General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> He will be back....Ryan!

Message started by Drifter on 11/08/12 at 03:56:41

Title: He will be back....Ryan!
Post by Drifter on 11/08/12 at 03:56:41

Ol lyin ryan will be the front runner in 2016 for the repugs, they always pick the runner up or next in line for the next election cycle so hold on to your hats and hope your already old enough to get social security and medicare and ladies you better stock up on pills cause lyin will be back!!

Biden/Clinton 2016

Title: Re: He will be back....Ryan!
Post by srinath on 11/08/12 at 06:20:23

Hello yea ... and I am hoping for a Warren/TBD 2016.

Hilary - I am sorry that tired old screeching closet lesbian shrew (not that I am against any of those things by themselves - except the screeching) will not get my vote unless she runs against Lyin Ryan.


Title: Re: He will be back....Ryan!
Post by ZAR on 11/08/12 at 06:30:05

:o  "lyin Ryan".  Oh each his own.....Unfortunately I doubt I'll get the chance to cast my vote for Ryan in 2016,nor will you have the chance to vote for Biden/Clinton or whoever.  I truly believe the USA just signed it's death warrant Tuesday. In 2016 your only choice will be "chow mein or chop souey"

RIP Freedom

Title: Re: He will be back....Ryan!
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 11/08/12 at 07:29:07

As a life long ( now nearly 66 years old ) Republican, my party has two options - change fairly drastically, or wither away like the Whigs did in the 1800s.
We can no longer be the party of just white, middle aged voters, and we can't remain the party who only says, "No".
My personal choices to groom for 2016 are Bobby Jindal, Marco Rubio, and Robt. Portman, in no particular order.  Nikki Haley is a potential too.
If we are to come back and take theWhite House again, we've got to appeal across the broad to the whole spectrum of voters who admire success, want it for themselves, and are willing to work hard to get there.  If our citizens don't have those characteristics, there is no longer any hope for any of us.

Title: Re: He will be back....Ryan!
Post by ZAR on 11/08/12 at 07:51:27

0B04080209040F030413060413610 wrote:
As a life long ( now nearly 66 years old ) Republican, my party has two options - change fairly drastically, or wither away like the Whigs did in the 1800s.
We can no longer be the party of just white, middle aged voters, and we can't remain the party who only says, "No".
My personal choices to groom for 2016 are Bobby Jindal, Marco Rubio, and Robt. Portman, in no particular order.  Nikki Haley is a potential too.
If we are to come back and take theWhite House again, we've got to appeal across the broad to the whole spectrum of voters who admire success, want it for themselves, and are willing to work hard to get there.  If our citizens don't have those characteristics, there is no longer any hope for any of us.

Jerry I can agree with most of this. The problem I see is "are willing to work hard to get there". I believe much less than 50% of Americans will commit to that effort. In fact, I believe it is those that will not work hard that elected Obama to his second term. If you take out the votes from all those on the "Government Freebie" dole and count only the votes of those that are working and paying taxes to fund the handouts Mitt wins with a comfortable margin.

Title: Re: He will be back....Ryan!
Post by srinath on 11/08/12 at 08:15:37

4C5744160 wrote:
[quote author=0B04080209040F030413060413610 link=1352375802/0#3 date=1352388547]As a life long ( now nearly 66 years old ) Republican, my party has two options - change fairly drastically, or wither away like the Whigs did in the 1800s.
We can no longer be the party of just white, middle aged voters, and we can't remain the party who only says, "No".
My personal choices to groom for 2016 are Bobby Jindal, Marco Rubio, and Robt. Portman, in no particular order.  Nikki Haley is a potential too.
If we are to come back and take theWhite House again, we've got to appeal across the broad to the whole spectrum of voters who admire success, want it for themselves, and are willing to work hard to get there.  If our citizens don't have those characteristics, there is no longer any hope for any of us.

Jerry I can agree with most of this. The problem I see is "are willing to work hard to get there". I believe much less than 50% of Americans will commit to that effort. In fact, I believe it is those that will not work hard that elected Obama to his second term. If you take out the votes from all those on the "Government Freebie" dole and count only the votes of those that are working and paying taxes to fund the handouts Mitt wins with a comfortable margin.


ZAR - In this count of votes modified this way, would you be counting the votes of the super rich (Like GE if I recall) who are still getting handout's or paying no taxes like Mitt himself ? Just asking that's all.

Yea the poor dont get to vote, I dont see a problem with that ... does anyone else ?

