General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> WOW, Romney admits it!!!!

Message started by Drifter on 08/24/12 at 10:02:52

Title: WOW, Romney admits it!!!!
Post by Drifter on 08/24/12 at 10:02:52

Romney and ryan admit he and other big companys use the tax code to stash millions in off shore accounts so they dont have to pay taxes.....amazing!!!  

Why dont the rich understand tax money is used to pay for disabled vets roads bridges healtcare medicare social security etc.....

Screw em i want my millions stashed i have no family in the military or any that need medicare or ...........but i do need another mansion......

Title: Re: WOW, Romney admits it!!!!
Post by WebsterMark on 08/24/12 at 11:10:49

Drifter; do you file your taxes legally?

Title: Re: WOW, Romney admits it!!!!
Post by srinath on 08/24/12 at 12:24:54

093F242B39283F4D0 wrote:
Romney and ryan admit he and other big companys use the tax code to stash millions in off shore accounts so they dont have to pay taxes.....amazing!!!  

Why dont the rich understand tax money is used to pay for disabled vets roads bridges healtcare medicare social security etc.....

Screw em i want my millions stashed i have no family in the military or any that need medicare or ...........but i do need another mansion......

He did no such thing ... as far as he's concerned its nothing wrong and he really thinks its his business he's hiding his $ from the IRS. And guess what, the other rich people agree. he's a job creator after all, his maid and gardener are 2 jobs he's created and they allow him to put his $ away in swiss bank accts.

Title: Re: WOW, Romney admits it!!!!
Post by Drifter on 08/24/12 at 13:33:53

Mark, do you........

Im not rich i want my social security and medicare so does my sister  brother and neighbor and millions of other people....... i dont care if mitt has to pay his share either.

Why should the middle class pay and rich Mitts get away with paying nothing while they live the good life here paid for by the middle class?

Title: Re: WOW, Romney admits it!!!!
Post by WebsterMark on 08/24/12 at 13:39:57

i'm not accusing you, i'm just asking if you pay your taxes legally? Yes or no.

Title: Re: WOW, Romney admits it!!!!
Post by srinath on 08/24/12 at 13:41:58

586E757A68796E1C0 wrote:
Mark, do you........

Im not rich i want my social security and medicare so does my sister  brother and neighbor and millions of other people....... i dont care if mitt has to pay his share either.

Why should the middle class pay and rich Mitts get away with paying nothing while they live the good life here paid for by the middle class?

Come on man, Mitt isn't rich ... or wasn't rich, one time he was so poor he had to sell some of his stocks. Yea ...

Title: Re: WOW, Romney admits it!!!!
Post by Trippah on 08/24/12 at 21:24:50

Talk about BS, on the radio yesterday the interviewer was asking the nice lady from the republican party if the platform still says no legal abortions.  She says yes.  What about in the case of rape? asks the interviewer.  The platform does not go into such details..that would be up to the individual states.  I actually pulled my feet up thinking I was being flooded with BS..slowed the car down a bit I can tell ya. ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: WOW, Romney admits it!!!!
Post by Trippah on 08/24/12 at 21:29:27

This of course was follow up to the question which garned the now famous response "In the case of real rape...."  At least the bastad had the balls to speak his real "mind."  If any of my daughters are ever raped and subsequently jailed for getting an abortion, I will personally "bleep" anyone who votes such a law into existance.  as in the song it will be "a very good year for the undertakers." ;)

Title: Re: WOW, Romney admits it!!!!
Post by Midnightrider on 08/24/12 at 23:29:33

The more Romney talks the deeper the hole he digs for himself. If he ever debates Obama it will need to be broadcast on the Comedy Channel. I dont think there's enough old pregidous white people to get him elected, especially with Ryan on the ticket. Hopefully enough of the old pregidous white people understand that Ryan's wanting to stick it to em.

Title: Re: WOW, Romney admits it!!!!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/24/12 at 23:57:19


Im prejudiced against people who cant spayull..

