General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Legitimate rape...

Message started by Serowbot on 08/21/12 at 00:04:11

Title: Legitimate rape...
Post by Serowbot on 08/21/12 at 00:04:11

... as opposed to,.. illegitimate rape?... :-/...
... no,  no,  no,...  what he meant to say was,... forcible rape... ::)...
... as opposed toooo?...  :-?...

... and once again,.. the Rep's are trying get that stupid foot out of their mouths... after swallowing...

Liberals look forward,.. while conservatives cling to the past...
In this case,.. back to the 12th century...
(Things were better then)... ;D ;D ;D...
In the 12th century, people believed that a woman's womanly nature would not allow her to get pregnant, unless she enjoyed it, and wanted it...
Just like,.. if I eat  bacon, but I don't really enjoy it, it won't make me fat...
;D ;D ;D... (That don't work,.. trust me).
(okay,... don't trust me,.. I enjoy bacon.  Bad example.  But you get the point).. ;D ;D ;D...

Let's try another crime... Theft...
Legitimate, forcible theft...
... as opposed to,???...  Illegitimate theft?...Non-violent  theft?...
Oh,.. that's okay...  it was illegitimate and non-violent...

Ryan signed on to this idea...
I cannot seriously believe he believes it,.. but he did sign on to it...
I don't know which is worse...
Believing it... or knowing it's beyond ridiculous, and signing on to it anyway,... to pander to idiots..

This is insane...
... is it the candidates, the party,  the consultants, the fringe, the financiers.. ?...
Someone here is far shy of a full loaf,... and someone is bending over backwards, against their better judgement...

I'm sorry,.. but we have left dunking, the Inquisition, the Scarlet letter, and the Dark ages, behind... no matter how good things were back then...
(Ooops,.. waterboarding, Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo )...

Never mind...    

Forward,.. backward... forward, backward...
Guys... time only goes one way for us...
We should go with it...

Title: Re: Legitimate rape...
Post by bill67 on 08/21/12 at 04:16:15

It just goes to show that most of our leaders are not as smart as the average bear.

Title: Re: Legitimate rape...
Post by Drifter on 08/21/12 at 05:15:56

Burkas would prevent this kind of thing..... :o

Or birth wait thats only for sluts and prostitues..... :o

With this and what is going on in ohio it seems they are trying to turn back time to 1964!!

Title: Re: Legitimate rape...
Post by WebsterMark on 08/21/12 at 05:27:29

Ryan signed on to this idea...
what are you talking about?...

Title: Re: Legitimate rape...
Post by Drifter on 08/21/12 at 05:46:30

Ryan co sponsered the personhood bill along with akin and its in the bill...forcible rape.

Title: Re: Legitimate rape...
Post by WebsterMark on 08/21/12 at 08:57:33

This somehow makes Ryan what?

Hopey-changed passed on a bill in Illinois that would require doctors to save a baby not killed during an abortion. That makes Hopey what?

if Sew is desperately trying to link Ryan and Akin together in an attempt to take advantage of Akin's stupidity, I guess he can try.

Title: Re: Legitimate rape...
Post by srinath on 08/21/12 at 09:22:40

Serow - sorry man I dont think Ryan would sign on to anything ... unless he already owned a stake in the company which would profit from that ... else he'd denounce it, till he did own that stake ...

He makes mouth plungers, y'know like the kind that you use on toilets, made specifically to extract feet ... so he's making out like a bandit ...


Title: Re: Legitimate rape...
Post by Serowbot on 08/21/12 at 10:27:26

Apologies to Midnight,.. for missing his thread on the same topic...
I didn't mean to double up...

I've been a few steps behind on news uptake this week... :-?...

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