General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Dark Knight Rises tragedy

Message started by LostArtist on 07/20/12 at 11:24:40

Title: Dark Knight Rises tragedy
Post by LostArtist on 07/20/12 at 11:24:40

Gunman kills 12 in Colorado movie theater

life imitating art

art imitating life  

fracking unbelievable!   >:(

Title: Re: Dark Knight Rises tragedy
Post by Serowbot on 07/20/12 at 11:48:09

Mentally disturbed with easy access to arsenal,...  almost routine now...

NRA and Rep's will go into full defense mode...
Nothing will change...

Some families are having the worst day of their lives, today...  
Others are re-living theirs...

I'll wait for the DVD,... I would have, anyway... :-?...

It may seem heartless to feel empty,.. but, prayers and blessings are truly useless for anything but your own peace of mind...
Seems like you can feel days like today in the very air you breathe... :-?... 

Title: Re: Dark Knight Rises tragedy
Post by WebsterMark on 07/20/12 at 12:23:50

NRA and Rep's will go into full defense mode...
but, prayers and blessings are truly useless for anything but your own peace of mind...

Oh, you’re praying alright…. You’re praying someone will tie this guy to conservatives or The Tea Party so you can feast on the remains ‘til election day. …. Don’t be so cowardly, admit it.

Title: Re: Dark Knight Rises tragedy
Post by splash07 on 07/20/12 at 12:26:26

122027363120370824372E450 wrote:
NRA and Rep's will go into full defense mode...
but, prayers and blessings are truly useless for anything but your own peace of mind...

Oh, you’re praying alright…. You’re praying someone will tie this guy to conservatives or The Tea Party so you can feast on the remains ‘til election day. …. Don’t be so cowardly, admit it.


Title: Re: Dark Knight Rises tragedy
Post by LostArtist on 07/20/12 at 12:26:44

they are actually tying him to the Occupy crowd, but thanks for the pre-emptive attack there . . .  oh, yeah, it's you.

Title: Re: Dark Knight Rises tragedy
Post by Midnightrider on 07/20/12 at 12:50:46

2D2E323F2D366E695E0 wrote:
[quote author=122027363120370824372E450 link=1342808680/0#2 date=1342812230]NRA and Rep's will go into full defense mode...
but, prayers and blessings are truly useless for anything but your own peace of mind...

Oh, you’re praying alright…. You’re praying someone will tie this guy to conservatives or The Tea Party so you can feast on the remains ‘til election day. …. Don’t be so cowardly, admit it.

Inappropriate [/quote]

Title: Re: Dark Knight Rises tragedy
Post by rfw2003 on 07/20/12 at 12:54:14

5B5844495B40181F280 wrote:
[quote author=122027363120370824372E450 link=1342808680/0#2 date=1342812230]NRA and Rep's will go into full defense mode...
but, prayers and blessings are truly useless for anything but your own peace of mind...

Oh, you’re praying alright…. You’re praying someone will tie this guy to conservatives or The Tea Party so you can feast on the remains ‘til election day. …. Don’t be so cowardly, admit it.

Inappropriate [/quote]

Title: Re: Dark Knight Rises tragedy
Post by WebsterMark on 07/20/12 at 13:30:00

NRA and Rep's will go into full defense mode...

I guess that met your definitionof appropriate...

Title: Re: Dark Knight Rises tragedy
Post by Drifter on 07/20/12 at 14:04:16

This is a society problem not a gun problem!

A really sad day!!!! Not a day for anti gun or pro gun BS this crappity smack was insane like the one in europe. Guns dont kill people People kill people.

There really is no answer for this kind of crap None, there are insane people in this world, here and every where else in europe as well as here crazies that want guns will find a way to get them.

I feel sad for the familys and the wounded!   :'(

Title: Re: Dark Knight Rises tragedy
Post by Serowbot on 07/20/12 at 14:11:04

4A5C4B564E5B564D390 wrote:
I'll wait for the DVD,... I would have, anyway... :-?...

To me,.. this was the inappropriate part of my post...
I thought about not posting it...
... but, decided it expressed the futility I feel... as well as anything...

Sadly, Webster... you only prove my point...

Title: Re: Dark Knight Rises tragedy
Post by WebsterMark on 07/20/12 at 15:00:57

Sadly, Webster... you only prove my point...

Oh, get off your high horse..... You don't give a crap about baby girls being aborted left and right so don't claim some kind of dark cloud just descended last night. The culture of death has permeated society and abortion plays a big role. Talk about futility....

Title: Re: Dark Knight Rises tragedy
Post by arteacher on 07/20/12 at 15:21:23

This thread should be linked to the "do you carry?" thread in Cafe.

Title: Re: Dark Knight Rises tragedy
Post by Starlifter on 07/20/12 at 15:27:14

Webster give it a rest. If I posted how good a glass of ice tea is on a hot day you would find a way to tie it to abortion. If you cared one/ one thousandth for "people" as you pretend to be for fetuses you would be less sub-human.


(CNN) -- While the nation wrestled with the aftermath of a shooting in Colorado that left 12 people dead, a Twitter account for the National Rifle Association had this to say:

"Good morning, shooters. Happy Friday! Weekend plans?"

Title: Re: Dark Knight Rises tragedy
Post by Savage_Rob on 07/20/12 at 16:29:40

First and foremost, this is an atrocity and a horribly sad day for so many people in relation to the Colorado shootings.  I don't know how anyone can really find peace after losing a loved one in something like that, even if they were able to witness the execution of the killer.  I truly hope they manage somehow.

Second, I honestly don't want to derail this thread but it seems the subject has already been broached.  While I may often lean to the left on a lot of social issues, I don't on gun control... at least not any version I've seen so far.  If they want to focus on keeping guns away from criminal and unstable elements while leaving the rest of us alone, fine.  Unfortunately, a certain amount of defense mode on the part of the Second Amendment is always necessary because those in power would absolutely prefer to have a disarmed public.  Whether you believe the official government is actually in control or are puppets of other sinister masters, the same rules apply.  All ruling entities, from kings to police states, fear a well-armed proletariat.  They often use atrocities like this as excuses to attempt to disarm lawful citizens.

Title: Re: Dark Knight Rises tragedy
Post by Serowbot on 07/20/12 at 18:22:04

I'm just glad he turned himself in, instead of choosing"Death by cop"....

James Holmes,... say hello to your new "life partners"...


Title: Re: Dark Knight Rises tragedy
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/20/12 at 19:57:56

Good post Rob

Title: Re: Dark Knight Rises tragedy
Post by Starlifter on 07/20/12 at 22:59:28

"Unfortunately, a certain amount of defense mode on the part of the Second Amendment is always necessary because those in power would absolutely prefer to have a disarmed public.  Whether you believe the official government is actually in control or are puppets of other sinister masters, the same rules apply.  All ruling entities, from kings to police states, fear a well-armed proletariat.  They often use atrocities like this as excuses to attempt to disarm lawful citizens." Rob

The original purpose of the 2nd Amendment is to defend the govt, not overthrow it. That's what a militia is for. This simple fact is lost on the gun-worshipers.