Title: Re: He will be back....Ryan!
Post by srinath on 11/08/12 at 08:19:25

0A1102500 wrote:
In 2016 your only choice will be "chow mein or chop souey"

RIP Freedom

Does this mean we get free chinese food ?

I mean after loaning us 1.12 trillion they are going to now bring us food ?
Brilliant, lets do it. Who ever brings me the best chinese food gets my vote. In fact I will vote straight up based on the food.
Something like this. Food 1 - I eat it. I write down my feelings comments at various stages.
Then 2-3 days later Food 2 - Repeat. Then I vote food 1 or 2. I dont care for political affiliation of the food. I cant see what could be more fair.


Title: Re: He will be back....Ryan!
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 11/08/12 at 08:34:11


I disagree.  First, a little background.  I'm a lawyer who is very poltically active.  My daughter is a city councilman, and her husband is a State Representative.  I've been around and involved in politics my entire adult life.
Politics is all about perception; right or wrong, perception is reality.  The perceptions that arose hit working people, like the stupid comment about letting the auto makers go bankrupt, and the senior citizens with Paul Ryan's stances on Social Security and Medicare, and then sending him to address the AARP convention.  How stupid.
Obama took Ohio, where I live for one simple reason - the auto workers in Toledo, Cleveland, Lordstown, and a couple of other places were scared out of their wits for their jobs.
We just didn't think and we sent the wrong message thereby.  What Romney meant by saying, "let them go bankrupt" was to use the b/r court to enable the industry to shed debt and emerge all the stronger, like many airlines did.  But to a guy with only a high school diploma, not business savvy, with an under water mortgage and 3 kids to support, that comment meant shutter the factory and put me out of work.
Gotta get back to work, I could write volumes about our stupid mistakes.

Title: Re: He will be back....Ryan!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/08/12 at 08:38:27

The perceptions that arose hit working people, like the stupid comment about letting the auto makers go bankrupt, and the senior citizens with Paul Ryan's stances on Social Security and Medicare, and then sending him to address the AARP convention.  How stupid.

Almost looks like an intentional shot to the foot..

Title: Re: He will be back....Ryan!
Post by srinath on 11/08/12 at 09:53:52

Our airlines didn't come back stronger after Bankruptcy.
Our auto industry's competetion is heavily subsidised. Japan and europe will eat our lunch literally.

You can analyse this all you want ... this was a sub par candidate from a sub par party. The best from the right would have only failed by getting closer. Instead of getting called @ 11:16 like CNN did, he's have delayed that an hour maybe.

The country is slowly moving left via legal immigration.
The country is rapidly moving left via illegal immigration.

The only way to avert disaster IMHO is to use the Illegals as a lever to get the legals into play, or atleast less of the illegals into play.

These are the facts: Illegals of today will vote more for the left. So getting them to citizenship is not the way.
The legal immigrants are standing by appalled @ the rapid rise of the illegal. So are the core demographics of the right. White men.

I can see a scenario where the 14th amendment gets repealed, and illegal immigration gets killed off. The legal immigrants would need to see the right doing that. That will flip most legal immigrants to the right. Make it easier for legal immigration from other countries ... and you get a bigger chunk. All the while you keep the white guy vote.

BTW you stop spouting off crap about rape ... and you may get white women.
Tax the rich, you would get fewer funds but more votes from the middle class that are carrying all the tax burden.

The republicans are never going to gain the immigrant vote outright via reform to the immigration system ... the best hope is to get enough of the immigrants and the middle class of all stripes while retaining the core white base.

If the republicans do get say 10million immigrants on to citizenship ... the best plit of that would be 60/40 to democrats. Now you're 2 million votes short. Further the white base will be more alienated and they will abandon the republicans. You're now more than 2million votes short.

If they properly enforce all the laws on the books - properly deport and prevent illegals and get the 14th repealed ... they will essentially alienate - see I dont think they will alienate any non mexican immigrant. They will get me to flip, and I am sure many many more indians and chinese etc etc ... we dont want to see this country turn into "the united states of mexico".

Simple: 1. Deport all illegals and repeal the 14th - and you gain legal immigrants from non mexican countries, 2. Tax the rich and you gaim middle class conservatives, 3. Stop spouting about rape and you get women.

DTS for short. I dont think there is any real way other than that.

The GOP is never going to gain a majority among mexicans. Especially not is the WH is in democratic hands. You cannot explain it to them, mexicans dont consume any media for the politics. And worse yet if they do bring the mexicans in, they lose more than the amount the brought in, in the white vote.