Title: Re: WOW, Romney admits it!!!!
Post by Drifter on 08/25/12 at 05:23:40

Midnight, its not just the so called old people that will get screwed anyone under 55 so they say........if you believe them......this group will really take a hit!!!  Any guys and gals under 55 better have a big nest egg built up cause the 1% are gonna get a nice big tax cut and guess who will pay for it.......yep the middle class and poor!!

They hate government yet the rich get more bail outs, entitlements, tax loopholes only they can use than anyone else. Ol ryan says the stimulus was socialist.....who had a hand out and took 20 million....same guy lyin ryan. The convention house in tampa was paid for by TAXPAYERS, yet they will gripe and moan about taxes.  Hypocrites....i forgot taxes are only for the little people.  :o

Mark, your the business man that seems to like ol Mitts ideas on how to stash money and screw the poor and everyone else that cant play in there excluusive club........

Im one of the people he wants to screw a disabled vet and yes their plan cuts veterans benefits also. Their idea seems to be if you are old disabled poor or need help screw em let em die just burdens for people like mitt why should ANY of my millions go to help these people :-[

They are not legitmate people or real Americans anyway just burdens on society good to send to war or mow the lawn or wipe my horses ass but not good for much else and yet many of the same people that will be screwed will stick their head in the sand hold their nose bend over and vote for them anyway.... :(

Title: Re: WOW, Romney admits it!!!!
Post by WebsterMark on 08/25/12 at 06:06:38

Now I know where the phrase re-arranging deck chairs on the Titanic comes from....

Hopey’s been around almost 4 years now and everything’s gotten worse, nothing better. The ship is going down yet all you hens can do is cackle about made up crap that means nothing. No one’s talking about sending a woman to jail after she was raped and got an abortion. That’s never gonna happen;  how stupid can you get?...

Just keep on patting your guy on the back and say congratulations on the past 4 years and have another 4 while all the while the ship fills with water. You fellas can keep chasing that ‘rich guys are evil’ rabbit until hell freezes over.

Mark, your the business man that seems to like ol Mitts ideas on how to stash money and screw the poor and everyone else that cant play in there excluusive club........

You might as well be speaing Latin or something cause I have no idea what you're talking about. Just gibberish.....

Title: Re: WOW, Romney admits it!!!!
Post by Retread on 08/25/12 at 08:06:33

 Its a make believe world that Web lives in, everything has gotten worse, nothing has gotten better? Wow, I really don't where to even start to refute this, maybe if you open your eyes? I admit things could be better, like if 2010 didn't happen and all those job creators were not voted in... That is where the real failure took place, one of those failures is running for VP...

  Not saying Mitts evil, he is just a simple millionare who cheats on his taxes, believes in magic underwear, and wants to turn back the clock to when coathangers were used for different purposes than intended.. WAIT, that does sound a little evil? Not to mention his record in government is not very stellar, the people in Mass do not have fond memorys of him...

  It takes more than two years to turn a nation around from the edge of all out depression, thats all Obama has had, he made a few mistakes, but the only people who do not make mistakes are the people who do nothing...

  Where did you go Web? I was waiting for ya to return to "Political dodgeball"'? ::)


Title: Re: WOW, Romney admits it!!!!
Post by Drifter on 08/25/12 at 08:15:17

Maybe that is why you and others support these people you cant understand anything other than right wing BS everything else is just giberish to you!!

Title: Re: WOW, Romney admits it!!!!
Post by tizzyfit on 08/25/12 at 09:10:03

7E48535C4E5F483A0 wrote:
Romney and ryan admit he and other big companys use the tax code to stash millions in off shore accounts so they dont have to pay taxes.....amazing!!!  

Why dont the rich understand tax money is used to pay for disabled vets roads bridges healtcare medicare social security etc.....

Screw em i want my millions stashed i have no family in the military or any that need medicare or ...........but i do need another mansion......