....hey Man, If the Gubmint comes for my guns, If Obama keeps trying to take my guns...I need more than my .357, my glock 17, my .30-30...I need FIREPOWER to stop them black helicopters...

Yes I'm being sarcastic. but, I am a gun owner. I DO NOT think Uncle Sam is gearing up to "take my guns". (Sorry to say that Wayne Lapierre, you nut.)

All this government gun grabbing nonsense is just that, nonsense. It's just a bunch of BS constantly parroted by the NRA to raise tons and tons of money every month donated by paranoid gun owners milked by the NRA's propaganda machine.

It would be political suicide for any politician to even talk of such things. Now if the government ever DOES come for your guns, they will do it by driving a tank up your driveway and into your house....might as well use a BB gun against that.

Title: Re: Dark Knight Rises tragedy
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/20/12 at 23:21:08

486F7A6977727D6F7E691B0 wrote:
"Unfortunately, a certain amount of defense mode on the part of the Second Amendment is always necessary because those in power would absolutely prefer to have a disarmed public.  Whether you believe the official government is actually in control or are puppets of other sinister masters, the same rules apply.  All ruling entities, from kings to police states, fear a well-armed proletariat.  They often use atrocities like this as excuses to attempt to disarm lawful citizens." Rob

The original purpose of the 2nd Amendment is to defend the govt, not overthrow it. That's what a militia is for. This simple fact is lost on the gun-worshipers.

....hey Man, If the Gubmint comes for my guns, If Obama keeps trying to take my guns...I need more than my .357, my glock 17, my .30-30...I need FIREPOWER to stop them black helicopters...

Yes I'm being sarcastic. but, I am a gun owner. I DO NOT think Uncle Sam is gearing up to "take my guns". (Sorry to say that Wayne Lapierre, you nut.)

All this government gun grabbing nonsense is just that, nonsense. It's just a bunch of BS constantly parroted by the NRA to raise tons and tons of money every month donated by paranoid gun owners milked by the NRA's propaganda machine.

It would be political suicide for any politician to even talk of such things. Now if the government ever DOES come for your guns, they will do it by driving a tank up your driveway and into your house....might as well use a BB gun against that.

The original purpose of the 2nd Amendment is to defend the govt, not overthrow it. That's what a militia is for. This simple fact is lost on the gun-worshipers.

Uhhh, No,,
Have you read the Big C? The Founding Fathers stated that the people dont just have the Right to cast of a tyrannical government, they have a duty to do so, & A Free State isnt the State, its a Free State of Being, for the people,

Title: Re: Dark Knight Rises tragedy
Post by WD on 07/21/12 at 03:46:27

Crazy is crazy, no matter how you slice it.

Lay the blame where you like... easy access to firearms, internet ammo sales, video games, media desensitization, mental defects...

What kind of animal shoots a babe in arms? Even in wartime there are standards... there are still examples of collateral damage, but...

Just another example of a failing/failed society. Pretty simple.

Title: Re: Dark Knight Rises tragedy
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/21/12 at 11:16:53

Theres more than one possibility here,,

Title: Re: Dark Knight Rises tragedy
Post by Serowbot on 07/21/12 at 11:38:50

687771766B6C5D6D5D65777B30020 wrote:
Theres more than one possibility here,,

Please don't tell me it's a conspiracy... :-?...

Title: Re: Dark Knight Rises tragedy
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/21/12 at 11:45:10

Hey, its possible the guy was just Looney Tunes,, bvut thats not the only possibility,, no way to know,,

Title: Re: Dark Knight Rises tragedy
Post by Serowbot on 07/21/12 at 11:55:52

JOG.. tighten down your foil hat, and turn off Alex Jones... :-?...

Title: Re: Dark Knight Rises tragedy
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/21/12 at 12:51:23

You can pretend its not something that could happen,, Im not saying that IS what happened, Im just saying I believe theres a chance.,& the timing couldnt have been better.

Title: Re: Dark Knight Rises tragedy
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/21/12 at 13:32:42

He was currently collecting unemployment…

& yet, he had the $$$ for guns, bullets, swat gear, booby trap devices,,
& theyve said where he got the guns, no mention of that High Dollar garb he was wearing,,
A college student, on unemployment,, with all that Money,, no red flags there,

Title: Re: Dark Knight Rises tragedy
Post by Sam7.62 on 07/21/12 at 20:01:52

5442554850454853270 wrote:
Mentally disturbed with easy access to arsenal,...  almost routine now...

NRA and Rep's will go into full defense mode...
Nothing will change...

Some families are having the worst day of their lives, today...  
Others are re-living theirs...

I'll wait for the DVD,... I would have, anyway... :-?...

It may seem heartless to feel empty,.. but, prayers and blessings are truly useless for anything but your own peace of mind...
Seems like you can feel days like today in the very air you breathe... :-?... 

This is a tragedy and hope the guy gets sodomized

Since it went off topic already ...

there will be stricter gun laws from this and the nra will beg for money. i will not give a penny

Murder last time i check is illegal.  So why do you think banning guns will keep this from happening? He is already killing someone i really don't think he cares at that point.

If you think it wouldn't have happened if he couldn't buy a gun he would have used a bomb he had already made. Which i believe are illegal.
 Ever meet someone that really wanted to do drugs but didn't because of the law?

The movie theater is a gun free zone. not that carrying would have done anything.

Justin this is not a conspiracy, this is a guy who snapped. He knew what he was doing and wouldn't matter if he drained his bank account .
the buildaburgers dont run everything.

Title: Re: Dark Knight Rises tragedy
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/21/12 at 20:43:26

AURORA, CO -- A man who was at the Colorado movie theater where a dozen people were killed this morning, says he saw the gunman.

He says he thinks someone deliberately let the gunman inside once the movie started.

Here's what he told TV station KCNC this morning live on their newscast.

Expanded coverage

"As I was sitting down to get my seat, I noticed that a person came up to the front row, the front right, sat down, and as credits were going, it looked like he got a phone call. He went out toward the emergency exit doorway, which I thought was unusual to take a phone call. And it seemed like he probably pried it open, or probably did not let it latch all the way. As soon as the movie started, somebody came in, all black, gas mask, armor, and threw a gas can into the audience, and it went off, and then there were gunshots that took place."

Police arrested 24-year-old James Holmes of Aurora, Colorado, for the shootings.

At least 12 people were killed and 38 others wounded when the gunman opened fire during the midnight screening of the newest Batman film, "The Dark Knight Rises."


