General Category >> Rubber Side Down! >> My unofficial official study and report....

Message started by raydawg on 11/07/12 at 16:03:42

Title: My unofficial official study and report....
Post by raydawg on 11/07/12 at 16:03:42

Having read with baited breath after eating my pizza laced w/ anchovies and clams, and after having dodged the black helicopters that seem to appear overhead whenever I go on the INTERNET, not sure which entity, alien, or political party is spying on me....but, nevertheless, with perseverance I've read all about petcocks and stray ones too.
I decided using my scientific mind I could run a test on my bike by not pulling the wheels off, tank, tail light, or plugging plugs, no. After having to once again on a down grade switch my pcock on what I thought was plenty, to reserve, to gas station. I did take over 2 gallons tho.....
Anyway, with a full tank I thought I'd run on prime for a spell. I ran appox 40 miles and my BF on decel was pretty much gone. I had one real POP, in all those miles. I can safely say the bike was smoother through all gears, and way quieter and smooth slowing down, even on a down hill grade.
Now of course I don't want to run out of gas, so I know I can't run like this.
My question is: If the carb bowl is full, it has more fuel than it can use at any given moment, right? So in order to get to too lean it now burns it faster than it can get that right?
So with prime I'm getting a full unrestricted port of delivery constantly, and that is what "smooth: things out, yes?

darn....gotta go, I hear the thumping of a fast approaching  

Title: Re: My unofficial official study and report....
Post by Oldfeller on 11/07/12 at 16:27:57

According to Routy, the black helicopter that just dropped the big black net over top of you isn't real, nor are the results from your experiment.

The fact your bowl gas level was not fluctuating up & down, was always higher, was much more constantly & evenly held at the "as designed" gas level had nothing to do with your bike running better.

That is the same sort of silly stuff Raptor petcock people report all the time when they first change over, so obviously it must be imaginary.

Note, them crazy Raptor folks still have a reserve function and you do not.  So, your imagination isn't as good as theirs ....


Title: Re: My unofficial official study and report....
Post by LANCER on 11/07/12 at 16:39:18

Not quite Grasshopper.
Assuming your exhaust is tight and has no air leaks, since that can cause BF all by itself, BF is generally caused by the fuel/air mixture in the low throttle range (idle to 1/4 throttle and controlled by the pilot jet and pilot air adjusting screw) being too lean.
If the fuel level in the float bowl is set too low then that can contribute to a lean mixture, but the pilot fuel circuit is the primary culprit.

Title: Re: My unofficial official study and report....
Post by raydawg on 11/07/12 at 17:21:54

Is it clear?

That was close.

First I don't imagine I have much to imagine when it comes to imagining things about my bike, I imagine, so I'll just imagine you didn't mean that, right?
But that doesn't address what I observed, as when my bike starts to starve it pops and farts and plays the wrong domino. Why does it cough, spurt, and act like a shunned woman with me riding its back at times like these if it ain't gas?

I imagine you have an answer, yes?

Title: Re: My unofficial official study and report....
Post by Serowbot on 11/07/12 at 17:27:15

I'm gonna' say,.. your, unofficial official study is flawed...
... and the results you see are not Pcock related...
Probably just a coincidence of weather and temp...

I doubt you need a Raptor,... but,.. if you want easier tank removal and to avert the possibility of ever having a problem... go ahead and get one...
... and if subsequently,... your bike seems smoother and faster,.. don't question it... just go with the delusion...

My bike is faster when I polish the tank... :-?...

Title: Re: My unofficial official study and report....
Post by Dave on 11/07/12 at 17:32:01

Well....I just made money by switching to a Raptor.

I paid $ 16.00 or so for the Raptor.......I just sold my stock petcock on eBay for $ 25.46.

Is that wrong?  It is a working stock petcock!

Title: Re: My unofficial official study and report....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/07/12 at 21:31:35

Yea,, thats Wrong! You sold too cheap, ya dummy!

Title: Re: My unofficial official study and report....
Post by Oldfeller on 11/07/12 at 21:57:15

Every time my bike goes on reserve it sputters and pops and farts some, then I roll the Raptor over to Reserve and it instantly stops ....  This tells me its time to go buy some gas at the little cheapie quick pick down the road from my neighborhood.   It's like magical !!

