General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> What rules do illegals break and how to stop it.

Message started by srinath on 11/01/12 at 13:51:15

Title: What rules do illegals break and how to stop it.
Post by srinath on 11/01/12 at 13:51:15

On the surface, after they sneak in here it looks like they dont break anything ...

Well not quite ...
1. As a habit they are very familiar to buying things including produce and most other food from Fleamarkets and mexican stores. While not illegal, it does take away from american businesses and sends USD abroad. Unless the illegals that are selling them the items pay tax on it ... which I doubt.
2. They live 20-30+ to a house. That makes them pay far less property tax than the same number living in 1 house per family/1 per bedroom. It also robs the utilities of the full revenue, cos they dont meter it, they charge you for your house with the assumption there is 1 family there.

It affects govt, a lot more than private businesses.

3. Then they drop the first anchor baby ... usually on the public dime, cos they dont have health insurance.
4. Baby goes to school ... and since schools are funded from property taxes, your 30 per house with 8 anchor babies is basically paying 1/8th the cost of a normal person.
5. Parent/s commit/s crimes, so we need to then prosecute and incarcerate ... more public $$$ and we need to deport ... and we cant due to anchor baby.

Seriously we need to have a cash register @ every school, hospital, and public facility.

OK here is a satirical account of how I'd charge for it ... and create good will in the process ...

Oooo anchor baby, here wait in this line, and it will be 2,000 bucks. What, false labor, OK you get a 1500 refund, see ya next time. Ooo Anchor baby, OK 2g please. Now you want an epidural, see that an optional 500. What ... baby come out side ways, you want it aligned right ... that's included @ no charge. Thanks to good old US of A. I'll bet in mexico they'd have charged you atleast 250 for that one ...

We are providing lots and lots and lots of free services to a large population. We need to charge them market prices - not the inflated garbage prices insurance then wrangles down ... but we do need to charge them for it.


Title: Re: What rules do illegals break and how to stop i
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/01/12 at 18:50:56

You pay tax on food in your state?

Title: Re: What rules do illegals break and how to stop i
Post by ZAR on 11/01/12 at 20:27:08

786761667B7C4D7D4D75676B20120 wrote:
You pay tax on food in your state?

Don't look shocked JOG.....our dear governor of Kentucky is working toward that right now. That's just another trend of the political machine of the future.

Title: Re: What rules do illegals break and how to stop i
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/01/12 at 22:53:21

Looking at it & already doing it is another thing. I know whats being considered,,Im asking if they pay taxes on food where Srinath lives , Now.,

Title: Re: What rules do illegals break and how to stop i
Post by srinath on 11/02/12 at 06:24:49

657A7C7B6661506050687A763D0F0 wrote:
Looking at it & already doing it is another thing. I know whats being considered,,Im asking if they pay taxes on food where Srinath lives , Now.,

Yes we do on some categories. I think it may be lower on some types of food ... forget it, I am not sure, have to look it up.

Title: Re: What rules do illegals break and how to stop i
Post by srinath on 11/02/12 at 06:28:09

A. Taxable Sales
All retail sales of food or food products are subject to the applicable State and local sales or use tax unless there is an exemption or exclusion provided in the statutes.

Link -

Yea read it and sleep ... But tax it is.


Title: Re: What rules do illegals break and how to stop i
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/02/12 at 07:33:45

Do you pay tax when you buy a can of green beans? Its really that simple.

Title: Re: What rules do illegals break and how to stop i
Post by srinath on 11/02/12 at 07:38:14

5B444245585F6E5E6E56444803310 wrote:
Do you pay tax when you buy a can of green beans? Its really that simple.

Yes we do. Unless you are non tax status - as in you're a charity.

Title: Re: What rules do illegals break and how to stop i
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/02/12 at 08:40:07

What state are you in? In Texas, no tax on food. You buy a gallon O Ice cream, no tax, you buy Nutty Buddy ice cream cones, Tax, Hot dog weenies, no tax, Corn dawgs on a stick, tax.

