General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Attention Wingnuts, Teabaggers and Republicans!

Message started by Starlifter on 11/07/12 at 21:38:59

Title: Attention Wingnuts, Teabaggers and Republicans!
Post by Starlifter on 11/07/12 at 21:38:59

Attention Teabaggers and Republicans.

Please lets have an orderly transition.

1. Please, collect all your guns and ammo and have them ready at the front door. Obama's army of U.N. officials will be along soon to commandeer them.

2. Please, when the Obama army comes to take you to your concentration camp, please have only 1 bag and one personal item as space in the overhead compartment is limited.

3. Please, all pregnant women. When Planned Parenthood shows up at your front door to give you your mandatory abortion, do not complain. It is for the good of the state.

4. Please, have your oil and coal ready for confiscation, Obama's army of Global Warming Activists will be along soon to install solar panels on your compound's roof.

5. And please remember, just because your insurance company is forced to cover things like pre-existing conditions, there is no need to panic as you will receive the best care the government can dole out during your stay in our concentration camps.

6. It is no longer legal to talk about God, Jesus or Ronald Reagan.

7. Your cell at the re-education camp will be equipped with a Koran,              

8. Have your Bibles ready for confiscation.

9. Sharia Law takes effect on January 1st 2013.

10. You will be scheduled for A mandatory meeting with the death panel. If you are elderly or there are any pre-existing conditions that might cost too much to take care of, you will be subject to a painless euthanasia.

11. Please have all cash, bankcards, pin-numbers and bank statements

and any other valuables handy. They will be redistributed to the shiftless 'takers' of our utopian society.

12. The liquidation of all of your private property will provide for new luxury housing units for the gay and lesbian community.

13. Any leftover cash from edict # 12 will be added to the "Cadillac's for Coloreds" program.

14. If there are any questions you will submit them in writing to the ministry of propaganda.

This is of course 'tongue in cheek'.

However this is not. It is an actual post on a wingnut site.

OMG!! Get ready ...

1) Obamacare is permanent. There is no way to repeal it now. As a result, the cost of your health-care and all related matters will increase. If you choose not to buy health-care, you’ll be “taxed”. This expands the government’s power greater than anything before.

2) Your taxes will increase exponentially. Not only will the Bush tax rates expire and the Obamacare tax be implemented,
but you will see pushes for increased taxation on all people.

3) The debt will increase to at least 50 trillion dollars.

4) The unfunded liabilities will exceed far beyond the world’s GDP, making them impossible to ever manage.

5) Obama will use executive orders to bypass Congress to get anything he wants. He has already said he is prepared to do that.

6) Cap and Trade will be implemented, completely crushing the economy, job growth, and energy.

7) No new permits for oil drilling will be allowed; therefore, your gas prices will skyrocket more.

8) More failed investments in environmental companies.

9) This is the one I’m shakiest on: Israel will attack Iran and Obama will position himself as pro-Iran, as he has somehow “struck a deal with Ahmadinejad” about nuclear enrichment.

10) Amnesty will be created, on top of open borders.

11) Puerto Rico will become a state.

12) Obama will use executive orders to nationalize the entire auto industry and the entire banking industry “for the common good”.

13) Death panels.

Title: Re: Attention Wingnuts, Teabaggers and Republicans
Post by mpescatori on 11/07/12 at 23:35:32

I assume the second half of your post was twice as much tongue in cheek?

There has been a growing chain of propaganda accusing Pres. Obama of creating a "Socialist State".

Facts could never be farther from the truth.

At most, Pres. Obama is recreating the "conditions to relaunch a new "New Deal" just as Pres. FDRoosevelt did to pull America out of the 1929 Recession. And THAT was not Socialism, either.

If you want to know what Socialism is, then go to Sweden...
... which, by the way, is a Constitutional Monarchy... 8-)

Title: Re: Attention Wingnuts, Teabaggers and Republicans
Post by Drifter on 11/08/12 at 03:50:11

I know a couple of people that believe that grap about the guns and camps......i think trump is one of them. :o

Title: Re: Attention Wingnuts, Teabaggers and Republicans
Post by Starlifter on 11/08/12 at 14:45:16

Yeah, me too...teabaggers, survivalists, militia types, bible thumpers, racists, creationists, wife beating hillbillies, home school'ers, flat earth'ers, rapture ready crazies, psycho gun nuts, toothless hicks who fly confederate flags, gay bashers, end of the world'ers, lunatics, morons, low-information types, the undereducated, FOX bots, Limbaugh ditto-heads, hate mongers....well you get the picture. :P

Title: Re: Attention Wingnuts, Teabaggers and Republicans
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/08/12 at 21:49:03

Ohhh,, & the left & their Ohh so warm & fuzzy crap,, theyre the ones who really understand whats happening..

Title: Re: Attention Wingnuts, Teabaggers and Republicans
Post by thumperclone on 11/08/12 at 22:07:53

302F292E33340535053D2F23685A0 wrote:
Ohhh,, & the left & their Ohh so warm & fuzzy crap,, theyre the ones who really understand whats happening..

jog youre the only one who truly understands,you should run in 2016 ;)

Title: Re: Attention Wingnuts, Teabaggers and Republicans
Post by Serowbot on 11/08/12 at 22:24:12

Conservatives keep trying to paint liberals as the half that wants something for nothing...
What we want,.. is value for our money...

Sure,.. tax us... but, don't spend it all on "Star Wars", and electro-magnetic discombobulatars...
We want, good schools,.. health care,   safe streets,.. shelter for the homeless,.. help for injured vets and the disabled,.. clean air and water...
That's not asking for free stuff,.. it's asking for value for our dollar...
Our taxes should not disappear into vapour... they should show positive results... making ours, and the lives of others better...

A free government, should be nothing more, than a collective of people, uniting to make life better for all...
The job of our elected representatives,.. is to spend our money wisely, to the best advantage of the citizens...
Not to the best advantage of the government, or the businesses, or even the world,.. but it's citizens...

That said,.. any free government, must be socialist?/communist?... in that it is there to serve the people... and not the aristocracy...

These elected people work for, and serve us... not the other way around..
We aren't sucking at the government's teat... we are demanding services for payment rendered...

That government teat,.. is filled with milk/money that we supplied...

...(did I say actually just say,.. milk money?)... :-?...

Title: Re: Attention Wingnuts, Teabaggers and Republicans
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/08/12 at 22:38:25

Thats a good post. I agree with it to a point. A response that will do it justice will take some time to thnk about it.. Ill get back to ya.

Title: Re: Attention Wingnuts, Teabaggers and Republicans
Post by Drifter on 11/09/12 at 04:21:43

Starlifter, that is the best description of republicans i have ever read!

Title: Re: Attention Wingnuts, Teabaggers and Republicans
Post by WebsterMark on 11/09/12 at 06:08:34

Conservatives keep trying to paint liberals as the half that wants something for nothing...
What we want,.. is value for our money...

Okay, let’s put that to the test. Let’s look at two large states with wide variance in population demographics that have been historically run by liberals and see what the results are.

Let’s look at the two largest states run by liberals for a long period of time: my neighboring state of Illinois and how ‘bout a representative from the Left Coast; California.

