General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> political dodgeball

Message started by WebsterMark on 08/16/12 at 05:49:07

Title: political dodgeball
Post by WebsterMark on 08/16/12 at 05:49:07

I’ve been gone for the better part of 2 weeks, but have to say I love Ryan as a VP. I want as clear a dividing line as possible between conservatives and liberals.

I want a fight. I want right vs left. I want adults vs children and now with the teams finally picked, it’s time to choose sides, grab those dodgeballs and start plastering crybaby liberals in their little faces. I want red marks all over Biden’s face, I want to see that Wasserman-Schultz ‘woman’ with a ball in her gut so hard that snot comes out of her nose, I want to see NBC’s Brian Williams on the ground curled up in the fetal position…

I think you get the picture.

Title: Re: political dodgeball
Post by bill67 on 08/16/12 at 06:48:09

Ryan the biggest mistake Mitts made so far,And he's made a lot of big ones.

Title: Re: political dodgeball
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/16/12 at 07:00:49

UNtil the masses get "the Picture" & realize boith sides are owned & operated by the same bunch of globalists, we dont have a hope.
They REALLY are opposed? Then why does no one ever repeal what the other side did?

Title: Re: political dodgeball
Post by WebsterMark on 08/16/12 at 07:22:57

There is no such thing as a bunch of globalist secretly running the world, but I’m not going there.

Policy does change from administrating to administration.

Kennedy started Vietnam where others didn’t. That was a change. If it weren’t for Republicans, the Democrats would not have pushed Civil Rights laws, that’s was a change. If Reagan hadn’t lowered taxes, Jimmy Carter’s disasters would have kept going, that’s a change, if Clinton hadn’t given in to Gingrich on welfare reform, we’d be broker now than we already are, that’s a change.

It’s just not true to say both sides are in someone’s pocket and nothing ever fundamentally changes, because it makes a big difference which party is in power.

Title: Re: political dodgeball
Post by bill67 on 08/16/12 at 07:37:35

When Republicans are in office our national debts go up and the stock market goes down.What are they doing right.

Title: Re: political dodgeball
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/16/12 at 07:50:19

Youre right, web, its no secret,.,.it plain as day for anyone who can see.

Title: Re: political dodgeball
Post by Serowbot on 08/16/12 at 09:24:44

447671606776615E726178130 wrote:
I want adults vs children and now with the teams finally picked, it’s time to choose sides, grab those dodgeballs and start plastering crybaby liberals in their little faces. I want red marks all over Biden’s face, I want to see that Wasserman-Schultz ‘woman’ with a ball in her gut so hard that snot comes out of her nose, I want to see NBC’s Brian Williams on the ground curled up in the fetal position…

I think you get the picture.

You need psychological help...

Title: Re: political dodgeball
Post by WebsterMark on 08/16/12 at 09:33:51

can he grip a dodgeball and throw hard? if so, sure, he can be on the team...

Title: Re: political dodgeball
Post by arteacher on 08/16/12 at 15:47:01

1006110C14010C17630 wrote:
[quote author=447671606776615E726178130 link=1345121347/0#0 date=1345121347]I want adults vs children and now with the teams finally picked, it’s time to choose sides, grab those dodgeballs and start plastering crybaby liberals in their little faces. I want red marks all over Biden’s face, I want to see that Wasserman-Schultz ‘woman’ with a ball in her gut so hard that snot comes out of her nose, I want to see NBC’s Brian Williams on the ground curled up in the fetal position…

I think you get the picture.

You need psychological help...
Has the tone of Alice's Restaurant..." I wanna kill KILL KILL"

Title: Re: political dodgeball
Post by WebsterMark on 08/16/12 at 18:59:23

27 glossy photographs with circles and arrows on the back of each one....

Title: Re: political dodgeball
Post by Retread on 08/16/12 at 19:47:01

 Its more like "Lucky I didn't go into the mountain, I went over the edge".. "Motorcycle song"...

 It all depends on who you want a in office, a silver spoon kid, tax dodger, vulture capitalist, who has failed at everything except lining his own pockets. Or a guy who has and is trying to bring the USA back from the brink with no help from congress or senate..

 VP picks, a guy who speaks from the heart and once in awhile puts foot in mouth (Most VPs do this).. Or a guy who has only passed two bills in 13 years in Washington.. A guy who held the government for ransom by refusing to pay bills due, broke a perfect credit rating, all for a political statement.. He is not a fisical conservative, you cannot claim that title if you want to cut taxes on the very rich and make the poor and elderly pay for that tax cut... He is also a hypocrite, along with Romney the flip flop...

Title: Re: political dodgeball
Post by LostArtist on 08/17/12 at 11:24:49

1F2D2A3B3C2D3A05293A23480 wrote:
I’ve been gone for the better part of 2 weeks, but have to say I love Ryan as a VP. I want as clear a dividing line as possible between conservatives and liberals.

I want a fight. I want right vs left. I want adults vs children and now with the teams finally picked, it’s time to choose sides, grab those dodgeballs and start plastering crybaby liberals in their little faces. I want red marks all over Biden’s face, I want to see that Wasserman-Schultz ‘woman’ with a ball in her gut so hard that snot comes out of her nose, I want to see NBC’s Brian Williams on the ground curled up in the fetal position…

I think you get the picture.

and you think you're on the adult team????  

Title: Re: political dodgeball
Post by Midnightrider on 08/17/12 at 12:01:45

1C3F2324112224392324500 wrote:
[quote author=1F2D2A3B3C2D3A05293A23480 link=1345121347/0#0 date=1345121347]I’ve been gone for the better part of 2 weeks, but have to say I love Ryan as a VP. I want as clear a dividing line as possible between conservatives and liberals.

