General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> When Will JOG's head explode?

Message started by LostArtist on 07/12/12 at 13:39:44

Title: When Will JOG's head explode?
Post by LostArtist on 07/12/12 at 13:39:44

just wondering if we should have a pool or something for this.  

He's not wrong in what he says, he might be a little "conspiracy" happy though.  

if simple human nature didn't explain away most of his "conspiracy" ideas

but humans are social beings so yeah, they are "conspiring" to make more money and get themselves more power.  not sure how yelling about it and getting all worked up is going to help much though.

Title: Re: When Will JOG's head explode?
Post by arteacher on 07/12/12 at 14:27:31

How specific should the chosen time be? Month? Day?

Title: Re: When Will JOG's head explode?
Post by Paraquat on 07/12/12 at 14:59:49

212A2A232F20213B3A4E0 wrote:
How specific should the chosen time be? Month? Day?

Ask the gov't.


Title: Re: When Will JOG's head explode?
Post by Serowbot on 07/12/12 at 16:58:18

I think that ship has sailed... :-?...

Title: Re: When Will JOG's head explode?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/12/12 at 17:44:23

Easy & cheap way to go.. Not too shocking, considering I was honest with you on that horrid fairing installation you didnt have enough sense to look at before you invested all that time in it.,.
Instead of coming at me with an factual argument, you come at me sideways,, How typical of those who have no argument, they just dont like the message,, TOUGH CRap Jack,, whats happening IS whats happening & you can ignore it, pretend its not true, whatever, but whats happening IS affecting you now & WILL affect you more later. Wouldnt it be better to face facts NOW, while there is still a chance to regain control?

& for all you who jumper on his little bandwagon, same goes for you. America NEEDS people awake, seeing whats going on & working to spread the VERY un Fun news, otherwise, they win, so, take you cheap shots & walk away feelin big,, youre screwin America when you pretend everything is okay,
& go ahead,, laff your butt off,, But YOU Can NOT take away the facts as are made obvious by the things Ive posted, you can try to pretend its not true, but LOOK at where we are,, & LOOK at the things I post that Explain how we got here & come up with an answer that Better solves the question of,, How did we get to this point?

If it was just a series of accidents, they would have surely made a few accidents that Did Not Screw us,, but its a never ending stream of Always Screwing the People, so, odds are, not accidental.

Look into the organizations Izerbyt talks about, or are you afraid youll learn what I have?>

Learn about Agenda 21, its horrible,,

You guys are spitting on an opportunity to expand your understanding & protecting the state youre in,, because youre simply unwilling to face the facts,
I Used to not mind people being willfully ignorant, but now Im angry. Because of the people who simply have not got the will to pursue the truth, America WILL fall.
Can you NOT see whats happening? Theres a police state forming in front of our eyes, constant surveillance is on the horizon, & thats okay with you? Keeps us safe from the terrorists?
I remember when we had a president who told the nation

" There is nothing to fear but fear itself"

Now it

Be afraid! Be very afraid

& give up your rights so we can keep you safe,,

Give me a break,,

Title: Re: When Will JOG's head explode?
Post by Serowbot on 07/12/12 at 17:58:20

Sorry, JOG...   I was just joking...

Title: Re: When Will JOG's head explode?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/12/12 at 18:21:17

Cool,, now,, would ya mind spending some hours looking into the things I say? Ive spent many work weeks studying to learn the things I know, & I would like to think Ive shared enough info that simply cant be ignored to get someone else to stop & wonder,, How badly HAVE I been lied to?

Title: Re: When Will JOG's head explode?
Post by LostArtist on 07/12/12 at 18:39:15


This has NOTHING NOTHING NOTHING to do with your opinion on the fairing.  I won't go into about how wrong you about my work time or anything on the fairing, cause, IT'S NOT RELEVANT HERE!  

what this has to do with is that you've posted like 20 freaking times, "give her 5 minutes, give this guy 10 minutes, give this guy a whole hour" etc. . .  

you want to know HOW to fix this, QUIT PLAYING THEIR GAME.  

when you here a "rich" person propose anything, be aware that it's all for there own benefit, even if they are helping out their friends. people ARE power hungry and greedy, these are HUMAN NATURE.  

you are even blind that I'M ON YOUR SIDE.  But I live in the real world where I have to WORK and don't have time to sit and perouse the internet for weeks on end. I have to WORK IN SOCIETY, and I don't have the option of dropping out of the game quite yet. but I don't have to be fooled by fake promises either.

I'd love to have a VIABLE libertarian candidate for ANY office, congress, or anything, but there aren't any, and I don't have the POWER to change that.  

this is where I live:
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,
And wisdom to know the difference.

I happen to think that the FED and the banking system is a natural human event, yes it's wrong and messed up, but if it was wiped out tomorrow, in 5 years it'd all be starting over again.  so I'm focusing my energies on things I CAN CHANGE AND DEAL WITH and you think I'm burying my head in the sand, I'm not, but I know which battles I can fight with my meager ability

Title: Re: When Will JOG's head explode?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/12/12 at 19:08:11

& he said

I happen to think that the FED and the banking system is a natural human event, yes it's wrong and messed up, but if it was wiped out tomorrow, in 5 years it'd all be starting over again.  so I'm focusing my energies on things I CAN CHANGE AND DEAL WITH and you think I'm burying my head in the sand, I'm not, but I know which battles I can fight with my meager ability
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I happen to think that the FED and the banking system is a natural human event,

You think that w/o any knowledge of the system, who created it & why.
Its NOT natural, its a criminal establishment, & we are on our Third Central Bank,, An educated public will not allow it, get educated & help out,

Alone, none of us can change the things being done, together, we can take our country back, I will not accept what is happening gracefully, Its My JOB, as husband, Father, Man, to try to defeat evil & we are being assaulted by nothing short of Evil. Study Agenda 21, understand that the Global Elite always Tell their victims what they will do.. then look at the Georgia Guidestones & youll see the End Game goals. Agenda 21 is the step before that,,

Title: Re: When Will JOG's head explode?
Post by LostArtist on 07/12/12 at 19:35:17

JOG, being greedy and power hungry is natural human behavior, those are the foundation to the FED and banking systems, that's what you need to work on, otherwise you are treating the symptoms and not the disease

Title: Re: When Will JOG's head explode?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/12/12 at 19:48:46

The Fed exists thru LAW. It can be killed. Please, read these words carefully,, This is our THIRD central bank,, what does that mean to you?

It means a central bank has been KILLED Twice,, if the people had been more educated, maybe the 3rd one wouldnt have come to be, BUT, it passed, just before Christmas, with only 3 to vote for it,
No one wi9ll ever stop evil in the hearts of men, thats why we have the Big C, the Fed, regardless of what any Black Robed Bunch has said, Is Specifically UnConstitutional,. It needs killed.Its the TOOL by which the Greedy steal the fruits of our labor & ruin our future.

Title: Re: When Will JOG's head explode?
Post by ZAR on 07/12/12 at 20:36:30

Maybe I should keep my nose out of this but......Most everything JOG has presented is right on the money. But,like LostArtist I can see where there is little hope of changing the way things are....yet.

America was doomed to live like a gold-rush ghost town from the start. That is to say she rose up quickly....flared a brilliant light and will die just as quickly. Then She will be reborn much like the post apocolypse movies Mel Gibson was famous for. It's been proven throughout the ages that a Democracy can only survive for so long. When the number of people supporting the masses drops lower than the number of people being supported the time of anarchy is at hand.

Do I believe our government is involved in a mass conspiricy...hell yes I do. Do I believe I can change it? Hell no! but I can carry on the tradition of my forefathers in being learned and prepared to protect our precious rights and priviledges for the next version of these United States,no matter form She may take!

Maybe that makes me crazier than you thought JOG is...oh well...I'll slip back to my cave down by the secluded creek........

Title: Re: When Will JOG's head explode?
Post by LostArtist on 07/12/12 at 20:39:06

524D4B4C51566757675F4D410A380 wrote:
The Fed exists thru LAW. It can be killed. Please, read these words carefully,, This is our THIRD central bank,, what does that mean to you?

It means a central bank has been KILLED Twice,, if the people had been more educated, maybe the 3rd one wouldnt have come to be, BUT, it passed, just before Christmas, with only 3 to vote for it,
No one wi9ll ever stop evil in the hearts of men, thats why we have the Big C, the Fed, regardless of what any Black Robed Bunch has said, Is Specifically UnConstitutional,. It needs killed.Its the TOOL by which the Greedy steal the fruits of our labor & ruin our future.

it's our 3RD?? really?  what does that tell you?!  that even after two failed attempts they are still trying this stuff and still succeeding at having them!  if the Fed goes down, There will be a 4TH central bank.  

Title: Re: When Will JOG's head explode?
Post by Sam7.62 on 07/12/12 at 20:40:31

We are circling the drain. Its over, no turning back we lost is what it is. With that being said.  As long as you still have free porn, football,beer and walmart no one will care because those things make us free. I think there is even a post where someone said that.  