The state auditor of Illinois said not long ago they have unfunded liabilities of over $200 billion dollars in government pensions. The rest of the state is so heavily taxed to fund the Chicago democratic machine that Caterpillar Corp refused to build their new plant there  because they had no confidence they weren’t going to be singled out to fund this nonsense. There are over 6,500 Illinois pensioners receiving over $100,000 per month. The former head of Univ of Illinois receives $35,000 PER MONTH. Note: as far as I can tell, this is cash payments only, healthcare benefits are separate and equally outrageous. I’m going to go out on a limb here and say this qualifies as ‘something for nothing’….  Oh, by the way, the Illinois University system is under investigation for the leaders letting in the sons and daughters of wealthy political donors and those with connections at no cost. We looked at U of I for my daughter but they said the tuition, which was sky high,  was non-negotiable. Guess I should have been sending on Rahm a few bucks now and then….

California, on the other hand, makes Illinois look like it’s run by a miser. What can you say positive about California’s finances? Nothing. They are home to the largest US city to file bankruptcy which was followed by two others fairly quickly. Democrats have run California state houses in the major cities for years. The only recent Republican governor, Arnie,  morphed into a liberal after his attempt to rein in spending his first term got his hand slapped. California is a fiscal nightmare yet liberal Brown’s solution is a ridiculous “high speed” train from North to South that no one will ride and it will be heavily subsidized to operate after heavy borrow is done to build it. I’ve flown from San Fran to LA on SWA for $79. Why would I take a train that will take twice as long and cost about the same? California is not Japan. California is a national joke away from the tourist areas. It’s like visiting a Mexican resort and they straying off the property.

So there are two examples of liberals in charge of areas for a long period of time. If you want to push this out and look for a country wide example; pick Greece, Italy, Spain or any number of EU countries with strong liberal / socialist histories.  So the idea that liberals are fiscal stewards does not hold up when actually examined.

Now, in the spirit of this supposed inclusion and bi-partisanship I absolutely have to adopt in order to survive (or so I’m told) note I have not called you any names or made any false allegations. My point is Illinois and California have been lead by liberal democrats statewide for a very long time. Why aren’t they perfect ‘laboratories’ that allow us to see how a nation run by liberal democrats for a long would look?    

Title: Re: Attention Wingnuts, Teabaggers and Republicans
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/09/12 at 06:14:44

7462756870656873070 wrote:
Conservatives keep trying to paint liberals as the half that wants something for nothing...
What we want,.. is value for our money...

Sure,.. tax us... but, don't spend it all on "Star Wars", and electro-magnetic discombobulatars...
We want, good schools,.. health care,   safe streets,.. shelter for the homeless,.. help for injured vets and the disabled,.. clean air and water...
That's not asking for free stuff,.. it's asking for value for our dollar...
Our taxes should not disappear into vapour... they should show positive results... making ours, and the lives of others better...

A free government, should be nothing more, than a collective of people, uniting to make life better for all...
The job of our elected representatives,.. is to spend our money wisely, to the best advantage of the citizens...
Not to the best advantage of the government, or the businesses, or even the world,.. but it's citizens...

That said,.. any free government, must be socialist?/communist?... in that it is there to serve the people... and not the aristocracy...

These elected people work for, and serve us... not the other way around..
We aren't sucking at the government's teat... we are demanding services for payment rendered...

That government teat,.. is filled with milk/money that we supplied...

...(did I say actually just say,.. milk money?)... :-?...

Dear Mr. Boat
In answer to your post I would first like to say I really agree with most of it, wholeheartedly, & would suggest you take the time to watch that Ethos video, because it will explain why the Star Wars & electronic discombobulators are being bought.

Now, this whole Democrats do these things & thats Baaad & the Republicans do these things & theyre Baaad,,argument. Lets just stop & think for one minute, everybody,, Slow DOWN & step Back & THINK.,.

We've all seen one party in control & seen them pass legislation that the other side just SCREAMED was the worst legislation that could be passed. & we've seen the power swing back the other way, & now, the party that was Screaming Bloody MUrder is now in power..

When was the last time they went back & erased that Ohh So Bad legislation? Dont give me They dont have time. They have time to investigate Baseball, for cryin out loud..

The problem, IMO, isnt Bubs or Dems, its the unelected influences in DC who are literally Writing the legislation for the Electeds to pass. The American people are being Used as an engine to drive corporate profits & have been for decades. Until you guys get what the fed is, how it works, what it does To us, we will never win this,

As for having good schools, thats not gonna happen while control over those schools is other than 100% Local.
Our "school System" was born in a Prussian state. Its goal is to teach enough to have enough worker bees well educated enough to push the buttons & swing the levers of industry. If you believe the goal is to create Chiefs instead of Indians, youre blinded by your hopefulness that man is kind & wants good things for others. Spend time listening to Charlotte Izerbyt talking about school. John Taylor Gatto has a lot to say about it, as a 30 year, award winning teacher. Tho, listening to him is painful, he             t a l  k  s  r   e  a  l    s  l   oo    www..

In the 50 years prior to the Great Depression ( Which was Created BY the Banks, so they could gain control over valuable things during economic hard times & get them for almost nothing) Americans had no income taxes prior to 1913, the GDP was growing at a grand clip, Americans were prosperous, Unemployment was low, homelessness was very low. Communities helped their own downtrodden, it wasnt an industry, the $$$ was spent ON the needy, not on offices for the people who sent the needy that check,People had $$$ for charitable needs, charity cases were known by their neighbors, so, if Jacks back wasnt really bad, he would be told to get a job, cuz the $$ isnt comin,,if Suzy needs help raising her kids because Bobby packed up & left, People will help out, get some day care happnin while she goes to work, but send her a check so she can stay home & raise kids & have a couple more so the check gets bigger? Uhh ,, NO,, Thats stewpid..

Is there anyone here who Did Not , say, back in the 70's or so, when you first heard about pregnant women from Mexico coming here & having a baby & then, they stayed, did anyone here Not think that sounded stupid? Someone crosses a border into a country illegally, drops a baby on the ground & says " The baby is a citizen of your country. Now you must offer me a check every month while I raise the baby",.. Wanna try that in Mexico? YOull be very sad with how it works. How about Italy? Australia? Show me another place where something That Stupid is done,,

UNtil people see behind the curtain & understand whats really happening, these things cant get fixed, its not happening. & The division & squabbling is all part of it, keep them too busy with the wrinkles for them to see the whole cloth,

I know, I didnt address your whole post, IM sorry, It would just take too long.

Title: Re: Attention Wingnuts, Teabaggers and Republicans
Post by srinath on 11/09/12 at 06:24:20

456277647A7F70627364160 wrote:
Yeah, me too...teabaggers, survivalists, militia types, bible thumpers, racists, creationists, wife beating hillbillies, home school'ers, flat earth'ers, rapture ready crazies, psycho gun nuts, toothless hicks who fly confederate flags, gay bashers, end of the world'ers, lunatics, morons, low-information types, the undereducated, FOX bots, Limbaugh ditto-heads, hate mongers....well you get the picture. :P

Sorry You seem to have forgotten - "and the billionaires who control these minions ...


Title: Re: Attention Wingnuts, Teabaggers and Republicans
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/09/12 at 06:36:31

Whaaat? I Missed that one..

Lifter,, whats your beef with Homeschoolers?

Title: Re: Attention Wingnuts, Teabaggers and Republicans
Post by Pine on 11/09/12 at 06:42:26

7E687F627A6F62790D0 wrote:
Conservatives keep trying to paint liberals as the half that wants something for nothing...
What we want,.. is value for our money...

