General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> I dont know how they find em

Message started by Midnightrider on 08/20/12 at 13:08:37

Title: I dont know how they find em
Post by Midnightrider on 08/20/12 at 13:08:37

How does the Republican Party find these friggin religous prejudice idiots?  Republican Congressman Todd Akin told a local television station yesterday that victims of "legitimate rape" don't get pregnant.

Title: Re: I dont know how they find em
Post by WebsterMark on 08/20/12 at 13:26:43

I'm from Missouri and I didn't vote for the guy. He's right up there with the guy who thought Cuba would capsize if they put more soldiers on one side of the island...

The current senator, Claire McCaskill was on her way out the door until yesterday. Boy, did Christmas come early for her!
He needs to withdrawal right away and be replaced.

Title: Re: I dont know how they find em
Post by Midnightrider on 08/20/12 at 14:42:26

Akin is on the Science Commitee.  ::) Pubs keep trying to take away womens rights and seniors health care and get our kids murdered in some God forsaken oil field.

Title: Re: I dont know how they find em
Post by Paraquat on 08/20/12 at 19:25:49

52767B717678776B6D767B7A6D1F0 wrote:
"legitimate rape"

Opposed to... ?


Title: Re: I dont know how they find em
Post by WebsterMark on 08/20/12 at 20:01:45

Pubs keep trying to take away womens rights and seniors health care and get our kids murdered in some God forsaken oil field.

the first two are absolutely not true; the third is arguable, but Pubs can claim they took their cue from JFK for number 3.

I heard Akin trying to dance around this by saying he used the term legitimate instead of forceful. I'm not a lawyer, but I suppose legitimate could be a legal term typically used once an act has been proven to be non-consensual.

Assuming that is true, it still doesn’t excuse the other part of his statement about a woman’s body being able to spontaneously ending an unwanted pregnancy. Boy, if that were true, Hopey wouldn’t need to trample all over church and state by ordering Catholics to pay for abortion pills. Clearly, Akin is not Senate material and he’s gotta go.

But, here’s what’s funny to watch going on now. His opponent, McCaskil,  started off yesterday pretending to be in shock over his statement. Once Akin said he was gonna stay in the race, her aids thought things through and got to her. She’s now saying how it would be just awful if the Republican leadership disenfranchised the Republican primary voters of Missouri by forcing him to drop out. She wants to run against him now! She was down 10 – 15 points and was never gonna win, but she’s got a chance against him now.

Title: Re: I dont know how they find em
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/20/12 at 20:37:37

I didnt know about this till today.. he was on the radio, said he apologized, said he chose the wrong words, said he would continue to apologize,, but,, come ONNN here,, What Thot Processes have to be going on to even make those words come out? He can apologize all he wants, but he has already proven himself to be an idiot,,he can apologize for being stupid, but it wont stop him from Being Stupid,,

Title: Re: I dont know how they find em
Post by Midnightrider on 08/21/12 at 04:11:54

"The first two are not true" Web what sandpile have you got your head stuck in. I believe your brain is running short on oxygen. Ryan's doing everything he can to reduce seniors medical benefits, the Pubs are introducing anti abortion bills and trying to kill Planned Parenthood all over the country. Dont blame all the wars in the last 20 years on Kennedy or the Democrats. Man you need to come up and get some air. Just for your info about the Catholic Church, 98% of all Catholic women in the US have admitted to using birth control. What goes on in Rome does not always affect the US Catholic population. The Catholic Church in Rome is still living in the Dark Ages like you and and your fellow Pubs.

Title: Re: I dont know how they find em
Post by WebsterMark on 08/21/12 at 05:39:22

Ryan's doing everything he can to reduce seniors medical benefits

Not true, that’s a lie. Ryan is doing the equivalent of taking a credit card away from someone who can’t stop buying things and has no way to pay for it. By doing this, you contend he is essentially starving this person because they can’t buy food.  

Pubs are introducing anti abortion bills and trying to kill Planned Parenthood all over the country.

