General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Condi for VP?

Message started by WebsterMark on 07/12/12 at 16:58:44

Title: Condi for VP?
Post by WebsterMark on 07/12/12 at 16:58:44

If she would have run in 2008, I'd had sent her money. I didn't spend a penny on that worthless rino McCain.

If Rice is Romney's VP, I'll send him a check. I'd love to have her back  in the White House every day.

Title: Re: Condi for VP?
Post by Serowbot on 07/12/12 at 17:03:12

Not this time...
Maybe she'll run as Hillary's VP in '16... ;D...

Title: Re: Condi for VP?
Post by bill67 on 07/12/12 at 17:35:30

Its just as plain as black and white they'll run in '16

Title: Re: Condi for VP?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/12/12 at 17:51:25

You realize that hateful beeyotch is CFR, right?

Title: Re: Condi for VP?
Post by Serowbot on 07/12/12 at 18:00:01

Condoleezza Freakin' Rice?... :-?...

Title: Re: Condi for VP?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/12/12 at 18:26:39

yep..I forgot what her position was,, but the number of CFR members who have held her post is pretty serious,

If I posted a G edward Griffin video link in the last 2 days,, look at it,,you can just let it run in the BG & listen, when he says things that make ya go "Huhh?",, back it up & watch,

Title: Re: Condi for VP?
Post by WebsterMark on 07/12/12 at 20:11:52

Condi Freaking Righteous  ?  am i getting warmer?

Title: Re: Condi for VP?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/12/12 at 20:33:50

Seriously? You dont know what the CFR is? How about Club of Rome? Bank of International Settlements? TRilateral Commission?
thingy Cheney is CFR, Old Man Bush is CFR=

Title: Re: Condi for VP?
Post by LostArtist on 07/12/12 at 20:55:27

6F7076716C6B5A6A5A62707C37050 wrote:
Seriously? You dont know what the CFR is? How about Club of Rome? Bank of International Settlements? TRilateral Commission?
thingy Cheney is CFR, Old Man Bush is CFR=

ooo look who's being condescending again . . .

Title: Re: Condi for VP?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/12/12 at 21:04:40

I cant believe people dont know what these organisations are. YEA,, Im a Jakass, Im PISSED,, People should know these things, IF they dont then they need to get in gear,
If YOUVE got a political opinion & YOU dont know about Agenda 21 & YOu read the NDAA & didnt see it meant YOU & ME could be arrested & disappeared, If YOU supported NAFTA, You should sit in the corner quietly & listen & learn from the adults because YOURE dangerous in a voting booth,

Title: Re: Condi for VP?
Post by Serowbot on 07/12/12 at 23:22:56

You're in a battle,... and it's not going well for your side...
... and you're in the thick of it...
What are you going to do?... What are your options?...
You can turn tail and run,... try to save your own skin... most likely get shot in the butt,... and die an embarrassing death...
You can charge forward,... spit in the face of death... and most likely die an honourable death...
... or you can stand still,... and yell at the top of your lungs... how unfair this all is...
... we're all going to die anyway...


Title: Re: Condi for VP?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/13/12 at 01:10:44

I know how it ends,,I just dont want to see it end with me living as a slave, only way Im gonna do that is with some help. Im here recruiting.,

Title: Re: Condi for VP?
Post by WebsterMark on 07/13/12 at 05:33:16

okay, so I looked it up; Club of Rome. So what? Bunch of people get together, talk and write reports & books.

Title: Re: Condi for VP?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/13/12 at 05:36:28

Thats what the Bilderbergers do, too, right? At some point, the events of the day cease to be explainable by the lines of crap they pump out.
CFR, Trilaterals, Club O Rome, these groups are involved in directing politicians,

Certainly CFR is well represented around the pres, TRilats used to be, IDK who is a Trilat that is on Bammys council,Club/Rome is less obviously involved in direct action, but theyre players on the global scene, their name pops up every so often,

Title: Re: Condi for VP?
Post by WebsterMark on 07/13/12 at 06:08:14

the events of the day cease to be explainable by the lines of crap they pump out.

what events? what line of crap?

no i don't believe everything i hear on the news.

