General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Will you be voting republican or democrat?

Message started by Paraquat on 08/31/12 at 06:07:59

Title: Will you be voting republican or democrat?
Post by Paraquat on 08/31/12 at 06:07:59

Who cares?
Has it made a difference which one you voted for?
End the duopoly.


Title: Re: Will you be voting republican or democrat?
Post by thumperclone on 08/31/12 at 08:00:42

reps,dems, sos different piles
like myself the majority of registered voters are not affiliated with any party

Title: Re: Will you be voting republican or democrat?
Post by srinath on 08/31/12 at 08:22:21

Hey, how many times have I told you ...

Dont vote, it just encourages the basterds.

OK fine vote for the basterd you want to encourage the most ... yea most ...

Vote against republicans ... and where it will hurt the most is in OH, PA, NC, VA, FL and it will hurt the most if the vote is cast for a democrat, instead of green or libertina (they make some darn good bras BTW before they stopped doing anything useful) ...


Title: Re: Will you be voting republican or democrat?
Post by Serowbot on 08/31/12 at 08:57:37

Economically,.. I don't think it makes a whole lot of difference...
Other than,.. Dem's would create more jobs by boosting infrastructure ...

But,.. the last Pres' got us in two wars... this one is getting us out...
Romney will put us in another... this one will keep us out...
That's money better invested in infrastructure and healthcare...
We're starting to look like a 3rd world country instead of a superpower...

Vote Obama...

Title: Re: Will you be voting republican or democrat?
Post by bill67 on 08/31/12 at 09:44:53

How do you know your vote is counted,I don't vote,If i new they were counted and they let be vote on what I want to vote on I would vote.I want to vote on if we bomb some country,if we give the rich taxes breaks,On the minimum wage.If we give bailouts to the big companies,Their a little grocery store close to me that could use a bailout,Do you think they might be able to get one.

Title: Re: Will you be voting republican or democrat?
Post by Serowbot on 08/31/12 at 09:54:30

Bill,.. if you vote, you can wonder if it counts...
if you don't vote,.. you can be sure it doesn't...

Is fatalism that important to you?... :-?...

Title: Re: Will you be voting republican or democrat?
Post by Paraquat on 08/31/12 at 11:11:04

Take a look at the track record:
Republicans = nuts
democrats = nuts

What was the definition of insanity?
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

You guys are killing me arguing between Romney and Obama.

It doesn't matter who votes, it matters who counts the votes. It doesn't even matter who wins. You've already lost.


Title: Re: Will you be voting republican or democrat?
Post by srinath on 08/31/12 at 11:28:56

6A7C6B766E7B766D190 wrote:
Economically,.. I don't think it makes a whole lot of difference...
Other than,.. Dem's would create more jobs by boosting infrastructure ...

But,.. the last Pres' got us in two wars... this one is getting us out...
Romney will put us in another... this one will keep us out...
That's money better invested in infrastructure and healthcare...
We're starting to look like a 3rd world country instead of a superpower...

Vote Obama...

Obama will build roads and infra and create jobs ...
Romney will get his rich friends to hire people and create jobs ...

Y'know, romney personally has created many many jobs ... lets see, a gardener X 5 for his 5 houses, then there is the cleaning ladies for all 5 houses. There has to be other jobs like that, many many others.
Obama has nothing like that sorta experience creating jobs. So obviously he's not creating jobs.

Corporations are just waiting for the suspense to be over. They absolutely cannot get by on sucking more time out of you and me ...

Either one wins you get the same effect out of corporate work. Wont make a difference.


Title: Re: Will you be voting republican or democrat?
Post by srinath on 08/31/12 at 11:32:09

6D5C4F5C4C485C493D0 wrote:
Take a look at the track record:
Republicans = nuts
democrats = nuts


Yea but what type of nut ?

Republicans = Nuts (who like to hand tax breaks to the super rich)
Democrats = Nuts (who like to hand over the keys to the Unions)

Now I cant say 1 is better than the other as a rule ... however in the current climate of massive income inequality and ultra low union participation in the US I can see it as a reason to swing toward the dems, however it can easily snowball in a few years.


