General Category >> The Cafe >> guns

Message started by bill67 on 08/17/12 at 09:21:28

Title: guns
Post by bill67 on 08/17/12 at 09:21:28

I've away felt safe without carrying a gun.

Title: Re: guns
Post by Boule’tard on 08/17/12 at 09:27:20

Good for you.  And with a few more thousand posts you might also figure out that the RSD section is for Q&A regarding motorcycles and riding accessories.

Title: Re: guns
Post by weracerc on 08/17/12 at 10:03:04

i too have felt safe without carrying or even having a gun(s) - I sat beside the new CEO of Remington Arms on a flight from O'Hare to Greensboro in 2006/7 and he told me the statistics at that time showed that there was 3.9 guns owned per person in the United States - I told him some folks must have way more than their share because I had 0 guns.......that all changed right before the last election - from 0 to 9 in less than 6 moths all have a specific purpose - I am not a collector just a person trying to be prepared for whatever situation arrises that might require me to need to hunt, or protect myself/property/family.......I dont carry and dont have concealed carry permit - but that could change if thiongs continue to deteriorate around us to the point that carrying becomes the normal way of life. I hope it does not but I am prepared to do it I have to.

The wife acutally said we need to prepare for hard times - she is the one who told me I could not have a gun in the house when we had small children (15yrs ago) - now she has 3 of her own and knows how to use all of our devices. She is actually a much better shot with the handguns than i am.

Title: Re: guns
Post by Greg on 08/17/12 at 10:15:03

2C213B222B3A2F3C2A4E0 wrote:
Good for you.  And with a few more thousand posts you might also figure out that the RSD section is for Q&A regarding motorcycles and riding accessories.

My questions was a legitimate one for RSD. Sorry it got out of hand.

Title: Re: guns
Post by Serowbot on 08/17/12 at 10:19:57

Are guns, a riding accessory?...  That's the question... :-/...

I get irritated when there's too much cr@p in my wallet, or I've gotten loaded up with too much pocket change...  I can't imagine carrying a couple of pounds of clunky metal around...

And,.. riding all around the land of Wyatt Earp, and Geronimo,.. along the main drug pipeline of America,.. I've never had the need...
I guess the "Wild West" moved...  ... only ranchers, and militia nuts carry around here... (easy to spot the difference)...

PS... Wild West cowboys carrying guns in the old days,.. is movie myth...  most towns didn't allow it.. and most cowboys stowed them on their horse, or left them at home, hung over the fireplace...

Title: Re: guns
Post by mojohand40 on 08/17/12 at 10:36:45

2B2025257F7E490 wrote:
I've away felt safe without carrying a gun.

You live in Wisconsin..of course you feel safe.


Seriously; so what? I have a permit to carry concealed and sometimes I do. Depends on where I'm going, etc. Most times I also feel safe without a gun....sometimes...not so much. Again, depends on where I am etc.
You say you "away" feel safe without a gun....well, good for you. Doesn't mean that every citizen feels the same way. Some live in circumstances or get in positions where a weapon may be a very necessary survival tool. But you always feel safe...well, congrats!!!

Title: Re: guns
Post by Boule’tard on 08/17/12 at 10:40:10

0500070C0B01620 wrote:
My questions was a legitimate one for RSD. Sorry it got out of hand.

No prob, Greg.  You got a couple good tidbits of info to do with your holster in close proximity to the engine.  I figure peoples' comments to do with your question had run their course.

Now for the Cafe discussion  :D
I don't bother to carry.   I like my pistol and all, but there are too many encumberances.. too bulky, the holster is an "outside" type (no open carry in TX) and I don't want to get stuck in violation of some law that says keep firearms 1000ft away from a school, out of any place alcohol is sold, out of reach while driving a car, away from where I work (policy) and probably 10 other laws I don't want to have to consider.   So it stays at home until I go for target practice.

Title: Re: guns
Post by tizzyfit on 08/17/12 at 13:46:23

505B5E5E0405320 wrote:
I've away felt safe without carrying a gun.

Thank you Bill67!  I'm sure everyone in the state of Wisconsin is relieved  to know, you have been rendered totally and completely harmless.  If you run into a problem,just sprinkle some Sea Foam on the person holding the weapon, I'm sure that will fix everything. ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: guns
Post by ToesNose on 08/17/12 at 13:47:43

HAHAHA!!!  Some good laughs from reading posts today   :D

Title: Re: guns
Post by greenmonster on 08/17/12 at 13:50:23

Bowser and Blue used to have a song, (can't find it now) that talked about the difference between Canadians and Americans. The only line that I remember was:

"Americans have the right to bear arms. We have the right to bare breasts."

I know which I'd rather bare. :)

Title: Re: guns
Post by WD on 08/17/12 at 13:52:50

Good for you Bill. Tell you what... I'll live trap the panther that has been running our deer herd and send him your way, freight due. He's small, only about 3/4 grown, if that. Should be around 120# full grown. Then I can quit carrying one every time I go outside. Would you like the thousands upon thousands of squirrels that are ruining my pecan orchards sent to you as well? I'd love to retire my antique  .22s...