Title: Re: When Will JOG's head explode?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/12/12 at 20:43:11

73504C4B7E4D4B564C4B3F0 wrote:
[quote author=524D4B4C51566757675F4D410A380 link=1342125584/0#10 date=1342147726]The Fed exists thru LAW. It can be killed. Please, read these words carefully,, This is our THIRD central bank,, what does that mean to you?

It means a central bank has been KILLED Twice,, if the people had been more educated, maybe the 3rd one wouldnt have come to be, BUT, it passed, just before Christmas, with only 3 to vote for it,
No one wi9ll ever stop evil in the hearts of men, thats why we have the Big C, the Fed, regardless of what any Black Robed Bunch has said, Is Specifically UnConstitutional,. It needs killed.Its the TOOL by which the Greedy steal the fruits of our labor & ruin our future.

it's our 3RD?? really?  what does that tell you?!  that even after two failed attempts they are still trying this stuff and still succeeding at having them!  if the Fed goes down, There will be a 4TH central bank.  

Geeezus, seriously? NOT if YOU & the majority of America will say NO,, Why are you so willing to lay down & be walked on by criminals & ready to FIGHT someone trying to HELP you?>? Youre whats wrong with America,, Youre ready to fight with all your might against someone trying to get you to fight the people ruining America,,

Title: Re: When Will JOG's head explode?
Post by LostArtist on 07/12/12 at 20:43:38

584350020 wrote:
Maybe I should keep my nose out of this but......Most everything JOG has presented is right on the money. But,like LostArtist I can see where there is little hope of changing the way things are....yet.

America was doomed to live like a gold-rush ghost town from the start. That is to say she rose up quickly....flared a brilliant light and will die just as quickly. Then She will be reborn much like the post apocolypse movies Mel Gibson was famous for. It's been proven throughout the ages that a Democracy can only survive for so long. When the number of people supporting the masses drops lower than the number of people being supported the time of anarchy is at hand.

Do I believe our government is involved in a mass conspiricy...hell yes I do. Do I believe I can change it? Hell no! but I can carry on the tradition of my forefathers in being learned and prepared to protect our precious rights and priviledges for the next version of these United States,no matter form She may take!

Maybe that makes me crazier than you thought JOG is...oh well...I'll slip back to my cave down by the secluded creek........

there is NO changing things, this is life, the rich get their way, deal with it. This is how it is all over the world, all throughout time.  If you want to drop out of society and start your own commune go for it!  

Title: Re: When Will JOG's head explode?
Post by ZAR on 07/12/12 at 20:43:41

467478223B2327150 wrote:
We are circling the drain. Its over, no turning back we lost is what it is. With that being said.  As long as you still have free porn, football,beer and walmart no one will care because those things make us free. I think there is even a post where someone said that.  

Good points Sam! I've said for years that as long as the masses have all these things available and/or provided to them they care not what happens around them!

Title: Re: When Will JOG's head explode?
Post by LostArtist on 07/12/12 at 20:51:07

2B343235282F1E2E1E26343873410 wrote:
[quote author=73504C4B7E4D4B564C4B3F0 link=1342125584/0#12 date=1342150746][quote author=524D4B4C51566757675F4D410A380 link=1342125584/0#10 date=1342147726]The Fed exists thru LAW. It can be killed. Please, read these words carefully,, This is our THIRD central bank,, what does that mean to you?

It means a central bank has been KILLED Twice,, if the people had been more educated, maybe the 3rd one wouldnt have come to be, BUT, it passed, just before Christmas, with only 3 to vote for it,
No one wi9ll ever stop evil in the hearts of men, thats why we have the Big C, the Fed, regardless of what any Black Robed Bunch has said, Is Specifically UnConstitutional,. It needs killed.Its the TOOL by which the Greedy steal the fruits of our labor & ruin our future.

it's our 3RD?? really?  what does that tell you?!  that even after two failed attempts they are still trying this stuff and still succeeding at having them!  if the Fed goes down, There will be a 4TH central bank.  

Geeezus, seriously? NOT if YOU & the majority of America will say NO,, Why are you so willing to lay down & be walked on by criminals & ready to FIGHT someone trying to HELP you?>? Youre whats wrong with America,, Youre ready to fight with all your might against someone trying to get you to fight the people ruining America,,[/quote]

like the majority vote even matters, that's where you fail to see the reality, the majority of americans were against the bail outs of the banks and auto companies, the majority of americans were against obamacare, etc, etc, etc. . . .  

if the Fed goes away, in a few years time, it'll just come back, some crisis or something or another will come up and they will use that as an excuse to re-instate it.  

Title: Re: When Will JOG's head explode?
Post by LostArtist on 07/12/12 at 20:53:23

5A4152000 wrote:
[quote author=467478223B2327150 link=1342125584/0#13 date=1342150831]We are circling the drain. Its over, no turning back we lost is what it is. With that being said.  As long as you still have free porn, football,beer and walmart no one will care because those things make us free. I think there is even a post where someone said that.  

Good points Sam! I've said for years that as long as the masses have all these things available and/or provided to them they care not what happens around them!

and what exactly is happening to them??  they get to live a nice life and die a nice death without having to fight a revolutionary war. darn, that life just sucks

Title: Re: When Will JOG's head explode?
Post by Paraquat on 07/12/12 at 20:54:17

In my defense when I was saying let the gov't decide I was referencing the President's authority to assassinate US citizens without fair trial or even hearing what crimes they've been charged with.

But now you've got me on the list also!


Title: Re: When Will JOG's head explode?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/12/12 at 21:01:26

But dont resist, dont try to get others seeing whats happening, just accept it, its fate,,

But, what happened after Medieval times? Back when it was serfs & lords? What about OUR Constitution & Bill of Rights? Am I supposed to just sit back & wait to be taken out? OUR economy is in the tank, OUr people are suffering, & the answer I get is

Ohh well,, greedy people have been around forever,

DUDE, these people are destroying the future for our Kids, & your answer is,, Ohhh,, dont worry,, just have fun,,do what you enjoy, dont sweat it,,

OUt Fore Fathers Sweated it & thats WHY we had the freedom we HAD. & unless people are simply oblivious to reality, they can SEE the change in America since we were kids..

Change doesnt always have to be painful for the People,, we CAN make changes that go BACK toward when WE had it better,,  

Title: Re: When Will JOG's head explode?
Post by WD on 07/13/12 at 07:17:50

JOG, you're going to be hard pressed to change anyone's beliefs. The country has been on a down hill slide for decades and the vast majority does not and will not give a $hit one way or the other. Surely you've noticed that apathy is our true national past time? Closely followed by indifference, sloth, greed...

I've known many older folks over the years who grew up in the Reich, watched the post-war Communist take over and managed to come here only to see the same thing being repeated. It's going to take a generation or two before people look around and say "what the f**k happened to us"...

People here are coddled, lulled into a false sense of personal security/liberty. You're just going to have to let the other shoe drop before something is done about it.

Title: Re: When Will JOG's head explode?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/13/12 at 07:46:32

Im hoping others will stop buying into the lies weve been taught. Im hoping theyll listen to these interviews. The first step was to offer history students help with their schooling, IF they would go along with Teaching History the way they were told. The infection spread. Where we are headed is pure tyranny. TSA is growing, The Goobs have bought millions of 40 cal Hollowpoint, not even used in battle., & no one uses hollowpoints for target practice, The gooba have bought portable, bulletproof guard shacks to install on highways,There are checkpoints already used , miles from the border, & Americans are being stopped & forced to Present their Papers,,

“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?... The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If...if...We didn't love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation.... We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”
[ch8213] Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn

And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation.... We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”

But now, we Have information, & there are people out there, trying to get others to look at it, Its Not a series of mistakes, there is an agenda & we have been told what it is, by the people who are carrying it out,
They Have to tell us what they plan to do to us. When they let it out, clue here, clue there, & the masses dont add 2 + 2 & see whats happening, when its RIGHT there in front of them, then the Elite look at that as proof the Dumb Masses are no smarter than animals & dont deserve to be treated any better than animals, they see us the way my Grampa saw his 5 or 6 Black Angus.

GMO foods cause sterility by the third generation. Its Right There in front of us, but we buy that crap & feed it to our kids.
gmo sterility 3rd generation hair growing in mouth

Ohh, yea, I fergotted,, Hair Growing in the critters MOuth,, lovely, ehh?

