General Category >> The Cafe >> Where are all the Young Folks on Here?

Message started by Drifter on 07/15/12 at 04:45:08

Title: Where are all the Young Folks on Here?
Post by Drifter on 07/15/12 at 04:45:08

It seems most of the treads are started by the old guys on here why dont some of the younger guys and girls put up some threads, tell us about your lives, why you ride what do you do, ideas etc.  :)

Ok to answer some of the questions, i consider anyone under 40 as young folks under 30 kids, no offense all in fun. I have 2 kids.... :)

Dont be intimidated by the grumpy old farts on here!!!!  Your opinions and Votes matter never forget that!

Title: Re: Where are all the Young Folks on Here?
Post by LostArtist on 07/15/12 at 05:30:04

I"m trying to keep my head down, I'm not that young at 33, but seems like I still have a knack for troublemaking

Title: Re: Where are all the Young Folks on Here?
Post by MarcosS40 on 07/15/12 at 05:53:32

Seems to me you can blame the bike we chose for that. You know young people now a days. Short attention spans and always seeking thrills! Our beloved LS650/S40 isn't flashy enough for the younger crowd. (There ARE a few exceptions)

Where we see the simple beauty of the bike and know we can keep it running with a few tools and a little sweat, most (not all) younger people don't want to take the time. Instant Gratification is the name of the game.

IMHO it takes an older, more experienced hand to to appreciate our choice in bikes.  Most of us older farts grew up around these types of bikes and we're just reliving our Youth.  I tell people I got me a 650 thumper and they look at me like I'm speaking martian! ;D

Title: Re: Where are all the Young Folks on Here?
Post by Millerman on 07/15/12 at 06:54:03

I'm not that young either anymore at 27 but i picked up my thumper yesterday and couldnt be more excited. I love the thing  8-)

Title: Re: Where are all the Young Folks on Here?
Post by on 07/15/12 at 09:08:24

I guess that "Young" and "Old" are really not a matter of chronological age. It is all about attitude  A lot of the old geezers on this site ride their bikes like they stole them.  It is just that they have been riding that way for a lot of years.  (Read through some of the postings on the Dragon, and try to guess the age of the posters.)

This board is actually an amazing cross-section of riders.  I have looked at other boards, and none of them come even close.  You can find members of every political, religious (and non-religious), ethnic, gender, riding style, and national group.  The common bond is the Savage.  That alone is a comment about the bike, that it can appeal to such a range of people.

When I read the posts, some of them amuse me, many inform me, and quite a few infuriate or disgust me.  There are members whose post I always read, and those whose post I never read.  Pretty much real life.  That is what it means to live in a free society.  

This site has so much to offer.  Take what you want or need, and ignore what you don't.

Welcome aboard!

Title: Re: Where are all the Young Folks on Here?
Post by ZAR on 07/15/12 at 09:16:49

252730232E266C2A37252A2731420 wrote:
I guess that "Young" and "Old" are really not a matter of chronological age. It is all about attitude  A lot of the old geezers on this site ride their bikes like they stole them.  It is just that they have been riding that way for a lot of years.  (Read through some of the postings on the Dragon, and try to guess the age of the posters.)

This board is actually an amazing cross-section of riders.  I have looked at other boards, and none of them come even close.  You can find members of every political, religious (and non-religious), ethnic, gender, riding style, and national group.  The common bond is the Savage.  That alone is a comment about the bike, that it can appeal to such a range of people.

When I read the posts, some of them amuse me, many inform me, and quite a few infuriate or disgust me.  There are members whose post I always read, and those whose post I never read.  Pretty much real life.  That is what it means to live in a free society.  

This site has so much to offer.  Take what you want or need, and ignore what you don't.

Welcome aboard!

Ya nailed it Gerald!!!

Title: Re: Where are all the Young Folks on Here?
Post by Serowbot on 07/15/12 at 09:33:11

I been on here for 6 years...  
I think my status might have changed...  :-?...
I'm evolved... ;D...

Title: Re: Where are all the Young Folks on Here?
Post by splash07 on 07/15/12 at 11:18:58

Define young..........Im 27 so not young I guess, but when I bought my bike I was 19 and when I found this awesome place I was 22.

