General Category >> The Cafe >> Fellow Gun Guy & Girls

Message started by rfw2003 on 10/24/12 at 22:57:13

Title: Fellow Gun Guy & Girls
Post by rfw2003 on 10/24/12 at 22:57:13

Do to some unfortunate circumstances I need to get a few of my guns ready for some long term storage.  I've never had to do this before so I don't really know even how to begin on this, as I've always had a set cleaning schedule weather I was shooting them or not.   I will need to be storing them for about 5 years.  They will be stored at a friends house in his safe.  Any suggestion on what to treat them with after a through cleaning?


Title: Re: Fellow Gun Guy & Girls
Post by verslagen1 on 10/24/12 at 23:14:28

Not sure of all the gun laws, but one of us parked his truck at a 'friends' for an extended period.  His 'friend' registered it as abandoned.

So, I suggest write a contract for storage detailing when you're coming back for them.  maybe even get them insured for theft or loss.

Title: Re: Fellow Gun Guy & Girls
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/25/12 at 00:13:16

485B4C4D525F595B500F3E0 wrote:
Not sure of all the gun laws, but one of us parked his truck at a 'friends' for an extended period.  His 'friend' registered it as abandoned.

So, I suggest write a contract for storage detailing when you're coming back for them.  maybe even get them insured for theft or loss.


Absolutely,, make certain that theyre still yours in 5 years,

Title: Re: Fellow Gun Guy & Girls
Post by rfw2003 on 10/25/12 at 00:32:38

Oh I will be doing that,  we have already talked about doing the contract for this.  I'm just needing the suggestions on what needs to be done prep wise for such a long term storage of them.  This is something I've never had to do before so I'm in a new territory here.


Title: Re: Fellow Gun Guy & Girls
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/25/12 at 00:41:31

Have you looked online for Long Term storage of weapons?

Title: Re: Fellow Gun Guy & Girls
Post by rfw2003 on 10/25/12 at 01:18:43

Yeah I have, but so far my google skills have been failing me this time.  Most of what I keep finding are telling me to periodically to pull them out and clean and re oil.  But that is gonna be kinda tough as the friend where they are gonna be stored with is a few hours away.

Title: Re: Fellow Gun Guy & Girls
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/25/12 at 01:32:26

Well,, Ive had milsurp Ive had to clean up.. They always have Cosmoline on them,, it works for them,, Id look at getting some cosmoline,
the term "pickle" can be handy. I didnt try it here,

Mite find some clues here,,

Title: Re: Fellow Gun Guy & Girls
Post by Boofer on 10/25/12 at 03:54:34

I wouldn't worry about five years storage if you clean them good and put a film of a good gun oil like Outers, Hoppe's, Rem Oil...also run a wet oil patch through the bore. And no WD-40. Most of the catalog places (or on line) like Cabela's, Cheaper Than Dirt, Bass Pro, etc have a oil impregnated sock to slip over the gun for storage. My main concern would be leaving fingerprints on them or storing them in an area that is not climate controlled. I have pistols and shotguns and rifles stored for years with no harm. Just use a good protectant. If in doubt call Midway USA and ask their recommendation. Those people own and shoot, so they are very knowledgable.   :)

Title: Re: Fellow Gun Guy & Girls
Post by Paraquat on 10/25/12 at 06:15:26

Uhhh... divorce?

Go to Lowes. Get some 4 or 6" PVC. Fill it with 30 weight and drop your guns in. I wouldn't do that for anything with wood on it.
Cosmoline is good but I don't like how tacky it becomes, VCI paper.
I'd still probably seal it in a tube.
Or sell them to me.


Title: Re: Fellow Gun Guy & Girls
Post by ZAR on 10/25/12 at 07:41:23

Some really good ideas here guys. I agree with the contract agreement but it does need to include provisions in case something happens to your friend(divorce,bankruptcy,arrest or even death). I've seen a guy loose his motorcycle collection and other valuables while overseas like this when the "holder" got in trouble in a nasty divorce!

And JOG, dagnabit I just lost two hours of my day bouncing around all the neat sites connected to the link you posted ;D !

Title: Re: Fellow Gun Guy & Girls
Post by Serowbot on 10/25/12 at 10:17:52

Most of my guns have been sitting for more than 5 years without doing anything...
They just got a routine wipedown.. and they're fine...
Of course I'm in a mostly dry climate...