I want a fight. I want right vs left. I want adults vs children and now with the teams finally picked, it’s time to choose sides, grab those dodgeballs and start plastering crybaby liberals in their little faces. I want red marks all over Biden’s face, I want to see that Wasserman-Schultz ‘woman’ with a ball in her gut so hard that snot comes out of her nose, I want to see NBC’s Brian Williams on the ground curled up in the fetal position…

I think you get the picture.

and you think you're on the adult team????  
;D ;D ;D ;D  " I wanna fight" Let's invade Iran "I want adults versus children" We can bomb the schools in Iran. Web you left out the part about overtaxing the poor and middle class.

Title: Re: political dodgeball
Post by thumperclone on 08/17/12 at 23:47:26

john lost my vote when he picked sara
id never vote for the twitt no matter who he picked

Title: Re: political dodgeball
Post by WebsterMark on 08/18/12 at 07:26:04

Lost: and you think you're on the adult team????  

A tip of the hat to you lost; great comeback! Even at my own expense, I laughed.....

Title: Re: political dodgeball
Post by Retread on 08/18/12 at 09:01:36

 Here's the deal.. I am a conservative, I do not owe anything to anyone, bills paid in full, I own my property, my cars, my bikes, and pay all credit cards in full monthly. I live on my life savings, I worked very hard all my life for this, and depend on nothing from the government..

  Therefore I can recognize another conservative, when I look at Mitt and Paul, I do not see conservative, I do not see any longterm problem solvers, I do see more of the Bush years, and a massive depression after..

  Mitt will not take a stand on anything, and will throttle Ryan to do the same.. Ask them about their budget plans, they are the same, but very different! Ask Ryan about his plans for Medicare, you get "I won't touch it", but he has already pushed to kill it and go voucher in congress.. WHERE do they STAND?

  Its pretty clear, they do not stand, they are trying to crawl into office, and then dump we the people into the toilet, give it all to the vulture capitalists, Koch, Trump, ect... 


Title: Re: political dodgeball
Post by WebsterMark on 08/18/12 at 21:19:24

Mitt will not take a stand on anything

didn't he say he'd issue whatever legal executive order he could to kill obamacare and pursue congress to do the rest. Isn't that taking a stand?

Ask Ryan about his plans for Medicare, you get "I won't touch it", but he has already pushed to kill it and go voucher in congress.. WHERE do they STAND?

I don't think that's actually what he said. I think he said the truth which is it's doomed if something doesn't change. Argue what to change all you want, but status quo means death.

Here's the deal.. I am a conservative, I do not owe anything to anyone, bills paid in full, I own my property, my cars, my bikes, and pay all credit cards in full monthly. I live on my life savings, I worked very hard all my life for this, and depend on nothing from the government..
if that's true Retread; why would you be against vouchers for medicare which puts more control in the owners hand? Seems that would fit your mindset. Would you be against some type of Social Security vouchers which again, puts more control into your hands?

Title: Re: political dodgeball
Post by Retread on 08/18/12 at 22:26:59

If you think killing Romney care would be a good thing, think again, it was the only thing he did in Mass that was good..

 Your right, if this nation does not go to socialized medicine we will be down the tubes..

  My mindset includes getting what I paid into SS, and getting my medicare when its time. What they want to do is give it all to private insurance companys. If you think they can do it cheaper? You are dead wrong, my health insurance is costing (Just me) $560 a month, and my former employer pays a chunk of that, and its a crummy PPO.. My wife pays about $200 a month for her medicare AND her supplimental.

  I don't want control when all you have to go for is plan A that cost $800 a month and plans B through Z that cost $850 a month.. Then you have to figure out what they cover, when they cover, and where they cover!!! Keep it simple, everyone pays, everything is covered, from birth to death! Then people wouldn't have to hock their life savings, and their homes for longterm care... Insurance is another word for extortion.. >:(

  No, Ryan pushed his budget which dumped medicare and backed vouchers, he doesn't want that now.. Now they are blaming Obama for cutting medicare.. When he actually cut waste from medicare... Obamacare is just a start, would have much rather had single payer, but in ten years the insurance industry will be screaming bloody murder, and socialized medicine will coming...

Title: Re: political dodgeball
Post by WebsterMark on 08/19/12 at 07:11:36

And her $200 a month is bankrupting the nation. It’s not  sustainable in its present form. Unfunded liabilities for Medicare and social security are staggering. Obama had a chance to change healthcare by starting slowly with measured steps that went against healthcare executives wishes by opening all states to competitive bids. There are tons of regulations in place paid for by lobbiest that helped to create the nightmare we have in healthcare right now, most of which was started by stupid executives caving to union demands.  

Look at California which is an exact model for Obama. Look at the towns going bankrupt because of ridiculous pension liabilities. I simply don’t understand what you guys don’t get?! We cannot keep doing what we’re doing? It doesn’t work. California raised taxes like you guys want to do and I just read today tax revenue for the month of July is 35% lower than what they planned. 35%! They are screwed.

Obama cut waste! Oh please, that’s the biggest line of BS every president uses. Obama is not cutting waste, he’s cutting payments to providers. They will in turn cut services to customers. Simple formula. Obama will then blame them for being greedy. Again, simple liberal class warfare formula.

Title: Re: political dodgeball
Post by bill67 on 08/19/12 at 07:23:44

Obama is cutting waste,Our biggest waste the wars the Republicans got us in.We are less safe now because countries are building up their weapons far faster.

