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Message started by justin_o_guy2 on 10/13/12 at 14:44:40

Title: Ancient stonework
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/13/12 at 14:44:40

Ive seen a few things on stoneworks & pyramids, but this one is truly fascinating. They show vases & saucers made of a stone they say is harder than steel, & theyre very smooth & delicate. Theres one thing they show us that I cant really describe, a ring with 3 sections folded in, I cant see how it could be used for anything, candle holder, maybe? But what a fine piece of work! & Did you guys know the Great Pyramid has 8 sides? Only apparent at the equinox, it seems. & the ratios & proportions in that pyramid, its all just wild. Trying to follow the math is a bit much for me, the pause button is my friend, the Golden ratio is in it all over the place, as is Pi. Phi ( the Golden ratio) is found thruout nature.
Anyway, the shape & fit of blocks is amazing, the marks in some blocks, grooves sliced in, just stuff to see that would tend to create doubt about the possibility of men with bronze chisels & stone hammers being able to make these shapes. & How did anyone create such astronomical accuracy while stacking these rocks? & how did they manage a hallway, sloping thru those rocks? & theres no sign of soot from torches, so how did they work in there?
JUst a fascinating video, looking at What was done,, how perfectly these stones fit together, just amazing.. Who,  Why,, doesnt matter to me, HOW is very exciting to contemplate,, & I have No Idea, BUt, for me to believe it was a 20 year effort of a civilization armed with chisels & stones & having no wheel? Naaaah,, I cant do that..

Golden Rectangle -- from Wolfram MathWorld
Given a rectangle having sides in the ratio 1:phi, the golden ratio phi is defined such that partitioning the original rectangle into a square and new rectangle ... - Cached

Well,, enjoy, IM watching it again,,

Title: Re: Ancient stonework
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/13/12 at 20:26:43

Okay, Ive seen it like 3 times now,, amazing , simply amazing feats of design, engineering, construction, craftsmanship. Cutting stone so precisely is amazing in itself, but to believe they had such crude tools & still managed it is beyond reasonable.

Here,, have a look at these cuts. some are beat up pretty bad, but some are still sharp & what we are looking at ( well,, the ones that blow me away) are the inside cuts. Given a perfect chisel, thats pretty much impossible in wood, let alone hard rock.

Title: Re: Ancient stonework
Post by Serowbot on 10/13/12 at 22:17:38

Not time to watch,.. but... I agree...  ancient people knew stuff that we don't give them credit for...
How?... I don't know...

Machu Picchu,... very interesting...  maps showing Antarctica wthout ice covering... and depicting the earth as round...
Stars and galaxies that can't be seen with the naked eye,... depicted in drawings...
WTF?... I love that stuff...

The big question?...
Do we be alien to this planet?...i

Not a problem for me,.. but, religion has some issues to deal with.... :-?...

Title: Re: Ancient stonework
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/13/12 at 22:30:31

Well,, I think that stuff is just fascinating. Questions abound, cut stones, fitted so perfectly an X-acto blade wont fit, but Im sposed to believe they did that with a bronze chisel & a stone mallet.. riiiight,,
I believe in God, with absolute certainty, not because I was taught to, but because of things in my life. I dont care who or when or how things got done, that doesnt change,

Title: Re: Ancient stonework
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/14/12 at 07:31:39

& modern, yet, fascinating. This lone guy, quarried & stood huge coral blocks, building his Coral Castle. He, all alone, built & hung a 7 ton gate that, when it required service after his death, required a 6 man crew & a 20 ton crane. & he died w/o telling anyone his secret.. dang,, wadda jerk!

Title: Re: Ancient stonework
Post by Paraquat on 10/14/12 at 08:45:53

7A656364797E4F7F4F77656922100 wrote:
& modern, yet, fascinating. This lone guy, quarried & stood huge coral blocks, building his Coral Castle. He, all alone, built & hung a 7 ton gate that, when it required service after his death, required a 6 man crew & a 20 ton crane. & he died w/o telling anyone his secret.. dang,, wadda jerk!

Would you? I'd take that secret to my grave as well. People are still talking about it today.

