General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Last Pitch

Message started by WebsterMark on 11/03/12 at 07:14:38

Title: Last Pitch
Post by WebsterMark on 11/03/12 at 07:14:38

I doubt there are any undecideds on this board, but if by some wild chance there are; here’s one last pitch to ask you to help move the US away from its downward spiral and at least give us a chance to turn back towards our historical roots.

Obamacare is the single biggest potential disaster facing the United States since a Nazi or USSR Europe. Should Obamacare be implemented, this country will never, never be the same. Government does nothing more efficiently than the private sector and the idea of turning over our healthcare to a government bureaucracy should cause every red-blooded American to rise up as our forefathers did against the Brits.  It will be an unprecedented disaster.

Don’t let it happen. Stand up against those that would enslave you. We are not Greece, we are not France, we are not the UK. We are Americans dammit. We do not let little wussies run over us.

Remember in the Godfather when he grabs the his Godson the singer/actor whose crying in his office? He slaps him and says “you can act like a man! Whats the matter with you?....” That’s what we need. Men to stand up to this nonsense of laying down like sheep. Stand up and take responsibility. Do not vote in those who give more and more hand outs. It's a trap. It's looks sweet and an easy life, but it's a diaster. You wouldn't let you kids pursue the easy, but deadly, path so why should we? Don’t do it, don’t do it.

Title: Re: Last Pitch
Post by Serowbot on 11/03/12 at 11:48:29

All this BS about how Obamacare is going to bankrupt us is right-wing whooie...
It's the current system that bankrupting us...
Literally... 3 of 5 bankruptcies in America are related to health expenses...
This doesn't just hurt those directly involved and health providers,.. but all the businesses that get defaulted on... it drags on the entire economy...
Now,.. how is going to a system that prevents this,... and is more like the systems used in other countries, where costs are two to five times cheaper than ours, going to hurt us?...
National health is one of the most cherished services of any of these governments...  people love it,.. and it is delivered at a fraction of our cost...
Vote Obama...  ;)...

Romney's "change" is to change back to the Bush administration...  and that went sooo well...

Title: Re: Last Pitch
Post by Starlifter on 11/03/12 at 12:37:36

Nazis? USSR? Enslave us? Red-blooded American men rise up?? Act like a man?

Webster, do you have any idea how utterly stupid you sound??'

Folks, vote Obama, vote for health care for every American, stop the insurance companie's death panels, vote progress, continue the clean-up of the Republican's horrorific mess of war, death, and out of control spending.


VOTE OBAMA...and continue to rebuild  America.

Title: Re: Last Pitch
Post by WebsterMark on 11/03/12 at 14:58:44

Literally... 3 of 5 bankruptcies in America are related to health expenses...
There’s a world of difference between individuals going bankrupt and the nation going bankrupt.
National health is one of the most cherished services of any of these governments... people love it,.. and it is delivered at a fraction of our cost...
No it isn’t and no they don’t. don’t be silly.
It's bankrupting these nations.

Title: Re: Last Pitch
Post by WebsterMark on 11/03/12 at 15:02:48

Nazis? USSR? Enslave us? Red-blooded American men rise up?? Act like a man?

Webster, do you have any idea how utterly stupid you sound??'

To a feminized “man” like yourself, yea, I probably do sound stupid. To real men, it strikes a chord. That’s why you can’t recognize it.

Folks, vote Obama, vote for health care for every American, stop the insurance companie's death panels, vote progress, continue the clean-up of the Republican's horrorific mess of war, death, and out of control spending.

Yes, hand over your balls to Hope and Change.

continue to rebuild America.

Continue to rebuild???…. What are you talking about? We’ve been going backwards with him.

Title: Re: Last Pitch
Post by Starlifter on 11/03/12 at 17:10:48

"Yes, hand over your balls to Hope and Change."

...what the hell does that mean?.....does it mean your a real man with big balls? are vulgar little man with a small cranium....please remove your little cranium from your rectum prior to posting!


Romney and Ryan want to cut medicare and social security in order to fund a war in Iran. Anybody who would vote for that ticket has problems that nobody can fix.

Other countries must think we are the trailer-trash of the world.

Title: Re: Last Pitch
Post by Serowbot on 11/03/12 at 17:51:26

;D ;D ;D...