Them Raptors are so boring, I always have to put in 2.4 gallons of gas .... same old stuff every single time.

They remind me of Linux computers, they do !!


Title: Re: My unofficial official study and report....
Post by Serowbot on 11/07/12 at 23:05:26

... and, ever since I put on my Raptor,.. my tires never lose air...
... and ,.. I no longer need reading glasses!...
... and, it never rains!... ( okay, I'm in Arizona, it really never rains)... :-?...

Title: Re: My unofficial official study and report....
Post by Oldfeller on 11/08/12 at 03:21:40

Ok, in this thread EVERYBODY is both paranoid and delusional.  

Routy will be pleased.


Must be them Arizona peote buttons ...

Title: Re: My unofficial official study and report....
Post by ToesNose on 11/08/12 at 03:34:50

Must be them Arizona peote buttons ...

Any spares laying around?  I happily have a Raptor, but no illusions to go with it  :D

Title: Re: My unofficial official study and report....
Post by Gyrobob on 11/08/12 at 04:22:36

I'd like to compare the answers to these questions:

-- How many people have had any kind of fuel delivery problem associated with stock petcock that was due to a malfunction of the petcock, its vacuum connection, or any other parts peculiar to the stock petcock?  IOW,.. how many times has a bike run poorly or stop running altogether because of the stock fuel delivery system? (not including operator error)

-- How many people have had any kind of fuel delivery problem associated with a Raptor petcock installed in place of a stock petcock that was due to a malfunction of the Raptor petcock?  (not including operator error, but including install mistakes)

It would just be interesting to know, with all the oratorical/rhetorical indicia aside, what kind of real world problems are out there with Savage fuel systems associated with the two petcocks.

My suspicion is that once a Raptor is installed properly, it very rarely malfunctions, assuming the operator selects fuel off/fuel on/reserve correctly.

While I have had no trouble with the Savage petcock, or, for that matter, a vacuum-operated petcock on ANY bike I have ever had, it seems just from all the blather here that there are problems of one sort or another.

Title: Re: My unofficial official study and report....
Post by misterbbq on 11/08/12 at 05:56:25

i will admit to replacing mine without having any issues myself.  the PO said they had some issues with fuel delivery a few times on long hills at high speed.  the bike sputtered and acted like it was out of fuel.

so i took that info and ran with it.  if nothing else, the tank is a ton easier to get off with the raptor petcock.  so i have that going for me lol.

Title: Re: My unofficial official study and report....
Post by Oldfeller on 11/08/12 at 09:50:52

132D263B363B36540 wrote:
I'd like to compare the answers to these questions:

-- How many people have had any kind of fuel delivery problem associated with stock petcock that was due to a malfunction of the petcock, its vacuum connection, or any other parts peculiar to the stock petcock?  IOW,.. how many times has a bike run poorly or stop running altogether because of the stock fuel delivery system? (not including operator error)  around 43%

-- How many people have had any kind of fuel delivery problem associated with a Raptor petcock installed in place of a stock petcock that was due to a malfunction of the Raptor petcock?  (not including operator error, but including install mistakes)    0%  still asking still dilligently waiting for the first one

It would just be interesting to know, with all the oratorical/rhetorical indicia aside, what kind of real world problems are out there with Savage fuel systems associated with the two petcocks.

My suspicion is that once a Raptor is installed properly, it very rarely malfunctions, assuming the operator selects fuel off/fuel on/reserve correctly.

While I have had no trouble with the Savage petcock, or, for that matter, a vacuum-operated petcock on ANY bike I have ever had, it seems just from all the blather here that there are problems of one sort or another.

The problem with any poll that requires the reader to:

1) limit his responding to only respond if he meets a certain sub group criteria and NOT RESPOND if he doesn't

2) Understand the detailed single point that is being polled and only respond accordingly ...

.... have both been very unsuccessful.  People don't read before clicking and once the page rolls the rules are not available any more anyway.

