General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Technical maninipulation...

Message started by Serowbot on 09/05/12 at 23:10:19

Title: Technical maninipulation...
Post by Serowbot on 09/05/12 at 23:10:19

I used to work in media production... doing events, video, and sound re-enforcement...
All media/art,.. is manipulation...

In switching between networks,... I've noticed...
Fox,.. is alone in using full headphones and close directional mics... to minimise the the crowd enthusiasm during their DNC event coverage...
This equipment is not normally used in TV production... it's more appropriately used on airline runways,.. and by fighter pilots...
;D ;D ;D...

Many people won't notice... but, it is a manipulation of the reality of the event...
Minimise the enthusiasm...

They are there, to capture the event live... but, desperately want to subdue it...

Fox viewers... "We report, you decide",.. "Balanced and Unafraid"...
Manipulated reality...

If you watch Fox,.. you get half the story....
It's not news,... it's punditry...

Does anyone think that going to the trouble of covering an event, live,... then using extreme efforts to minimise the reactions to the event, is really "covering" the event?...
It isn't...
That,.. is using an event as wallpaper...

"We report, you decide",.. "Balanced and Unafraid"...  
"We decide, then report",..."Unbalanced, and afraid"...
Fox News,.. is Faux News...

Video, is even easier to manipulate... you just point it away from the truth...
Sound, goes all over....... you have to muffle it...
Fox does this, all the time...
They've even been known, to show crowd shots from a different event, while covering an event...  
If you watch them exclusively.... you are seeing a pie slice of the world...
... a very selective, pie slice...

Most everybody here... already knows this...
I'm not telling you, I know better...
It's just, that some people aren't aware when these tricks are played...
It seems like two truths... and a choice...
It isn't.... There is one truth... and one deception...
People trust that seeing and hearing is believing... but it isn't...

I'm just saying,.. click around...
See what either side might be hiding...
The truth is in the mix...

Title: Re: Technical maninipulation...
Post by tizzyfit on 09/05/12 at 23:35:40

Sorry, I didn't notice because I was watching the NY Giants VS. Cowboys NFL season opening game.  By the way, those democratic "women" that were on stage, as a group, which ruined my dinner, were no match for the cheerleaders on both sidelines. ::)

Title: Re: Technical maninipulation...
Post by Serowbot on 09/05/12 at 23:43:41

Come November,.. I hope you vote for the Giants... :-?...

Title: Re: Technical maninipulation...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/06/12 at 01:01:57

Those are interesting observations, Rowboat. YOure right to point out the majority would fail to grasp the importance of the equipment & to get to the propaganda pushing value of it. YOur eyes are clear in spotting the treachery of the enemy. Now, when you can see the treachery in the dems,, then youll be a lot closer to where I am.

did you see the vote count that caused such a stir?

He needed a 2/3rds majority of Yeas to pass it, called the vote 3 times, it was a 50/50 split, he just Said
The ayes have it.,

Title: Re: Technical maninipulation...
Post by WebsterMark on 09/06/12 at 05:30:48

did they use the same equipment (full headphones for example)  and techniques during the RNC?

Title: Re: Technical maninipulation...
Post by WebsterMark on 09/06/12 at 06:34:01

i'm not sure you're correct.

i just saw a story on this topic and your claim jumped out at me. Now, set aside the content of the topic being discussed. Discuss that in a different thread.

The fox interview is a little hard to hear clearly because of the noise in the background. I see no full headsets on either of the participants and the production value suffers due to that.  

Title: Re: Technical maninipulation...
Post by Serowbot on 09/06/12 at 07:42:29

I'm talking about these...

Normally used by color commentators at sporting events,.. but color commentators are usually off camera...
Fox had a five person panel on camera with them in post Clinton discussion...
No other news channels used them... at that time...

It's not a scandalous manipulation, or totally unethical...
Just a subtle way to allow them to ignore the crowd enthusiasm, and minimise it...
Still,.. it is a conscious production decision... that only Fox made...

Title: Re: Technical maninipulation...
Post by WebsterMark on 09/06/12 at 12:58:34

your point is moot unless you show they did NOT use the same equipment during the RNC. If they did not, then you might be on to something.

Title: Re: Technical maninipulation...
Post by Serowbot on 09/06/12 at 13:28:53

Maybe so.. I can't prove a negative...
I didn't see them use them at that time,... but, I didn't watch every minute...