Read whats on the Georgia Guidestones, understand there really Are eugenicists in decision making positions. Bammy's own "Science Czar" is one,

Title: Re: When Will JOG's head explode?
Post by thumperclone on 07/13/12 at 10:17:15

what do you do with the rest if your time,is there anything that makes you happy?
what do you do to escape the madness,man you're going to drive yourself into an early grave.
stop and smell the roses,look for something thats right with the world..
peace to you man

didnt mick end up moving on a farm,me thinks hes too busy with livin than findin the conspiracies he used to post about

Title: Re: When Will JOG's head explode?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/13/12 at 10:28:55

Ive got more to do than I can get done,, My health is lousy. Its given me time to look at things I wouldnt have ever had time to look into.
Ive been outside getting ready to set the compressor we got over a year ago,, I havenbt been able to get to it,,

Too much is made of "Be Happy",, I wont live in a fools paradise, pretending things are okay when I KNOW better,.,
& things werent always like this, our country was founded by people who fought for whats right, Pretending we are all just helplessly floating along with no way to take control is what I am fighting against,
Some here are willing to accept things as they are, becxause fighting to change them wont stop things from going bad again,,

Do Not Eat Again, Youll just get hungry again, so whats the use?

Title: Re: When Will JOG's head explode?
Post by Boule’tard on 07/13/12 at 12:30:11

There was a time not too long ago when I was almost exactly like Justin (minus the conspiracy stuff).  Basically an alarmist  libertarian. I would read every single article that came by on among other sites, and get all riled up about the government outrage du jour.

I'd post on several web forums alerting people to this or that government wrong, and what can we do about it. I sent an embarrassing amount of money to Ron Paul and the libertarian party, both national and Texas.  I sent money to pay for liberty-minded lawyers to help get activists out of trouble. I'd always make a scene at jury duty selection, passing out FIJA flyers instead of being of any value in resolving the dispute.  I donated to freedom-minded radio stations, podcasters, bloggers, to help get the word out. I set up a silver based trading system for libertarians to use, cutting US currency totally out of the loop. I joined the Free State Project, a failed attempt to concentrate libertarians in one small area (New Hampshire) and at least get government rolled back there, setting an example of how "liberty works" and once we'd prospered beyond all belief, the rest of the country would follow suit, ha hah.

After seeing all that amount to exactly Jack Crap, I decided to take back my life.  I had expected a certain amount of frustration. After all, things move slowly, and it would be unrealistic to expect a significant change from the time of being all gung-ho.. to burned out. The main thing that put me off liberty activism is the sheer number of kooks, liars, thieves, and talkers out there, who are ostensibly on our side, but do nothing but embarrass us.. JEEZ! I am so done with helping them.

Justin, hopefully you will one day decide that you too have done enough, for life. Get off the cigarettes, off the computer, get more exercise and give your health a fighting chance. Then maybe you'll have the vitality to do things that will actually help you, like huffing that compressor into place or expanding your vegetable garden. Focus on your OWN life and the things you CAN change. I guarantee you everything else will amount to nothing, except maybe lining the pockets of a few attention whores.

I wish I'd taken all that "liberty" time and money and not been the proverbial slave to liberty.  I should have spent it on a gym membership and workouts, a master's degree, and fixing up my house. Not my metaphorical house that is the social/political structure that surrounds me, I mean my actual house.  The one I shouldn't have neglected while screwing off with USELESS internet politics.  See, that would have done MORE for the cause of liberty, because of the way people make associations between intelligence, good looks, general success, and a person's philosophy. The saying "be the change you want to see in the world" is more than good advice.. it's all you SHOULD do. Just be a healthy, intelligent, successful libertarian.

That doesn't mean liberty won't tickle your palms now and then.  You'll still want to screw off on the internet and post up your opinions. Obviously, I still do. But you're way overboard, dude. You are obviously getting upset about things you have no chance of changing. It is putting miles on your heart. Don't let it put any more miles on your heart.

Title: Re: When Will JOG's head explode?
Post by LostArtist on 07/13/12 at 15:37:39

though I will give JOG this, at least it's not the same old partisan BS that's the usual fair we get sometimes.  

Title: Re: When Will JOG's head explode?
Post by Starlifter on 07/13/12 at 20:50:34

"When the number of people supporting the masses drops lower than the number of people being supported the time of anarchy is at hand." -ZAR

Whoa ZAR, you have this ass backward....The masses are supporting the rich elitists 1%ers at the top of the food chain. When the masses wake up to this fact, then Anarchy / Revolution will be at hand.

"What about OUR Constitution & Bill of Rights?" -JOG

...Yeah, what about it? They didn't apply to the slaves, the very people who wrote "All men are created equal" were the very elitists who owned slaves.

See, now we are the slaves and the elitists still own us...and it's getting worse...we are the Jews and the elitists are the Nazis.

What can we do about it?? pretty much not a dam* thing.

Elections? Political process? Meh, mere distractions...something for people to play with and argue about while the evil greedy vulture Capitalists who run this country go about their money and power grubbing business.

You think Bush was REALLY elected president?? Twice??? You think they DIDN'T want Obama to win??

There was an old popular song from the 40's that went "Enjoy yourself, it's later than you think".

And so I am with Boule on this. He will live his life as a Libertarian, and I will live mine as a Liberal. We will each vote as such and stick to our core values, principals, and beliefs.

But not one dime to any of them and their "causes"!

They are hucksters! Carnival barkers!

And I say live life as if it's your last day on earth (it could be). Release all of that tension, let go of all of that frustration, and be thankful for your food, your home, your health, and your loved ones. It's all you have and it's all that matters.

Title: Re: When Will JOG's head explode?
Post by Midnightrider on 07/13/12 at 23:13:20

 I stand up for JOG. He's not a crazy soapbox preacher holding up a sign screaming the end is near. I believe he's pretty much dead on. When he makes a statement he backs it up with written print, Most of it is news articles and books written by some very intelligent men. When I have the time I follow his links. Most people on this thread have already admitted they're too involved with their daily lives to give a fat rat's a$$, but you have plenty of time to make fun and critisize him.. It will take enough of us becoming homeless and hungry before we realise we were too stupid and involved to much with our own daily lives to do anything about it. I'd rather listen to JOG anyday than any politician. The man has done his research well, and he stands up for what he believes in. It doesnt matter who I vote for, they're not gonna represent me. The only thing Obama has done that W wouldnt have is the Health Care Bill. The Pubs have been for that all the way back to their hero Ronald Reagan.Romney's against it but he declared it law in his own state, come om give me a break.. Obama's one of the best Republican President's we've ever had, there's just still too much prejudice in this country. He continued the bailout and continued the war as long as Bush was going to. Remember all the freedoms we were going to lose when he was elected and the big rush to buy guns and ammo , LOL. Bush took our freedom away with the Patriot Act. What freedom has Obama taken away from you? I'm not praising Obama, I'm just trying to convince you that there's not but one party now and as George Carlin said brother none of us are in it. George Carlin said "they're gonna get your retirement, they're gonna get your Social Security.  Its called The American Dream because now you have to be asleep to believe it". They got my retirement right before I was scheduled to use it, dont believe it cant happen too you like  I did.They make Gov programs look bad because a low percentage of minorities abuse them, so lets do away with the whole program. Do some investigating (as JOG has done) on where all our foreign aid money is going. Most of it consist of paying Haliburton a million dollars to build a $50,000 building overseas. The foreign counties do NOT get our money, the Wall St boys do. We humans are complacent animals, it will take a large diaster for things to change. History has taught us that. For those of you genuinely concerned about JOG's health such as Bouletard, thank you. For those of you making fun of JOG if you live long enough your days coming. Mines already started. JOG has the guts to stand up for what he believes in and the intelligence to back it up. I dont agree with every single word he says but he has a much better explanation for the way things are now and the direction we are headed in than any politician. I got a letter from Virginia Fox last week on why the rich should not be taxed. I actually voted for her because she is a family friend and she promised to represent me. What made her change her mind? Why do I, a disabled American who worked hard and paid my fair share for 37 years have to  pay taxes but the rich should not have to? Personally I like JOG's explanation on why the rich are not gonna be taxed a lot better than her explanation, its a lot more believable. JOG's explanation explains in detail why she changed her mind once she got in office. For those of you who think's Justin is crazy I kinda feel sorry for you, especially your children. For those of you who claim to be a Christian you need to spend less time critisizing Justin and spend more time with your Bibles. Check out that last book called Revelatiuon. Justin is a modern day Paul Revere, The Illuminati, the New World Order, whatever you wanna call them, they're not only coming, they are here. Been here a long time. Jimmy Carter wasnt nothing but a dumb ol southern peanut farmer president who found out how powererless he was once he got in office. That's the public opinion of him, not mine. Go to You Tube and watch his farewell address. He tells with amazing uncanny accuracy where this country is headed and what our lives will become. They've been here a long time and there's a lot more of em and they keep getting stronger everyday. Thanks Justin. Job Well Done!

Title: Re: When Will JOG's head explode?
Post by WD on 07/14/12 at 05:24:57

I appreciate what Justin is trying to accomplish. And I check most of the links he posts up. Plus have my own sources that I haven't put up here, because you guys do not need to get painted with "that" brush. Trust me, once you get labeled as a fascist or national socialist, your life isn't worth anything in this country.

