General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> What I posted on my Facebook page

Message started by Pine on 08/30/12 at 06:08:14

Title: What I posted on my Facebook page
Post by Pine on 08/30/12 at 06:08:14

I have decided... I cannot in good conscious vote the Republician nominee. This is too much. Anyone who tows the party line " Anyone to get Obama out" is wrong. VERY WRONG. Anyone that would partake in the very essence of evil that the Republician party has done, is far worse than anything Obama has or can do. The "party" has been great for Romney... but this election has destroyed any faith that MANY MANY people would for the "party". Only two types can vote for Romney, monied elite ... and fools.

Title: Re: What I posted on my Facebook page
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/30/12 at 08:15:27

I agree that a vote for Romney is a bad vote, but I feel the same about Bammy. At least Romney wont have his "machine" set up when he gets in. Bammy has his & another 4 years of him will be very bad. Which will be worse? Your guess is as good as mine, If I bother to vote at all, Ill vote Libertarian or Ron Paul, but there is No Way Im gonna ASK someone to give me either one of the establishment creeps.,

Title: Re: What I posted on my Facebook page
Post by Serowbot on 08/30/12 at 09:31:13

Good for you, Pine...
Sorry he's such a lousy candidate, but he truly is...
He's running on a platform that is opposite everything he's ever stood for...
Every solution he has, is explained with a vague, patriotic bumper sticker cliche'...
The only clear message I get is, lower taxes for the rich, and trickle down a solution...

I admired John McCain, until he ran.... then, he threw all his ideals away, and went lockstep with the radical party line.. all the while trying to retain his "maverick" status in name only...
He did, at least, correct a couple of Obama haters during his speeches...
That was the old McCain coming out...
Not that I agreed with him most of the time, but I believed he acted on principal...

Romney just wants to be President too much... He'll say or do anything he's told...

This election is the Republican party's dying gasp... It's the last election that they will have as a viable party...
They will either become more mainstream or die....
The demographic of the electorate has changed...
Every year, the number of young, educated, and minority grows...
... and the electorate shifts more liberal...
Rep's know, they can't win now, without a heavy handed voter suppression...
Romney was chosen for his ability to raise funds, instead of his ability to lead...
He's a puppet candidate, and would be a puppet president...

Title: Re: What I posted on my Facebook page
Post by srinath on 08/30/12 at 09:44:55

Ron paul's idea about the bailout especially were spot on in 08. Why ?

Interest rates were near 5% and threatening to rise.
The euro was strong and threatening to become the world's currency of choice.

The smart $ was on lower debt and to cut govt and entitlements.
They started the tea party to save the rich from the problems brought on by a USD currency run.

Yet when Bush handed out the 1.5 trillion in bail outs he was credited with saving the economy. Obama handed out the last 800 billion of it and promptly got slammed for expanding government.

In 2012 the euro is on the verge of collapse.
There is no currency run on the USD, in fact the flight has been to USD, and effective interest rates have been -ve. 1.7% interest when inflation is near 5% is net -3%.

The smart thing to do when someone is paying you to take their $ is ... you guessed it - take it. Tea party and ron paul's idea now sounds badly out of tune.

However I do agree with RP's 17th amendment removal. Maybe that alone is enough to vote for RP ... however a Vote for RP is not a vote against RR (Ryan Romney). The whole TEA idea is completely out of time.

Where were they when the bushies went to war against 2 countries 1/2 way around the world on fake evidence.
Where were they when 1.5 trillion was handed out to Goldman Sachs via AIG, and other bank bail outs.

The euro is cooked, and over the next 4 years it will get worse, not better.
The USD is getting stronger and is even more firmly in place as the reserve currency, and there is no rick of USD becoming the next yen with a $$$ carry trade.
The interest rates are going to fall, china is slowing down, euro is cooked, and it will be cheaper and cheaper to borrow and inflation which is still bloody low isn;t going to rise any time soon either. -3% interest will become -4, and -5 ... borrow away.

Obama's big government and the infrastructure projects and public transit etc etc are all going to be the back bone of the new america ... I see the roads crumbling, bridges needing more maintenance etc etc ... we are better off doing it when china wants to give us $$$ in exchange for paper saying we owe you USD and pay us a 3% interest for keeping it.
I think Obama is more in tune with the reality of the world, I think Mitt would be if he wasn't shackled by the TEA party, and RP has 1 idea and no more aces in the hole. BTW you do know that RP is credited with starting the TEA party, but he has distanced himself from them in a hurry starting 10-11 right ?

