General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Chick-fil-A

Message started by WebsterMark on 07/29/12 at 05:07:14

Title: Chick-fil-A
Post by WebsterMark on 07/29/12 at 05:07:14

Numerous cities like Chicago and Boston are jumping on the “I hate Chick-fil-A” band wagon this week which makes pointing out the hypocritical pretzel’s they’ve twisted themselves into hilarious. Here’s a couple great paragraphs from Mark Steyn about the open minded and tolerant Mayor of Boston.

Meanwhile, fellow mayor Tom Menino announced that Chick-fil-A would not be opening in his burg anytime soon. "If they need licenses in the city, it will be very difficult," said His Honor. If you've just wandered in in the middle of the column, this guy Menino isn't the mayor of Soviet Novosibirsk or Kampong Cham under the Khmer Rouge, but of Boston, Mass. Nevertheless, he shares the commissars' view that in order to operate even a modest and politically inconsequential business it is necessary to demonstrate that one is in full ideological compliance with party orthodoxy. "There is no place for discrimination on Boston's Freedom Trail," Mayor Menino thundered in his letter to Mr. Cathy, "and no place for your company alongside it." No, sir. On Boston's Freedom Trail, you're free to march in ideological lockstep with the city authorities – or else. Hard as it is to believe, there was a time when Massachusetts was a beacon of liberty: the shot heard round the world, and all that. Now it fires Bureau of Compliance permit-rejection letters round the world.

Mayor Menino subsequently backed down and claimed the severed rooster's head left in Mr. Cathy's bed was all just a misunderstanding. Yet, when it comes to fighting homophobia on Boston's Freedom Trail, His Honor is highly selective. As the Boston Herald's Michael Graham pointed out, Menino is happy to hand out municipal licenses to groups whose most prominent figures call for gays to be put to death. The mayor couldn't have been more accommodating (including giving them $1.8 million of municipal land) of the new mosque of the Islamic Society of Boston, whose IRS returns listed as one of their seven trustees Yusuf al-Qaradawi. Like President Obama, Imam Qaradawi's position on gays is in a state of "evolution": He can't decide whether to burn them or toss 'em off a cliff. "Some say we should throw them from a high place," he told Al-Jazeera. "Some say we should burn them, and so on. There is disagreement ... . The important thing is to treat this act as a crime." Unlike the deplorable Mr. Cathy, Imam Qaradawi is admirably open-minded: There are so many ways to kill homosexuals, why restrict yourself to just one? In Mayor Menino's Boston, if you take the same view of marriage as President Obama did from 2009 to 2012, he'll run your homophobic ass out of town. But, if you want to toss those godless sodomites off the John Hancock Tower, he'll officiate at your ribbon-cutting ceremony.

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/29/12 at 07:23:36

Yea, we heard about that uproar, WE dont usually go out a lot, I cant remember the last time I spent a dime at Chik Fil A , but,, thats where Im eating today.

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by ZAR on 07/29/12 at 07:57:02

Never stepped foot in one before. Don't really know of one near me. But dangit......anyone that's offended does not have to go there,just like I do not patronise business that reflect beliefs different than mine!

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/29/12 at 08:37:54

Oooops,, I forgot, that hypocrite has those places Closed on Sunday,,so the employees can go to church, instead of staying open & dragging in more $$$..

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by Serowbot on 07/29/12 at 09:12:04

That's right,... stand tall and proud in your religious bigotry and homophobia....
Shoulder to shoulder with your Islamic extremist brothers...
Look at that,.. Christians and Muslims finally gettin' along...

Pointing to liberal hypocrisy, as you Kum-by-yah with Islam... ;D...

Religious extremism is religious extremism... Islam don't own it.
Webby,... not seein' any hypocrisy there?... :-?...

Maybe Mosques would be okay, if they sold chicken?...  ;D...

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by Serowbot on 07/29/12 at 10:02:51

No Chick-fill-A's around here, that I know of...

Does anyone ever refer to them as Fill-A-Chick's....  :-?...
Irresistible... ;D ;D ;D...

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/29/12 at 10:30:30

Is it religious extremism to not support homosexuality? I choose who I want to associate with. I choose to not associate with or guide my financial support to certain people. Thats my right, you have the same rights. Do I consider you a hate monger for not liking people for their position on this? Chik Fila doesnt discriminate against anyone as a corporate entity, the head guy has his own ethics that I suppport, You can boycott them, Ill support them, thats free market,
That they are closed on Sunday shows me he is doing more than giving lip service to his faith, he is passing on big earnings. Sunday is a big day for food joints. People want to go out to eat after church.
I find it strange how much the "progressives" preach accepting people for what they are, being non judgmental is a BIg deal for them, yet, theyre just unable to wrap their arms around the religious people who have Biblical ethics.,
Is there no ones behavior the progressives wont be tolerant of?

IMO, the progressives are the least tolerant. They will not tolerate people who want to stand by higher morals.  

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by Serowbot on 07/29/12 at 10:50:30

0B141215080F3E0E3E06141853610 wrote:
Is there no ones behavior the progressives wont be tolerant of?  

Bigots... and people that hurt others...  That's about it...

I should be more accepting of bigots?...  Like Jesus would?... :-?...

The LBGT should steal the moment by showing up at Fill-a Chick's in full parade regalia,... and hanging out all day...
Packin' concealed heat, of course... ;D..

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by LostArtist on 07/29/12 at 10:59:58

you can stand on "higher" morals all you want, the minute you try to shove that crap down at me, that's when I get mad.  so both sides are wrong here, nothing new there.  I don't eat at chic fil a often and I'll just stop now. not that that's going to do anything anyway. oh, we've always called it chic-a-f*ck as a nick name, jack in the box is jack in the crack, we have nick names for the other ones too but I forgot them at this moment.  

I don't agree with the homosexual lifestyle, but I could really care less if they want to be "married" under the law or not, we don't live in a Theocracy. two consenting adults should have the ability to be married if they want or not.  if you want to call it "civil unions" so your lunch can stay down that's fine as long as that has the EXACT same weight to it as "marriage" does under the eyes of the law.  kinda silly though, arguing over a word

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by Serowbot on 07/29/12 at 11:32:52

4665797E4B787E63797E0A0 wrote:
 so both sides are wrong here, nothing new there.

I don't agree with the homosexual lifestyle, but I could really care less if they want to be "married" under the law or not, we don't live in a Theocracy. two consenting adults should have the ability to be married if they want or not.  if you want to call it "civil unions" so your lunch can stay down that's fine as long as that has the EXACT same weight to it as "marriage" does under the eyes of the law.  kinda silly though, arguing over a word

Where are we in disagreement here?...
That's all I'm sayin'...

I'm not sayin' you have to like gays...
The CEO guy that makes pronouncement of his prejudice will pay the price... LBGT's will refuse to do business... case closed...
I object to rallying of support for his bigotry... Like it's a cause...
Bigots and phobics unite... (Make the subject of this issue blacks, and the picture becomes clearer)...
This is simply hatred of others that are different, cloaked in religious dogma...
The bible, like all religious writings, has particulars that can be pulled out to support most any prejudice...

What about fornicators, pork eaters, shellfish eaters, people that mix linen and wool, men that shave, people that do work on the Sabbath?...
Modern Christians throw all these rules out... (God was just kidding with these?)... and keep the ones that support their prejudices...

Bigotry wrapped in Jesus is still bigotry...

Lost,.. I know you don't have children, but,.. What if it were your child?,.. or brother, or sister?...
Cheney saw the light, when it was his daughter... and he's so right he lists when he walks...

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/29/12 at 13:27:54

The CEO guy that makes pronouncement of his prejudice will pay the price... LBGT's will refuse to do business... case closed...

Most likely,, &, others who support him will go spend their $$$ there. We are about to see the free market at work. This is an opportunity for people to see what happens when someone takes a stand. When Ron Paul said he didnt believe the Civil Rights laws were right, this is why. Its his opinion that a business owner has the right to choose who he will do business with. I agree. This is where the vision of society is brought to life, If someone owns a burger stand & will not serve people with facial hair, thats their choice, &, if society thinks he is wrong for that, they will punish him by not buying from him,
A man was fined (IIRC) about $7,000.00 because he wouldnt be the photographer for a same sex couples wedding. I think thats wrong. I think he should be able to contract with whomever he chooses to contract with,&, people who didnt appreciate what he did have every right to not hire him,., But, people would rather have the goobs dictate their actions that be free,,

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by Starlifter on 07/29/12 at 13:49:14

100% spot on Sero.

Tee-Hee...Webster is cuting and pasting remarks made by homophobic intolerant bigot talk radio twit and dumbass columnist Mark Steyn....For those of you who may not know who this racist anti-Semitic homophobe is....well, you could call him a male Ann Coulter, or perhaps a student of the great rectum Rush., shame shame, these 'fake' Christians here who conveniently ignore the teachings of Jesus ("the greatest commandment is love one another".)...and cherry-pick the nastiest verses from the Old Testament Leviticus to justify their hatred and bigotry can say what they will, but the teachings of Christ fall on their deaf ears. "Judge not least ye be judged" ring a bell??

Would you accept the opinions of the LBGT community condemning you for how you were born, or whom you love, or how you live your life behind the closed doors of your home??...nah, I didn't think so.

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by Serowbot on 07/29/12 at 14:13:01

7D6264637E7948784870626E25170 wrote:
When Ron Paul said he didn't believe the Civil Rights laws were right, this is why. Its his opinion that a business owner has the right to choose who he will do business with.

No,.. you have the right to think and say what you want, and will suffer those consequences...
.. but,.. when operating a business, you cannot discriminate...
This would set us back half a century to "Whites only" restaurants .. "Blacks at the back of the bus"... "White only" sidewalks, bathrooms, and drinking fountains...
Discrimination of minorities is not "Constitutional"... All men,.. remember?...
Individual rights end where they affect the rights of others...

What if the electric company in your town were black owned, and decided not to serve you?... or any whites?...
Worse yet... Gay owned, and they decided not to serve you...
Atheist owned,.. and wouldn't serve churches...

