General Category >> Rubber Side Down! >> Name this part for fun and prizes!

Message started by dmj13 on 11/13/12 at 08:23:36

Title: Name this part for fun and prizes!
Post by dmj13 on 11/13/12 at 08:23:36

 Alright, at the risk of asking a stupid question, on a 2009 S40 what is the chrome-bowl shaped cover attached to the front of the battery box , to the rear of the starter and below the carb float bowl? Or, more specifically, what is in it, do I need it, and if I need it, where else can I put it. That thing has been aggravating the crap out of me and makes pulling the carb a real hassle.
  I've been trolling around looking here, and through the 04 Clymers, but I don't see it on the pics they have of the '04.... Just want to know before I start breaking things ;D Will post pic ASAP.

Title: Re: Name this part for fun and prizes!
Post by Serowbot on 11/13/12 at 08:30:10

Oh boy!,... Oh boy!,... a game,... with prizes!... :)...

..... what chrome bowl?....  :-?...

Where does the light shine when you turn on your headlight?... :-?...

Title: Re: Name this part for fun and prizes!
Post by verslagen1 on 11/13/12 at 08:37:31

someone musta ran over a dog at feedin time.
the feed bowl is plastered to the front of the box by the "last meal"

surely there's a limping dog somewhere that watches your every move.


there's a chrome tool box cover on the right, and a plastic cap on top.
other than that, can't think of nothin' else.

pictures would help.

Title: Re: Name this part for fun and prizes!
Post by dmj13 on 11/13/12 at 08:41:42

Fancy phone not cooperating. Working pic...

Title: Re: Name this part for fun and prizes!
Post by ToesNose on 11/13/12 at 08:42:21

Maybe it's a flux capacitor!!!!    :D

Title: Re: Name this part for fun and prizes!
Post by Serowbot on 11/13/12 at 08:47:20

Does it look like this?... :-?...

Title: Re: Name this part for fun and prizes!
Post by dmj13 on 11/13/12 at 08:51:17

Looks like this:

Title: Re: Name this part for fun and prizes!
Post by verslagen1 on 11/13/12 at 08:51:40

oooooh, good idea, never thought about putting a spare helmet there.

Title: Re: Name this part for fun and prizes!
Post by dmj13 on 11/13/12 at 08:52:44

10 million comedians out of work and everyone wants to try and be funny....

  Any ideas? I'm kinda hoping it IS a flux capacitor.

Title: Re: Name this part for fun and prizes!
Post by verslagen1 on 11/13/12 at 08:53:55

Not stock

take the battery out and see how it's attached.

or give it a swift kick.

Title: Re: Name this part for fun and prizes!
Post by bobert on 11/13/12 at 08:54:59

I've never seen that before.  I have no idea what it is.  Do any wires or hoses connect to it?

Title: Re: Name this part for fun and prizes!
Post by Serowbot on 11/13/12 at 08:57:38

Call the bomb disposal team... :-?...

Title: Re: Name this part for fun and prizes!
Post by Pine on 11/13/12 at 09:02:53

yeah.. thats not on my savage.. nor any I have ever seen....

Title: Re: Name this part for fun and prizes!
Post by Paraquat on 11/13/12 at 09:09:11

Aftermarket horn?
Mystery emissions nonsense?

Hit it with a hammer. Very scientific.


Title: Re: Name this part for fun and prizes!
Post by dmj13 on 11/13/12 at 09:21:21

Hitting it with a hammer was my first thought. At least I can feel better for having no idea what it is...

Title: Re: Name this part for fun and prizes!
Post by Cavi Mike on 11/13/12 at 09:28:22

Couldn't you have taken a picture of the other side where there's not cables and all sorts of obstructions blocking the view of it? It looks like someone made a dummy "oil tank" which houses all of the wiring and electronics. Give us a better picture of it and try to at least get the whole thing in the picture.

Title: Re: Name this part for fun and prizes!
Post by dmj13 on 11/13/12 at 09:32:06

Will ASAP later. Other side is same-same. Smooth, flush mounted to batery box. There is an opening on the underside, but I can't tell what is in there, or get my figers in far enough to feel.

Title: Re: Name this part for fun and prizes!
Post by Serowbot on 11/13/12 at 09:33:23

I tell you call bomb disposal,... and Paraquat says, "hit it with a hammer"...