(The secret was a dozen Mexican's outside of Home Depot)


Title: Re: Ancient stonework
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/14/12 at 09:23:32

Yep, Id pass it along, It would benefit mankind. He was an A55Hole for not leaving How to do it behind.

Title: Re: Ancient stonework
Post by raydawg on 10/14/12 at 10:09:32

There are so many "things" I can't begin to wrap my understanding around. Just because I can't grasp it, I feel I'd be very disingenuous, or even more self absorbed, if I used that reasoning to assign doubt. I live where its very dark at night (duh, I think most of us do) where city lights have very little influence on the heavens above......
As I glance at the stars, often, I just can't begin to believe, or grasp, that random chance is the cause for how it all works together, the chance (a hard number) would have so many zeros I don't feel I could ever get (read) to the end zero in the equation in my life time if that was all I ever did. And to view nature and the season here most definitely seems to have an answer to a riddle associated with it, and I dare say its for my benefit too!
I love to think of this picture in my mind when I get all uppity thinking I can/need to solve all that riddles mankind (myself). A small butterfly as it flaps its wings will, if we had the capacity/ability to measure it, cause an effect 180 degrees around the globe from where the action took place.....mercy. With that in mind, I reflect on how my actions impart energy into this world. I must confess, most of it would not be in harmony with it, but I pray just understanding that is key in beginning to understand how I can become one with the true force in this universe......

Title: Re: Ancient stonework
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/14/12 at 16:18:55

A small butterfly as it flaps its wings will, if we had the capacity/ability to measure it, cause an effect 180 degrees around the globe from where the action took place.....mercy.

phhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhtttttttt,, no,, it wont,

I can bust a Paint Peelin fart in the lobby of a bank building & it wont bother anyone in an office. I doubt Very seriously a flutterby can cause one iota of change on the other side of the planet,, seriously,, dont allow the goofballs on the planet to infect your thinking, stay rational.

Title: Re: Ancient stonework
Post by runwyrlph on 10/14/12 at 17:31:10

5046514C54414C57230 wrote:
Not time to watch,.. but... I agree...  ancient people knew stuff that we don't give them credit for...
How?... I don't know...

Machu Picchu,... very interesting...  maps showing Antarctica wthout ice covering... and depicting the earth as round...
Stars and galaxies that can't be seen with the naked eye,... depicted in drawings...
WTF?... I love that stuff...

The big question?...
Do we be alien to this planet?...i

Not a problem for me,.. but, religion has some issues to deal with.... :-?...

One way religion can take a shot at it:

The bible says man and the world was created perfect by God.  Man then disobeyed God and became susceptible to death and decay.  

Since that time there has been a devolution in mankind's capabilities due to the compounding of many tiny errors in DNA replication. (like photocopying a copy)

Since we're that much farther from the original, of course we don't have the brains and capabilities that the ancients did.  If the antediluvians  lived 800+ years, that's a lot of time to accumulate knowledge and skill.  

I know, this belongs on the Tall Table, but Serowbot started it  :)

Title: Re: Ancient stonework
Post by raydawg on 10/14/12 at 17:54:42

5A454344595E6F5F6F57454902300 wrote:
I can bust a Paint Peelin fart in the lobby of a bank building & it wont bother anyone in an office. I doubt Very seriously a flutterby can cause one iota of change on the other side of the planet,, seriously,, dont allow the goofballs on the planet to infect your thinking, stay rational.

Dude...whats that smell?
You better check your shorts, I can smell it through the monitor   :-*

Title: Re: Ancient stonework
Post by heroicseven on 10/14/12 at 23:57:15

The ruins at Puma punku in my opinion reveals more about the ancient level of technology, and shatters the idea that humans 4000-10,000+ years ago were cavemen. The stonework there makes me imagine there was alot going on on earth before humans! :D

Title: Re: Ancient stonework
Post by Paraquat on 10/15/12 at 06:15:55

I had already shared this with JOG but I've recently been reading about a vimana. It's a mythical flying vessel described in ancient Indian (dot, not feather)

They found a chunk of aluminum that was thought to be a mere 400 years old. Latest carbon dating indicates it's from 18,000-20,000 years ago.

