General Category >> The Cafe >> Super Powers...

Message started by Serowbot on 08/29/12 at 11:27:30

Title: Super Powers...
Post by Serowbot on 08/29/12 at 11:27:30

Well,.. they don't all make superheros,... but it's pretty cool...
... and it's another waste of 2 min of yer' life... :-?...


Title: Re: Super Powers...
Post by on 08/29/12 at 13:26:00

So, how does he manage to draw dotted lines with a piece of chalk?

Title: Re: Super Powers...
Post by bill67 on 08/29/12 at 13:44:39

He is pretty smart,He got the answers really fast.

Title: Re: Super Powers...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/29/12 at 16:09:00

686A7D6E636B21677A68676A7C0F0 wrote:
So, how does he manage to draw dotted lines with a piece of chalk?

He pushes it at an angle that makes it chatter.

Title: Re: Super Powers...
Post by Paraquat on 08/29/12 at 16:17:33

I bet his wife loves him.


Title: Re: Super Powers...
Post by ToesNose on 08/29/12 at 22:10:28

Thanks Serowbot, that's just what I needed to help me go to sleep  ;)

Title: Re: Super Powers...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/29/12 at 22:16:40

I have a math problem Ive never even tried to solve.

A tire, rolling at 60 MPH, top of the tire is moving forward at 120 MPH, bottom, zero. Put a dot on the tire & graph its speed thru one revolution.
Is that gonna be a sine wave?
How different would the graph look with different tire diameters?

Title: Re: Super Powers...
Post by Serowbot on 08/29/12 at 22:49:42

26393F3825221323132B39357E4C0 wrote:
I have a math problem Ive never even tried to solve.

A tire, rolling at 60 MPH, top of the tire is moving forward at 120 MPH, bottom, zero. Put a dot on the tire & graph its speed thru one revolution.
Is that gonna be a sine wave?
How different would the graph look with different tire diameters?

Nope,... straight as an arrow,.. but you'll end up with an 172ft long tire...
Prolly kinda' skinny...:-?...

Title: Re: Super Powers...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/29/12 at 23:21:34

The speed goes from zero to 120 mph & back to zero. The forward progress of that dot,, at the top & bottom, I can get it, at 90* on either side of the axle, 60 MPH, but that spot, the first few degrees as the dot comes up off the asphalt really gets me,

Title: Re: Super Powers...
Post by Cavi Mike on 08/30/12 at 04:47:26

It will look like more like an AC wave that's been rectified but not a rectified sine wave either. In a rectified sine wave the "dot" is moving its fastest as it's approaching zero and slowest at its peak. It's the opposite in the weird wave you described - it's moving fastest at its peak and slowest at zero. It will look more like a lower-case 'm' than a rectified sine-wave.

Title: Re: Super Powers...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/30/12 at 07:37:24

mmmmmmmm   Yea,, it would, woodnitt? But where my head gets all scrambled is in the area where the dot is just coming up off the asphalt.

Im really not following the rectified thing.. in school, after an ac wave went thru a rectumfrier it came out flat,

Title: Re: Super Powers...
Post by Serowbot on 08/30/12 at 08:10:00

4D5254534E4978487840525E15270 wrote:
I have a math problem Ive never even tried to solve.

A tire, rolling at 60 MPH, top of the tire is moving forward at 120 MPH, bottom, zero. Put a dot on the tire & graph its speed thru one revolution.
Is that gonna be a sine wave?
How different would the graph look with different tire diameters?

JOG,... I'm missing something here...
If the top is moving 120mph, and the bottom zero,... the tire will never make one revolution, because the bottom isn't moving...
The tire isn't rotating,.. it's stretching... :-?...

Title: Re: Super Powers...
Post by Charon on 09/02/12 at 15:16:53

The curve is called a cycloid, or a cycloidal wave.

The AC sine wave, having passed through a half-wave rectifier, is a series of pulses interspersed with gaps of length equal to the pulses, each one half of a sine wave. Through a full-wave rectifier, it looks as if the "bottom" half of the sine wave was inverted and you get a series of pulses. It doesn't become "flat" until the power supply filter (usually a capacitor) acts on it.

Title: Re: Super Powers...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/03/12 at 03:01:42

Thanks Charon. Look what I learned,, thats cool,

Drop a ball on a ramp & one on a cycloid ramp & the one that falls on the longer, curved ramp gets to the bottom first.

Title: Re: Super Powers...
Post by Paraquat on 09/03/12 at 06:55:12

That's actually really interesting.


Title: Re: Super Powers...
Post by Serowbot on 09/03/12 at 07:56:21

I'm so proud...  
I finally figured out the question... ;D...

I was originally trying to imagine a tire that went 120mph on the top, but didn't move on the bottom...
;D ;D ;D...

Title: Re: Super Powers...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/03/12 at 09:27:41

Why would anyone design a pendulum to work that way? What allowed him to see that as a potential answer? WOW,, Ohh, wait,, I know,,

They lived in a time when there were few distractions. People DID things. Toyed with chemicals, music, tinkering with inventions, no tv,, no facebook,

I spent 3 days just Not Talking to people any more than a nod in passing, as I worked on algebra in my head. Algebra was killing me in school, but, after 3 days I sat down & just started writing, one equation became the parent of the next, it was just equation after equation, came pouring out, for 3 pages & I could FEEL the progression of the mathematical processes as I went thru each equation, then, it stopped, the next series just wouldnt come, so, I studied it a bit for a couple of days, no progress. I asked my Chemistry lab partner ( He did all the math, I did the Hands On labs, we made real good grades) to come over.

He didnt believe I did the math, at first, finally I convinced him I was the source of the equations he was looking at,, so, he went thru it, & went thru ut again & said

Do you know why you stopped?

Uhh, nope..

Well,, youve gone thru every bit of algebra, from the simplest to the most complex, & there IS no9 more algebra, the next step to be taken is Calculus. He told me some Old Timey mathematicians name & told me he had written the same thing, only he did it several times, on his way to discovering The Calculus.,Was that Newton? I think soi,,

Anyway, the only way I could do algebra was to immerse myself in it,lose myself, as in, deny myself real contact with others. So, if you meet someone who is in their own little world & theyre REally REally able to do something few can do, they may have just decided theyd rather be there than in contact with the world,
I cant solve a quadratic equation. I didnt want to be good at math so badly as to change who I was,, » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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