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by WebsterMark on 07/29/12 at 18:09:45

Webby,... not seein' any hypocrisy there?...  

None at all. What did you think that article was about? Did you read?
Mainstream Christians aren’t debating the pros and cons of throwing gays off a building or just sticking with the tried and true burning at the stake.

This is simply hatred of others that are different, cloaked in religious dogma...

I’d say you’re missing the point, but I think you are purposely obscuring the issue I brought up which is explain how the bureaucrats of Chicago and Boston can threaten a business based upon the CEO’s legal position on a cultural topic? Which by the way, is the exact same position Obama had when he was elected and up until a month or so ago when his poll numbers sunk.  

These bureaucrats had no problem welcoming another group who as it turns out,  are also against gay marriage.

So, am I to assume you are okay with throwing a gay guy off a rooftop as long as he’s not pushed by a Republican????

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by WebsterMark on 07/29/12 at 18:17:07

but,.. when operating a business, you cannot discriminate...

Should  we consider the Islamic Center of Boston a business or religious institution?

If we consider and treat it like a business, certainly the Boston mayor should threaten to pull their permit since they clearly want to fire bomb the nearest gay bar which seems to be against the mayors believe system, and afterall, that’s what counts.

If we consider it a religion, then clearly the Boston mayor should also threaten to pull their permit because, as obama has already established, government can dictate to a religion what it’s beliefs really are, if they conflict with Uncle Sam.

So, assuming the government of Boston is against splattering their streets with gay blood, the Islamic Center is gonna have to go and I assume, from your strong position against bigotry, you’ll be leading the pack, right?

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by WebsterMark on 07/29/12 at 18:22:03

This would set us back half a century to "Whites only" restaurants .. "Blacks at the back of the bus"... "White only" sidewalks, bathrooms, and drinking fountains...

and of course, no one said anything about refusing to serve anyone at one of their resturants other than the standard no shirt, no shoes, no service.

Did you think they were going to have a gay test at the door?

If they did, here how they should do the test....

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by WebsterMark on 07/29/12 at 18:25:47, shame shame, these 'fake' Christians here who conveniently ignore the teachings of Jesus ("the greatest commandment is love one another".)...and cherry-pick the nastiest verses from the Old Testament Leviticus to justify their hatred and bigotry can say what they will, but the teachings of Christ fall on their deaf ears. "

Star; this is a big topic you’re opening and I don’t think you have the shoes for it.

"Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by Serowbot on 07/29/12 at 18:26:30

1E2C2B3A3D2C3B04283B22490 wrote:
So, am I to assume you are okay with throwing a gay guy off a rooftop as long as he’s not pushed by a Republican????

5B696E7F78697E416D7E670C0 wrote:
but,.. when operating a business, you cannot discriminate...
Should  we consider the Islamic Center of Boston a business or religious institution?
If we consider and treat it like a business, certainly the Boston mayor should threaten to pull their permit since they clearly want to fire bomb the nearest gay bar which seems to be against the mayors believe system, and afterall, that’s what counts.

5E6C6B7A7D6C7B44687B62090 wrote:
and of course, no one said anything about refusing to serve anyone at one of their resturants other than the standard no shirt, no shoes, no service.

Webster,.. do you worship chickens?...  :-?...
... and,.. JOG brought it up... Apparently RP is good with discrimination for any reason...

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by Starlifter on 07/29/12 at 18:40:34

< item >

Ron Paul Admits He's On Social Security, Even Though He Believes It's Unconstitutional.

Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) may rail against Social Security insolvency in the public eye, but that hasn't stopped him from accepting the government checks.

The libertarian-leaning Republican and former presidential candidate admitted Wednesday that he accepts Social Security checks just minutes after he called for younger generations to wean themselves off the program.

Hmm, guess he is not the 'good guy' some of you thought.

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by WebsterMark on 07/29/12 at 19:36:36

and,.. JOG brought it up... Apparently RP is good with discrimination for any reason...

nice dodge....

Maybe I'm wrong, maybe you really just don't get the point.

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/29/12 at 21:21:13

Im dead sure SS is unconstitutional,, BUT, I bore the burden of the contract,, so, Ill take the benefits,

RP didnt say discrimination was okay,, he said the law wasnt how to solve it. LET people discriminate, LET society reward or punish them,
Would you do business at the burger stand where others werent welcome?
Society has either changed or it hasnt,, Id be curious to see how American behaved if there was no law demanding they play nice..
FWIW, Chick Fila Hires, serves any & all,,

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by mojohand40 on 07/30/12 at 13:16:27

Regardless of what you think of Chick-Fil-a's policies...they still make a pretty Sh**ty sandwich, IMO.

Everybody was always going on and on about how tasty they are. so I tried's just a boneless fried chicken breast on a cold hamburger bun with two pickle slices..

I don't get it.  Wendy's Chicken sandwich  (either regular or Spicy) spanks Chik-Fil-A's....and they are open on Sunday.
..jus' sayin'

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by Blinky on 07/30/12 at 15:14:07

When I joined this forum, I swore to myself that I would not get involved in the spirited discussion in this section. Oil (there is a subject without much spirited discussion) and carburetors is what I wanted to know about. Well, for just this one time, i will go against my conviction.

Mr. Cathy is a citizen of the USA and entitled to his beliefs. Make your decision to patronize his business based on the quality of his products and service.

We ride Japanese motorcycles even though a generation ago, their actions took the lives of so many of our servicemen. We buy Ford cars even though the founder was an avid anti-Semite. About everything we buy is now made in China, an atheist communist government that has morphed into an atheist economic juggernaut.

Just where do we draw the line? I am not smart enough to make such judgements. From my chair, as long as Mr. Cathy obeys the laws of the land I think I will buy a sandwich from him every now and then, and would even if he had come out in favor of gay/lesbian marriages.

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by Starlifter on 07/30/12 at 16:46:27

Chick-Fil-a'....I never heard of this dump before, none around here.

Judging by the comments, sounds like their sandwiches taste like sh1t and their only clientele are bigots who eat there to support this guy's prejudices.

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by WebsterMark on 07/30/12 at 18:17:57

Mr. Cathy is a citizen of the USA and entitled to his beliefs. Make your decision to patronize his business based on the quality of his products and service.

Blinky; you seem to have common sense which means you have a target on your back! Don't swear to yourself to not get involved; do the opposite.

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by Starlifter on 07/30/12 at 20:58:12

If sandwiches that taste like sh1t (and probably look like it too) are your thing, go for it.

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by splash07 on 07/31/12 at 08:10:19

I love Chick-fil-a, LOVE it I said!!!!!

I dont agree with the CEO or his beliefs but darn they make some good ass chicken.

I think what mark was pointing out here was the intolerance of intolerance in some of country's larger city administrations. Right?

No, you cannot deny a service that your business provides to anyone based on demographics.

No,.. you have the right to think and say what you want, and will suffer those consequences...
.. but,.. when operating a business, you cannot discriminate...
This would set us back half a century to "Whites only" restaurants .. "Blacks at the back of the bus"... "White only" sidewalks, bathrooms, and drinking fountains...
Discrimination of minorities is not "Constitutional"... All men,.. remember?...
Individual rights end where they affect the rights of others...

What if the electric company in your town were black owned, and decided not to serve you?... or any whites?...
Worse yet... Gay owned, and they decided not to serve you...
Atheist owned,.. and wouldn't serve churches...


If you dont agree with Chick-Fil-a dont eat there, or do (like me) and hate yourself. Its a trade off, I dont feel good about eating at chick-fil-a but I feel good when I eat chick-fil-a.

I would probably not eat there at all if they refused to serve LGBT folks, but unlike Mayor Menino they dont descriminate.

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by Retread on 07/31/12 at 08:16:26

 The only hypocracy I see here is from Mr.Cathy, who will accept money from gays in his stores, but then spends it on anti-gay/hate causes/groups.. Most of these anti-gay hypocites are only guilty of ignorance of their own physical make up, everyone is gay, we just have different levels of gayness.. Me I love women, everything about women, I could hang with em 24/7 and be just fine, so I must be a lesbian........... 8-)

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by WD on 07/31/12 at 16:00:28

Chik-fil-a in the mall is disgusting. As a brick and mortar store they are great. Used to be just standard fried on a plain white bun. With pickles. Much bigger and better selection now.

And anybody playing the white racist card in regards to the company founder hasn't seen his picture... He's an ethnic semite or slav.

I'll eat there if my wife decides to stop there. Not overly fond of vegetables being passed off as meat (if it never went moo it isn't meat).  ;)

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by Dj12midnit on 07/31/12 at 21:49:18

They had one here but the gays had it closed down. The problem as I see it is, who will be next on the list. Had a guy in my unit thought no one of different race should be allowed to marry.

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by Starlifter on 07/31/12 at 22:18:52

"They had one here but the gays had it closed down."

The gays closed it down???

WTF does that mean?

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by Serowbot on 08/01/12 at 09:37:10

I meant to go to Chick-fil-A,... to protest today, but I accidentally went to Fill-A-Chic...
Fun place,.. still hungry though... :-?...

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by Blinky on 08/01/12 at 10:56:50

Man does not live by bread (or in this case, chicken) alone. 8-)

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by splash07 on 08/01/12 at 11:02:27

just tried to go the chick-fil-a for lunch here in my town and it was too packed. Its chick-fil-a appreciation day and they are very appreciated here.

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by srinath on 08/01/12 at 15:04:33

Yea the chick fil a was pretty backed up here too.
However ... I dont go to chick fila cos their food - breaded and fried chicken makes me want to throw up ... fried is fine, I cant stand the breading.
Yea KFC too. Yea they're trying to make it grilled too, sorry aint going in there ...

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by Retread on 08/01/12 at 15:14:18

 Ignorance does have a boundry, its called the bible belt...

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by Starlifter on 08/01/12 at 15:40:12

...must be the inbreeding. :P

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by srinath on 08/01/12 at 19:33:37

Oh well if there is a reason then ...