The cool thing is that we didn't "discover" aluminum until the 1800's

The metal was first produced in 1825 in an impure form by Danish physicist and chemist Hans Christian Ørsted.

It's an alloy and to be created it has to get hot.
Hotter than sticks and brush fires of 20,000 years ago.


Title: Re: Ancient stonework
Post by 360k+ on 10/15/12 at 10:47:56

Allow me to throw some ideas on the table (popping knuckles like a pianist)...

Visible stellar objects...   even a few 100 years ago there was no pollution or city lights to obscure the heavens at nite.   If you've ever camped in the high Sierras or Rockies you already know the nite sky is hardly what you would call black!  This would have been true no matter where on earth you lived.  So except for size and shear numbers of objects, what was visible then, would be different from today.

Humans...   is it possible we are VERY sophisticated robots and DNA is the unique individual program for each of us?  The technological scale involved is so far beyond our current comprehension that it is scarcely even fathomable.

Alien technology...   try to think where we were 100 years ago, and imagine our level of technology today.   Now try to guess what we will experience 100 years in the future?  How about a 1000 years?   The answer is you can't .  This is because knowledge & technology, and our ability to understand it is based on what you know at the time. In other words, we simply don't have the wherewithal to know what we don't yet know.   Now imagine an alien technology that has a MILLION year head start on us! They possess knowledge and technology that truly cannot be imagined.   Think about this...  if by some miracle one of our nuke subs went thru a time warp and drifted into the port of Lisbon, Portugal back during Columbus's day.   Their naval engineers and scientists would be extremely curious about this mysterious "advanced vessel", but would have no means to duplicate it.   Why?  Set aside the electrical and metallurgy involved, they would have no knowledge of atomic theory; let alone how a nuclear reactor works!   There's no way to hyper-jump the gap; it's a bridge too far.

Title: Re: Ancient stonework
Post by Oldfeller on 10/15/12 at 11:15:17

Puma Punku ancient stonework

These are dated to be some of the oldest worked stone objects in the world.  Different dating techniques give answers varying from 15,000 BC to 10,000 BC to 3,500 BC to 1,750 BC, but all sources agree these are the oldest yet best preserved stone building pieces ever seen.

The diorite stone itself is very very hard, so hard only diamond tools can readily work it today.  
Steel isn't hard enough to cut the features that are seen.

The large flat broken stones in the top picture are as flat as a granite surface plate and, as you can see, are quite large and have been exposed to weathering for many many thousands of years, yet they still have a good finish to them.

Lastly, what sort of force was needed to break and scatter these inner connected stonework walls and floors?   Did we mention the higher than normal background radiation levels at some of these very ancient sites  ....... ??

Title: Re: Ancient stonework
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/15/12 at 11:24:49

But we are supposed to believe that the beings on this planet were dragging clubs around, exclaiming UGG! when they found something worth having..then, evolved into people who had bronze chisels & decided to build a few neat monuments,,

IDK WHO did this stuff, but whoever it was, didnt do it with hammer & chisel.

& the Great Pyramid sits on 13 acres, level within a Half Inch,, we cant do that Now, Its oriented to North more accurately than we can accomplish Now, but we are to believe it was done by people who had so little grasp of "Things" that they didnt even know how to make a wheel.. Give me a break..

Title: Re: Ancient stonework
Post by Paraquat on 10/15/12 at 18:52:02

0221292B282121283F4D0 wrote:
[highlight] Lastly, what sort of force was needed to break and scatter these inner connected stonework walls and floors?   Did we mention the higher than normal background radiation levels at some of these very ancient sites  ....... ??

Oh. I got side tracked.
Those vimanas... In Hindu are ships that were armed.

Another Indian text, the Mahabharata, considered by some scholars to be present more fact than myth, contain passages that describe in detail the atomic attack on the city that the construction crew accidentally uncovered:

“A single projectile charged with all the power in the Universe…An incandescent column of smoke and flame as bright as 10,000 suns, rose in all its splendor…It was an unknown weapon, an iron thunderbolt, a gigantic messenger of death which reduced to ashes an entire race.

“The corpses were so burned as to be unrecognizable. Their hair and nails fell out, pottery broke without any apparent cause, and the birds turned white.