Title: Re: Will you be voting republican or democrat?
Post by Paraquat on 08/31/12 at 19:25:29

The word I desire is but filtered out to "nuts". It's supposed to read shhhhhhhh-it.
My original point is that you guys are going back and forth with republicans vs democrats but it's time to break the cycle. Vote independent.


Title: Re: Will you be voting republican or democrat?
Post by Midnightrider on 08/31/12 at 19:44:50

I think I'll vote for Warren Buffet. Doubt if anybody can buy him out. He wants the rich to pay taxes and fire Congress and do away with all their benefits. Sounds like a plan to me.

Title: Re: Will you be voting republican or democrat?
Post by rfw2003 on 08/31/12 at 19:47:00

I think I'll write in Jimmy Buffet  :)

Title: Re: Will you be voting republican or democrat?
Post by heroicseven on 08/31/12 at 21:09:30

Past few years I've just written in my name and cross my fingers! ;D

Title: Re: Will you be voting republican or democrat?
Post by arteacher on 09/01/12 at 05:02:43

Being Canadian and therefore not voting in this election, I haven't been following the candidates platforms too closely.
I was forced to watch the last 20 min of Romney's acceptance speech (it pre-empted 2 1/2 Men) and it gave me the shivers.
Here's why:
He has been trained to manage his facial expressions when he speaks publicly, and therefore he does not look sincere. It also makes him look dis-honest. He looks like a puppet, and I kept waiting for the lines to appear at his jaw like a ventriloquist's dummy.
He also reminded me very much of Martin Sheen in the movie "The Dead Zone"- hence the shivers.  :o

Title: Re: Will you be voting republican or democrat?
Post by Drifter on 09/01/12 at 08:11:52

RFW, +1 Everyone should have a license to the bama Breeze!

Any vote is better than none at all, that is part of the plan piss everyone off so fewer vote, easier to control the few that do vote.

If it did not matter why would all these states be trying so hard to block people from voting??   VOTE it is your Right!!

Title: Re: Will you be voting republican or democrat?
Post by thumperclone on 09/01/12 at 09:28:36

7972727B7778796362160 wrote:
He has been trained to manage his facial expressions when he speaks publicly, and therefore he does not look sincere. It also makes him look dis-honest. He looks like a puppet, and I kept waiting for the lines to appear at his jaw like a ventriloquist's dummy.

hes the antichrist

Title: Re: Will you be voting republican or democrat?
Post by Midnightrider on 09/01/12 at 09:49:47

He's not intelligent enough to be the antichrist.

Title: Re: Will you be voting republican or democrat?
Post by Serowbot on 09/01/12 at 11:53:45

He's the rantichrist... :-?...

Title: Re: Will you be voting republican or democrat?
Post by srinath on 09/01/12 at 16:20:06

747F7F767A75746E6F1B0 wrote:
Being Canadian and therefore not voting in this election, I haven't been following the candidates platforms too closely.
I was forced to watch the last 20 min of Romney's acceptance speech (it pre-empted 2 1/2 Men) and it gave me the shivers.
Here's why:
He has been trained to manage his facial expressions when he speaks publicly, and therefore he does not look sincere. It also makes him look dis-honest. He looks like a puppet, and I kept waiting for the lines to appear at his jaw like a ventriloquist's dummy.
He also reminded me very much of Martin Sheen in the movie "The Dead Zone"- hence the shivers.  :o

I could not disagree more ...
Here is why ...
He does not looks sincere cos he is not.
He looks dishonest cos he is.
He wont have lines appear @ the sides of his mouth, cos he's too busy talking out of both sides of it.

