General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Healthcare poll...

Message started by Serowbot on 08/22/12 at 14:03:59

Title: Healthcare poll...
Post by Serowbot on 08/22/12 at 14:03:59

I think this is the issue that will decide the election...

We all know the economy isn't good, but it's getting better...
... and the R&R ticket isn't going to help speed up anything...
... although it might well, slow it down or stop it... since it's just a reversion to GW's ideology...
Trickle trickle economics... :-?...

Title: Re: Healthcare poll...
Post by Greg on 08/22/12 at 14:57:09

I don't know which to choose. I believe in the free market, so fend for yourself may be it. I also believe the insurance companies should be permitted to make a profit, so like now may be it.

Title: Re: Healthcare poll...
Post by srinath on 08/22/12 at 15:57:29

I want to see prices on a wall in doctors offices and hospitals ... medicare, insurance, no insurance beggar or billionaire, that is the price, just cos you're homeless McD's dont sell you a burger for any less do they ...
I cant see any system working that puts what is under the covers ... deeper under the covers ...

But ...
O-Romney-bama care better than status quo or nothing ...

Actually if we banned Insurance to doctor/hospital direct payments it will make a huge difference. In fact you pay for everything with cash. Then you submit the bills to your insurance. No BS like in network or one rate for 1 insurance and another for another insurance and a third for no insurance.


Title: Re: Healthcare poll...
Post by Serowbot on 08/22/12 at 18:23:38

74756E6966736F070 wrote:
I want to see prices on a wall in doctors offices and hospitals ...

It's a good idea in principal,... but, have you ever seen an itemized list for a serious hospital stay?...
There are 500 charges for things that you don't know what they are or if they were needed or not,.. or even if they were used...
It's the back-side of your phone bill times a hundred...

If they went that way,.. I'd say they gotta' make a flat rate for standard beds, and one for ICU beds... everything included in one flat rate...
They itemize for Kleenex, rubber gloves, and Tylenol... it's ridiculous...
I'm surprised they don't charge per toilet flush... :-?...

Title: Re: Healthcare poll...
Post by Greg on 08/22/12 at 18:31:26

584E59445C49445F2B0 wrote:
I'm surprised they don't charge per toilet flush... :-?...

This is a good thing for me!

Title: Re: Healthcare poll...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/22/12 at 18:51:46

3D2B3C21392C213A4E0 wrote:
I think this is the issue that will decide the election...

We all know the economy isn't good, but it's getting better...
... and the R&R ticket isn't going to help speed up anything...
... although it might well, slow it down or stop it... since it's just a reversion to GW's ideology...
Trickle trickle economics... :-?...

We all know the economy isn't good, but it's getting better...

I did not know that,,,

Title: Re: Healthcare poll...
Post by srinath on 08/22/12 at 19:02:55

The economy IS getting better ... we have gone from 10+% to 8+ % unemployment.
Better yet, we have booted out a  few million illegals. No doubt that contributed to that better number.
And on a personal note, since 2008 I have not spent more than a few weeks out of work @ a time, and better yet, I also hadn't had to move or work 1000 miles away.

With Bushies time in office, I had to buy a bubble inflated house, had to move across the country CA to NC, spent many months, like 10 months out of work in 05 and 5 months in 07 as well as move to houston to find work.
Housing bubble was an artifact of bushies poor fiscal policy, and going to war against 2 countries under false pretenses. Fixing that mess is gonna take more than 3.5 yrs.

Title: Re: Healthcare poll...
Post by zippythezip on 08/22/12 at 19:04:41

Now i cant vote being from Canada, yea our health care is covered by taxes so its not free.
Now my wife's just finished her chemo treatments, our 16 year old son has MS. I have just had CT and pulmonary testing. Do I want to really worry about the bills or not having treatments?
We are going through this with our dog, God love her, how much is this going to cost us. Put her down to save money, do the same with us eh?
We had no wait times, no problems.
Love it  :)

Title: Re: Healthcare poll...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/22/12 at 20:54:06

47465D5A55405C340 wrote:
The economy IS getting better ... we have gone from 10+% to 8+ % unemployment.
Better yet, we have booted out a  few million illegals. No doubt that contributed to that better number.
And on a personal note, since 2008 I have not spent more than a few weeks out of work @ a time, and better yet, I also hadn't had to move or work 1000 miles away.

With Bushies time in office, I had to buy a bubble inflated house, had to move across the country CA to NC, spent many months, like 10 months out of work in 05 and 5 months in 07 as well as move to houston to find work.
Housing bubble was an artifact of bushies poor fiscal policy, and going to war against 2 countries under false pretenses. Fixing that mess is gonna take more than 3.5 yrs.

Whaaaat? Not that it matters,, it wasnt "Bush's" idea, & it wasnt "Clintons" idea,, Lots & LOTS of $$$$ got transferred to the bankers,, so, it wasnt a bad idea at all..