“After a few hours, all foodstuffs were infected. To escape from this fire, the soldiers threw themselves into the river.”

The atomic conflagration described was every bit as horrific and deadly as the attack on the Japanese cities in August, 1945.

So the Indians witnessed an event and then described it as best they could. The next best, closest comparison was a nuclear bomb?

Scientists have unearthed an ancient city where evidence shows an atomic blast dating from 8,000 to 12,000 years ago," says this article by Phillip Coppens. The blast "destroyed most of the buildings and probably a half-million people."
Coppens speculates that the blast was the result of some sort of atomic warfare - perhaps aliens.

A heavy layer of radioactive ash in Rajasthan, India, covers a three-mile-square area, ten miles west of Jodhpur. The radiation is still so intense that the area is highly dangerous.

"For some time it has been established that there is a very hight rate of birth defects and cancer in the area, (where) the levels of radiation have registered so high that the Indian government has cordoned off the region. One researcher estimates that the nuclear bomb used was about the size of the ones dropped on Japan in 1945."

According to ancient legends, the lords of the sky with angry Lanka blasted seven city with a light shining like a thousand suns and caused the rumbling thunder of 10,000. In the Ramayana, the sage Rishi warned residents of retirement to get away from the Great Thar Desert, 7 days later as a rain of ashes would have ended the reign of Danda, brother of Ravana. The skeletons found at Mohenjo Daro are limited in number compared to all inhabitants, who fled quickly to avoid the purification heavenly. Science and mythology merge and again the ancient texts confirm the current findings.

Another article I read said skeletal remains which were still high irradiated were discovered in a plot of Indian "holy land".

Apparently some other tangible proofs of ancient nuclear India exist too. Remains at Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa are apparently highly radioactive. Radioactivity, of such high proportion, as has been allegedly recorded at the archeological sites, can’t come into existence right out of the blue. Coupled with the fact that these two civilizations came to an abrupt end, which in it self is a mystery, the nuclear explosion,
apparently, fits quite snuggly.
The total number of skeletons found at the main site of Mohenjo-Daro, during the initial archeological digging during 1922-1931, was, just 37. 14 of those, including a minor, were found inside a small room, 1 was found in a blocked lane. Let me quote Prof. G.F.Dales from his “The Mythical Massacre at Mohenjo-daro”, (he was of course debunking the myth of Aryan invasion, much to the joy of Hindu apologists).

Nine years of extensive excavations at Mohenjo-daro (1922-31) - a city of three miles in circuit – yielded the total of some 37 skeletons, or parts thereof, that can be attributed with some certainty to the period of the Indus civilizations. Some of these were found in contorted positions and that suggest anything but orderly burials. Many are either disarticulated or incomplete….Where are the burned fortresses, the arrow heads, weapons, pieces of armor, the smashed chariots and bodies of the invaders and defenders? Despite the extensive excavations at the largest Harappan sites, there is not a single bit of evidence that can be brought forth as unconditional proof of an armed conquest and the destruction on the supposed scale of the Aryan Invasion.
Later excavation unearthed more Skeletal remains in other Indus valley ruins like Harappa, Dholavira, Lothal etc., which numbered a little more than 300.

I can't say what happened for sure - I wasn't there.
One thing I dreamed up is that aliens nuked the dinosaurs so they could terraform this planet.
I've yet to see any evidence of a meteor - only the crater. Although I've been reading more about this Chicxulub crater.


Title: Re: Ancient stonework
Post by Starlifter on 10/17/12 at 21:50:53

"A small butterfly as it flaps its wings will, if we had the capacity/ability to measure it, cause an effect 180 degrees around the globe from where the action took place.....mercy." Raydawg

"phhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhtttttttt,, no,, it wont". JOG

...Not so fast JOG, what Raydog is referring to is a well known and often discussed phenomenon known as "The Butterfly Effect".

In chaos theory, the butterfly effect is the sensitive dependence on initial conditions, where a small change at one place in a deterministic nonlinear system can result in large differences to a later state. The name of the effect, coined by Edward Lorenz, is derived from the theoretical example of a hurricane's formation being contingent on whether or not a distant butterfly had flapped its wings several weeks before.