Sure,.. tax us... but, don't spend it all on "Star Wars", and electro-magnetic discombobulatars...
We want, good schools,.. health care,   safe streets,.. shelter for the homeless,.. help for injured vets and the disabled,.. clean air and water...
That's not asking for free stuff,.. it's asking for value for our dollar...
Our taxes should not disappear into vapour... they should show positive results... making ours, and the lives of others better...

A free government, should be nothing more, than a collective of people, uniting to make life better for all...
The job of our elected representatives,.. is to spend our money wisely, to the best advantage of the citizens...
Not to the best advantage of the government, or the businesses, or even the world,.. but it's citizens...

That said,.. any free government, must be socialist?/communist?... in that it is there to serve the people... and not the aristocracy...

These elected people work for, and serve us... not the other way around..
We aren't sucking at the government's teat... we are demanding services for payment rendered...

That government teat,.. is filled with milk/money that we supplied...

...(did I say actually just say,.. milk money?)... :-?...

As I understand it...
in a socialist/communist country .... the government IS the aristocracy and is there only to serve itself.

as for this:
Not to the best advantage of the government, or the businesses, or even the world,.. but it's citizens...

Hell yeah... and now your on my side of the fence, the Libertarian side. And this (in my opinion) it something both Dems and Reps have been attacking so fiercely...Liberty. Republician do it to the drums of war, and Dems to the fear mongering of security.

as to this:
A free government, should be nothing more, than a collective of people, uniting to make life better for all...

I disagree, utterly. Sounds wierd?? Let me fix it:
A free government, should be nothing more, than a collective of people, uniting to insure rule of law and the equal abilty to succeed.

Your idea is the current norm. Look theres a drug addict.. lets take everyone (who is marginally successful) steal their money and force the drug addict appear successful. We will allow no one to fail, no matter what , and no matter the cost. And for those that cannot be lifted up,, we will bring everyone else down so that all are equal.  - socialism

Title: Re: Attention Wingnuts, Teabaggers and Republicans
Post by Pine on 11/09/12 at 06:58:44

634451425C5956445542300 wrote:
Yeah, me too...teabaggers, survivalists, militia types, bible thumpers, racists, creationists, wife beating hillbillies, home school'ers, flat earth'ers, rapture ready crazies, psycho gun nuts, toothless hicks who fly confederate flags, gay bashers, end of the world'ers, lunatics, morons, low-information types, the undereducated, FOX bots, Limbaugh ditto-heads, hate mongers....well you get the picture. :P

Just so you know Star... I fit several of those categories as does probably 99% of the people in my state.  but then as one who places bible thumpers and hate mongers in the same group ... you just listed yourself and then some .. in your own post.

I never served in the military - but I am grateful for those that do/did
I am a Christian,  which means i believe that God gave me rights, not the government. Any rights the government can give.. it can take away. Those that do not believe in God, thus believe that all they are, and all thier "rights" were granted by other people.. and that they can be taken away or that they can take others.
I am a redneck.. we dont have hillbillys here, since there are no hills. And yes we have our own set of rules. Every wife was first, and will always be a someones daughter. Dads reserve the right end the life of ANYONE that harms their daughter, husbands included.
I am from Mississippi, fourth generation. before that TN, 1780, before that NC, 1750.  I have all my teeth, and I do not wave the confedate flag, but that flag IS my heritage. It is the flag of MY state. A state that sent a greater percentage of its towns folk to WWII than any other.
I own several guns, it is a hobby. My hobby does not make me a nut, nor psycho. Liking guns does not make one a psycho. many doctors would say riding a "murdercycle" is psycho.  Just ask any ER doctor.

Star - I do not know what group you subscribe to, but I am pretty sure, its not a group I would choose to be a part of.. if it explicitly excludes all the groups you listed.   really?? undereducated is as bad as hate mongers???

Title: Re: Attention Wingnuts, Teabaggers and Republicans
Post by Pine on 11/09/12 at 07:10:40

7C4A515E4C5D4A380 wrote:
Starlifter, that is the best description of republicans i have ever read!

Mississippi - 90% are Christian and 43.5 are democrat - me thinks you just insulted both 90% and 43.5 of the people in my state.

Title: Re: Attention Wingnuts, Teabaggers and Republicans
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 11/09/12 at 07:45:43

Someone made a comment about the New Deal pulling the U.S. out of the 1930s Great Depression.
From a couple of economics history courses I took in college, I learned that yes, the New Deal helped stabilize things and did prevent a slide into total economic collapse but even in 1939 and 1940, things were might bad.
Truthfully, it was WW II that ended the Great Depression.  I'm cetainly not advocating war as a way to get economies moving; just correcting the record.

Title: Re: Attention Wingnuts, Teabaggers and Republicans
Post by Starlifter on 11/09/12 at 13:45:15

"Lifter, what's your beef with homeschoolers?" JOG

The beef is, most home schooler are moms, and they do not have the educational credentials, or the time to teach. How many of these moms spend a full eight hour day teaching?

What about moms with multiple children all in different grades? How does that work out?

How many teach their children that science is the work of the devil and the earth is only 6000 years old? That every single word in the bible is 100 % accurate and the absolute truth.

How many teach their kids their own version of history, social issues etc.

How many kids become socially impaired by having no interactions with other kids, people and groups?

How do these under-educated unqualified moms teach High School Math? Chemistry? Algebra? Physics? French? Spanish? Mandarin?

What does a prospective employer think when he looks at a couple of person's educational credentials and one is college educated, the other is home-schooled by mom?....the list goes on.

Title: Re: Attention Wingnuts, Teabaggers and Republicans
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/09/12 at 18:00:29

Shut UP,, you dont have a clue.,,

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Title: Re: Attention Wingnuts, Teabaggers and Republicans
Post by Starlifter on 11/09/12 at 18:35:57

Uh huh, and for every example of "home schooled kid" does well. I'll bet there are hundreds of cases of home-schooled kids graduating from mom's house dumber than a box of rocks.

...Anyway what's the point of home schooling your kids anyway?? If you don't like the public schools just enroll them in a private school of your choosing so at least they will get a legitimate education.

BTW  "Shut UP,, you dont have a clue." nice.

Title: Re: Attention Wingnuts, Teabaggers and Republicans
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/09/12 at 18:41:35

Re: Attention Wingnuts, Teabaggers and Republicans
Reply #19 - Today at 02:35:57 Alert Board Moderator about this Post! Quote
Uh huh, and for every example of "home schooled kid" does well. I'll bet there are hundreds of cases of home-schooled kids graduating from mom's house dumber than a box of rocks.

& for every award winning Public Schooled kid, there are how many Massive Failures?

You have an OPINION based in YOUR attitude, with ZERO substance to back it up..

Title: Re: Attention Wingnuts, Teabaggers and Republicans
Post by Starlifter on 11/09/12 at 22:47:08

"Reply #19 - Today at 02:35:57 Alert Board Moderator about this Post!

Uh huh, and for every example of "home schooled kid" does well. I'll bet there are hundreds of cases of home-schooled kids graduating from mom's house dumber than a box of rocks."

So what's wrong with that post??? I don't follow your line of thought here.

Title: Re: Attention Wingnuts, Teabaggers and Republicans
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/09/12 at 22:52:40

I didnt report anything, but I see plenty wrong there. Im not gonna mess with it now, maybe tomorrow.,

Title: Re: Attention Wingnuts, Teabaggers and Republicans
Post by Starlifter on 11/09/12 at 22:58:08

Yeah, it's 2:00 AM here in the east. Gonna hit the hay.