Title: Re: He will be back....Ryan!
Post by srinath on 11/08/12 at 10:05:52

BTW John Boenher needs to wear a paper bag on his head, and a voice modifier.
He may have been a great politician and had a 100 year career before radio and TV ... but he's too ugly to be seen and too much of a windbag to be heard. I recomend the Bev Perdue treatment for him.

Atleast his name sounds better than hers.

I wonder if he can benifit with a tracheotomy.


Title: Re: He will be back....Ryan!
Post by Starlifter on 11/08/12 at 14:05:49

...he also appears to be a kind of orange color...I wonder about issue?

Title: Re: He will be back....Ryan!
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 11/08/12 at 14:21:44

Boehner is a chain smoker - up to 4 packs per day.  Thanks accounts for the rraspy voice and skin coloration.

Title: Re: He will be back....Ryan!
Post by Starlifter on 11/08/12 at 19:18:36

"I believe it is those that will not work hard that elected Obama to his second term. If you take out the votes from all those on the "Government Freebie" dole and count only the votes of those that are working and paying taxes to fund the handouts Mitt wins with a comfortable margin." ZAR

I guess you mean the 47% of Americans who are moochers and takers. What nonsense. Takers?? Everyone who voted for Obama won't work?? Government Freebies?? The dole?? That's crazy talk. You watch too much FOX noise.

Get real, everyone is working harder than ever to stay afloat, two, three jobs for many. Most Americans now know hard work does not guarantee ANYTHING. People work their ass off but their raise's, and pension's now go to the 1%. The working class is trying to pay their mortgage and put food on the table for what the billionaire owners pay them.

No offence, but I'll bet there are more "trailer trash" white people on the dole in Kentucky than most other states. And I'll also bet that a good portion of them would love to work but they can't breathe after 15 or 20 years working in a coal mine. And I'll bet that a lot of them lost their jobs because when the mines and factories closed up shop because profits were falling off and they decided to move on to greener pastures. Ill bet a lot of them would like to work but their lousy minimum wage jobs were shipped off to China or India where they can pay their workers even less.

Are you also a millionaire like Webster? Or are you just one lottery ticket away from being a millionaire?...either way, shut off FOX, and hate radio, and begin to think for yourself.

Title: Re: He will be back....Ryan!
Post by Serowbot on 11/08/12 at 21:07:28

6E616D676C616A666176636176040 wrote:
Boehner is a chain smoker - up to 4 packs per day.  Thanks accounts for the rraspy voice and skin coloration.

He ain't grey,.. he's bright orange...  He's a spray tan addict...
He can appear to have gone on a three week vacation to the Bahamas,... overnight...
Romomoney did it too,... he's just not as insanely addicted,.. so his tan is more subtle...
I know a woman that is a spray tan professional... she can spot them a mile away...   (she's bright orange, too)...

This tanning addiction, is like the plastic surgery addiction... people get so hooked on the, more is better,... that they distort their appearance into a caricature...
Teeth whitening , too... people are whitening so much, that their teeth appear translucent....
... and let's not forget,.. hair dying...
... and water boobies... :-?...

It's a very plastic world...
It's kinda' the opposite of the 18th century,... pale faces, powdered wigs, and corsets...

Title: Re: He will be back....Ryan!
Post by mpescatori on 11/09/12 at 05:41:43

36372C2B24312D450 wrote:
Our airlines didn't come back stronger after Bankruptcy.
Our auto industry's competetion is heavily subsidised. Japan and europe will eat our lunch literally.

You can analyse this all you want ... this was a sub par candidate from a sub par party. The best from the right would have only failed by getting closer. Instead of getting called @ 11:16 like CNN did, he's have delayed that an hour maybe.

The country is slowly moving left via legal immigration.
The country is rapidly moving left via illegal immigration.

The only way to avert disaster IMHO is to use the Illegals as a lever to get the legals into play, or atleast less of the illegals into play.

These are the facts: Illegals of today will vote more for the left. So getting them to citizenship is not the way.
The legal immigrants are standing by appalled @ the rapid rise of the illegal. So are the core demographics of the right. White men.

I can see a scenario where the 14th amendment gets repealed, and illegal immigration gets killed off. The legal immigrants would need to see the right doing that. That will flip most legal immigrants to the right. Make it easier for legal immigration from other countries ... and you get a bigger chunk. All the while you keep the white guy vote.