Okay,.. go ahead,.. hit with hammer...  Roll video please... :-?...

PS... whatever it is,.. it's chrome... I want one... :)...

Title: Re: Name this part for fun and prizes!
Post by verslagen1 on 11/13/12 at 10:40:16

3F293E233B2E23384C0 wrote:
I tell you call bomb disposal,... and Paraquat says, "hit it with a hammer"...

Okay,.. go ahead,.. hit with hammer...  Roll video please... :-?...

PS... whatever it is,.. it's chrome... I want one... :)...

remember, turn video on, then say "here, hold my beer"   8-)

Title: Re: Name this part for fun and prizes!
Post by Serowbot on 11/13/12 at 10:42:06

I just realized, that the back end is just a mirror reflection from the battery box...Duh!...

Looks like an old center cap from a mag wheel... :-?...

Maybe it's a stash can... maybe there's dope in it...
If I guessed right,.. do I win the stash?...:-?...

Title: Re: Name this part for fun and prizes!
Post by ToesNose on 11/13/12 at 11:27:18

Oh yea, now that there's a picture I'm sure it's not a flux capacitor. But it's definitely a whosee ma whatchit   :D

Title: Re: Name this part for fun and prizes!
Post by raydawg on 11/13/12 at 16:12:41


Don't hit it or damage it. You have a "demo" bike, one that was especially made for the motorcycle shows, and was used to showcase the bike. Some were not chrome, but as you can see in the pix your smatter came as a chromed one. Very nice, lotta history.

Title: Re: Name this part for fun and prizes!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/13/12 at 19:06:11

Take a bit of wood & put against it from the side ot Cant come out & drive it out the other side.. Unless, as you say Its Mounted on there, then youve gotta pull the battery & UN Mount that sucker,,

Title: Re: Name this part for fun and prizes!
Post by gdrseeker on 11/13/12 at 20:36:19

This is seriously the best post here in the last few months I cant wait to see.     Please don't keep us in suspense too long.  My vote is for time machine.......yeah that's it.

Title: Re: Name this part for fun and prizes!
Post by thumperclone on 11/13/12 at 22:12:33

micro keg

Title: Re: Name this part for fun and prizes!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/13/12 at 22:13:52

7D617C64796C7B6A6566676C090 wrote:
micro keg

If thats true,, it has No Value..

Title: Re: Name this part for fun and prizes!
Post by LANCER on 11/14/12 at 02:42:56

It is obviously the prototype Suzuki has been working on; not a Flux Capacitor but the new smaller version of MISTER FUSION ! !

Title: Re: Name this part for fun and prizes!
Post by misterbbq on 11/14/12 at 06:01:11

dunno.  but if it has a vac line i'd replace it with a raptor.

Title: Re: Name this part for fun and prizes!
Post by Dave on 11/14/12 at 06:17:03

It looks like one of those containers that "Legg's" come in.

I think that is where you are supposed to keep your pantyhose! :o

Title: Re: Name this part for fun and prizes!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/14/12 at 06:23:07

You got it off yet? What are you waiting for? We NEED to know whats in there. I think Rowboats right, its a wheel center,And, he wasnt a planned pregnancy,he is Always right,,

Title: Re: Name this part for fun and prizes!
Post by Blinky on 11/14/12 at 13:23:01

Guys, it is just a geehaw, in the same class of adornment as chrome oil caps, earrings on a man, fringe handle bar end caps on a Harley, or a tattoo that says "Mom". It doesn't mean a thing but is just intended to make a personal statement and set the previous owner apart from the rest of us mundane and normal sorts. I once thought of getting a tattoo myself so I could be unique like everyone else. Then I found out they hurt and cost money so I just made myself a sign from a piece of cardboard that says "Look at me". Works just as well as a tattoo and I can take it off when I want to.

However, if you get whatever it is off the bike and don't want it, I'll take it. I am darn tired of being mundane and normal and Geehaw, don't it look cool!

Title: Re: Name this part for fun and prizes!
Post by youzguyz on 11/14/12 at 13:32:47

Where you at in San Antonio?  
Maybe I could come by with my "mostly" stock Savage and see if it will swap over.  :P

Title: Re: Name this part for fun and prizes!
Post by verslagen1 on 11/14/12 at 13:45:32

I know what it is... your bikes preggy.  that there's an egg.   ;D

Whatcha been parking next to?

willit be a superscooter or the shiniest squid ever?