Certainly CFR is well represented around the pres, TRilats used to be, IDK who is a Trilat that is on Bammys council,Club/Rome is less obviously involved in direct action, but theyre players on the global scene, their name pops up every so often,

so what? These people run around in the same circles; they meet and talk. Write books. Appoint each other when one gets elected.  Am I supposed to be surprised by that? This is like the goofy Reagan / Bush / Hinckley assignation attempt thing. They were all in the oil business. It would be surprising if they DIDN'T know each other.

Title: Re: Condi for VP?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/13/12 at 06:13:32

If things were going so well In America, then I wouldnt be concerned, but theyre not. & I can look back to when the CFR was starting to be heavily represented in the presidents circle of advisers, The ideas that the CFR have arent good for US, & theyre very direwctly involved in directing the pres. No matter what pres we get, D or R, we always have the advisers from the same circles, & we never get a policy change,,

Title: Re: Condi for VP?
Post by bill67 on 07/13/12 at 06:24:55

JOG look at the charts of our national debt,And see if there is a change when a Dem was in or Rep.There is a big difference.

Title: Re: Condi for VP?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/13/12 at 06:50:02

Maybe in Rate of Change, but not in directiuon. Wars keep on goin on, D or R,,
One bunch passes a law & the other buch is screaming at how horrid it is & theyll fight tooth & nail to protect "Thu PeeePull" from this travesty of justice.. BUT it passes, & then
When the elections are over & the POwer has changed hands,
They Never Go Back & Repeal what they didnt have the votes to stop,,

Dont you ever wonder why?  

Title: Re: Condi for VP?
Post by Starlifter on 07/13/12 at 21:22:02

"Condi for VP?"

;D ;D ;D ;D

Web, you're killing us!  ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Condi for VP?
Post by Drifter on 07/14/12 at 13:55:49

Old clueless mitt is saying if you cant beat em join em, at least she is all black not half white like Obama.

I love it bring back the good old days of bushy remember WMDs in iraq, 700000 jobs lost each month, the housing market crash etc etc. I like it!

Somehow i dont think the southern red states will approve.

Title: Re: Condi for VP?
Post by WD on 07/15/12 at 15:28:15

That would be a surefire way for the powers that be to maintain the status quo. Mitt wouldn't get a single vote among southern republicans, hopey-changey (wishy-washy?) would stay as the puppet for another four years, and the puppet masters would laugh all the way to the bank (again).

Go outside the system. Think outside the box...write in a candidate for both offices. Lots of talk around here about writing in Duke. He couldn't win but... at least people know where he stands. I say in the handout line with the rest of the career politicos...

Title: Re: Condi for VP?
Post by Starlifter on 07/15/12 at 19:13:19

"Go outside the system. Think outside the box...write in a candidate for both offices. Lots of talk around here about writing in Duke. He couldn't win but... at least people know where he stands. I say in the handout line with the rest of the career politicos".

Pfft, an exercise in futility.

Duke??...Duke the Klu Klux Klan pooba?? Is it because the POTUS is a black guy?? Or are there a lot of innerbread hillbillies in your neck of the woods?

Title: Re: Condi for VP?
Post by WD on 07/15/12 at 20:29:46

Lots of people who are fed up with the way things are done around here. And lots of... I think the true term is... inbred white trash hillbilly rednecks.  ;D

He's actually calmed down since he left the "original boys in the hood"... sorry, couldn't resist.  ;)

All I know is that putting her with ANYBODY would be a bad idea.

Title: Re: Condi for VP?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/15/12 at 21:11:23

4A591D0 wrote:
Lots of people who are fed up with the way things are done around here. And lots of... I think the true term is... inbred white trash hillbilly rednecks.  ;D

He's actually calmed down since he left the "original boys in the hood"... sorry, couldn't resist.  ;)

All I know is that putting her with ANYBODY would be a bad idea.

Thats Your opinion,, personally, I can see her with REagan,,

Ohh,, wait,, ehhh,, Owell,, yea,, REagan!

Title: Re: Condi for VP?
Post by Midnightrider on 07/15/12 at 21:57:46

Vote for anybody you want to. Aint but one party and none of us are in it.

Title: Re: Condi for VP?
Post by thumperclone on 07/15/12 at 22:57:58

macain had my vote till that alaskan barricuda signed on.
condi for pres might get my vote have to listen to her first
dont see anyone nitt could pick to get my vote.

the majority of registered voters are unaffilated.
whats that say?
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