General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Crisp Crispy...

Message started by Serowbot on 08/28/12 at 22:25:58

Title: Crisp Crispy...
Post by Serowbot on 08/28/12 at 22:25:58

I mean,... Chris Christie...

... and now I'm hungry...
Fried chicken on sale at Albertson's...  Mmmm!...

Oh!... politics!...   Yeah,.. Chris Christie said something... about ...

Do you smell chickin?...  
Anyway,... I suspect CC wants to be president 2016...  he'll explode before then...
I will vote for him...
He should be the next Colonel Sanders...
Chicken sale day,... tomorrow...
Mmmmm!.... :-?...

I'm pretty well behaved,... but, fried chicken will be the death of me...
Crisp crispy... :-?...

Title: Re: Crisp Crispy...
Post by WebsterMark on 08/29/12 at 05:07:05

so he's a big fat man... he kicked the hell out of those wussy labor unions in the Garden State.  Thier days of feeding at the public salad bar of cash are over. I think he just sort of absorbed them into his belly.

Title: Re: Crisp Crispy...
Post by srinath on 08/29/12 at 06:53:12

350700111607102F031009620 wrote:
so he's a big fat man... he kicked the hell out of those wussy labor unions in the Garden State.  Thier days of feeding at the public salad bar of cash are over. I think he just sort of absorbed them into his belly.

Oh yea he bashed the workers into submission ... then he exported all the work to china ... Or I think it went to china ... then he bashed the workers ...
As soon as he outsources teachers and public works ... he's gonna be president.

Title: Re: Crisp Crispy...
Post by WebsterMark on 08/29/12 at 08:04:00

Oh yea he bashed the workers into submission ... then he exported all the work to china ... Or I think it went to china ... then he bashed the workers ...

you have no idea what you're talking about.

Title: Re: Crisp Crispy...
Post by splash07 on 08/29/12 at 09:20:29

He is a hypocrite. He said that states should follow federal direction and regulation when it comes to smoking pot but when it comes to illegal sports gambling he wants the feds to keep their big fat noses out of his state. What a loser!

Title: Re: Crisp Crispy...
Post by srinath on 08/29/12 at 10:20:42

093B3C2D2A3B2C133F2C355E0 wrote:
Oh yea he bashed the workers into submission ... then he exported all the work to china ... Or I think it went to china ... then he bashed the workers ...

you have no idea what you're talking about.

Yes I do and its the backbone, the platform and the credo of the republican party.

Under the guise of creating jobs :-
Help the rich become super rich.
Help the super rich become mega super mega rich. <- Yes that is 2 megas.

Under the guise of fiscal responsibility
Cut taxes for the super rich.
Cut unions.
Cut help for the poor/needy.
Cut planned parenthood.
Cut rights of women.
Cut any medical advances that may help those who can jet to europe to get stem cell treatments for wrinkles.

Stop arguing here and go count your $$$ or stocks or something.

Some of us working class stiffs are killing ourselves to pay 33% in taxes and we have to fix our bikes so we can save $3 a day on parking.


Title: Re: Crisp Crispy...
Post by WebsterMark on 08/29/12 at 10:59:37

He is a hypocrite. He said that states should follow federal direction and regulation when it comes to smoking pot but when it comes to illegal sports gambling he wants the feds to keep their big fat noses out of his state. What a loser!

That’s hypocritical? Isn’t that just analyzing each situation and taking the course of action that best serves his state? Isn’t that the open mindedness you liberals always preach?

Yes I do and its the backbone, the platform and the credo of the republican party.

Under the guise of creating jobs :-
Help the rich become super rich.

If you mean ensuring people have the opportunity to achieve whatever goal they are capable of, yes, I agre.

Under the guise of fiscal responsibility
Cut taxes for the super rich.

Not true.
Cut unions.

God; I hope so.

Cut help for the poor/needy.

Not true.

Cut planned parenthood.

God I hope so.

Cut rights of women.

Not true. Half the babies chopped to pieces before they are born or have their brains sucked out are little girls…
Have you seen the commercial with the woman who was a baby and survived an abortion? Whose waging a war on women really?...

Cut any medical advances that may help those who can jet to europe to get stem cell treatments for wrinkles.

No true and in fact, just a down right stupid comment.

Stop arguing here and go count your $$$ or stocks or something.
That would only take a few seconds and I have no stocks.

Some of us working class stiffs are killing ourselves to pay 33% in taxes and we have to fix our bikes so we can save $3 a day on parking.

Kudos to you if it's so, but pretty sure you don’t pay 33% federal income tax.

Title: Re: Crisp Crispy...
Post by splash07 on 08/29/12 at 11:09:48

7B494E5F58495E614D5E472C0 wrote:
He is a hypocrite. He said that states should follow federal direction and regulation when it comes to smoking pot but when it comes to illegal sports gambling he wants the feds to keep their big fat noses out of his state. What a loser!