Title: Re: Attention Wingnuts, Teabaggers and Republicans
Post by WebsterMark on 11/10/12 at 06:29:06

JOG: When someone with a known history of lying and regular displays of overall stupidity  titles a post Attention: wingnuts….  by default he announces there are no rules to any return post that come his way so we do not need a moderator or review.

Everyone knows how Star is so you either choose to acknowledge his stupidity and ignorance when you retort to his nonsense or you ignore him like the child he is. What is an unbiased moderator going to conclude when he reads his post?  This guy’s got serious issues and he’s compensating. So? Like we don’t all already know that about him?

Don’t report anything;  either ignore him or post a retort (like you did which was excellent by the way) and then laugh at his stupidity when he replies in his typical manner which I can guarantee you will not address anything you wrote but will contain the usual Faux News; Limbaug, knuckle dragging type responses which puts his full (or lack thereof) IQ on display.

My response to Star’s ignorance in this regard is to simply ask him to go to inner city Detroit or LA and try to have an intelligent conversation**  with one of their high school students who have been educated by his preferred method. After that, try complaining about home schoolers….

** in Star’s case, he should take along someone who is in fact intelligent enough to have a conversation....

Title: Re: Attention Wingnuts, Teabaggers and Republicans
Post by Retread on 11/10/12 at 07:17:14

 First of all what is so conservative about wanting to drill every square inch of America so some soccer Mom can drive her SUV to the grocery store?

 Whats so conservative about not supporting alternative energy measures, removing oil from the equation of dependency?

 Whats so conservative about refusing to back a tax hike on the very rich, and putting the burden of balancing a budget on the poor, sick, and aged?

 Whats so conservative about not approving of birth control, when we cannot afford to feed the mouths we have now?

 Whats so conservative about wanting a bigger military and larger tanks, more airplanes, more warships, when the only enemys we have are on the backs of camels, and our infrastructure is falling down around our rears?

 Whats so conservative about not wanting everyone to pay for their own healthcare???

 This list could go on and on, I live conservative, I think progressive, and I try to understand how a party who stood for common sense has turned to shortsighted, narrow minded, radical thought patterns...

Title: Re: Attention Wingnuts, Teabaggers and Republicans
Post by WebsterMark on 11/10/12 at 08:46:48

1)      No conservative wants to drill every square inch. We acknowledge reality. Anwar is an enormous land area. Why in the world could we not set up a drilling operation? It will have zero effect. There are oil drills near me yet I never see them.
America so some soccer Mom can drive her SUV to the grocery store? Who are you to decide what vehicle someone drives? Maybe the SUV mom likes the safety issues? Maybe the fact she can carry 7 kids with her is valuable to her? Who are you to say otherwise? Would you be in favor of saying no one can own a motorcycle if they also owe a car since one or the other is a waste?

2)      Who said conservatives do not support alternative energy measures? I support alternative energy measures. I used to work at a company whose business that was. We just say it is a slowly emerging technology that is going to require time to develop. We are against forcing this on the market when it cannot stand on its own and requires large government subsidies to survive. Yea, it would be great to get oil dependency, but oil is the single most efficient energy source. Until that changes, it is what it is.

3)      If Obama’s tax increase goes thru, in 10 years, it will reduce the deficit 7.5%, that’s all and that’s assuming everything else stays static. Nothing stays static. Also, it WILL cause a job loss, that’s an absolute certainty. I have a buddy who is one of those small business’s who file as individuals and he will absolutely lay off 1 or 2 people if the tax goes thru so you cannot say this will have no effect. No one should get a tax increase, we do not have a revenue problem, we have a spending problem.

4)      I have no problem with birth control, I take advantage of birth control…. !!, but I’m not going to pay for it and I don’t think we should force the catholic religion to pay for abortion pills. Sandra Fluke can buy her own, I shouldn’t have to pay for it.

5)      As one President wisely said, there are violent men in the world who only understand violence. If the middle east were are only concern, I’d agree with you, but they are not. The world is a far, far better and safer place with the US as the dominant super power. Who would you prefer assume our role (because someone will)... China?

6)      I’d love for healthcare to be individual expense like auto insurance and other insurance. Why employers and government is involved in this is beyond me. National healthcare does not work, it is misperception that it does. It only works because the level of care continues to go down.

This list could go on and on, I live conservative, I think progressive, and I try to understand how a party who stood for common sense has turned to shortsighted, narrow minded, radical thought patterns...

Now, I’ve given you common sense reasons why I believe what I do. So, explain to me why I’m wrong.

Title: Re: Attention Wingnuts, Teabaggers and Republicans
Post by Retread on 11/10/12 at 10:26:56

0A383F2E29382F103C2F365D0 wrote:
1)      No conservative wants to drill every square inch. We acknowledge reality. Anwar is an enormous land area. Why in the world could we not set up a drilling operation? It will have zero effect. There are oil drills near me yet I never see them.
America so some soccer Mom can drive her SUV to the grocery store? Who are you to decide what vehicle someone drives? Maybe the SUV mom likes the safety issues? Maybe the fact she can carry 7 kids with her is valuable to her? Who are you to say otherwise? Would you be in favor of saying no one can own a motorcycle if they also owe a car since one or the other is a waste?

2)      Who said conservatives do not support alternative energy measures? I support alternative energy measures. I used to work at a company whose business that was. We just say it is a slowly emerging technology that is going to require time to develop. We are against forcing this on the market when it cannot stand on its own and requires large government subsidies to survive. Yea, it would be great to get oil dependency, but oil is the single most efficient energy source. Until that changes, it is what it is.

3)      If Obama’s tax increase goes thru, in 10 years, it will reduce the deficit 7.5%, that’s all and that’s assuming everything else stays static. Nothing stays static. Also, it WILL cause a job loss, that’s an absolute certainty. I have a buddy who is one of those small business’s who file as individuals and he will absolutely lay off 1 or 2 people if the tax goes thru so you cannot say this will have no effect. No one should get a tax increase, we do not have a revenue problem, we have a spending problem.

4)      I have no problem with birth control, I take advantage of birth control…. !!, but I’m not going to pay for it and I don’t think we should force the catholic religion to pay for abortion pills. Sandra Fluke can buy her own, I shouldn’t have to pay for it.

5)      As one President wisely said, there are violent men in the world who only understand violence. If the middle east were are only concern, I’d agree with you, but they are not. The world is a far, far better and safer place with the US as the dominant super power. Who would you prefer assume our role (because someone will)... China?

6)      I’d love for healthcare to be individual expense like auto insurance and other insurance. Why employers and government is involved in this is beyond me. National healthcare does not work, it is misperception that it does. It only works because the level of care continues to go down.

This list could go on and on, I live conservative, I think progressive, and I try to understand how a party who stood for common sense has turned to shortsighted, narrow minded, radical thought patterns...

Now, I’ve given you common sense reasons why I believe what I do. So, explain to me why I’m wrong.

   1. No impact, no effect? Really, tell that to the property owners who have lost their water wells to fracking, tell that to those same property owners who see traffic going back and forth to well sites increase twenty fold, tell that to those who worry about the billions of gallons of water being wasted to produce natural gas, then most of all tell that to our childrens, children, who's fresh/clean water has dissapeared for our selfish actions... Look at sattelite views of natural gas areas, then tell me it has had NO impact...

   2. All conservative look at is shortsighted narrow views, proven by your comments.. Many alternative energy outfits are still very much alive, they have lowered cost of solar, wind and geothermal, and if they had the same resources big oil has they could be producing over 70% of our energy needs by now.. Again all so-called conservatives see are failures and strike political agenda against any energy form that competes with their main contributer, big oil... That same soccer Mom can find a more energy efficient vehicle, and actually make a sacrifice for the future of those seven kids.. Show them how to conserve, valuble lessons..

