General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> socialist?

Message started by WebsterMark on 08/09/12 at 21:44:02

Title: socialist?
Post by WebsterMark on 08/09/12 at 21:44:02

When people say obama has more than a little socialist tendencies in his policies, they get accused of having all sorts of hidden prejudice. However,  it’s kinda hard to denied the thought process behind this quote of his.

“I said, I believe in American workers, I believe in this this American industry, and now the American auto industry has come roaring back,” he said. “Now I want to do the same thing with manufacturing jobs, not just in the auto industry, but in every industry.

Title: Re: socialist?
Post by Serowbot on 08/09/12 at 22:35:49

Did you say,... Romney?... :-?...

You Rep's don't have a candidate,... you have a white, Obama, standing on his head...
Is there one issue that he pandered to?...
We are witness to a 1/4 billionaire, kissing billionaire a$$...

...choice, gays, healthcare, bailouts, guns, welfare, taxes... is there an issue he hasn't flipped?...

I feel sorry for Rep's...
Obama's the devil,... Romney's the devil incarnate...


Do you want a guy that stands for what he means,... or gets his means for where he stands...

Obama is doubling down on his record,... Romney is running in circles, away from his...

Romney went on a three country junket, and invited the press,... he took three questions... then,..."Kiss my as$, this is a holy site"...
Obama went to Germany, three years ago,... during his first campaign... and answered 25 questions from the press... he never turned the pres away....
... if you invite the press,.. expect questions... that's why they're there...

The fact is,.. the more Romney speaks... the worse it gets...

Face it,.. Romney's an inflatable suit,... standing on it's head...
I was gobsmacked by G.W....
... befuddled by McCain/Palin...
,,,and I am beyond belief,... that Rep's have ended up with Romney...

Is there anyone that could be lower on the list,... other than Obama himself?..

...if you want an empty suit,... you've found found one...

Obama,.. at least stands for what he thinks...  
... in the few things, where he's abridged his view... it has gone more progressive... hardly pandering or wishy-washy...
Yes to gay marriage,.. double-down on Obamacare...stronger on tax fairness...

There's guy the that says,.."I've got yer' back"...
... and there's the guy that really has your back...
I really think,... Romney will say anything..
Anything to win.... whatevr you want to hear...

Name one thing,.. that he stands for.... that he hasn't stood against...

Title: Re: socialist?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/10/12 at 03:08:20

Name one thing,.. that he stands for.... that he hasn't stood against...

I saw a video showing Rombama that showed him say something, then say the opposite. It covered several important topics. Romney is dangerous. Very dangerous. He is a white Obama. Dangerous,

Title: Re: socialist?
Post by WebsterMark on 08/10/12 at 05:09:09

I'm not talking about Romney. He wouldn't be my first choice.

I'm talking about the President of the United States sounding more like Hugo Chavez than George Washington.

Socialist societies are disasters that create untold pain and suffering. Death on a biblical scale.  This is the path we continue down with obama. He will continue to look at increasing government control anywhere and everywhere he can. This is a model that’s been done before with predictable outcomes.

Sorry, but you can’t make a statement like he did and be President of the United States. You just can’t.

Title: Re: socialist?
Post by thumperclone on 08/10/12 at 07:55:45

if the prez is a socialist romney is a fascist

Title: Re: socialist?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/10/12 at 08:12:50

Neither one is a Constitutionalist, until we get one of those in office, with a bunch of them in Congress, too, we dont have a chance of seeing the wants of the People being reflected in the laws. Pointing fingers at the elitist owned & operated puppets who have held the office in the last 50 years will not solve the problem. Romney/Fascist, Bammy, socialist, who cares? America continues down the wrong path, regardless..
&, FWIW, its my opinion that we are very near the last fork in the road. If we take the wrong one, I think the "path" is going to get very narrow & rocky with briars reaching across it & other hazards along the way,

Title: Re: socialist?
Post by WebsterMark on 08/10/12 at 10:18:47

Since obama has taken office, every major measure of economic health has gotten worse, among them unemployment and deficit spending. We’ve now committed to putting one of the largest private industries (healthcare) under government control.

At every turn, he assumes government bureaucrats are better able to handle whatever situation more so than individual citizens living their lives as they see fit. Couple the past 3.5 years with the socialist statement he just made and you simply can’t avoid the conclusion that the man is taking the US on a path that only has one out come and it’s not a pretty one. The man has to go.