Although the butterfly effect may appear to be an esoteric and unlikely behavior, it is exhibited by very simple systems: for example, a ball placed at the crest of a hill may roll into any of several valleys depending on, among other things, slight differences in initial position.

The phrase refers to the idea that a butterfly's wings might create tiny changes in the atmosphere that may ultimately create a hurricane, or delay, accelerate or even prevent the occurrence of a hurricane in another location. Note that the butterfly does not power or directly create the hurricane. The flap of the wings is a part of the initial conditions; one set of conditions leads to a hurricane while the other set of conditions doesn't. The flapping wing represents a small change in the initial condition of the system, which causes a chain of events leading to large-scale alterations of events (compare: domino effect). Had the butterfly not flapped its wings, the trajectory of the system might have been vastly different - it's possible that the set of conditions without the butterfly flapping its wings is the set that leads to a hurricane making landfall half-way around the globe.

Theory and mathematical definition

Recurrence, the approximate return of a system towards its initial conditions, together with sensitive dependence on initial conditions, are the two main ingredients for chaotic motion. They have the practical consequence of making complex systems, such as the weather, difficult to predict past a certain time range (approximately a week in the case of weather) since it is impossible to measure the starting atmospheric conditions completely accurately.

A dynamical system displays sensitive dependence on initial conditions if points arbitrarily close together separate over time at an exponential rate. The definition is not topological, but essentially metrical.

If M is the state space for the map , then  displays sensitive dependence to initial conditions if for any x in M and any [ch948] > 0, there are y in M, with  such that The definition does not require that all points from a neighborhood separate from the base point x, but it requires one positive Lyapunov exponent.

The butterfly effect is most familiar in terms of weather; it can easily be demonstrated in standard weather prediction models, for example.

The potential for sensitive dependence on initial conditions (the butterfly effect) has been studied in a number of cases in semiclassical and quantum physics including atoms in strong fields and the anisotropic Kepler problem.] Some authors have argued that extreme (exponential) dependence on initial conditions is not expected in pure quantum treatments; however, the sensitive dependence on initial conditions demonstrated in classical motion is included in the semiclassical treatments developed by Martin Gutzwiller and Delos and co-workers.

Other authors suggest that the butterfly effect can be observed in quantum systems. Karkuszewski et al. consider the time evolution of quantum systems which have slightly different Hamiltonians. They investigate the level of sensitivity of quantum systems to small changes in their given Hamiltonians. Poulin et al. presented a quantum algorithm to measure fidelity decay, which "measures the rate at which identical initial states diverge when subjected to slightly different dynamics." They consider fidelity decay to be "the closest quantum analog to the (purely classical) butterfly effect." Whereas the classical butterfly effect considers the effect of a small change in the position and/or velocity of an object in a given Hamiltonian system, the quantum butterfly effect considers the effect of a small change in the Hamiltonian system with a given initial position and velocity.[ This quantum butterfly effect has been demonstrated experimentally. Quantum and semiclassical treatments of system sensitivity to initial conditions are known as quantum chaos.[

Title: Re: Ancient stonework
Post by Starlifter on 10/17/12 at 22:14:41

Erich von Daniken's "Chariots of the Gods?":
Science or Charlatanism?

by Robert Sheaffer

Was God an ancient astronaut? Do centuries-old legends of gods and heroes tell of space travelers who came to earth from distant parts of the Cosmos? Are some of the ruins of antiquity remnants of great airfields, the favored landing sites of extraterrestrial craft?

"Yes!," writes Erich Von Daniken in his runaway bestselling book, "Chariots of the Gods?" This phenomenally successful book is now in its forty-fourth printing, with over four million copies currently in print. Von Daniken's sequels to this book, "Gods from Outer Space" and "The Gold of The Gods" are also selling well, as are flocks of imitations.

The popularity of such a sensational theory should not be surprising. Immanuel Velikovsky created a similar stir almost twenty-five years ago with the publication of his "Worlds in Collision", suggesting that the present state of the solar system can be explained by a series of spectacular cataclysms among the planets. It has been over twenty-seven years since "flying saucers" burst into the public's awareness, and UFOs still continue to generate excitement and controversy. Sensational hypotheses such as these generate such levels of interest that they tend to become self-sustaining, quite apart from the question of whether they are true.

