General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Ryan's silver spoon...

Message started by Serowbot on 08/18/12 at 14:41:27

Title: Ryan's silver spoon...
Post by Serowbot on 08/18/12 at 14:41:27

Gee... I'm so shocked... :P...

"While Romney and Ryan champion the private sector over government, the Ryan family business, which goes back generations, has been built to a large extent on government contracts.

“A current search of Defense Department contracts suggests that ‘Ryan Incorporated Central’ has had at least 22 defense contracts with the federal government since 1996, including one from 1996 worth $5.6 million,” Salon reports. “What’s funny is that Mr. Anti-Spending secured millions in earmarks for his home state of Wisconsin, including, among other things, $3.3 million for highway projects. And Ryan voted to preserve $40 billion in special subsidies for big oil, an industry in which, it so happens, Ryan and his wife hold ownership stakes.

Title: Re: Ryan's silver spoon...
Post by Pine on 08/19/12 at 18:34:15

Not surprised....

Title: Re: Ryan's silver spoon...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/19/12 at 19:03:21

Woo HOO,, Bammy is a Good Guy!

Title: Re: Ryan's silver spoon...
Post by srinath on 08/20/12 at 08:41:40

Obama was/is the child of a single mother.
Obama was at one time in his life dirt poor.
Obama and his wife was at one time up to their eyeballs in student debt.
Obama still clears under 800k over 450K of which is his presidential salary. BTW he has to pay the light bill and the water bill for the white house and he doesn't even get to replace or turn off the lights when he dont need to. Apparently most presidents are in for a sticker shock a month or 2 after they move in the WH from the bills they cant even cut down on.
Obama paid 20.5% of his income in taxes in 2011 - which seems rather quaintly steep compared to the Mitt "I've never paid less than 13% in taxes for any year and when you include the charitable contributions its over 20%" Romney. Oh gee, charitable contributions eh ... If I recall that Carl Rove outfit is considered a charity innit ?

Not taking sides or anything really but these are indisputable facts about Obama.

Dont underestimate the power of privelege even if you have not inherited it yet.
Mitt was never in his life going to worry about his next meal. If Mitt had a choice of taking a 20K job now or having to wait for a 40K tomorow, he had no pressures forcing him to take the 20K now. So many many many times in my life I have had to take the job available now so I can have food on the table. Years and years and years of having to put the now in front of the best have given me a diminished career and life, good as my life is, I can sell see where it could have been far better.

Good or not is not for me to decide. But Obama"s life is a lot closer to my life than Mitt will ever be and ironically that includes his stint as president.


Title: Re: Ryan's silver spoon...
Post by Greg on 08/20/12 at 09:35:47

I seem to recall an earlier dirt poor president who also shat on the Constitution and we ended up with Civil War. Maybe if someone was poor, they shouldn't be president. Not taking sides, just making observations. I would like to see both Obama and Romney evaporate.

Title: Re: Ryan's silver spoon...
Post by WebsterMark on 08/20/12 at 09:43:03

This silver spoon stuff is BS. Sew would never raise up the topic if a Kennedy was running on the democratic ticket….

I’m a bit confused as to why a poor background is an automatic badge of honor?...

As Tevye says in Fiddler; it's no sin to be poor, but it's no great honor either...

If the surgeon about to save your life came from a privileged background, would you say you’d rather have someone who came up from the slums since he’s more like  you?

Title: Re: Ryan's silver spoon...
Post by srinath on 08/20/12 at 09:59:30

It is about empathising with what you're going through.
I wont care about my surgeon's back ground, but I would care about my therapist's ... or heck friend's background. Imagine this, I am talking about pulling the motor out and re building it, and a blank look comes over his face and he says, "why dont you just ask your resident mechanic to do it ..."
Yea that wont fly well.
Or we talk about working 2 jobs to put food on the table, and Mitt trying to be one of us - Working 2 jobs, that
's so cool, such an american thing aint it. - If you dont believe me, that was said by Bush ...
Being president is more about empathising with the common man. Bteween these 2 teams of 2 (P and VP) sadly the Obama/Biden team is far more in touch with the people than Mitt/Ryan.

Whatever that counts for is yours to decide.


Title: Re: Ryan's silver spoon...
Post by srinath on 08/20/12 at 10:41:35

497B7C6D6A7B6C537F6C751E0 wrote:
As Tevye says in Fiddler; it's no sin to be poor, but it's no great honor either...

You know quoting someone is a little bit facetious and convenient.

You can find some one who has said anything and everything ... especially if you want to use it out of context.
Including this gem - "I feel like taking a huge dump on his chest"
yea that's what she said about Mitt Romney - that is the out of context part for ya ...


Title: Re: Ryan's silver spoon...
Post by WebsterMark on 08/20/12 at 11:00:06

Your ‘man of the people, Obama along with ‘working class Joe’ are both bankrupting us.

Since you’re such a fan of quotes, one that’s assigned to Martin Luther (if he actually said it or not, who knows….)

I’d rather be ruled by a wise Turk than foolish Christian.

Title: Re: Ryan's silver spoon...
Post by Savage_Rob on 08/20/12 at 12:14:42

Systematic dismantling of consumer protections and slackening of banking regulations (mostly by Republicans but sometimes aided by moderate Democrats like Clinton) is the primary contributor to this nation's bankruptcy - not the current administration.  I'm not particularly happy with their record so far but I think they were handed a huge mess and I honestly don't believe anyone else would have done any better; possibly worse.  However, so far as Ryan's "silver spoon" is concerned, I have no problem with fact that they made money off government contracts.  In fact, if I understand correctly, their fortune was actually founded on highway construction mandated by the Eisenhower administration.  Those were some excellent public works projects that helped to put a lot of folks to work after the war.  These days they would be called "stimulus".