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by Starlifter on 08/01/12 at 20:19:11

"Chick-Fil-A-Holes" Appreciation Day. ;D

. . . . American citizens gathered together today and demonstrated for no better purpose than to support a restaurant chain with a president who opposes gay people.

They weren't there to support the rights of chickens.

They weren't there to fete the food quality.

They weren't even there to support the restaurant chain's president's right to not pay his fair share of our tax requirements.

They were there for a very different reason. They were there to celebrate his overt bigotry.

A bunch of homophobic haters celebrating really bad fast food.  :P

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/01/12 at 21:12:34

OHHH but what a high minded & righteous act a good old Gay people boycott woulda been,

Youre seeing the free martket in action, & youre seeing the values of America being expressed, Im sure it hurts,

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by Retread on 08/01/12 at 21:30:33

Those aren't values, they are higher levels of ignorance and bigotry.. Hurt? Hell yea, I thought America had risen above this petty crap..

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by Serowbot on 08/01/12 at 23:08:45

I'm not angry at what he said... it's his right...
LBGT's and supporters will boycott, and that's their right...
... and people who don't know, or care,.. will still show up...

...making this a Christian cause... while saying it's not homophobic is BS...
... making this a cause célèbre for Constitutional freedom of speech, while saying it's not about prejudice... is Total BS...

1." I'm a good Christian",..."an obscure, Old Testament reference to homosexuality is my religious justification"...
.. there are also condemnations of eating shellfish, mixing wool and cotton, cutting your hair or shaving, eating rabbit, or cloven hoof animals, ... all sins punishable by death... (but God was only kidding with those)...
2. "it's about free speech",.. "we support his right to free thought"...
... but,.. if his free thought had been, a woman's right to choose,... would you be eating his chicken?... Would this be your  "cause célèbre"?...

Hell no!,.. you would be boycotting Fuk-a-chic...

Don't cloud your homophobia and prejudice in God or the Constitution,...

"No, no, no... this is about municipalities... judging businesses...
That's an outrage"...
... and if this were a gay nightclub, being banned from some place...
Would you be showing up to support their right to be there?...
"Oh,.. God no!... Never"...

Be honest,.. support your own beliefs...
Stand tall,.. and say it proud...
"I'm a bigoted homophobe, that fears forced buggery from people I can't comprehend!"...
"I fear a lesbian might steal away my wife/ girlfriend!"...
"I support people that pronounce my fears"...
"I am, what I am,.. and I use anger to cover my fear"...

There you go... it's your God given, Constitutional right to announce to the world you have prejudice induced by ignorance and fear...

This stand you take, doesn't demonstrate courage or masculinity,... or faith or morality...
It demonstrates fear, and ignorance...
You can grow out of this...

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by WebsterMark on 08/02/12 at 05:51:48

"I'm a bigoted homophobe, that fears forced buggery from people I can't comprehend!"...

Maybe the point is, in fact they can comprehend which is why they react against it.

There you go... it's your God given, Constitutional right to announce to the world you have prejudice induced by ignorance and fear...

As you have prejudice induced by ignorance and fear which is why you have nothing but contempt for those who stood up to support the CEO’s comment.

Works both ways, doesn’t it?

Tell you what; if it’s your contention that the Chik supporters are really deep down inside secretly rebelling against bays because of blatant homophobia, then I contend at the heart of your demand for income equality  is deep seated feelings of insecurity and inferior complex.

It’s not really born out of a desire to help those in need, it’s actually the fact you know you were never smart enough, good looking enough, didn’t have straight enough teeth, or had the energy level to rise to the top of the corporate ladder. You’re simply jealous of them. Jealousy, that’s all it is.

The rest of your talk about rights and fairness is simply a cover for your jealousy. If you were serious about income equality and helping the poor, you’d sell your belongings and give it to the poor, you’d live in a tent and be a minimalist so as not to harm Mother Earth. The fact that you pick and choose how far to carry the battle proves you are deep down, living a lie.

So, I say stand up and be proud. Stand on the street corner next to Mortons or your nearest Bank of America and cry out “I am jealous of you tall, dark, smart and handsome man in a suit with nice shoes, leather briefcase, trophy wife and a BMW. I am jealous.”
Be yourself.
Come on and do it Sew; you can grow out of this...

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by Retread on 08/02/12 at 07:41:54

 If you want to post your religious, political, belief's, however obscure, or ignorant on your buisiness wall, thats your right, it is also my right to refuse to patronise your buisiness if I choose.

  But when you take the money you make and donate it to hate groups that discriminate, or harm, another group of Americans, I have the right to call you on it! Thats not hypocrisy, thats just being a concerned citizen!

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by splash07 on 08/02/12 at 07:58:03

It baffles me.....

"Hey lets ask the christian owner of a business that's closed on Sunday his stance on gay marriage then act all surprised when we dont like his answer."

Cathy's beliefs are not new all the concerns now?

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by srinath on 08/02/12 at 08:03:13

If there was a protest near me, I'd have picketed in front of it saying "your food tastes like a tire" but well I also have to use my time to find me a job and complete all the projects sitting round.

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by Serowbot on 08/02/12 at 08:32:22

Webster,.. I have no idea how tall, dark, or handsome, you are... but I have read your posts,.. and I can guarantee that I'm more intelligent than you...
If your claim to fame is your height, or looks, you're more shallow than even I suspected...

Now,... if you have anything less ignorant to say on topic of Chic-Fil-A...
Go ahead...

...and quit with the childish schoolyard taunts...

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by Blinky on 08/02/12 at 08:43:41

Looks like KFC has jumped into the debate.

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by WebsterMark on 08/02/12 at 11:24:24

Webster,.. I have no idea how tall, dark, or handsome, you are... but I have read your posts,.. and I can guarantee that I'm more intelligent than you...
If your claim to fame is your height, or looks, you're more shallow than even I suspected...

Now,... if you have anything less ignorant to say on topic of Chic-Fil-A...
Go ahead...

...and quit with the childish schoolyard taunts...

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by WebsterMark on 08/02/12 at 11:25:15

That's a ridiculous reply Sew.

I was simply copying your psychoanalysis of the real motives and shortfalls of Chick Fil A supporters and extrapolating that to what could be behind your constant calls for income redistribution.  It was mostly satire and proved a point that your beliefs and actions are just as hypocritical as those standing in line outside of Chick Fil A’s yesterday.

 If your claim to fame is your height, or looks, you're more shallow than even I suspected...

I’m not one of the evil rich you despise so much. I’m not tall, good looking and definitely wasn’t born into the right family. I have no idea what my intelligence level is compare to you or anyone else.  I can’t toot my horn about much at all except to say I married above me, have two wonderful children and I am a lot of things, but shallow isn’t one of them and I don’t think any outside person reading all my post on here would come to the conclusion I am shallow.

and quit with the childish schoolyard taunts...

and there were no intended taunts. If I want to taunt you, I come right out and do it. This was, as I said, mostly satire pointing out the hypocrisy of your point of view.

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by babyhog on 08/02/12 at 16:05:37

I think the extremes on both sides of this debate will balance out. Supporters will eat there more, and anti's will eat there less.  People like me, who see both sides of the debate, but not strong enough to effect whether I eat there or not. If I want a chicken sandwich from there, which I personally like, I'll still eat one.  Their waffle fries are the best!!  
So what do you think will be the result of all this hubbub?  

Oh, something that hasn't been mentioned, I heard that the gays were being asked to show up at the stores tomorrow (Friday) and kiss and make out in the parking lots.  This could get very ugly. Or should I say very uglier.

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by WD on 08/02/12 at 16:24:27

This is only an issue because it is an election year. Seems to happen in some form or another every four years, one batch gets their knickers in a twist and then the other one does. Ho Hum...

Prejudice in the bible belt? Really? What a shocker. Although...

Most people I've met down here couldn't care less if someone is gay or straight. Memphis has one of the larger gay communities in the south. Now if they were talking religious prejudices...

If you like the food, eat there, if you don't, don't. Seems pretty simple to me. I guarantee you the company is laughing all the way to the bank. You can't buy that kind of publicity.

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by WebsterMark on 08/02/12 at 17:01:52

Aren't you in Tucson Sew? you looking for work today.....?

TUCSON, AZ–(Marketwire – Aug 2, 2012) – The following is a statement from Vante:

Vante regrets the unfortunate events that transpired yesterday in Tucson between our former CFO/Treasurer Adam Smith and an employee at Chick-fil-A. Effective immediately, Mr. Smith is no longer an employee of our company.

The actions of Mr. Smith do not reflect our corporate values in any manner. Vante is an equal opportunity company with a diverse workforce, which holds diverse opinions. We respect the right of our employees and all Americans to hold and express their personal opinions, however, we also expect our company officers to behave in a manner commensurate with their position and in a respectful fashion that conveys these values of civility with others.

We hope that the general population does not hold Mr. Smith’s actions against Vante and its employees.

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by bill67 on 08/02/12 at 18:07:58

I never heard of chick=fil-a but Its good advertising so their sales will probability go up.

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by Serowbot on 08/02/12 at 18:09:53

Oh, Sh!t!... I'm fired!... ;D ;D ;D...

Na,.. that guy was jerk,.. I think that window girl was afraid.
Probably thought he was another "postal" wacko...
Inconsiderate jerk...

PS.. I didn't know there was Cickaflicka's here... never heard of them 'till the hoopla...:-?...
I like the chicken at my local Albertson's grocer...

I feel sorry for the girl,.. she handled him well though... ;)...

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by babyhog on 08/02/12 at 18:27:47

So why did he feel the need to point out that he was not gay "totally heterosexual" ??

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by Serowbot on 08/02/12 at 18:55:30

7C7F7E73716B120 wrote:
So why did he feel the need to point out that he was not gay "totally heterosexual" ??

After doing so well, breaking the ice with her,... he thought he might get a date... ;D...