Perhaps this anger should be directed to the people who are constantly tweaking the tax code, which happens to the the U.S. CONGRESS.  To single out Romney when U.S. corporations, like General Electric, who make BILLIONS IN PROFITS, yet they pay ZERO in Corporate income tax.  I guess, G.E. get's a free ride because G.E.'s president, Jeff Immhelt, is pals with OBAMA?  If you want to correct a problem, go to the source, not the 20 second sound bits you see/hear on T.V.
As for contributions to Medicare and Social Security, these contributions come from two sources, the EMPLOYER and the EMPLOYEE.  
Where do you "think" the outrageous Federal and State gasoline taxes we all pay are suppose to go?   That's the revenue stream to fix/maintain our roads and bridges.
As a Viet Nam Vet, I would like you to ponder this, do you feel American Tax payers should be footing the bill for ENTITLEMENTS for ILLEGALS when our Veterans and their families are doing without?

Title: Re: WOW, Romney admits it!!!!
Post by Retread on 08/25/12 at 09:34:31

 I will address that as fellow Vet (Welcome home Tizz.) .. The so-called entitlements illegals get is a very small piece of the pie, right now illegal imigration is at a standstill. Illegal imigrant entitlement is zero, they are not entitled to anything except emergency care.. Some do use the the system get basic needs, but most work at jobs no one else wants, and try to stay under the radar..

 As far as GE not paying taxes, they have found a nitch in wind power and reap the tax benefits from manufacter of alternative energy.. It has nothing to do with "Being friends" with anyone..

  EVERY social program, tax code, and entitlement (darn I hate that word) program, has a loophole for abuse, fraud, and excess. But where I see massive abuse is not with some illegal getting a broken arm splinted, but with a politician being handed free healthcare for life. Or when billions of untraced money can go into those 20 sec sound bites you speak of, while people are going hungry in the streets... Thats not just abuse, thats a sin....

Title: Re: WOW, Romney admits it!!!!
Post by tizzyfit on 08/25/12 at 13:02:48

1E29383E292D284C0 wrote:
 I will address that as fellow Vet (Welcome home Tizz.) .. The so-called entitlements illegals get is a very small piece of the pie, right now illegal imigration is at a standstill. Illegal imigrant entitlement is zero, they are not entitled to anything except emergency care.. Some do use the the system get basic needs, but most work at jobs no one else wants, and try to stay under the radar..

 As far as GE not paying taxes, they have found a nitch in wind power and reap the tax benefits from manufacter of alternative energy.. It has nothing to do with "Being friends" with anyone..

  EVERY social program, tax code, and entitlement (darn I hate that word) program, has a loophole for abuse, fraud, and excess. But where I see massive abuse is not with some illegal getting a broken arm splinted, but with a politician being handed free healthcare for life. Or when billions of untraced money can go into those 20 sec sound bites you speak of, while people are going hungry in the streets... Thats not just abuse, thats a sin....

Retread, THANKS for the Welcome Home!  For me, it wasn't until AFTER the 1st Gulf war that a local high school honored all the local Vet's from WWII forward.  I sincerely hope your community is more patriotic.
I don't care how small of a piece of the pie ILLEGALS get!  That money and those services NEED to be directed at American's in need. Please go to the nearest hospital E/R and spend some time, what you'll see are ILLEGALS taking advantage of the system.  They can't be turned away but they pay ZERO!  Please, check with any of the admitting personnel, they will explain the procedures used.  Believe me, EVERYONE else, with or without insurance is paying more than they should in order to make up for these parasites.  After you've left the E/R head to Wally World, those debit cards these illegals are using are Government Issue and get a monthly contribution.  School will be starting again very soon, try stopping by any school in your community, what you'll find, depending on where you live, are children of illegals enrolled, attending class, receiving free breakfasts and lunches, all on the taxpayers back.  How would you like to be a teacher, who isn't bilingual, trying to teach kids who have no interest in learning English?
"Jobs no one else wants"?????  Are you suggesting these parasites in the construction trades are taking jobs no one wants?  How about all the lawn care illegals?  I don't know about you but when I was in Jr Hi and Hi School, I'd mow lawns, pick fruit, and basically do anything I could to earn some spending money so your assertion "jobs no one else wants" doesn't ring true. The unemployment rate for kids 16-25 is over 26% and if you happen to be African-American, the unemployment rate is close to 50%!  The real issue is, THEY ARE HERE ILLEGALLY and need to be deported! The United States of America has very specific rules in place regarding citizenship and/or temporary work permits.  If these people aren't following OUR laws, they need to be deported, period.
As for G.E.'s "nitch".........Do you realize how much money G.E. spends on tax advisor's and CPA's?  Further, the reality is, their earnings OUTSIDE the United States remains off-shore so they don't have to pay tax on those profits.  Do you realize, in the past 2 years, G.E. has closed the remaining light bulb factories in Virginia and moved that core business to China?  Thousand of jobs were lost.  Did you realize G.E. closed 3 manufacturing facilities in Wisconsin, all very high tech positions involved in the CAT SCAN business.  Over 10,000 middle class/ upper middle class jobs lost to China.
The fact every government agency has fraud/corruption is not acceptable!  Precisely the reason we need smaller government!  When someone in the private sector steals from our citizens, they are arrested, go to trial, if found guilty, go to jail and pay restitution.  Why are government employees exempt from the same standard(s)?