Title: Re: Dark Knight Rises tragedy
Post by Starlifter on 07/21/12 at 20:54:29

They say he bought a ticket, sat near the front row, opened the door himself, exited, then went to his car, donned his gear, reentered the theater..... :-?

Umm, I tend to agree with Sam...  "Justin this is not a conspiracy, this is a guy who snapped. He knew what he was doing and wouldn't matter if he drained his bank account."

He took out a loan? Credit card?...who knows...but say it is a "plot" of some sort. Orchestrated by whom? with what objective? What do you mean by the timing couldn't have been better??

Title: Re: Dark Knight Rises tragedy
Post by Starlifter on 07/21/12 at 21:04:22

Well, where are the posts from Webster defending this guy??
...He was sure quick to defend the murderer Zimmerman...just ask'n. :-?

Title: Re: Dark Knight Rises tragedy
Post by WebsterMark on 07/21/12 at 21:17:00

Well, where are the posts from Webster defending this guy??
...He was sure quick to defend the murderer Zimmerman...just ask'n

You are a pathetic, sub-human little weasel.

Title: Re: Dark Knight Rises tragedy
Post by Sam7.62 on 07/21/12 at 21:55:32

456277647A7F70627364160 wrote:
Well, where are the posts from Webster defending this guy??
...He was sure quick to defend the murderer Zimmerman...just ask'n. :-?

zimmerman thing is diff also had no credible witness not saying he is right or wrong. media took that one and ran

Title: Re: Dark Knight Rises tragedy
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/21/12 at 22:10:18

684F5A4957525D4F5E493B0 wrote:
Well, where are the posts from Webster defending this guy??
...He was sure quick to defend the murderer Zimmerman...just ask'n. :-?

Show me one thing common between those 2 events other than there was a gun. That was the least supportable thing I can remember you saying,

Title: Re: Dark Knight Rises tragedy
Post by Starlifter on 07/21/12 at 22:58:57

"Show me one thing common between those 2 events."

Both individuals committed murder.

Title: Re: Dark Knight Rises tragedy
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/22/12 at 04:43:23

Im sorry, youve become too difficult to talk to. I cant work with what youre doing, Its, well,, kind words fail, the scenario is nothing even remotely alike, & if you can actually relate on to the other, youre able to think in ways I cant relate to,,YOu win, Zimmerman & this guy did essentially the same thing,, absolutely,..,

Title: Re: Dark Knight Rises tragedy
Post by bill67 on 07/22/12 at 07:04:12

Zimmerman didn't know who he was killing nether did the theater killer.

Title: Re: Dark Knight Rises tragedy
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/22/12 at 07:19:02

I dont think there was one theater victim who punched the guy,,
To even try to tie the 2 together as somehow similar is beyond ludicrous.,

Lifter, I think you should either expound on why theyre similar or retract it.,

Title: Re: Dark Knight Rises tragedy
Post by Serowbot on 07/22/12 at 09:26:53

Isn't the fact that a gun is the only thing the two incidents had in common,... the point?...

Title: Re: Dark Knight Rises tragedy
Post by WebsterMark on 07/22/12 at 09:32:20

That's like saying Dan Weldon's death in a race car is the same as a drunk driving fatality or pile up on the interstate.

Title: Re: Dark Knight Rises tragedy
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/22/12 at 09:52:06

Im not gonna even try to make sense of it. Ill wait on Lifter to make it intelligible, or not,, because I cant imagine how it can be explained so as to make it not be outright silly,

Title: Re: Dark Knight Rises tragedy
Post by Serowbot on 07/22/12 at 10:01:37

112324353223340B27342D460 wrote:
That's like saying Dan Weldon's death in a race car is the same as a drunk driving fatality or pile up on the interstate.

Not really..
Dan Weldon = professional soldier killed in battle...
Drunk on hwy = hillbilly cleaning his gun...

J. Holmes = nut feels powerless in his life and needs to lash out.  Kills innocent, unarmed, people
Zimmerman = maybe not a nut, but a man that feels the need to be seen as powerful,... kills innocent, unarmed, boy...

For the soldier or racer,.. these are professional tools...
For the drunk or hillbilly,.. these are accidents of misuse...

For Zimmerman and Holmes,.. these are efficient tools to do harm to innocents...
You may argue that the boy was not innocent,.. but armed with ice tea and Skittles and walking home... he is killed...
I don't think his intent, that day, was to kill or harm...

Title: Re: Dark Knight Rises tragedy
Post by Sam7.62 on 07/22/12 at 11:03:42

Point of contention...

Serowbot thinks all guns are bad and all gun owners are bad people.  He and people like him will never change. There is no point in arguing
against him.

There are 3 types of people you can spit on and the majority will
applaud. Fat people,Gun owners and smokers.

Zimmerman was a cop worshiper on a power trip that confronted a black guy walking down the road at night with a hoodied on. The rest is history.

The 'majority' gave us the final solution....

Title: Re: Dark Knight Rises tragedy
Post by Sam7.62 on 07/22/12 at 11:07:39

Serowbot when you said 'unarmed' does that suggest people being armed is good? Did you use to live in california?

Title: Re: Dark Knight Rises tragedy
Post by WebsterMark on 07/22/12 at 11:27:01

I understand the points you're making Sew but maybe the issue is no one (and I know you didn't start this) should even think about a comparison to begin with. At least a comparison that has any value. I can compare a whale and a goldfish and could find something similar between the two, but for the most part, those similarities are meaningless.

Title: Re: Dark Knight Rises tragedy
Post by Serowbot on 07/22/12 at 11:53:56

12202C766F7773410 wrote:
Point of contention...
Serowbot thinks all guns are bad and all gun owners are bad people.  He and people like him will never change. There is no point in arguing
against him.

FYI,.. I own 9 guns... 3 rifles, and 6 handguns... 5 of those are 22's for plinkin'... others are home defense,..
I've shot 100k's of rounds... over 25 years... and I'm a better than average shot...
I don't hunt... and I don't carry...
I don't live in fear... and I have nothing to prove...
I am a peaceful man...

Just so you know... ;)...

Title: Re: Dark Knight Rises tragedy
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/22/12 at 12:08:15

Rowboat, if you like 22s & have something that you have to chamber yourself, wheelgun or lever action , single shot,, anything but an auto, these are a hoot,

Just make sure the bullet left the barrel before you pop another one in the pipe,

Title: Re: Dark Knight Rises tragedy
Post by Sam7.62 on 07/22/12 at 16:23:33

3721362B33262B30440 wrote:
[quote author=12202C766F7773410 link=1342808680/30#40 date=1342980222]Point of contention...
Serowbot thinks all guns are bad and all gun owners are bad people.  He and people like him will never change. There is no point in arguing
against him.

FYI,.. I own 9 guns... 3 rifles, and 6 handguns... 5 of those are 22's for plinkin'... others are home defense,..
I've shot 100k's of rounds... over 25 years... and I'm a better than average shot...
I don't hunt... and I don't carry...
I don't live in fear... and I have nothing to prove...
I am a peaceful man...

