General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Petraeus

Message started by 360k+ on 11/12/12 at 09:59:27

Title: Petraeus
Post by 360k+ on 11/12/12 at 09:59:27

I just fired this off to our Senator Feinstein.  Beat me up if you will, but I am so tired of congress beating up others to try and bolster their own failings.   Hopefully, I'll be around to read your responses before the black suburbans come to pick me up.   BTW, can I still get on the web from Gitmo?

"Let the Petraeus investigation pass Senator!  We are FAR past the time to squander money on nonsense like this; a fact that apparently only you in congress fail to understand.  This man has given a lifetime of service to our country; far more than you ever have.   This issue has nothing to do with security as you profess, but is simply someone you'd like to punish in an attempt to make your own deplorable record look better by comparison.   Instead, focus on positives and see if you can actually get some useful things accomplished for your constituency.  Though I have in the past, I DID NOT vote for you in the 2012 election, nor will you have my vote in the future unless you make some big picture policy changes."

Title: Re: Petraeus
Post by Serowbot on 11/12/12 at 10:42:10

It's gonna' be a rough Veterans Day for Petraeus...  but, it's a gut punch he must have seen coming...

Funny thing is,.. all the digging to find the other woman...  The private curiosity of the public is,...
Is she hot?... would I have done it?... who could be so irresistible?..
We're showing our tabloidy gossip side...

Title: Re: Petraeus
Post by Paraquat on 11/12/12 at 11:08:38

I hate Dianne Feinstein.


Title: Re: Petraeus
Post by Starlifter on 11/12/12 at 11:54:57

This IS a very big deal. The head of the CIA cannot be susceptible to "a secret life" . He cannot be in a position to be blackmailed.

General Petraeus has stepped up to the plate, admitted his indiscretions, and resigned his post. He did the right thing as a man of honor. The investigation will conclude when congress (yes I hate congress also) determines that no aspect of national security has been comprised. The General's wartime service and integrity are not in question.

Title: Re: Petraeus
Post by WebsterMark on 11/12/12 at 18:33:08

Beat me up if you will, but I am so tired of congress beating up others to try and bolster their own failings.   Hopefully, I'll be around to read your responses before the black suburbans come to pick me up.  
"Let the Petraeus investigation pass Senator!  We are FAR past the time to squander money on nonsense like this.."

Woe…. What’s the rush to hike up that carpet and grab the broom?....

There are more than a few serious issues here.
This forum is littered with conspiracy theorist who should be going ape sh*t over this. Talk about a custom made situation rife for monkey business ....  Come on; let's see those imaginations run wild.

Title: Re: Petraeus
Post by 360k+ on 11/12/12 at 19:17:44

Well, obviously the black suburbans have not shown up yet (they tend to come at midnight, however, dragging you out in your underwear).  Yes, I was kinda hoping to see some good old mud slinging myself, or at least the invocation of a good heated debate.   Hell, I haven't even been called any names yet!

In the USAF I had a high level security clearance (including crypto), and am fully briefed on the compromising situations this can lead to (hmmm, but now you've got me wondering...  was that gorgeous Chinese angel overseas really my girlfriend?).  Anyway, been there-done that so please don't lecture me on that particular aspect.   Honestly, this guy did something that statistically 75% of husbands, and 50% of wives eventually do.   Most of us guys, if honest, have probably had, eh em, opportunities, that we may or not have acted on.  However, in that respect, I'm proud to say I'm pristine after 35 years of marriage, not that I wasn't tempted 5 or 10 or 40 times, but I drew a line because I have to look in the mirror every morning.

Title: Re: Petraeus
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/12/12 at 19:28:35

Well,, what Im hearing is that the FBI was investigating him at least 2 weeks ago.

Now, IF thats true,, what is the next thing we have to all be smart enough to know?

Title: Re: Petraeus
Post by mpescatori on 11/13/12 at 03:08:08

565043480804020308310 wrote:
Well, obviously the black suburbans have not shown up yet (they tend to come at midnight, however, dragging you out in your underwear).  Yes, I was kinda hoping to see some good old mud slinging myself, or at least the invocation of a good heated debate.   Hell, I haven't even been called any names yet!

In the USAF I had a high level security clearance (including crypto), and am fully briefed on the compromising situations this can lead to (hmmm, but now you've got me wondering...  was that gorgeous Chinese angel overseas really my girlfriend?).  Anyway, been there-done that so please don't lecture me on that particular aspect.   Honestly, this guy did something that statistically 75% of husbands, and 50% of wives eventually do.   Most of us guys, if honest, have probably had, eh em, opportunities, that we may or not have acted on.  However, in that respect, I'm proud to say I'm pristine after 35 years of marriage, not that I wasn't tempted 5 or 10 or 40 times, but I drew a line because I have to look in the mirror every morning.

Ditto that.

I was going to challenge the "I had a high level security clearance" part, generally those who do or did never talk about it publicly. It's part of having that kind of clearance in the first place.