A smart pollster designs a simplistic poll that ranks the responses in such a way that the data he wants can be extracted painlessly from the response categories themselves using simple math.

A "meatball guesstimation" of what you asked can be extracted from the current polling categories.

Vac petcock fail doesn't exist for me    1
My bike is brand new and I am fine     1
My bike is not new and I don't care     1
My old bike and I are unconcerned      4
I'm aware -- I watch my petcock         11
Took my vac unit off proactively          7

Mine has stumbled, but still waiting     4
Raptored, my bike heavily modified    15            If you fiddle with the air filter system, you will Raptor fairly quickly as
                                                                                                   you lose functional system vac levels when you uncork your input air system)

19/44 = 43%

You see, I already checked the issues/no issues thing to see if the poll is relatively consistent with the results from the last poll  
(and it is, been running around 50% last two times we did a data providing poll).

We used to run around 1/3 1/3 1/3  (Serowbot's Axiom  1/3 have had issues, 1/3 will have issues and 1/3 will never have issues) but we have enough age on the group now that some of the second 1/3 are rolling into the real category now.

And, you will notice that I EXCLUDED the pre-emptive folks from the failed category and counted them in the no issues side of things, as I am an honest pollster unlike many that worked this past election (on both sides).


Title: Re: My unofficial official study and report....
Post by raydawg on 11/08/12 at 17:58:39

6C5259444944492B0 wrote:
I'd like to compare the answers to these questions:

-- How many people have had any kind of fuel delivery problem associated with stock petcock that was due to a malfunction of the petcock, its vacuum connection, or any other parts peculiar to the stock petcock?  IOW,.. how many times has a bike run poorly or stop running altogether because of the stock fuel delivery system? (not including operator error)

-- How many people have had any kind of fuel delivery problem associated with a Raptor petcock installed in place of a stock petcock that was due to a malfunction of the Raptor petcock?  (not including operator error, but including install mistakes)

It would just be interesting to know, with all the oratorical/rhetorical indicia aside, what kind of real world problems are out there with Savage fuel systems associated with the two petcocks.

My suspicion is that once a Raptor is installed properly, it very rarely malfunctions, assuming the operator selects fuel off/fuel on/reserve correctly.

While I have had no trouble with the Savage petcock, or, for that matter, a vacuum-operated petcock on ANY bike I have ever had, it seems just from all the blather here that there are problems of one sort or another.'ve met everyone then?

And the final outcome of my self imposing research has climaxed. It was reached without fanfare or climatic shouts of discovery, but seems to have followed the trodden path of logic.....
Which is. It doesn't matter what type of petcock you have, even further, brand of bike, or CC's. The result is the same regardless.....
You must have fuel in the tank for the bike to run.

That is all....class, dismissed.

Title: Re: My unofficial official study and report....
Post by Oldfeller on 11/08/12 at 18:11:27

Professor Raydawg, I've got a question about this test you just gave us.  My test has "Comparative Eastern Religions - Midterm" up at the top of it and I thought this class was supposed to be "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance" Comparative Literature section 311.   We have never covered any of the questions on this test you gave us at all.  I left most of mine blank because I can't even spell Zorasterianism much less tell you how it applies to Buddism and Essene Proto-Christian Judaism.

And all we have ever covered or talked about is this crazy stuff about petcocks.    I mean really, what the heck IS a petcock?   Do I need to go talk to my adviser about getting into the right section or what?

My Coach isn't going to like the grade you gave me on this nonsense test, dude.  I can like tell you that already.   And dude, why aren't you wearing any pants today -- don't you know that's like really gross, man?  Your plaid boxer shorts are like grody ugly and your socks like don't match up either.


paranoia, the gift that keeps on giving .....

Title: Re: My unofficial official study and report....
Post by raydawg on 11/08/12 at 18:54:57

Well child why do you riddle the teacher with a question you've already answer 29 words into your prose?
Take heart, you've company aplenty, it has plagued man ever since Eve assumed a red apple would be delicious. One must abide in such an activity if one is to reward themselves with the claim of knowledge, which, BTW, is 90% false....oh such a premise, eh?  