Established science has always shied away from such remarkable claims. "It took courage to write this book. and it will take courage to read it", says Von Daniken. "Even if a reactionary army tries to dam up this new intellectual flood, a new world must be conquered in the teeth of all the unteachable in the name of truth and reality." (Presumably the reader here is expected to shout, "Right on!") Does science avoid Von Daniken because it is afraid to face up to the truth? Let's examine some of his many claims, to see if they are serious scientific theories, or mere humbug.

On page 9, Von Daniken serves up a "basic rocket equation," derived by one Professor Ackeret, purporting to show how time slows down for space travelers who zip along at velocities near the speed of light. This is an important consequence of Einstein's theory of relativity. Yet a quick glance at this "rocket equation" shows that it isn't an equation at all! Every equation is a mathematical statement of the equality of two quantities: this equals that. But his "equation" contains no equal sign, and hence it cannot be a real equation; it must be intended as window dressing, since it serves no legitimate mathematical purpose. Yet that is not the only absurdity in this non-equation. A term in the denominator is multiplied by a very strange constant: ONE! Did Professor Ackeret think that multiplication by one was a necessary step in his calculations? Von Daniken himself must have known better, as even schoolchildren learn that any number times one equals itself! There are, of course, many legitimate equations which deal with this aspect of the relativity of time. Why then has Von Daniken selected such an obvious humbug to support his "scientific " claims?

What is the history of our earth-moon system? ". . . a satellite was captured by the earth. As it was pulled toward the earth it slowed down the speed of the earth's revolutions. It finally disintegrated and was replaced by the moon."

Proof of this theory, he writes, can be found in the symbols on the Great Idol in the Old Temple at Tiahuanaco, one of his favorite archeological Wonders. Supposedly this message, dating back 27,000 years, tells of how this satellite emeritus made 425 revolutions around the earth a year, which was then only 288 days.

If the earth formerly circled the sun every 288 days, Kepler's third law implies that the earth must have been at that time much closer to the sun, almost where Venus is now. Are we expected to believe that during the great Ice Ages the earth was some twenty million miles closer to the sun than it is today? On the other hand, if the year remained unchanged but each day is shorter, we are faced with another difficulty: since the year is now 365 days, the earth's rotation is faster than in 25,000 B.C., not slower as Von Daniken claims. How could a satellite slowly spiraling earthward pull both earth and satellite farther away from the sun? Where are the fragments of this disintegrated moon, and where did our current moon come from? Von Daniken gives no answers.

On ancient Egyptian astronomy: " ... why a Sirius calendar? . . . If Sirius appeared on the horizon at dawn at the same time as the Nile flood, it was pure coincidence ... this very interest in Sirius seems rather peculiar because seen from Memphis, Sirius can be observed only in the early dawn just above the horizon when the Nile floods begin." (p.64-65)Reader, beware - we're dealing with one who knows the art of deception! Sirius, he neglects to mention, is the brightest star in the sky. His claim that Sirius was hardly visible at all to the Egyptians is simply false. Sirius, in fact, is visible from anywhere on earth except the extreme North Polar region, and observers in Egypt see that star higher in the sky than we do here in the northern United States, where it dominates the sky on crisp winter evenings.

There is no dark mystery behind the development of the Sirius- based calendar in Egypt. The priests there noticed a simple regularity: each year, when that brilliant star first became visible in the morning sky, the Nile flood began. Does this not prove that the Egyptians had contact with a race of space travelers?

On the mysteries of the great Pyramid of Cheops: "is it coincidence that the area of the base of the pyramid divided by twice its height gives the celebrated figure Pi = 3.14159?" (p. 77)

Here our slippery trickster has made a claim which is easy enough to understand, but its refutation requires a higher level of mathematical sophistication, which is all the better for letting the deception go unnoticed! Without going into too much detail, let us observe that the famous number Pi is what is called a "dimensionless constant": it is a pure number, with which no units of measure are associated. However, the ratio of an area to height is not dimensionless, hence such a ratio cannot yield Pi. By choosing our units carefully, we can obtain the number 3.14159, but the ratio will not really be Pi, which is independent of any units of measure. If we measure the same pyramid, Von Daniken style, in inches, feet, and yards, we will obtain three different ratios. Choose your own units, and the ratio can be made to equal any number at all! Von Daniken writes that the pyramid of Cheops "has inspired hundreds of crazy and untenable theories". Not satisfied with this collection, he has given us one more.