Title: Re: WOW, Romney admits it!!!!
Post by Retread on 08/25/12 at 13:57:28

 I got no honors for my time in country.. Don't want one, don't need one, it was my duty to serve and I volunteered to do so.. When I got out I was hoping this nation wouldn't make the same mistake again.. I was wrong...

  I think you are mistaking poor Mexican/American citizens for illegals.. I have many friends and family in the medical community, nurses, doctors, and even billing agents.. If you are here illegally you are NOT entitled to Medicaid, Medicare, Welfare, foodstamps, or any other benefit we as citizens are provided.. PERIOD! Yes, they can get emergency care, but that is all, they will be kicked out on their ears as soon as they are stabilized..

  Most every kid I know won't touch a job for less than minimum wage, and would faint dead away if they had to pick vegetables in the fields.. I did when I was sixteen and was very happy to go back to shoveling cow crap at the local milkbarn after..

  Myself I am happy to educate children of illegals, would rather have them in school than on the streets... And at least they are learning english... Then you have to ask, what is cheaper giving these kids green cards and allowing them to go to school, serve in our military, or deporting them? Before you answer, think, THREE million!  I thinks you may be a little pissed at the Mexicans?

   Your exagerating on many fronts Tizz, first EVERY large corporation out there has an Army of tax lawyers on the books.. Second the light bulb operation was a small fraction of their workforce, many of those employees were transfered to other operations..

   I get a kick out of people and their smaller government wishes.. Don't ever elect someone to government who wants smaller government, maybe they should cut their own position? A government grows with population, it provides services, such as clean water, sewer, roads, schools, and other items.. Spend some time where there is no government, then get back to me about how our government is too large..

  And the last item, really? It all depends how much money you have, if you have swindled people out of millions and still have a few million, you get a slap on the hand, and some time at club Hilton.. If you are poor and steal a $200 TV set, you go to jail for twenty years in the worst hell hole they can find...





Title: Re: WOW, Romney admits it!!!!
Post by tizzyfit on 08/25/12 at 16:34:12

514C5F5F5C434C51250 wrote:
[quote author=1E29383E292D284C0 link=1345827772/15#15 date=1345912471]  I will address that as fellow Vet (Welcome home Tizz.) .. The so-called entitlements illegals get is a very small piece of the pie, right now illegal imigration is at a standstill. Illegal imigrant entitlement is zero, they are not entitled to anything except emergency care.. Some do use the the system get basic needs, but most work at jobs no one else wants, and try to stay under the radar..

 As far as GE not paying taxes, they have found a nitch in wind power and reap the tax benefits from manufacter of alternative energy.. It has nothing to do with "Being friends" with anyone..

  EVERY social program, tax code, and entitlement (darn I hate that word) program, has a loophole for abuse, fraud, and excess. But where I see massive abuse is not with some illegal getting a broken arm splinted, but with a politician being handed free healthcare for life. Or when billions of untraced money can go into those 20 sec sound bites you speak of, while people are going hungry in the streets... Thats not just abuse, thats a sin....