Title: Re: My unofficial official study and report....
Post by misterbbq on 11/09/12 at 08:33:09

there's a 69% chance you made that percentage up.

Title: Re: My unofficial official study and report....
Post by Routy on 11/10/12 at 07:41:29

Anyway, with a full tank I thought I'd run on prime for a spell. I ran appox 40 miles and my BF on decel was pretty much gone. I had one real POP, in all those miles. I can safely say the bike was smoother through all gears, and way quieter and smooth slowing down, even on a down hill grade.
I'm not happy about it,......just about the WORST case of "petcock paranoia" I have seen here.

Yep, like running "prime" going downhill is any different than running "run" going downhill. OF, I rest my case !


OF replies:    Routy, aren't you making one key ASSuMEtion, and that is that the vac petcock supplies gasoline at the same rate under "ON"'s vacuum control as it does in "PRIME" when it is kicked all the way open by the plastic bump and the finger spring?

But we know this isn't true, that "ON" fuel delivery can vary according to system vacuum levels.

So yes, running "ON" going downhill can be quite different than running "PRIME" going downhill.  

Think about it a second, you are going downhill with your throttle at whatever various lower positions accordingly -- your system's vac level goes lower accordingly and your vac driven "ON" fuel delivery rate decreases accordingly.

Quite a bit different from "Prime" which acts like a straight constant full flow much like a Raptor does.

I think perhaps people have been focusing on position of the gas in the tank and forgetting about what else going downhill means, throttle-wise.

Title: Re: My unofficial official study and report....
Post by raydawg on 11/10/12 at 09:36:10

Well snap darn Mister Routie.....I sure didn't want you to lose your happy buzz. Perhaps you've been listening a wee bit too much to all the political propaganda and wranglers of late, as if any of it matters anymore....strip anyone of them down to their nekkedness and sconce them on a sissybar and you couldn't tell their whines from another.
And too, perhaps if you popped a few and chugged them on the spot, you wouldn't have to set your case down.....mercy, we have become a world of no perceivable sense of nonsensical rationale, my my  :-?

Title: Re: My unofficial official study and report....
Post by Steve H on 12/28/12 at 11:11:50

I would have thought vacuum would increase with closure of the throttle plate.  Think about it.  You've got a giant air pump sucking all the air it can through an essentially closed pipe unless there is some sort of deceleration air bleed valve I have yet to find.

Anyway, my '87 I just got still has the vacuum petcock on it and it appears to operate substantially correctly although the fuel pulses through the line much like it's the output of a vacuum diaphram fuel pump.  Prime on mine very slowly dribbles fuel.  It's nowhere close to full on.

Title: Re: My unofficial official study and report....
Post by MShipley on 12/28/12 at 11:17:34 gonna sell my old petcock......

Title: Re: My unofficial official study and report....
Post by Routy on 12/30/12 at 05:16:44

5F7C7476757C7C7562100 wrote:

Ok, in this thread EVERYBODY is both paranoid and delusional.  

Routy will be pleased.


Must be them Arizona peote buttons ...

No I didn't read this whole thread.
Yes, I am pleased that there are still a few here that do not suffer from petcock paranoia, and just use plain ole common sense when it comes to problems that could be cause by the vacuum petcock.

I'm on vac in QZS AZ, and wish I had my bike w/ me.

Title: Re: My unofficial official study and report....
Post by LANCER on 12/30/12 at 06:36:26

202F352E323427252D2334460 wrote:
[quote author=5F7C7476757C7C7562100 link=1352333022/0#9 date=1352373700]
Ok, in this thread EVERYBODY is both paranoid and delusional.  

Routy will be pleased.


Must be them Arizona peote buttons ...

No I didn't read this whole thread.
Yes, I am pleased that there are still a few here that do not suffer from petcock paranoia, and just use plain ole common sense when it comes to problems that could be cause by the vacuum petcock.

I'm on vac in QZS AZ, and wish I had my bike w/ me.[/quote]

Hmmm, me thinks you are suffering from oxygen depravation and/or chemical toxicity as previously mentioned (buttons  ::)), and therefore are displaying the expected & typical symptoms of mental activity/acuity  reduction. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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