I so love the city boys poking their noses into subjects where they don't belong... ;D

Title: Re: guns
Post by bill67 on 08/17/12 at 14:24:58

Lets OK, just don't take your guns to town son leave your guns at home.

Title: Re: guns
Post by Boofer on 08/17/12 at 17:16:26

515A5F5F0504330 wrote:
Lets OK, just don't take your guns to town son leave your guns at home.

Bill! Can I use that? I'd like to make it into a song. I can even hear it in my head now, and I don't know a lick of music.  ;D  

Title: Re: guns
Post by WD on 08/17/12 at 17:49:21

Bill, if you're going to quote Johnny Cash, get it right... some things shouldn't be paraphrased...

Title: Re: guns
Post by ZAR on 08/17/12 at 18:47:13

Rarely do I carry on the scoot. First off....with the way things are here in Kentucky it's almost a garrenteed ticket to jail for scooter tramps even with a permit to carry.

Secondly, how do you secure it when you're in a bar?

Third, if you're on a scoot you're already one of the bad-asses so people don't screw with you. ;)

Title: Re: guns
Post by SALB on 08/17/12 at 18:53:34

Remember when the NRA was a sportsman association, and not a gun rights association?

Title: Re: guns
Post by LANCER on 08/18/12 at 04:43:02

7B787B6F79717F1A0 wrote:
Remember when the NRA was a sportsman association, and not a gun rights association?

I don't remember that, but perhaps it was before I became a member.
Regardless, when public servants begin to think they are public CONTROLLERS then it becomes necessary to adjust the way a group responds to heavy handed and unconstitutional actions.

Title: Re: guns
Post by Cavi Mike on 08/18/12 at 05:00:05

...Or maybe when people think that the only way they can get a message across is to post everything in large off-colored letters.

Bold, 18, Blue - if anyone else was interested.

Title: Re: guns
Post by bill67 on 08/18/12 at 07:57:36

Thats the only way you can tell somebody is important.Not by what they say.

Title: Re: guns
Post by MarcosS40 on 08/18/12 at 12:51:40

7A7174742E2F180 wrote:
Thats the only way you can tell somebody is important.Not by what they say.

Juuust Wondering?  Is your space key broken Bill?  You seem to do that a lot.    ::)

Title: Re: guns
Post by MarcosS40 on 08/18/12 at 12:54:36

7A5645545844640307370 wrote:
[quote author=7A7174742E2F180 link=1345220488/15#18 date=1345301856]Thats the only way you can tell somebody is important.Not by what they say.

Juuust Wondering?  Is your space key broken Bill?  You seem to do that a lot.    ::)[/quote]

Sorry for that last frivolous post. Had a post count of 13 and I had to bump it one. I guess I'm superstitious.  Happy Riding!

Title: Re: guns
Post by Serowbot on 08/18/12 at 13:00:57

406C7F6E627E5E393D0D0 wrote:
Sorry for that last frivolous post. Had a post count of 13 and I had to bump it one. I guess I'm superstitious.  Happy Riding!

Whew!... glad you cleared that hurdle!... ;D...

Title: Re: guns
Post by bill67 on 08/18/12 at 13:37:26

406C7F6E627E5E393D0D0 wrote:
[quote author=7A7174742E2F180 link=1345220488/15#18 date=1345301856]Thats the only way you can tell somebody is important.Not by what they say.

Juuust Wondering?  Is your space key broken Bill?  You seem to do that a lot.    ::)[/quote]
Juuust don't know about that key.

Title: Re: guns
Post by Ed L. on 08/18/12 at 13:55:10

Oh I want a space key so I can get a little spaced while riding.  ;) I don't carry while out riding, there is no place to lock it up. When I do carry it is in my front pants pocket which just would not work while on a bike. I admire the precision in guns, they are put together beautifully which is why I have a small collection of them for target shooting.
 If all he11 breaks loose I don't think guns will really help that much, I'm planning to set up my bee hives along the edge of my property with trip wires to knock them over if attacked. ;D

Title: Re: guns
Post by mojohand40 on 08/18/12 at 17:22:30

I think what originally started this discussion was does anyone on a bike use an ankle holster (another thread). Like I said earlier, I seldom carry. (I do have a permit) But when I do I carry, I use a leather pocket holster in a front pants pocket. There are many of these available for small pistols, check gun shops, or shows or online. I have one for my S@W snubby. You can get some very well made holsters of this design. Not noticable unless someone is really looking for it, and you get used to the weight and feel pretty quick and hardly know it's there.
Other times I carry my little 380 semi-auto in a side belt pouch designed to look like a cell phone holder. (again shop around).  I prefer my revolver, but the 380 is lighter and easier to conceal at times. Personally, I see little if any, practical value in an ankle holster. Too hard to draw from it, etc. (especially, say;  in close quarters).
I almost NEVER, ever carry on a bike, as most times I know where I'm going etc. and if I feel that I'm going to be in a situation (i.e. night time, high crime area, transferring cash, etc.) I'm taking my car, not a bike.
Anyway, that's what I do.