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by Boule’tard on 08/02/12 at 19:23:10

The dude in the video's a douchebag.  It does nothing to harass the clerk over something done/said by someone 17 levels up.  

It kind of reminds me of that time I was a college student and had to make ends meet, so I took a job as a cashier at an Exxon station, about the time of the Exxon Valdez accident. A couple of dorks came in with their T-shirts on, you know the one with the scissors cutting an Exxon credit card in half.. and start giving me sh1t about "my corporation" and going on about how they were not going to buy anything. ::)   Talk about barking up the wrong tree.

The only thing surprising about the chick fil-a situation is that someone that unprofessional and loose with their opinions can get as high as CEO, anywhere.

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by WebsterMark on 08/03/12 at 04:47:26

The only thing surprising about the chick fil-a situation is that someone that unprofessional and loose with their opinions can get as high as CEO, anywhere.

let's keep some perspective here.... Up until about 3 -4 moonths ago, before his pole numbers dropped, the opinions expressed by this  unprofessional and loose CEO were exactly the same, word for word, as obama.

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by splash07 on 08/03/12 at 05:56:56

192B2C3D3A2B3C032F3C254E0 wrote:
The only thing surprising about the chick fil-a situation is that someone that unprofessional and loose with their opinions can get as high as CEO, anywhere.

let's keep some perspective here.... Up until about 3 -4 moonths ago, before his pole numbers dropped, the opinions expressed by this  unprofessional and loose CEO were exactly the same, word for word, as obama.

word for word? Really? Show me.

Also, he got to be CEO the old fashioned way, his daddy.

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by LostArtist on 08/03/12 at 06:58:29

4553445941545942360 wrote:
Oh, Sh!t!... I'm fired!... ;D ;D ;D...

Na,.. that guy was jerk,.. I think that window girl was afraid.
Probably thought he was another "postal" wacko...
Inconsiderate jerk...

PS.. I didn't know there was Cickaflicka's here... never heard of them 'till the hoopla...:-?...
I like the chicken at my local Albertson's grocer...

I feel sorry for the girl,.. she handled him well though... ;)...

she should get a raise!!  that was not a minimum effort minimum wage behavior on her part.  

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by WebsterMark on 08/03/12 at 08:48:58

word for word? Really? Show me.

Chick Fil A guy:  “What I believe is that marriage is between a man and a woman … What I believe, in my faith, is that a man and a woman, when they get married, are performing something before God, and it’s not simply the two persons who are meeting,”

“I don’t think marriage is a civil right,” when asked whether there’s an inherent right to marry.

Do you think this guy is a bigot for saying this?

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by Serowbot on 08/03/12 at 09:56:48

734146575041566945564F240 wrote:
“I don’t think marriage is a civil right,” when asked whether there’s an inherent right to marry.

In an odd way, I agree...
I don't think government should issue marriage licenses to gays...
... or anybody...
Marriage is a religious ceremony... like a baptism, or bar mitzvah...
If you want to be married as a Christian, go to church...
If you want your union legally recognized by the government,... get a civil union license...
Get government out of the religion business,.. and allow civil unions for any couple, gay or straight...
Problem solved...

Of course,.. both Christian and Islam will still condemn gays... but, that's their business...
... and the shellfish eaters.... :-/...
... and those crazy sinners that mix wool with linen... :-/ :-/...

I wonder what level of he11 you're in for wearing a wool blend?... :-?...

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by splash07 on 08/03/12 at 10:40:08

566463727564734C60736A010 wrote:
Do you think this guy is a bigot for saying this?

No not a bigot, I agree with s-bot here.

Civil union license not marriage license.
separation of church and state is something we have not quite gotten down yet.

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by LostArtist on 08/03/12 at 12:20:47

4355425F47525F44300 wrote:
[quote author=734146575041566945564F240 link=1343563634/60#61 date=1344008938]“I don’t think marriage is a civil right,” when asked whether there’s an inherent right to marry.

In an odd way, I agree...
I don't think government should issue marriage licenses to gays...
... or anybody...
Marriage is a religious ceremony... like a baptism, or bar mitzvah...
If you want to be married as a Christian, go to church...
If you want your union legally recognized by the government,... get a civil union license...
Get government out of the religion business,.. and allow civil unions for any couple, gay or straight...
Problem solved...

Of course,.. both Christian and Islam will still condemn gays... but, that's their business...
... and the shellfish eaters.... :-/...
... and those crazy sinners that mix wool with linen... :-/ :-/...

I wonder what level of he11 you're in for wearing a wool blend?... :-?...[/quote]

okay, what legal advantages do married people have??  there's tax breaks and inheritance things right?  hospital visitation stuff, default attorney of law stuff right, what's it called if someone is hospitalized their spouse can make decisions for them, and can someone who is married to someone accused of a crime on trial have any protection of communications or can't be called to testify against them or something . . .

I'm not seeing how any of this has any moral implications at all, so what's the big deal here?? "marriage" "civil unions" it's a legal thing, not an affront to any religion.

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by Retread on 08/04/12 at 17:00:36

 Still don't see how gay marriage would harm straight marriages? Are the gay folk going to come into the straights homes and force their gayness on them ;D? Gay marriage is not a threat to these selfish, religious, bigots.. But the selfish, religious, bigots are a threat to gays..

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/04/12 at 17:45:39

He said he didnt support gay marriage, he diodnt say they should all burn in hell,, The reasons for not supporting it are many & difficult to explain in a forum,, Ohh, do come visit, in a day or 2, Im sure youd get it.,
But please explain, if you will,, the benefit to society & mankind in general gay marriages provide. What Wonderfully prolific families they must create! Boys Humpin boys & girls humpin girls make such BEAUtiful babies..

How is it possible to get so twisted as to see these things as GOOD?

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by Retread on 08/04/12 at 18:00:57

 Recognize your hetrosexualness, that is the only reason you feel offended by same sex relationships.. Cathy has advocated to "Throw all Homosexuals in the ocean!". He also has given over two million to anti-gay causes. It is fine to voice your opinion, but when you give money to limit the freedoms of another group of Americans???

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/04/12 at 18:28:16


Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by LostArtist on 08/04/12 at 19:27:05

697670776A6D5C6C5C64767A31030 wrote:
He said he didnt support gay marriage, he diodnt say they should all burn in hell,, The reasons for not supporting it are many & difficult to explain in a forum,, Ohh, do come visit, in a day or 2, Im sure youd get it.,
But please explain, if you will,, the benefit to society & mankind in general gay marriages provide. What Wonderfully prolific families they must create! Boys Humpin boys & girls humpin girls make such BEAUtiful babies..

How is it possible to get so twisted as to see these things as GOOD?

lay off the goofballs JOG, you're better than that

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by srinath on 08/04/12 at 23:43:53

66797F7865625363536B79753E0C0 wrote:
He said he didnt support gay marriage, he diodnt say they should all burn in hell,, The reasons for not supporting it are many & difficult to explain in a forum,, Ohh, do come visit, in a day or 2, Im sure youd get it.,
But please explain, if you will,, the benefit to society & mankind in general gay marriages provide. What Wonderfully prolific families they must create! Boys Humpin boys & girls humpin girls make such BEAUtiful babies..

How is it possible to get so twisted as to see these things as GOOD?

You see the planet has 9 billion people. There really is no need for more.

Anyway to short circuit the process ... or, we could all go the Soylent green route and get it all good and taken care of.


Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by Serowbot on 08/05/12 at 01:14:04

524D4B4C51566757675F4D410A380 wrote:
Boys Humpin boys & girls humpin girls...

JOG,... this excerpt from your post is a tell,... (like in poker)...
I don't mean a tell, as in you're gay...
I mean, as in you're repulsed at the very thought of anything like that...

I'm not gay either,... and I don't like to think of it in any graphical way either...
... but,.. I do have two male friends, and two female, that are gay...
... and they have as much right to the pursuit of "life , liberty, and happiness"... as we do... whether it is a benefit to society or not...
Their rights matter to me...
And the benefit to society is exactly the same as it is to you and me...

Lost just listed them...

there's tax breaks and inheritance things right?  hospital visitation stuff, default attorney of law stuff right, what's it called if someone is hospitalized their spouse can make decisions for them, and can someone who is married to someone accused of a crime on trial have any protection of communications or can't be called to testify against them or something . . .

I'm not seeing how any of this has any moral implications at all, so what's the big deal here?? "marriage" "civil unions" it's a legal thing, not an affront to any religion.

Are there any of these rights you are willing to give up?...
Aren't these Constitutional rights for all the people?...

They are doing exactly what you or I would do...
They are giving up their Constitutional rights, to love the person they love...

The question of whether it benefits society or country, is not important...
That, is the ugly side of socialism... (there are good sides, but this ain't one of them)...
We have the right to pursue our path, and have our individual freedoms, up to the point that it infringes on other people's freedoms...
How does this infringe on you?...

PS... I'm not trying to argue here... I'm trying to open a curtain to you're own firmly held beliefs...
Defend individual freedoms, over the good of the country, or society... your rights are your rights, not to be infringed...
... right up to the point, that it infringes on the rights of others...
Now,.. how does any marriage, not involving you,... infringe on your rights?... (gays will still exist, and be gay, either way)...
How does it hurt he country?... (gays will still exist, and be gay, either way)...
How does it hurt society?... (gays will still exist, and be gay, either way)...
How will it  even hurt God?... (gays will still exist, and be gay, either way)...
It will effect none,... in any way...

It will only effect gays that want to have their rights...
These are God given rights... they even have the right to sin,.. or to not believe...  God said so...
He made us that way... if he exists...
I know you believe he does... and he made us all... even gays...
... and even atheists...
It is his will that we are free to think and sin... and the Constitution supports it...
So disagree with gays,.. but defend their rights...
As you would wish them to do for you...
"Do unto others..."...

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by WebsterMark on 08/05/12 at 05:55:01

If I may jump in…………

Drug use by an individual in theory does not affect me however; I support laws against the use of certain mind altering drugs because in reality, it does affect me. The way a parent raises their child is for the most part none of my business, but I support laws that demand certain conditions be met or the state steps in. A parent should be required to educate their child and I support taxes for public schools to accomplish this because in reality, it does affect me.