Title: Re: What rules do illegals break and how to stop i
Post by srinath on 11/02/12 at 09:05:14

495650574A4D7C4C7C44565A11230 wrote:
What state are you in? In Texas, no tax on food. You buy a gallon O Ice cream, no tax, you buy Nutty Buddy ice cream cones, Tax, Hot dog weenies, no tax, Corn dawgs on a stick, tax.

NC and I believe everything is taxed @ the same rate. In California too no tax on food.

Title: Re: What rules do illegals break and how to stop i
Post by srinath on 11/02/12 at 09:13:36

Ooo I have more to add ...

They live 30 to a 3 bed house and can work for minimum wage cos they pay $12 in rent ... there by ripping off the people who cant make ends meet on minimum wage ...

Then they commit crimes and if we toss em in jail, the anchor baby now has to be put in state's care ... and I know of one kid who now is 19 and grew up atleast 1/2 his life in foster care.

I dont think we should cut social and other programs ... I think we should predicate it on their immigration status ...
There is plenty of legal ways to get to and stay in the USA. I am a shining example of how forgiving the legal immigration system is in the US.

IMHO I found it easier to live in US than I would have if I were to move to another state in India other than the one I was born and grew up in.

Want to cut gubbamint spending ... dont do squat for people who are not here on a valid visa or their kids. "Taxpayer funded" works only if you pay your fair share of taxes.


Title: Re: What rules do illegals break and how to stop i
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/02/12 at 10:06:27

Thats a sensible post. I agree with plenty of that. We set it all up, thru policy & lack of enforcement, I watched the goobs set this up, slathering benefits on illegals, not enforcing immigration laws or controlling the border. Our Goobs Wanted that influx, Why? IDK, but they bent over backwards to attract them.

Title: Re: What rules do illegals break and how to stop i
Post by srinath on 11/02/12 at 11:45:14

647B7D7A6760516151697B773C0E0 wrote:
Thats a sensible post. I agree with plenty of that. We set it all up, thru policy & lack of enforcement, I watched the goobs set this up, slathering benefits on illegals, not enforcing immigration laws or controlling the border. Our Goobs Wanted that influx, Why? IDK, but they bent over backwards to attract them.

Rich people can get their houses cleaned for nothing ... and they throw the rest of the country under the bus ... didn't Mitt have a few illegals working for him though a third party under a overseas corporation ?
Well of course Mitt is also the anchor baby of Horhey Romney and one of the 30 wives ... benifits from that on all sides ...


Title: Re: What rules do illegals break and how to stop i
Post by Paraquat on 11/03/12 at 04:18:37

Where do you hail from, if you don't mind my asking?
I agree with what you posted. I see it every day... the single family homes turned into multi-family dwellings. 10 or 15 people in a house. I know they're milking it. I don't understand why it's so easy for them.


Title: Re: What rules do illegals break and how to stop i
Post by srinath on 11/05/12 at 06:26:40

4475667565617560140 wrote:
Where do you hail from, if you don't mind my asking?
I agree with what you posted. I see it every day... the single family homes turned into multi-family dwellings. 10 or 15 people in a house. I know they're milking it. I don't understand why it's so easy for them.


Indian, and proud of it. Immigrant, yes, Illegal, never. I also have lived in canada where they have a system that is broken too, but the bigger problem is their economy. They have software engineers driving taxi cabs, a point based immigration system sucks as well. A lot of the commonwealth uses that.

I mean I have hordes of people who I'd like to have here ... my widowed mom who has not seen my son in 8 years tops that list. You want to know what the wait time is for bringing my mom approximately ... 20 years. Irrelevant and broken BS, and I also know who broke it ... mexicans mostly ... add cubans, guatemalans, other illegals to that list.