Title: Re: Where are all the Young Folks on Here?
Post by spacepirates on 07/15/12 at 11:57:13

I'm 23, found this place when I was 17 or 18 right after I bought my bike. I'd like to think that I would be considered at least mildly active on the forums. I stay out of a lot of topics but I contribute when I can.

I don't write many off-topic/cafe posts about my life because I doubt it would agree with many of you and my life is just not that interesting otherwise.

Title: Re: Where are all the Young Folks on Here?
Post by martinfilms34 on 07/15/12 at 13:04:12

I Think it may be safe to say that I'm the youngest guy on here.
Just about to turn 18. I mostly try to contribute if i can, but I'm just learning too. Guess Im part of those very few exceptions. I would much rather own this bike, then most bikes out there.
Bought my 87 savage as my first bike and love it.

Title: Re: Where are all the Young Folks on Here?
Post by Drifter on 07/15/12 at 13:19:58

GH, i agree 100%!

Lost..., never mind some of these clueless morons on here that have no life and have to comment on everything.  Old saying you learn more from listening.  You want to stir the pot go to the tall table. Warning thick skin and a brain is required to deal with some!!  See GHs post above.

Bot, are only a couple of beers past a knuckle dragger.  :)
Me i havent finished that second one yet.....
That said you do come up with some interesting posts and cool bikes!

You younger guys what other bikes do you like, why are cell phones so important or networking or why did MS screw up XP with vista and 7, all this kind of stuff you grew up with we oldsters have to be dragged in kicking and screaming. Maybe not all but you get the idea. All of US can learn from each other.  One thing i have to add there is no substitue for experience this applys to both young and old.

Title: Re: Where are all the Young Folks on Here?
Post by Dutch82 on 07/15/12 at 14:34:12

I'm 30, but a newby to riding.  I just prefer to hang around and read as much as I can.  I don't want to be the guy who only posts questions that have been answered before, and is always asking for information and never giving it out.  

Title: Re: Where are all the Young Folks on Here?
Post by rfw2003 on 07/15/12 at 14:39:02

Well according to your description of young vs old I'm in the young category at 35,  I contribute where I can, but stay out of the tall table as I'm not really one to debate on politics and religion and such.  I'm not terribly new to riding just been on a break for a very long time before buying the Savage.


Title: Re: Where are all the Young Folks on Here?
Post by Oldfeller on 07/15/12 at 15:03:21

I was the "baby" at the Dragon for the first 2 days, caught a ribbin' a breakfast over it until the second set of guys showed up.

Yes, this is an old person's list, by and large.   I think that some of the younger persons have remarkable energy and will tear stuff down and put it back together 3-4 times faster and more frequently than us old stuffers can or will.

;)   'course we did it once a while ago and it ain't broke since then ....


Title: Re: Where are all the Young Folks on Here?
Post by WD on 07/15/12 at 15:10:11

I guess just shy of 40 isn't really that old...

But having owned 100+ street bikes in 25 years has to count for something...maybe...

I don't post anywhere near as much as I did on the old (Bert's) forum. And wish a lot of the guys from there had swapped on to here. Although most of the regulars went on to larger machines (HDs, BMWs, Victorys)...

Title: Re: Where are all the Young Folks on Here?
Post by spacepirates on 07/15/12 at 15:28:57

63554E41534255270 wrote:
You younger guys what other bikes do you like, why are cell phones so important or networking or why did MS screw up XP with vista and 7, all this kind of stuff you grew up with we oldsters have to be dragged in kicking and screaming. Maybe not all but you get the idea. All of US can learn from each other.  One thing i have to add there is no substitue for experience this applys to both young and old.

I own a 78 XS750 that I like and a 79 GS850 I've yet to be able to ride enough to really determine if I like it or not, but the idea of a bulletproof engine and a comfy seat are quite appealing.

Cell phones are important because they allow us to be connected to anyone instantly, if you like that kind of thing. I'm starting to find more and more I like vacations to remote places without cell coverage so I don't have to be chained to my digital leash.

I think MS *fixed* XP with 7. The driver integration and networking is infinitely better, plus it has 64 bit support which is great when you want more than 4gb of RAM or a hard drive larger than 2TB.