BTW you stop spouting off crap about rape ... and you may get white women.
Tax the rich, you would get fewer funds but more votes from the middle class that are carrying all the tax burden.

The republicans are never going to gain the immigrant vote outright via reform to the immigration system ... the best hope is to get enough of the immigrants and the middle class of all stripes while retaining the core white base.

If the republicans do get say 10million immigrants on to citizenship ... the best plit of that would be 60/40 to democrats. Now you're 2 million votes short. Further the white base will be more alienated and they will abandon the republicans. You're now more than 2million votes short.

If they properly enforce all the laws on the books - properly deport and prevent illegals and get the 14th repealed ... they will essentially alienate - see I dont think they will alienate any non mexican immigrant. They will get me to flip, and I am sure many many more indians and chinese etc etc ... we dont want to see this country turn into "the united states of mexico".

Simple: 1. Deport all illegals and repeal the 14th - and you gain legal immigrants from non mexican countries, 2. Tax the rich and you gaim middle class conservatives, 3. Stop spouting about rape and you get women.

DTS for short. I dont think there is any real way other than that.

The GOP is never going to gain a majority among mexicans. Especially not is the WH is in democratic hands. You cannot explain it to them, mexicans dont consume any media for the politics. And worse yet if they do bring the mexicans in, they lose more than the amount the brought in, in the white vote.


This makes ALL a lot of sense, and is spot on.

From a European perspective, it takes a LOT of hard work for a Republic, such as Italy, the USA, France, you name it... to be a true Democracy.

Let me get this straight.

Democracy comes from Greek, we all know that, but "democracy" does NOT mean "power to the people", it means "power FOR the people".

In a time when States were absolute Monarchies, or Oligarchies at best (with one royal family or many aristocrats sharing the spoils of war) for Athens to become a Democracy was a feat of sheer guts.
There they were, the Athenian Citizens, electing a Senate (or Convention of the Elders) and among them, the Dictator (the "one who would speak and decide").
The spoils of war would not go into anybody's personal coffers but to the State Treasury for works of public importance: schools, hospitals, baths, theaters...


Exactly WHO was eligible to be an "Athenian Citizen" ?
These were the essential conditions:
1. Be a MAN (no women)
2. Be an Athenian (no immigrants in the last 7 generations, a rule carried on by the Popes to identify Christians from Jews and half-bloods in the Middle Ages)
3. Be born of a Citizen and of a free woman (no 2nd generation immigrants and no children of a house servant, be she a slave or a domestic worker; and no freed/emancipated slaves of any kind)
4. Have served in the Army (regardless of being called to war or not)
5. Never be tried for debt, perjury, treason and be found guilty -  you would lose your right to vote.

So, all in all, think about it, O Ye Republican Gentlemen :
Exactly how many of you are :
1. Men (OK I guess that other than KimChris and Piglet we're all guys)
2. Born in the US by at least 7 generations (so no grandsons of immigrants who arrived after... 1880)(I am clearly out of this one  ;))
3. Be born of a "True American (see rule above) and a similarly True American woman (no servants or lowest working class, at ANY time,  remember?)
4. Did serve in any Armed Service for your Country
5. Never been tried for debt, perjury, treason and be found guilty -  you would lose your right to vote...
...and that includes the bankrupcy laws advocated by Jerry Eichenberger.

How many, by the Athenian Laws on Democracy and Citizenship, would really be Citizens and given the right to vote?

Answer: only those very few, who are of ancient and noble stock, and have always been rich enough to have others working for them.

In those ancient days, many an Athenian war was funded by local bankers... sometimes richer than the Athenian Treasury itself...
as they were foreigners, immigrants, they were not granted citizenship and denied the right to vote.
Regardless of their riches.

THAT, my friends, was Democracy, when the Law will not be influenced by money !!!


Title: Re: He will be back....Ryan!
Post by srinath on 11/09/12 at 06:32:20

757A767C777A717D7A6D787A6D1F0 wrote:
Boehner is a chain smoker - up to 4 packs per day.  Thanks accounts for the rraspy voice and skin coloration.

Oh, great one reason to stop smoking now ...

BTW I love the cigarettes and whisky voice - except the girl that was mesmerising to me was also one ridiculously hot chick who never smoked and drank very very little. In fact I told her compared to her voice her looks are a bit of a let down ... and I mean she was hot hot hot, like a little freckled shania twain 10 years ago, except with bigger breasts.

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