That’s hypocritical? Isn’t that just analyzing each situation and taking the course of action that best serves his state? Isn’t that the open mindedness you liberals always preach?

Its taking the best course of action that serves himself. And I am no liberal, I dont like labels and I dont take kindly to others labeling me when they dont know nuts about me!

Title: Re: Crisp Crispy...
Post by srinath on 08/29/12 at 12:11:09

4F7D7A6B6C7D6A55796A73180 wrote:

Not true. Half the babies chopped to pieces before they are born or have their brains sucked out are little girls…[i]

4F7D7A6B6C7D6A55796A73180 wrote:
Not true. Half the babies chopped to pieces before they are born or have their brains sucked out are little girls…

This is true and hilariously mis-stated ... 1/2 of all aborted babies are girls ... that's cos the other 1/2 are boys and those are the only 2 randomly provided options possible ... sorta like the Dilbert joke that says "I've noticed that 40% of your "sick days off" appear to fall on monday or Friday. Duh ...

Anyway since you dont want anyone to have an abortion, you are holding up the rights of women because 1/2 of aborted babies are girls ... is that your stance ... that is likely the truest and the dumbest thing I may have ever heard.

This is particularly why its dumb ...
A baby boy or girl has certain pre requisites regardless of gender on the bearer of said baby who in 100% of cases is a woman. Limiting rights of women is limiting rights of women. There are 2 scenarios in case you consider the gender of the baby.

Limiting rights of women when there is a baby boy in the womb.
Limiting rights of women when there is a baby girl in the womb.

If you read it close, it still is limiting the rights of women.

And really referring to abortions as "chopping little babies to pieces" lets me know that you really have no valid point. Its using dramatisation to rant and rave and spew religious rhetoric ... it was cool and accepted when there were 2 billion people on the planet most of whom weren't bible thumpers, but pushing 9 billion with a majority thumping the bible its really obvious you have no point. BTW I also am pro gay, cos I dont want to have 10 billion, being gay is a good way to have people self birth control ... good. We would rather have that instead of being forced to like china.


Title: Re: Crisp Crispy...
Post by Serowbot on 08/29/12 at 12:32:07

"Partial birth" abortion, is not a medical term...
It is 0.2% of abortions...
It is done almost exclusively to save the life or health of the mother,.. or because the fetus is not viable, and would be stillborn, or worse, die horrifically in short order...

It is not birth control...
It is not a political issue...

It is a stupid and cruel intrusion on a woman's/family's personal tragedy...

Title: Re: Crisp Crispy...
Post by srinath on 08/29/12 at 13:00:55

We can blow up all the unions we want to be "competetive".

China will still manipulate their currency, they will still opress and work their labor to death and they will get our industry killed, all day, any day, easy.

China will also get oil from Iran (which they are doing now with the sanctions in place) minerals from many many corrupt regimes in africa and asia and lay claims to every piece of territory they think is of any vaue and they will ahve us on the floor union or no union. Kill all the unions and we will last an extra 3 months.
Kill the safety net and we will have all the workers become homeless.

The solution: radical as it is, run up bigger and bigger deficits, borrowing $ from china @ the negative interest rates they will pay us ... its -ve to they are paying us to take their $. We use that $ to fund technologies and do worker training etc etc where we have an employee base, and keep making those bonds to china. When they figure out we are giving them worthless paper for stuff and they raise their prices, and stop lending us the $, we print all the $ like we are in the hole for 100 trillion bucks, we print 1 100 trillion dollar bill and send it to them in an envelope and call it a day.

That would both teach them to flood the world and screw their own labor force as well as have us an industry base we can run off at will and be back to the 50's and 60's type manufacturing and technology based economy.

A true conservative makes hay when the sun shines, if someone will lend me @ negative interest I'll borrow all I can. Simple.


Title: Re: Crisp Crispy...
Post by WebsterMark on 08/29/12 at 13:24:56

Its taking the best course of action that serves himself

and how did his actions serve himself?

Title: Re: Crisp Crispy...
Post by WebsterMark on 08/29/12 at 13:29:38

Srinath: And really referring to abortions as "chopping little babies to pieces" lets me know that you really have no valid point. Its using dramatisation to rant and rave and spew religious rhetoric ... it was cool and accepted when there were 2 billion people on the planet most of whom weren't bible thumpers, but pushing 9 billion with a majority thumping the bible its really obvious you have no point. BTW I also am pro gay, cos I dont want to have 10 billion, being gay is a good way to have people self birth control ... good. We would rather have that instead of being forced to like china.

What? Are you of the opinion abortion is an acceptable form of birth control?

Title: Re: Crisp Crispy...
Post by srinath on 08/29/12 at 13:30:48

5E6C6B7A7D6C7B44687B62090 wrote:
Its taking the best course of action that serves himself

and how did his actions serve himself?