The ongoing debate over gay marriage simply comes down to the question of do you think gay marriage affects you? Ultimately I say yes, I think it does because the foundation to our society I believe is the family unit consisting of father, mother and children. I don’t think we understand all the implications when this foundation is weakened. I think gay marriage weakens this foundation. I don’t think there is anything equal to our traditional family unit; I think it’s hard to overstate its importance to a civilized society.

I think a legal contract between two people of the same gender so they act legally on each other’s behalf is appropriate in this world full of contracts and legal mazes we have to navigate when two people live together. I have no problem with that. And I acknowledge this legal contract is for all legal purposes, a marriage. I would just never call it a marriage, I would never acknowledge it’s equivalence to a male-female marriage, I would always maintain it is an abnormality and not mainstream. I would not want children to look upon a same sex marriage as the same as their mother and father's. It is not the same. It is not equal in its ability to raise children which is among the single most important functions we have.

The bottom line is I would not be in favor of anything that weakens the family unit anymore than it is already being weakened and attacked.  We just have no idea of what implications this has in later generations.

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by bill67 on 08/05/12 at 06:27:40

I'm bisexual I like 2 girls at a time. ;)

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by LostArtist on 08/05/12 at 06:56:23

764443525544536C40534A210 wrote:
If I may jump in…………

Drug use by an individual in theory does not affect me however; I support laws against the use of certain mind altering drugs because in reality, it does affect me. The way a parent raises their child is for the most part none of my business, but I support laws that demand certain conditions be met or the state steps in. A parent should be required to educate their child and I support taxes for public schools to accomplish this because in reality, it does affect me.

The ongoing debate over gay marriage simply comes down to the question of do you think gay marriage affects you? Ultimately I say yes, I think it does because the foundation to our society I believe is the family unit consisting of father, mother and children. I don’t think we understand all the implications when this foundation is weakened. I think gay marriage weakens this foundation. I don’t think there is anything equal to our traditional family unit; I think it’s hard to overstate its importance to a civilized society.

I think a legal contract between two people of the same gender so they act legally on each other’s behalf is appropriate in this world full of contracts and legal mazes we have to navigate when two people live together. I have no problem with that. And I acknowledge this legal contract is for all legal purposes, a marriage. I would just never call it a marriage, I would never acknowledge it’s equivalence to a male-female marriage, I would always maintain it is an abnormality and not mainstream. I would not want children to look upon a same sex marriage as the same as their mother and father's. It is not the same. It is not equal in its ability to raise children which is among the single most important functions we have.

The bottom line is I would not be in favor of anything that weakens the family unit anymore than it is already being weakened and attacked.  We just have no idea of what implications this has in later generations.

Web, I want to thank you for a polite and well spoken response without any of the usual vitriol we get (and deliver).   I'm not sure how a gay marriage affects anyone else yet though.  you haven't convinced me of that, if you want to consider it an abnormality, um, okay, but sorry, I'm tired right now and can't form the words to express how shallow I feel that statement or feeling to be.  and your comparisons to drug use and child raising laws are wrong, those behaviors are innately destructive, a parent that neglects their child is doing harm to that child, their actions are hurting another human being.  anyway, I'm tired, and don't feel like disecting this anymore at this time, maybe more later

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by Retread on 08/05/12 at 07:18:38

  Bill, I think thats being a double lesbian, same here...

 So a gay marriage weakens the family structure now? I didn't realize that.. What about a gay marriage would weaken the family structure? If two people love each other, and wish to spend their lives together, this weakens the family structure? If two people that love each other adopt a child and raise it with love and support, that weakens the family structure?

 All the things you mentioned Webster do effect you and I, drug abuse, people will do some very imoral things strung out on drugs (Except for MJ, then only a box of twinkies is in danger), including break into your home, harm you and you family, ect.. How a person raises their child effects society as a whole..  

  Here is how and where I stand.. The act of two men making love repulses me, I know this is because of my sexual preference, I recognize this just as a gay person is repulsed by a man and a woman having sex. These acts do usually take place behind four walls, if they do take place outside these walls, we can choose not to look.

  I have a gay son, he has been with the same mate for seventeen years, they both have college degrees, and I love them, hold great pride in them. If one of them got hurt, one could not visit the other in ICU, if one passed, the other would not get anything from the others estate, they are not recognized as a couple by the state, or society. They cannot adopt, they cannot get a tax break, and they cannot share health insurance, they cannot do the many things a married couple can do. They cannot even have a civil union in this state thanks to Mr. Cathy's efforts.. Yes the groups he donates to put up billboards throughout the state condemning the last referendum for civil unions.

 Not that long ago in our history a Black and White marriage was not allowed, women and blacks could not vote, people were not allowed to join together to achieve better working conditions, and people were killed because of their beliefs and skin color. I see actions such as what Mr. Cathy is doing a reflection of these sad times in our history, I would think this nation would have progressed past this ignorance.. Religious bigotry is still hate...

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by Serowbot on 08/05/12 at 07:47:36

Web,,.. thanks for keeping it civil, as Lost said...

...but,.. a comparison of marriage to drug use is too wide a stretch...

How 'bout this?...
Tell me how, if a gay couple lives next door to you for 20 yrs, committed, and together,... how does it affect society, you, or anyone else, in any way differently, if they have a piece of paper with a notary's signature on it?...
How would you even know?...

... and, in a closer analogy,.. in what way does same sex marriage have a more negative effect, than the divorce of a man and woman with children?...
Which of these things affects others outside of the union more?...
... but divorce is allowed... even with children involved...
Broken homes and families has a huge effect on society...

Retread, defends his son... 30 yrs ago,  a parent would not feel able to say that openly...
We have at least come that far...
That's not equality,... but it at least allows for a fathers love... and respect...

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by LostArtist on 08/05/12 at 08:11:10

also denying same sex marriage, which is something we allow some pretty low life people to do, is in a way putting down of homosexuals, saying that these drug users/abusers/pushers can get married but these people over here just because they are homosexual??  really??? that's the class structure you are representing?  hetrosexual people get to be married but can be the scum of the earth, but upstanding great people who happen to be homosexual can't?? that's some crazy thinking

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by WebsterMark on 08/05/12 at 11:18:16

Lost: Web, I want to thank you for a polite and well spoken response without any of the usual vitriol we get (and deliver). I'm not sure how a gay marriage affects anyone else yet though. you haven't convinced me of that, if you want to consider it an abnormality, um, okay, but sorry, I'm tired right now and can't form the words to express how shallow I feel that statement or feeling to be. and your comparisons to drug use and child raising laws are wrong, those behaviors are innately destructive, a parent that neglects their child is doing harm to that child, their actions are hurting another human being. anyway, I'm tired, and don't feel like disecting this anymore at this time, maybe more later

I’m not sure what other word fits. On a scale of 1 – 10, affection towards another person has to a "10" as far defining human behavior. I mean who we share our bodies and life with is pretty doggone important. So, if 2% of the population has feelings opposite the remaining 98%, not sure how else you could describe it. Note: abnormal doesn’t have to have a negative connotation. The % of people with true photographic memory is pretty small; it’s abnormal. I don’t believe anyone choose to be gay, I think you are born that way. In fact, I guess all of us are abnormal in some way because each of us have unique characteristics. Some manifest themselves very privately and perhaps inconsequentially. Others, like homosexuality, other sexual preferences, type A personalities, slothfulness, etc..  manifest themselves in a very public and perhaps self-destructive manner.

That’s a quick dissection myself. There are a few smallmouth bass in a little creek south of here with my name on them and I intend to hook them, fight them and let them go so they can tell their fellow fish about the  strange alien abduction that just happened to them…

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by Midnightrider on 08/05/12 at 13:22:59

Let em marry if they want to, I have enough problems with my own life, why worry about someone elses. When they get enough of each other and go for a legal divorce they're gonna find out marriage aint all its cracked up to be  ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/05/12 at 15:01:02

Ive been sitting back, digesting Rowboats post, reading others. I understand how people feel the way they do now, after years of being told to be tolerant & that its okay, whatever someone else does is none of your business.. & its NOT, its none of my business how YOU or anyone lives their lives. However, the very same people who want me to Sanction this behavior, thru law, & bless it, with the benefits of what normal behavior gets, are the same people who want me to live my life in a manner that insulates others from risk, should I make a bad call..

Laws & rules exist for reasons. Societies can only survive if the people behave in ways that keep a society growing. There is nothing in the homosexual lifestyle that generates children & people are required to keep any society alive. In fact, we have already fallen below the required replacement rate to maintain a society. W/O the illegal aliens, we would be on our way out, from that point of view.
( I went lookin, I cant find what I read a few months ago)
Anyway, societies have rules. Marriage has been a union between man & woman FOR FRIKKEN EVER.. anyone wanna play with Legal Precedent? Sure, its been "legalized", but so has the Presidents "right" to have an American citizen killed with no arrest & trial.,

As for the "Lets treat each other the way Jesus did",, Im okay with that. I dont hate people for who & what they are. I know Im no better in God's eyes. My sins are plenty & serious, but Im not asking society to sanction my wrong ways. There REally IS a right & wrong, regardless of what theyve been trying so hard to teach us.
For a nation to pass laws that sanction homosexuality is to legally choose to tell God that we do not care about his laws & that as far as WE are concerned, sodomy is just OOOOKay.

Isnt there a story in the Bible about a coupla cities that behaved that way?

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by Serowbot on 08/05/12 at 16:29:39

2B343235282F1E2E1E26343873410 wrote:
Ive been sitting back, digesting Rowboats post, reading others.

I appreciate that.. I really do... more thing to your point... Do you think this social engineering by limiting marriage to straights, will have your desired effect of keeping up the birthrate?...
The only way I can see this result is that some straight people will have to turn gay, or gay people will have to turn straight ...