Was bill clinton's idea that everyone should own a house a good philosophy?

But I thyink it was Clintons administration when we got the big "Everyone in America should own a home".

Title: Re: Healthcare poll...
Post by Serowbot on 08/22/12 at 23:09:03

You can vote here, Zippy... ;)...

Title: Re: Healthcare poll...
Post by Savage_Rob on 08/23/12 at 07:37:10

4F4E55525D48543C0 wrote:
Actually if we banned Insurance to doctor/hospital direct payments it will make a huge difference. In fact you pay for everything with cash. Then you submit the bills to your insurance. No BS like in network or one rate for 1 insurance and another for another insurance and a third for no insurance.

I get the idea in principle but hospitals will usually want to verify ability to pay before they do anything else.  For a whole lot of stuff, most of us would need to show them insurance information.  Otherwise, some things would require taking out loans in order to pay cash and banks are going to want interest and fees on any loan, even if they agreed to use your insurance policy as collateral (which is questionable).  Unfortunately, some stuff requires direct payments for anyone other than the wealthy.

Title: Re: Healthcare poll...
Post by srinath on 08/23/12 at 07:45:09

302F292E33340535053D2F23685A0 wrote:
Whaaaat? Not that it matters,, it wasnt "Bush's" idea, & it wasnt "Clintons" idea,, Lots & LOTS of $$$$ got transferred to the bankers,, so, it wasnt a bad idea at all..

Was bill clinton's idea that everyone should own a house a good philosophy?

But I thyink it was Clintons administration when we got the big "Everyone in America should own a home".

No Clintstone made the gains got from a home sale into a Long term capital gains if you owned and lived in the house for 3 years. That in itself was very very small, it was in effect a tax break to grandma who bought a house in 1955 for 9,000 dollars, and lived in it for 55 years and sold it for 300,000 to move to a home pay 15% in taxes, you want make any $ on a house you lived in for 3 years except the bubble years. In a lot of bubble cases 2005 was the year of the bubble, you bought a house on jan 1 2005 in the right area (you are both timing the market and placing it so its just near impossible to have designed that buy/sell sequence) and sold it dec 31 2005 you could have walked away with 3X the $. That was not capital gains, it is straight income.

Effectively 3yr window on cap gains helps home restorers only, other than a bubble and it helps long term home owners ... Clinton did that, but inflating the bubble was Bushies and greenspan to cover the fact that the recession began right after bush too office and the real estate was the 1 aspect that looked alive.

The Home ownership society was bush my friend ... conveniently forgetting the fact that having payments on it means you dont own it.


Title: Re: Healthcare poll...
Post by srinath on 08/23/12 at 08:05:32

7042554244467C714C41230 wrote:
[quote author=4F4E55525D48543C0 link=1345669439/0#2 date=1345676249]Actually if we banned Insurance to doctor/hospital direct payments it will make a huge difference. In fact you pay for everything with cash. Then you submit the bills to your insurance. No BS like in network or one rate for 1 insurance and another for another insurance and a third for no insurance.

I get the idea in principle but hospitals will usually want to verify ability to pay before they do anything else.  For a whole lot of stuff, most of us would need to show them insurance information.  Otherwise, some things would require taking out loans in order to pay cash and banks are going to want interest and fees on any loan, even if they agreed to use your insurance policy as collateral (which is questionable).  Unfortunately, some stuff requires direct payments for anyone other than the wealthy.[/quote]

Well you assume that prices will stay the same, like 6g total for a root canal for example ... I can fly to india and get the Root canal and get back for less than 1/3 that. 1500 of which is the plane ticket.

Prices on the wall and no back door insurance deals will do this ... almost in this order and very rapidly ... like in a few weeks.

The doctor will evaluvate how much insurance companies pay them for each procedure. They would add the deductible ... and doctors I know make more $ out of your $20 @ each visit than they collect from the insurance co.
Since there is no insurance processing, you dont need 20 admins in each office, so they will be cut down to 1-2. The doctors figure out they can do the exact same thing, and make more $ if they charged you 30 bucks. You would see that price go on the wall first. Then as the do some more procedures, it will result in more prices.
Hospitals are a bit more complicated, however it is going to be done very quickly there too, I'd guess 1 week for a small doctor's office, 2 weeks for a big doctor's office or a hospital. Since there will be no defaults, you wont be paying for other people's care. Since you charge people @ the door, you wont be supporting the vast illegal population. Somethings would get a bit iffy but we still get a system around it too, like you have an accident and other driver is @ fault ... what I;d anticipate is a charge card from that insurance company and you use it when you have a doc treatment due to injuries. Same with workers comp etc.