Title: Re: What rules do illegals break and how to stop i
Post by srinath on 11/05/12 at 07:58:20

BTW I do believe we need immigrants. A lot of the intellectual grunt work - in the IT field is done by chinese, Indians, europeans, japanese, etc etc, and the country is better off for it ... as is a lot of other fields ... medicine everything in the country ... you name it ...
However we have a "se habla espanol" cukture only cos 90% of the immigrant population is mexican. Instead of learning english, they can twist our world around ...
I dont insist you speak my language ... there is less than a million who do ... however mexicans do because they out number all other immigrants by nearly 10 to 1.

Title: Re: What rules do illegals break and how to stop i
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/05/12 at 17:00:11

A somewhat in depth study of birth rates versus survival of a society would show that w/o the immigration we've seen, America would have hit a state of decline that would likely have been fatal for the society.,Ive spent quite a few hours in that area.

Title: Re: What rules do illegals break and how to stop i
Post by srinath on 11/06/12 at 06:39:53

77686E6974734272427A68642F1D0 wrote:
A somewhat in depth study of birth rates versus survival of a society would show that w/o the immigration we've seen, America would have hit a state of decline that would likely have been fatal for the society.,Ive spent quite a few hours in that area.

Children of immigrants aren't really immigrants, they are spoiled brats ... including my 9yr old.


Title: Re: What rules do illegals break and how to stop i
Post by ToesNose on 11/07/12 at 08:06:53

We deffinatlely need immigrants, this country was built on them. The problem is the illegals who come in and take advantage of our government who is too "P.C." and hands them everything they need and sometimes what they want without them having to contribute. Immigrants should be people who can add to our society and culture, they should be willing to integrate and participate to make this country stonger not just attach like leeches    :(

Title: Re: What rules do illegals break and how to stop i
Post by Pine on 11/07/12 at 08:40:26

I am actually rather shocked that i agree with your posts to the extent that I do.
A few notes ( from where I am)

In MS we do tax food @ 7%, but we do not tax EBT card use.
In residential ( R1) homes, utilities are metered.

My ideas on reducing illegals impact:
Fine employers of Illegals for hiring such. The fine should be an order of magnitude over the cost of hiring legals. For example if a roofer hires an single illegal for 1 day ( 12 hours labor) the fine would be 2 times the cost of having hired one legal worked.  This makes hiring illegals very risky and will dry up the jobs.  No jobs ... no one stays.

Reverse the idea that an anchor baby must be kept with parents. An illegal is a "CRIMINAL". If they are caught they get sent back. The baby can stay of course.

Do not allow illegals to recieve state benfits (in-state tutition, medicare, medicaid, free schools, free lunches). I am humane - hospitals will still need to provide services. However, services are for residents and visitors, and hospitals should be allowed to verfiy what someones status is. Once an illegals status is known, they should be reported as a criminal.

The state should be allowed to be compensated for housing (jail) illegals by the feds.  

The feds should be able to be sued for failing to meet applicable laws.

An illegal, should always be at a disadvantage for getting citizenship versus those followed the legal process.  An illegal that goes on to commit a further crime (import of drugs, thievery, ect) should never be allowed to be a citizen.

Other thoughts: when one is here illegally they are a criminal, and they have no rights as provided at various levels by government. If an illegal drives a car.. they have committed a crime. If they get a job, they have committed a crime. If they falsefy documents, they have committed a crime. Do not think of crime as "doing something bad". Crime is doing something that one is not legally allowed to do. One does not need to shoot someone or sell drugs to be doing a crime.  

Title: Re: What rules do illegals break and how to stop i
Post by srinath on 11/07/12 at 08:59:56

0D34333829322F5D0 wrote:
Reverse the idea that an anchor baby must be kept with parents. An illegal is a "CRIMINAL". If they are caught they get sent back. The baby can stay of course.