Title: Re: Ryan's silver spoon...
Post by bill67 on 08/20/12 at 12:17:52

013334252233241B37243D560 wrote:
Your ‘man of the people, Obama along with ‘working class Joe’ are both bankrupting us.

Since you’re such a fan of quotes, one that’s assigned to Martin Luther (if he actually said it or not, who knows….)

I’d rather be ruled by a wise Turk than foolish Christian.

He said I'd rather be ruled by a Turk than a Mormon.

Title: Re: Ryan's silver spoon...
Post by srinath on 08/20/12 at 12:25:38

I think I'd take a wise beggar over a crooked rich guy.

Title: Re: Ryan's silver spoon...
Post by WebsterMark on 08/20/12 at 13:21:05

Those were some excellent public works projects that helped to put a lot of folks to work after the war.  These days they would be called "stimulus".

yea, well name me a project completed by the recent trillion dollar stimulus someone's gonna remember 25 years from now and say wow; look what they did back in 2012.....

Hopey's public work projects were digging ditches to keep union workers employed long enough to vote...

Title: Re: Ryan's silver spoon...
Post by WebsterMark on 08/20/12 at 13:22:10

I think I'd take a wise beggar over a crooked rich guy.

oh yea? go take out a home loan from a wise beggar.

Title: Re: Ryan's silver spoon...
Post by srinath on 08/20/12 at 13:57:15

467473626574635C70637A110 wrote:
Those were some excellent public works projects that helped to put a lot of folks to work after the war.  These days they would be called "stimulus".

yea, well name me a project completed by the recent trillion dollar stimulus someone's gonna remember 25 years from now and say wow; look what they did back in 2012.....

Hopey's public work projects were digging ditches to keep union workers employed long enough to vote...

Well that is the whole standard of everything these days aint it.
Name 1 thing made today that people will in 25 years care about - and no a savage does not count, it was made in 86 and never changed (ok OK 5 speed etc over 4)
There was a lot of waste in the old days too, but no one got bashed over the head with it.

Title: Re: Ryan's silver spoon...
Post by srinath on 08/20/12 at 14:13:16

7F4D4A5B5C4D5A65495A43280 wrote:
I think I'd take a wise beggar over a crooked rich guy.

oh yea? go take out a home loan from a wise beggar.

I have a wise poor guy as a friend and I constantly argue but still love another wise but chronically unemployed guy. I empathise with them, but - I would take a loan from the bank, however I wont trust the CEO of that same bank with anything important.

The system has been co opted and the banks are the only place to go to buy anything. In India I have seen my grandpa build a house a few bricks at a time. Every month a wall would go up, then came the doors then the windows etc. I would really like to live that way and in a way I am trying. If everyone had to buy with the $ they had, and not borrow for everything, you do know that things will be a lot cheaper right ?

I work for a bank, and have for the last 10 years. Seriously they are crooks who will rob you if you looked away for a second. That is the Executives not the people who "own the bank". The bank is owned by you and several other share holders. The executives are employees who think they deserve to make 20 million a year when they had a disastrous year.

The landmark event was when lehmann brothers failed. The market and the govt panicked. Goldman Sachs was about to lose billions.
My thought at that time was, every progressive failure will have had less and less and less impact. The govt could have stepped in at the end, and the whole bailout will have been so much cheaper.

Anyway remember this, home loans are given out from the pool of deposits in the bank, and eventually underwritten by the govt. CEO's raid that pool as well as the pool of "fees and fines" charged by the bank. I'd cap off those fools @ X 100 or heck even less than that compared to the average salary. Including non employees who work in the many arms and legs of these beasts.

People can follow their principles only when they have a choice. Banks have a tight grip on the happenings of the world and at this point they have taken govt help (all of them) that they cant even say they are independent any more, so your moral high ground falls on its face even if you are living "bank free" ...


Title: Re: Ryan's silver spoon...
Post by Savage_Rob on 08/20/12 at 15:39:57

Personally, I don't consider our highway system a waste of money.  It transformed business and society.  It made transportation of materials and products easier, cheaper and faster than just by sea, rail and barge.  It jump-started the auto industry and made people far more mobile.  Not only did the construction of the system provide jobs, it actually improved the efficiency of most U.S industries and made others possible.

I do have problems with the current trend of taking highways that were built and paid for by our taxes being turned over to foreign corporations to operate them as toll-roads.

Title: Re: Ryan's silver spoon...
Post by WebsterMark on 08/20/12 at 17:55:56

Personally, I don't consider our highway system a waste of money.
hope you're not thinking I consider our highway system a waste of money. I don't. I think it's a perfect example of demand creating supply.
in this case, the demand to move across the country created the supply, the highway system.

Title: Re: Ryan's silver spoon...
Post by Greg on 08/20/12 at 18:03:24

0D3F38292E3F28173B28315A0 wrote:
Personally, I don't consider our highway system a waste of money.
hope you're not thinking I consider our highway system a waste of money. I don't. I think it's a perfect example of demand creating supply.
in this case, the demand to move across the country created the supply, the highway system.

I hope you both know that the postal road part is legal. No other stimulus was legal.

Title: Re: Ryan's silver spoon...
Post by srinath on 08/20/12 at 18:21:27

I am not implying the highway system was a waste of $, but you can pretty well imagine how deficit hawks had they lived in that day would have pointed to this ditch and this road and that exit as a big waste and how the president is wasting your $$$.

Title: Re: Ryan's silver spoon...
Post by WebsterMark on 08/20/12 at 20:04:03

I hope you both know that the postal road part is legal. No other stimulus was legal.

point well made.... » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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