He's on the podium looking all fat and oily isn't he ...

I rest my case.


Title: Re: Crisp Crispy...
Post by splash07 on 08/29/12 at 13:31:52

023037262130271834273E550 wrote:
Srinath: And really referring to abortions as "chopping little babies to pieces" lets me know that you really have no valid point. Its using dramatisation to rant and rave and spew religious rhetoric ... it was cool and accepted when there were 2 billion people on the planet most of whom weren't bible thumpers, but pushing 9 billion with a majority thumping the bible its really obvious you have no point. BTW I also am pro gay, cos I dont want to have 10 billion, being gay is a good way to have people self birth control ... good. We would rather have that instead of being forced to like china.

What? Are you of the opinion abortion is an acceptable form of birth control?

I am! Want to fight about it?

Title: Re: Crisp Crispy...
Post by WebsterMark on 08/29/12 at 13:48:27

"Partial birth" abortion, is not a medical term...
So? What difference does that matter? How stupid a point is that?  Open heart surgery is not a ‘medical term’ for a specific procedure, but everyone knows what you mean.  

It is 0.2% of abortions...
How would you know that since abortion records are not submitted for documentation?
[i]It is not known how many other abortionists have adopted the method, but a few have made themselves known. On March 19, 1996, Dr. William Rashbaum of New York City wrote a letter to Congressman Charles Canady (R-Fl.), stating that he has performed 19,000 late-term "procedures," and that he has performed the procedure that HR 1833 would ban "routinely since 1979. This procedure is only performed in cases of later gestational age."[/i]

It is done almost exclusively to save the life or health of the mother,.. or because the fetus is not viable, and would be stillborn, or worse, die horrifically in short order...

BS! You never met or heard anyone speak who was considered valueless  and not worthy of life and the mother was told to abort only to have that person standing next to you years later?

If removing the child from the mother is necessary to save the mother, why not perform a C-Section and deliver the baby alive…..  It’s because the baby needs to be DEAD, that’s why.

It is not birth control...
Yes it is.

It is not a political issue...
Yes it is.

It is a stupid and cruel intrusion on a woman's/family's personal tragedy...

It is stupid and particularly cruel to pull a baby almost completely out of the womb, poke a hole in her head,  suck her brains out and discard her body. That’s a war on women.

Title: Re: Crisp Crispy...
Post by WebsterMark on 08/29/12 at 13:50:16

I am! Want to fight about it?

Really Splash? you think this is an acceptable way for a woman to voluntarily terminate her pregnancy for whatever reason she deems fit?

Title: Re: Crisp Crispy...
Post by bill67 on 08/29/12 at 13:53:22

If Christy was the dad,It should be aborted one Christy is one to many.

Title: Re: Crisp Crispy...
Post by Retread on 08/30/12 at 07:18:57

 So Web has a thing against Unions? I wonder if says thank you when he takes his paid vacation days? Or when he gets health insurance? Or sick pay? Or overtime? Or paid over minimum wage?

 When a politician takes away a workers right to organize he has just taken away your rights!  

Title: Re: Crisp Crispy...
Post by srinath on 08/30/12 at 07:40:01

182F3E382F2B2E4A0 wrote:
 So Web has a thing against Unions? I wonder if says thank you when he takes his paid vacation days? Or when he gets health insurance? Or sick pay? Or overtime? Or paid over minimum wage?

 When a politician takes away a workers right to organize he has just taken away your rights!  

No he doesn't, he's too busy talking out of both sides of his mouth.

I should say, I dont need unions, I never have and never will, and more importantly no one in my line of work has ever felt the need for one ... this is why, it takes years and years to learn and the position cant be filled by anyone with less qualifications. What happens when there is a bad job for which I am not compensated, I leave ... they replace me, that person will repeat that, after about 3-10 of that the employer will get the message. That does not apply to someone doing straight up labor. You can dig a ditch ... any one can dig a ditch ... if the ditch isn't dug will you suffer,. absolutely ... however you can rip off the guy and when he leaves you can go one to the next guy and so on ... almost indefinietly ... if all the ditch diggers were one collective ... you cant do that and you ahve to treat the ditch digger fairly ... in case you've not realised ... he's a himan being too.

Robber barons dont like unions .. they also liked slavery ... and the rest of us will need it, we also need to stop in inflow of illegals ... that just bends the rules in favor of the very wealthy.


Title: Re: Crisp Crispy...
Post by srinath on 08/30/12 at 08:57:15

In case of being careless - WTH, are you stupid, yea here's a hint, you cant be stupid any more, you got a baby inside of you. So Hell NO.