Title: Re: guns
Post by Steampowered Boy on 08/18/12 at 17:32:09

I don't think I'd want to carry on a bike; I've dropped various things that I thought were secure and I'd really not like to explain that one.

Title: Re: guns
Post by Gyrobob on 08/18/12 at 19:48:23

I always carry.  Always.  (except when wearing something with no pockets or not wearing anything)

I live in a town and neighborhood statistically safer than the average US town,.. but in the past few years, there have been a couple armed break-ins, carjackings, and other assaults within ten miles or so of me.  I realize that is only several incidents in a few years, not all that many, statistically.  The victims would probably rather have been able to do something about it, though.  I refuse to be a victim, and my chances of making that refusal come true go up if I am carrying.

I know the Sheriff's secretary, and she relates they don't report (or keep records) of all the times a gun is used successfully for self-defense, and usually those successes do not involve shooting the gun.

I like what Heinlein said, "An armed society is a polite society."

Title: Re: guns
Post by dinsdale on 08/19/12 at 12:40:21

2 million defensive uses of a firearm a year. Most don't involve pulling the trigger.

It's 60,000 in Canada.

Title: Re: guns
Post by ToesNose on 08/19/12 at 13:50:36

515C5B4651545950350 wrote:
2 million defensive uses of a firearm a year. Most don't involve pulling the trigger.

It's 60,000 in Canada.

That actually seems about on par, since Canada has aprx. 1/10 the population of the U.S. and considerably less densly populated areas.

Title: Re: guns
Post by arteacher on 08/19/12 at 15:48:43

7942485E63425E482D0 wrote:
[quote author=515C5B4651545950350 link=1345220488/15#27 date=1345405221]2 million defensive uses of a firearm a year. Most don't involve pulling the trigger.

It's 60,000 in Canada.

That actually seems about on par, since Canada has aprx. 1/10 the population of the U.S. and considerably less densly populated areas.

60,000 is 3% 0f 2,000,000, not even close to 10%.
If you factor in that Americans have 2.8 times the number of privately owned guns per capita than Canada, the comparison makes sense.
Note: my statistics are for all fire arms. If you talk about handguns, it's a whole different ball game.

Title: Re: guns
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/19/12 at 16:41:18

The number of guns per capita says something, but the %age who carry is hard to know, & the guns / capita means what? Some guy owns 50 guns & 49 own none,, ? The stats dont say enough to really decipher whats happening, IMO.

Title: Re: guns
Post by arteacher on 08/20/12 at 06:35:32

In Canada the percent who carry is very low- it's illegal to carry a concealed weapon, even a knife with a blade over a certain length is illegal to conceal, and over a certain length to carry.

Title: Re: guns
Post by Trippah on 08/20/12 at 06:50:21

On TV the other night, 10.osmething million firearms sold in the US this past year.  The longr the recession/depression..the better the weapons guys do.    I cannot imagine carrying on a motorcycle, unless I worked and thus commuted in a really evil part of town.  This gal on tv was noting the armed attack in the movie heavens, can you picture 100 nervous nellies opening fire towards a body armoured whacko..probably  would have ended up with 100 dead...and the whacko would have still ambled out.

Title: Re: guns
Post by Trippah on 08/20/12 at 06:53:48

And I really believe a farmer has the right to protect his crops and a rancher his livestock...with firearms if that's the best way to accomplish the task. ;)

As far as bearing arms or baring breasts, hmmmm :-[   What about all them 70 yr old men...uuugh ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: guns
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/20/12 at 07:35:51

0E28332A2A3B325A0 wrote:
On TV the other night, 10.osmething million firearms sold in the US this past year.  The longr the recession/depression..the better the weapons guys do.    I cannot imagine carrying on a motorcycle, unless I worked and thus commuted in a really evil part of town.  This gal on tv was noting the armed attack in the movie heavens, can you picture 100 nervous nellies opening fire towards a body armoured whacko..probably  would have ended up with 100 dead...and the whacko would have still ambled out.

Just having a gun doesnt mean youre gonna shoot it. If you cant make out the target & there are "innocents" around, ya dont. BUt, how many UNarmed people are standing up while someones shooting? Would you be up or down, between the seats, hoping to not be seen?
What was the shooter doing? Walking from unarmed victim to unarmed victim,, & wearing armor doesnt mean it dont HURT to get shot,,, you lay 4 or 5 close range rounds on someone & theyre gonna be hurtin pretty bad,, & was this guy a rough tough fighter type of guy? Nope,, hardest thing hed ever done was push a pencil.,,.a coupla shots to the ribs & Ill bet he woulda been rolling around crying,

Title: Re: guns
Post by Paraquat on 08/20/12 at 19:29:40

Even with a vest a single round can leave a softball sized black and blue welt. The bullet proof vest absorbs the impact and disperses the energy, it doesn't make bullets bounce off of you. My hydroshock +P 9mm are 1496 feet per second. That's a lotta FPS to absorb.