On the other hand, married 23 years, I do confirm what you just said
"I'm proud to say I'm pristine after 35 years of marriage, not that I wasn't tempted 5 or 10 or 40 times, but I drew a line because I have to look in the mirror every morning"

My way of expressing the same thought would be "I'm not going to squander 20 years' marriage with 20 minutes of pleasure"

As for Gen. Petraeus and what happened to him, I would prefer to think that is simply an excuse for something else, i.e. blowing a whistle to keep the bells silent.
Had an investigation on the Benghazi incident proven it was, ultimately, Gen.Petraeus' fault, what would have become of him?
Fired? What does that mean? No retirement after serving your Country for 40, 45 years?
Make up a little scandal, that'll "force him to resign and retire", retain all, hard earned privileges, etc.+
The proof to my theory ? Bet you 99 cents his wife will not divorce him !

"The head of the CIA cannot be susceptible to "a secret life" . He cannot be in a position to be blackmailed."

IMHO the Head of the CIA should not have a public  life, it should all be strictly private or official, both of which should not be business of the FBI but of Counterespionage.

Unless, of course, we have an "everybody Vs. everybody", multicolor, rainbow "Spy Vs. Spy" scenario that would make MAD Magazine green with envy.

Title: Re: Petraeus
Post by WebsterMark on 11/13/12 at 04:36:42

I'm not lecturing you, I just think on the surface, there appears there could be a heck of a lot more to this than just a guy caught with his pants down. It's who caught him, when they caught him and did anybody do something with that info....

Title: Re: Petraeus
Post by mpescatori on 11/13/12 at 05:04:54

We had a similar incident with a Brig.Gen. from the Paratroopers some 12 years ago, a lady claiming to be his "lover" blew the whistle during a TV talk show on one of those local, low-audience channels.

A number of things happened...

- the lady lost her job, her boss fired her because she made the business look like "a den of strippers" (she was the PR for I forget whom)

- the lady made a ton of money by releasing interviews which, on umpteen gossip magazines and columns, all showed exactly the same (two) pictures and told exactly the same (unbelievably lame and chaste) story,

- the left-wing press booed in unison "shame, shame" at a man who had not done anything and had a clean professional record,

- the General resigned,

- his wife divorced him.

What came out years and years later was that :

- that general had been earmarked as the next Commander of Joint Special Forces

- the "assumed lover" landed a job as the PR for a known and RICH left-wing (Communist Party) Congressman.

So it turned out the whole thing had been orchestrated to shoot the man down and prevent him from getting the job.

IMHO, exactly the same happened to Gen.Petraeus.

In a "Spy Vs. Spy", dog-eat-dog environment, you often ask the enemy for a favor, only to drop the evidence in the lap of a whistleblower...
The whistleblower will think he made the find of a lifetime, never to realize it was all cooked to order... and that he is a mere puppet himself!
But the turkey got roasted, for the sole reason he was too good at his job.

I use the term "turkey" for the allegory; I have a profound esteem and respect for Gen.Petraeus.

Title: Re: Petraeus
Post by 360k+ on 11/13/12 at 07:41:22

You're right mpescatori, about the clearance and this is only one of the few times I've ever mentioned it during my civilian life.   The first time, back in the 70's I was applying for a DOD contractor job designing microwave filters, and during an FBI interview I was asked if I have ever smoked marijuana.  By then I already had my engineering undergrad, so I replied, "Yes, of course I went to college!"   They didn't exactly see my sense of humor, and denied my military clearance renewal, which precluding me from getting the job.   You see, in their twisted minds, I guess it would be better for me to lie, thereby allowing an opening for later blackmail, rather than come clean at the outset - go figure??? Was I then, and am I now, disillusioned - hell yeah!  In any case, my original clearance debriefing was 43 years ago when returning from SE Asia, so I doubt I would be able to divulge much useful info today even if subversives were to tie electric wires to both my ...ummm, thumbs.   Back during my day, there was no internet and security devices were mainly mechanical with radio transmission; kind of modernized versions of the German enigma.  After computers, security complexity changed SUBSTANTIALLY because of the system's ability to handle extremely complex methods and VLPs (very large primes).

Back to Petraeus...   keep in mind there are some looming issues that we (the people) need to be distracted from right now; i.e., the fiscal cliff, the embassy incident, tax negotiations, etc.   When the Gub is ashamed of failing in some area, rather than actually fixing anything, it's pretty typical to start a tabloid "brush fire" somewhere else so they don't have to keep answering embarrassing questions.   This particularly works when they can throw someone under the bus and create a demon for everyone to vilify, ala the old smoke-n-mirror diversion.  In this, they have about as much loyalty as a pool of sharks!

Title: Re: Petraeus
Post by Paraquat on 11/13/12 at 09:17:48

Some of you guys are really interesting.


Title: Re: Petraeus
Post by Serowbot on 11/13/12 at 09:29:45

Ya' know,.. I was supportive of the General... but,...

20,000 to 30,000 e-mails in two years, to yer' interweb chippy?...

These guys are bigger net goof -offs than me, JOG, and Versy combined!...

Win the war guys,..  get off the 'puter and pull yer' pants up... :-?...

Title: Re: Petraeus
Post by Pine on 11/13/12 at 10:07:34

I dont know the whole story. I thinks it sad all the way around. He is human.. he messed up, he fessed up, its gonna cost him everything. If he were at a bar... I would buy him a beer (or several). » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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