I dunno the 17th amendment is one awful one, needs to be tossed IMHO. Or amended.


Title: Re: What I posted on my Facebook page
Post by Serowbot on 08/30/12 at 09:56:04

I don't understand... what's the big deal with the 17th amendment?...
It just deals with the election of senators, right?...
Please explain... :-?...

Title: Re: What I posted on my Facebook page
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/30/12 at 09:57:50

The TEA party was coopted by neocons,, its nothing even cl;ose to what it was when it started.

Title: Re: What I posted on my Facebook page
Post by srinath on 08/30/12 at 10:13:15

5640574A52474A51250 wrote:
I don't understand... what's the big deal with the 17th amendment?...
It just deals with the election of senators, right?...
Please explain... :-?...

No I thought the 17th grants citizenship by virtue of being born here, thereby spawning the anchor baby movement. In effect making people undeportable till the brats turn 18, and by that time the brats have worst of both, the work ethic of a modern day 18 year old and the skills of their parents.
Oddly enough 1/2 the babies born to American-Indian parents of my generation atleast are born in India. Like the mom when she's 2-3 months pregnant will go to india and return when the baby is 2-3 months old. My In laws were pestering my wife to do that instead of moving to NC from CA with me. Cos we at tha ttime had our green cards we could have done that, but we decided we are not.

Anyway only when the parents have legal status the baby should be given citizenship. If they were Illegal they should be given a hospital bill and only allowed to walk out of the hospital if they paid it. If nto they get deported. Right there baby and all.


Title: Re: What I posted on my Facebook page
Post by WebsterMark on 08/30/12 at 10:16:38

Romney just wants to be President too much... He'll say or do anything he's told...

This election is the Republican party's dying gasp... It's the last election that they will have as a viable party...
They will either become more mainstream or die....
The demographic of the electorate has changed...
Every year, the number of young, educated, and minority grows...
... and the electorate shifts more liberal...
Rep's know, they can't win now, without a heavy handed voter suppression...
Romney was chosen for his ability to raise funds, instead of his ability to lead...
He's a puppet candidate, and would be a puppet president...

Geez... you guys are so freaking far out of touch with reality, it's comical..

Let's go back in time two years. In that election; Republicans had the largest one party gain since 1948. It was the biggest lost for a sitting president in 50+ years. One of the speakers last night was the first Latina elected governor. Another one became the first Indian-American elected governor, in fact, she was the first non-white male elected to governor in South Carolina. Republicans gained control over more state legislatures since 1928.

Fast foward two short years: Hopey's debt is skyrocketing out of control. Unemployment has gotten worse, not better. The entire hope and change BS has been exposed for what it was; sperficial nonsense hyped by a willing media. Hopey pushed thru a 2,000 page bill in the middle of the night with 0 input or votes from the other side. At every turn, he divides the nation based on class or race.

And you think this is the Republican's last gasp? Are you kidding? Is this where you put one of those goofy smiley faces with a puzzled look?

Title: Re: What I posted on my Facebook page
Post by srinath on 08/30/12 at 10:19:39

So sorry - google to the rescue -

The Fourteenth Amendment to the U. S. Constitution reads:

Section 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."

That should be predicated on the parents being here legally as Ron Paul sees it. And I agree.


Title: Re: What I posted on my Facebook page
Post by srinath on 08/30/12 at 10:23:20

4F5056514C4B7A4A7A42505C17250 wrote:
The TEA party was coopted by neocons,, its nothing even cl;ose to what it was when it started.

Well if you call Grover Norquvist and the Koch brothers Neocons - then yes. I just call them super rich who want to stay that way by using the very catchy slogan based party.

TEA - man that sounds so cool and historic and precise and very catchy. And by contrast -

Occupy Wall street - sounds clunky and really really local to one small lane in one corner of the country.


Title: Re: What I posted on my Facebook page
Post by Serowbot on 08/30/12 at 10:28:49

4C7E79686F7E69567A69701B0 wrote:
And you think this is the Republican's last gasp? Are you kidding? Is this where you put one of those goofy smiley faces with a puzzled look?