Title: Re: guns
Post by WD on 08/20/12 at 20:11:53

Body armor isn't worth squat here, you can buy mil-spec armor piercing rounds at most gun shops. Apparently it is still legal here... for that matter, you can still buy teflon coated pistol know, cop killers...

If you meet a few select criteria. Which I do.

Title: Re: guns
Post by RandomHero on 08/20/12 at 21:36:53

454E4B4B1110270 wrote:
I've away felt safe without carrying a gun.

cool. you may go your entire life without ever even feeling the need for a gun.

or one day you may decide to go watch that new batman movie on opening night...

you have a spare tire for your car, just in case. you have insurance, just in case. fire extinguisher in the house, just in case. you get the idea

Title: Re: guns
Post by RandomHero on 08/20/12 at 21:38:03

"when seconds count, the police are only minutes away."

Title: Re: guns
Post by Paraquat on 08/21/12 at 06:35:11

Local response time here is 15+ minutes.


Title: Re: guns
Post by WD on 08/21/12 at 06:39:18

They don't respond here until someone is dead. Confusion over jurisdiction where I live, since it is on the county line. Affects a lot of homeowners here.

Title: Re: guns
Post by John_D FSO on 08/22/12 at 15:56:51

Ed L. pretty much summed up why I own guns too. Yeah, I feel safe pretty much everywhere I go, but does that stop me from owning guns? Heck no! :D I think they are a wonderful piece of engineering and machining (usually), and I really enjoy target shooting. I always look at it as a relaxing thing. Some people meditate, I like to shoot; they both involve concentration to be done correctly and safely.

I also grew up in rural Nebraska, in a financially strapped family, so we hunted a lot of our meat too, whether it be deer or rabbits, or whatever.

Title: Re: guns
Post by Paraquat on 08/22/12 at 17:30:07
*Internet legend.


Title: Re: guns
Post by Paraquat on 08/25/12 at 09:47:19

Looks like I can't hot link from the first site.

And then this:
I laughed at how many were true.


Title: Re: guns
Post by Serowbot on 08/25/12 at 10:45:11

Does she really expect a mugger to wait patiently while she rumages around her purse or glovebox to get out one of her guns and shoot him?...
Her best defense would be to offer them up voluntarily in exchange for her life...
False security... it's a shame this old lady has to feel so afraid...

Title: Re: guns
Post by tizzyfit on 08/25/12 at 17:30:46

2137203D25303D26520 wrote:
Does she really expect a mugger to wait patiently while she rumages around her purse or glovebox to get out one of her guns and shoot him?...
Her best defense would be to offer them up voluntarily in exchange for her life...
False security... it's a shame this old lady has to feel so afraid...

Did you read the last sentence?  She admits to not being afraid of a "f---ing thing".  By the way, she doesn't have to remove her weapon from her purse, just get your bugger hook on the go button, point the purse toward the robber and fire!  She may not hit the perp but the muzzle flash and noise will probably cause the perp to evacuate his bowels.

Title: Re: guns
Post by rfw2003 on 08/25/12 at 17:39:16

ya never know, she may have a concealed carry purse.  From looking at the one my Mom had, it would be very easy to draw from one of those.


Title: Re: guns
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/25/12 at 18:19:15

In a tight for time? Lay a hand on the gun, point & shoot,, who cares if its still in the purse?

Title: Re: guns
Post by rfw2003 on 08/25/12 at 18:26:49

081711160B0C3D0D3D05171B50620 wrote:
In a tight for time? Lay a hand on the gun, point & shoot,, who cares if its still in the purse?

couldn't agree more.

Title: Re: guns
Post by Serowbot on 08/25/12 at 18:35:14

677A69696A757A67130 wrote:
Did you read the last sentence?  She admits to not being afraid of a "f---ing thing".

She's carrying three guns,.. she's scared shitless...

It would be laughable and cute,.. if it weren't so sad...
... but, if she managed to do anything with a gun, in front of an attacker, it would be pure luck...

Guns are not a cloak of invincibility... in close quarter, even a young, strong, adult will likely get knocked cold while reaching for his gun, instead of concentrating on the attacker... you've got a hundredth of a second, spend it wisely... block or throw, but don't reach for your purse...

I think some of you guys are watching too many movies... ;D...

Title: Re: guns
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/25/12 at 19:56:53

3D2B3C21392C213A4E0 wrote:
[quote author=677A69696A757A67130 link=1345220488/45#45 date=1345941046]Did you read the last sentence?  She admits to not being afraid of a "f---ing thing".

She's carrying three guns,.. she's scared shitless...

It would be laughable and cute,.. if it weren't so sad...
... but, if she managed to do anything with a gun, in front of an attacker, it would be pure luck...

Guns are not a cloak of invincibility... in close quarter, even a young, strong, adult will likely get knocked cold while reaching for his gun, instead of concentrating on the attacker... you've got a hundredth of a second, spend it wisely... block or throw, but don't reach for your purse...

I think some of you guys are watching too many movies... ;D...[/quote]

you've got a hundredth of a second,

I think some of you guys are watching too many movies

I think you been watching too many Bruce Lee movies.