Retread, THANKS for the Welcome Home!  For me, it wasn't until AFTER the 1st Gulf war that a local high school honored all the local Vet's from WWII forward.  I sincerely hope your community is more patriotic.
I don't care how small of a piece of the pie ILLEGALS get!  That money and those services NEED to be directed at American's in need. Please go to the nearest hospital E/R and spend some time, what you'll see are ILLEGALS taking advantage of the system.  They can't be turned away but they pay ZERO!  Please, check with any of the admitting personnel, they will explain the procedures used.  Believe me, EVERYONE else, with or without insurance is paying more than they should in order to make up for these parasites.  After you've left the E/R head to Wally World, those debit cards these illegals are using are Government Issue and get a monthly contribution.  School will be starting again very soon, try stopping by any school in your community, what you'll find, depending on where you live, are children of illegals enrolled, attending class, receiving free breakfasts and lunches, all on the taxpayers back.  How would you like to be a teacher, who isn't bilingual, trying to teach kids who have no interest in learning English?
"Jobs no one else wants"?????  Are you suggesting these parasites in the construction trades are taking jobs no one wants?  How about all the lawn care illegals?  I don't know about you but when I was in Jr Hi and Hi School, I'd mow lawns, pick fruit, and basically do anything I could to earn some spending money so your assertion "jobs no one else wants" doesn't ring true. The unemployment rate for kids 16-25 is over 26% and if you happen to be African-American, the unemployment rate is close to 50%!  The real issue is, THEY ARE HERE ILLEGALLY and need to be deported! The United States of America has very specific rules in place regarding citizenship and/or temporary work permits.  If these people aren't following OUR laws, they need to be deported, period.
As for G.E.'s "nitch".........Do you realize how much money G.E. spends on tax advisor's and CPA's?  Further, the reality is, their earnings OUTSIDE the United States remains off-shore so they don't have to pay tax on those profits.  Do you realize, in the past 2 years, G.E. has closed the remaining light bulb factories in Virginia and moved that core business to China?  Thousand of jobs were lost.  Did you realize G.E. closed 3 manufacturing facilities in Wisconsin, all very high tech positions involved in the CAT SCAN business.  Over 10,000 middle class/ upper middle class jobs lost to China.
The fact every government agency has fraud/corruption is not acceptable!  Precisely the reason we need smaller government!  When someone in the private sector steals from our citizens, they are arrested, go to trial, if found guilty, go to jail and pay restitution.  Why are government employees exempt from the same standard(s)?[/quote]
This is totally pointless to continue.  All I can say is, if you honestly believe the drivel your spewing, you live in a different world than what I encounter on a daily basis here in Auburn, WA.
A final thought, all those ILLEGALS you seem to feel are all of your responsibility to support on some basis or another,if your unwilling to demand they be deported,  why don't you and the rest of the liberals adopt them so the rest of us tax payers can devote our energies to the Active duty military personnel, their families and the Vets that need our financial assistance.

Title: Re: WOW, Romney admits it!!!!
Post by Retread on 08/25/12 at 16:47:35

It is pointless, I live in the midst of an abundance of illegals here in southern Colorado, they are good people for the most part, and pay taxes on what they earn and spend. Just hard working people, who want nothing more than to make a living, and would like nothing more than a clear path to citizenship.. I admit there are bad people to, but from experience I can say there are good and bad in every group of people on this earth. Its not drivel, just trying to be honest with you..

As far as the military goes, I wish our boys could come home, and I also wish this nation paid as much attention to peace as it does war.. To taking care of the existing Vets instead of welcome home partys and monuments would be a start...

Title: Re: WOW, Romney admits it!!!!
Post by Midnightrider on 08/25/12 at 17:14:58

Welcome home tizzyfit! Many thanks for your service.

Title: Re: WOW, Romney admits it!!!!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/25/12 at 21:42:52

Its niche

Title: Re: WOW, Romney admits it!!!!
Post by Retread on 08/25/12 at 21:47:18

637C7A7D60675666566E7C703B090 wrote:
Its niche

 Thanks JOG, I get carried away sometimes..