Just so you know... ;)...


too funny! someone once said getting gun owners to agree on something is like herding cats.  

You come across as anti gun saying guns are the problem. I may have misread though.

Do you think people should not be allowed to own rifles chambered in something other than .22 rimfire?

Did you ever live in california?

Title: Re: Dark Knight Rises tragedy
Post by Serowbot on 07/22/12 at 17:29:38

Na,.. I have a 357 and 38 snub, plus a shotgun... and I've been to Cali, but never lived there...
I'm not totally anti-gun, but I do think restrictions on Hi-cap assault weapons is reasonable..
The 2nd amendment idea of armed defense "blah, blah" is somewhat antiquated...  The days are gone of muzzle-loaders in military...
There was a time, at our founding, when a group of men could make a stand, on near equal footing with a trained military.  That's how this country was founded.  But,.. the founders never anticipated guided missiles, armed drones, or even tanks...
Now it's just silly...
I mean,... think of those who have attempted armed resistance against modern US military, (whether you agree with them or not)... it is not a good decision... You will not win,.. and likely will not survive...

So,.. Home defense, hunting, plinking,... sure... but this militia BS is silly...
Pound on the Constitution all you want,... it is still nonsense...

PS... I am very liberal... but, I was just defending Star's point of comparison... which I find valid...
Zimmerman and Holmes, in my opinion, were both using weapons to compensate for some psychological need feel powerful... and killed innocent people in the process.

I believe, Star, is a gun owner also... Not 100% sure...

It's just a bit over the top, for a civilian to be allowed to own an AR-15 with a 100 round mag...
Don't you think?... :-?...

Title: Re: Dark Knight Rises tragedy
Post by bill67 on 07/22/12 at 17:38:23


Title: Re: Dark Knight Rises tragedy
Post by WebsterMark on 07/22/12 at 19:44:31

It's just a bit over the top, for a civilian to be allowed to own an AR-15 with a 100 round mag...

No. It's not that much different that a 150 MPH Ninja crotch rocket in a 65 MPH world. I wouldn't outlaw either.

Title: Re: Dark Knight Rises tragedy
Post by Starlifter on 07/22/12 at 21:05:59

"I believe, Star, is a gun owner also... Not 100% sure..."

Yes, I own a S&W model 66 .357, A sig 9mm semi-auto, A .38 snub, a Ruger 9mm semi auto, a Ruger .22 target pistol, and a rifle. I carried on the job for 42 years. I have had more training, have qualified every quarter for all those years, and have fired more thousands of rounds (I'm pretty sure) than anyone on this board. Retired I still go to the range six times a year, and I have federal LEO status to carry even retired.

A lot of liberal Democrats have firearms. The gun debate isn't Republican vs. Democrat or liberal vs. conservative. While the right consistently argues for less regulation, the left is fairly divided.

My biggest fear is that there are so many firearms in the wrong hands. Not just criminals, but any yahoo who walks into a gun shop or a gun and knife show and walks out with a firearm. No training, no experience, and no RESPECT for the grave responsibility firearm ownership demands.

I personally would just like to see a return to the days of strict background checks, long waiting periods, and registration. I agree with Ron Reagan yesterday day when he said they should be regulated as least as much as cars. Proficiency tests, a clean bill of mental heath, and permits should not be seen as violation of the 2nd amendment. Your 2nd amendment right is a 2nd amendment privlilege, just like driving a car.

BTW I wouldn't try to disarm this dyed in the wool liberal.

Title: Re: Dark Knight Rises tragedy
Post by Starlifter on 07/22/12 at 21:16:28

"Star you really and truly are the biggest idiot I think I've ever exchanged post with." Webster


"It's just a bit over the top, for a civilian to be allowed to own an AR-15 with a 100 round mag...

"No. It's not that much different that a 150 MPH Ninja crotch rocket in a 65 MPH world. I wouldn't outlaw either." Webster

This kind of drivel confirms my previous remarks..would anyone in their right mind go within five miles of this fool if he had a gun?

Title: Re: Dark Knight Rises tragedy
Post by WebsterMark on 07/23/12 at 04:46:38

...and thank you for proving my point.

Title: Re: Dark Knight Rises tragedy
Post by LostArtist on 07/23/12 at 05:43:07

043631202736211E322138530 wrote:
It's just a bit over the top, for a civilian to be allowed to own an AR-15 with a 100 round mag...

No. It's not that much different that a 150 MPH Ninja crotch rocket in a 65 MPH world. I wouldn't outlaw either.

the big difference is on a 150 mph crotch rocket you are mainly more likely to hurt yourself mostly, while with guns, they are designed to hurt others, I"m not saying you can't hurt others with a sport bike, but that's not it's designed function, and if you use the sport bike at 150 mph, even if you don't hurt anyone, you still get a ticket and possibly your license revoked, etc . . . so, YES it IS that much different

Title: Re: Dark Knight Rises tragedy
Post by bill67 on 07/23/12 at 05:55:18


Title: Re: Dark Knight Rises tragedy
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/23/12 at 07:03:18

Yep, folks, Weapons are designed to kill others, yep,, thats what theyre for allright.. You gonna hyperventilate over it all day? How many are saved every day because of that nifty little feature?

You DO realize you cant wipe away every gun on the planet, right?
You will NEVER keep them oput of the hands of the evil & the crazy,
All this waah waah wwaaahh yammerin will accomplish is
Taking them from Law Abiding people,,

Title: Re: Dark Knight Rises tragedy
Post by Serowbot on 07/23/12 at 09:55:50

Got any stats on how many people defended themselves with an AR-15 with a 100 round drum mag?.... :-?...

Title: Re: Dark Knight Rises tragedy
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/23/12 at 10:03:16

Id bet its VERY low,, but thats not the issue with me,, the 2nd amendment, once again, was put there because governments get oppressive & the people are the sovereigns in America, UNLIKE any other natioin I know of,, & WE are supposed to be able to defend ourselves, against thugs, be they street criminals or government goons,

Title: Re: Dark Knight Rises tragedy
Post by Serowbot on 07/23/12 at 11:15:39

the people are the sovereigns in America

Really?...  ;D... No wait,... Really?... :-?...

Should we all have a cruise missile in our front yards?...
.. and an F-15... and a tank?...

There is a line,... the argument is over where the line should be...
I see no reason for a private citizen to own a full auto, or high capacity (say 20 rounds) weapon.
Some might draw the line at 10 rounds,.. others at 30... but it must be somewhere...
The future may have 1,000 round weapons...
The founders didn't foresee this... They didn't foresee cartridges...
Laws and ideals do become obsolete... you can't turn back time...
You can't own slaves,... women can vote,... we can fly...
Laws must adapt...