Absolutely true and I hope they continue. I bet if you were to ask a girl who was born because of the Right’s efforts to lessen the killing the unborn if she was glad for a war on women, she’d say yes!

98% of all Catholic women in the US have admitted to using birth control.

That means nothing. The Catholic Church has a religious-based policy against birth control and abortion that goes back centuries. In the blink of an eye, Hopey decided he’s above all that.

and sorry to bust your mancrush on JKF, but he was a pathetic slimeball who didn't give a darn about anyone but himself. You might want to take your lifesize cutout of him down...but that's up to you.

Title: Re: I dont know how they find em
Post by Drifter on 08/21/12 at 05:53:58

Just your average low IQ knuckle draggin tea bagger that wants to go back to the good old days when women could not vote, were bare foot and pregnant with uncle leroys kid...... :-?

Title: Re: I dont know how they find em
Post by Midnightrider on 08/21/12 at 08:22:43

If JFK would have lived longer the Fed Reserve wouldnt exist and this country wouldnt be in the shape its in financially. "He didnt care about anyone but himself." You remember the Civil Rights Movement he backed. Web you're running out of oxygen! I'm not a fan of abortion but Roe vs Wade was decided many many years ago. Get over it. God doesnt need your help to deal with the sinners.

Title: Re: I dont know how they find em
Post by WebsterMark on 08/21/12 at 08:24:19

Just your average low IQ knuckle draggin tea bagger that wants to go back to the good old days when women could not vote, were bare foot and pregnant with uncle leroys kid

yea, that's exactly what I said.....
geez....can you even read?

Title: Re: I dont know how they find em
Post by WebsterMark on 08/21/12 at 08:38:47

If JFK would have lived longer the Fed Reserve wouldnt exist

Maybe that's the case, so?

"He didnt care about anyone but himself."

He forced himself on young girls infatuated with the Presidency. Made one give a bj to his friend in a pool. He was a slimeball.

You remember the Civil Rights Movement he backed

I’ll take it easy on you Midnight since you clearly have no idea what your're talking about.  

Kennedy voted AGAINST Republican Eisenhower’s 1957 civil rights bill. He didn’t want to buck the Democrats opposition to it. I guess he didn’t want the Democrat's creation, the KKK, to come after him too.

It wasn’t until Kennedy was running for president that he ‘suddenly finished his evolution on the issue’. If that sounds familiar, it’s the same as Hopey did with gay marriage when his poll numbers dropped.

Take JFK off your pedestal. You’ve fallen for the media’s love fest with him.

I'm not a fan of abortion but Roe vs Wade was decided many many years ago. Get over it. God doesnt need your help to deal with the sinners.

I'm not a fan of slavery, but Dred Scott was decided before it was pushed aside too..... See how stupid that sounds.

I guess we should have left that one alone too because of course you're probably not a fan of it but hell man, get over it. God doesn't need your help freeing slaves.

Title: Re: I dont know how they find em
Post by mojohand40 on 08/21/12 at 11:17:07

..Ryan ain't no better 'n Ol' Akin.

Birds of a Feather.

Title: Re: I dont know how they find em
Post by Midnightrider on 08/21/12 at 23:35:00

Its all just an act to sucker the Christians in to vote Republican. What would the Republican Party be without the Christian voters? The 10% of the country who are filthy rich. They carry around a Bible and act like they care about their fellow men while literally trying to screw us out of our jobs and every dollar we make. What other topic gets Christians more stirred up than abortion? Ryan had to jump in with both feet on the abortion issue to draw attention away from what he's trying to do to the senior citizens, the middle class and the poor.

Title: Re: I dont know how they find em
Post by Serowbot on 08/28/12 at 07:56:21



Title: Re: I dont know how they find em
Post by WebsterMark on 08/28/12 at 09:02:07

that's the funniest thing I've seen in a long, long time!!!
Thanks for posting. I'm going to route that around. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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