Title: Re: WOW, Romney admits it!!!!
Post by Drifter on 08/26/12 at 05:07:58

Romney and his ilk have a rigged system in their favor you have to be a major player with millions to even qualify for the tax evasion loopholes. Remember only the little people pay taxes...that means You and me!

NOTHING would get done in south florida without them period. They are human beings doing work here under conditions whites and blacks wont do many are little more than slaves. They are not worthless parasites as the right wing portrays them most are very hard working people that love their familys, while trying to provide a better life for them.  Really!!!

We send more money to israel egypt iraq all the stan countrys than all the emergency visits from....mexicans combined. They are human beings doing work here that whites and blacks wont do.

My generation of vets got spit on were banned from several of the local bars, because the rednecks and others wanted to beat our ass...and some cases kill us...the local paper never even mentioned me. Im way past all of that in my head the scars never go away that is why i have learned to open my eyes and be objective and form my own opinions about other BS wars and Lies like iraq.....iran.. :(
Glad your home tizzy, i hope as time passes your mind will open as well as your heart, enough to see things from a different perspective!   Peace!!!

Title: Re: WOW, Romney admits it!!!!
Post by srinath on 08/26/12 at 06:13:04

1B292E3F38293E012D3E274C0 wrote:
Now I know where the phrase re-arranging deck chairs on the Titanic comes from....

Hopey’s been around almost 4 years now and everything’s gotten worse, nothing better.


Sorry I dont think everything has got worse - Just for my point of view -
My life has improved tremendously since 08 - not sure if Obama policies had anything to do with it, but I can tell you the much larger safety net of unemployment and the ability to get house payments from the govt if I was unemployed for long was an added bonus I have never used ... well I guess I am paying for it via payroll taxes ... however I have not been unemployed for long periods since 08 and I have not moved either since march 08.
I have never seen $4 gas since 05-06 - sadly that has ruined my bike sales ... $3+ yes, not $4 ... 08's gas spike was bad, and so were the shortages though.

Interest rates on the debt in real terms are negative now, we can run up deficits all year, year over year ... no issues. If the rates go up (not likely in the next decade - there is no other currency waiting to take the place of the USD) - deficits are essentially irrelevant. Dollar designated debt and dropping interest rates ... easy. Obama adding to the debt, makes no difference, he can add @ 10X the rate and it wont matter till the interest rates climb.

Title: Re: WOW, Romney admits it!!!!
Post by Trippah on 08/26/12 at 20:39:24

The companies in the US have reportedly the largest cash stash in history.  They could be hiring but, that would make Obama more popular so they will waite out the election.  If you don't think that 90% of the people making the hiring decisions  are not Republicans, you are off planet.  The AMA hates Obama care.. if they are required to take everyone at medicaid prices vs their own estimate of worth, they feel they will lose million (and I suspect they are right).  The present Hospitals must see emergency cases is a hiddden tax on us all, as well as clogging an ER system.  Who do you think pays for the Er, the taxpayers.  Illegal aliens are expensive, both to medical systems and schools but since our borders are so porus, it really is a red herring which cannot be cheaply fixed.
The history of the US in taking care of its vets is I feel quite poor.  Most of the homeless (up to this financial fiasco) were Vets who would not or could not accept psychiatric help.  Now we will have a large number of traumatized vets from Iraq and afghan tours who will just not be is sad.  Thankfully, our war machine is already gearing up for Iran (possible mushroom people) who are no direct threat to the US but perhaps some allied nations Israel and Saudia Arabia for starters.  Oh well, better we spend billions killing people than billions getting medicine to our own people. 8-)

Title: Re: WOW, Romney admits it!!!!
Post by WebsterMark on 08/27/12 at 05:46:21

The history of the US in taking care of its vets is I feel quite poor

...and now you want the US taking over healthcare for everyone?....

What makes you think they won't screw that up as well? In fact, point me to situations from the past where US government bureaucrats took control of a large section of the US economy and made it better than what private industry was doing?