 3. No, we do have a revenue problem! Bushes tax cuts are the main culprit here, they were designed to boost the economy, they provided the opposite effect... Yea your buddy needs to quit playing politics and start looking for tax writeoffs, like MORE employees! Tax rates in the fifties were at 75-90% on the wealthy, and they overcame, in fact the WHOLE nation prospered, people invested in their businesses, instead of pocketing the cash and whining!

 4. Your not paying for it, insurance is, and if a archaic religion cannot pull itself into the 21st century, it needs to be yanked into reality!! But they are not being forced into anything anymore... More political recourse by tax exempt religions, who maybe should lose their tax exmpt status..

 5. The civilized world should assume the role, not one nation. We spend 48 times the rest of the world on our military.. And we sacrifice our youth every twenty years or so to the NEW war.. Need to change from occupying force, to quick reaction force.. We have enough weaponry to destroy the world at a push of a button, not enough, paranoid much?

 6. Insurance= Legalized extortion.. National healthcare does work, and has for many years in other industralized nations! Your information is flawed, proven flawed, and fed to you by big insurance and Reagan lovers..

  I could go on and on... 8-)  If you think past your nose you will see a light, now pull hard, hear the pop?


Title: Re: Attention Wingnuts, Teabaggers and Republicans
Post by Serowbot on 11/10/12 at 10:35:20

"we do not have a revenue problem, we have a spending problem. "

Such a catchy, bumper sticker...  Rep's just love those...

Much the same as saying,.. My pants aren't too short, my legs are too long...

Fact is,.. under GW... taxes were lowered, and spending went up...
... and now, we pay 1/2 trillion a year in interest... that ain't going away 'till we pay it down...
We have a revenue, and a spending problem...

Title: Re: Attention Wingnuts, Teabaggers and Republicans
Post by mpescatori on 11/10/12 at 11:55:59

This is a mighty entertaining thread, which I enjoy reading...

...with the exception of Webstermark picking regularly on "Greece, Italy and Spain" like an Electoral mantra...

WM (welcome back!  :D) I said it over and over and over again, I'll say it again (but I can't really type any louder)
the only socialist nations in Europe are Denmark, Sweden and Norway
i.e. three Constitutional Monarchies which have adopted a very strong social solidarity policy.

As for another "Dumb and Dumber"... Pine ? is this your quote ?
"Your idea is the current norm. Look theres a drug addict.. lets take everyone (who is marginally successful) steal their money and force the drug addict appear successful. We will allow no one to fail, no matter what , and no matter the cost. And for those that cannot be lifted up,, we will bring everyone else down so that all are equal.  - socialism "

Again, bovine dung of the finest quality !  :D Congratulaitons, Sir, you must be an expert extraordinaire in bovine dung !!!

In any Socialist nation, drug abuse is heavily and ruthlessly condemned.
There has never been any "Woodstock" in a Socialist nation, nor a band called "The Doors" relying on acid trips for their inspiration.

The big problem is you guys read on old books "Soviet Socialist republic" (=Commubnist nation) and believe Socialism and Communism to be synonims. Quite the opposite.

You want to see Communism ? Go to N.Korea, Cuba, and the likem where until a short time ago you couldn't even own the house you lived in, but paid rent to the State, and whatever job you did, you were a State employee.

Socialism ? W.Germany during Allied occupation 1945-95 would have filled the ticket by your own standards, simply because of a National Health Service and Retirement policy, or was it a capitalistic state ?

The answer is, neither, you simply cannot use "Definitions made in USA" to label anything which is not within the USA, for the simple reason that whatever rules or policies there are, are applied in a different way, even with respect to local culture.

What strikes me nuts is that you will have "free" Police & FD (paid through your Council taxes) free schools for your kids, even a free Public Library, but God forbid! should anyone have a cold...

In Italy, a 3rd generation immigrant is NOT an Italian citizen.
In Not-so.-socialist France, yes;
In very capitalistic Germany, yes;
In "socialist" Italy, NAY !

So correct your sights, or don't bother visiting.

Title: Re: Attention Wingnuts, Teabaggers and Republicans
Post by Starlifter on 11/10/12 at 12:11:12

Wow, that was quite a nasty spiel from Webster up thread. He must feel threatened again.

Webster is very judgmental. He loves to feel superior to others and constantly puts down anyone who's views contradict his own. He compares himself to everyone else believing he holds the moral high ground when his posts reflect nothing but greed and self-serving nonsense. Whenever he feels threatened he resorts to nasty name calling.

It's imposable for him to engage in civil discourse if he is confronted with views that do not reflect his own distorted view of reality. For example his views on family planning. How odd that he cares more about a fetus then the children who are born.

Webster is apoplectic about Romney's defeat to an African American person who for the second time has been voted into the white house. If Blacks or poor people have gained something in this society, it must've come at somebody's expense. And to Webster it came at his expense.

I am glad that he did not leave the forum as promised if Obama won (snicker). He is here to serve as amusement (sort of like the king's fool) for the rest of they say down south "bless his little heart".  :D

Title: Re: Attention Wingnuts, Teabaggers and Republicans
Post by mpescatori on 11/10/12 at 14:15:41

I need your counsel on this one...

"Webster is apoplectic about Romney's defeat to an African American person"

I was made to understand Sen.Romney was actually born in Mexico?

Sooo... (if you'll pardon the pun)

...this last election was actually between an African-American and a Latino-Irish?


Title: Re: Attention Wingnuts, Teabaggers and Republicans
Post by WebsterMark on 11/10/12 at 15:01:57

1. No impact, no effect? Really, tell that to the property owners who have lost their water wells to fracking, tell that to those same property owners who see traffic going back and forth to well sites increase twenty fold, tell that to those who worry about the billions of gallons of water being wasted to produce natural gas, then most of all tell that to our childrens, children, who's fresh/clean water has dissapeared for our selfish actions... Look at sattelite views of natural gas areas, then tell me it has had NO impact...

I was talking about Anwar. But overall, yes, modern drilling is not the catastrophic disaster you are making it out to be.

2. All conservative look at is shortsighted narrow views, proven by your comments.. Many alternative energy outfits are still very much alive, they have lowered cost of solar, wind and geothermal, and if they had the same resources big oil has they could be producing over 70% of our energy needs by now.. Again all so-called conservatives see are failures and strike political agenda against any energy form that competes with their main contributer, big oil... That same soccer Mom can find a more energy efficient vehicle, and actually make a sacrifice for the future of those seven kids.. Show them how to conserve, valuble lessons..

Retread; I told you I was involved enough in this industry to know the truth. One day oil will be replaced as the dominant energy source. If solar energy was the answer, it would have happened by now. It might, but that day is years away. And answer my questions about motorcycles and cars. Tell everyone on here to show others how to conserve by getting rid of one vehicle.

3. No, we do have a revenue problem! Bushes tax cuts are the main culprit here, they were designed to boost the economy, they provided the opposite effect... Yea your buddy needs to quit playing politics and start looking for tax writeoffs, like MORE employees! Tax rates in the fifties were at 75-90% on the wealthy, and they overcame, in fact the WHOLE nation prospered, people invested in their businesses, instead of pocketing the cash and whining!