Title: Re: Where are all the Young Folks on Here?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/15/12 at 16:52:56

I miss pay phones. Now, when I wanna call home, I have to go in somewhere & borrow a phone,

Title: Re: Where are all the Young Folks on Here?
Post by bill67 on 07/15/12 at 17:04:13

I miss crank phones and party lines ;D

Title: Re: Where are all the Young Folks on Here?
Post by Brian on 07/15/12 at 17:25:24

Well I'm probably on the younger side of things here (23).  I've only owned my Savage for a couple of months, it's my first bike, and I'm mostly here to learn.  I'm mechanically inclined but bikes are something new to me with new problems and solutions.  I try and hop in conversations when I can, but I really just don't know enough to contribute anything useful very often.

That being said, I'm learning a lot very fast thanks to you guys.  I've got big plans for my little bike, but I'm moving next month so I can't get too far into anything right now.  I'll be sure to let everybody know what I'm up to once I get going, I'm sure I'll need some help.

Title: Re: Where are all the Young Folks on Here?
Post by WD on 07/15/12 at 18:53:45

I see I'm not the only Eagle Scout on the board...

Title: Re: Where are all the Young Folks on Here?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/15/12 at 21:16:55

32272C26273073420 wrote:
Well I'm probably on the younger side of things here (23).  I've only owned my Savage for a couple of months, it's my first bike, and I'm mostly here to learn.  I'm mechanically inclined but bikes are something new to me with new problems and solutions.  I try and hop in conversations when I can, but I really just don't know enough to contribute anything useful very often.

That being said, I'm learning a lot very fast thanks to you guys.  I've got big plans for my little bike, but I'm moving next month so I can't get too far into anything right now.  I'll be sure to let everybody know what I'm up to once I get going, I'm sure I'll need some help.

I'm mechanically inclined but bikes are something new to me with new problems and solutions.

I know how that feels. Ive been messing with things all my life, but never bikes, & theyre nuts & bolts & stuff in between, but it is different. Took a while to get comfortable with it, but now, Im okay with most of it, Ive never messed with forks or gone "Inside" the motor, Cam,, ehh,, thats not "Inside"..

Title: Re: Where are all the Young Folks on Here?
Post by thumperclone on 07/15/12 at 22:50:42

still 29 going on 59..
had a cell phone once when i rode outta state, one of those throw aways..
early 70s i was stationed in germany got to drive some big wig civies around,  the car phone electronics took up half the trunk.coluld call anywhere in the world.that was high tech of the day
we had gps then thats how we layed in the guns  8" self propelled howzs
nuke capable to keep the easten block at bay..
was just a kid then i like being 29 again and again

Title: Re: Where are all the Young Folks on Here?
Post by on 07/16/12 at 03:34:06

7B677A627F6A7D6C6360616A0F0 wrote:
still 29 going on 59..
had a cell phone once when i rode outta state, one of those throw aways..
early 70s i was stationed in germany got to drive some big wig civies around,  the car phone electronics took up half the trunk.coluld call anywhere in the world.that was high tech of the day
we had gps then thats how we layed in the guns  8" self propelled howzs
nuke capable to keep the easten block at bay..
was just a kid then i like being 29 again and again

So, were you stationed in Ulm?

Title: Re: Where are all the Young Folks on Here?
Post by Drifter on 07/16/12 at 04:39:24

SP, i like xp it seems to have been designed by a left handed person, 7 has moved stuff that was left to the right bottom to the top....WHY i understand making things better why change the basics......if it aint broke dont fix it!! Near impossible to disable floaters...WHY!  

Digital Leash, thats what im talking about....i like it!

GH, Clark in PIs.

Title: Re: Where are all the Young Folks on Here?
Post by PerrydaSavage on 07/17/12 at 03:26:25

I'm one of the long-time old farts on here (member since 2003, currently 51 yrs old) ... though I don't own an LS650 at present (have owned 2 of them in the past), I still LOVE the model and very recently helped my lady friend find and purchase a mint condition 2004 Savage with only 2300kms on the clock (now has over 3500kms!!).