Title: Re: political dodgeball
Post by Retread on 08/19/12 at 08:24:18

 There ya go, blaming Unions for all your healthcare woes.. Come on, only 12% of all healthcare workers are Union.. Let me tell you what the problem with healthcare is, INSURANCE, Medicaid, and no pays.. You need first to examine a billing dept in a major hospital, they have to deal with 100's of insurance companys a day, different policys, coverages, and services, some coded, some limited, and some out of coverage. The process is overbearing and un needed..

 Medicaid, these people do not pay anything, most are on welfare, go directly to the emergency rooms for their hangnails, stuffy noses, and headaches.

 Medicare, a good idea until the lobbyists got ahold of it, they basically pawned off a big chunk of it to insurance, now you have the same worries as regular insurance ripoffs..

  The real answer to it all is socialized medicine, everybody pays, even the ones on welfare, it comes out of their checks.. Simplify, you want a appendectomy, the doctors and hospital get one fee for that, not what they can get away with from a insurance company.. One place to bill.. Look at Canada, look at some other examples, Tiawan..

I don't want to raise taxes on middle class and poor, I do want to level this nation out, and that does take a little off the top to do it! It has nothing to do with class warfare (The rich won), it has to do with 40% of this nations wealth being held by 600 people.. These people have more money than they will ever spend in their lifetimes, in their childrens lifetimes, in their grand childrens lifetimes! If I was one of these people I would be willing to give back to a nation that has afforded me such luxury..

  Ridiculous pension liabilitys? You know that it took two partys to sign off on these? When one of those partys could give a crap what happens after they leave office? What happens then? You have to look at where the problem started, it wasn't started by the poor working slob, it was started by politicians who wanted to make everybody happy, then leave the mess for the next one..

   Cutting payments to providers has to be done. I witnessed my Mother being billed for many services she never recieved, I also witnessed medicare and medicaid being billed AFTER she passed away! Doctors and hospitals now know how to get around medicare to suck more from the system, un needed testing, creative billing, scam artists, and even relatives sucking from the elderly.. Class warfare? Nope just common sense.

     Its a sore spot for me.. My mother worked all her life, her and my father worked hard to have a meager savings. They never asked anything from their government, Dad was retired Navy, Mom was a nurse who worked in every shithole around the world.. When my Mother had to go into a nursing home, she had to surrender her life savings to the home before she could be admitted!! Is that what America is about??  


Title: Re: political dodgeball
Post by WebsterMark on 08/19/12 at 12:05:49

If I was one of these people I would be willing to give back to a nation that has afforded me such luxury..

Many ‘rich’ give away tremendous amounts of money. My first real job was at an eye hospital founded by an eye doctor who used a bunch of his own money to open a hospital and donate time and money for eyecare. I flipped through TV a few minutes ago and a golf tournament was on. Do you have any idea how much money golfers give away?

It’s when moochers demand the right to reach into someone’s pocket, no that’s not right, they demand the right to have the government do their dirty work for them and reach into a rich guy’s pocket; that’s when ‘the rich’ rightly tell you to jump into a lake. They already pay way more than their fair share. We have a spending problem, not a revenue problem.

Is that what America is about??

no, it's not. But bankrupting the rest of the nation is not the answer either.

Title: Re: political dodgeball
Post by Retread on 08/19/12 at 12:55:11

No web, you have it wrong.. No one is trying to "Mooch" anything, the government is just trying to pay bills due from two wars, and TAX CUTS given to the rich. And if you think these people got rich by giving money away?

 Most of the rich right now do not contribute, do not work, they make money, with money.. All through investments and manipulation of markets. They have armys of lawyers to find tax loopholes and places to hide money.. Their fair share? Really? So I paid 27% in income taxes last year, Romney paid 15%... Thats fair? Your math is fuzzy at best... You are trying to make me feel sorry for him cause he paid a couple million and I only paid a couple thousand? Nope, aint gonna happen..

  The real world is not based on "Atlas Shrugged" it is a piece of fiction..
The real world is myself and my daughter in law going out to dinner with her mother, who was dating a real millionaire, he was born with it, and when the check was due he got up and went to the bathroom, I BOUGHT this cheap bastard his meal... Thats the real world...

  Like I say, a socialized, single payer system is the ONLY way out...

Title: Re: political dodgeball
Post by WebsterMark on 08/19/12 at 17:50:59

Romney paid 15%...
I already went thru the 'rich guys pay only 15%' nonsense, not going thru it again.

You are trying to make me feel sorry for him cause he paid a couple million and I only paid a couple thousand? Nope, aint gonna happen..

it's not gonna happen because you and a bunch of others have rich guy envy, but your not ballsie enough to walk up to one and ask him for $50 yourself. So you cowards have Uncle Sam do it for you.  Yea, Romney's paid his fair share. So have you. Stop spending.

The real world is myself and my daughter in law going out to dinner with her mother, who was dating a real millionaire, he was born with it, and when the check was due he got up and went to the bathroom, I BOUGHT this cheap bastard his meal... Thats the real world...
So you get to take one event and characterize everyone who falls into his category as acting the same way? Really? What about the eye doctor who gave millions I just described? Maybe your daughter in law's mother needs to choose a little better.

Most of the rich right now do not contribute, do not work, they make money, with money
and finally, that comment is just completely wrong. Wrong, wrong, wrong...It's not true. I work for rich guys, they work really hard for their money. My customers are rich guys, they work really hard for their money. Harder than you or I ever have. They're smarter than us. That's why you're jealous, but I'm not.  I don't know why you guys feel this way. I guess you figure since you can't have it, not one else should.