I don’t want to hear your crappy analysis on Mitt Romney. That’s not the point of this post. The point is obama’s default position on policy is indistinguishable from that of a proponent of socialism. Don’t look at what he says, look at what he has done and his character is revealed. He’s Hugo Chavez, Che Guevara, Castro rolled into one.

Title: Re: socialist?
Post by splash07 on 08/10/12 at 10:31:58

132126373021360925362F440 wrote:
Sorry, but you can’t make a statement like he did and be President of the United States. You just can’t.

Interesting, because it looks like that's exactly what he did, and he is president.  ;D

Title: Re: socialist?
Post by WebsterMark on 08/10/12 at 11:26:59

you are so right about that splash....

Title: Re: socialist?
Post by Serowbot on 08/10/12 at 11:43:12

Obamacare is mostly a socialist program, I suppose... but, it is based on a republican plan...  They were all touting it, until Obama went and did it...
Then,.. it suddenly becomes an unconstitutional, socialist idea...

The bail-outs were also republican idea,... GW's admin got them started...

So,.. who's the real socialist?...  both sides?...

I think there are certain elements of socialism that work pretty well... not everything, but some...
National health,.. works better than our HMO system... proven worldwide...
... and it's not entirely socialist... doctors, and hospitals, and other providers will remain private,.. but an expanded Medicare will assist lower income's to pay...
Semi- socialist... :-?...

The words society, and community,.. are not dirty words... without them, a government has no purpose...

Title: Re: socialist?
Post by WebsterMark on 08/11/12 at 06:41:03

here is the legacy of a President with socialistic thinking:

Here are just a few recent reports about the alarming growth in dependency:

• In the second quarter of 2011, 107 million Americans were receiving some kind of government welfare — not including Medicare or Social Security — according to a new study from the Senate Budget Committee. That's up from 97 million just over two years ago.

• In the last three months, more people have applied for Social Security disability payments than found jobs in the private sector, federal data show.

• New Census data show 43% of all immigrants remain on welfare 20 years after arriving in the U.S., a stunning statistic suggesting the old model of immigration being a path to opportunity may have broken down in the Age of Obama.

• A new economic study says almost half of Americans die with less than $10,000 in assets — a sad comment on how government has displaced personal initiative and private savings in preparing for retirement.

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• IRS data show that almost half of all Americans — 49.5% of us — pay no income taxes at all.

• In today's federal budget, 70% of all spending now goes to aid for individuals such as housing, food, income, student aid or other forms of welfare.

• Still another study estimates that total U.S. long-term debt now stands at $211 trillion, up $11 trillion in just one year, thanks to growing red ink from out-of-control entitlement spending.

Title: Re: socialist?
Post by Retread on 08/11/12 at 07:16:37

  Heres a counter to your socialist claim...

 Welfare is up, we are still in  severe recession, you do not turn things around in 2-3-4 even five years. When people realize how close this nation was to falling into souplines and fifty percent unemployment they will finally realize what the four trillion was spent on..

 The people in a 45-60 age group are being turned down at every turn for jobs, their unemployment has run out, they are now turning to disability..

  All immigrants? I'd like to see a source for that, and Obama wasn't in office twenty years ago.. I am betting the total is a small number in any light..

  Thats the way our country is structured, when we get old we are placed into a old age home where they take all your assets before you die, more reason for socialized medicine..

   A healthy economy and populace depends on a balance of socialism and capitalism. When capitalism fails through greed and top heavy situation, then socialism bails it out, or both fail... If this nation let it all fall, we would not be discussing this right now, we would be fighting in the streets for our lives..

   Thats because 49.5 % of us are under poverty level...

   11% is on welfare, your numbers are skewed..,s,e8e8ff&chd=t:16,17,15,14,11,5,5,2,9,5&chl=Pensions 16%|Health Care 17%|Education 15%|Defense 14%|Welfare 11%|Protection 5%|Transportation 5%|General Government 2%|Other Spending 9%|Interest 5%&chtt=Total Spending for United States - FY 2012

   I don't like the word entitlement, I paid for my SS, I do not feel entitled, I am OWED!