Who votes liberal?... the young,.. minorities,... single women,.. college educated...
All growing populations...

Who votes conservative?... middle aged white males... Southern evangelists,... and to some extent the elderly... and the 1% rich...

You're more outnumbered every election...

Srinath,.. it's the 14th amendment...
I get it now... ;)...

Title: Re: What I posted on my Facebook page
Post by srinath on 08/30/12 at 10:33:46

467473626574635C70637A110 wrote:
And you think this is the Republican's last gasp? Are you kidding? Is this where you put one of those goofy smiley faces with a puzzled look?

I agree with Web - man that felt weird ... here is why -

The republicans have an extremely well funded campaign thanks to the rich people who have handed them billions because they would be making billions when they are swept into office, they have redistricted their positions into where the loss margins are huge and the victory margins are small there by getting votes in crucial districts, and making more inroads into congress, and have clinched the bible belt with their strict adherence to the bible and they will outspend the democrats 10 to 1. The 2010 election was a good one to win @ the local and governer's levels for the GOP.

Then there is the voter suppression movement under the guise of fraud prevention.

The democrats I think are going to get waxed and I'd say its their fault. They were caught napping @ the 2010 local elections, fundraising (no chance anyway here) and seriously they mis handled the occupy wall street situation as well. They should have atleast prevented security from tearing the encampments down.

I thing democrats have a 10yr hiatus now.


Title: Re: What I posted on my Facebook page
Post by WebsterMark on 08/30/12 at 10:39:57

the young,.. minorities,... single women,.. college educated...

not to the degree they did in 2008. They were fooled and they know it.
All those groups are not lining up behind Hopey in November. They just are not going to do it. Your days of counting on stupid voters are over.
The economy has caused many of those groups to grow up, get a little smarter. They are realizing liberals bring a small part of what's needed to the table, but ultimately, it's the grownups who are needed right now. Sorry, but Hopeys going to be a one termer.

I don't think Romney will be able to erase obamacare, (regardless of what he says)  but they'll change enough of it that we'll get back on firm footing to start some real healthcare change. The fact is; Democrats are going to have to change from the mean spirited race baiters they are to a group that has some answers other than tax the rich.  Money will start easing up from corporations who don't trust Hopey and there will begin a slow turnaround.

Title: Re: What I posted on my Facebook page
Post by Pine on 08/30/12 at 10:49:17

5B696E7F78697E416D7E670C0 wrote:
Romney just wants to be President too much... He'll say or do anything he's told...

This election is the Republican party's dying gasp... It's the last election that they will have as a viable party...
They will either become more mainstream or die....
The demographic of the electorate has changed...
Every year, the number of young, educated, and minority grows...
... and the electorate shifts more liberal...
Rep's know, they can't win now, without a heavy handed voter suppression...
Romney was chosen for his ability to raise funds, instead of his ability to lead...
He's a puppet candidate, and would be a puppet president...

Geez... you guys are so freaking far out of touch with reality, it's comical..

Let's go back in time two years. In that election; Republicans had the largest one party gain since 1948. It was the biggest lost for a sitting president in 50+ years. One of the speakers last night was the first Latina elected governor. Another one became the first Indian-American elected governor, in fact, she was the first non-white male elected to governor in South Carolina. Republicans gained control over more state legislatures since 1928.

Fast foward two short years: Hopey's debt is skyrocketing out of control. Unemployment has gotten worse, not better. The entire hope and change BS has been exposed for what it was; sperficial nonsense hyped by a willing media. Hopey pushed thru a 2,000 page bill in the middle of the night with 0 input or votes from the other side. At every turn, he divides the nation based on class or race.

And you think this is the Republican's last gasp? Are you kidding? Is this where you put one of those goofy smiley faces with a puzzled look?

As a former republician... yes. The party has gone too far. More than likely there will be a split, otherwise it will simply diminish. Those in power of the RNC, are there for the power only, zero principles. Its a harsh tactic.. I am being taught how this all works myself. Basically, we had one guy go to lobbiest school.

For example:
All politicans fit in model
100% agree with your ideals
50% agree with your ideals
0 neither agree nor disagree
50% disagree
100% disagree

Old school thining would be to try and convince the bottom three to change.