I don't mean to assert a charge here...
I was just making an observation...  
When I saw they were using them, I started clicking around to see what everybody else was using...  and didn't find any others using them...
The end result would be less than dramatic,.. even subtle... but, all the more reason to wonder why bother?...

It was also Fox News that previously aired a conservative rally event, and showed crowd shots from a different event,.. with a much larger attendance...
Again,.. not diabolical... just a manipulation that distorts the reality...

It's been known to happen with other networks as well,... but not as often...

Anyway,.. not important... just an observation...
My point is,... no matter what side you're on, it's good to click around, to get the full picture...
.. but, particularly for conservatives, as they have only one source with their point of view...
Best not to be spoon-fed... :-?...

Title: Re: Technical maninipulation...
Post by WebsterMark on 09/06/12 at 16:27:01

Maybe so.. I can't prove a negative...

oh no... that's not the correct context for a can't prove a negative. You made a claimed fox was doing something to manipulate presentation for a particular goal.

I don't mean to assert a charge here...
I was just making an observation...

Of course you were making a charge. I think you should consider pulling an 'Akin' and apologize for saying something stupid and move on.

Title: Re: Technical maninipulation...
Post by Serowbot on 09/06/12 at 17:36:53

Apologize?... Nupe... ;D...

I was trying to be diplomatic...
Fox News is still Faux News.. and they do manipulate and lie in every way they can...

You should apologize for saying something stupid...

Title: Re: Technical maninipulation...
Post by WebsterMark on 09/06/12 at 18:33:02

I was trying to be diplomatic...

you were accusing fox news of something, but you didn't look to see if they did the same during the RNC so I wouldn't call that diplomatic.....

seems like a simple question to answer, but I'm thinking you don't want the answer... you'd rather have the issue.

Title: Re: Technical maninipulation...
Post by Serowbot on 09/06/12 at 21:20:42

as I said,.. I can't prove a negative...
It is impossible for me to find a photo or clip that proves a full headset was never for one second used at the RNC...  
I can easily show one without... but, that's not proof...

You see it as a simple thing,..
You prove a positive...
Show me a pic from the RNC... of a Fox anchor with one... the one I couldn't find...
All I could honestly say,.. is I couldn't find one, but can't definitively say one doesn't exist...

Some days,... you're even more foolish than I expect...

PS... more full headsets today,... only on Fox...
They're setting a new trend in fashion... ;D...

Title: Re: Technical maninipulation...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/06/12 at 22:44:53

Who does Tom Brokaw work for?

Web, seriously, to accuse someone of not wanting the truth so they can maintain a whirlwind of accusation really doesnt indicate they are the one with that particular character trait. Its more telling of the accuser. Especially when the person you accuse has demonstrated the tendency to listen & appreciate both sides. Rowboat has his angle that he sees things, but dont we all? I think he made a valid point AND left the door open to be ready to accept info that would make his observation meaningless. If you can show him something that makes his observation mean nothing, he will accept it. He has his eyes open & is looking for clues that would allow him to connect dots. If you have info that would contradict what the observation would lead a guyt to believe, offer it, dont blame him for not providing it.

Title: Re: Technical maninipulation...
Post by WebsterMark on 09/07/12 at 06:35:53

Web, seriously, to accuse someone of not wanting the truth so they can maintain a whirlwind of accusation really doesnt indicate they are the one with that particular character trait. Its more telling of the accuser. Especially when the person you accuse has demonstrated the tendency to listen & appreciate both sides

say what?....

Sew was accusing Fox News of deliberately manipulating the news. And when called on it, he’s mis-using the ‘can’t prove a negative defense’. And if you think Sew will accept the truth, what have you been smoking this morning……

I’m not going to spend time looking up photos. I’m just telling Sew his point is BS and is totally based on his partisan liberal leanings, nothing more. Yea, I get it; he’s another one of the “Faux News” groupies. There’s a surprise…..

you are way out in left field on this one JOG.

Title: Re: Technical maninipulation...
Post by Retread on 09/07/12 at 08:26:10

 To be fair.. MSNBC stretches the truth at times also, but not as blatent as Fox..

Title: Re: Technical maninipulation...
Post by WebsterMark on 09/08/12 at 03:36:26

To be fair.. MSNBC stretches the truth at times also, but not as blatent as Fox..

good joke. Got me laughing hard this morning.... nice way to start the day, thanks. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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