More evidence of the ancient Visitors: "The Mayas were intelligent; they had a highly developed culture. They left behind not only a fabulous calendar but also incredible calculations. They knew the Venusian year of 584 days. . .

This statement is true-almost. He conveniently forgets to tell us that this 584 day period is not the true Venusian year, which is 225 days. Instead it is the apparent Venusian cycle as seen by an earth-based observer, which is precisely what we should expect the ancient Mayas to record by simply counting days, without any extraterrestrial insight. On the other hand, if they had recorded the true Venusian year of 225 days, which implies a knowledge of the Copernican (sun-centered) system of astronomy, that would have been a bit more remarkable.

In these few short pages I have scarcely begun a list of the inaccuracies and half-truths to be found in Chariots of the Gods?. But a thousand-page refutation of a hundred-page book would hardly make good reading. Sensationalist theories have always attracted more readers than refutations of the same.

Enough of Von Daniken's claims have, however, been examined to reveal his method of operations: to dazzle the reader with a skillful blend of half-truths (as well as quarter and eighth- truths, too). Looking into his past, (Ref: New York Times Book Review), we should not be too surprised to find that his rather broad criterion of truthfulness has, at times, brought him into conflict with the law. A court in his native Switzerland found Von Daniken guilty of embezzlement, forgery, and fraud, sentencing him to three and a half years in prison. While operating a Swiss hotel. it seems he fraudulently obtained money by misrepresenting his financial assets, this experience in deception later proving invaluable in his literary career. It was during this stay as a guest of the Swiss government that he wrote his second book, Gods from Outer Space, now also a best seller.

Once a liar, however, does not infallibly prove him always a liar. However much this charlatanism may hurt one's credibility, it never destroys it completely. (The followers of famous psychics are never shaken when their leader is caught cheating: they only cheat on bad days!) Von Daniken's theories of Ancient UFO contactees are indeed no more implausible than their latter- day counterparts. In fact, we have in support of these theories one bona fide, highly reliable eyewitness who saw these creatures disembark who can now describe it: none other than Erich Von Daniken himself! In an exclusive interview with the National Enquirer, Von Daniken tells of his experiences in Point Aleph, "a sort of fourth dimension'" where time doesn't exist. He revealed how he can now leave his body at will, transcending all concepts of space and time. "I know that astronauts visited the earth in ancient times", he confides, because "I was there when the astronauts arrived. And I know they'll be back." Unfortunately for us, he can't say exactly when, since "time doesn't exist in Point Aleph."

"I even know what will happen after death". We're all ears. "l will become part of this huge never-to-be-destroyed ball of energy that keeps and remembers every last tiny thing that has ever happened on this planet. Everybody will join me there eventually and at least they'll know then that I was right". Save a place for me right in the middle of that big old ball, Erich, because I'm going to be one of the hardest to convince.

Title: Re: Ancient stonework
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/23/12 at 03:08:54

7 minutes. Man, look at the inside corners, smooth surfaces & Circular Holes,, deep & straight & constant diameter.

Title: Re: Ancient stonework
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/27/12 at 22:52:54