New school is to harrass the only the second group ( 50% agree). make them either fit the top tier, or retaliate and work to make them loose to one of the bottom three.  This scares them .. and the top to stay in line. It also casts fear on the 0 group.  The bottom two dont care and will benfit from the tactic, short term.

This is what the RNC is doing to itself. Either you support Romney, or your out... period.

This will cull all those not willing to be 100%. But it does so at the expense of the overall party... it creates that situation that could not otherwise create itself ... groundswell support for a third party, either by splitting off, or new.

interesting time ahead...

Title: Re: What I posted on my Facebook page
Post by Serowbot on 08/30/12 at 10:50:58

4B4A5156594C50380 wrote:
I thing democrats have a 10yr hiatus now.


Geez... I sure hope you're wrong...
Ten more years of rich tax cuts and unfunded war, and we're toast...
We'll be up to 100 million uninsured,.. all safety nets will be gone...

Web,.. you mean Romney won't be able to stop, Romneycare?...
;D ;D ;D...

Title: Re: What I posted on my Facebook page
Post by srinath on 08/30/12 at 10:53:34

OK I know of a guy who's a mechanic, really not wealthy and not likely to get there anytime soon, and he's a single issue voter ... he's voting republican cos he's a gun lover. That's all that matters to him. There is a good many that are this way, I'd say there is where Romney is going to win.

Title: Re: What I posted on my Facebook page
Post by WebsterMark on 08/30/12 at 11:01:44

This is what the RNC is doing to itself. Either you support Romney, or your out... period.

and Pine are you under some kind of impression the DNC is any different? Would you like to find an equal number of national pro-life Democrats as there are national pro-choice Republicans?
The Democrats are far and away the less tolerant party.

As a former republician... yes. The party has gone too far.  The Republican party has not changed much. You're being influenced by media reports. What significant change has there been in 25 years?

Title: Re: What I posted on my Facebook page
Post by Serowbot on 08/30/12 at 11:14:57

I can't believe anyone supports this guy...
He supported Roe v Wade,... now he don't...
He invented Romneycare,... now he'll overturn it...
He says he's for everything he was against, and against everything he was ever for...
He's bought and paid for...
... and he's got no plan for anything beyond saying he's gonna' fix it...
... and he's gonna' make everyone but him and his 1% pay for the debt and his tax cuts...
... and his life story is one of privilege, bullying, animal cruelty, corporate vulturism, and constant lies...  

On the plus side,.. he's comfortable in a suit... and he was born here... :-?...

Title: Re: What I posted on my Facebook page
Post by Pine on 08/30/12 at 12:05:39

7F4D4A5B5C4D5A65495A43280 wrote:
This is what the RNC is doing to itself. Either you support Romney, or your out... period.

and Pine are you under some kind of impression the DNC is any different? Would you like to find an equal number of national pro-life Democrats as there are national pro-choice Republicans?
The Democrats are far and away the less tolerant party.

As a former republician... yes. The party has gone too far.  The Republican party has not changed much. You're being influenced by media reports. What significant change has there been in 25 years?

First agreed that the democrat party has its own issues. My mother was state chair for the DNC years ago. She is still democrat... but much much wiser.

Second... no I am certainly NOT influenced by media.. I barely consume mainstream media. Simply no substance to them.

Third; If I do not base my position on the media what then?
I was elected as the 2nd ward republician rep back in the spring
I attended the county level repubilican convention
I attended the state republician convention
Very few non Romney supporters made it to the National convention

At the Tampa convention the rules were changed
a candidate needed 5 state to be on the nomination
Ron Paul had 6
The RNC change the rule to a minimum of 8
Ron Paul had already giving up, but being on the list would have allowed him a 15 minute speach. The rule was done to censor him.

In LA, the presiding Rep convention was voted out by the Ron Paul supporters. At that time the Rep convention Romney supporters, attempted to end the convention, in the scuffle the hip of the Ron Paul supporter that won the postion was broken. This type of action in several states. In our state, a vote was taken adopt rules as handed out 5 minutes prior. Buried in the rules: a person must be PRE-APPROVED to be eligable to go to State convention. Only those that were on the inside knew the rule. The daughter of the secretary... the son of a Romney supporter now working for the Romney machine in Boston.. ect.. In fact being elected and attending the county convention... not required. In short the state convention attendees was already determined prior to the county convention.  The national conventin attendees was drawn from that pool.. but only since the whole thing was rigged er.. pre- dertermined, even that list was known.  