Title: Re: socialist?
Post by srinath on 08/11/12 at 19:02:24

OK here is a weird  one ... there is no pure capitalist or pure socialist country on the planet anymore. Much of western europe is far closer to socialism norway, sweeden finland, denmark etc are all very good examples of countries that are tremendously prosperous, with very good safety nets for the lowest strata and they all have very progressive taxes.
True capitalism creates slavery and robber barons among other equally disastrous side effects.
True socialism creates russia and china. Enuff said. We are going to need a mix of the 2.
Govt back stopping the most vulnerable, encouraging the middle toward more productivity and the high toward more responsiblity.
Private industry can do that, except they wont be as humane and there will be a lot of people falling through.
I am not poking my head into actual politics, you guys have that covered.

Title: Re: socialist?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/11/12 at 20:52:12

Life creates a constant struggle for freedom. Id rather struggle in a Capitalist society.

Title: Re: socialist?
Post by Retread on 08/11/12 at 21:42:04

Here is what its all about..

Title: Re: socialist?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/11/12 at 23:31:49

Whaaaaat? YOU mean to tell me we arent REALLY Number ONE!?!??

Title: Re: socialist?
Post by WebsterMark on 08/12/12 at 06:07:03

There are 5.5 million people in Denmark. Their military has 57 tanks. 57. There are more in some parades around here....! If some evil country decided they wanted Denmark, they'd be gone in a couple of hours. Except of course, the US would probably step in. I say probably because i'm not sure Hopey would.

Title: Re: socialist?
Post by WebsterMark on 08/12/12 at 06:17:10

True capitalism creates slavery and robber barons among other equally disastrous side effects.
True socialism creates russia and china. Enuff said. We are going to need a mix of the 2.

An arguable valid point Srinath, thank you. However,  I'd say true capitalism does not create slavery and robber barons. Without customers, capitalist have no one to sell products. Capitalism survives on citizens moving up (and down) throughout the class ranks.

One of the biggies with socialism is it involves government ownership of industry. Again, remember obama’s recent comment about wanting to repeat the GM debacle with ‘every industry’. Now, the word ‘every’ when he used it, is assume to not be taken literally. However, my point is that’s his default position. When in doubt, let government take control and turn over to unelected bureaucrats.  

Title: Re: socialist?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/12/12 at 07:37:59

112324353223340B27342D460 wrote:
There are 5.5 million people in Denmark. Their military has 57 tanks. 57. There are more in some parades around here....! If some evil country decided they wanted Denmark, they'd be gone in a couple of hours. Except of course, the US would probably step in. I say probably because i'm not sure Hopey would.

& that matters why? IF they are few, then their GDP is low, yet, they have managed to create a society that works well.

But, lets not forget, America was growing, the people were prosperous, The bankers wanted in, This is a problem Caused by foreign bankers, America has been harvested & as Ive pointed out before Lindnerg said
If the American people UNDERSTOOD the way the banking system works, there would be a revolution by morning.

His baby got killed,,
You people who do not see a problem so big as to cause a revolution do not understand what has been done to us,

Title: Re: socialist?
Post by Retread on 08/12/12 at 08:28:59

1C2E29383F2E39062A39204B0 wrote:
There are 5.5 million people in Denmark. Their military has 57 tanks. 57. There are more in some parades around here....! If some evil country decided they wanted Denmark, they'd be gone in a couple of hours. Except of course, the US would probably step in. I say probably because i'm not sure Hopey would.

  With our second amendment, anybody wanting the USA would be crazy.. At this point WE spend 48 times the rest of the WORLD on our military.. We are a paranoid bunch... If we brought our troops home to do the job the founding fathers intended them to do (Protect THIS nation), we could cut spending and take care of our own people..

Title: Re: socialist?
Post by WebsterMark on 08/13/12 at 04:57:32

Welfare is up, we are still in severe recession, you do not turn things around in 2-3-4 even five years. When people realize how close this nation was to falling into souplines and fifty percent unemployment they will finally realize what the four trillion was spent on..

Ronald Reagan did. I just looked at what he inherited from Jimmy Carter, the only guy to make Obama look good.  