If they're being stored in a safe or closet,.. add a couple of breathable containers of desiccant to keep moisture away...

desiccant,..desiccant ,..desiccant ...
Can't hurt... :-?...

Title: Re: Fellow Gun Guy & Girls
Post by Dave on 10/25/12 at 10:32:45

There must be some reason that new stuff comes delivered in a plastic bag?

I would think that doing the cleaning/lubing part, wrapping them in some of that treated paper, then sealing them in a plastic bag would be the best approach.  The plastic would seal out the humidity changes that seasons can bring.  

This company has strips you can put in your barrels, bags, and even a 5 year cover for your motorycle!

Title: Re: Fellow Gun Guy & Girls
Post by rfw2003 on 10/25/12 at 15:17:29

Thanks for all the great suggestions. Will look into all of them.


Title: Re: Fellow Gun Guy & Girls
Post by 360k+ on 10/25/12 at 15:30:40

Hmmm, this evokes a curiousity...

I am being sought out by:

A) the IRS, FBI, or ATF
B) disgruntled ex-wife(s) demanding alimony
C) a victim I ran over with my Savage (with a lawyer)
D) a former business partner
E) all the above

Title: Re: Fellow Gun Guy & Girls
Post by Serowbot on 10/25/12 at 16:25:38

5553404B0B0701000B320 wrote:
Hmmm, this evokes a curiousity...

F)  I just committed a series of robberies and want to hide the evidence...
G)  I'm so pissed at the neighbors chihuahua, I have to get them away from me for a while...
H)  Killing zombies with a machete is way more fun...
I)  I could tell you,.. but, then I'd have to kill you...

Title: Re: Fellow Gun Guy & Girls
Post by rfw2003 on 10/25/12 at 17:20:28

ummm  I shot a few people and I'm trying to get rid of the evidence  ::)

All kidding aside I just got screwed over on a legal matter and had to take a plea bargain that put me on probation for 5 years, and while it doesn't affect my gun rights, my probation conditions say I can't have firearms in the house while I'm on probation  >:(

Title: Re: Fellow Gun Guy & Girls
Post by Paraquat on 10/25/12 at 19:44:00

Probably would've been a less strict sentence had you shot someone.

Sorry to hear. It's a shame you're not closer or I'd offer.


Title: Re: Fellow Gun Guy & Girls
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/25/12 at 21:38:21

Can ya rent a storage unit? Ive seen some as cheap as $25.00.. & then Youd KNOW where they are & youd know no one else was gonna lose them in some oddball legal event..&, you could store other stuff there,, coff, coff,, mite hafta go add things once in a while,, coff,, coff.,,

Title: Re: Fellow Gun Guy & Girls
Post by Wolfman on 10/26/12 at 02:03:05

Disassemble them and give em a REAL GOOD cleaning. Especially internally and the bore. Make sure and get any rust you have and ALL the fingerprints and body oil of the outside.
Then liberally oil it down with a good quality gun oil or better yet a good silicone lube for guns. The silicone will actually eat small amounts of rust you miss.
After the bore is SPOTLESS oil it down good. A nice lil plug of gauze or cotton saturated in oil stuffed in the muzzle is a good idea as well. Keeps dust out of the bore which WILL draw moisture and cause rust.
Or store em muzzle down.
A light coat of oil on all the wood as well. Any leather should be rubbed down with a good saddle soap.
Toss a couple of BIG bags of desiccant in the bottom of the safe as well.
These will need to be changed every year or so.

Take closeup pics of all the guns(both sides) and write down all the serial numbers. On paper and on the photos. Buy trigger locks for all of em as well.
Controls pilfering/playing with them.
List all serial numbers on any contract as well.

I don't care HOW GOOD a friend he his. Pics and serial numbers WITH a detailed contract. Make him responsible for the physical well being AS WELL as their financial worth in the contract!

Dont wrap em unless you oil the wrap. Womens nylon panty hose works or unwaxed cheesecloth.

Title: Re: Fellow Gun Guy & Girls
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/26/12 at 03:08:58

New bag of floor dry,,
I busted a bag of desiccant, It was floor dry.

Title: Re: Fellow Gun Guy & Girls
Post by clearush on 10/26/12 at 06:04:20

I use that yellow anticorrision plastic wrap that they make for fire arms. and those silicon impregnated rifle sleeves. and then hang large damp rid bags in the safe. its worked 10+ years for me.