Is that the party working of 25 years ago?? Maybe, I have only recently jumped into this. What I do know... I have all my info first hand. I know, people who once would have supported the republicians.. are now looking for alternatives. We have been vicisouly cast aside. Working inside the party did not work.

Do not think of the group I am aligning myself with as "do gooders", or all inclusive. This is the not the hippy/free love/pot smoking.. Liberty group of old. The stakes are too high, the game too rough. We didn't make the rules... we didn't invent the tactics. We have been schooled the hard way.  Welcome to Liberty with a vengence.

Title: Re: What I posted on my Facebook page
Post by LostArtist on 08/30/12 at 12:30:33

7D6264637E7948784870626E25170 wrote:
I agree that a vote for Romney is a bad vote, but I feel the same about Bammy. At least Romney wont have his "machine" set up when he gets in. Bammy has his & another 4 years of him will be very bad. Which will be worse? Your guess is as good as mine, If I bother to vote at all, Ill vote Libertarian or Ron Paul, but there is No Way Im gonna ASK someone to give me either one of the establishment creeps.,

vote libertarian for the LIBERTARIAN candidate!  they have one, his name is Gary Johnson, or just move into Ron Paul's bedroom already and get it over with.  mister libertarian but only if it's Ron Paul, and that's why libertarians can't make a difference, they are too fragmented within their own establishment

Title: Re: What I posted on my Facebook page
Post by srinath on 08/30/12 at 13:20:02

Libertarians are very very out of touch ... was quaint and cool 150 years ago ... but we cant get that back ... there is china dumping their inferior merchandise @ dirt cheap prices, there is 80 million illegals, there is money with a net -ve interest rate floating around our govt. Really I dont see anyreason we cant use one to beat the other to rip off the third and blow out the fourth ... cos they are trying to do that to us.

I'd raise taxes on the rich, lower interest rates even further, borrow more and hand our creditors more worthless paper, and build our infrastructure and have slave labor illegals waiting for the collapse of china.
The way out of this mess is over the carcass of china, sorry that's the way out, it is paved with the labor of slaves (illegals) and built with $ we got from the chinese @ negative interest rates. Till then we need to keep our talent pool viable and our labor force active and supported via the safety net.


Title: Re: What I posted on my Facebook page
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/30/12 at 20:18:29

45667A7D487B7D607A7D090 wrote:
[quote author=7D6264637E7948784870626E25170 link=1346332094/0#1 date=1346339727]I agree that a vote for Romney is a bad vote, but I feel the same about Bammy. At least Romney wont have his "machine" set up when he gets in. Bammy has his & another 4 years of him will be very bad. Which will be worse? Your guess is as good as mine, If I bother to vote at all, Ill vote Libertarian or Ron Paul, but there is No Way Im gonna ASK someone to give me either one of the establishment creeps.,

Uhh,, how about you cool your jets & try READING my post,., I know theres a Libertarian guy, AND then theres RP, I just couldnt think od Garys name at the moment,

&, while we are one the subject,, Im thinking Ill either just not vote, because the system is rigged & Im sick of it, Or, Ill vote Mitt,, cuz I already know what Bammys like,, I have a Pretty good idea what Mitts gonna do, & thats gonna Hurt, too..But I KNOW who Bammy is & I KNOW we cant take another 4 years of that..& we are NOT getting anyone else, its Bammy or Mitt, & I KNOW Bammy sucks,,

vote libertarian for the LIBERTARIAN candidate!  they have one, his name is Gary Johnson, or just move into Ron Paul's bedroom already and get it over with.  mister libertarian but only if it's Ron Paul, and that's why libertarians can't make a difference, they are too fragmented within their own establishment [/quote]

Title: Re: What I posted on my Facebook page
Post by LostArtist on 08/30/12 at 20:53:22