Title: Re: political dodgeball
Post by Midnightrider on 08/19/12 at 18:26:58

"They're smarter than us. That's why you're jealous, but I'm not.  I don't know why you guys feel this way. I guess you figure since you can't have it, not one else should." Web nothing is further from the truth. Look at my post on minimum wage. They're stealing jobs and money from the poor. They stole from me. They're not smarter, they're f__king crooks. They give themselves huge bonuses while their company goes downhill, look at the bonuses paid out after the bailout. Look at the jobs sent overseas after the bailout. All I wanted was my little piece of the pie I was promised, the theiving rotten SOB's that already had millions had to steal that. I'm not jealous of an evil lowlife crook.  

Title: Re: political dodgeball
Post by Serowbot on 08/19/12 at 18:46:00

350700111607102F031009620 wrote:
it's not gonna happen because you and a bunch of others have rich guy envy, but your not ballsie enough to walk up to one and ask him for $50 yourself. So you cowards have Uncle Sam do it for you.

So Web,... when you reach SSI retirement age,.. you're going to refuse to take payment.. and refuse Medicare... Right?...
You wouldn't be coward enough to accept it,.. right?...

Right...  ;D...

Title: Re: political dodgeball
Post by Retread on 08/19/12 at 21:14:04

No, go through it again for me, I want to hear how making 20 million and giving to his church of the magic underwear makes him above paying the 33% he is supposed to pay...

   I don't care if he makes 100 million a day, really don't, I made my money the hard way, he was born with a silver spoon. I actually feel sorry for the poor devil, he really doesn't know how it feels to EARN a living the hard way, don't think he has ever worked in 115' temps, or froze his butt off working in -50'.. I'd tell him that to his face, I'm not afraid of him or any other man for that reason..

  No I do not hold every rich person to this light, but I'm betting the vast majority do act the same way, as I said before, you don't get rich by giving money away..

  No sir I am not wrong, you don't work for rich guys, you work for working slobs, the really rich guys don't have to work, nor do they.. They invest their money, they make money with money.. They are not smarter than us, they have found a nitch, again, I'm not jealous, they put their pants on the same as I.. Just because they have personal ball washers, they still don't impress me.....    Couldn't help it Lewis Black cracks me up.... ;D

Title: Re: political dodgeball
Post by WebsterMark on 08/20/12 at 05:33:20

So Web,... when you reach SSI retirement age,.. you're going to refuse to take payment.. and refuse Medicare... Right?...
You wouldn't be coward enough to accept it,.. right?...

oh hell yes I'm taking my money. They took it from me, I had no choice in the matter. I want it back.

Look, the bottom line is social security is a Ponzi scheme, always has been. Ponzi schemes all end up the same way, the pyramid runs out at the top and that’s where we are now. We have fewer and fewer contributors giving their money away to more and more at the top. Ryan’s plan is simply common sense.

Title: Re: political dodgeball
Post by WebsterMark on 08/20/12 at 05:41:02

Look at my post on minimum wage.

Yea I did, but didn’t want to get into it. If the minimum wage was $23 an hour, milk would cost $25 a gallon. If you thinking if everyone made $80,000 a year there’d be no poor, you’re kidding yourself. There is no nation on earth that do not have poor. Some poor are better off than others. (Only in America is obesity a sign of poverty….)

Title: Re: political dodgeball
Post by WebsterMark on 08/20/12 at 05:47:45

paying the 33% he is supposed to pay...

just so we’re clear here, you mean the 33% YOU decide is an acceptable amount of his money to hand over because you say that’s a ‘fair’ amount, right?

Speaking of Atlas Shrugged,  I like the part where all the producers in the country just said ‘f you’ and left. Watch California. Now that they are losing tax revenue by the bucket as those evil rich decide Idaho ain’t all that bad, the definition of rich is gonna drop faster than Will Smith’s jaw when he found out his beloved foreign countries were gonna take 75% of his next 20 million dollar paycheck.

Title: Re: political dodgeball
Post by Retread on 08/20/12 at 06:40:05

 No I feel we should go back to the 75-90% tax rate for billionaires, at least until they figure out the only way to dodge that is to reinvest it into business, alternative energy, healthcare, ect..

 It is not the governments job to spur growth, it is the governments job to mandate usage to spur growth... You want to see more solar, make it mandatory for all new home starts to have to use 25% solar...BAM!

 Another follower of Atlas shrugged? The book was fiction, and still is, thats like living your life scared because the terminator is coming... Pure comunism is evil, pure capitalism is evil, you need balance for growth. Sooner or later the rich folk will figure out that they are going to have to exist with the rest of us, their ivory towers and money cannot protect them from the tax man.. Nor can it continue to brainwash the poor into voting against their own interest..

  The poor are obese, one reason being because they sit on their butts all day and eat all the wrong foods. Poor life choices are not made because you are poor, they are made because you lack education, you recieved no work ethic from parents, maybe you had no parents.. Mandatory military/public service would help this, if the parents don't want to teach ethic, a big drill sargent will...

   I don't begrudge someone getting help on welfare, but it should not be a generational fix...  I disagree with you on SS, a Ponzi scheme does not last 50+ years and save millions from poverty.. And many of the reports I see show it being solvent for many more years, the doom and gloom predictions are coming from politicians/economists that have not figured death and interest rates.. Its worked, it needs to be cleaned up a tad, but it works... My generation will be the first not to recieve all I have invested into it, most likely kick the bucket before... :-?

Title: Re: political dodgeball
Post by WebsterMark on 08/20/12 at 10:10:28

75-90% tax rate

I can’t imagine the mindset needed to demand someone else give away 90% of their income because you think you have some claim on it…..that it’s up to you to decide how their money gets spent. Good God man… what’s wrong with you?

Another follower of Atlas shrugged? The book was fiction, and still is

Really? I had no idea…..    I’m not a follower of Atlas Shrugged, I mentioned it as an example.