*during the Carter Administration the inflation rate climbed higher each year he was in office, rising from 6 percent in 1976 to more than 12 percent by 1980

* the unemployment rate remained high at 7.5 percent

* interest rates reached a high of 20 percent or more twice during 1980

The people in a 45-60 age group are being turned down at every turn for jobs, their unemployment has run out, they are now turning to disability..

Please site a source for your 'turned down at every turn..." stat. Besides, how is being out of unemployment a ‘disability’?

All immigrants? I'd like to see a source for that, and Obama wasn't in office twenty years ago.. I am betting the total is a small number in any light..

All immigrants what? The source sited 43%. What do you mean by All?

Title: Re: socialist?
Post by Retread on 08/13/12 at 06:53:03

 Not hardly, the recession under Carter was mild compared to what we had in 07-08. Markets took the largest loss since the depression, it was world based, unemployment rose to 9%, above that in many areas, auto industry failing, banks, financial institutions failing, and we were fighting two unpaid wars..

  Reagan had it made compared to that.. Then he pushed the biggest debt this nation had ever seen before that.. The first trickle down failure was under his watch..

  As far as disability claims and welfare rolls, in 32 when the great depression hit we didn't have welfare, disability, or unemployment. If we didn't have those today we would have people dying in the streets.. Is that a perfered fate? My Dad lived through the great depression, it scarred people, he would tell me of huge camps, where people would scrounge and beg to stay alive.. If this nation would not have bailed out banks, auto industry, and spent stimulus, we would have had same situation.. Somehow some people still do not realize HOW close we were!!!

 Hey I'll give you that one, but this is not a fault you can lay completly on Obama.. Education is the key, and people like Ryan would love to cut education funding even further..



Title: Re: socialist?
Post by srinath on 08/13/12 at 09:40:47

504F494E53546555655D4F43083A0 wrote:
Life creates a constant struggle for freedom. Id rather struggle in a Capitalist society.

Easy, you just need to have been born before 1925. While you're at it just choose to be a rockefeller or a Penn or a Vanderbilt.

We have had that system, for 100 of years. It created a huge poor class and a small very small rich class. And the defining moment of our civilization - the great depression.


Title: Re: socialist?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/13/12 at 12:04:12

The 50 years prior to 1913, when we got the fed & income taxes, people were prosperous, America was blossoming. The bankers HAD to get their hands on it.,

It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.
Henry Ford

Now, was he stupid? Was he a Conspiracy theorist? Or did he understand something the masses dont? For those who have the guts to come to grips with what is really happening & how we got to where we are, Read or at least Listen to interviews with G Edward Griffin, Creature from Jekyll Island is the best way, IMO, but if ya just dont want to do that, listen to him, dont have to sit & watch hours of video, just let it run & listen while you piddle,
Then listen to Charlotte Izerbyt, no one can dismiss her. She is the real deal.,

The "reality" the masses live in doesnt exist, the things that we have been taught that are simply not true are leading us down the path to slavery to a system that is meant to harvest the fruits of our labors & make the global elite more & more wealthy. Theyve about taken possession of everything that matters & sucked the wealth out of the developed world. What comes next? REad what it says on the Georgia Guidestones,,the elite Tell us what theyre gonna do, IF we are paying attention.
I cant remember who it was, but someone listened when I said the retirement accounts were about to take a big hit, & they took the penalty, got their $$$ out & bought a house. MOnths later, the value dropped.In a big way,,

While I was unable to get out of the house, or drive a car & was finally able to get out of the chair & sit up, I started hunting thru things for clues to satisfy the unanswered questions I had had all my life. I found things that tied up the loose ends, but they revealed something very unsettling. Folks, theres a reason for these military exercises on city streets. The news showing the troops on the streets teaches us to see it as Normal.,YOu dont think they have places on bases for practicing driving their trucks & tanks?
If enough people get up to speed on whats happening, then they wont be able to pull it off,,
Laughing at people who see whats going on only plays into their hands,
get a coupla months food in the house, guns are good.

Title: Re: socialist?
Post by bill67 on 08/13/12 at 13:52:37

JOG you should be a Mormon they are supposed to keep a years food supply,And they started the Browning gun company.

Title: Re: socialist?
Post by srinath on 08/14/12 at 06:59:30

There is a huge difference between what Reagan inherited and what Obama inherited.