No, we do not have a revenue problem. Look at any graph showing spending over the past 50 years and after you see the huge spike, tell me again we have a revenue problem.

4. Your not paying for it, insurance is, and if a archaic religion cannot pull itself into the 21st century, it needs to be yanked into reality!! But they are not being forced into anything anymore... More political recourse by tax exempt religions, who maybe should lose their tax exmpt status..

I am too paying for it. Who do you think is going to pay for the products and services insurance companies are now ordered to provide?

5. The civilized world should assume the role, not one nation. We spend 48 times the rest of the world on our military.. And we sacrifice our youth every twenty years or so to the NEW war.. Need to change from occupying force, to quick reaction force.. We have enough weaponry to destroy the world at a push of a button, not enough, paranoid much?

The civilized world? You mean like the United Nations? Really? Are you joking?...

6. Insurance= Legalized extortion.. National healthcare does work, and has for many years in other industralized nations! Your information is flawed, proven flawed, and fed to you by big insurance and Reagan lovers..

No, it does not. Sorry to disappoint you, but it doesn’t work the way you think.

Title: Re: Attention Wingnuts, Teabaggers and Republicans
Post by WebsterMark on 11/10/12 at 15:04:25

the only socialist nations in Europe are Denmark, Sweden and Norway
i.e. three Constitutional Monarchies which have adopted a very strong social solidarity policy.

dude, stop yelling...!

I was talking about the fiscal nightmare that is today's Europe. You can talk about the history of a couple hundred years all you want, but your nation and the ones around you are sinking and you are in the spot because you took the road we just took, but did it a few decades ago.

Title: Re: Attention Wingnuts, Teabaggers and Republicans
Post by mpescatori on 11/10/12 at 15:39:05

360403121504132C00130A610 wrote:
the only socialist nations in Europe are Denmark, Sweden and Norway
i.e. three Constitutional Monarchies which have adopted a very strong social solidarity policy.

dude, stop yelling...!

I was talking about the fiscal nightmare that is today's Europe. You can talk about the history of a couple hundred years all you want, but your nation and the ones around you are sinking and you are in the spot because you took the road we just took, but did it a few decades ago.

I'm not yelling...

I'm just highlighting quotes and proving them wrong, or misinformed, or in ill faith.

As in that guy who claims fracking ain't so bad... " But overall, yes, modern drilling is not the catastrophic disaster you are making it out to be."

:-? ...Really ?

This image relates to the earthquake we suffered in Norther Italy last spring.

The figures relate to the amount, measured in centimeters, by which the ground rose during the quake.
These measurements were made by military satellites who witnessed the event and recorded it because it caused an anomaly in the alignment of various terms of reference.

These are... were buildings built in the late Middle Ages or in the Renaissance. "A few hunderd years ago" as you commented.

They survived centuries of warfare and both German and Allied bombings during WW2... but not corporate fracking...

Shrug this off, then ...

Title: Re: Attention Wingnuts, Teabaggers and Republicans
Post by srinath on 11/10/12 at 17:45:11

764443525544536C40534A210 wrote:
the only socialist nations in Europe are Denmark, Sweden and Norway
i.e. three Constitutional Monarchies which have adopted a very strong social solidarity policy.

dude, stop yelling...!

I was talking about the fiscal nightmare that is today's Europe. You can talk about the history of a couple hundred years all you want, but your nation and the ones around you are sinking and you are in the spot because you took the road we just took, but did it a few decades ago.

Sorry Webster - they didn't take the road we have only 10 years earlier ... they took a different road 10 years earlier ... we are in a parallel universe ... we can repeat every one of their mistakes and never get to that point ... to get there we need a different set of mistakes ... like throw the doors open to the illegals like the GOP is about to do, and the fact that Obamacare automagically applies to them too ... Obama care works fine now, but it needs to have the inflow limited. The illegals cant be allowed in ...

Title: Re: Attention Wingnuts, Teabaggers and Republicans
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/10/12 at 17:57:03

6F7267716163766D706B020 wrote:
[quote author=360403121504132C00130A610 link=1352353139/30#33 date=1352588665]the only socialist nations in Europe are Denmark, Sweden and Norway
i.e. three Constitutional Monarchies which have adopted a very strong social solidarity policy.

dude, stop yelling...!

I was talking about the fiscal nightmare that is today's Europe. You can talk about the history of a couple hundred years all you want, but your nation and the ones around you are sinking and you are in the spot because you took the road we just took, but did it a few decades ago.

I'm not yelling...

I'm just highlighting quotes and proving them wrong, or misinformed, or in ill faith.

As in that guy who claims fracking ain't so bad... " But overall, yes, modern drilling is not the catastrophic disaster you are making it out to be."

:-? ...Really ?

This image relates to the earthquake we suffered in Norther Italy last spring.

The figures relate to the amount, measured in centimeters, by which the ground rose during the quake.
These measurements were made by military satellites who witnessed the event and recorded it because it caused an anomaly in the alignment of various terms of reference.

These are... were buildings built in the late Middle Ages or in the Renaissance. "A few hunderd years ago" as you commented.

They survived centuries of warfare and both German and Allied bombings during WW2... but not corporate fracking...

Shrug this off, then ... [/quote]

& what is it theyre so eagerly producing? Isnt most of the fracking thats causing these problems fairly shallow ( In well drilling terms)? Arent most of these wells intended for gas production?

& Yea, Pesci,, theyre Seriously Fracking us over over here too. Ive seen video of people lighting the fumes coming out of their kitchen faucet.

Title: Re: Attention Wingnuts, Teabaggers and Republicans
Post by WebsterMark on 11/11/12 at 05:36:43

i guess i'm going to have to repeat this a dozen times or so, but I wasnt talking about fracking, i was answering a specific question of Retread and i was pointing out how silly it is we don't drill for oil in Anwar or off the coast. I've really not read up on fracking just like i've not read up on GMO crops so i don't comment on them.

but to link an earthquake to fracking is like linking Sandy to global warming. maybe its true, maybe its not true, but neither you or I know that for sure.

Title: Re: Attention Wingnuts, Teabaggers and Republicans
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/11/12 at 06:37:33

FRom what Ive looked at, its a lot easier to ;link quakes & fracking than storms & global warming.

They are pumping huge volumes of fluids at high pressures. They sat & pumped for a couple of Weeks, & thats a 24 hr/day job, they dont stop.
They built a reservoir & used that to hold water & had 2 10" pipes coming in to keep it full.
Go look up video of faucets being lit, theyre destroying the habitability of the land, driving the people off, away from independence.

Amazing how the industrial accidents line up to satisfy the political ends of the globalists, innitt?

Title: Re: Attention Wingnuts, Teabaggers and Republicans
Post by Retread on 11/11/12 at 07:44:52

 Fracking isn't the only problem with gas production, it creates and wastes a lot of water, the companys can only dispose of so much of the water at surface sites. Spreading on roads, capture ponds, ect.. Then they have to inject this water back into the earth, so they drill injection wells, usually deeper than production wells. These sites have been causing earthquakes in areas that have been geologically stable for years.. Example, Denvers Rocky mountain arsenal started injecting waste water back in the 60's, Denver starting shaking. Example, Raton basin started injecting waste water, quakes started on regular frequency.. According to geologists this injection loosens strata, causing fault lines to slide..

  The major problems with all this gas production is that someday these wells will start to detoriate, cement casings, pipe, intial owners of wells/pipelines are long gone, no one will take responsibility, and enviromental damage will be huge..