Nor can it continue to brainwash the poor into voting against their own interest..

Oh, I don’t know about that. Blacks have voted for Democrats for decades with nothing to show for it. They’ll do it again in November.

Poor life choices are not made because you are poor

Poor life choices make you poor. And you’re solution is to keep giving handouts via reaching your hand into a ‘rich guys’ pocket and setting up yet another ‘program’ doomed to failure?

I disagree with you on SS, a Ponzi scheme does not last 50+ years and save millions from poverty.. And many of the reports I see show it being solvent for many more years,

No, it is a Ponzi scheme, plain and simple. It's just a big one with a large group of people to work with but it's ending is the same as all Ponzi schemes.
And yes, social security is effectively bankrupt. That’s what they mean by the phrase; unfunded liabilities.

The social security trust fund is full of IOU’s in the form of internal treasury bonds. The money taken out of your check and mine was spend on otther stuff are replaced with bonds not purchased by outside banks etc, but issued by the us government; the ultimate case of the cat guarding the hen house.

It’s like you taking $10,000 out of your savings account to buy a new motorcycle. Then you write a check to yourself for $10,000, but you don’t cash or deposit it. You stick it in a drawer. When someone says how much money do you have in savings, you say $10,000, see, here’s the check.  Now, do you have $10,000; yes or no?

Title: Re: political dodgeball
Post by srinath on 08/20/12 at 10:33:55

Income tax needs to be progressive, the simple logic behind it is that as you climb in income youuse more and more of the infrastructure and that infrastructure is what provides you the income -
Here is a primitive and rough example. You make 30g a yr loading up stuff @ the docks. You used the roads to get you from home to your job @ the docks. You need to pay for that.
Walmart picks up that stuff and carts it to their store by the tractor trailer load. They use up more of that road than you did. So they pay more tax for that. Something like that.
The system isn't perfect, but in the absence of anything better, I'd say it needs to be left in place. You do it as sales tax, you shift the burden to the consumers. Un proportionately so onto people who spend nearly all their income.

Title: Re: political dodgeball
Post by WebsterMark on 08/20/12 at 11:21:16

No, you’re making an error that is common and one obama also makes on or knows enough others will make the same error that he could try to get by with his you didn’t build that line.

Walmart opened one store in Rogers Arkansas in the early 60’s to fill a need created by the marketplace. You and I ARE the marketplace and we demanded lower cost goods and easy access to those goods.

The single store thrived and the market demanded more so Walmart expanded in response to our demand. “We” are also the government and “we” the consumers demanded the infrastructure by patronizing Walmart and ‘we’ the government responded by building where the demand called for it. That’s a critical difference and why the idea that “you didn’t build that” was so offensive to many. Infrastructure responds to our needs; not the other way around.

If you say Walmart pays more because they use more, then a counter argument is easily made which is to say Walmart, by its very existence, is already responsible for far more tax revenue since they employee thousands of people, each of whom pays taxes generated from income based solely on Walmart’s existence which we the consumer demanded.  

Title: Re: political dodgeball
Post by bill67 on 08/20/12 at 12:45:23

Are you saying those 1000s of american people wouldn't be working if there was no Wal Mart.Or are you saying 1000s of Chinese  wouldn't be working.

Title: Re: political dodgeball
Post by Midnightrider on 08/20/12 at 12:51:34

665453424554437C50435A310 wrote:
Look at my post on minimum wage.

Yea I did, but didn’t want to get into it. If the minimum wage was $23 an hour, milk would cost $25 a gallon. If you thinking if everyone made $80,000 a year there’d be no poor, you’re kidding yourself. There is no nation on earth that do not have poor. Some poor are better off than others. (Only in America is obesity a sign of poverty….)

There's no nation on earth that that pays corporporate management what they're paid here. Corporate mamagement is getting paid to steal!

Title: Re: political dodgeball
Post by srinath on 08/20/12 at 14:19:57

0A2E23292E202F33352E232235470 wrote:
There's no nation on earth that that pays corporporate management what they're paid here. Corporate mamagement is getting paid to steal!

Correct, and If minimum wage was $23 an hour, milk wont be $25 a gal, cos afaik, cows dont get paid squat ... ha ha ha ha ha ...
Anyway its now 7:50/8 something right, A fair guess could be that many staples could cost ~25%-30 more. Cos the component of labor in those is just about 10% and that 10% tripling wont be more than 30%. I used to work @ a can factory long time ago. The cost split was somwehere near 3% for labor. Minimum wage then was 6.85 /hr.
Agreed Manufactured good are different, picking tomatoes is going to take more work than pushing buttons and sticking tickets on the pallets. I'd average it to somewhere near 10% and so you'd have everything cost more by 25% or so.


Title: Re: political dodgeball
Post by Retread on 08/20/12 at 15:19:46

 We hear the same screaming from the right everytime there is a minimum wage increase, but somehow none of their predictions have come true..

 Anyone who has ever been in business knows they don't build a business by themselves, even Romney has said the same thing.. It takes customers, roads, bridges, and many other items to build a business. If you think that ONE person can build a business by themselves, you are so wrong..

  I don't have any "Claim" to anybody elses tax dollar, however this nations government does, you do not get services like protection, sewers, clean water, safe foods, safe drugs, highways, transportation safety, armys, education, and many other things for free... You are acting like "I" am trying to put my hand in Romneys and others pockets..

  Democrats have always been pro labor, and for the little guy, I suppose that includes Blacks?

  No, as I have stated I am not for handouts, I'm for handups.. Do you think that if you just cut everybody off welfare, they would just automatically go to work?? Right, you better have your guns handy.. No, I am for mandatory government service, either in the military, or some other program that would teach work ethic, that is the only way generational welfare abuse will end..