1. Much bigger bubble - heck 80 collapse was not a bubble at all, it was an oil shock that triggered that.
2. We didn't let the bubble deflate - AKA bail out and stimulus, Bush started it and Obama had to hand over the last third of it over, as in after fixing the car and building the road, that last 3rd was like gas $ to see if the car will run again. If he didn't he was screwed ... if he did and the car didn't take off and run like a ferrari to the moon and  beyond, he was screwed ... However Obama was never going to oppose the stimulus, as was none of the primary candidates from either party with the exception of ron paul.
3. Illegals - Atleast 80 million in the US taking up jobs every long term unemployed man, woman and child will gladly take ...
If that doesn't change it will never get better. It didn't matter when we were building 25 X as many houses as we would ever need, but now that we are only building 2 X as many, its awful.

This doesn't even count in the net effects of 2 wars we dont need to be in, and a population that has 1 foot in the grave and the other on banana peels that we have to medicate, treat and pay $$ to. The baby boomers were just past being teenagers under Reagan. They also were entering their $$$$ years where they were buying up everything. Now, they are waiting @ govt offices with a hand out (almost), but the dire  :oss, medicare and medicaid predictions are based on that fact.


Title: Re: socialist?
Post by Paraquat on 08/14/12 at 09:38:44

The Richland County, South Carolina Sheriff's Department (that's them above) just obtained an armored personnel carrier, complete with a belt-fed, .50-cal turreted machine gun.  Sheriff Leon Lott has charmingly named the vehicle "The Peacemaker," and insists that using a caliber of ammunition that even the U.S. military is reluctant to use against human targets (it's generally reserved for use against armored vehicles) will "save lives."

Can we call this overkill, yet?  Is there any weapon people like Sheriff Lott would consider inappropriate for use against American citizens?

Like most of these military toys obtained by local police departments, the Peacemaker will inevitably be used on drug and gambling raids—that is, to enforce laws against consensual activities.  Or, as we're now seeing in Minnesota, perhaps on raids against leftist political activists.

Can't be too careful, you know.

I made a post on facebook (probably not the best for trying to keep a low profile) that recounted a previous argument I had with a friend:

If you've ever had the privilege of arguing politics with me you know I've been consistent with my views:
I want martial law to be put in effect, I want to see rioting and looting, I want to watch the world burn as tanks roll down the streets.
My last conversation to this effect ended with a dismissive wave and a comment to the tune of "Yea, right. You'll never see Russian tanks driving down the street."

I stand by my claims.
I throw this one in too. For good measure.


Title: Re: socialist?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/14/12 at 10:13:55

Here NOW! Dont be postin stuff like that! YOure gonna wake up the dumb masses & have them facing the truths about the events over the last 20+ years. Weve watched the slow militarization of the police, swat teams & more & more military grade equipment,Executive orders making it clear that WE are the targets. NDAA, which said WE could be detained,, in another country, it would be called Disappeared, but the dumb mases hadnt the good sense to be able to read the words & Discern the meaning. They laffed at me & posted pics of idiots in tin foil hats,, THEN the courts struck down the part that I said made us targets. IF I was wrong, then why did the courts agree with me in how I was reading it? IDK why the people who have been shown to be wrong continue to argue. IDK why the people who have laffed at me & disagreed with me over & over dont stop & ask themselves Why I continually am demonstrated to be correct in my assessment of the situation will not lay down the teaching theyve had & come to grips with REality. Its much less threatening that than a walk thru life believing in a loving & caring government when nothing could be further from the truth.

If youll notice, the voice of the people has not been heard in DC since at least the 60's. I remember the pasage of enormously unpopular legislation & hearing the "Law Makers" come out & explain that they passed it because of the "Silent Majority" failing to make their wishes known,, It was all a Misunderstanding.. But did they go back & repeal it after Their Bosses told them they had done the job WRONG? NO,, If you had a job & did something & the Boss came & told you that wasnt what he wanted, YOU would have to go back & fix it,, But not OUR employees..

& we have Watched as One Party has the reins & they decide to pass what is a very unpopular law, & the party Not in power makes a Huge show of their opposition, but can not stop it from passing, because they dont have the votes, BUT when the people go & vote next time & the balance of power switches, they never go back & rep[eal what they so strongly stood against, Now DO they?

Thats a clue, people,, thats a HUGE clue.