Holme's 100 round mag jammed, (thank god)...
I wonder how many rounds were left...  
The body count might have been double or triple...

Title: Re: Dark Knight Rises tragedy
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/23/12 at 11:20:40

Re: Dark Knight Rises tragedy
Reply #57 - Today at 19:15:39 Alert Board Moderator about this Post! Quote
the people are the sovereigns in America

Really?...  Grin... No wait,... Really?... Huh...

Yes, really,, read the Big C.. The Goobs are servants, not masters.,

Title: Re: Dark Knight Rises tragedy
Post by Starlifter on 07/23/12 at 11:44:08

I don't care if you have a 1000 round clip and a flame thrower....If they come for you your going. :P

Inefective as it is the vote is your only weapon, failing that you're/we're screwed.

Title: Re: Dark Knight Rises tragedy
Post by Serowbot on 07/23/12 at 11:50:54

5A454344595E6F5F6F57454902300 wrote:
Yes, really,, read the Big C..

I've read the Constitution... it's not that big...
Very concise really... ...but, it's been amended 27 times...
It was made to be...
The founders didn't see into the future... but they new it was coming...

Title: Re: Dark Knight Rises tragedy
Post by Starlifter on 07/23/12 at 12:34:15

....gun nuts...not us...the 'real' gun nuts...low esteem know the type, oiling and feeling their guns until their loins tingle. The long stiff hard barrels of cold steel that makes them feel powerful...fantasizing of how it would feel to kill...the thrill...the power...Yes you know the type. The George Zimmerman type.

Title: Re: Dark Knight Rises tragedy
Post by arteacher on 07/23/12 at 14:05:17

You are a law abiding citizen with an M15.... until you shoot someone.
Wanna take the chance next time you go to the movies that a "law abiding citizen" is going to change his or her  law abiding status? :-?

Title: Re: Dark Knight Rises tragedy
Post by Savage_Rob on 07/23/12 at 14:55:36

Here's the way I see the Second Amendment:

The founders had just cast off a tyrannical government and wanted to ensure that future generations would maintain a capability to do so again, should the need arise.  A militia and a standing army are two very different things.  A militia is a local entity, completely separate from any federal government.  The federal government, over time, has been attempting to redefine this to mean organizations such as the National Guard.  However they are in no way independent of the federal government themselves and therefore do not qualify as militia per the intent of the founders.

Title: Re: Dark Knight Rises tragedy
Post by Gyrobob on 07/23/12 at 15:28:10

What is an M15?

Title: Re: Dark Knight Rises tragedy
Post by Gyrobob on 07/23/12 at 15:31:24

786E79647C69647F0B0 wrote:
Got any stats on how many people defended themselves with an AR-15 with a 100 round drum mag?.... :-?...

Got any stats on how many people are killed annually by an AR-15 with a 100 round mag compared to 9mm pistols?

Title: Re: Dark Knight Rises tragedy
Post by WD on 07/23/12 at 16:31:54

What do you mean we can't own slaves? You mean I'm supposed to be paying my farm hand?

Title: Re: Dark Knight Rises tragedy
Post by WebsterMark on 07/23/12 at 17:09:11

That’s not the point.  The bigger point is about freedom.

Both the AR15 and Ninja are objects taken to the extreme because someone wants to experience that.

I’m not in a hurry to say no. In fact, we should all be very cautious about saying no …

Title: Re: Dark Knight Rises tragedy
Post by arteacher on 07/23/12 at 17:25:41

1D2F28393E2F38072B38214A0 wrote:
That’s not the point.  The bigger point is about freedom.

Both the AR15 and Ninja are objects taken to the extreme because someone wants to experience that.

I’m not in a hurry to say no. In fact, we should all be very cautious about saying no …

Basic flaw in your logic- guns are designed to kill, (the AR15 a lot of people very quickly), Ninja's (at least the bikes) are not.
I am really really glad that you can't own an AR15, or anything like it, in Canada.

Title: Re: Dark Knight Rises tragedy
Post by WebsterMark on 07/23/12 at 18:29:31

Basic flaw in your logic- guns are designed to kill, (the AR15 a lot of people very quickly), Ninja's (at least the bikes) are not.
I am really really glad that you can't own an AR15, or anything like it, in Canada.

No, not really. I used to live in Dayton Oh and that’s where they had the skeet world championship (or something like that, there were thousands of people there) and skeet is not about killing people. That’s just one example. Besides, motorcycles are designed for transport, not transport at twice the speed limit.

Look, gun control laws are an absolute JOKE. The cinema was a gun free zone…. That’s all you’ve got to say.

Also, I heard a discussion about Hopey-change talking about how his kids go to movies too, meaning he can empathize with the victims. But…. if his two girls had been there, an agent with a gun would have blown the dude’s head off and his two kids would have been fine. Reminds me of the time that complete lowlife Rosanne Barr had to admit her body guards carry guns despite her anti-gun stance. Message: Hopey’s kids and Roseaane’s kids are worth it, ours aren’t.
Screw that…

Title: Re: Dark Knight Rises tragedy
Post by bill67 on 07/23/12 at 18:39:36

Web how many cops should we put in our theaters and what guns should they have.Wouldn't that increase spending.

Title: Re: Dark Knight Rises tragedy
Post by Midnightrider on 07/23/12 at 21:51:34

The bottom line is no matter what mental health or gun laws we pass there's always gonna be a way around it. There are people for the most part who embrace good and try to do the right thing. Then there are people who choose evil over good, blame it on their parents, society, video games, whatever, its always going to happen and has happened since recorded history. With modern media we're more aware of it. Some men are inherently evil creatures and society for the most part is unable to stop them until the damage is done.

Title: Re: Dark Knight Rises tragedy
Post by Serowbot on 07/23/12 at 22:43:42

It's all about balance... (my favourite interjection; it works in any conversation, at any point)... ;D...  
... but mostly, because it's true...

Black and white absolutes are most often argued, and no minds are ever changed,... ... but, virtually no issues are so divergent...

Ban all guns,... or allow all guns... :-?...
We will never allow either...
We search for a balance point, and always have and always will...

You can't legislate, based on what a psycho might do...
You also shouldn't ignore that the rules you make, affect all the people... including the fringe...

If you step away from the black and white rhetoric of absolutes... and look honestly at issues, ... compromises can be reached, and solutions can be found...
Never perfect,.. but, better...
... and that's the right direction...

Motorcycle companies have come to an agreement... that 300kph is a maximum speed to be allowed.  That's an insanely fast speed to place as a limit, but at least it's a mutually agreed limit... and more importantly, it's an agreement that a limit must exist...
Once both sides agree that the progress of humanity has created a need for an agreed limit,.. the argument is no longer black and white, but shades of grey...

When both sides finally agree that the shades of grey exist, the polarisation of political punditry is over...

Now, try to say, "polarisation of political punditry" three times fast... :-?...