Besides the Bike, it's the diversity of the Members and sense of "community" that's makes this place home for me! 8-)

Title: Re: Where are all the Young Folks on Here?
Post by Badass94Cad on 07/17/12 at 05:09:22

I'm 34...I've had my Savage only a few months, but I've been trolling around here for quite some time.  I've found the forum to be very helpful for planning and executing projects.  

You gotta love the interwebz.  I remember when the manual was your only way to try to fix something.  Now you can bounce it off a community.  8-)

Title: Re: Where are all the Young Folks on Here?
Post by ezornes239 on 07/17/12 at 10:48:56


Title: Re: Where are all the Young Folks on Here?
Post by Epeck on 07/17/12 at 11:38:06

30 years old. About to tear up this forum with my bobber project. (waiting for some checks to come in to start). I picked this bike for the cost alone. But now that i have been tooling on it i love it. I do not fit into "my age group" so it seems my choice of bike was an unknowingly good fit.

Title: Re: Where are all the Young Folks on Here?
Post by EJID on 07/17/12 at 13:13:20

I'm about to be 38, had the bike for 3yrs. I always wanted a HD Road King, and one day I still might get one, but with 5 little ones keeping me busy there was no way to afford one at this time. Bought this bike as my first road bike and found that it is big enough to keep me happy for a long time. Only time I have wished it was bigger is when the wife wants to ride with me, the seat is a bit cramped for the two of us.  :-?

Title: Re: Where are all the Young Folks on Here?
Post by splash07 on 07/17/12 at 13:42:38

5D4E0A0 wrote:
I see I'm not the only Eagle Scout on the board...

I got Eagle on November 14th 2002, troop 70 Elberta AL,

Title: Re: Where are all the Young Folks on Here?
Post by Brian on 07/17/12 at 15:53:47

5F4C080 wrote:
I see I'm not the only Eagle Scout on the board...

since 2007

Title: Re: Where are all the Young Folks on Here?
Post by WD on 07/17/12 at 16:26:31

October 1987, I was 15. Mount Rainier Council (R.I.P.), Washington state.

Title: Re: Where are all the Young Folks on Here?
Post by LANCER on 07/18/12 at 03:56:50

3D2B3C21392C213A4E0 wrote:
I been on here for 6 years...  
I think my status might have changed...  :-?...
I'm evolved... ;D...

Evolved into ... ? ?   ::)

Title: Re: Where are all the Young Folks on Here?
Post by LANCER on 07/18/12 at 04:03:28

4251150 wrote:
I guess just shy of 40 isn't really that old...

But having owned 100+ street bikes in 25 years has to count for something...maybe...

I don't post anywhere near as much as I did on the old (Bert's) forum. And wish a lot of the guys from there had swapped on to here. Although most of the regulars went on to larger machines (HDs, BMWs, Victorys)...

I started on Bert's forum before finding this place, and signed up early in '04

Title: Re: Where are all the Young Folks on Here?
Post by LANCER on 07/18/12 at 04:07:30

0112560 wrote:
I see I'm not the only Eagle Scout on the board...

Eagle Scout ? ?
For real ? ?  
That is quite an accomplishment.   ;)

Title: Re: Where are all the Young Folks on Here?
Post by LANCER on 07/18/12 at 04:11:29

35362A27352E7671460 wrote:
[quote author=5D4E0A0 link=1342352708/15#19 date=1342403625]I see I'm not the only Eagle Scout on the board...

I got Eagle on November 14th 2002, troop 70 Elberta AL, [/quote]

Outstanding !

Title: Re: Where are all the Young Folks on Here?
Post by Savage_Rob on 07/18/12 at 14:38:34

Where's the dividing line.  I mean, when I was 10, 30 was old and 50 was ancient.  Now at 49, the lines are blurred... or is that just presbyopia again?

Title: Re: Where are all the Young Folks on Here?
Post by Savage_Rob on 07/18/12 at 14:41:25

79747B7670672722150 wrote:
[quote author=35362A27352E7671460 link=1342352708/15#29 date=1342557758][quote author=5D4E0A0 link=1342352708/15#19 date=1342403625]I see I'm not the only Eagle Scout on the board...