DHS is buying up Millions, in fact, in the last 2 years, over a BILLION rounds of ammo. Theyve placed barriers between the lanes on the interstates & built up curbing on main roads in ciities, making turning around impossible. Theyre buying up portable guard shacks to put on roads, buletproof, no less.. If youre dumb enough to see the scenery along the road & fail to grasp the destination, youre just DUMB.. we are headed for full on tyranny. Get food in the house, get some silver if you cant buy gold, get some guns & ammo. Or, sit there & say "Now who coulda seen this coming?" when it gets here.,.Ohh,, Water,, better get some O that, too.  

Title: Re: socialist?
Post by srinath on 08/15/12 at 09:23:53

OK well I have been to South Carolina, and that vehicle along wiht the guns and ammo it is capable of trust me, is neccesary. No this is not tounge in cheek, peace is possible if you know you're out gunned without a shadow of a doubt. sadly there is some SC denizens who consider themselves about on par if you show up with anything less than that.

You dont take a gun to a gun fight if you dont want it to be bloody.
You take a tank.


Title: Re: socialist?
Post by Retread on 08/15/12 at 10:17:26

Not skered... I've seen 750K aircraft knocked out of the sky with old SKS rifles.. Seen tanks disabled with bamboo stakes... Watched as people crawled out of holes in the ground after being hit with B-52 strikes...

Title: Re: socialist?
Post by Paraquat on 08/15/12 at 11:32:28

Sounds like 'nam.

I mean no disrespect. It's a period of history I find greatly interesting.


Title: Re: socialist?
Post by Retread on 08/15/12 at 11:36:56

Yep, was sking there from 68-70... :)

Title: Re: socialist?
Post by srinath on 08/16/12 at 11:37:21

12253432252124400 wrote:
Not skered... I've seen 750K aircraft knocked out of the sky with old SKS rifles.. Seen tanks disabled with bamboo stakes... Watched as people crawled out of holes in the ground after being hit with B-52 strikes...

Hell I've seen a tank disabled with a rock ... agreed it was in a movie, but it was really real.
Anything is lethal if the other person is clueless/cooperative/powerless.

I've seen several villages massacred by the nazi's by drowning the people in a bucket of water. They held em down till they died. Wasn't there a trough in WW2 that they used to kill 1000's.

All I have to use here is the law of averages. If you were to go up against a tank with bamboo shoots skered or not, 99 times out of a 100 the bamboo will be used in your funeral. The one time you get the tank to roll onto your bamboo shoots, lose traction and roll down into the ravine it hasn't noticed well, that can be your "holy grail". After a village is carpet bombed Will 1 guy walk out alive cos he's hiding under a metal tub - yes, is it worth counting on that fact, hell, no.

Other factors do count, like 3000 people with bamboo vs 1 tank ... its only slightly more effective than 3000 people without bamboo BTW.


Title: Re: socialist?
Post by Retread on 08/16/12 at 13:22:24

 Still not skerd... If our government is stupid enough to let us arm ourselves, then try to put us under military rule? Well they will get what they deserve, overthrown.. Although I don't believe that is what is coming.. Conspiracy's are easily imagined, fear is a natural response to mostly false evidence  appearing real.. Real fear is experienced when a tank is bearing down on you, not being flaunted by the local cops, who really have no clue how to use it... Guerillia warfare will always reign supreme against conventional... History proves this...

Title: Re: socialist?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/16/12 at 13:27:44

IDK how much evidence people need before they stop calling it false..
You Do recALL THE ndAA?  Read thru executive orders & see what powers they have during an "emergency".

Title: Re: socialist?
Post by Paraquat on 08/16/12 at 16:02:11

617E787F62655464546C7E72390B0 wrote:
IDK how much evidence people need before they stop calling it false..
You Do recALL THE ndAA?  Read thru executive orders & see what powers they have during an "emergency".

Old video, I'm sure you've seen it, just curious what your take is on it...


Title: Re: socialist?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/16/12 at 23:19:55

Yea, saw that a long time ago..kinda odd, innitt? & theyre expanding the national cemeteries, laying in hundreds & hundreds of cement boxes that look like they hold at least 4 of those plastic thing, & those plastic things would hold more than 1..Why? Dang, man,, hard to say..but it kinda looks like someone is expecting a lot of dead people.. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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