  Social Security is fine, it is being attacked by rightwingers who have had a hradon for it since its inception 77 years ago..  



Title: Re: political dodgeball
Post by LostArtist on 08/20/12 at 20:32:23

576562737465724D61726B000 wrote:
So Web,... when you reach SSI retirement age,.. you're going to refuse to take payment.. and refuse Medicare... Right?...
You wouldn't be coward enough to accept it,.. right?...

oh hell yes I'm taking my money. They took it from me, I had no choice in the matter. I want it back.

Look, the bottom line is social security is a Ponzi scheme, always has been. Ponzi schemes all end up the same way, the pyramid runs out at the top and that’s where we are now. We have fewer and fewer contributors giving their money away to more and more at the top. Ryan’s plan is simply common sense.

so after you get your money back you'll stop taking SS then right?  i think it was 20/20 years and years ago, Stossel had s segment that examined how much retirees paid in vs how much they were taking out and they were taking out MUCH MUCH more than they ever paid in

Title: Re: political dodgeball
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/20/12 at 21:10:32

clean water, safe foods, safe drugs,


Title: Re: political dodgeball
Post by WebsterMark on 08/21/12 at 05:51:35

Correct, and If minimum wage was $23 an hour, milk wont be $25 a gal, cos afaik, cows dont get paid squat ... ha ha ha ha ha ...

Fellas, wake up. IF minimum wage were $23 an hour, nothing would change. A 5 Star hotel sells a bottle of water for $5 because they can. Resorts sell $15 hamburgers because they can. People there pay for it because they can afford it. $5 means nothing. $15 means nothing. If everyone were walking around with more money in their pockets, prices will go up. You can’t stop that from happening. Money gets spent and the principals of scarcity, supply/demand curve moves prices upward to adjust. If everyone made $80,000 prices would adjust upwards to the point where standard of living would remain basically the same.
Conservatives are against raising minimum wage to non-market amounts because it cost jobs and increase prices un-naturally.

Title: Re: political dodgeball
Post by WebsterMark on 08/21/12 at 05:52:30

We hear the same screaming from the right everytime there is a minimum wage increase, but somehow none of their predictions have come true..
yes, they do. When min wage goes up, employment goes down. Someone loses a job and others don't get hired.

Title: Re: political dodgeball
Post by WebsterMark on 08/21/12 at 05:57:24

I don't have any "Claim" to anybody elses tax dollar, however this nations government does, you do not get services like protection, sewers, clean water, safe foods, safe drugs, highways, transportation safety, armys, education, and many other things for free... You are acting like "I" am trying to put my hand in Romneys and others pockets..

that's my point. you are asking government to do your dirty work for you. Like I always say Retread, have the balls to do it yourslef. Hang out at a Mortons and ask the first guy coming out the door in a suit for $50 so you can give it to the IRS. Just ask him directly, cut out the middle man. Afterall, Mortons is on a city street the guy didn't build so he should have no problem reaching into his pocket and handing $50 over to you....

We are overspending. There is no need for you to steal more money from Romney. Stop it, get your hands out of his pockets. Romeny pays enough. I pay enough, you pay enough, everyone pays enough. Stop spending. Stop spending. Stop spending. How much plainer can it be?

Title: Re: political dodgeball
Post by bill67 on 08/21/12 at 06:10:19

If minimum wage was $23 per hour look how much more income tax money the government would get.

Title: Re: political dodgeball
Post by Midnightrider on 08/21/12 at 06:40:57

497B7C6D6A7B6C537F6C751E0 wrote:
We hear the same screaming from the right everytime there is a minimum wage increase, but somehow none of their predictions have come true..
yes, they do. When min wage goes up, employment goes down. Someone loses a job and others don't get hired.

Thats already happening and minimum wage hasnt went up. The rich are reaping more than their share of all the benefits this country has to offer, there fore they need to give more to their country. Its only fair.

Title: Re: political dodgeball
Post by Retread on 08/21/12 at 08:32:31

142621303726310E223128430 wrote:
I don't have any "Claim" to anybody elses tax dollar, however this nations government does, you do not get services like protection, sewers, clean water, safe foods, safe drugs, highways, transportation safety, armys, education, and many other things for free... You are acting like "I" am trying to put my hand in Romneys and others pockets..

that's my point. you are asking government to do your dirty work for you. Like I always say Retread, have the balls to do it yourslef. Hang out at a Mortons and ask the first guy coming out the door in a suit for $50 so you can give it to the IRS. Just ask him directly, cut out the middle man. Afterall, Mortons is on a city street the guy didn't build so he should have no problem reaching into his pocket and handing $50 over to you....

We are overspending. There is no need for you to steal more money from Romney. Stop it, get your hands out of his pockets. Romeny pays enough. I pay enough, you pay enough, everyone pays enough. Stop spending. Stop spending. Stop spending. How much plainer can it be?

   For one thing it is not MY dirty work, and it is not dirty at all.. It is paying for the services you recieve.. Paying a bill due! You live in a country where you make 20 mill a year, many of the things you take for granted are done by the government, without it you would have been a scrounger at the local dump.. You don't like the government, go live someplace there isn't one, see if anyone is interested in paying 200K to hear you speak? Go there and see if you can make and sell for a profit anything but ammo...

   Take a nation like Denmark for example, they pay 50-60% in taxes, for those taxes they get healthcare, unemployment (That garrantees you don't lose your home), and a University education. Most Danes think this is fair, one out of ten think they should pay more! Businesses pay a flat rate of 25% in Denmark.. I do think that the USA needs to change its tax laws, simplify, and dump the loopholes..