I just don't want to come on here one day and see a post from Serow or someone else that Justin keeled over and we've got another hole in the forum family.

JOG, I highly recommend you read the booklet Nazi-Soci. It's a bit hard to find but well worth the effort. Everything you're saying about the here and now was said 75+ years ago about the there and then. When the party was still just a minor fish in a large pond.

Title: Re: When Will JOG's head explode?
Post by WebsterMark on 07/14/12 at 06:00:43

Midnight; i read your post and while there's a lot of stuff in there, this part stood out:
I got a letter from Virginia Fox last week on why the rich should not be taxed. I actually voted for her because she is a family friend and she promised to represent me. What made her change her mind? Why do I, a disabled American who worked hard and paid my fair share for 37 years have to pay taxes but the rich should not have to?

I googled around and could quickly find the letter she sent saying the 'rich' should not be taxed. Do you have that?

Title: Re: When Will JOG's head explode?
Post by WebsterMark on 07/14/12 at 06:23:41

In reading Midnight’s post, and it got me to thinking again that I have almost nothing in common with the majority of those that post on here.

I have a golfing buddy who owns his own business. His father started it and Greg began working there in high school, thru collage and stayed with it. His father died and he took it over. Puts in 60 – 70 hours a week sometimes. 5- 10 employees depending upon the season.  He’s got a big fat house in the burbs, couple SUV etc.. .you get the picture.

We were talking politics the other day and he’s furious at Hopey-change’s tax plan. As an LLC company, his revenue is well over 200,000 (maybe a million, I don’t know, didn’t ask) but his net profit is certainly not that much. He already pays literally over hundred thousand dollars in taxes a year on average.

Here’s the difference between us. I look at him and say good for Greg. Many of you on here look at him and are envious, it’s not fair etc... I see his tax bill and say, holy crap, no one should have to pay $100,000 in taxes, many of you look at him and say he ‘owes’ more, that he’s not paying his ‘fair share’.

I don’t understand most of you guys. It’s like you’re speaking Greek sometimes. Why are you so envious of someone else’s success?

Title: Re: When Will JOG's head explode?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/14/12 at 06:31:05

He is a small businessman, overburdened by the goobs. Large corporations design the system, its designed to crush the small businessman,

Title: Re: When Will JOG's head explode?
Post by Drifter on 07/14/12 at 07:34:21

Today!!!!   ;D

Title: Re: When Will JOG's head explode?
Post by WebsterMark on 07/14/12 at 07:51:39

He is a small businessman, overburdened by the goobs. Large corporations design the system, its designed to crush the small businessman,

That's not true JOG. A small business may turn into a large corporation if they've got a good enough product and are managed correctly. Those large corporations will then try to keep market share by beating their competition which now includes what they used to be, a small business. It's not a 'designed system' in the manner you make it sound. Apple was a garage company, but is now a multi-national corporation who will try to put out of business the next garage company. And they'll succeed until someone beats them.

This guy doesn't fear his competitors like he fears the government.

Title: Re: When Will JOG's head explode?
Post by Starlifter on 07/14/12 at 10:57:54

Midnight, an Excellent post!

Title: Re: When Will JOG's head explode?
Post by Serowbot on 07/14/12 at 10:58:01

I have a golfing buddy who owns his own business. His father started it and Greg began working there in high school, thru collage and stayed with it. His father died and he took it over. Puts in 60 – 70 hours a week sometimes. 5- 10 employees depending upon the season.  He’s got a big fat house in the burbs, couple SUV etc.. .you get the picture.

So sorry to hear that yer' buddy, the golfer with the big fat house and SUV's, might be inconvenienced by a few % tax to save lives...
Tell him if he's too tired from those 70hr work weeks at the company he was born into owning..... to lay off the golf...  
So Marie Antoinette...
You boys have a good cry together over how you'll have to stiff the caddy to afford martini's after the game...
I feel your pain... ;D...

Title: Re: When Will JOG's head explode?
Post by Starlifter on 07/14/12 at 11:04:07

;D ;D ;D I feel it too  ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: When Will JOG's head explode?
Post by WebsterMark on 07/14/12 at 11:33:27

You two idiots prove my point; I don't recognize the world you live in.

Who the hell are you to decide you have the right to reach even deeper into someone’s pocket? Half the country is nothing but crybaby moochers unable to fend for themselves anymore.

Title: Re: When Will JOG's head explode?
Post by bill67 on 07/14/12 at 11:41:57

If giving the rich tax breaks that help their businesses why are there so many poor people out of work.

Title: Re: When Will JOG's head explode?
Post by Midnightrider on 07/14/12 at 11:42:54

536166777061764965766F040 wrote:
Midnight; i read your post and while there's a lot of stuff in there, this part stood out:
I got a letter from Virginia Fox last week on why the rich should not be taxed. I actually voted for her because she is a family friend and she promised to represent me. What made her change her mind? Why do I, a disabled American who worked hard and paid my fair share for 37 years have to pay taxes but the rich should not have to?

I googled around and could quickly find the letter she sent saying the 'rich' should not be taxed. Do you have that?

Web it was a email response she sent out on her reply to the Buffet Bill. I deleted it immediately but I'm sure her office would send you a copy. It contained the same old job creation BS that worked great 30 years ago but no longer works and never will again.

Title: Re: When Will JOG's head explode?
Post by Serowbot on 07/14/12 at 12:22:05

566463727564734C60736A010 wrote:
You two idiots prove my point; I don't recognize the world you live in.

Well,.. there are no golf games with millionaires in my world...
... but there are good people like 360, being financially crippled by no fault of their own...
Stay in your own world.... it's better there...

... it just wouldn't hurt to open your eyes a little...

Title: Re: When Will JOG's head explode?
Post by Midnightrider on 07/14/12 at 12:39:35

Web none of this is personal attacks on you. I glad you and your friends have what you have. I'm mad at whats been taken away from me. I had a good retirement that was taken away from me. I'm now disabled because the greatest health care system in the world destroyed my health. Next time you're in Mooreville let me know. I'll ride down there and buy your lunch. Kurt Busch is building a new shop right behind where my son works. Mick and I are still great friends because we agreed to disagree on religion. Most of my friends disagree with me politically because back in the 90's I had it all, 5 European Motorcycles, new sports car, jet ski, jet boat, you get the picture. I was bringing in over a quarter of a million dollars a week for the company I worked for. If you're not familiar with Louis Gertsner (dont know if the spelling is correct) find out what he did at IBM to their retirement plan. My company hired him immediately after that to do the same to my retirement plan. There was so much money in my company's retirement plan it was paying all the bills off the interest, but alas the greedy SOB's had to get their filthy hands on that billion dollars. They decided they needed six mansions instead of three. You get the picture. That's what I'm mad about, I've about gotten over it and the longer I live the more I realise I'm still blessed and I try to enjoy what little health I have left, my friends and my family. I mainly post on this forum to warn others, I too at one time didnt believe it. Web the only way you'll piss me off is if you dont get in touch with me next time you're in Mooresville and let me buy your lunch, I love meeting people on the forum. I dont give a fat rats a$$ what their political views are, I concentrate on what we have in common and its great to put a face and real personality to the people I communicate with on this forum. Web my Dad is right where you're at politically and we get along great. I had to unload because because I got tired of people hammering Justin, the man is a true patriot, he's not crazy and I wish I had the time and the health to be as dedicated to his country as he is. Look forward to meeting you!

Title: Re: When Will JOG's head explode?
Post by heroicseven on 07/14/12 at 12:57:56

Seems to me the class warfare needs to come to an end. Taxing the moderately afluent makes it more difficult to maintain such a lifestyle,, but more importantly more dificult to attain. I would like the ability to own nice things in a nice place with a sense of security. Taxes imho need to go up on those making millions on less than laborious work primarily the financial sector where monies are made by guys in suits based on the quality work done by men with blue collars. A guy making 200k net or gross is not making jack nuts compared to the banks milking interest off his loans. And while it seems like 200k is a healthy income, the elite view it as making minimum wage 200k is what they spend on a new vehicle like a rolls royce, aston martin etc. so if taxes are due, they are due from the top down, a trickle down of sorts.

Aside from taxes. CUT SPENDING!!!! ;)

Title: Re: When Will JOG's head explode?
Post by Midnightrider on 07/14/12 at 14:07:17

Class warfare hasnt even got started yet. The military is spending billions developing microwaves that will mow us all down. Vote for whoever you want to and see if they cut spending? Its a great idea but Dream On. Its all a big game, its rigged and we're not gonna win.

Title: Re: When Will JOG's head explode?
Post by WebsterMark on 07/14/12 at 15:05:56

Midnight; none of my post were directed at you. I have two sparing partners here, Sew and Star; who as far as I can tell, are pretty clueless as far as how wealth is created and spread across the population. I don't know what their work histories are, but I have no intention of handing more of my money over to leaches like this without a fight.