Egyptian artifacts representing tubular drilling are the most clearly astounding and conclusive evidence yet presented to identify the knowledge and technology existing in pre-history. The ancient pyramid builders used a technique for drilling holes that is commonly known as "trepanning." This technique leaves a central core and is an efficient means of hole making. For holes that didn’t go all the way through the material, they reached a desired depth and then broke the core out of the hole. It was not only evident in the holes that Petrie was studying, but on the cores cast aside by the masons who had done the trepanning. Regarding tool marks which left a spiral groove on a core taken out of a hole drilled into a piece of granite, he wrote:"The spiral of the cut sinks .100 inch in the circumference of 6 inches, or 1 in 60, a rate of ploughing out of the quartz and feldspar which is astonishing."After reading this, I had to agree with Petrie. This was an incredible feed-rate for drilling into any material, let alone granite. I was completely confounded as to how a drill could achieve this feedrate. Petrie was so astounded by these artifacts that he attempted to explain them at three different points in one chapter. To an engineer in the 1880’s, what Petrie was looking at was an anomaly. The characteristics of the holes, the cores that came out of them, and the tool marks indicated an impossibility. Three distinct characteristics of the hole and core make the artifacts extremely remarkable. They are...1. A taper on both the hole and the core.2. A symmetrical helical groove following these tapers which showed that the drill advanced into the granite at a feed rate of .100 inch per revolution of the drill.3. The confounding fact that the spiral groove cut deeper through the quartz than through the softer feldspar. In conventional machining the reverse would be the case.Mr. Donald Rahn of Rahn Granite Surface Plate Co., Dayton, Ohio, told me, in 1983, that in drilling granite, diamond drills, rotating at 900 revolutions per minute, penetrate at the rate of 1 inch in 5 minutes. This works out to be .0002 inch per revolution, meaning that the ancient Egyptians were able to cut their granite with a feed rate that was 500 times greater.

Page 3

Guys, IDK HOw they did what they did, but ya dont Core granite with a hammer & chisel,,& ya sure dont leave a plug that came out of the tool that shows a penetration rate of 1 in 60.

I know, I know, we have all been taught that mankind has clawed itself up & we are at the pinnacle of ability & technology & none have been so advanced as are we,, YET,, the Big Pyramid, is 8 sided, not 4. & the Peri REis map shows Antarctica in extreme detail, showing the land edges, which we only recently discovered. There are stone carvings showing ALL the planets of the solar system & cut to scale, including Pluto, which was only discovered in the last few hundred years,,
Yhe Big Pyramid is set to TRue North within a fraction of a degree, its built more accurately than can be done today, & they didnt have the wheel? Okay,, well,, If they didnt have it, & they did all that, then, they didnt NEED it,.,Cuz you cant be smart enough to quarry stones & move them & make them fit the way the stones fit, I mean they FIT, not one side against another, but they fit everywhere,,No way stone hammers & bronze chisels did that, just no way.

Title: Re: Ancient stonework
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/27/12 at 22:59:45

I wish someone would take some good pics of this thing & run them thru a 3 d printer & see what happens if they spin that dude up to a few thousand RPM..

Title: Re: Ancient stonework
Post by Trippah on 10/28/12 at 14:09:12

You'd become dizzy??? :o

Title: Re: Ancient stonework
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/28/12 at 14:44:37

One thing IM not seeing here... No one seems ready to actually defend the history we've been taught, stones so huge, yet their sides fit so perfectly against the next one,,& if I was fitting parts like that, how many times would I have to test fit them? & How do ya do that with stuff so big?

C'mon folks, be honest,, do you really believe it was copper chisels & stone hammers? Really?

Title: Re: Ancient stonework
Post by Paraquat on 10/28/12 at 16:28:26

Having hand lapped metal parts I can tell you that no, it isn't that easy.


Title: Re: Ancient stonework
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/28/12 at 17:53:58

Well,, theres one answer.. anyone here actually believe what we were taught in school after having some time to really Look at the work & after some "Life Experiences" that allow us to be able to really appreciate what it means to have huge granite blocks fit together so perfectly AND to be able to create shafts running up at an angle thru a pyramid & have an internal room so perfectly built that even straight edges used to prove things are straight, not just the kind of stuff we can run buy, like a Starret ruler, which is a Way straight piece, but even more accurate than that & there is no light passing under. Inside 90* angles,, really? Cut so straight & clean,, with a Chisel?? Phhhhht,, No way,,
\How did they do it? IDK,, BUT,, it wasnt copper chisels,, but thats the oFISHYal story,.,even after its obviously BS..

Title: Re: Ancient stonework
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/29/12 at 03:20:38

Ohh,, & By th way,,no indicator pyramids were built as tombs, » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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