I mean,.. I don't like sweet potatoes... and banning them, or making them free, ain't gonna' change that... I still ain't gonna' eat 'em...
Yukky things, sweet potatoes... :P...

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/05/12 at 18:41:43

Unions between men & women have managed to keep Earth going so far,

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by LostArtist on 08/05/12 at 20:43:30

352A2C2B3631003000382A266D5F0 wrote:
Unions between men & women have managed to keep Earth going so far,

and gay marriage isn't going to change that

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by WebsterMark on 08/06/12 at 05:33:34

Lost: Okay, bit more time this morning before I head out for the week.

and your comparisons to drug use and child raising laws are wrong, those behaviors are innately destructive, a parent that neglects their child is doing harm to that child, their actions are hurting another human being.

also denying same sex marriage, which is something we allow some pretty low life people to do, is in a way putting down of homosexuals, saying that these drug users/abusers/pushers can get married but these people over here just because they are homosexual?? really??? that's the class structure you are representing? hetrosexual people get to be married but can be the scum of the earth, but upstanding great people who happen to be homosexual can't?? that's some crazy thinking

First off; there’s a difference between comparing two things and drawing a parallel between two things. I was drawing a parallel. For example; Jesus Christ would says something like “The Kingdom of God is like a vineyard….” Was he saying heaven is a big grape field where we sit around a make wine all day? No, of course not. He went on to make his point by using what we know about one thing to help explain another. He’s was not comparing heaven to a grapefield and I am not comparing homosexuality to drug addiction. I’m saying society looks at behavior and makes a judgment. Substitute another behavior society encourages or discourages if it helps.  The bigger point is that we all judge the actions of others and how it affects us.

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by WebsterMark on 08/06/12 at 06:04:06

So a gay marriage weakens the family structure now? I didn't realize that.. What about a gay marriage would weaken the family structure? If two people love each other, and wish to spend their lives together, this weakens the family structure? If two people that love each other adopt a child and raise it with love and support, that weakens the family structure?

Retread;  The first thing that comes to mind how actions weaken family is to simply look to Europe. Look at Greece, Spain and Italy. Over the past few decades, they have become more and more secular. Over that same time period, the birthrate for those countries has fallen below replacement rate. Historical Christianity puts a premium on marriage and child rearing. Secularism does not and it’s no coincidence the population is dwindling in these three countries. In my children’s lifetime, the nationalities of Greeks, Spaniards and Italians will continue to fall. In short, these three nationalities are in all likelihood, doomed. That happened because of the waning influence of traditional religions. Gay marriage will never be on that large a scale since the % of the population is so low, but nonetheless, I believe it will have a negative influence.

Not that long ago in our history a Black and White marriage was not allowed, women and blacks could not vote, people were not allowed to join together to achieve better working conditions, and people were killed because of their beliefs and skin color. I see actions such as what Mr. Cathy is doing a reflection of these sad times in our history, I would think this nation would have progressed past this ignorance.. Religious bigotry is still hate...

There is practically zero commonality between the Civil Rights Movement and what we call today Gay Rights. Zero. A racist looks at a black man and judges him by the color of his skin and not the content of his character. (sound familiar…) Judging gay marriage involves making a decision based upon agreed to actions and behavior. Those of us against gay marriage have decided it is a step we are not willing to make.  It is not bigotry. There is nothing in common between Civil Rights and gay rights.

I have a gay son, he has been with the same mate for seventeen years, they both have college degrees, and I love them, hold great pride in them. If one of them got hurt, one could not visit the other in ICU, if one passed, the other would not get anything from the others estate, they are not recognized as a couple by the state, or society. They cannot adopt, they cannot get a tax break, and they cannot share health insurance, they cannot do the many things a married couple can do. They cannot even have a civil union in this state thanks to Mr. Cathy's efforts.. Yes the groups he donates to put up billboards throughout the state condemning the last referendum for civil unions.

As I said before, I have no problem with civil unions that for all practically purposes gives two people of the same gender equal rights as a normal marriage. (and yes, I used the word normal on purpose) I think they should if that’s what they want to do. And I admit my demands it not be called marriage on one hand while admitting on the other had it is legally identical may seem counter to one another, but I don’t think so. Like I said, I would be against anything that weakens marriage in anyway, which I think is something fundamental to our society.

Finally, I am not familar with Carthy's political actions nor do I care. the man made some comments that got picked up by the liberal media in an attempt to help their president, that's all. If obama had been ahead by a wide margin in the polls, you wouldn't even know Carthy's name.

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by Retread on 08/06/12 at 07:27:37

  Fear of under population? You mean a place where the worlds resources can support the population? Wow, thats kind of a new concept, don't you say? I really don't think when God said be fruitful and multiply he meant to breed like rabbits with no thought to how to feed the masses. Europes secularism is not the reason for the drop in childbirth, it has to do with birth control availability, and family units not wanting to have children until later. I really think its a reach to say that they are doomed.. We have children without homes, they are abused, they are hungry, and growup into lifestyles that threaten our society, yet some are worried about gay marriage? Wow...

  There are some things that are very common with racism and gay rights. Both the racist and the gay basher both have preconceived ideas of what being gay or black/yellow/red/brown is, how they act, and what they do to society. A prejudice based not on facts, but on other peoples opinions, religious bigotry, and hate. They also swear they are not racist, and it is just a judgement call, riigghhtt... Its about fear, they are scared of these groups because they have not taken the time to try to understand them, and they do not even understand their own sexuality. That step you talk about not being willing to take involves looking at yourself in the mirror..

  As I said before, civil unions are not done in my state, it went to referendum two years ago, it failed because of Mr. Cathy and others efforts. Mr. Cathy and others like him wrap their fear and prejudice up into a nice little religious package and call it golden, but it stinks of ignorance and robs a group of people of a basic freedom. Marriage is a joining of two people, it was weakened by divorce, it was weakened by anullments, it was weakened by marriage for overnight sex, it was weakened by drugs, alcohol, inability to support a family, and family violence, it would be a reach to say two gays being married would weaken it any worse.... Nuff said...

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by WebsterMark on 08/06/12 at 08:07:03

Fear of under population? You mean a place where the worlds resources can support the population? Wow, thats kind of a new concept, don't you say? I really don't think when God said be fruitful and multiply he meant to breed like rabbits with no thought to how to feed the masses. Europes secularism is not the reason for the drop in childbirth, it has to do with birth control availability, and family units not wanting to have children until later. I really think its a reach to say that they are doomed.. We have children without homes, they are abused, they are hungry, and growup into lifestyles that threaten our society, yet some are worried about gay marriage? Wow...

As mentioned before, we do hot have a shortage of world’s resources, we still have an abundance. And yes, Spain’s population is shrinking due to very low birthrates and yes, it’s due to secularism. This is the reality of the situation. When families have children later in life, they have fewer. When they have fewer, population declines at a known rate. Unless it reverses, Spain will gradually be taken over by immigrants from other countries and cultures. Spain as it‘s know today, will cease to exist.

Its about fear, they are scared of these groups because they have not taken the time to try to understand them, and they do not even understand their own sexuality. That step you talk about not being willing to take involves looking at yourself in the mirror..
groups because they have not taken the time to try to understand them    about not being willing to take involves looking at yourself in the mirror..

Why are you so sure I have not? What if other people have?  I think I articulated a very reasoned argument against gay marriage, but you disagree with me. Are you calling me a hate filled bigot whose afraid to look in the mirror because I see it differently?

As I said before, civil unions are not done in my state, it went to referendum two years ago, it failed because of Mr. Cathy and others efforts. Mr. Cathy and others like him wrap their fear and prejudice up into a nice little religious package and call it golden, but it stinks of ignorance and robs a group of people of a basic freedom. Marriage is a joining of two people, it was weakened by divorce, it was weakened by anullments, it was weakened by marriage for overnight sex, it was weakened by drugs, alcohol, inability to support a family, and family violence, it would be a reach to say two gays being married would weaken it any worse.... Nuff said...

So, if they allowed civil unions in your state, would you be okay with it? Would that be the end of the ‘fight’ for equality?

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by Retread on 08/06/12 at 08:41:38

Why do so-called conservatives always have a prediction of doom? Spainards are not making babies because they have lost their religion? They will become extinct? I'm sorry Web, but my mind just can't wrap itself around that spin.. I just can't make the connection between gay marriage and Spains population loss.. I can make a connection between worlds resources and our population though.. Maybe they are the smart ones?

 If you did look in the mirror you would not hold the conclusion you do, a conclusion is always formed when you stop thinking.. No I am calling people such as Cathy hate filled bigots, I just think you have jumped up on a bandwagon that backs your political path. I believe If you sat and talked with a few gays, you would change that conclusion.

  If they allowed civil unions, I would be happy, but not satisfied until equal rights were acheived. I would feel the same about any group of people denied their freedoms...

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by WebsterMark on 08/06/12 at 08:57:44

I never said gay marriage had any connection to Spains loss of population.

If you did look in the mirror you would not hold the conclusion you do, a conclusion is always formed when you stop thinking

wait a minute, can't I say the same for you? Haven't you 'stopped thinking' on the topic? You're mind is made up, isn't it? Why is it you're the open minded one and I'm the closed minded one when we both say we've examinied the issue and came to a conclusion we are satisifed with?

I believe If you sat and talked with a few gays, you would change that conclusion. I know several gay people and have spoken to them. My son had a gay man in his wedding that my wife and I just adore to death. If Phil said he needed help or a place to stay, I'd give him anything he wanted. As far as Cathy, I think its a stretch to call him a hate filled bigot, but honestly, until this hit, I didn't even know his name.

but not satisfied until equal rights were acheived

what rights? what, other than marriage?

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by Serowbot on 08/06/12 at 09:57:56

No minds will change here...