Title: Re: Name this part for fun and prizes!
Post by ToesNose on 11/14/12 at 13:49:43

Hmmm it's nice and shiny, he must have been parked next to Serowbot's scoot    ;D

Title: Re: Name this part for fun and prizes!
Post by thumperclone on 11/14/12 at 21:48:13

stash box w/ a screw on end cap

Title: Re: Name this part for fun and prizes!
Post by dmj13 on 11/15/12 at 07:21:07

  Internet crapped out on me, sorry for any undue suspense. I went out yesterday and pulled the battery, which I've done before, but made it a point to pay attention this time. And... there was no mounting hardware. So, I put the edge of a screwdriver under the lip of this thing and gently pried it up, while waiting for the explosion or spontaneous time travel.
   Note: I made sure to turn away and keep my mouth slightly open. This guy in Afghanistan told me that if you kept your mouth open during an IED hit it would keep the overpressure from blowing out your eyeballs. Better safe than sorry.
  Anyway, the thing ended up held on with chrome colored foam tape! WTF? The back end was closed up with a piece of plexiglass and it was just stuck to the front of the battery box. This is it:
  So, I was kind of hoping for the stash box, but no such luck. It DOES look like a chrome hubcap. I am completely baffled at this point. Someone put this thing on for asthetics, I guess? I dunno, but still looking for an answer as to  WHY it was there.

40534B56534555320 wrote:

Don't hit it or damage it. You have a "demo" bike, one that was especially made for the motorcycle shows, and was used to showcase the bike. Some were not chrome, but as you can see in the pix your smatter came as a chromed one. Very nice, lotta history.

 Are you being serious? Why would they put on a piece of plastic chrome that doesn't do anything but make it harder to get to the carb.

  On another note: I have a very shiny battery box mod for sale. MAKE AN OFFER! ;D

Title: Re: Name this part for fun and prizes!
Post by ToesNose on 11/15/12 at 07:29:26

Too funny DMJ, well I guess it was just something someone had laying around and said "Hey that'll look real nice on the battery box in that open area there!"   ;D

Title: Re: Name this part for fun and prizes!
Post by Paraquat on 11/15/12 at 09:28:56

This thread is the most fun I've had in a while.

Obviously all the plastique dissolved or melted out of it.


Title: Re: Name this part for fun and prizes!
Post by SALB on 11/15/12 at 09:39:12

I bet that's off another bike a previous owner had, and I bet there's a good story behind it.  But, we'll never know. ::)

Title: Re: Name this part for fun and prizes!
Post by verslagen1 on 11/15/12 at 10:14:11

So how often did the PO cross the border with that thing?
coulda filled it with birds/snakes/lizzards/whateva and taped it up.

Title: Re: Name this part for fun and prizes!
Post by dmj13 on 11/15/12 at 13:00:49

It would not have been a very effective stash box. The thing was stuck on pretty good with double sided foam tape. I am at a complete loss as to what it was actually FOR, or what it was supposed to be pretending to BE....

Title: Re: Name this part for fun and prizes!
Post by greenmonster on 11/15/12 at 14:15:55

766572736C6167656E31000 wrote:
So how often did the PO cross the border with that thing?
coulda filled it with birds/snakes/lizzards/whateva and taped it up.

I can't think of any bird that would not have its heart give out if it were stuffed in that container and taped to our bike. I can think of a number of substances that could fit in and would make a tidy profit though. heh heh, if your bike didn't have a name before, you should start calling her, "Lil' Mule"  ;D

Title: Re: Name this part for fun and prizes!
Post by WD on 11/15/12 at 15:37:18

Based on the window and the alignment notch... handlebar mount tach or speedo cup off another Jap bike. Probably Yammerscammer Very Slow... Yamaha Virago. Honda or Kawasaki it would have been chromed steel.

Replace the tape with some Velcro and stash away... 8-)

Title: Re: Name this part for fun and prizes!
Post by misterbbq on 11/16/12 at 05:01:02

ah.  it's obvious to me your bike is a st. bernard and you should fill it with alcohol and deliver it to people in need.

Title: Re: Name this part for fun and prizes!
Post by stinger on 11/17/12 at 02:49:07

Well anyone can see it's a portable pee cup so you don't have to pull over when riding to do your business. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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