   So your analogy of ME somehow getting the money Romney pays in taxes, is flawed. I pay MY taxes, most likely at a higher rate than Romney, I do not use as much of the services my government has to offer as Romney.. Nor do I make the amount of money he does..

    I've watched what happens when people decide they don't want to pay taxes.. They voted down a higher sales tax in Colorado Springs and it resulted in smaller police force, more crime, turning off of street lights, parks going to waste, and streets going to hell.. You either pay, or you lose services.. pretty simple..

  For some reason the Teabaggers cannot fathom that as population increases so does the cost of government, and the services provided! Fact of life, you buy a new bike, you better have the money to pay for it, you can't just buy that bike then ask you boss to cut your wages?

   The spending has already taken place, it was done by financing two wars, bombing and rebuilding takes massive amounts of money! This was done all the while the rich were getting tax breaks for a trickle down economy boost (Didn't work/never works).. And now you want them to get another break, cut all government regulations and services that keep big money from abusing enviroment, cut education, cut market regulations, and have a nice happy ignorant populace, living in a wasteland... Sure, why not? :D


Title: Re: political dodgeball
Post by WebsterMark on 08/21/12 at 08:54:12

one thing it is not MY dirty work, and it is not dirty at all.. It is paying for the services you recieve.. Paying a bill due! You live in a country where you make 20 mill a year, many of the things you take for granted are done by the government, without it you would have been a scrounger at the local dump.. You don't like the government, go live someplace there isn't one, see if anyone is interested in paying 200K to hear you speak? Go there and see if you can make and sell for a profit anything but ammo...

Dude, you are so screwed up on this issue. ‘without it you would have been a scrounger at the local dump’…. We are the government. For the people etc… remember? Government serves us, not the other way around. I’m not against government, I’m against your liberal government. I’m against spending until we are broke and then demanding more.

Take a nation like Denmark for example, they pay 50-60% in taxes, for those taxes they get healthcare, unemployment (That garrantees you don't lose your home), and a University education. Most Danes think this is fair, one out of ten think they should pay more! Businesses pay a flat rate of 25% in Denmark.. I do think that the USA needs to change its tax laws, simplify, and dump the loopholes..

Denmark has a population of 5.5 million and no military expense to speak of. We protect them so they don’t need to. Do you really thing Denmark is a good correlation to the 300 million plus United States?

So your analogy of ME somehow getting the money Romney pays in taxes, is flawed. I pay MY taxes, most likely at a higher rate than Romney, I do not use as much of the services my government has to offer as Romney.. Nor do I make the amount of money he does..

What service does Romney use so much of that you do not?

I've watched what happens when people decide they don't want to pay taxes.. They voted down a higher sales tax in Colorado Springs and it resulted in smaller police force, more crime, turning off of street lights, parks going to waste, and streets going to hell.. You either pay, or you lose services.. pretty simple..

Who says I don’t want to pay taxes?

Colorado Springs? Who to believe?

Maybe they found out they were pissing money away on stuff the government had no business being involved with to begin with or at least no to the degree they were.

For some reason the Teabaggers cannot fathom that as population increases so does the cost of government, and the services provided! Fact of life, you buy a new bike, you better have the money to pay for it, you can't just buy that bike then ask you boss to cut your wages?

We fathom way better than you crybabies. (if I’m a teebagger, the only opposite is crybaby which fits you so much better)

You can’t keep increasing spending without hitting a brick wall. We are at that wall.

The spending has already taken place, it was done by financing two wars, bombing and rebuilding takes massive amounts of money! This was done all the while the rich were getting tax breaks for a trickle down economy boost (Didn't work/never works).. And now you want them to get another break, cut all government regulations and services that keep big money from abusing enviroment, cut education, cut market regulations, and have a nice happy ignorant populace, living in a wasteland... Sure, why not?

I’m just gonna ignore that ranting paragraph because it’s all nonsense BS with no valid truths behind it.

Now, i'm off to the airport to be a capitalist for a few days. You know, pure evil. I plan on putting a few people out of work, dismantling companies for my own personal gain, maybe starving a few old ladies if I have the time, you know, all the stuff us capitalist do for fun....

Title: Re: political dodgeball
Post by srinath on 08/21/12 at 09:32:43

Its not the increase in population quite - its the aging of the population and the fact that the increase has been almost all from immigration, most of which is Illegal, and as much as Illegals refuse to admit it, Illegals use services and dont pay taxes on a lot of their income.
Dont believe me, go over to any local farmers, street or flea market or whatever you have in your town that serves the low income group and see what the sellers all look like - Now as them if they pay taxes on the cabbage they just sold ... yea they will say "si senor, si" ... but I can guarantee you, hell no.

We are taking in a lot less in taxes, we are spending more on illegals and aging citizens, and we are fighting 2 wars against 2 countries 1/2 way round the world.

The TEA party has long been co opted by the Koch brothers, - billionaires and its still called a grass roots organisation, WTF. BTW Taxed Enough Already - true, except if you're high income earners.


Title: Re: political dodgeball
Post by Retread on 08/21/12 at 09:45:53

   I guess that there is not a chance in hell of you coming to your senses Web, your caught in a mental freeze with blinders on.. No one is spending more, in fact we are spending less, the bills are just coming due from the last administrations bungling!!!! WE the people do NOT have lobbys, of the money to fund them, that is where the power is...

   No Denmark is in no danger of being invaded, they do not have a nutso foreign policy, they do not have a empire to maintain.. I am just giving you a view of a socialist country, the services rendered, and the tax rate. We spend 48 times the rest of the world on our military, we can reach out at a seconds notice and turn any nation in the world into a glass parking lot, yet we want more?