I got Eagle on November 14th 2002, troop 70 Elberta AL, [/quote]

Outstanding ![/quote]

It is absolutely outstanding.  I sometimes wish I'd stuck with it.  I went from Cub Scouts through to just a few years in Boy Scouts and left scouting at about age 14.  It's one of those things on the list of stuff I'd change if I had it to do over, knowing what I know now.  There are a few things on that list.

Title: Re: Where are all the Young Folks on Here?
Post by Boofer on 07/19/12 at 23:05:25

5765726563615B566B66040 wrote:
Where's the dividing line.  I mean, when I was 10, 30 was old and 50 was ancient.  Now at 49, the lines are blurred... or is that just presbyopia again?

Rob, I'm 59 and getting ready to admit I'm old next year at 60. Of course, being old doesn't mean being dead. I think the reason I am willing to call it is the fact that my old friends and mentors are passing on at a seemingly accelerated rate. Now is the time for us "old" guys to reach back to the younger ones who are struggling and give them some gentle advice...then WAIT for them to mature enough to understand and use it. Yeah, I feel old.

Title: Re: Where are all the Young Folks on Here?
Post by Drifter on 07/20/12 at 04:57:37

It is amazing how your perspective on life changes in your 50s.....not all bad actually.

What do you youngsters on here call old, do you ever really listen to someone with real life experience?   I pretty much had to learn things on my own, wish i had some oldsters to light the way.....with positive advice!

Title: Re: Where are all the Young Folks on Here?
Post by MiCTLaN on 07/20/12 at 13:35:36

I'm 37 and feel plenty old on occasion, but I'm too immature to ever consider myself 'old'.

I work for a small software company (product support, training, IT stuff, etc) and spend an inordinate amount of time sitting in front of a computer, both at work and at home.  I tend to multi-task a lot at work, running dual-screen with work on one side and whatever is interesting me this minute on the other.

I grew up in a family of old school bikers that were too poor to own Harleys, and spent a lot of time when I was younger helping my dad work on his bikes, and have lots of fun stories of things like riding home from wherever Dad broke down sitting in the trunk of our Cutlass holding on to the front wheel of his bike.  I bought my first bike (1984 Honda CT110) for $75 when I was 15, my second (1975 Honda CB350) after I got married, and my third (1992 Yamaha Seca II) not long after I was divorced.  I kept the Seca for a while until I had problems keeping it running.  I have an issue with selling things for a lot less than they are probably worth, it seems... sold the CT110 for $125 after bringing it back from a barely running trail rustbucket into a fairly cool 'moped from hell', sold the CB350 for $250, I think I got $600 for the Seca.  All three of them I look back on and kick myself for ever selling (especially the CB350).

Since then I've spent a lot of time saying that I really wanted to buy another bike, should really get another bike, would really like having a bike again, and so on.  I follow a few different motorcycle related blogs in my RSS feed, and probably first noticed the S40 after coming across the Ryca CS-1.  Soon after that I started lurking around here, and after reading a lot about S40 it sounded a lot like something I would be interested in: It's been around forever, single cylinder, single carb, belt drive, etc.  Over the past few months my girlfriend had been showing interest in getting an old-school scooter (Vespa, for instance) for commuting to work, and I convinced her to get something a bit more capable (2004 Honda Rebel) and a couple days later found a 2005 S40 for myself.  You guys are to blame for that.  The amount of information and general camaraderie on this site is huge, and probably played a big part in my decision.

I originally got the S40 with the intention of building a Ryca, now I'm not so sure... it's pretty nice as-is.

I also have a huge problem with using parenthetical asides (obviously).

Title: Re: Where are all the Young Folks on Here?
Post by arteacher on 07/20/12 at 14:54:30

I am the perfect age- everyone younger than me is too young, and everyone older than me is too old. I have been the perfect age all my life. ::)

Title: Re: Where are all the Young Folks on Here?
Post by spacepirates on 07/20/12 at 15:43:46

717A7A737F70716B6A1E0 wrote:
I am the perfect age- everyone younger than me is too young, and everyone older than me is too old. I have been the perfect age all my life. ::)

Never has this feeling been summed up so accurately.