Title: Re: Will you be voting republican or democrat?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/01/12 at 16:36:06

Vote Obamney, vote Rombamma, minor differences. I cant tell you what you Will see, but here is what you wont see.
You will not see any change in major policies. Our foreign "policy" of messin in others business will continue.
OUr debt will continue to skyrocket.
OUr rights will continue to be eroded, TSA will be in more places, groping & radiating us.
There will be roadblocks & military or militarized cops demanding proof of
citizenship & doing DWI checks. By roadblocks, I mean guard shacks, bulletproof guardshacks, set up by the road..not the little one hour things they do 100 miles from the border,
It was Ron Paul or descent into tyranny,.,

we didnt get Ron Paul

Title: Re: Will you be voting republican or democrat?
Post by Paraquat on 09/02/12 at 19:08:03

584741465B5C6D5D6D55474B00320 wrote:
There will be roadblocks & military or militarized cops demanding proof of
citizenship & doing DWI checks. By roadblocks, I mean guard shacks, bulletproof guardshacks, set up by the road..

Can't f'in wait.


Title: Re: Will you be voting republican or democrat?
Post by srinath on 09/02/12 at 19:40:30

2C3335322F2819291921333F74460 wrote:
Vote Obamney, vote Rombamma, minor differences. I cant tell you what you Will see, but here is what you wont see.
You will not see any change in major policies. Our foreign "policy" of messin in others business will continue.
OUr debt will continue to skyrocket.
OUr rights will continue to be eroded, TSA will be in more places, groping & radiating us.
There will be roadblocks & military or militarized cops demanding proof of
citizenship & doing DWI checks. By roadblocks, I mean guard shacks, bulletproof guardshacks, set up by the road..not the little one hour things they do 100 miles from the border,
It was Ron Paul or descent into tyranny,.,

we didnt get Ron Paul

No ... huge difference between Obama and Romney -
Debt will skyrocket with both ... but Obama will give it to the unions. Romney will give it to the rich.
Ron Paul has 1 good idea, kick out the illegals and rescind the 14th amendment. The rest of his Ideas are really really 3 years and a whole world too late.
No one is going to put up check points and guard shacks everywhere ... unless Romney privatises the justice system and the "rent-a-cops" are paid for each scalp they bring in ... but seriously speaking, we are having police dept's get killed and de funded into being nothing but paper pushers ... I doubt cops will set up anything ... heck there may be some criminal enterprise going that way ... after all the parking lot business seems to have been taken over by them atleast in charlotte.

Title: Re: Will you be voting republican or democrat?
Post by srinath on 09/03/12 at 05:17:52

Oh yea debt will sky rocket under romney and he will give it to the rich while he professes small govt and less debt.
Obama will give it as handouts but not be trying to reduce the debt or shrink govt.

Title: Re: Will you be voting republican or democrat?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/03/12 at 09:00:12

That pretty much adds up to the same result, which makes them the same.,

Title: Re: Will you be voting republican or democrat?
Post by WebsterMark on 09/04/12 at 04:52:57

5 reasons out of 689 not to have Hopey around for a 2nd term...

1)      Because Julia needs to get off her lazy, federally subsidized butt, get a real job, and pay for her own darned birth-control pills.
2)      Because lots of people fail at their first real job.
3)      Because the country is ready for its first African-American former president.
4)      To give him the free time to write his third memoir.
5)      So that dissent will once again be the highest form of patriotism.

5 is my favorite.....  Starting in January next year, my neighbors can dig out of their basements all those 'not in my name' and 'war is not the answer' yard signs that have been gathering dust for the past 4 years while our Nobel Peace Prize winning president continues the same policies Bush put together...

Title: Re: Will you be voting republican or democrat?
Post by srinath on 09/04/12 at 05:27:08

5E6C6B7A7D6C7B44687B62090 wrote:

Nobel Peace Prize winning president continues the same policies Bush put together...

See this would be my #1 reason ... except the landscape has changed ... drastically.
When Bush did it interest rates were pushing 5% on US bonds and our credibility and currency were under threat.
Now its effectively -ve and our currency has never been stronger. Our credibility OTOH thanks to the inability to intervene in libya and syria cos our military is stretched thin - people are asking WTF is the US thinking, they go to wars against 2 countries on the flimsiest of excuses and then dont support a genuine freedom movement, Where are their priorities.

Good points web keep em comming.

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