forum...    and no Savage.   Your frightening description with all the anxiety almost reminds me of my colonoscopy.

Title: Re: For those of you who have never had an MRI....
Post by Serowbot on 11/17/12 at 15:54:00

Thank you, for that terrifyingly detailed description,... now, I know how very much I don't ever want one... and approximately how much drugs to take if I ever have to get one...
All that I have... :-?...

Title: Re: For those of you who have never had an MRI....
Post by Boofer on 11/17/12 at 16:10:48

I have claustrophobia if I can't control the situation. Doing construction I would squeeze into about anything. Had an MRI in a tube open at both ends. Not so bad except for lying still on my back with the pain. I think you will appreciate the experience better after you get the bill.  :)

Title: Re: For those of you who have never had an MRI....
Post by Boofer on 11/17/12 at 16:12:43

Forgot to say: Hope results were good. They found plenty wrong with me...but nobody can fix it.  ;D

Title: Re: For those of you who have never had an MRI....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/17/12 at 17:33:51

MRI, CAT scan, IDK, I was allergic to the dye,, didnt drive for 6 weeks, wife says Ive never been the same,

Title: Re: For those of you who have never had an MRI....
Post by Serowbot on 11/17/12 at 17:40:23

0D2020292A3D4F0 wrote:
I think you will appreciate the experience better after you get the bill.  :)

Art is in Canada...  no bill...

Title: Re: For those of you who have never had an MRI....
Post by rfw2003 on 11/17/12 at 17:57:51

I've had MRI's (both in the older closed tube and the newer open MRI machines,  Not much difference really when they are doing it on the chest area.) Cat scans and most of the other machines that are the in the Tube type machines including the cardiac x-ray machines.  None of them are fun at all.  The worst part for me is the laying still on that hard metal table.  I have fibromyalga and arthritis in my back, shoulders and knees, plus other joints as well.  

I feel for ya Arteacher,  I've had 2 heart attacks since Feb of 2010, and they are talking about putting in a pace maker as well.  My heart problems are not because of diet or anything like that, but because of a disease I was born with, that makes my heart weak, so it's something I'll have to live and work with for the rest of my life.  Since the first Heart Attack in Feb, '10 I haven't been able to pass a stress test at all.  plus I'm having to take all sorts of heart meds including a time release nitro, that keeps me with headaches most of the time.

Hopefully your recovery goes well, and you can get to your normal activities soon.

Best of luck to ya.


Title: Re: For those of you who have never had an MRI....
Post by dinsdale on 11/17/12 at 21:02:49

Two heart surgeries in last 15 years (aortic valve replacements, one human,one carbon fibre)so multiple CaT scans with and without die as i also have sarcoidosis which meant they put a tube and camera down my throat to get biopsy material from the lymph nodes in my lungs.

I'm only 43 so see most so the tests etc as a new experience .
Beats the alternative of being dead.

Hope things work out for you.

Title: Re: For those of you who have never had an MRI....
Post by Charon on 11/18/12 at 12:59:57

Years ago I worked in a hospital. When we got our first MRI, they asked for volunteers to try it out, partly to give the techs some experience. Our was one with the closed magnet. I volunteered, and didn't find it at all unpleasant. All I noticed, besides ordinary room noises like fans, was a rapid series of "clicks" as it made the image. As said, you ride into the tube on a little trolley, and then they tell you to hold your breath. They imaged my head. I tried to get them to give me some of the pictures so I could prove to my daughter I actually had a brain, but they refused.

Title: Re: For those of you who have never had an MRI....
Post by ToesNose on 11/18/12 at 13:08:59

Hmmpff you did volunteer, the least they could do was give you a picture!  :(

Title: Re: For those of you who have never had an MRI....
Post by Cavi Mike on 11/18/12 at 21:49:56

I'm just curious if these things can really rip steel chips right out of your eyes. It's gonna be interesting when I have to get one of these for the first time because I have a few stuck in there.

Title: Re: For those of you who have never had an MRI....
Post by Midnightrider on 11/18/12 at 23:19:55

Saved my life 3 weeks ago. Found blood clots in my lungs, wouldnt have been around much longer if they hadnt caught it. I spent 4 days in ICU being given blood thinners. When I was released I had to give myself 2 shots a day for 2 weeks, that was a lot worse than the MRI LOL.

Title: Re: For those of you who have never had an MRI....
Post by Charon on 11/19/12 at 05:55:14

1436213E1A3E3C32570 wrote:
I'm just curious if these things can really rip steel chips right out of your eyes. It's gonna be interesting when I have to get one of these for the first time because I have a few stuck in there.

Make sure you tell the techs about those steel chips, as well as any other metal implants. Normally, they will ask. Normal dental fillings are non-magnetic.

For those curious, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) actually images hydrogen atoms, primarily found in the water in your body. It does an excellent job imaging soft tissues, unlike X-rays. It takes some heavy-duty computing to actually make the images.

Title: Re: For those of you who have never had an MRI....
Post by Demin on 11/19/12 at 06:08:43

I fell asleep getting mine done.I just closed my eyes.I'm not claustaphobic though either.The open ones aren't too bad.

Title: Re: For those of you who have never had an MRI....
Post by thumperclone on 11/19/12 at 22:37:31

i saw the LIGHT on mine

Title: Re: For those of you who have never had an MRI....
Post by Serowbot on 11/19/12 at 23:34:14

I'd poop my pants on mine... :-?...

Title: Re: For those of you who have never had an MRI....
Post by on 11/20/12 at 00:28:39

Had four of them over the years.  They have gotten a lot better, but are still a pain in the whatever.  Still, you need one, you need one. Besides, where does it say that you have to enjoy medical tests.  Yikes, I just remembered that my annual physical is coming up.  Rubber glove and K-Y  Oh goody.

Title: Re: For those of you who have never had an MRI....
Post by Serowbot on 11/20/12 at 01:31:37

Gerry,.. get a female doctor...
Ohhh!.. are you gonna' buy me dinner after this?... :-?...
Okay,.. I watch too many movies....
... the wrong movies....

Tell them you're allergic to latex... that'll slow 'em down...
;D ;D ;D...

Title: Re: For those of you who have never had an MRI....
Post by Midnightrider on 11/20/12 at 20:38:58

I got a female doctor and she does the blood test. Kinda hurt my feelings, I thought I have a cute butt.

Title: Re: For those of you who have never had an MRI....
Post by Serowbot on 11/20/12 at 22:19:53

587C717B7C727D61677C717067150 wrote:
I got a female doctor and she does the blood test. Kinda hurt my feelings, I thought I have a cute butt.

Uhhh,......   ...huh... :-?...

Me too,... In fact I know I do... because...
I often overhear people whispering,.. as I walk away from them....
"What an incredible a$$!"...
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