Sometimes I feel like as you get older you get more passionate -- just about fewer things. Your hobbies start to narrow down into one or two, and then maybe into only a subset of that category (like say motorcycles then just the savage and then maybe OIL?!?!). Right now I've got too many hobbies to keep track of, which is killing me. Even among bikes, one sits untouched while the other two get treatment, or I keep up on my little tech projects (two arduinos and a raspberry pi) and the bikes get forgotten, or I play video games (the bane of my productive existence) or watch movies, or go out drinking with friends.... it all snowballs and I get lost in one aspect rather than keeping up with all of them.

But yeah, 30+ = old.  ;D

Title: Re: Where are all the Young Folks on Here?
Post by bill67 on 07/20/12 at 16:15:44

Being old is terrible,When I was young I chased the young girls,Now I'm old the young girls chase me,It awful I just hate it.

Title: Re: Where are all the Young Folks on Here?
Post by verslagen1 on 07/20/12 at 16:23:35

What are you going to do when they learn to walk?   ;D

Title: Re: Where are all the Young Folks on Here?
Post by arteacher on 07/20/12 at 16:29:40

Yea- hobbies. I have had several: model planes, aquarium fish, photography, working on vehicles, but the longest running was audiophelia (sp). I go full bore on them until I have learned as much as I want and then either drop them entirely, as I did with aquarium fish and model planes, or they go into "idle" mode. I have  $20000 stereo that I built up over 27 years, and haven't listened to in a couple of years. (since I bought the bike, actually). I just take pics of the grandkids with my seven cameras and 15 or so lenses.
I have never been able to devote myself to multiple hobbies at the same time.
One track mind? :-?

Title: Re: Where are all the Young Folks on Here?
Post by bill67 on 07/20/12 at 17:46:19

796A7D7C636E686A613E0F0 wrote:
What are you going to do when they learn to walk?   ;D

I don't know I guess they will probability catch me. ;D

Title: Re: Where are all the Young Folks on Here?
Post by DeepPurple on 07/24/12 at 22:39:23

22 since June here. I feel bad because I have been visiting the forums for a long time now but never post. I think I feel like many others in that I don't know enough to feel useful. I am learning though thanks to the many awesome people on these forums and I thank you all.

I'll try to show my face around here a little more because in the last year I have benefited so much from these forums.I went here to install my raptor petcock, just installed my new softail muffler, and I'm sure I did other things just forgot.

Once I become a little more savage savvy like you many wise old guys, I'll post some more :). Thanks again for everyone's help even though you didn't know I was here lol!

Title: Re: Where are all the Young Folks on Here?
Post by LANCER on 07/25/12 at 19:32:28

223E233B263324353A393833560 wrote:
still 29 going on 59..
had a cell phone once when i rode outta state, one of those throw aways..
early 70s i was stationed in germany got to drive some big wig civies around,  the car phone electronics took up half the trunk.coluld call anywhere in the world.that was high tech of the day
we had gps then thats how we layed in the guns  8" self propelled howzs
nuke capable to keep the easten block at bay..
was just a kid then i like being 29 again and again

My self awareness seemed to have matured at about 27 but my kept going...63 years next month.
The military never gave me nukes to play with but I did get some very fun toys here and there.

Title: Re: Where are all the Young Folks on Here?
Post by John_D FSO on 07/26/12 at 06:21:22

37 and some months here, but I'm with Lancer: I stopped paying attention over a decade ago! ;D

Although today my lower extremities are feeling older. Rode up around Mount St. Helens with a friend on back, and hiked through the upper Ape Cave. More climbing than hiking really, and all those muscles that don't get used under normal circumstances are in open revolt! :o

Title: Re: Where are all the Young Folks on Here?
Post by Paraquat on 07/26/12 at 06:35:13

Boy, you old guys love these bikes.

I only made Star. I had divorced parents and every vacation I'd go visit instead of going camping. Without the camping trips, even though I could demonstrate the skills, I couldn't advance to Life or Eagle.

I think I peaked last year. I'm going to be the big three-oh this year :/
Last year is when I noticed the girls in Maxim are the same age or younger than I am. It's awful. Been riding since I was 15 though.

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