Title: Re: WOW, Romney admits it!!!!
Post by Retread on 08/27/12 at 06:45:27

073532232435221D31223B500 wrote:
The history of the US in taking care of its vets is I feel quite poor

...and now you want the US taking over healthcare for everyone?....

What makes you think they won't screw that up as well? In fact, point me to situations from the past where US government bureaucrats took control of a large section of the US economy and made it better than what private industry was doing?

    Actually the VA is doing much better in many areas, it is much better than what it was back in the 70's.. The backlogs are a result of funding cuts and a overwhelming amount of new claims. I could name you many things that the government has not screwed up, but your obtuse views cannot wrap itself around the total scope.. Here are a few that have worked for millions of people over many decades, SS, Medicare, the FAA, EPA, Health depts, DOT, and many other government services..

When they do get screwed up is when Loudmouth politicians start messing with them thinking private industry can do better! Example the Post Office, it was making money until congress decided they had to have fifty years of retirement funds for people they have not even hired yet!!! Or when the politicians decide these services are over budget and start cutting, example- go try to renew a drivers license, or get one of those picture ID's you need to vote with... >:(

Title: Re: WOW, Romney admits it!!!!
Post by WebsterMark on 08/27/12 at 07:42:06

I could name you many things that the government has not screwed up, but your obtuse views cannot wrap itself around the total scope.. Here are a few that have worked for millions of people over many decades, SS, Medicare, the FAA, EPA, Health depts, DOT, and many other government services..

My obtuse views?... okay, lets see:

SS: bankrupt. Started out as supplement for those at the very bottom of the income scale and has morphed into a unsustainable Ponzi scheme. Governement took the funds from SS taxes and spent elsewhere dramatically expanding the size of government. Now when bills come due from SS, they borrow the money and put IOUs into SS fund. Failure
Medicare: expanding rapidly and again, fiscally unattainable. Fraud and abuse abound. Failure
FAA: I have no idea. If Reagan hadn’t broken up the union, who knows what would have happened. I’ll call it moderate success but not going to take the time to investigate. However, this is a pretty darn small operation.
EPA: oh good Lord what a screw up this is. Being used by bureaucrats to enforce all kinds of BS. Sorry, but this is one agency I deal with for work and they are Nazis; sticking their nose in everywhere. Tool for environmental wachos.  Complete Failure

Enough; government can never, never compete with private industry or charities for efficiency. They have no motive to.

Title: Re: WOW, Romney admits it!!!!
Post by Retread on 08/27/12 at 09:41:22

4A787F6E69786F507C6F761D0 wrote:
I could name you many things that the government has not screwed up, but your obtuse views cannot wrap itself around the total scope.. Here are a few that have worked for millions of people over many decades, SS, Medicare, the FAA, EPA, Health depts, DOT, and many other government services..

My obtuse views?... okay, lets see:

SS: bankrupt. Started out as supplement for those at the very bottom of the income scale and has morphed into a unsustainable Ponzi scheme. Governement took the funds from SS taxes and spent elsewhere dramatically expanding the size of government. Now when bills come due from SS, they borrow the money and put IOUs into SS fund. Failure
Medicare: expanding rapidly and again, fiscally unattainable. Fraud and abuse abound. Failure
FAA: I have no idea. If Reagan hadn’t broken up the union, who knows what would have happened. I’ll call it moderate success but not going to take the time to investigate. However, this is a pretty darn small operation.
EPA: oh good Lord what a screw up this is. Being used by bureaucrats to enforce all kinds of BS. Sorry, but this is one agency I deal with for work and they are Nazis; sticking their nose in everywhere. Tool for environmental wachos.  Complete Failure

Enough; government can never, never compete with private industry or charities for efficiency. They have no motive to.

 If you won't look at facts, there is no talking to you.. Just friggin ignorant... SS has kept millions of people from starving to death, thats a success in any language! It is not bankrupt, the only way it could go bankrupt is for YOU and YOUR political ilk destroying it with your crap ideals..

 Medicare takes care and has taken care of millions of seniors! Saving lives every day! Failure? Your are just being obtuse...