  Our fossil fuel use is tremendous, ANWAR is a drop in the bucket, then where? Your backyard, maybe we can drill in Yosemite? The Grand Canyon? Just ignorant and selfish of our generation to ignore the problems we are looking at, climate change, polution, we only have this one earth to live on...

Title: Re: Attention Wingnuts, Teabaggers and Republicans
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/11/12 at 07:57:43

Uh Huhh,, NOw, step back & think for a minute,,Lets just say YOU are a Natural Gas Producer AND, lets just say youre smart enough to follow the retail price of the product you sell,, AND lets just have us a quick look, shall we?

Natural gas costs at the start of the 2012-13 heating season are projected to be lower than at any time in the last 10 years, the Kentucky Public Service Commission said Wednesday.

On average, Kentucky customers can expect to pay about 12 percent less this November than last if they consume 10,000 cubic feet of natural gas. The average total bill for 10,000 cubic feet is projected to be about $85.55.

That is down more than $65 since November 2008 and a decrease of 43 percent over the last four years.

NOW,, HOw many billion dollars would YOU spend to increase the availability of a product that is in such supply NOW that the price is falling & more is in storage than has ever been?

PLease note, BP is one of the Big Producers.

What you are watching here is the destruction of the water supplies for people out in the country, so they will be forced into the more densely populated areas, They are doing it under the banner of Producing a Product we all need & the masses will label the drilling & fracking as "Corporate Greed", when Corporate Greed would Dictate an end to fracking, which would drive the price UP.

Surely youve felt that tiny ;little twinge in the back of your head,,( actually, its more behind my right ear) something here just doesnt QUITE make sense.. its close, it feels real close, but theres that tiny, nagging feeling that somewhere it doesnt all add up..

Producing what is in a surplus is not good for the bottom line, yet, thats  what theyre doing, SO,, there must be some other reason other than profits.

Title: Re: Attention Wingnuts, Teabaggers and Republicans
Post by Pine on 11/12/12 at 09:38:07

Just a note on the fracking. They are doing it near my mom. Her new house ( built 2010) suffered damage such as cabinet trim falling off and cracks where the ceiling and walls meet. And no she is not entitled to compensation for such damage.

The authority to frack in thier residential neighborhood, (about 100 $220 to $400 homes) was given by the county. But really, per state law, just about no-one at any level of government can stop access to natural resources.

They are no setting off explosions in the Ross Barnette Res. To test and recover CO2.  The state used eminent domain to take the land that is now the resevoir, however.. anyone that kept their mineral rights, is entitled to compensation... we think. It would be good to see them recover something after all these years.

Title: Re: Attention Wingnuts, Teabaggers and Republicans
Post by srinath on 11/12/12 at 13:14:59

526B6C67766D70020 wrote:
Just a note on the fracking. They are doing it near my mom. Her new house ( built 2010) suffered damage such as cabinet trim falling off and cracks where the ceiling and walls meet. And no she is not entitled to compensation for such damage.

The authority to frack in thier residential neighborhood, (about 100 $220 to $400 homes) was given by the county. But really, per state law, just about no-one at any level of government can stop access to natural resources.

They are no setting off explosions in the Ross Barnette Res. To test and recover CO2.  The state used eminent domain to take the land that is now the resevoir, however.. anyone that kept their mineral rights, is entitled to compensation... we think. It would be good to see them recover something after all these years.

Well as long as she didn't pay cash for it ... I'd move ... if 20-30 of the homeowners did that citing to the banks that this is why, that would pit the banks against the energy companies.

Only ones with a lot of equity should be worried about that IMHO ...


Title: Re: Attention Wingnuts, Teabaggers and Republicans
Post by Pine on 11/12/12 at 13:37:00

5A5B4047485D41290 wrote:
[quote author=526B6C67766D70020 link=1352353139/30#41 date=1352741887]Just a note on the fracking. They are doing it near my mom. Her new house ( built 2010) suffered damage such as cabinet trim falling off and cracks where the ceiling and walls meet. And no she is not entitled to compensation for such damage.

The authority to frack in thier residential neighborhood, (about 100 $220 to $400 homes) was given by the county. But really, per state law, just about no-one at any level of government can stop access to natural resources.

They are no setting off explosions in the Ross Barnette Res. To test and recover CO2.  The state used eminent domain to take the land that is now the resevoir, however.. anyone that kept their mineral rights, is entitled to compensation... we think. It would be good to see them recover something after all these years.

Well as long as she didn't pay cash for it ... I'd move ... if 20-30 of the homeowners did that citing to the banks that this is why, that would pit the banks against the energy companies.

Only ones with a lot of equity should be worried about that IMHO ...


She is retired.. and pretty paid cash. I think she owes less that $10k. With all the homes empty due to the 2008 deal... I feel sure the banks would chalk it up to that.

Title: Re: Attention Wingnuts, Teabaggers and Republicans
Post by srinath on 11/12/12 at 19:00:35

0D34333829322F5D0 wrote:
[quote author=5A5B4047485D41290 link=1352353139/30#42 date=1352754899][quote author=526B6C67766D70020 link=1352353139/30#41 date=1352741887]Just a note on the fracking. They are doing it near my mom. Her new house ( built 2010) suffered damage such as cabinet trim falling off and cracks where the ceiling and walls meet. And no she is not entitled to compensation for such damage.

The authority to frack in thier residential neighborhood, (about 100 $220 to $400 homes) was given by the county. But really, per state law, just about no-one at any level of government can stop access to natural resources.

They are no setting off explosions in the Ross Barnette Res. To test and recover CO2.  The state used eminent domain to take the land that is now the resevoir, however.. anyone that kept their mineral rights, is entitled to compensation... we think. It would be good to see them recover something after all these years.

Well as long as she didn't pay cash for it ... I'd move ... if 20-30 of the homeowners did that citing to the banks that this is why, that would pit the banks against the energy companies.

Only ones with a lot of equity should be worried about that IMHO ...


She is retired.. and pretty paid cash. I think she owes less that $10k. With all the homes empty due to the 2008 deal... I feel sure the banks would chalk it up to that. [/quote]

Ooo sheesh, that is bad I am actually thinking of playing the refi game just for this reason.

Title: Re: Attention Wingnuts, Teabaggers and Republicans
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/12/12 at 19:33:51

& just how is it she isnt entitled to compensation? If you knocked parts off of my house, Id expect you to make good.. Did neighbors have any damage? Was there an earthquake or was there some explosion? I guess if they made an earthquake, it would be hard to prove they were at fault, tho, depending on the geology & earthquake history, it should be relatively simple for a normal brain to have a pretty good idea. Sadly,.the goobs arent wired for normal when oil companies are involved..

Now, Im gonna quote my post from above, because I am asking people to Think, & IM not seeing it yet,

Title: Re: Attention Wingnuts, Teabaggers and Republicans
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/12/12 at 19:34:34

455A5C5B4641704070485A561D2F0 wrote:
Uh Huhh,, NOw, step back & think for a minute,,Lets just say YOU are a Natural Gas Producer AND, lets just say youre smart enough to follow the retail price of the product you sell,, AND lets just have us a quick look, shall we?

Natural gas costs at the start of the 2012-13 heating season are projected to be lower than at any time in the last 10 years, the Kentucky Public Service Commission said Wednesday.

On average, Kentucky customers can expect to pay about 12 percent less this November than last if they consume 10,000 cubic feet of natural gas. The average total bill for 10,000 cubic feet is projected to be about $85.55.

That is down more than $65 since November 2008 and a decrease of 43 percent over the last four years.