If one isnt aware of people & able to "read" them, then yea, someone can walk right up on ya, I FEEL it when someone is movin in on me, If youre thinkin youre gonna walk up & smack me, Ill see it comin more often than not. A truly sneaky person could, but someone focused on me, with malice in their heart? Ive busted more than one & stopped an attack,, twice. Just by making them aware I was alert & aware of their intentions & would not be an easy target, Once, on a drilling rig & once in a bar. Situational awareness, practice it,

Title: Re: guns
Post by Serowbot on 08/25/12 at 22:02:04

Take for instance, the two most likely attacks on this poor ol' girl...
 Car-jack...  her first indication is a rapping on the window of a gun barrel... (if you think she can out draw a drawn gun, you watch too many movies)....
 Purse snatching... her first indication is a brutal tug on her purse...(she just gave the perp her money,... and her gun... now he's equipped for a car-jack... it's a step up from purse snatching)...
 Either way,.. she had zero chance to defend her property,.. and is lucky to be alive...
   Sometimes submission is the wise, and safe course... they get some cash, or wheels, and you get your life... fair trade... (and they likely get prison)...
 .. neither your purse or your car, is worth your life...
 That's the real world...
 It's not justice... but you live to fight another day...
 Stupid moves will cost your life...
 Guns aren't always the answer...

Put away your Tex Ritter cowboy suit and think realistically,... even if you're armed,... there's a point when handing over your cash, and even your gun, is the smart move...
Rambo, and John Wayne, ain't real life,...  it's as silly as Bugs Bunny...

I'm telling you seriously,... when you're sitting thinking about it, it's easy to win...  
When you're caught off guard, buying chocolate chips, eggs, carrots, and Pepsi, at the grocer... they have the jump on you...
Your mind is one place,... theirs is another...
The speed is not in your quick-draw... it's in the analysis of the situation... and the guy that went in knowing what was going down, had you beat, before you started....
That's real...

Title: Re: guns
Post by tizzyfit on 08/26/12 at 00:00:53

5741564B53464B50240 wrote:
[quote author=677A69696A757A67130 link=1345220488/45#45 date=1345941046]Did you read the last sentence?  She admits to not being afraid of a "f---ing thing".

She's carrying three guns,.. she's scared shitless...

It would be laughable and cute,.. if it weren't so sad...
... but, if she managed to do anything with a gun, in front of an attacker, it would be pure luck...

Guns are not a cloak of invincibility... in close quarter, even a young, strong, adult will likely get knocked cold while reaching for his gun, instead of concentrating on the attacker... you've got a hundredth of a second, spend it wisely... block or throw, but don't reach for your purse...

I think some of you guys are watching too many movies... ;D...[/quote]
@ 91, I don't "think" she would be able to do much blocking or throwing, then again, I could be wrong. ;D
One weapon in each hand and a back-up.  Maybe it's easier for her to grab another weapon than reload one during a fire fight.  Worse case scenario, you never want to be out-gunned!  Obviously this lady subscribes to that line of thinking.  It's her life and her choice as to the number of weapons she chooses to carry, no one else.
Take a look in your toolbox, how many different screwdrivers do you have? How many motorcycles do you own, you can only ride one at a time.  A gun is simply a tool, different tool for different applications with the end result being to fix the problem at hand. :)

Title: Re: guns
Post by LANCER on 08/26/12 at 04:25:17

I agree Tizz and Bot, situational awareness is as necessary as having the most usable and effective tool that fits you, and being able to use it in a timely manner if the situation warrants.
It is always better to remove yourself from a potentially bad situation if you can see it coming; otherwise, you do what you need to do at the time to keep yourself safe.

Title: Re: guns
Post by Paraquat on 08/26/12 at 07:51:56

I know girls who walk carrying pepper spray at the ready in their hands when they're walking through the parking garage to their cars after work or whatever.
Will someone grab their purse? Maybe but they are, or think they are, prepared.
If not then everything's cool and carry about your business.
There are steps you can take to limit being caught off guard. Situational awareness is a great one. Stop for a second and look at what everyone else is doing.


Title: Re: guns
Post by Paraquat on 09/09/12 at 17:51:14
I've heard this is merely internet legend but it's a funny laugh.


Title: Re: guns
Post by Cavi Mike on 09/09/12 at 20:26:57

Re: fwd: Re: fwd: Re: fwd: Re: fwd: fwd: Re: fwd: Re: fwd: fwd: Re: fwd: Re: fwd: fwd: Re: fwd: Re: fwd: Re: fwd: fwd: Re: fwd: Re: fwd: Re: fwd: fwd: Re: fwd: Re: fwd: Re: fwd: Re: fwd: Re: fwd: fwd: Re: fwd: Re: fwd: ZOMG you HAVE to read this TOTALLY TRUE and SO NOT FAKE story!

Title: Re: guns
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/09/12 at 23:47:06

4677647767637762160 wrote:
I've heard this is merely internet legend but it's a funny laugh.