I'm not going to defend the Jon Corizine's of the world. There are crooks who steal a dime and crooks that steal a billion. But this system has made us the wealthiest, healthiest, and most generous nation in history. Everything has a shelve life I realize, but I’m in no hurry to see this one expire.

i wish you all the luck in getting past this health issue. On a side note: i had a customer who used my fire resistant fiber in the door liners of several NASCAR team cars. His shop is right next to Lowe's speedway in N. Charlotte. I got to give a presentation in the hall of fame room there once and not being a nascar fan, i didn't think it that big of a deal, but this guy was stunned! It was kinda funny! He wanted me to take pictures!

Title: Re: When Will JOG's head explode?
Post by Serowbot on 07/14/12 at 15:48:48

122027363120370824372E450 wrote:
I have no intention of handing more of my money over to leaches like this without a fight

Those darn people, fighting cancer, pneumonia, heart failure, and other stuff, can do it on their own dime!...
I have better things to do with my money...
I really like golf...   >:( ...

Title: Re: When Will JOG's head explode?
Post by Midnightrider on 07/14/12 at 16:58:09

Web, Star is a Viet Nam Veteran who  served his country and served his country well for many, many years. He did things I couldnt have begin to stomach.  The rest of it is his business but the man should be admired for what he did for this country and he has every right to his opinion, maybe moreso than the rest of us. He probably has more service to this country than anyone else on this forum.  I do all I can behind the scenes to find out all I can about the people I'm communicating with on this forum. When I'm sick I spend a lot of time here and if at all possible I try to meet forum members whenever possible. I had the honor of meeting Precher Mike a few weeks ago. He was in my neck of the woods and crashed for a night at my house. He's everything and more you would expect him to be. I made another friend for life. We didnt talk politics, talked a little about religion but overall we had a great time and I hated to see him leave the next day. My wife and I are looking forward to him visiting again sometime in the near future. There's a lot of talk in the Cafe about we're all a big family and in a lot of ways its true. All you guys keep me busy and entertained when I'm ill, we all pull together when there's a catrastophe like Skat and so on. All the other thumper forums are pretty much dead, this is what keeps ours alive. I sold my Savage a couple of months ago and I've got a Ninja with stopped up carbs because I'm to weak to ride it but I'm still gonna hang out with you guys until I get run off. I rode witrh the gang at Deal's gap 2 years ago when I was able and I had a ball and I liked each and every one of them. I've ridden with Serenity, raced RC Cars with weracerc, spent quality time with Preacher Mike and I liked each and everyone I've met on this forum. Wish I could spend some time with Star, he has a hell of a story and I would love to hear a lot more about it but my travels are limited. I consider Bot the class clown and he does everything he can do to inject humor in our daily lives and he does it well. I look forward to his off the wall daily post. Bot's does a great job of keeping the Cafe going and entertaining and I thank him for that.. Web I'm sure there's people in your family who probably disagree with you politically but you still love and respect them. You gotta look at this forum like that, if not it will die like all the rest. Valuable info will be lost forever, friendships will come to an end. Personal attacks should come to an end and we should all act like grown men. If we come to a standoff on a paticular topic lets all agree to disagree and move on to the next. This isnt a courtroom, its a forum. The personal attacks on Justin and the people who refuse to take the time to study his research but continue to make derogatory remarks about him was a little more than my medication would allow, thats why I had to cut loose.

Title: Re: When Will JOG's head explode?
Post by Midnightrider on 07/14/12 at 17:18:13

7660776A72676A71050 wrote:
[quote author=122027363120370824372E450 link=1342125584/45#45 date=1342303556]I have no intention of handing more of my money over to leaches like this without a fight

Those darn people, fighting cancer, pneumonia, heart failure, and other stuff, can do it on their own dime!...
I have better things to do with my money...
I really like golf...   >:( ...
The Pubs were for it too, why does anyone think a pub loaded Supreme Court voted for it. It goes all the way back to their hereo Ronald Reagan, he was for it along with George H Bush, Mitt Romney and I could name many more PUBs. They're all well paid actors who get together after the show, have a drink and laugh about it all. They didnt have the body for pro wrestling so they became politicians. Aint worth getting excited about because it was all decided many years ago. Its a prewritten script, well paid actors.  Now its all the Black guy from Kenya's fault, couldnt have picked a better distraction.

Title: Re: When Will JOG's head explode?
Post by Starlifter on 07/14/12 at 18:20:05

Thank you Midnight for yet another kind, generous and insightful post. You have been through much and yet you came out the other side with kindness, humility, and an overall attitude that is so admirable that few if any of us here could emulate under the same circumstances.

I truly hope that we can indeed meet in person some day. :D

Title: Re: When Will JOG's head explode?
Post by Midnightrider on 07/14/12 at 22:16:50

Star there's nothing special about me, the docs have been experimenting with my meds for years. Maybe they're getting closer  ;D

Title: Re: When Will JOG's head explode?
Post by Serowbot on 07/14/12 at 22:32:33

Midnight,...   Closer to what?... :-?...
I say... "the only good meds,... are the good meds"...  ;D.
...(that may be the first time I ever quoted Rush L.)... :-?...

PS....Peace to you, Midnight... hope you are still able to play your guitar?...
I've been learning to mod amps...  I can now balance and bias tubes.... convert balance bias to fixed bias, a recap,... blackface a silverface,... 3-prong convert... and do a tremolo mod that melts glass...
... and I haven't blown myself up, yet...(.. but, there's still time) ;D...

Title: Re: When Will JOG's head explode?
Post by Midnightrider on 07/14/12 at 22:48:11

All those nice things Star said about me, maybe I'm finally doing the right drugs LOL. Cant play but about 15 minutes and my hands start swelling. I have two Silverface 1972 Super Reverbs, wish we lived closer I'd let you play with them. They're almost mint, original Jensens and all. I'm saving them for my grandsons. There's a young kid I helped get started several years back and he's now touring with Artemus Pyle, the original drummer for Lynard Skynard. They're doing a show in a 500 seat nightclub in Greensboro next month and they want me to get up on stage and help close the show with Freebird. If I'm able to pull it off my wife will video it. I've met Artemus several times now. They stop by here when he comes through town. He's 62 years old, in great shape and wide a$$ open. You would almost think he's popping Black Beauty's hanging out with him but I've never seen him drink over one beer. He's told me some great stories, he joined the Marine Corp and was stationed here at Camp Lejune. He was a small little southern hick and his last name was Pyle, you can just imagine what he went through in the Marines LOL. He's told me of what he remembers of the plane crash, how he was pieced back together and told he would probably never be able to play again. That Doc didnt know what he was talking about, Artemus is as good as ever. I'm selling off most of my guitar collection, the market's bad right now and I let a piece or two go when I can get a halfway decent price for it. I'm keeping probably five of my favorites, if I'm never able to play them my grandsons will get them. I've bought and sold guitars all my life and the ones I'm keeping are very special pieces. I have a prototype Strat, Fender built 10 of them. The one I have was given to Stevie Ray. My son has it now. I was blessed with talent and a few times being in the right place at the right time. I got to open for Jimmy Buffet and the Allman Bros, but that chapter in my life is pretty much over. Its mainly family and friends now and thats the way its supposed to be. Good amp techs are in high demand, learn all you can. Tube amps will never die. I have several vintage tubes, no telling how much they're worth. They've been trying my whole lifetime to make a solid state amp sound lke a tube but it aint gonna happen. The last 2 years I gigged I played an all handwired handbuilt tube amp built by a guy from Wilmington NC named Michael Swart. He has a website, check out his work if you get a chance. My amp has this 3D sound where the guitar sounds like its coming from you in all directions, its incredible. Tube driven reverb and tremelo. Even if I never play again I'll die with that amp. Tube stereos are making a comeback since the rcord companies have started printing vinyl again. They run anywhere from$2000 to the sky is the limit. I'm not a big fan of CD's. With what little hearing I have left they sound like a tinny recording to me. I'd much rather hear warm rich sounding tape or vinyl and put up with a little background hiss. I guess all this qualifies me to be an old geezer. I'm just glad I'm able to hang around long enough to become a full fledged member of the old geezer club LOL.

Title: Re: When Will JOG's head explode?
Post by WebsterMark on 07/15/12 at 06:11:56

Web, Star is a Viet Nam Veteran who  served his country and served his country well for many, many years. He did things I couldnt have begin to stomach.  The rest of it is his business but the man should be admired for what he did for this country and he has every right to his opinion

Midnight; I'm not dissing his service and I tip my hat to all who served, but I'm not going to bestowe a lifetime honor achievement award because of it. His opinions of the country are what's going to destroy it if some of us can't find a way to stop him and the rest of his ilk. I just have to believe there are not very many fools like him around; can’t be. Somebody’s gotta work to make all this money they want to give away, somebody’s got to make real decisions when evil confronts us, there’s gotta be adults around somewhere, ain’t there?....