786761667B7C4D7D4D75676B20120 wrote:
[quote author=45667A7D487B7D607A7D090 link=1346332094/15#19 date=1346355033][quote author=7D6264637E7948784870626E25170 link=1346332094/0#1 date=1346339727]I agree that a vote for Romney is a bad vote, but I feel the same about Bammy. At least Romney wont have his "machine" set up when he gets in. Bammy has his & another 4 years of him will be very bad. Which will be worse? Your guess is as good as mine, If I bother to vote at all, Ill vote Libertarian or Ron Paul, but there is No Way Im gonna ASK someone to give me either one of the establishment creeps.,

Uhh,, how about you cool your jets & try READING my post,., I know theres a Libertarian guy, AND then theres RP, I just couldnt think od Garys name at the moment,

&, while we are one the subject,, Im thinking Ill either just not vote, because the system is rigged & Im sick of it, Or, Ill vote Mitt,, cuz I already know what Bammys like,, I have a Pretty good idea what Mitts gonna do, & thats gonna Hurt, too..But I KNOW who Bammy is & I KNOW we cant take another 4 years of that..& we are NOT getting anyone else, its Bammy or Mitt, & I KNOW Bammy sucks,,

vote libertarian for the LIBERTARIAN candidate!  they have one, his name is Gary Johnson, or just move into Ron Paul's bedroom already and get it over with.  mister libertarian but only if it's Ron Paul, and that's why libertarians can't make a difference, they are too fragmented within their own establishment [/quote]

sorry JOG, I read this wrong "Ill vote Libertarian or Ron Paul"  I read it as: Ill vote Libertarian for Ron Paul

sorry dude   :(  i suck

Title: Re: What I posted on my Facebook page
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/31/12 at 04:06:04

No, man,, its cool,..

Title: Re: What I posted on my Facebook page
Post by WebsterMark on 08/31/12 at 05:28:50

Pine; making laws IS like making sausage. It's dirty and ugly. But the ugly nature that comes out in the process doesn't change the end result. If the process and not the end result is what turns you away, then you’ll turn away from the other side as well. Anytime there is a large organization, this stuff happens. It’s unavoidable.

The day to day ‘sausage’ making is not what makes up a political party. It’s the positions and goals they work for. Those goals are never fully reached and often watered down to make them more palatable for the masses, but the idea is to keep inching forward. We’ve not inched forward the past four years, we’ve fallen backwards.

If you watched Clint Eastwood's surprising ramble last night, you can understand why the RNC wanted to muzzle Ron Paul. He’s a loose cannon and an embarrassment when it comes to foreign policy. I know Jog’s a big fan of Paul and as I’ve said, Paul brings a lot to the table, but he was an unknown factor and the convention is the political equivalent of a Broadway Show. His supporters can have a little bit of the ‘occupy WS’ fever in them. The goal is to unite to defeat the worst president since Jimmy Carter, if not worse.

Title: Re: What I posted on my Facebook page
Post by LostArtist on 08/31/12 at 06:05:37

I like Ron Paul's foreign policy

Title: Re: What I posted on my Facebook page
Post by srinath on 08/31/12 at 11:53:03

4A787F6E69786F507C6F761D0 wrote:
Pine; making laws IS like making sausage. It's dirty and ugly. But the ugly nature that comes out in the process doesn't change the end result. If the process and not the end result is what turns you away, then you’ll turn away from the other side as well. Anytime there is a large organization, this stuff happens. It’s unavoidable.

The day to day ‘sausage’ making is not what makes up a political party. It’s the positions and goals they work for. Those goals are never fully reached and often watered down to make them more palatable for the masses, but the idea is to keep inching forward. We’ve not inched forward the past four years, we’ve fallen backwards.

If you watched Clint Eastwood's surprising ramble last night, you can understand why the RNC wanted to muzzle Ron Paul. He’s a loose cannon and an embarrassment when it comes to foreign policy. I know Jog’s a big fan of Paul and as I’ve said, Paul brings a lot to the table, but he was an unknown factor and the convention is the political equivalent of a Broadway Show. His supporters can have a little bit of the ‘occupy WS’ fever in them. The goal is to unite to defeat the worst president since Jimmy Carter, if not worse.

What ... Ron paul has a foreign policy ... really ... no ...

Oh yea, close up all the doors and pull up the bridges and put the alligators in the moats ... yes that, Ok good policy.  ;D

Worst president since jimmy carter only to the extreme right, in fact he's not even the worst president in this century if you ask most level headed people.

Get this into your impenetrable skull.