   Romney uses many more government services than I.. Right now he is under secret service protection, he has several homes spread across the US that are tied into infrastructure, he flys which involves FAA, he has many more autos roads used, every one of is campaign stops uses services from local government, the list is endless!! Typical shortsighted vision from the right...

     Thats a nice little pro-tourist piece from CNN, but try living in Springs, and watch their local news for a few days, you'll see another story..

    And there you go, calling names, can't back your nuts up with facts, so you start calling names, destroy the messenger.. Sorry, I don't back off, I smell blood, you can't face reality, and I'm here to call you on it!

     I really don't know what world you live in, so now we didn't bomb and invade two countrys? And it didn't cost anything? WOW! There were no tax breaks given by Bush???

     Heres the deal, you look back at REAL history, look at it hard! Now tell me WHO/WHAT party has been the big spenders! LOOK!

Title: Re: political dodgeball
Post by WebsterMark on 08/22/12 at 04:34:49

Romney uses many more government services than I.. Right now he is under secret service protection, he has several homes spread across the US that are tied into infrastructure, he flys which involves FAA, he has many more autos roads used, every one of is campaign stops uses services from local government, the list is endless!! Typical shortsighted vision from the right...

Romney is a metaphor all the super rich you hate so much so the SS protection and campaign stuff doesn’t count since that’s a special circumstance. Besides, your man of the people, Hopey, uses 10 times as much flying around in Air Force one so leave all that out of it.

So, let’s tag a dollar amount to the amount of services you use minus the tax you pay and compare to the dollar amount the typical rich guy uses minus the tax he pays.

Thats a nice little pro-tourist piece from CNN, but try living in Springs, and watch their local news for a few days, you'll see another story..

My company has a branch office in Colorado Springs so it will be easy for me to track. I will and get back to you.

And there you go, calling names, can't back your nuts up with facts, so you start calling names, destroy the messenger.. Sorry, I don't back off, I smell blood, you can't face reality, and I'm here to call you on it!

You and others, refer to me as a Teabagger which, if you know the definition, pretty much gives me the green light to respond to you with anything I want. Crybaby seem an appropriate response.

I really don't know what world you live in, so now we didn't bomb and invade two countrys? And it didn't cost anything? WOW! There were no tax breaks given by Bush???

Never said that. Where did I say that? My only point about the cost of the wars is your excuse that they are responsible for the financial mess we are in is that’s absolute nonsense when you consider Hopey’s stimulus cost for one year was just about equal to the cost for both wars for 10 YEARS. Sorry, but the idea the cost of the wars put us in this spot is silly.

Title: Re: political dodgeball
Post by Retread on 08/22/12 at 08:37:10

 Again, check out what party has really done the most spending!

 No, lets all pay a flat percentage according to income, no more tax dodges.. Romney is hiding something, he IS a know tax dodger, was fined $220K back in his Marriott days..

 The Tea party is bought and paid for by the Kochs and other wealthy tax dodgers.. THEY are the teabaggers..

 Really? When does 800 billion (Stimulus) equate to 10 trillion?

"I’m just gonna ignore that ranting paragraph because it’s all nonsense BS with no valid truths behind it."

Title: Re: political dodgeball
Post by srinath on 08/22/12 at 09:57:26

350700111607102F031009620 wrote:
Romney uses many more government services than I.. Right now he is under secret service protection, he has several homes spread across the US that are tied into infrastructure, he flys which involves FAA, he has many more autos roads used, every one of is campaign stops uses services from local government, the list is endless!! Typical shortsighted vision from the right...

Romney is a metaphor all the super rich you hate so much so the SS protection and campaign stuff doesn’t count since that’s a special circumstance. Besides, your man of the people, Hopey, uses 10 times as much flying around in Air Force one so leave all that out of it.

So, let’s tag a dollar amount to the amount of services you use minus the tax you pay and compare to the dollar amount the typical rich guy uses minus the tax he pays.

Thats a nice little pro-tourist piece from CNN, but try living in Springs, and watch their local news for a few days, you'll see another story..

My company has a branch office in Colorado Springs so it will be easy for me to track. I will and get back to you.

And there you go, calling names, can't back your nuts up with facts, so you start calling names, destroy the messenger.. Sorry, I don't back off, I smell blood, you can't face reality, and I'm here to call you on it!

You and others, refer to me as a Teabagger which, if you know the definition, pretty much gives me the green light to respond to you with anything I want. Crybaby seem an appropriate response.

I really don't know what world you live in, so now we didn't bomb and invade two countrys? And it didn't cost anything? WOW! There were no tax breaks given by Bush???

Never said that. Where did I say that? My only point about the cost of the wars is your excuse that they are responsible for the financial mess we are in is that’s absolute nonsense when you consider Hopey’s stimulus cost for one year was just about equal to the cost for both wars for 10 YEARS. Sorry, but the idea the cost of the wars put us in this spot is silly.

When Obama flies on work, as in he has to get to the economic meeting in brussels (example) and uses AF1, he gets a free ride, obviously that is his job, just as your employer covers you for a trip to your customer or other location.
When he flies to campaign stops, he and his whole political entourage -but not Secret Service or aircraft staff (obviously) have to pay for it @ the charter flight rate (fair enough I would say) and that rule has been in place for 35 years atleast.
I also suspect Romney's protection via SS isn't any better or worse than the protection Obama got when he was candidate. Its not fair to say that is why Romney needs to pay more. Its one of the pitfalls of being a democracy.

However, I take that whole "I've never paid less than 13% and when you include charitable contributions its atleast 20%" ras BS.

Our nations jails are full of people who have said ... "drugs in my pants" ... "man these are not my pants ..."

So sorry, I call BS on the 13%.

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