Title: Re: Dark Knight Rises tragedy
Post by Midnightrider on 07/23/12 at 23:51:30

Now, try to say, "polarisation of political punditry" three times fast   Huh? All I know is give me a lap top and a few minutes and I'll make that motorcycle go faster than 186mph. I dont think I'm evil, that must be the shades of grey you're referring to. I own 25 round clips, not because I want to mow down innocent people, cant shoot worth a sh!t since I had a stroke and I'm legally blind in my shooting eye. I hated assault rifles while my wife was in law enforcement yet I owned 25 round clips, I guess I'm a hypocrite.. The neighborhood I live in is going downhill. I'm to old and sick to move. I felt safe when my wifes cruiser was setting in the driveway, but thats no longer the case. Old sick people like me are becoming easy prey. I never locked my doors in the 80's and I was single, no cop car in the driveway. Houses are being broken into all around me now and too many people know about my guitar collection. I know I'm rambling but the bottom line is I have a few weapons and they're for self defense and gaurding my property. If any gun laws were changed I'm all for longer waiting periods and mental background checks. Longer waiting periods wont stop the evil bastards but it might keep a good man from doing something stupid. In NC I can go buy an asault rifle tomorrow but there's all kinds of pistol laws and a waiting period. Doesnt make sense to me. Not a lot of anything makes sense to me anymore, political correctness destroyed common sense.

Title: Re: Dark Knight Rises tragedy
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/24/12 at 00:17:34

3C2A3D20382D203B4F0 wrote:
[quote author=5A454344595E6F5F6F57454902300 link=1342808680/45#58 date=1343067640]Yes, really,, read the Big C..

I've read the Constitution... it's not that big...
Very concise really... ...but, it's been amended 27 times...
It was made to be...
The founders didn't see into the future... but they new it was coming...

Yea, its been amended, very few times considering the scope of the document. Can you imagine putting something together like that & not having to change it? How does the fact that its been changed have any bearing on the 2nd? The reasoning behind it wont change. UNless there is a miracle that happens & we suddenly have a government of men who will not engage in tyrannical behavior & the people are assured by God that we will never have politicians & petty criminals running the country who would fail to uphold the Big C (Not in size, but importance) & no one would ever shoot anyone again in America, then the reasoning behind the 2nd remains..


Title: Re: Dark Knight Rises tragedy
Post by Serowbot on 07/24/12 at 09:59:11

JOG,... where's the part about overthrowing a tyrannical govn't?...

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

It was intended for the people to be prepared to defend the govn't,... not to overthrow it...
It also protects the right of individuals to own firearms for personal use, (hunting, home defence, etc)...

Your notions are more influenced by A. Jones than the "Big C"...
Who calls the Constitution the "Big C"?...  This is not a commonly used term...

The Big C is cancer...

PS..." What do amendments have to do with anything?"...
Well,.. we are talking about the 2nd amendment...
The actual Constitution speaks mostly to rules and policy for the government,... not individual rights...
The individual rights are spelled out  in the Bill of Rights,... the first 10 amendments of the Constitution..
So, that is the relevance of amendments in this discourse...

If you've actually read the Constitution,... it's time to read it again...
It don't say what you claim it does...

Title: Re: Dark Knight Rises tragedy
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/24/12 at 10:03:21

I say youre misreading it,, the free State Of the People.,,is what we are intended to maintain. Understand the Fathers whole goal in the Big C was to limit the goobs & keep the power in the hands of the people,,

Remember, they understood what a tyrannical government is.


Title: Re: Dark Knight Rises tragedy
Post by Serowbot on 07/24/12 at 10:31:27

Remember the historical context...  
George Washington, was not an American... Neither were any of the signers of the Constitution.
They were British citizens and were committing an act of treason...
When they reference "tyrannical govn't's", and having armed citizenry rebel,... they are referring to England...

The Constitution, in no way, allows or implies that Americans should be prepared to commit treason against their own government....
That would be silly...
That is a distortion made by modern Conservatives and Libertarians...
Taking quotes from the founders out of context, and using them to distort the intent of the Constitution...

Remember... these were British men at the time,... plotting treason against their King...

Title: Re: Dark Knight Rises tragedy
Post by bill67 on 07/24/12 at 10:32:29

Hey thats means we can shoot the members of congress.

Title: Re: Dark Knight Rises tragedy
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/24/12 at 11:36:27

Then what part of the C counts? They were breaking away from a tyrannical govt & se3tting up a New Country, set on rules that make the People the Sovereigns, not the goobs.

Title: Re: Dark Knight Rises tragedy
Post by Serowbot on 07/24/12 at 12:04:27

716E686F72754474447C6E62291B0 wrote:
Then what part of the C counts?

All of it counts... ... but what part says the people should be armed to fight against their own elected government?...
The second amendment don't...

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

At the time they wrote this,.. they didn't intend for a standing army...
The world changed... Tanks, missiles, planes, drones, satellites, were invented... and a standing army became a necessity for our security.
They did intend on a standing navy,.... because even at that time, civilians couldn't be expected to maintain battleships...
They didn't foresee an air force either,... but it is now necessary...

A civilian militia is an obsolete concept...  It is used as a justification, nothing more...
We do still have the right to our weapons,.. for private, legal use...
As they intended...
... but the concept of a civilian militia became obsolete when we developed our standing army...

It is no longer realistic... the founders would see that now...
The world has changed, and the Constitution no longer even makes sense today, without interpretation of their intent...
Slavery is gone,.. blacks vote,.. women vote,... we have a standing army and air force...
All this is due to interpretation of the intent of the Constitution.
None of it was spelled out literally...
The world continues spinning, no matter how hard you dig in your heels...

Title: Re: Dark Knight Rises tragedy
Post by Savage_Rob on 07/24/12 at 12:48:08

Personally, when "The Constitution" is referenced (not talking about "Old Ironsides"), I take that to mean "as amended" since that is it's current form... unless otherwise stated.

Title: Re: Dark Knight Rises tragedy
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/24/12 at 14:00:49

You are simply incorrect. WE, the people, are meant to be armed not for self defense, or hunting,, at the time it was written, these things were simply taken for granted,,a man HAD to ready to protect himself from thugs & sundry other threats,Hunting was a part of life, no license needed,,They intended us to be armed to shrug off a Tyrannical Government, & thats how it is, Ill find what I have to find to show y0ou, but Im busy outside now, I just came in to grab a bite & cool off,,
Fuel pump on the 87 F150 is sounding bad, so, Im changing it,, Aaaand guess what? The fuel is showing signs of going bad,, beads of water showing up,, its murky looking,, I guess thats what happens when  guy drives one so little the gas sits in the tank for a year.,

Title: Re: Dark Knight Rises tragedy
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/24/12 at 17:06:44

The C was written by people who understood this to be true & intended us to have this duty & obligation. Should the People allow themselves to be disarmed, they then have only the ballot box for recourse, & weve seen how effective thats been.,

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.--Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.