... but... it is an inevitability...  the trend has shown for a long time a growing acceptance of gay marriage...
... and,.. as with the denial of equality to any segment in society,...historically, those that argue to deny end up on the wrong side of history...
This is how, conservatives have consistently alienated every single minority, and made themselves the into white male Christian party...
... and it's never racism, or bigotry,... it's always justified some other way...
Blacks, single women, Jews, Hispanics, Asians, gays,...
... and with each one, you blame it on Dem's giving handouts and pandering,... but, with each segment there is a issue of denial of rights...
So, keep up the good work Righty's... keep on looking like, quacking like, and walking like a duck...
With each step,... you diminish your influence... ;)...

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by Retread on 08/06/12 at 09:58:15

No, I haven't stopped thinking on the subject, my postings (And yours) prove this. I have not reached a conclusion, or I would have a solution to this subject that would make all happy.

Let me see if I can make the correlation between Spain (Europe) and the subject of gay marriage.. You say that somehow their loss of religion , or blind following of churches teaching (breeding like rabbits), would somehow happen to us if we allowed gay marriage? I still don't get it..

 So you would let Phil stay in your home or help him, but deny him the right to marry someone he loves? Do you think that gays cannot hold the same love you do? Or that their love is somehow diminished because they are gay?

 I don't know you Web, but I am sure if we met on the street we would hit it off, talk bikes, weather, football, and find lots of common ground.. Let me ask you, what would you do if your son or daughter were gay? Would you want them to be discriminated against because of their sexual preference? Would you be afraid for them because of the hate held and bred into young generation by people and religions?

 I think that Gays should have the same rights as the rest of the American people, PERIOD, no more, no less..


Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/06/12 at 12:55:32

If anyone wound up on the wrong side of history,I'd say it was Sodom & Gomorrah,

The notion that there is no right & wrong is not correct. Thers a reason men marry women,, forcing social acceptance thru indoctrination wont make it right,

& yes, my mind is made up. & Its not politically motivated,its a knowing of the difference between right & wrong & not being willing to make laws that go directly against what I know to be right. You know in your heart its wrong. If you dont, you need to step back & think,,or feel. & PLease dont try "Well,, thats what youve been taught.",, because Ive been fed the same crap others have. I just didnt accept it & NO I wasnt raised by Christians. My home was not a God centered home. We went to church a few times, but it wasnt a lifestyle. By a few times, I mean maybe 10 in 6 years. & they were all when I was 12, IIRC.

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by WebsterMark on 08/06/12 at 13:23:36

Sew; did you just call me a bigot and or racist?

but I agree, I'm on the losing side of this. Gay marriage will happen as will nationalize healthcare as will a socialist United States.

just remember, change isn't always good. I'm not a academic, but I wonder what % of socieities that died off basically killed themselves by 'progressing'....

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by Retread on 08/06/12 at 13:27:26

Well , No one is forcing you to marry a gay person JOG, and if you cannot face your own sexuality thats fine also. But refrain from the Sodom and Gomorah crap, its just a story from a 2K plus old manuscript with the same prejudice and ignorance from that time period. If you want to bring religion into this mix, look at the fact that Jesus only hung out with guys, maybe he was gay? Now wouldn't that be the shits...

 Yep, its all shits and giggles, until somebody giggles and shits... ;D

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by WebsterMark on 08/06/12 at 13:31:03

Let me see if I can make the correlation between Spain (Europe) and the subject of gay marriage.. You say that somehow their loss of religion , or blind following of churches teaching (breeding like rabbits), would somehow happen to us if we allowed gay marriage? I still don't get it..
no, that's not what I said. I chocolate cookie doesn't make someone obese either... It's a cumulative effect...

So you would let Phil stay in your home or help him, but deny him the right to marry someone he loves? Yes.
Do you think that gays cannot hold the same love you do? Yes and no. Yes, they love someone. No, it’s not the same as a man and woman.
Or that their love is somehow diminished because they are gay? Yes.

what would you do if your son or daughter were gay? I wouldn’t feel any differently towards them.
Would you want them to be discriminated against because of their sexual preference? I would not participate in a church wedding. If they got ‘married’ in a civil union, I would have no problem with that. I would call the other his partner and would love him like my son. The same as I do for my current daughter in law. But I would explain my point of view to them. I’m fully aware they wouldn’t have chosen this life. No one choose to be gay. You are, or you are not.
But.... I don't always view discrimination as a bad word. You discriminate against people. Everyone does to a certain degree.

I think that Gays should have the same rights as the rest of the American people,
with civil unions, don't they have the same rights?

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by WebsterMark on 08/06/12 at 13:33:46

The notion that there is no right & wrong is not correct. Thers a reason men marry women,, forcing social acceptance thru indoctrination wont make it right,

I've never heard a real good answer by a pro-gay marriage person if gender is no longer the deciding factor of who can be legally married, what is the deciding factor then? If self-proclaimed LOVE is the basis, they couldn't I have multiple wives if they all were consenting adults and professed love?

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by LostArtist on 08/06/12 at 13:59:16

596B6C7D7A6B7C436F7C650E0 wrote:

I think that Gays should have the same rights as the rest of the American people,
with civil unions, don't they have the same rights?

but civil unions aren't legal either . . .

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by LostArtist on 08/06/12 at 14:04:24

1E2C2B3A3D2C3B04283B22490 wrote:
The notion that there is no right & wrong is not correct. Thers a reason men marry women,, forcing social acceptance thru indoctrination wont make it right,

I've never heard a real good answer by a pro-gay marriage person if gender is no longer the deciding factor of who can be legally married, what is the deciding factor then? If self-proclaimed LOVE is the basis, they couldn't I have multiple wives if they all were consenting adults and professed love?

why can't the limiting factor be a number, like 2, 2 consenting adults, that makes it legally easier than dealing with who gets what with multiples of people involved, also marriage is a contrivance of property management law, moral or not has nothing to do with this. it was how property and power was passed on generation to generation, it was not a moral doctrine.  again, this is a LEGAL matter, moral arguments aren useless here, marriage is a quick way to bypass like 30 other legal documents that would otherwise be required

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/06/12 at 15:16:04

67504147505451350 wrote:
Well , No one is forcing you to marry a gay person JOG, and if you cannot face your own sexuality thats fine also. But refrain from the Sodom and Gomorah crap, its just a story from a 2K plus old manuscript with the same prejudice and ignorance from that time period. If you want to bring religion into this mix, look at the fact that Jesus only hung out with guys, maybe he was gay? Now wouldn't that be the shits...

 Yep, its all shits and giggles, until somebody giggles and shits... ;D

No, I will not refarin from pointing out the Bible. Jesus wasnt a queer.
Im fine with my sexuality. Its Normal,.Just because youve been taught its "right" to accept the behaviors that are perverted & call them good doesnt make it so.

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by Paraquat on 08/06/12 at 15:28:10

Boy... I've read some stuff in this thread and all I have to add is:


Gay couples have the right to be just as miserable as straight couples. Look how many hetero marriages end in failure - what're you worried homo marriages will throw off the statistics?
I can't believe some of you are so hung up on religion?
I mean, really? REALLY? In my life time we've witnessed evolution and answered more questions with science than times an omnipotent robed being descended from the Heavens.

That being said there's a local motorcycle group here called CMRA (Connecticut Motorcycle Riders Association) In regards to motorcyclist's rights and helmet laws they came up with "Let Those Who Ride Still Decide". People who don't ride shouldn't have any say imposing laws for people who do ride.

That's a great idea. So simple... so elegant.

Gun laws are becoming stricter because they're being voted on by non-gun owners. People who are scared and live in fear and want to ban guns because they don't understand them or fully grasp the concept.
Why not let gun owners vote on gun laws?

Let homosexuals vote on homosexual issues. Why not? It doesn't affect me. It affects them.

What gives you (yes, you) any right at all to stick your nose into someone else's business that doesn't affect you?


Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by LostArtist on 08/06/12 at 17:59:02

here's what I don't get, "small government" people seem just fine with the government regulating marriage, a very very personal and intimate part of our lives, but how dare government regulate businesses, banks and EPA kinda stuff that can have actual disastrous effects on large groups of people  

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by Retread on 08/06/12 at 19:03:22

 For Jog, did Jesus ever condemn homosexuality? He hung with twelve guys, they had a secret handshake? Did he ever once get laid? Hmmmmm.. In todays world that would be gay.. Probably was back then also, maybe that was the real reason they put him on the cross?

 People are not trying to "Indocrinate" you to homosexuality, just trying to "Educate" you to accept it as a fact! There have been homosexuals since the begining of time, they were accepted, and even held high value in many societys. It seems like we have moved backwards instead of forward in this nation... Good old Christian prejudice...

  For Web, so how is homosexual love different than a man and womans love? And please do tell me how it is diminished? Cause YOU and YOURs won't allow them to marry? And when two people love each other marriage is usually the next step, not a civil union.. I don't remember ever asking any of my three wives for a civil union... ;D

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/06/12 at 21:38:24

I DO accept it. Just as I accept the FACT there are  thieves, murderers, rapists, just dont ask me to support laws to make any of those behaviors accepted as normal & good.

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by Retread on 08/06/12 at 22:28:43

You would put a homosexual in the same catergory as a murderer, a rapist????

  I guess its story time. I once thought that all homosexuals were just limp wristed, wastes of humanity when I was a young man. I joined the Army at seventeen, was sent to SE Asia three weeks after my 18th birthday, I was a Helicopter Crewchief/Doorgunner.

 During this time I was lucky enough to meet some very brave men, a group I befriended and flew in and out of many LZ's was a LRRP unit. For those of you who do not know who they were, Long Range Recon Patrol units were a five to ten man team who were dropped into suspected enemy territory to recon and report enemy activity. They were always in the thick of it folks...

  In this LRRP team were two guys, they had done two tours by the time I met them, they joined the Army from the same hometown and joined on the buddy system. These guys had saved everyone of their team several times over, always lent advice to the FNG's, (Fkin new guys) and were friends to all. They were respected men, and could kick butt with the team in a bar brawl, or sit in the mud and blood for hours without a sound.