The baby can stay part will be a huge burden on the state ... a baby is several million in the states care. I'd deport the parents and the baby.
In fact I'd start by deporting everyone. Then open a proper guest worker visa. Open to all countries with a limit of say 5% to 1 country. You'd find your best workers and not all from 1 country. I am certain we can hire a greek or a italian mechanic instead of a mexican. The reason that doesn't happen, it is overrun with mexicans.

Anyway Baby's citizenship is predicated on the legal status of the parents. Repeal constitution amendment 14. Not citizenship of the parents. If you're here as a legal guest worker, and the baby is born here, the baby gets a citizenship. You here on H1 like I was, and have a baby, you're fine, and baby gets US citizenship.


Title: Re: What rules do illegals break and how to stop i
Post by Serowbot on 11/07/12 at 09:23:28

75746F6867726E060 wrote:
Children of immigrants aren't really immigrants, they are spoiled brats ... including my 9yr old.


That's why they fit in so well with the other kids... :-?...

Title: Re: What rules do illegals break and how to stop i
Post by srinath on 11/07/12 at 19:13:24

6177607D65707D66120 wrote:
[quote author=75746F6867726E060 link=1351803075/15#17 date=1352212793]Children of immigrants aren't really immigrants, they are spoiled brats ... including my 9yr old.


That's why they fit in so well with the other kids... :-?...[/quote]

Yea, I however dont think as kids I was that much of a task master ... I was an undisciplined brat no doubt, but I didn't order people around, which this generation (the current 9yr old) seems to so a good bit of.

Title: Re: What rules do illegals break and how to stop i
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/07/12 at 21:18:25

In MS we do tax food @ 7%, but we do not tax EBT card use.

Now, take a step back & ask yourself,, Where did the $$$ come from that the EBT card is spending? That is $$$ that was taken from citizens in the form of taxes.

Title: Re: What rules do illegals break and how to stop i
Post by srinath on 11/08/12 at 10:33:00

584741465B5C6D5D6D55474B00320 wrote:
In MS we do tax food @ 7%, but we do not tax EBT card use.

Now, take a step back & ask yourself,, Where did the $$$ come from that the EBT card is spending? That is $$$ that was taken from citizens in the form of taxes.

Right, and I am all for it in case I die or get disabled  tomorow ... I'd like to have it for my family.
The abusers of that safety net, are the ones who are the hardest to get out of the system. The first 20 rounds of reform on that will kill people like my hypothetical situation etc etc long before you would put a scratch in the surface of the abusers.

Title: Re: What rules do illegals break and how to stop i
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/08/12 at 21:47:43

The abusers of that safety net, are the ones who are the hardest to get out of the system.

Ayyyyupp,, &, for some reason, they seem to easily get IN the system.

Some days I look at how things are done & I start wondering if there isnt
a plan for that,,

Title: Re: What rules do illegals break and how to stop i
Post by srinath on 11/09/12 at 08:17:43

293630372A2D1C2C1C24363A71430 wrote:
The abusers of that safety net, are the ones who are the hardest to get out of the system.

Ayyyyupp,, &, for some reason, they seem to easily get IN the system.

Some days I look at how things are done & I start wondering if there isnt
a plan for that,,

If they kicked out all the illegals and employers stopped waiting for the non existent dream guy ... and I'll give you an example form my field IT - I came across an ad yesterday - They were looking for Unix admin 2 yrs, websphere 2 yrs, sql 2 yrs, java 2 yrs, windows 2 yrs (which all can be concurrent except ... the mix you wont ever get in anyone with under ~8-10 yrs experience cos they are parallel) and a bunch of othe rcrap, all 1 yr ... and get this ... 30 bucks an hour, in Newark NJ. OK with 20 yrs of total experience I can tell you I didn't have websphere till about 8yrs ago.

Sadly I told them I am in charlotte NC.

I am going to look for a CNC machinist 5yrs, a motorcycle and auto mechanic 5yrs each, and a software engineer 5 years and pay him $10/hr no benifits in NYC.

