General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> mary jane

Message started by thumperclone on 11/07/12 at 00:13:22

Title: mary jane
Post by thumperclone on 11/07/12 at 00:13:22

colorado and washington  passed a rec use law
too bad ive got copd  :(

Title: Re: mary jane
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/07/12 at 03:51:23


Title: Re: mary jane
Post by mpescatori on 11/07/12 at 04:55:24

HUH ???  :o

Title: Re: mary jane
Post by Drifter on 11/07/12 at 07:11:50

Yep, just wait a couple of days untill the right wing bible thumpers get wind..of this the end of the world for sure. :o :o

Title: Re: mary jane
Post by 360k+ on 11/07/12 at 07:22:41

I'm glad these states have opened the door, but still sorry our state didn't pass it when we had the chance.  We're close; I believe CA is still a $100 misdemeanor for < 1 oz, and of course, with a medical reason (hangnail, stubbed toe, etc.) you can become virtually legal for purchase, use, and growing.  However, I believe full legalization is on the horizon just because of sheer economics.   Remember when the do-gooders tried to prevent the lotto for so many years?   It was gambling plain-n-simple (thump thump), and they stood their "moral ground"; er, at least until they realized the windfall profitability.   Morals have a way of changing when profit comes to light, which of course, calls into question the thinly veiled "morals" themselves?

To be frank, I never did agree that man could outlaw any natural plant, anyway???

Title: Re: mary jane
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/07/12 at 07:32:23

There was a time when you could be fined for NOt growing hemp., ( not pot). Hemp was what Ford built his first cars from. He wanted them to decompose after they were finished, Hemp makes excellent material, & healthy food stuffs come from it, BUT, because there are Laboratory Detectable amounts of THC, even tho it is admittedly insufficient to Give ya a Buzz, it is still illegal. Yet, Toxins, types known to kill & cause cancer are detectable in our water & no one is arresting the water suppliers for attempted murder, because Those levels, while detectable, are deemed "INsufficient to cause harm",,
OUr government is corrupt.

Title: Re: mary jane
Post by 360k+ on 11/07/12 at 08:19:23

647B7D7A6760516151697B773C0E0 wrote:
OUr government is corrupt.

Nooooo!   You just burst my bubble.     8-)

I read somewhere that hemp produces 8x the paper volume per acre as do trees, so has the potential to save our forests.  You're right, so many useful products can be made from this fibery plant, not to mention a possible biofuel source.   The thing that irks me is the Gub still apparently doesn't see the parallel with prohibition???   That didn't work, and this doesn't either, for all the same reasons!   Yet we spend $billions on eradication, and imprisonment of millions of people, when we could instead be garnering windfall taxes and sales of useful products.   Your tax dollars at work!

Title: Re: mary jane
Post by Serowbot on 11/07/12 at 08:40:13

It's been very expensive to prosecute this "war on drugs"...
It's also expensive to keep people in jail for these victimless crimes...

Legalise it,.. grow it, package it, advertise it, sell it, and tax it...

The savings and revenue could pay for Obamacare and start reducing the debt...
It's good economics,...It's patriotic!... It's the American thing to do!...
Light one up for your country!... ;D...

... and the Girl Scouts will make a fortune with the cookie drive... :-?...

Title: Re: mary jane
Post by srinath on 11/07/12 at 12:06:25

And to think I drove in 2010 to washington state - a 2500 mile 1 way trip ...

Title: Re: mary jane
Post by mpescatori on 11/08/12 at 00:10:58

There is one way out, though, which I've been advocating for years and which has won me many prizes.
(One being my career being frozen solid to Lieutenant Colonel since the year 2000...)

Grow cannabis, legalize "cigarette-packs" with "cannabis tobacco" in doses so light as to give you the same "buzz" as one pint of beer.

Sell them not through the traditional cigarette-vendors but across the medicine counter, without the need for a prescription but with the required proof of ID.

The result would be:
1. I can legally buy and try a weed if I want to,
2. One weed would have no worse effect than a beer,
3. The underground, outlaw market ofr MJ would go BUST !!! because it's now legal !!!

It worked for alcohol (and I do not believe very many people still distill their own moonshine these days, it's easier to go out and buy the liquor)

Title: Re: mary jane
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/08/12 at 09:36:56

3. The underground, outlaw market ofr MJ would go BUST !!! because it's now legal !!!

I dont think it would go bust, but it would be dented.
The Moonshiners wouldnt have gone bust, if whiskey had stayed illegal & beer & wine made legal,
People will want a Full Effect joint to toke, not a Mid Grade mix of pot & tobacco, or whatever ,, if its only gonna be a wussy buzz, theyll wanna buy the real deal & get stoned,,
Just my opinion, IDK,, I agree your step is a good one & should be the first one, see how that goes,  

Title: Re: mary jane
Post by srinath on 11/08/12 at 10:08:42

Stop manufacturing that ... the instant it becomes a "cigarette like product" I will not touch it.
Y'know many years ago, the corporations started manufacturing breasts ... I dont want to touch them.

Title: Re: mary jane
Post by mpescatori on 11/08/12 at 10:17:31

2A2B3037382D31590 wrote:
Stop manufacturing that ... the instant it becomes a "cigarette like product" I will not touch it.
Y'know many years ago, the corporations started manufacturing breasts ... I dont want to touch them.

Srinath, are you normal, or do you date girls?  :-?



Title: Re: mary jane
Post by Serowbot on 11/08/12 at 10:18:06

Oh, you'll touch'em... you know you will... :-?...

Title: Re: mary jane
Post by srinath on 11/08/12 at 11:12:24

I am well and truly married ... to one woman for all my adult life ... and there aint no parts on her courtesy of dupont labs or dow corning.
the foul tasting moisturiser she insists on using ... thankfully usually not to bed - not withstanding ...


Title: Re: mary jane
Post by Starlifter on 11/08/12 at 13:43:28

;D...Well said sir.

Title: Re: mary jane
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 11/08/12 at 14:07:25

I'm a Republican firmly in support of legalizing Mary Jane, and then taxing it to death.
One bad side effect not discussed much though is that marijuana is many times more carcinogenic than tobacco.
I had a buddy in law school who smoked weed like I then smoked my pipe and an occasional cigaret.  He died of lung cancer in his late 40s.
But the tax on it would really help the federal budget - no joking.
An interesting sidelight - the federal income tax started to rise from being just a nuisance tax to a serious tax during Prohibition, when the fedral gov't lost the liquor tax revenues.
Prior to Prohibition, the liquor tax was the main source of all federal revenue.  Come on folks - legalize and smoke your weed and drink more and maybe we can keep the Bush era tax cuts.

Title: Re: mary jane
Post by 360k+ on 11/08/12 at 17:29:29

646B676D666B606C6B7C696B7C0E0 wrote:
Come on folks - legalize and smoke your weed and drink more and maybe we can keep the Bush era tax cuts.

I agree, uhhh, for all but the wealthiest.  Given a choice of them paying their fair share or cutting benefits for seniors and kids is a no brainer to me.

Pot doesn't have to be smoked; altho that is the most convenient form of ingestion.    It's various forms and derivatives can be vaporized, eaten, drank, etc. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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