  No one really knew them beyond us calling them the twins, because where one was at, the other was near. When it came time for them to ETS (Leave country and the Army) we all decided it was fitting to throw our usual party, so with whiskey and Komsi we proceeded to get wasted. Each of us were telling the group what we were going to do when we got out, when one of the twins came out and said "When we get back, myself and Sam are moving in together where we will be the rest of our lives"..  This brought my drunken doorgunner to tears and he replied "Good for you!" then promptly passed out...

  You see it seems that these guys were gay, they joined the Army to escape the prejudice of a small town.. They were two of the most courageous men I have ever known and demand more respect than to be compared with rapists, murderers, and thieves... What is normal and good? The preacher that takes little girls into his office for a good spanking? The gay basher that beats up gay men because they are different? The guy who beats up his girlfriend because he is afraid to admit he is gay? >:(

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/07/12 at 07:25:19

I said that to point put that I KNOW these people exist, there are other undesirable traits, you dont think a murder3er everr held a door for some old woman? A rapist didnt go to school & get along with his classmates? You want an aberration to be accepted by society & youve been taught thast its okay to be "gay" because theyre not bad people..Well,, I dont have a problem saying, what they DO is not right, they can do it, Im njot gonna try to stop them, Ive known them, I worked with them,even in the oilfield, I know they arent limp wristed, I am not willing to be lectured to on WHY I should so happily accept this as the next thing society WILL embrace &

WITH respect to The wrong Side of History,, Everybody should have a look back at a few of the great empires that have risen & fallen & how their societal Mores decayed,,

Think back to the first time you heard that there were boys who wanted to be with boys.. really,, your first reaction?

It was a disgusting idea, wasnt it?

It still is. It sounded Wrong then, it still does sound wrong, I will never agree with a legally sanctioned marriage for it. I also dont agree with bad treatment for them,Im not out to hurt anyone, not gonna stone anyone, but for a country to legally sanction it is inviting the wrath of God. You dont believe in God? Not my problem,,

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by Retread on 08/07/12 at 07:42:11

If you believe in Jesus, then you should know there is no more "Wrath of God"...

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by bill67 on 08/07/12 at 09:11:11

I, 100% believe Jesus was gay.

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/07/12 at 09:13:42

Thats actually an interesting point, New Testament times we are in & all. Im gonna hafta ask someone,,

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by WebsterMark on 08/07/12 at 10:31:17

For Web, so how is homosexual love different than a man and womans love? And please do tell me how it is diminished? Cause YOU and YOURs won't allow them to marry? And when two people love each other marriage is usually the next step, not a civil union.. I don't remember ever asking any of my three wives for a civil union...

Because it’s not normal. When viewing something as primary to the human state as attraction towards another person for the purposes of lifelong companionship; if 98% of the population acts one way and 2% act another, the 2% is not normal.

Again, you have such a disdain for religion and since marriage is primarily a religious event, what’s wrong with a civil union that gives you the same legal rights? Why the need to call it a marriage? Could it be this is a way to ‘normalize’ what you instinctively know to be abnormal?

If you believe in Jesus, then you should know there is no more "Wrath of God"...

Where did you get that idea?

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by WebsterMark on 08/07/12 at 10:32:40

paraquat: Let homosexuals vote on homosexual issues. Why not? It doesn't affect me. It affects them.

What gives you (yes, you) any right at all to stick your nose into someone else's business that doesn't affect you?

so women vote on women only issues, men on men only issues? name an woman only issue that doesn't affect me?

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by Serowbot on 08/07/12 at 11:19:20

Good point, Web... I would say "Choice"... but, I suppose by "affect me"... you mean men in general, or in this case, the man that impregnated the woman...

So,.. given that,... good point...
Now,... how does gay marriage effect you?... or men, or women in general, or in anyway,... other than the two parties involved?...

I still say, the solution is to get government out of the religion business, and make all unions civil...
Marriage is a religious ritual... it should have no legal bind, or government sanction, or endorsement......
There is supposed to be a separation of Church and State... ;)...

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by bill67 on 08/07/12 at 11:22:36

487A7D6C6B7A6D527E6D741F0 wrote:
paraquat: Let homosexuals vote on homosexual issues. Why not? It doesn't affect me. It affects them.

What gives you (yes, you) any right at all to stick your nose into someone else's business that doesn't affect you?

so women vote on women only issues, men on men only issues? name an woman only issue that doesn't affect me?


Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by Paraquat on 08/07/12 at 11:39:19

1E2C2B3A3D2C3B04283B22490 wrote:
Because it’s not normal. When viewing something as primary to the human state as attraction towards another person for the purposes of lifelong companionship; if 98% of the population acts one way and 2% act another, the 2% is not normal.

2% of the population says the Earth revolves around the sun.
98% say the Earth is the epicenter and the sun revolves around it.

2% say the world is a sphere.
98% say the world is flat and you can fall off the edge of it.

Take suffrage as not the best example. I'm sure there were a lot of men who didn't want women to vote but I'm sure there were also a few women who didn't want the right to vote. This is a poor example because men could have their votes countered or supported but I'm sure someone else can build on that.


Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/07/12 at 11:54:41

Rowboat says

I still say, the solution is to get government out of the religion business, and make all unions civil...

I agree with getting the goobs out. I honestly dont know the full legal difference between a civil union & marriage,

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by Retread on 08/07/12 at 13:16:11

  I hear a lot of whats normal and whats not.. So to a gay man the relationship we have with a woman is not normal.. If you live in an all white community and a black man moves in, is he normal? If you have a one black swan in a large group of white, is it a normal swan?

  Yes, if you believe in Jesus you are saved, there is no wrath of God. So old testament...

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by Retread on 08/07/12 at 14:38:09

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by WebsterMark on 08/07/12 at 15:13:04

  Yes, if you believe in Jesus you are saved, there is no wrath of God. So old testament...

okay, I see your point and agree.

If you live in an all white community and a black man moves in, is he normal?

On one hand, I'd say no, but this is poor example for you to use because I think homosexuality is defined by behavior, not color. That's why civil rights and gay rights are not the same.

however, on the other hand, lets say you are looking a a big pile of white poker chips  plus one black chip mixed in. Someone ask you to consider only the chips in front of you and to select the chip that is abnormal. Clearly, everyone would select the black chip.

I think we're going around and around in circles. i concede that my side will ultimately loose this fight and we will have gay marriage. Shortly after that, we will face the issue of multiple partner marriages, one man two women for example, and it will be kind of funny to watch the gay rights people object to equating this cause with their cause.

But if gender is removed as a barrier to marriage and if the definition of who can get married is changed to any two people who jointly agree to be married, then it’s a easy jump to simply say any 3 people.

Any objections to that would be…….. bigoted?    

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by Serowbot on 08/07/12 at 16:42:46

You're confusing abnormal with different...
One black chip among a pile of white is different,.. not abnormal...
If it were misshapen, or it danced,... it would be abnormal...

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/07/12 at 17:30:54

I guess I chose the wrong word,, It would be normal to walk with a limp if the King had every childs right leg broken & wouldnt allow it to be set properly, but it wouldnt be Natural. Yea, there are some homosexual behaviors in many species, none of them have a concept of right & wrong, except people.
Was a time when society was intolerant of teenage pregnancies. Society was better back then.
There really is a right & wrong. Being a root hugger is wrong.

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by WD on 08/08/12 at 16:50:03

Okay Jog, ya lost me on that one.

Let's try keeping the invisible magic jew and his imaginary son out of this. Marriage is a civil contract in this country, can't get hitched without the courthouse saying you can. Unless you are a member of a fringe religion.

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/09/12 at 00:30:03

091610170A0D3C0C3C04161A51630 wrote:
I guess I chose the wrong word,, It would be normal to walk with a limp if the King had every childs right leg broken & wouldnt allow it to be set properly, but it wouldnt be Natural. Yea, there are some homosexual behaviors in many species, none of them have a concept of right & wrong, except people.
Was a time when society was intolerant of teenage pregnancies. Society was better back then.
There really is a right & wrong. Being a root hugger is wrong.

WD, what part of that confused you & Ill try to iron it out.

&, Your attitude toward God & those who believe in him is offensive,
I can tell you to keep your beliefs to yourself, too, but then we would not exactly have a discussion,, so, demonstrate the tolerance you demand of me,

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by WebsterMark on 08/09/12 at 05:03:06

You're confusing abnormal with different...
One black chip among a pile of white is different,.. not abnormal...
If it were misshapen, or it danced,... it would be abnormal...

Okay, try another analogy then.

Let’s say you had data in front of you showing 98% of the population thought mankind’s use of fossils fuels was responsible for generating certain greenhouses gases that are slowly raising the temperature of the earth un-naturally and 2% of the population did not. Now imagine some someone then asked you which group would you describe as abnormal. You would select which group?

Let’s say you had data in front of you showing 98% of the population thought assault weapons and 100 round magazine clips should be more closely regulated and 2% did not. . Now imagine some someone then asked you which group would you describe as abnormal. You would select which group?

Now, it’s not like you and I live on the same block and chat across the back fence or anything, but I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say I’m pretty sure I know which two groups you call abnormal and you wouldn't  blink an eye on the semantics of language. Am I right about that?

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by Retread on 08/09/12 at 10:05:54

 Another good one...

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/09/12 at 17:29:45

I guess if you think its okay, maybe you should try it.

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by splash07 on 08/10/12 at 10:36:54

687771766B6C5D6D5D65777B30020 wrote:
I guess if you think its okay, maybe you should try it.

maybe you should try it before bashing it.

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by built2last66 on 08/10/12 at 13:40:39

I wonder if the Mysterious John supports Gay marriage and homosexuality? If not, see you all you guys later...

This whole mess of a company because of the top dogs view is almost as retarded as a Harley Davidson rider telling me my Savage is Un American while he's standing there in his "Made in China" shoes... America was supposed to be about FREEDOM..

Chik-Fil-A is DELICIOUS by the way, I would eat there everyday if I could! (And I'm not even religious)

Title: Re: Chick-fil-A
Post by Paraquat on 08/10/12 at 15:12:54

I wanna know if those two tried it yet.

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