&, as fun as this would be to believe its true, I hafta ask myself, what would have happened if he had used the phone he took from the Bad Guy & called his own phone.. Would the caller ID have given the Bad Guys name?

Title: Re: guns
Post by Gyrobob on 09/14/12 at 04:49:22

363B34393F28686D5A0 wrote:
I agree Tizz and Bot, situational awareness is as necessary as having the most usable and effective tool that fits you, and being able to use it in a timely manner if the situation warrants.
It is always better to remove yourself from a potentially bad situation if you can see it coming; otherwise, you do what you need to do at the time to keep yourself safe.

I agree.  One of the first things usually taught in self-defense gun classes is how to not even have the gunfight in the first place.  it is better to run away than to shoot it out.

Title: Re: guns
Post by WD on 09/15/12 at 12:17:35

And if you can't avoid the gunfight, carry something that will end it quickly. On the farm I normally have 2-3 loaded guns close to hand. With it now being hunting season, and our place's tendency to draw poachers, the SA Ruger .45 with hot loads is going on the belt. Just the smoke and fury of touching off a blackpowder .45 generally does the trick, but she'll crack an engine block if need be. Back pocket has either a .44 Special S&W and/or a CZ24 .380 auto as back up. If 20 rounds won't do it...

Title: Re: guns
Post by LANCER on 09/15/12 at 15:04:18

7F6C280 wrote:
And if you can't avoid the gunfight, carry something that will end it quickly. On the farm I normally have 2-3 loaded guns close to hand. With it now being hunting season, and our place's tendency to draw poachers, the SA Ruger .45 with hot loads is going on the belt. Just the smoke and fury of touching off a blackpowder .45 generally does the trick, but she'll crack an engine block if need be. Back pocket has either a .44 Special S&W and/or a CZ24 .380 auto as back up. If 20 rounds won't do it...

Mine are always loaded with one in the chamber.
A 38 is just under my side of the bed &  I can pull/fire without my head leaving the pillow.
A samurai sword, 45-70 lever & 12 ga. are within 1 step.
When I move to Oklahoma next year I will carry for the coyotes & snakes & 2-legged varmints.
The 270 takes care of deer and longer range targets.

I intend to add a 45/410 revolver for the ranch & 7.62 & 5.56 just to cover the bases and be able to use mil. rounds.  Those could come in handy if the fabric of civilization continues to unravel.

Title: Re: guns
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/15/12 at 21:40:46

What part of Oklahoma you movin to?

Title: Re: guns
Post by LANCER on 09/16/12 at 03:24:28

5A454344595E6F5F6F57454902300 wrote:
What part of Oklahoma you movin to?

Henryetta; on I-40 about 75 miles east of OKC and due south of Tulsa about 50 miles.  The Indian Nation Turnpike starts just south of Henryetta.
Will be on 70 acres that backs up to the North Canadian River.

Gettin back to my roots and help to care for Ma.   :)

Title: Re: guns
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/16/12 at 03:44:51

I lived in Tecumseh in 72/73, Not far. Sure gets ( or got) dadgummed cold..

Title: Re: guns
Post by WD on 09/16/12 at 11:40:58

Lancer, drop in and say hi on your way through. We're only about 20-30 minutes from I-40. North of it, real easy to get to our place. Or I'll meet you at the Waffle House just north of the freeway at the Canada Road exit. You'll want to stretch your legs before tackling the 40 north leg through Memphis. Nightmare central.

Got the replacement flathead 6 from a guy just outside OKC.

Title: Re: guns
Post by LANCER on 09/17/12 at 05:08:13

4655110 wrote:
Lancer, drop in and say hi on your way through. We're only about 20-30 minutes from I-40. North of it, real easy to get to our place. Or I'll meet you at the Waffle House just north of the freeway at the Canada Road exit. You'll want to stretch your legs before tackling the 40 north leg through Memphis. Nightmare central.

Got the replacement flathead 6 from a guy just outside OKC.

I normally try to make the first leg of the trip to get to Memphis and spend the night there.  Since we will be driving a moving truck and towing my pickup it will be a slower drive than normal and I will likely make it a 2 stop trip vs 1 stop.  Memphis may still be one of the stops though.  Regardless, whether we spend the night there or just make a food/rest stop I would like to meet up.  I was thinking yesterday about our meeting for rides since Memphis and Henryetta are not that far apart.   Meeting midway between would only take a couple of hours for each of us.
It will take a while for me to get settled in Oklahoma but even so I still NEED to ride.

Title: Re: guns
Post by WD on 09/17/12 at 07:43:08

Guess I'll have to pull the Savage out of the barn and fix it after all. And Lisa's Intruder croaked too.

Title: Re: guns
Post by Gyrobob on 09/17/12 at 08:53:34

I was born in Ada.

Title: Re: guns
Post by bill67 on 09/17/12 at 08:54:48

I have a 410 over and under,One barrel is slightly bigger that the other is that for slugs,the manual doesn't say anything about it.