People who pay for things, set prices of stuff ... its a little longer term in case of things like gasoline and even medical, a doctor would set his price @ what he now has it @, and will spend the whole day there with not 1 patient. Soon enough he'd get the hint, oooo the other doctors are charging 30 bucks I am trying to get 100 like I used to try to get with insurance.
I am nearly certain my doctor makes ~40 for a visit, 20 from me and 20 from ins. The beauty of this system is, they could charge me 40, send 1/2 the admin staff home cos they're not fighting wiht insurance co all the time, and still come out ahead.
I could say screw insurance, I'd pay $40 and kill this insurance crap. Some one who is a bit more needing of ins, could just buy an insurance that will cover 80 or 90% and they would send their bills in for reimbursement.

The market will then truly set the price ... you and I will my friend. You walk into the store, tomatoes cost $30 a lb, potatoes cost $1 a lb, you dont walk out with a cart full of tomatoes do you ? Yes.

Or, you walk into a store where everything is $30 a lb ... you obviously are going to try every store in town ... heck I can even see an app developing around that. Find the cheapest medical procedure, like those dating apps.


Title: Re: Healthcare poll...
Post by WebsterMark on 08/23/12 at 17:14:49

I'll stick with our current plan for now, thanks.

If I had a magic wand and could start to change healthcare, I'd tax employer provided healthcare a million dollars per person so all companies would get out of the insurance business asap. Then I'd take a few laws from obamacare like portability, lifetime renewal options etc... plus remove restrictions that prevent  insurance companies from competition across state lines and let the free market hash it out. It’s be rough in the beginning, but would quickly settle out. If insurance companies had to compete for our money, they would slowly evolve into what life insurance, auto insurance and home insurance are; Competitive business's that have to earn a customer's satisfaction. Right now, that is not the case. Why can't Geico sell lifetime health insurance? We’d still need government agencies to establish treatment standards like we have now, that’s wouldn’t go away.

Title: Re: Healthcare poll...
Post by Serowbot on 08/23/12 at 18:37:58

Web gives the lone vote for the HMO's... I knew it was coming... ;D...

Title: Re: Healthcare poll...
Post by srinath on 08/24/12 at 09:27:58

Healthcare ... healthcare ... I got 1 word for you my friend ...
Walmart ...

Think walmart customers are rude now ... (well hell no my hood's WM is full of sweet yuppie wannabe's but it can be worse I know that) imagine if they are sick and rude ... he he he ...


Title: Re: Healthcare poll...
Post by Retread on 08/26/12 at 07:50:16

 Keep it simple stupid... Insurance=Extortion.... Single payer system, everybody pays, everything is covered, from birth to death...

Title: Re: Healthcare poll...
Post by WebsterMark on 08/27/12 at 06:02:21

Single payer system, everybody pays, everything is covered, from birth to death...

Retread; do you still have your balls or did you cut those off? Man up and take care of yourself.

Title: Re: Healthcare poll...
Post by Retread on 08/27/12 at 06:34:02

 Are you just simple Web? I'm begining to wonder...

RIGHT NOW we have a situation where the people who do pay for healthcare insurance (ME), pay for those who do not! What I and most of the people with a brain want is a system that is fair to ALL, one that everyone pays for their own healthcare. That system is a single payer system, socialized medicine.

 I have taken care of myself all my life, don't need any help from anyone. I would enjoy a fair system, I would be willing to pay for that system.. If everyone in America paid their fair share, we could all enjoy a better life. Some things on this earth should not be for profit, healthcare is one of them...

Title: Re: Healthcare poll...
Post by WebsterMark on 08/27/12 at 07:43:55

I have taken care of myself all my life, don't need any help from anyone.

then why are you sticking your hand in my pocket and taking money out so you can spread it around the way you see fit?

Some things on this earth should not be for profit, healthcare is one of them...

without healtcare for profit, we are Cuba. Screw that....

Title: Re: Healthcare poll...
Post by srinath on 08/27/12 at 08:00:46

437176676071665975667F140 wrote:
Single payer system, everybody pays, everything is covered, from birth to death...

Retread; do you still have your balls or did you cut those off? Man up and take care of yourself.

Correct, which is why I want to see prices on the bloody wall ... so I can take care of myself. If gas cost 300 bucks a gal ... would I take care of myself ... yes I would, I would buy a bicycle.
We dont know what the care we need costs ... ergo we need insurance.

We can take care of ourselves ... we dont need insurance at all ... and O Romney-bama care doesn't do that.


Title: Re: Healthcare poll...
Post by Retread on 08/27/12 at 09:44:36

714344555243546B47544D260 wrote:

I have taken care of myself all my life, don't need any help from anyone.

then why are you sticking your hand in my pocket and taking money out so you can spread it around the way you see fit?

Some things on this earth should not be for profit, healthcare is one of them...

without healtcare for profit, we are Cuba. Screw that....

 Again I am NOT taking your money, your too stupid to know how the system works! Your also too blind to a see that every civilized country in the world that has socialized medicine, likes it! Get over your knuckle draggin ways.. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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