The TEA party has hijacked the common sense in the republican party. And 10 freaking years too late. Obama took office when interest rates were near 4-5% just a hair ahead of inflation. Through the Bush years they dropped slowly from 7 to 5. That was the time to stop the expansion of govt. It is really irrelevant what the govt's debt load is as long as -
1. Its designated in USD.
2. Effective Interest rates are below nominal inflation.

I am the stingiest and the most fiscally conservative person I know.
I will not borrow to do anything ... the only outstanding loan I have is my house. I have been debt and payment free since 1998. If the bank was handing me $$$ and saying we'll pay you $1 to take our $100 and when you return it you can just print $100 on a piece of paper (AKA printing money) and give it to us - guess what - I'll be buying houses, yachts, and partying like Romney has lost already.

Debt, irrelevant, economy irrelevant, china the new USSR and the USA needs to keep its work and talent force intact for 10 years and we can blitz the chinese out of the world with their own $. Guess what will be the result after that ... china lending us even more.

It would have been good to have been TEA in 2001 - 2008, in 2012 it is just stupid.


Title: Re: What I posted on my Facebook page
Post by LostArtist on 08/31/12 at 12:53:01

484952555A4F533B0 wrote:
[quote author=4A787F6E69786F507C6F761D0 link=1346332094/15#24 date=1346416130]Pine; making laws IS like making sausage. It's dirty and ugly. But the ugly nature that comes out in the process doesn't change the end result. If the process and not the end result is what turns you away, then you’ll turn away from the other side as well. Anytime there is a large organization, this stuff happens. It’s unavoidable.

The day to day ‘sausage’ making is not what makes up a political party. It’s the positions and goals they work for. Those goals are never fully reached and often watered down to make them more palatable for the masses, but the idea is to keep inching forward. We’ve not inched forward the past four years, we’ve fallen backwards.

If you watched Clint Eastwood's surprising ramble last night, you can understand why the RNC wanted to muzzle Ron Paul. He’s a loose cannon and an embarrassment when it comes to foreign policy. I know Jog’s a big fan of Paul and as I’ve said, Paul brings a lot to the table, but he was an unknown factor and the convention is the political equivalent of a Broadway Show. His supporters can have a little bit of the ‘occupy WS’ fever in them. The goal is to unite to defeat the worst president since Jimmy Carter, if not worse.

What ... Ron paul has a foreign policy ... really ... no ...

Oh yea, close up all the doors and pull up the bridges and put the alligators in the moats ... yes that, Ok good policy.  ;D

Worst president since jimmy carter only to the extreme right, in fact he's not even the worst president in this century if you ask most level headed people.

Get this into your impenetrable skull.

The TEA party has hijacked the common sense in the republican party. And 10 freaking years too late. Obama took office when interest rates were near 4-5% just a hair ahead of inflation. Through the Bush years they dropped slowly from 7 to 5. That was the time to stop the expansion of govt. It is really irrelevant what the govt's debt load is as long as -
1. Its designated in USD.
2. Effective Interest rates are below nominal inflation.

I am the stingiest and the most fiscally conservative person I know.
I will not borrow to do anything ... the only outstanding loan I have is my house. I have been debt and payment free since 1998. If the bank was handing me $$$ and saying we'll pay you $1 to take our $100 and when you return it you can just print $100 on a piece of paper (AKA printing money) and give it to us - guess what - I'll be buying houses, yachts, and partying like Romney has lost already.

Debt, irrelevant, economy irrelevant, china the new USSR and the USA needs to keep its work and talent force intact for 10 years and we can blitz the chinese out of the world with their own $. Guess what will be the result after that ... china lending us even more.

It would have been good to have been TEA in 2001 - 2008, in 2012 it is just stupid.


yeah, the TEA party is a little slow/late  :P

Title: Re: What I posted on my Facebook page
Post by srinath on 08/31/12 at 13:04:40

Atleast change the name - like Titties, Excess and Alcohol.
Yea, That I can get after.
Hey its still TEA.


Title: Re: What I posted on my Facebook page
Post by Serowbot on 08/31/12 at 18:20:37

Srin,.. you're Indian,.. you have to like tea... :-?...

In England,.. they put tea in yer' baby bottle...
(that's how they wean you from mothers milk)...;D... » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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