Title: Re: guns
Post by LANCER on 09/17/12 at 11:08:24

1F0C480 wrote:
Guess I'll have to pull the Savage out of the barn and fix it after all. And Lisa's Intruder croaked too.

What do you need to do to it ?

Title: Re: guns
Post by WD on 09/17/12 at 14:15:44

Savage needs a rewire. Intruder is so far beyond any hope of my diagnosing it that I don't know...ignition circuit, horn circuit, fuel pump, starter are all no juice with a new battery... gotta be a relay messed up somewhere. I can jump the starter solenoid terminals and spin it over but the other circuits stay dead.

I really miss kick only, points fired, gravity fed... oh, wait, those ones are dead too.  ;D

Title: Re: guns
Post by Paraquat on 09/17/12 at 15:53:48

If you want to part ways with the Intruder keep me in mind.


Title: Re: guns
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/17/12 at 23:11:40

My 4 wheeler keeps having a dead battery. One day,, sheza justa fina,, Nexta daya,, Sheza hammer deada,,
Disconnect battery, switch off, Ohm meter doesnt show infinity, but, with one cable on & a test lite between batt. terminal & other cable, No Light, amp meter shows .1 on the 200 m/amp scale, ( & Noooo,, idk whut that means) IDK if that .1 amps or .1 of 200/1000 of an amp.,

Daggum shame to not know how to read an ohm meter,, Ive got ( equivalent from the Air Force) an Associates Degree in Electronics,
I sent my certificates & stuff from Biloxi to Texas Tech & they said ( for a nominal fee) they would send me an associates certificate..
I cant even read the Ohms & KNOW Im reading it right,

If Im on the 2 K scale & it says .167, what does that mean?

Title: Re: guns
Post by Gyrobob on 09/18/12 at 18:50:47

6D7274736E6958685860727E35070 wrote:
My 4 wheeler keeps having a dead battery. One day,, sheza justa fina,, Nexta daya,, Sheza hammer deada,,
Disconnect battery, switch off, Ohm meter doesnt show infinity, but, with one cable on & a test lite between batt. terminal & other cable, No Light, amp meter shows .1 on the 200 m/amp scale, ( & Noooo,, idk whut that means) IDK if that .1 amps or .1 of 200/1000 of an amp.,

Daggum shame to not know how to read an ohm meter,, Ive got ( equivalent from the Air Force) an Associates Degree in Electronics,
I sent my certificates & stuff from Biloxi to Texas Tech & they said ( for a nominal fee) they would send me an associates certificate..
I cant even read the Ohms & KNOW Im reading it right,

If Im on the 2 K scale & it says .167, what does that mean?

On the 2k scale multiply every reading by 1000.  So your reading of .167 would mean 167 ohms.  You can verify this by going to the scale that has no multiplier.. On my multimeter, the no-multiplier scale just shows an ohm symbol with no number or letter in front of it.

So, if you have a reading of .167 on the 2k scale, that would be 167 ohms.   You might have a 2m scale and a 2k scale and a no k scale.  If you get .167 on the 2k scale, you should get 167 on the no k scale.

To do a reality check on this, go get a set of 8 ohm headsets with no volume control and measure the resistance.  You guessed it,.. if they are a plain old simple set of speakers in a headset, you should read 8 ohms on the no k scale.  Switch to the 2k scale and those headphones will read .008.

If you only have headsets with a volume control the low end reading might be 40 on the no k scale, and .040 on the 2k scale.

Best of luck!

Title: Re: guns
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/18/12 at 20:51:13

You guessed it,.. if they are a plain old simple set of speakers in a headset, you should read 8 ohms on the no k scale.  Switch to the 2k scale and those headphones will read .008.

Thanks,, what was scrambling my brain is the different numbers.. Now I understand a lot, thanks to 2 replies, thanks guys.

Title: Re: guns
Post by Gyrobob on 09/19/12 at 06:13:50

Is this what is called "hijacking the thread?"

If so, let me return to the title issue.  The RIB has done more for the gun industry than any pres in modern times.

Title: Re: guns
Post by groupus on 09/19/12 at 10:18:55

Bear with me, I can be long winded.

It is difficult for non-gun owners to believe any justification for owning a gun or situation where it could actually be useful. Gun owners can be just as bad, saying how in this situation or that they would have done X and saved the day with their gun. Truth is, no one can know how a situation will play out until it has happened.

I own a gun, maybe I shouldn't admit that on the internet. I rarely carry because it is something else to fumble with, many places don't allow it including my job, and you're all of a sudden a threat to most cops if you ever have to deal with the law even in a pedestrian manner. Its fun to shoot and a great piece of mechanics, but I never plan to draw it on anyone ever.