Title: Re: When Will JOG's head explode?
Post by Midnightrider on 07/15/12 at 11:51:01

Web, Stars and Sew's opinion isnt doing anything to harm this country,its just opinions. I said it before this isnt a court of law, its a forum. Star has seen the darkest evil side of this country that exist. He's experienced firsthand the death and destruction Washington can dish out, all in the name of freedom. Nobody's any more free than they were but the Wall St boys made billions.Web you're where I was at 20 years ago and I hope and pray things continue to go well for you. I believe you have a good business head on your shoulders and you've worked hard and deserve what you have. There's beginning to be way too many people out there like me getting screwed by the system that we paid into that promised to take care of them in times of need. There was to much money available and the greedy bastards in charge just had to get their hands on it. They're coming after my Social Securioty now and they'll get it. There's already talk of it in Washington just as  Ronald Reagan started talking National Health Care during his administration and it was slowly but surely set up behind our backs until the right fall guy was elected president. All this is done behind our backs and we have absolutely no say at all. We're led to believe by well paid actors there is a two party system but brother it just aint so. Web your Republican Supreme Court made the health care system law. Think about it. No one else has, its all the Black guy from Kenya's fault LOL. If all the PUBS were dead set against it like they led you to believe why did they pass it into law. The Supreme Court sat in their chambers playing poker and telling jokes while they were suppose to be debating the law LOL. We're free because we can vote, its nothing but a scam. If Romney does get elected you have my word Health Care will not be done away with. Any voter should no he doesnt have the power. He's the worst actor and the biggest liar the PUBS have ever placed up there, its almost like they're setting theirselves up to lose. They could be, we have no idea what goes on behind our backs in Washington, or do we? Web I'm throwing this out here just to give you something to think about. I'm not trying to change your mind or anger you. We all have a right to our own opinions. We also have the responsibilty of acting like adults. We should be allowed to voice our opinions without repercussion or anger. We should also act like brothers, letting our differences slide and concentrating more on what we have in common, especially in times of need. Web, may God bless you a whole lot more!

Title: Re: When Will JOG's head explode?
Post by WebsterMark on 07/16/12 at 05:34:57

I'm not even sure where or how to start a reply to all that Midnight so I’ll just leave it for the most part.

One value of this forum is a reinforcement that my beliefs and concepts of how this country should be are spot on. When I read some of the absolute liberal gobblygook nonsense on here that passes for reasoning, it's scary. No wonder an idiot like Hopey-change got elected…

But I don’t think it’s going to happen twice. It’s time for an adult to take back the reins and kick this guy to the curb, or the lecture circuit. Gee, he’s going to be the most embarrassing ex-President since Jimmy Carter…. Which is fitting since he was the most embarrassing President of all time.

Conservative ideology will eventually carry the day. If disaster happens and it doesn’t, we’re screwed along with the rest of the world because you can print money for a while, but sooner or later it catches up with you. this might come as a shock to liberals, but somebody's gotta work in this world. Can't go on mooching forever...

Title: Re: When Will JOG's head explode?
Post by bill67 on 07/16/12 at 08:56:34

Mitt will put the illegal Mexicans to work making less than minimum wage.Thats who he has doing his lawn mowing.He does put people to work.

Title: Re: When Will JOG's head explode?
Post by Midnightrider on 07/16/12 at 10:44:03

Web nothings gonna change if Mitt gets elected. Health Care is here to stay, we're bankrupt and its gonna continue to get worse. Mitt might cut a Gov. Program or to that doest add up to .001% of the national debt, but its all just for showbusiness. I just was reading while ago the Drug Companies that you're always standing up for have been fined billions for illegal activities. There's still small businessmen like you out there making an honest living and doing what they can to help the economy but by and by the whole system is corrupt and if there's not a major change we're doomed. I'm not preaching revolution because we'll be mowed down in the streets by microwaves the gov. is spending billions on developing. They're developing them for in their words terrorist. I'm sure since Bush's Patriot Act JOG and I are on the terrorist list LOL. There is a peaceful solution to get this country back on its feet and headed in the right direction, but the American people are going to have to realise whats going on behind their backs, they're going to have to realise that career politicians have created this almost irreversable mess  that this country is in now. The rich are going to have to pay their fair share of taxes like the average citizen. The two party system is going to have to become just that, right now its nothing but a pro wrestling match. Warren Buffet's tax plan was the most fair thing to reach Wasington in the last decade but look at what my dear friend Virginia Fox and her constituents are trying to do to it. Warren also has a plan to put a stop to carreer politicians and the millions they rake in with gov. retirement plans and benefits. This is coming from one of the richest men in the world who genuinely concerned about his country. He's upset his secretary is having to pay a higher pecentage rate in taxes than he does. I'll print his plan on a later post tonight, right now got some honeydo's to take care of.

Title: Re: When Will JOG's head explode?
Post by WebsterMark on 07/16/12 at 16:14:32

Again, a lot of 'stuff' in there, but...

The rich are going to have to pay their fair share of taxes like the average citizen.

What are you talking about?!!! What do you consider a fair share? The ‘rich’ pay the vast, vast majority of all taxes now. What more do you want? Isn’t a pound of flesh enough?

I'll print his plan on a later post tonight, right now got some honeydo's to take care of.
Don’t bother, I know his plan. Do a few more honeydo's.

Title: Re: When Will JOG's head explode?
Post by Midnightrider on 07/16/12 at 17:21:55

Thats just it Web, its your way or the highway. If you can explain to me why its fair for Buffets secreatary to have to pay a higher percentage of taxes than one of the richest men in the world, I'll listen but you cant. The rich need to pay their fair pecentage just like everyone else does, shut the hell up and consider it the cost of doing business in this country that allows them to so. Reagan's dead and long gone and so are his politics. This is 2012 brother and your ways no longer work. The rich no longer contribute to this country, other than the yachting business. One of the major yacht business's is 5 years behind on their ten million dollar boats. Web how old are you? Do some checking and see what the rich were paying in taxes when your parents were providing for you and when this country was the greatest it has ever been. It was 50% when Reagan was POTUS. No ones asking for that, they're asking for 30% . If you dont think thats fair you need to run for office. I was paying around that and making a hell of a lot less than a million a year when I was working. I truly hope you and your business continues to prosper but you're on a forum where people put aside and scrape for months to buy a 7 or $800 used motorcycle and you refuse to see the other side and call us crazy. I can see your side of it, been there, done that, have a few Ducati T shirts left over. I have two honest hard working brothers who diligently searched for a job for 2 years, they're not there because your Wall St boys sent them all overseas. There's miilions of people in this country just like my brothers. You can go back the last 50 years and there's 5% of the population that isnt going to work ever. The rest of the country isnt what you claim it to be.

Title: Re: When Will JOG's head explode?
Post by bill67 on 07/16/12 at 17:45:38

It seems to me that after world war 2 that the rich were paying up to 90% taxes,We have been at war a lot longer than we were in world war 2.So the rich should pay 90% till we pay off our debt to make our country great again.

Title: Re: When Will JOG's head explode?
Post by WebsterMark on 07/16/12 at 18:06:37

Thats just it Web, its your way or the highway. If you can explain to me why its fair for Buffets secreatary to have to pay a higher percentage of taxes than one of the richest men in the world, I'll listen but you cant

okay, here you go. I'll take you at your word that you'll listen....

When Buffet says he’s taxed at 15% and she at 35%, he’s saying this because doesn’t take a salary, he collects his income off capital gains. When he sells stocks, he makes income this way and the tax rate is 15%. This is because the income used to invest was already taxed as income, at 35 – 50%.
When his secretary pays 35% tax, she’s paying income tax. If Buffet’s investments dropped to zero and he had no investments to cash in and he needed money, he could pay himself a salary from his company, which would be taxed at 35% or perhaps more depending on how much he paid himself.

So the idea that Buffet pays less tax than his secretary is absolute BS and you fell for it like many others.

By the way, if his secretary really is paying 35%, her income is between 200 – $500,000 annually.