If that sorts of crap goes away ... and unemployment drops to like 4%, we should be able to get more people off welfare.


Title: Re: What rules do illegals break and how to stop i
Post by Starlifter on 11/09/12 at 12:53:53

Notice that those who hire the lion's share of illgeal's are corporations, business's, big agriculture, the uber-rich etc.

It boils down to cheap labor, they work for less than minimum wage, and they do not have to pay them benefits etc.

So for all of you righties pissing and moaning about criminals, it's the entities on the right who are mainly responsible for this problem.

I say crack down on those business's who circumvent the law to obtained cheap labor. Fine the hell out of them. Make them pay all legal fees, and make them pay for the cost of deportations.

Once the dust settles and those who hire illegales begin to toe the line, the lure of sneaking into the US and finding jobs will diminishes. As the number of illeagal's diminishes,  the Border Patrol, and ICE can concentrate more time on each case.

But you can bet the Republicans (despite their lip service to the issue) will never sign-on to this idea because they are the ones who benefit from the illegal's.  

Title: Re: What rules do illegals break and how to stop i
Post by Pine on 11/09/12 at 14:45:59

0F283D2E30353A28392E5C0 wrote:
Notice that those who hire the lion's share of illgeal's are corporations, business's, big agriculture, the uber-rich etc.

It boils down to cheap labor, they work for less than minimum wage, and they do not have to pay them benefits etc.

So for all of you righties pissing and moaning about criminals, it's the entities on the right who are mainly responsible for this problem.

I say crack down on those business's who circumvent the law to obtained cheap labor. Fine the hell out of them. Make them pay all legal fees, and make them pay for the cost of deportations.

Once the dust settles and those who hire illegales begin to toe the line, the lure of sneaking into the US and finding jobs will diminishes. As the number of illeagal's diminishes,  the Border Patrol, and ICE can concentrate more time on each case.

But you can bet the Republicans (despite their lip service to the issue) will never sign-on to this idea because they are the ones who benefit from the illegal's.  

Oh gah...... I agree with Starlifter.. quick its safe to sin.. Hell has frozen over!

Title: Re: What rules do illegals break and how to stop i
Post by Starlifter on 11/09/12 at 17:52:02


Title: Re: What rules do illegals break and how to stop i
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/09/12 at 17:53:04

Lifter said

So for all of you righties pissing and moaning about criminals, it's the entities on the right who are mainly responsible for this problem.

So, what youre saying is, by & large, dems arent businessmen?

Failures in life, are ya?

But,  lets say youre "right" & its the "right" hiring the illegals,.,
What make you think the average Bub on the street doesnt want that stopped? Why is it you use such a broad brush>?? Do you have some Need to feel superior to so many?

Title: Re: What rules do illegals break and how to stop i
Post by srinath on 11/12/12 at 13:31:31

I am not sure if all the "exploiters of immigrants" are republicans ... I can however assure you this ...

The day you give legal status to the illegals, is the day you will need to let in that many more illegals to do their job for the wages they are being paid ...

I'd use my own example ...
I was an immigrant, 92 I land in the US on a fresh new H1 visa. I work for a few companies till 96, when I start the green card process. @ that point I can not leave the company I worked for ... I was literally doing a lot of jobs that made them $$$ but left me barely breaking the cost of living etc ... I went to canada cos at the end of 98 the 6 year limit on H1 was up. I came back to work for the same company end of 99 still living in hideously expensive places and making barely enough to get by.
I am getting closer to getting my GC when my company lays me off ... that is nearly a death sentence. @ the start of the 01 recession I find another job, a new employer that will get me a H1 and I manipulate my previous employer by dangling the names of people who can hire their consultants ... all of that postpones the death sentence till I get my GC interview in India (where I scheduled it cos it was much much faster that way) and I go to India and come back with a GC and I get laid off from my current employer.
That was perfect, I now can make 2 X as much, or move to a village "like Charlotte NC" and make the same $$$ which is what I did.
Yea I also stopped doing the boring POS work and started doing some other stuff I prefered ...
I had never been illegal, however I was exploited a few years ... I cannot imagine any illegal will ever want to do that once they are not illegal.