With that being said, I recently had a confrontation while driving. This kid flies around me doing 50 in a 25, school zone, double yellow, dark, only to pull into the same complex as me 50 ft up the road and stop. I gave him the customary honk&holler as I passed, but he tries to pull out into me, flies up beside me, gets out and starts yelling and threatening. Kid must be 17 or 18, showing off for his skinny friend and fat girlfriend, but he comes up to my window and wants me to fight. I told him several times he was in the wrong and to just go away (I had my girl in the car with me). I did not have my gun on me, nor would I ever have wanted to even produce it in this situation. I didn't want to provoke him, and I would be a real ass to put a gun on some mouthy punk. I did, however, have a firm grip on a 7in, double edged and razor sharp dagger that I just so happen to keep in the side compartment of my door. He never saw it, but if he wanted to reach into my car and grab me, he would have certainly felt my hand around his wrist and that steel pressed firmly against his inner arm. But he didn't; he left on his own, doing a pathetic attempt at a burn out in his front wheel drive toyota, and no blood was shed.

Moral of the story is: situational awareness, avoid violence and bloodshed, keep your temper and ego in check, have the upper hand, but you don't need to start waving a weapon around to make it known. Pepper spray is the best option, I know I would have gotten a lot of satisfaction out of macing that punk.

I always have a pocket knife and have had a few confiscated going through security. I also keep a 3-4 decorative metal sheath knife on the side of the Savage's battery box, within easy reach.

The Boy Scout motto is Be Prepared.

Title: Re: guns
Post by Gyrobob on 09/19/12 at 10:47:09

One of the first things taught in any defensive firearms course is to avoid a gunfight as the first course of action.  Pull the gun as a last resort.

Title: Re: guns
Post by Ed L. on 09/19/12 at 16:46:12

I used to carry a rusted up wire brush in my car. I figured that if some jerk tried to pick a fight with me by reaching through the window I would just give him a whack on whatever skin was showing. It wouldn't damage him too much but it would really hurt. Pain is a great deterant. I've a real sharp beat up hunting knife in the car now.
 Knew a girl who bit a chunk out of a purse snatcher's arm when he reached into the front seat of her car going after her pocket book. It's not what you carry, it is how you use it. ;)

Title: Re: guns
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/20/12 at 09:35:56

I have held a wire brush in my hand once, when I was in an uncomfortable spot. Ive accidently hit myself with them on more than one occasion & it always hurts. Even a sleeve on an arm wont keep it from hurting, & theres no law against having one,,
They make a great defensive weapon, as does a tennis racket, which is not
considered a deadly weapon ( last I checked). A knife can get a guy in trouble, depending on length. Know your laws,
I am fond of stun guns & pepper sprays.

Title: Re: guns
Post by LANCER on 09/20/12 at 17:48:26

A sharp pencil is quite effective at close range and can be deadly if needed

Title: Re: guns
Post by Serowbot on 09/20/12 at 18:02:01

I never thought of a wire brush,... that's bloody wicked... (literally)... :-?...

Title: Re: guns
Post by Gyrobob on 09/21/12 at 05:24:50

0D000F0204135356610 wrote:
A sharp pencil is quite effective at close range and can be deadly if needed

When I was about 12, I stuck a wooden pencil into my brother's thigh, and broke it off.  It didn't slow him down much.  We ended up that fight with baseball bats.

Title: Re: guns
Post by arteacher on 09/21/12 at 06:14:41

2C3335322F2819291921333F74460 wrote:
I have held a wire brush in my hand once, when I was in an uncomfortable spot. Ive accidently hit myself with them on more than one occasion & it always hurts. Even a sleeve on an arm wont keep it from hurting, & theres no law against having one,,
They make a great defensive weapon, as does a tennis racket, which is not
considered a deadly weapon ( last I checked). A knife can get a guy in trouble, depending on length. Know your laws,
I am fond of stun guns & pepper sprays.

We had some teen thugs hanging around in our complex a while ago. I carried a 6 cell Maglight. The police told me it wasn't a weapon as long as it was on (being used as a flashlight).

Title: Re: guns
Post by arteacher on 09/21/12 at 06:16:34

1C2229343934395B0 wrote:
[quote author=0D000F0204135356610 link=1345220488/75#80 date=1348188506]A sharp pencil is quite effective at close range and can be deadly if needed

When I was about 12, I stuck a wooden pencil into my brother's thigh, and broke it off.  It didn't slow him down much.  We ended up that fight with baseball bats.[/quote]
I teach school in detention centers from time to time. We count the pencils at the end of the class, and none are more than 3" long.

Title: Re: guns
Post by ToesNose on 09/21/12 at 06:24:07

I had a horrific experience in Jr. High with a pencil,  a crazy chick who liked me found out that I liked another girl.  Well she was REALLY CRAZY!  She took a pencil and attacked me with it, at the end it wound up almost three inches into my nostril    :-/       Needless to say I learned my lesson, from then on I dated the crazy chicks    :D

Title: Re: guns
Post by groupus on 09/21/12 at 13:17:48

I still have the tip of a pencil lodged in the back of my hand.

I really do like the wire brush idea, especially a rusty one. Not as elegant hanging off the side of my bike though.

Title: Re: guns
Post by Savage_Rob on 09/21/12 at 14:30:46

Gibbs' Rule #9: Never go anywhere without a knife.

Title: Re: guns
Post by Paraquat on 09/21/12 at 15:50:22

I like the buck engraved in it.

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