General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> THIS SAYS IT ALL !!!

Message started by mpescatori on 07/16/12 at 05:49:32

Post by mpescatori on 07/16/12 at 05:49:32


The Budget Should be Balanced.

The Treasury Should be Refilled.

Public Debt Should be Reduced.

The Arrogance of Officialdom should be Tempered and Controlled.

And the Assistance to Foreign Lands Should be Curtailed...
...Lest Rome Become Bankrupt.                  

People Must Again Learn to Work Instead of Living on Public Assistance.

- Cicero speaking to the Republican Senate, 55 BC

So, evidently, we've learned nothing in the past 2,067 years.

Think about it. Both sides of the ocean... :-/

Title: Re: THIS SAYS IT ALL !!!
Post by Drifter on 07/16/12 at 06:20:46

Other than to support countrys you feel deserving of our money... :(

Everyone has a fav. seems israel is at the top now..... :(

Title: Re: THIS SAYS IT ALL !!!
Post by splash07 on 07/16/12 at 07:19:58

Rome would fall (so to speak) 465 years after this speech.

Title: Re: THIS SAYS IT ALL !!!
Post by LostArtist on 07/16/12 at 08:19:32

57544845574C1413240 wrote:
Rome would fall (so to speak) 465 years after this speech.

so, we have some time then . . .  and all "the sky is falling" talk might be a bit premature?

not that I don't agree with Cicero, but all the call to arms political pundits are getting overwhelmingly annoying

Title: Re: THIS SAYS IT ALL !!!
Post by splash07 on 07/16/12 at 08:42:34

082B37300536302D3730440 wrote:
[quote author=57544845574C1413240 link=1342442972/0#2 date=1342448398]Rome would fall (so to speak) 465 years after this speech.

so, we have some time then . . .  and all "the sky is falling" talk might be a bit premature?

not that I don't agree with Cicero, but all the call to arms political pundits are getting overwhelmingly annoying[/quote]

Maybe they listened to Cicero and thats why they lasted the 465 years longer.

Title: Re: THIS SAYS IT ALL !!!
Post by mpescatori on 07/16/12 at 16:09:30

35362A27352E7671460 wrote:
Rome would fall (so to speak) 465 years after this speech.

Rome never fell... she tripped more than once, and bit her tongue and squeezed her fingers in the drawers a few times, but she never fell.

Initially ruled by a King, then by a Senate, then by an Emperor... then by a Pope... then by a King, now by a President.

That is why she is called "The Eternal City"; 2700 years and still a world capital.

To the best of my knowledge, only Athens can boast a similar position, no other Nation has had a capital so long lived.

But that is not my point.

Cicero's words are being pulled out by would-be political analysts to describe the situation here in Europe; and by the looks of the Tall Table, you and we aren't so far off each other's marks.


Title: Re: THIS SAYS IT ALL !!!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/16/12 at 17:14:32

13100C0113085057600 wrote:
Rome would fall (so to speak) 465 years after this speech.

They didnt have the ability to spend as we have. OUr budget has been out of balance since I was a small child, & when it would have been an easy fix, they kept piling on STUPID debt.  

Title: Re: THIS SAYS IT ALL !!!
Post by Starlifter on 07/16/12 at 20:01:33

"They kept piling on STUPID debt." JOG

Yes, and it's the wars, The stupid ugly unnecessary killing wars. The Capitalist war profiteering will NEVER end because we are now officially 'The Capitalistic States Of America'.

Thomas Jefferson said:

"It is incumbent on every generation to pay its own debts as it goes — a principle which if acted on would save one-half the wars of the world."

If the state has the power and is asked to choose between doing good and waging war, what will it choose? In the American capitalistic system, the choice has ALWARS been for war.

James Madison said: "Never-ending war tends to destroy both liberty and prosperity."

Every student of history knows that all empires do two things as they expand; oppress their own people to keep things quiet at home, and go deeply into debt to finance the continuous fighting it takes to hold onto turf and resources that isn't theirs.

The US is making both mistakes. We'll be lucky to get out of it with the same country we have now. We'll be lucky to get out of it without being on the losing end of the next world war.

"Capitalism is the extraordinary belief that the nastiest of men for the nastiest of motives will somehow work for the benefit of all."  - John Maynard Keynes

Title: Re: THIS SAYS IT ALL !!!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/16/12 at 20:30:19

Keynes? Youre quoting one of the most vile creatures to ever walk the planet. Capitalism isnt the evil we've been taught. Capitalism, as a concept, is natural, unlike the Keynesian crap we live with. Capitalists, OTOH, when they engage in creating corporations & get larger than their surroundings & cease to be answerable to the people, they become monstrous. A guy who opens a burger stand & sells a quality product is a capitalist. If his product deteriorates into a piece of crap, his customer base wil dry up & he will go broke, Monasanto, a corporation, greasing the palms of the electeds, is evil & has used the lawmakers to create safe havens for it to sell & operate & do harm to us, thats crony capitalism, & making the distinction is not easy. Its easy to call Capital;ism bad, but capitalism was how people conducted their lives as far back as can be found, It wasnt thru Keynesian systems & Communist ideology that mankind flourished,, it was capitalism,

Title: Re: THIS SAYS IT ALL !!!
Post by Starlifter on 07/17/12 at 19:59:29

The evils of capitalism are built can control it for a while, but capitalism will always come back to eat you alive. Even the founding fathers feared the power of capitalism.

For many years now, Americans have watched as capitalism stole from and destroyed other nations (Iraq anyone?) Billions upon billions were made by the likes of Halaburton and Blackwater....all the dead, wounded and maimed?? ...Meh, it's just the cost of doing business. That's capitalism folks.

Capitalism is designed to move a nation's wealth and natural resources from the many to the few (read the 1%). Unregulated capitalism is merely organized crime.

Unless you're a millionaire, capitalist's are stealing from you right and left, and sigh, you don't even know it.

Title: Re: THIS SAYS IT ALL !!!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/17/12 at 20:10:48

The FF didnt like corporations so much, but Capitalism? Show me,,

Title: Re: THIS SAYS IT ALL !!!
Post by WD on 07/17/12 at 20:26:20

When the government's main role is to reward sloth, ignorance and bad behavior...

Title: Re: THIS SAYS IT ALL !!!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/17/12 at 21:20:24

5645010 wrote:
When the government's main role is to reward sloth, ignorance and bad behavior...

Thers a No Duhh moment

Title: Re: THIS SAYS IT ALL !!!
Post by WebsterMark on 07/18/12 at 05:06:36

The evils of capitalism are built can control it for a while, but capitalism will always come back to eat you alive. Even the founding fathers feared the power of capitalism.

For many years now, Americans have watched as capitalism stole from and destroyed other nations (Iraq anyone?) Billions upon billions were made by the likes of Halaburton and Blackwater....all the dead, wounded and maimed?? ...Meh, it's just the cost of doing business. That's capitalism folks.

Capitalism is designed to move a nation's wealth and natural resources from the many to the few (read the 1%). Unregulated capitalism is merely organized crime.

Unless you're a millionaire, capitalist's are stealing from you right and left, and sigh, you don't even know it.

You’re like a big, fat crying baby biting the nipple that feeds it…. You’ve managed to provide a fairly good life for yourself despite bitching and moaning the whole time at the system that most likely allowed you to escape poverty and an early death.

So tell me genius, what would you propose? Let’s go back in time and start all over in 1776 and you tell me what you want to see….
Oh, and point to a country that is your example of how things should be….some place that actually did it the way you want.  Don't give me a bunch of Walden Pond BS, someplace real. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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