NOW,, HOw many billion dollars would YOU spend to increase the availability of a product that is in such supply NOW that the price is falling & more is in storage than has ever been?

PLease note, BP is one of the Big Producers.

What you are watching here is the destruction of the water supplies for people out in the country, so they will be forced into the more densely populated areas, They are doing it under the banner of Producing a Product we all need & the masses will label the drilling & fracking as "Corporate Greed", when Corporate Greed would Dictate an end to fracking, which would drive the price UP.

Surely youve felt that tiny ;little twinge in the back of your head,,( actually, its more behind my right ear) something here just doesnt QUITE make sense.. its close, it feels real close, but theres that tiny, nagging feeling that somewhere it doesnt all add up..

Producing what is in a surplus is not good for the bottom line, yet, thats  what theyre doing, SO,, there must be some other reason other than profits.

Now slow down a minute & THINK about this,This is important,

Title: Re: Attention Wingnuts, Teabaggers and Republicans
Post by WebsterMark on 11/13/12 at 06:20:28

Now slow down a minute & THINK about this,This is important,

i'm not sure I'm following you JOG. Explain your theory again in a different way.

Title: Re: Attention Wingnuts, Teabaggers and Republicans
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/13/12 at 20:36:52

Go look at the price of gas over the last 10 years,
Its Going DOWN

Now,if you were a supplier, do you want MORE supply, to drive the price Down More?

Nope,, you dont, BUT,, theyre spending Billions to produce MORE!

LOok at the facts. Price is declining, more is in storage than ever & theyre Bustin a GUt to get more up,, It makes No sense from a business perspective, Its not Greed, greed dictates controlling supply, limiting supply, driving prices higher,

Title: Re: Attention Wingnuts, Teabaggers and Republicans
Post by WebsterMark on 11/14/12 at 05:45:44

I read up on this a little bit plus when i worked in carbon fiber, we were always watching and reading about market demands on commodities prices. That wasn't my job, but i know a little bit about it from a big picture point of view.
Isn’t technology advancements increasing the production of natural gas?
Don't all commodities go through technology phases? Also, the economy as a whole is down so usage is down which increases supplies. Couple that with technology advancements and you have more supply.  Greed is the answer, in a way, as they look for easier and cheaper ways to get gas, but it's not conspiracy of multiple corporations to transplant a population base. I'm not seeing that as a possibility.

Title: Re: Attention Wingnuts, Teabaggers and Republicans
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/14/12 at 06:06:34

I see it as a possibility, because I know its a goal.

Title: Re: Attention Wingnuts, Teabaggers and Republicans
Post by Retread on 11/14/12 at 07:17:17

 Before we get all conspiracy rigged here, take a look at the lack of regulation on the gas industrys drilling practices.. Under GW/Cheney they made it pretty much a free for all aspect. just in the Raton basin the coalbed methane drilling went from one well every ten square miles, to one every five miles.. The states have cracked down a little since, but fracking and drilling is still a wide open prospect, fracking fluid ingredients are still protected by patents, even if they are being injected into the earth.. Now, they are expanding into BLM lands..

 The laws of supply and demand do not apply to oil, gas, production, or sales anymore, it is futures, hedge, and speculation that drives price..

  When I speak of enviromental ruin, much of it is untested, time will tell, to be truthful I personally have only seen two water wells ruined by fracking.. But be sure, in time these instances will become more and more prevelant, many more have been documented. As time erodes concrete casings, pipe, pipelines, we will find ourselves trying to clean up an enviromental nighmare, and shortages of clean water will reach of all...

Title: Re: Attention Wingnuts, Teabaggers and Republicans
Post by srinath on 11/14/12 at 08:36:00

51667771666267030 wrote:
    As time erodes concrete casings, pipe, pipelines, we will find ourselves trying to clean up an enviromental nighmare, and shortages of clean water will reach of all...

And that's where the $$$ is ... if you'd pay $4 for gasoline ... imagine how much you'd pay for water somehting you actually drink he he ...

Didn't you watch Condom of Soulass (Quantum of solace) the Bond movie before Skyfall ...


Title: Re: Attention Wingnuts, Teabaggers and Republicans
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/14/12 at 08:39:55

Yup, Yup,, spot on.,regardless of whether what is being done is being done to destroy the water supply, anyone with any good sense can see the
chance that is being taken & understanding the way things work, over time, its obvious enough that over time, people WILL be forced away from their land.

However, BEing a conspiracy hound, as I am, & having spent the time to dig up sufficient evidence to give me good reason to believe I am right to believe as I do, I still say this is being done not in the name of greed, because supply Right Now is greater than demand. We have record volumes in storage & at record low prices, SO, from a sellers point of view, creating More Product only drives price Down, so, its not greedy to do that, its fiscally irresponsible to do it, IF the goal is to make $$$.

FWIW, at the Y2K craziness,, I looked at that & shrugged my shoulders & did nothing. I saw it was all BS. I was right, then, too,, so Im not just a guy who jumps on every little thing that comes along,

Title: Re: Attention Wingnuts, Teabaggers and Republicans
Post by srinath on 11/14/12 at 10:09:50

I wonder if its possible to turn natural gas into gasoline ... how hard that might be ?

Title: Re: Attention Wingnuts, Teabaggers and Republicans
Post by srinath on 11/14/12 at 10:15:43

Got it my fellow Inquiring mind -

Yes gasoline ... we dont still have tons of that ... take the 100 year+ supply of natural gas and turn it into gasoline. Booya.


Title: Re: Attention Wingnuts, Teabaggers and Republicans
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/14/12 at 11:04:43

We have plenty of oil. See Energy Non Crisis.

Title: Re: Attention Wingnuts, Teabaggers and Republicans
Post by Retread on 11/14/12 at 11:41:32

 As an old oil man once told me "We have plenty of oil, we just don't have plenty of cheap oil." .. The only conspriracy I can think of in the NG boom, is the control of natural gas supplys, not price driven, but futures driven.. We can all be in natural gas cars right now, proven fuel source, along with propane, ect, ect... But this still puts us the consumer behind the eightball (So to speak), still hooked on fossil fuels, big oil will continue to gouge us until every inch of supply is obtained, they are geared for this.. It is like retooling for a loss in profit to ask them to go alternative energy sources, no matter how good they look..

 Take a look at solazyme, trying to expand algae based oils, it is very feasible, it is proven technology, and if we put as much money into the expansion of production, we would be well on our way out of fossil fuels.. Big oil, big money, always able to knock down the little guy..  

Title: Re: Attention Wingnuts, Teabaggers and Republicans
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/14/12 at 12:04:44

Lindsey Williams was there on Gull Island & saw the oil & gas being produced & the gas being pumped back in. OIl isnt being produced where it can be, cheaply. OIl companies bought up smaller, independently owned refineries & shut them down back in the 70's I think it was,,no new ones have been built inb a very long time, They Want the price of gasoline high & the oil companies are driving legislation that restricts European cars that deliver high MPG & deliver good performance here likie they have there.

Again, The Energy non Crisis. If you get the original version, before they forced him to edit some out, youll get a lot more than if its a recent printing, IDK if he has any DVDs out that tell the story before he was threatened & had to stop saying some things.,

He became friends with a couple of the oil company higher ups up there & has been given info by them that he told in interviews. He was laughed at & ridiculed when he said gas would go down & stay down for about 1&1/2 years.. then oil dropped to about $45.00 a barrel & stayed low, just like he said,,

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