Title: Re: What rules do illegals break and how to stop i
Post by Pine on 11/13/12 at 10:47:57

686972757A6F731B0 wrote:
I am not sure if all the "exploiters of immigrants" are republicans ... I can however assure you this ...

The day you give legal status to the illegals, is the day you will need to let in that many more illegals to do their job for the wages they are being paid ...


Again... agreed. ( which is why I am not a republician) And from what I have seen/read ... the republicians DO keep offering plans that do exactly this ( give legal status to those here.. AND insure a pleantiful future crop of illegals) . Business do not want the illegals made legal.. they would have to fire them so they can hire illegals ( and pay them less).

On the flip side Democrats only want the latino votes and more voices for social(ism) type government. Both the Dems and the pubs have nefarious needs for this group of people. AND neither group gives a rats butt about how it affects anything else ( ie legal immigrants, citizens, the common worker, or the small business owner).  

What speaks to me (from this thread) is that we all seem to agree on a simple solution (fine employers that drive the ilegal machine) even with our VERY conflicting views and backgrounds. Yet I have never heard a single state government offical ( no it does not take a fed level to do this) put forth this idea.  Funny that.

Title: Re: What rules do illegals break and how to stop i
Post by srinath on 11/13/12 at 11:31:27

See they want to be politically correct.
And the fear is that when one side takes up that stance (the fire the illegals and toss em out) the other side will adopt the opposite and they fear that will get them the votes ...
So the 2 sides are both taking up the same side ...

I've got an Idea ... Cheif Joe Arpaio for president.


Title: Re: What rules do illegals break and how to stop i
Post by Starlifter on 11/13/12 at 17:53:26

...ha ha, you mean Cheif Joe Arpaio for prison.. ;D

Title: Re: What rules do illegals break and how to stop i
Post by srinath on 11/14/12 at 08:45:34

56716477696C63716077050 wrote:
...ha ha, you mean Cheif Joe Arpaio for prison.. ;D

In the absence of a real enforcement of laws we already have on our books and enforce rather sloppily ... he looks like the outlier ... and in deed he is, what with throwing people in tent city style prisons, but see the state and federal giovt needs to actually enfore the law. When they dont, the people that assume the laws are there and will be enforced are the losers ...

Lets try this in simple terms.

There is a posted speed limit say 25 mph in a school zone ... But there is a small section of the population who knows they dont enforce it. They're running along clocking 55. Guess who is the loser in this scenario. Yes the people who run 25 and the kids who need to really really be careful to not get run over. Now here comes a cop who against all the rest of his precinct will ticket the 55 mph people. The rest of the system doesn't care ... That makes his only option to be to impound the car, cos for 30 over that is a possible penalty. There are you gonna blame that cop for following the law ... I wont. The letter of the law ... I'd easily vote for Arpaio if he wont give up that type enforcement on a national scale.


Title: Re: What rules do illegals break and how to stop i
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/14/12 at 09:18:26

Wow,, Retread, Now Srinath,, & I gotta agree with BOTH of those guys? On the same DAY!?!?,, My head may desplode!

Title: Re: What rules do illegals break and how to stop i
Post by srinath on 11/14/12 at 10:06:28

445B5D5A4740714171495B571C2E0 wrote:
Wow,, Retread, Now Srinath,, & I gotta agree with BOTH of those guys? On the same DAY!?!?,, My head may desplode!

Dont forget you and I are against Monistat (monsatan) too ... ;D

You're done for JOG ... we Librull's have surrounded you ... we now are going to put in the blood sucking tubes into you and ... well try not to think about the pain. It will only feel like an eternity.

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