Title: Re: Fellow Gun Guy & Girls
Post by WD on 10/26/12 at 12:37:38

If any are nickel plated just clean and oil as usual, I have a S&W 3rd Model .44HE (a holy grail among  collectors) that sat unfired in a wall base gun cupboard from 1958 to a couple months ago. Gave it a good wipe down and it is good as new. Lisa's nickel jam-o-matic is the same way.

Shotguns, clean and oil as usual, plug the muzzle with a fired shell, wrap in silicone gun sock. Rifles you don't need to plug the muzzle, everything else is the same.

I highly recommend you talk to the Texans, Arizonans, and New Mexicans at and see what they say. Tell them Scruffy49 sent you. Join, it's free, ask in the armory sub-forum. I expect to see you there this evening.

Title: Re: Fellow Gun Guy & Girls
Post by arteacher on 10/26/12 at 14:08:17

My dad had a WWII American .45. He would fire it every couple of years or so. He kept it in a can full of ATF. He would fish it out, disassemble and clean it, fire it in our basement range, clean it and drop it back in the can.

Title: Re: Fellow Gun Guy & Girls
Post by rfw2003 on 10/28/12 at 02:34:29

Jog while that is a good idea, in the long run it would end up costing me more then what the guns are worth. Not to mention it's hard to justify the additional expense of an off site storage facility as I've already got 2 storage buildings on my property and a 20x20 workshop that I'm hoping to have complete or at least dried in this next spring/summer.

I went and talked to one of the local gunsmiths yesterday and he's gonna do a detail cleaning on them then vacuum pack them in some poly VCI anti corrosion bags for me to store them in.  He said it's the same type of bags the military uses for long term storage and they are good for a min. of 10 to 15 years if not longer.

Price wise it's not to bad only gonna cost me $35 per gun.


Title: Re: Fellow Gun Guy & Girls
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/28/12 at 04:31:24

Yea, 5 years, atsa lotta storage unit $$$,, LOusy deal, Sounds like your gunsmith guy is treating you right.

Title: Re: Fellow Gun Guy & Girls
Post by raydawg on 10/28/12 at 08:40:25

I work on commercial aircraft and we use corrosion inhibiting compound on things that need to be serviced, or protected from the environmental aspects of where it flies. I guess you can imagine a plane in freezing weather, and hours later, in hot tropical I guess it must be pretty good. The stuff I use sorta smells, but it cleans up pretty easily. You might google aircraft supplies, etc, and see what a tube cost?????  

Title: Re: Fellow Gun Guy & Girls
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/28/12 at 09:23:17

Be a lot easier if you offered up a name for the product,,

Is it for aluminum or steel or both?

Title: Re: Fellow Gun Guy & Girls
Post by raydawg on 10/28/12 at 14:36:56

514E484F52556454645C4E42093B0 wrote:
Be a lot easier if you offered up a name for the product,,

Is it for aluminum or steel or both?

Is this directed to me?  I'll assume it is  :D

Well, I'm not certain if it has another name, but we call it 3-38, or CIC. I think Dow makes it, not really sure. I use it on pert near everything, from composite, aluminum, titanium, etc. I haven't used it on wood, it might stain, I don't know. But a good clean is paramount before applying, even hand jive can lessen its abilities to adhere in a manner that gives it 100% effectiveness...  

Do I get my pudding now?  :-*

Title: Re: Fellow Gun Guy & Girls
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/28/12 at 14:46:22

Heck Yea,, you can have YOUR puddin,, but dont edge too close to mine!

Title: Re: Fellow Gun Guy & Girls
Post by verslagen1 on 10/28/12 at 14:51:59

must be this stuff

Title: Re: Fellow Gun Guy & Girls
Post by Dj12midnit on 10/28/12 at 20:35:04

Sorry to hear this. Let us know if you need any money on the books.

Title: Re: Fellow Gun Guy & Girls
Post by v-pilot on 10/28/12 at 22:06:21

Hi, a good coating of bore butter down the pipes and a liberal coat of carnuba wax on the outside steel parts after you've sprayed the insides of the actions with good gun oil.  I just hold mine over a trash can and spray away...absolutely no mineral oil on the wood...turns it soft

Title: Re: Fellow Gun Guy & Girls
Post by rfw2003 on 10/29/12 at 07:17:44

4F411A1946424F45425F2B0 wrote:
Sorry to hear this. Let us know if you need any money on the books.

Thanks for the offer.  You can buy me one of those Hidden in the wall safes and have it installed so I don't have to get rid of the firearms for 5 years.  :P  ;D ;D ;D ;D » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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