Title: Re: Last Pitch
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/03/12 at 18:14:38

No matter who is elected, the direction will be the same,

Title: Re: Last Pitch
Post by Serowbot on 11/03/12 at 18:46:10

6A757374696E5F6F5F67757932000 wrote:
No matter who is elected, the direction will be the same,

JOG,.. it finally hit me...  who you remind me of...
JOG,.. is that you in there?... :-?...
;D ;D ;D...

Mmmmm?... it looks more like me, actually... :-?...

Title: Re: Last Pitch
Post by Starlifter on 11/03/12 at 19:00:49

;D ;D ;)

Title: Re: Last Pitch
Post by WebsterMark on 11/03/12 at 20:25:24

Romney and Ryan want to cut medicare and social security in order to fund a war in Iran.

that's just simply not true. Show me where they said "hey, lets eliminate medicare and SS and start a war with Iraq".

Title: Re: Last Pitch
Post by WebsterMark on 11/03/12 at 20:26:30

No matter who is elected, the direction will be the same,

I strongly disagree JOG. It matters a great deal.

Title: Re: Last Pitch
Post by WebsterMark on 11/03/12 at 20:32:36

"Yes, hand over your balls to Hope and Change."

...what the hell does that mean?.....does it mean your a real man with big balls

no, it means you are a very feminine  man who easily gives himself over to a man or woman who 'metaphorically' pats you on the head and tell you everything will be alright. That’s why obama appeals to men like you.

Title: Re: Last Pitch
Post by WebsterMark on 11/04/12 at 05:23:20

As if we need any new examples of the ridiculous lengths American’s main stream media is in the tank for Democrats, compare the outrage of the supposed lack of federal response to Katrina versus the praise for the same lack of federal response to Sandy. Honestly, it’s time NBC, CBS, ABC and CNN just put a donkey logo on the bottom right of their screen and remove all pretenses…  

Title: Re: Last Pitch
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/04/12 at 06:01:46

754740515647506F435049220 wrote:
No matter who is elected, the direction will be the same,

I strongly disagree JOG. It matters a great deal.

Well,, thats a wait & see thing for both of us. I would like to be wrong. I dont care if its a Dem or a Bub who spins the wheel, but I dont believe either CAN. Every president has "advisers" & they are all, & have been for decades, either members of the trilateral commission or CFR. So, if the presidents advisers all share the same ideology, as they are all from the same think tanks, then where would policy change come from?
Its not reasonable to believe there would be any, in the face of the obvious facts,

Title: Re: Last Pitch
Post by WebsterMark on 11/04/12 at 06:49:37

It's not a wait and see because it's easy to look back and see the direction of the country change after elections. Presidential elections matter a great deal. Leadership matters. It does.

Title: Re: Last Pitch
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/04/12 at 09:11:03

YOure seeing a matter of a few degrees left or right as a "change in direction". OUr overall policy decisions remain the same.
Unless of course you'd like to show me where one side has actually eliminated legislation passed by the other in the last 40 years,

Title: Re: Last Pitch
Post by Starlifter on 11/04/12 at 15:36:03

It's like this... A new president comes in (Obama). He is full of energy and ready to go. Wants to do right by the country. Once in he finds out (is told) by those behind the scenes who 'really' control the country; (big money corporations, the military industrial complex, and the big money high-rollers on wall street) who WILL be calling the shots, and how it's going to be. The president soon finds out he has little latitude in so far as what he can do, what he can change,or in what direction the country will go.

Repubs go on and on about how this promise was not kept, or that policy was not enacted, but in reality there isn't much a president can do. His hands are tied.

Obama is less attuned to the interests of the powers that be, and is more attuned to the people, and the good of the country. He is/will do the very best he can under these circumstances, but he can't do much. Rmoney on the other hand is 100% on board with the big money. This is why billions are given by the likes of the Koch brothers to whetever Repub is running.

votes are flipped, propaganda and lies spew forth from the wing nut controlled media 24/7, and two presidential elections have been stolen.

This is why it is in the best interest of ALL Americans to support and vote for Obama.

Title: Re: Last Pitch
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/04/12 at 22:19:08

I get what youre saying,, That was my biggest beef with bush, not just that he was a puppet, but such a willing puppet. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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