General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Humanising Romney...

Message started by Serowbot on 08/28/12 at 09:06:31

Title: Humanising Romney...
Post by Serowbot on 08/28/12 at 09:06:31

That's gonna' be Ann's job in her convention speech...
Tough row to hoe...  
They are saying it will have to be the speech of her life, and the most important speech of the convention...

"He's human,... I swear,...  I even saw him pee once..."...

To the RNC members that questioned Obama's citizenship, and demanded a birth certificate,...  shouldn't we see Romney's?... to confirm he's human?...
If there's a question,.. I want more proof than his wife says so...

Title: Re: Humanising Romney...
Post by srinath on 08/28/12 at 09:24:20

He is human - his wife says so ...
He paid over 13% in taxes - he says so ...
He is poor - His wife said he had to sell some of his stocks ...
So there, that is all you need to know about his past, he's all about the future - this is his plan for that.

He's going to balance the budget - by putting our fiscal house in order.
He's going to reduce the debt - by you guessed it - selling stock. After all its what got him to be a millionaire from his humble roots ... so no reason everyone cant be a millionaire, all they need to do is sell stocks.
He's going to cure rape by - shutting the (w)hole thing down.
He's going to cure cancer by - you guessed it, cutting it out.
He's going to cure world hunger by - eating a snack.

I have many more, just ask -


Title: Re: Humanising Romney...
Post by Serowbot on 08/28/12 at 10:24:06

Poor choice for their convention theme song... :-?...


Title: Re: Humanising Romney...
Post by srinath on 08/29/12 at 13:39:32

They are assuming that Ann Romney is likeable ... cos her fairy tale involved 5 boys screaming around the house, and beating MS and Cancer ...
If that is her version of it not being a fairy tale ... sad, really sad ...

She had a house. Lots of people dont, are on the verge of losing theirs, and all she can do is lie and blame Obama.

Beating cancer and MS, ooooh using her millions and the good medical care that usually buys ... sorry, many many people dont have either.

Sorry one more rich a$$ pregnant dog ordering her "subjects" around - "if they're suffering from an ailment why dont they just beat it", I mean I had MS and I beat it and cancer too. Nothing just beat it.

I am sorry, I cant see Mitt getting any more likeable, Ryan didn't help, neither is Ann, maybe put up one of those kids up there ... maybe in a football uniform maybe that'd work.


Title: Re: Humanising Romney...
Post by arteacher on 09/01/12 at 06:02:55

You don't "beat" MS- once you have it you have it forever. You can, and most people do- go into remission, at least at the start of the disease. A rare few do not have another episode, and stay in remission.

Title: Re: Humanising Romney...
Post by srinath on 09/01/12 at 16:30:09

515A5A535F50514B4A3E0 wrote:
You don't "beat" MS- once you have it you have it forever. You can, and most people do- go into remission, at least at the start of the disease. A rare few do not have another episode, and stay in remission.

And if you can afford the best doctors and have the insurance to watch it you obviously have the odds in your favor.
Those who say $$$ cant buy you happiness usually ... have lots of it.

Title: Re: Humanising Romney...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/01/12 at 17:20:07

Money wont buy happiness, happiness is something that comes from within, that said, poverty isnt a source of it, either & even if a person isnt "happy" inside, they CAN still have fun & $$$ makes having fun a whole lot easier,.

Title: Re: Humanising Romney...
Post by Trippah on 09/01/12 at 19:40:02

The most telling part of the convention was the roar when Clint said  "We own America."  this sentence was followed  by the usual complaint about politicians who want to spend "their" money.  It clearly speaks to the Republican Party ..they are the owners.  (and I think really want to get back to them good ole plantation days. ;)

Title: Re: Humanising Romney...
Post by Midnightrider on 09/02/12 at 17:12:00

Every once in a while a human is capable of telling the truth, humanise Romney, aint no way. Some of we humans here in the US actually pay what we owe on taxes, humanise Romney, aint no way. A Lot of humans here care about the working class and the poor, humanise Romney, aint no way. Most humans care about the elderly, humanise Romney, aint no way. Most humans here in this country despise Wall St and the big banks, humanise Romney, aint no way. Most humans in the US hate and despise the corruption in DC, humanise Romney, aint no way!

Title: Re: Humanising Romney...
Post by srinath on 09/02/12 at 20:34:13

While we hate corruption in washington we hate corporate greed even more. It affects us a lot closer to where we live and work.
A lot of us feel if they cut the ceo's pay by 20% they wont have to lay anyone off.
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