But giving up the baby to be Adopted - I dont like blind adoptions, there are hereditary diseases both the parents and the baby are connected by that, cant have them out of the life of the baby entirely. Also if there is an economic reason why she doesn't want to have the baby there needs to be a safety net to help with that ... obviously that also rubs the right the wrong way, so sorry cant have it both ways GOP.

In spite of the GOP's insistence that they can shut the (W)hole thing down. Shock ... Horror. Yes if it was rape.


Title: Re: Crisp Crispy...
Post by WebsterMark on 08/30/12 at 11:10:10

In case of being careless - WTH, are you stupid, yea here's a hint, you cant be stupid any more, you got a baby inside of you. So Hell NO.

But giving up the baby to be Adopted - I dont like blind adoptions, there are hereditary diseases both the parents and the baby are connected by that, cant have them out of the life of the baby entirely. Also if there is an economic reason why she doesn't want to have the baby there needs to be a safety net to help with that ... obviously that also rubs the right the wrong way, so sorry cant have it both ways GOP.

My wife is adopted as are her sister and brother. I have two beautiful, healthy productive children.  If it had been post-1973 instead of the early 1960’s when there was a little shame in this country, you would rather her end up in a trashbag behind a clinic and her and my two beautiful children would never had existed?

This is the awful, pathetic, in-human part of liberals; how easily they establish the value of another person’s life, especially a little baby. That’s why it’s so easy for socialist to morph into large scale killing machines.

Title: Re: Crisp Crispy...
Post by srinath on 08/30/12 at 11:35:55

516364757263744B67746D060 wrote:
My wife is adopted as are her sister and brother. I have two beautiful, healthy productive children.  If it had been post-1973 instead of the early 1960’s when there was a little shame in this country, you would rather her end up in a trashbag behind a clinic and her and my two beautiful children would never had existed?

I am not against adoption, I was agaist blind adoption ... may be the wrong term ... cos I made it up. Its adoption where there are no records and neither the biological parents nor the kids and the new parents can ever find the other - see in case of hereditary diseases etc etc there needs to be a way to transmit that information ... You may catch a problem in a 5yr old that you look for cos the mother has had it diagnosed and catching it sooner is a better outcome.

People who give up their kids for adoption and the ones who take them are really really saints IMHO. I cant imagine being @ either end of that deal.

Anyway I'd like some way of transmitting vital information between the 2 who have been separated. Like my wife's family has bad knees ... Its a caution for her all her life. I would rather she know about it than have issues ... her granmother and mother damaged their knees in their 30's and 40's ... long after she was born. Me and my son have autism ... important info to transmit between generaions IMHO. Enough reason to have a system in place for that I think.


Title: Re: Crisp Crispy...
Post by Retread on 08/30/12 at 13:05:53

 Until I can carry a child to term, I cannot tell a woman what she can or cannot do with her body. The government has NO business in anybodys reproductive system! PERIOD!

 You want to stop abortion, do it within your own family. Put your girls on birth control, and stop the cross your legs until your married dream.. Tell your kids the truth, it feels good, and the worse sex you ever had was absolutlely wonderful.. Tell them abortion is not a form of birth control, teach them about STD's, remove the mystery from a natural urge, and show them the poor choices some people make in choosing sex partners.

  Then you have to turn them loose, cross your fingers, and pray they make the right decisions in life. Funny how some people would much rather bring a unwanted child into this world to be abused and starved then provide an abortion.. It is a difficult decision, one that should not be a governments, it should be a family's..

   You can get all emotional and blubbery about who has come into this world and what you would do without them, but remember life and death are just two sides of a coin. You can be born to die in a car crash on the way home, or have SIDs, its a coin flip folks, nobody gets out of this world alive... But we can bring needless child abuse, and needless abortions to an end, we start within our own family's..

Title: Re: Crisp Crispy...
Post by srinath on 09/02/12 at 15:09:00

1B2C3D3B2C282D490 wrote:
 Until I can carry a child to term, I cannot tell a woman what she can or cannot do with her body. The government has NO business in anybodys reproductive system! PERIOD!

Hey this has been done by republicans. You remember The movie Junior, yes Aaahnold Schwarznegger who is republican. So its their right to meddle in womens reproductive system.

Title: Re: Crisp Crispy...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/04/12 at 00:18:13

Until I can carry a child to term, I cannot tell a woman what she can or cannot do with her body.

You cant know the difference between right & wrong untill youve proven you can carry a baby to term? Thats some kinda mental gymnastics there.

Title: Re: Crisp Crispy...
Post by Retread on 09/04/12 at 06:55:42

Its not the governments job to legislate morality JOG... That starts at home...

Title: Re: Crisp Crispy...
Post by srinath on 09/04/12 at 12:17:43

02352422353134500 wrote:
Its not the governments job to legislate morality JOG... That starts at home...

Should the govt have to pay for it ? I'd say no except as assistance to low income and only as contraception, however I think the govt should keep its nose out of it.
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