Title: Re: Dark Knight Rises tragedy
Post by Serowbot on 07/24/12 at 18:08:06

Are you saying that quote is from the Constitution?... :-?...

That's from the Declaration of Independence...  
They are referring to England...
It is a letter that the founders sent to England to declare their independence...
(to announce that they were committing treason, basically)... ;D...

Whatever... but it ain't "the Big C"....
Have you ever actually read,.. The US Constitution?...
I doubt it...

These are two different documents with two different purposes, and intended for two different audiences...
The declaration is speaking to the King of England...
The Constitution is speaking to the American people...

I know this stuff, and I'm not even born here...

Title: Re: Dark Knight Rises tragedy
Post by LostArtist on 07/24/12 at 18:49:13

where's my tank?!!   8-)

Title: Re: Dark Knight Rises tragedy
Post by Starlifter on 07/24/12 at 21:12:14

"That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government."

Now let me get this right.... When the government becomes destructive, by say invading and occupying other sovereign nations in other parts of the world, or perhaps by cutting social security and denying it's people healthcare, then we the armed squirrel hunters and target shooter citizens can sort of get together and I donn'o maybe defeat the combined armed forces of the United States, charter some buses, go to Washington, and then overthrow....umm....are you sure that's what the Big C wants us to do???.....wait, isn't that treason?? fact wasn't this the same idea Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols, the men responsible for one of the most shocking and savage domestic terrorist attacks within America - the Oklahoma City Bombing tried to do??

Trust me, it won't work.

Title: Re: Dark Knight Rises tragedy
Post by Midnightrider on 07/25/12 at 11:32:11

Thats why they allow us to keep our guns, all we're gonna do is shoot ourselves in the foot.

Title: Re: Dark Knight Rises tragedy
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/25/12 at 12:23:10

4355425F47525F44300 wrote:
Are you saying that quote is from the Constitution?... :-?...

That's from the Declaration of Independence...  
They are referring to England...
It is a letter that the founders sent to England to declare their independence...
(to announce that they were committing treason, basically)... ;D...

Whatever... but it ain't "the Big C"....
Have you ever actually read,.. The US Constitution?...
I doubt it...

These are two different documents with two different purposes, and intended for two different audiences...
The declaration is speaking to the King of England...
The Constitution is speaking to the American people...

I know this stuff, and I'm not even born here...

No, I didnt say that was IN the C. The C was written by people who Understood what this says.
They had just dealt with tyranny & wanted to create a nation that put the power in the hands of the People, not the Goobs. They are Servants of the People, not the rulers. Should they cease to be responsive to the voice of the People & start doing things TO the People instead of For the People, then the People have the DUTY to take control. If the Goobs will not respond to peaceful demands, & the ballot box doesnt solve the problem,, theres the ammo box. Understand the mindset of the men who wrote it, then its clear. But, if we try to understand it while we work from the position of "Its not reasonable to believe anyone would set up a government & in doing so, set it up with the idea that the people not only Might or Could rise up against it, but Should, in fact, rise up against it ,  IF, Read the IF, IF, the government behaves in an oppressive or tyrannical manner"  ,, Okay,, now, if someone has a deep belief that its not reasonable the authors of the C would do that, then it would be doubly difficult to see that that is exactly what the C says,

Now, I ask you, honestly,,when the NDAA was creating such an uproar & people were saying it meant Americans could be hauled away,, did you read it to mean that? I did,, & the courts demanded that be stricken,, I was correct in the reading of that bill, just as I was correct in my assessment of nafta.
Ill stay with this, but, Ill tell ya now, your snarky shots seriously pissed me off. I have a copy of the C within arms length & have read it, lots of it, more than once, If you want to discuss the thing, we can do that, if you want to take cheap shots at me,, well,, Im not down with that,,

& you pointed out the number of times the C had been amended, I asked what do amendments have to do with our discussion, then you pretended that you needed to point out we were discussin an amendment,,instead of explaining why you thot the number of changes was important,, I dont like that kind crap.. I havent been demeaning or snotty in any way, & Im not gonna have it,.

Title: Re: Dark Knight Rises tragedy
Post by Serowbot on 07/25/12 at 16:07:22

JOG,... I originally made a meaner post to put here, but I deleted it...
Let me just say this...

I personally find the comment, "read the Big C"... to be demeaning and offensive...
It makes it sound as though you think, only you have read it...
.. and without specifying, I don't know what you're talking about...

Particularly,.. since it says nothing about any right to be armed against tyrannical government...
These are things you are inferring.. so, telling us to read it, will in no way prove your point...

So, sorry if I offended... but,...
As you point out.. these men knew tyranny...
They were angry with the king, because he wanted to levy taxes upon them, without allowing them representation in Parliament...
They spelled this out in the Declaration of Independence...

Now,.. considering that were aware of it, and could clearly spell this out in a declaration,.. I can only assume they they consciously and specifically chose not to make any mention of such things in the Constitution...
The reason being,.. they were spelling out what they believed to be a fair way of representation by elected representatives... and did not believe it to be tyrannical.. and did not want people to overthrow it with violence,.. but with votes...

... and all this has nothing to do with nut getting a hundred round assault rifle...

Anyway,.. if you found me to be snarky, snotty, and demeaning,.. it's because I resent being told to read the Constitution in such a flip way...
I have read it,.. and I disagree with what you believe it says...

Title: Re: Dark Knight Rises tragedy
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/25/12 at 17:57:19

Awwrite, I apologize if I came across flip..
How about this,, maybe a process of elimination?
For what purpose do you see the 2nd having been put in?

Title: Re: Dark Knight Rises tragedy
Post by Serowbot on 07/25/12 at 18:41:49

6F7076716C6B5A6A5A62707C37050 wrote:
For what purpose do you see the 2nd having been put in?

Here's the wording...
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

As I said,.. The founders didn't want a standing army... they wanted the people to defend the country...
So they said there should be no infringement to bearing arms...
.. but, this provision was when they planned no standing army.  Now, there is one...
.. and now, "arms" can range from muzzle-loaders to nukes...

We still allow guns for private use,.. hunting, target shooting, home defense, etc...
But there is no longer provision for a militia... instead, we can enact a draft, into the military...

So,.. the argument, for purposes of this discussion at least,.. is, what is limit of personal armament?...
Obviously,.. not nukes,.. or missiles,... but just as obvious, something for personal protection, and sport...
I don't see the AR-15 with 100 round clip as reasonable for either...
No, weapons expert would recommend an AR-15 for either use... it is spray weapon meant for clearing an area,.. not for hunting a single animal or eliminating a civilian threat that is endangering innocent lives.
I suppose the NRA and others would disagree,.. but the military wouldn't...  

PS... glad we're good... ;)...