Title: Re: When Will JOG's head explode?
Post by LostArtist on 07/16/12 at 19:09:33

less in percentage, not less in actual amount, which I know, people like you who only like to deal in absolutes don't care about, but that's how you compare things like this

the false argument is that "cutting taxes is good for the economy" which is complete BS, now I agree that taxes shouldn't be raised right now, but we could look at tax "Loopholes" and the such and determine what we would like to get rid of and what kind of tax policy we'd like, and what we could cut in spending.  there is no magic solution to this, we can't depend on the rich to do anything that isn't self serving, that is afterall, the cornerstone of capitalism and free markets.

so, here's another fallacy that is often preached by ultra conservatives. companies and corporations dont' pay any taxes, because they just pass that along to their customers. while at the same time, the " I never got a job from a poor person" thing has been going around. So, if the premise of the non tax paying corporation is that their source of money for everything is only from their customers, that means that ALL of their money comes from their customers right? so that no percentage of a corporation's money is used to pay taxes, it's only passed through from the customer to the government via the corporation.  So that is also true then for the salaries and compensation for the corporation's employees.  their CUSTOMER is paying the employees' salary and compensation. so unless the corporation's customers are only rich people, which depending on what they sell,which if they sell like lamboghinis etc. . .  I guess could be, but how much of the economy is based on the success of LUXURY goods?  The Middle Class is supporting most of these corporations up and paying for their salaries.  

while I"m at it, why is a CEO worth 300%-500% of any other normal employee's pay?  are they worth more, yes, 300%-500% more, um, probably not.  yes they work super long hours and make incredible deals and answer to the shareholders and all of that, but that's not worth 500% more, that is a crazy assertion for me to wrap my head around

Title: Re: When Will JOG's head explode?
Post by WebsterMark on 07/16/12 at 19:23:36

less in percentage, not less in actual amount, which I know, people like you who only like to deal in absolutes don't care about, but that's how you compare things like this
okay, that’s just plain nonsense. Of course Buffet pays more in total dollars. That’s never been an issue. Keep up or take notes.

the false argument is that "cutting taxes is good for the economy" which is complete BS, now I agree that taxes shouldn't be raised right now,
why not? If it’s complete BS, why not raise taxes right now??? If you think it’s BS, why would you not raise taxes now?
but we could look at tax "Loopholes" and the such and determine what we would like to get rid of and what kind of tax policy we'd like, and what we could cut in spending. there is no magic solution to this, we can't depend on the rich to do anything that isn't self serving, that is afterall, the cornerstone of capitalism and free markets.

We can’t depend upon you to do anything that isn’t self serving either. Did you send a check to the IRS today? Why not? I’m sure you’ve got an extra few bucks somewhere…

so, here's another fallacy that is often preached by ultra conservatives. companies and corporations dont' pay any taxes, because they just pass that along to their customers. while at the same time, the " I never got a job from a poor person" thing has been going around. So, if the premise of the non tax paying corporation is that their source of money for everything is only from their customers, that means that ALL of their money comes from their customers right? so that no percentage of a corporation's money is used to pay taxes, it's only passed through from the customer to the government via the corporation. So that is also true then for the salaries and compensation for the corporation's employees. their CUSTOMER is paying the employees' salary and compensation. so unless the corporation's customers are only rich people, which depending on what they sell,which if they sell like lamboghinis etc. . . I guess could be, but how much of the economy is based on the success of LUXURY goods? The Middle Class is supporting most of these corporations up and paying for their salaries.

Is that supposed to be some kind of insight no one ever had before?? That’s called economics.

while I"m at it, why is a CEO worth 300%-500% of any other normal employee's pay? are they worth more, yes, 300%-500% more, um, probably not. yes they work super long hours and make incredible deals and answer to the shareholders and all of that, but that's not worth 500% more, that is a crazy assertion for me to wrap my head around

They are worth more because they can do what very few people can. Yes, they're worth 500% more, actually it's thousands of times more. I just saw a show on Costco's CEO. He guided Costco to an increase in stock value by 2,000%. That equals hundreds of millions year after year.  Yea, he's worth 500% more than you.  

Title: Re: When Will JOG's head explode?
Post by Midnightrider on 07/16/12 at 19:47:29

How much of that money did the loyal Costco employees who did all the work get? So he guided the ship, big deal. His loyal crew didnt get a darn dime of it but the stockholders who are nothing but a bunch of greedy vultures who sit on their sorry asses all day long and contribute nothing to this country because they have all the tax loopholes, got all the money. I'm thrilled.

Title: Re: When Will JOG's head explode?
Post by Starlifter on 07/16/12 at 20:23:46

"CEO's are worth more because they can do what very few people can. Yes, they're worth 500% more, actually it's thousands of times more. I just saw a show on Costco's CEO. He guided Costco to an increase in stock value by 2,000%. That equals hundreds of millions year after year.  Yea, he's worth 500% more than you." Webster

No being on earth is worth that when people are starving and homeless.

Item: CEOs' golden parachute exit packages now pass $100 million'.

Item: (Reuters) Bank of New York Mellon Corp (BK.N) has agreed to pay $33.8 million in severance and benefits to Robert Kelly, who stepped down as chief executive this week after disagreeing with the board over how to manage the company.
Kelly, 57, will receive a $2 million in severance pay, as well as a prorated bonus targeted at $4 million, which will be adjusted based on Bank of New York Mellon's performance for the full year.
He will also be able to cash in on restricted stock awards for past service totaling $11.2 million and a bested supplemental pension annuity valued at about $16.6 million.

Item: New York Times Gives CEO $4.5M Golden Parachute, Asks Union Workforce to Take 26% Pay Cut.

....disgusting. The greed, the callousness, it's beyond comprehension.

Title: Re: When Will JOG's head explode?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/16/12 at 20:32:11

I cant count the CEO's who made multiple millions of dollars & were paid multiple millions as they walked out of a company they SUNK while the were "guiding" it. The number of hard working people laid off? No way I could even guess,,

Title: Re: When Will JOG's head explode?
Post by Midnightrider on 07/16/12 at 21:27:48

Happened to me and they took my retirement with them while the company was still making billions profit. Left with enough money to buy a 3rd world country. Right after that his house on Bald Head Island burnt to the ground, what a coincedence  ;D  He got the picture and got out of NC for good. He's raided several more companies since but he moved up north where he belongs. I puke everytime I hear the word shareholders and how we need to FOCUS more on our business. They've all got this little Ivy League speech they lay on us so we'll work our asses off, get paid less, do away with our benefits and Focus LOL.

Title: Re: When Will JOG's head explode?
Post by LostArtist on 07/16/12 at 22:03:13

wow this is a mess, bare with me, or just ignore this, cause I mean, I am replying to Web here, like it's going to do any good

1B292E3F38293E012D3E274C0 wrote:
less in percentage, not less in actual amount, which I know, people like you who only like to deal in absolutes don't care about, but that's how you compare things like this
okay, that’s just plain nonsense. Of course Buffet pays more in total dollars. That’s never been an issue. Keep up or take notes.

you seem to think that him paying more in total dollars means that he is paying more than his "fair share"  just trying to clear that up, cause if we are trying to compare what is "fair" or not then we need to use percentages and not flat amounts

the false argument is that "cutting taxes is good for the economy" which is complete BS, now I agree that taxes shouldn't be raised right now,

why not? If it’s complete BS, why not raise taxes right now??? If you think it’s BS, why would you not raise taxes now?

this is making my brain hurt. stability in the tax code would be beneficial right now, raising taxes would have an increased chance of hurting the minor recovery we are having, if our recovery were better, than I wouldn't be as opposed to raising taxes, I don't believe there is much evidence that cutting taxes increases economic growth, we've tried it several times now, and we don't have much to show for it now.  

but we could look at tax "Loopholes" and the such and determine what we would like to get rid of and what kind of tax policy we'd like, and what we could cut in spending. there is no magic solution to this, we can't depend on the rich to do anything that isn't self serving, that is afterall, the cornerstone of capitalism and free markets.

We can’t depend upon you to do anything that isn’t self serving either. Did you send a check to the IRS today? Why not? I’m sure you’ve got an extra few bucks somewhere…

what the hell is this about?  really?  I"m not saying there is anything wrong with doing self serving things, just that that's how capitalism works. not that it's any of your business, but I am helping out a friend of mine right now, because I don't want them to be homeless, so yeah, it's self serving because I like to feel needed and I'm blessed right now to be able to help this friend right now for a little bit to get them over this time of need, maybe they'll pay me back, maybe they won't.  but all of that is still in my self serving interest, even though financially it's not the wisest move I've made.  

so, here's another fallacy that is often preached by ultra conservatives. companies and corporations dont' pay any taxes, because they just pass that along to their customers. while at the same time, the " I never got a job from a poor person" thing has been going around. So, if the premise of the non tax paying corporation is that their source of money for everything is only from their customers, that means that ALL of their money comes from their customers right? so that no percentage of a corporation's money is used to pay taxes, it's only passed through from the customer to the government via the corporation. So that is also true then for the salaries and compensation for the corporation's employees. their CUSTOMER is paying the employees' salary and compensation. so unless the corporation's customers are only rich people, which depending on what they sell,which if they sell like lamboghinis etc. . . I guess could be, but how much of the economy is based on the success of LUXURY goods? The Middle Class is supporting most of these corporations up and paying for their salaries.