Yea, Unions ruin America? More stupid tripe.. Back when Unions had 28% of our workforce, one member of a family could support it! Now 12%, and???? ::)

   I have dealt with the EPA at work also, I can tell you that they just enforce the rules, if you break the rules and try to destroy the enviroment then you get what you deserve.. I hate to see what the world discovers when big oil starts shutting down refinerys, and the major chemical facilitys, and we take a look at whats under the ground...

  Obtuse views, YES, you have blinders on, and you are not looking past your nose... ::)

Title: Re: WOW, Romney admits it!!!!
Post by srinath on 08/27/12 at 09:49:02

The federal agencies are failures compared to what ?

BTW I attempt to succeed but I also happen to fail @ 50% or there abouts of the things I do ... its called stretching the limits of your mind and circumstances and in some cases physics.

Remember Apollo 13 ... failed ... ergo by extension nasa is a failure ...

Sorry some agencies have tasks that are so vast, complex and vague that its near impossible to categorize their effectiveness ... let alone call them success or failure.


Title: Re: WOW, Romney admits it!!!!
Post by WebsterMark on 08/27/12 at 11:14:54

The world you guys run around in and the world I run around in must be two different places because I don’t recognize yours....

I don’t know if it’s age (I’m 51) work status (I’m still working are you guys retired?) or what it is, but you guys see one thing, I see another.

Title: Re: WOW, Romney admits it!!!!
Post by srinath on 08/27/12 at 11:54:51

102225343322350A26352C470 wrote:
The world you guys run around in and the world I run around in must be two different places because I don’t recognize yours....

I don’t know if it’s age (I’m 51) work status (I’m still working are you guys retired?) or what it is, but you guys see one thing, I see another.

43 working and foreign born conservative here (to quote winston churchill, if you're under 30 and not liberal you have no heart, if you're over 40 and not conservative you have no brains ... and around 32-33 I began to be conservative right about when I bought my first house) yes that is true conservative ... fiscal conservative not just in name ...

Mitt isn't conservative ... Mitt is a true example of a socialist. The rich need their losses socialised, and they have privatized the profits. Mitt is their horse to ride into that utopia.

A conservative uses just what he needs at jus tthe right time ... today with effective interest being negative, a conservative borrows and spends. Bush expanded the govt and Obama continued it. Bush did so by going to war against 2 countries under semi legal pretenses, and borroed to pay for it. Except during that time effective interest rate was close to 3-4%. Obama expanded govt mainly by being forced to do so via a bad economy and an againg population, and he has borrowed to do so, but at an interest rate which has on average been 0-2% negative. Its better now to borrow, cos we aint paying interest. If it starts to get to where the interest is high and rising, I would be all for printing it and handing it over to our debtors.

I aint no gun toting, bible thumping, abortion banning, rape re-defining right wing nut. I am conservative in the true sense of the word. Cut down waste, but dont just cut down govt. Only the govt can build roads, bridges, provide a safety net for the old and poor, run a space program and a defense program the size we run. So back off and let them do it. There are countries where the transportation system (buses, trains and planes) are run by the govt, and to extremely good effects.

Efficient govt is a myth ... a larger govt is inherently more efficient cos bureaucracy is a dead cost ... like govt buildings and furniture and what not all needs to be put in before a single road contract is approved ... its cheaper to approve lots of contracts at that same location.

Every single successful "shrink the size of govt" in fact romney doesn't even say that any more - he says "shrink the size of the federal govt" effectively gets the states to do and pay for what the federal govt does. sadly the state govt cant print $, no one wants to buy bomds from some states and effectively makes a smaller govt do what a bigger govt can do more efficiently.


Title: Re: WOW, Romney admits it!!!!
Post by bill67 on 08/27/12 at 15:54:13

192B2C3D3A2B3C032F3C254E0 wrote:
The world you guys run around in and the world I run around in must be two different places because I don’t recognize yours....

I don’t know if it’s age (I’m 51) work status (I’m still working are you guys retired?) or what it is, but you guys see one thing, I see another.

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