Title: Re: Dark Knight Rises tragedy
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/25/12 at 18:48:04

Maaan, we're Gonna be "good":,, even if I DO hafta come over there & whooop yer BUTT! Weve been here too long & have too much in common to let some differences like this shoot that down.. I can still respect you, as a man, Im not friends with anyone I dont respect,

wrong as you are, I still like you

Title: Re: Dark Knight Rises tragedy
Post by Midnightrider on 07/25/12 at 21:03:25

Jog I've listened to a lot of G. Edward Griffin since you made me aware of him. I believe a lot of what he says but Sew is dead on when it comes to Alex Jones. If Rush ever took enough drugs to sleep with a crackhoe Alex Jones is what would have popped out.

Title: Re: Dark Knight Rises tragedy
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/25/12 at 21:43:38

Jones does get carried away, but when he is interviewing someone, then Jones isnt The Info Source, thos interviews with Charlotte Izerbyt? Thats Her, telling the story of the school systems systemic destruction.

Title: Re: Dark Knight Rises tragedy
Post by Gyrobob on 08/02/12 at 08:46:17

All these arguments are theory.  What SHOULD the law be?  How do we FEEL about guns?  What does the C mean?

This is simply discussion, not reality, and, unfortunately, all too often makes for some really stupid legislation.

So many aspects of reality get shoved aside in these debates:
-- Wackos are wackos and there is nothing anyone can do to stop a wacko if he really wants to do some damage.  "Gun control" is irrelevant.
-- Criminals are criminals.  By the very definition of the term, these folks do NOT obey laws.  More laws aimed at gun restrictions are irrelevant for criminals and affect only people who obey laws, and law-abiders are not the problem.  Laws aimed at increasing penalties for criminals using guns in the commission of a crime may have some effect,... at least these types of laws do not penalize law-abiders.
-- In the U.S., every single time (no exceptions) gun laws make things more restrictive on people who tend to obey laws, the crime-rate goes up.
-- In the U.S., every single time (no exceptions) gun laws make guns more available to people who tend to obey laws, the crime-rate goes down.
-- Putting arbitrary restrictions on weapons has absolutely no effect on human misery.  Barrel length, stock length, magazine capacity, military appearance, caliber, noise suppressed or not, rate of fire,... restrictions on these things are dreamed up by self-styled crusaders trying to show their voters they are doing something about crime.  They have no effect on crime at all.  This not opinion.

Title: Re: Dark Knight Rises tragedy
Post by arteacher on 08/02/12 at 16:41:29

Why is the per capita homicide rate of the U.S. 2.76 times that of Canada? And, strangely enough, the number of privately owned guns per capita in the U.S. is 2.88 times that of Canada.
Anybody see a correlation here?
Could it be gun control maybe? :-?

Title: Re: Dark Knight Rises tragedy
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/03/12 at 12:39:05

OOopsies,, too bad,, my rights arent up for a vote,,& will not be. The reason for the 2nd amendment isnt for hunting or defending the home, its for defending from a tyrannical government, how others manage to read the 2nd differently is beyond me,

Title: Re: Dark Knight Rises tragedy
Post by WebsterMark on 08/03/12 at 12:48:16

Why is the per capita homicide rate of the U.S. 2.76 times that of Canada?

off the top of my head it seems the biggest two reason would be because the fewer African Americans that are in Canada don't seem to have the same culture as those in the inner cities of the United States. Second, I'd guess it's because Canada has far fewer large inner cities. I wonder if you looked at what we would call rural US vs rural Canada, what the % would be.

Title: Re: Dark Knight Rises tragedy
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/03/12 at 12:54:20

5F7B767C7B757A66607B767760120 wrote:
Jog I've listened to a lot of G. Edward Griffin since you made me aware of him. I believe a lot of what he says but Sew is dead on when it comes to Alex Jones. If Rush ever took enough drugs to sleep with a crackhoe Alex Jones is what would have popped out.

You know, Ive read this a few times & Ive just got to say youre just wrong. AJ gets excited about things, but heres a challenge for you. POint out what he has said that you can prove is wrong. & dont go runnin to 9/11,, becauise theres still plenty of argument on that one,
I cant accept the oFISHYal version on that mess, or Oklahoma City,

Title: Re: Dark Knight Rises tragedy
Post by dinsdale on 08/06/12 at 22:13:45

2A212128242B2A3031450 wrote:
Why is the per capita homicide rate of the U.S. 2.76 times that of Canada? And, strangely enough, the number of privately owned guns per capita in the U.S. is 2.88 times that of Canada.
Anybody see a correlation here?
Could it be gun control maybe? :-?

No it isn't gun control.
You cannot legislate bad guys out of using guns. You only disarm the innocent, law abiding.
Legal gun ownership saves millions of lives a year in the US and thousands a year in Canada.

It is a socio-economic issue. Just like the majority of shootings in Canada are in TO and Vancouver and done by gangs to gangs.

Considering Jamaica has banned guns and even having ammo gets you jail time how is it they have a homicide rate almost ten times that of the US?
Or Switzerland with 90% of households having an fully automatic assault rifle having a murder rate 1/3 of Canada's?

Title: Re: Dark Knight Rises tragedy
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/07/12 at 07:27:02

Considering Jamaica has banned guns and even having ammo gets you jail time how is it they have a homicide rate almost ten times that of the US?
Or Switzerland with 90% of households having an fully automatic assault rifle having a murder rate 1/3 of Canada's?

Well NOW ya done it,,

Title: Re: Dark Knight Rises tragedy
Post by WD on 08/08/12 at 17:03:40

Don't worry JOG, that one so so self-explanatory it isn't worth arguing over.

Title: Re: Dark Knight Rises tragedy
Post by Retread on 08/11/12 at 06:49:13

I have owned guns all my life, when I try to analyze the situation we are in right now I get a headache.. On one hand I think if someone want a 105 Howitzer in their home, fine, just know how to use it, and don't aim it at my house.

On the other hand we all have to have a drivers license to drive a car, a proficiency test to operate one.. I believe the NRA has turned into a political power that only wants to put guns in every idiots hands it can, it used to be about safety and promoting the sport.. I have a CCP, I hate to have to carry all the time, had to do this in a war zone, has America become a war zone?

Title: Re: Dark Knight Rises tragedy
Post by WD on 08/13/12 at 06:00:47

In some areas, yes. Most larger cities have areas that look like bombed out third world rat holes. Out in the sticks you have your pot farms and meth labs where everyone is armed to the teeth and not afraid to use them.

More skirmish areas than full on war zone, but shot at is shot at.

Title: Re: Dark Knight Rises tragedy
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/13/12 at 06:07:34

but shot at is shot at.

Which is troubling, at best, but is NOTHING compared to gettin shot at & Hit, now, lemme tell ya,, Ive only been shot at once & I was just a kid, I guess I was around 12. Its scary & It made me mad. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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