Is that supposed to be some kind of insight no one ever had before?? That’s called economics.

so you agree then, you work for customers, rich, poor or middle class, so you OWE THEM your job

while I"m at it, why is a CEO worth 300%-500% of any other normal employee's pay? are they worth more, yes, 300%-500% more, um, probably not. yes they work super long hours and make incredible deals and answer to the shareholders and all of that, but that's not worth 500% more, that is a crazy assertion for me to wrap my head around

They are worth more because they can do what very few people can. Yes, they're worth 500% more, actually it's thousands of times more. I just saw a show on Costco's CEO. He guided Costco to an increase in stock value by 2,000%. That equals hundreds of millions year after year.  Yea, he's worth 500% more than you.  

sigh . . . and NO one else could've done that, that CEO is JUST THAT SPECIAL. . .  the people working under him, from the stock boys to the cashiers to the management, those people making the COSTCO "experience"  or at least getting that experience to be perceived as superior to their competitors, they aren't doing anything worth one cent of that 2000% increase huh???  all of their hard work is worthless but the CEO makes a phone call and wow, they are worth THOUSANDS of times more . . . .

Title: Re: When Will JOG's head explode?
Post by Midnightrider on 07/16/12 at 22:23:22

Web hasnt a clue. Warren Buffet didnt pay anywhere close to 30% in taxes, he just said he should. Cant give an exact quote but I'll look it up if I have to, but it was in the teens. All that BS sitting there trying to figure out what Buffets secretary makes, look it up like I do and back it up with print like JOG does if you wanna say something. There's plenty of captains out there capable of sailing the ships but if they havent got a hard working crew aboard they'll never reach their destination. Keep on screwing over your hard working crew and before long you have a mutiny.

Title: Re: When Will JOG's head explode?
Post by WebsterMark on 07/17/12 at 03:16:55

How much of that money did the loyal Costco employees who did all the work get? So he guided the ship, big deal. His loyal crew didnt get a darn dime of it but the stockholders who are nothing but a bunch of greedy vultures who sit on their sorry asses all day long and contribute nothing to this country because they have all the tax loopholes, got all the money. I'm thrilled.

None of his employees are slaves and neither are you/were you. At any point you feel under paid, leave and go elsewhere, find your own ship to guide. Why didn’t you? Because you can’t. I can’t hit curve balls and fast balls like Pujlos either so I don’t get 250 million dollars.
Again, what is it with you guys and your jealously over someone else's money?

Title: Re: When Will JOG's head explode?
Post by WebsterMark on 07/17/12 at 03:20:14

Star: No being on earth is worth that when people are starving and homeless.

Who died and made you God? You’re living pretty darn well because of this system. Every place else that follows your ideas, the people are starving and homeless.

Title: Re: When Will JOG's head explode?
Post by WebsterMark on 07/17/12 at 03:48:52

you seem to think that him paying more in total dollars means that he is paying more than his "fair share" just trying to clear that up, cause if we are trying to compare what is "fair" or not then we need to use percentages and not flat amounts

Buffet was saying he pays around 15% and his secretary pays around 35%. As I explained to Midnight, he’s being more than a little deceptive because he’s paying tax on capital gains, not income. He already paid income tax once at 35-39%, he took that money, invested it and paid tax a second time in the form of capital gains. When Buffet and Hopey-change say it’s crazy Buffet pays less than his secretary, they are lying. He’s not paying the same tax. I went to a motorcross race this weekend and while my Savage and a 2012 KX450 are both motorcycles, they are absolutely nothing alike. That’s the difference we’re talking about. Buffet’s tax and his secretary’s tax are nothing alike.

this is making my brain hurt. stability in the tax code would be beneficial right now, raising taxes would have an increased chance of hurting the minor recovery we are having, if our recovery were better, than I wouldn't be as opposed to raising taxes, I don't believe there is much evidence that cutting taxes increases economic growth, we've tried it several times now, and we don't have much to show for it now.

If your brain hurts, it’s not my fault….   You said the idea that cutting taxes is good for the economy is BS. Then you said you wouldn’t be in favor of cutting taxes right now so I called BS on that….. Why not? It’s either bad or it’s not. Now you’re pulling some tax stability BS out of your rear. If you don’t think cutting taxes spurs spending and growth, then no wonder your brain hurts. Give yourself a tax cut; what are you gonna do with the extra money? Put in under the mattress? Of course more money in the systems spurs growth, how can it not? If more money in the system doesn’t spur growth, then what was the point of Hopeys billion dollar stimulus? And don’t say tax cuts to the rich are not the same because that’s just plain silly. Money is money, it gets spent or invested and spent by investors.

so you agree then, you work for customers, rich, poor or middle class, so you OWE THEM your job
Of course I for my customers. I’m going to 4 plants in PA this week. If I don’t do a better  job for my customers than my competitor does, my boss will find someone who will.  My job is to do right by my customers and make my boss money. Pretty simple formula. I learned a long time ago, I have no gurantee of a job tomorrow. None.

what the hell is this about? really? I"m not saying there is anything wrong with doing self serving things, just that that's how capitalism works. not that it's any of your business, but I am helping out a friend of mine right now, because I don't want them to be homeless, so yeah, it's self serving because I like to feel needed and I'm blessed right now to be able to help this friend right now for a little bit to get them over this time of need, maybe they'll pay me back, maybe they won't. but all of that is still in my self serving interest, even though financially it's not the wisest move I've made.

The amount of money spent in charitable organizations by the evil rich is staggering. The rich do the same as you, the difference is they are not sticking their hands in your wallet and stealing money like you want to do to them.

sigh . . . and NO one else could've done that, that CEO is JUST THAT SPECIAL. . . the people working under him, from the stock boys to the cashiers to the management, those people making the COSTCO "experience" or at least getting that experience to be perceived as superior to their competitors, they aren't doing anything worth one cent of that 2000% increase huh??? all of their hard work is worthless. . . .

Presumably, Costco has a 401K retirement plan and yes, that 2000% increase does matter to them. I have 401Ks put away from various companies I worked at and one in particular, turned out pretty darn good when the CEO we had took us in another direction that was very profitable. I could not have done what he did. Very, very few people could have. In fact, in this case, he might have been the only one in the world who could have pulled that off. Was he worth the millions he was paid? Yep, every f’ing penny.

but the CEO makes a phone call and wow, they are worth THOUSANDS of times more

and here is where your complete ignorance is on full display; you have no idea what goes into running a large company, do you? I’ve never met you and rarely exchange post with you, but you would have zero chance of succeeding in a CEO’s world. Zero. You seem to think CEO’s won the lottery or something; that you could take almost anyone and stick them in that corner office. Lost, if you really thing that, you are genuinely lost.
Grow up.

Title: Re: When Will JOG's head explode?
Post by LostArtist on 07/17/12 at 06:08:14

He already paid income tax once at 35-39%, he took that money, invested it and paid tax a second time in the form of capital gains.

um, what income?  how do you know he has any income other than his capital gains?  at some time he might have had a job that paid him income that was taxed at whatever tax rate that was, but he probably has no more income coming in that way, or if he does it's minute compared to his capital gains income (that's how CEO's can take a salary of just $1 a year to show boat) but I'd bet it's all capital gains now

Money is money, it gets spent or invested and spent by investors.

so, how do you explain the billions of dollars the corporations are sitting on now, and if I gave myself a tax cut right now, you're darn right I'm going to put it in the bank and save it, NOT invest it, NOT spend it, now I understand that allows the bank to invest with it, but that's going into a investment system that creates little in the way of jobs, well in a very very round about way it might create some jobs, but it's not very efficient at it (probably more efficient at it than the government though)

Of course I for my customers. I’m going to 4 plants in PA this week.

so, these plants, do they provide a service for just rich people or are their some poor people paying your compensation too?  

The amount of money spent in charitable organizations by the evil rich is staggering. The rich do the same as you, the difference is they are not sticking their hands in your wallet and stealing money like you want to do to them.

????  you're making funny assumptions here

I'm not saying that CEO's aren't worth more or that their job is easy, but they would be NOTHING without everyone working below them, and too many times they neglect those people

your attitude is why I can't buy any of your BS, your high and mighty attitude is aggravating as hell, I'd rather be ignorant than a jack ass like you

Edit:  okay, the jack ass thing is over the line, sorry Web

Title: Re: When Will JOG's head explode?
Post by Midnightrider on 07/17/12 at 14:04:19

"Presumably, Costco has a 401K retirement plan and yes, that 2000% increase does matter to them."  See if its there when they get old enough to draw it.  The greedy SOB's cant stand the thoughts of that much money laying around untouched. It will be gone just like mine was.

Title: Re: When Will JOG's head explode?
Post by WebsterMark on 07/17/12 at 18:15:10

um, what income? how do you know he has any income other than his capital gains? at some time he might have had a job that paid him income that was taxed at whatever tax rate that was, but he probably has no more income coming in that way, or if he does it's minute compared to his capital gains income (that's how CEO's can take a salary of just $1 a year to show boat) but I'd bet it's all capital gains now
Probably true, he likely doesn’t take income. Why? How about because of taxes? He could pay himself a salary. If he took his earned income from investments and accounted for those as company revenue he could pay himself a salary equal to that amount and pay 35% on it, but he doesn’t. Wonder why?..... Here; check this out from a typical European loving liberal. That is until they find out reality…

so, how do you explain the billions of dollars the corporations are sitting on now, and if I gave myself a tax cut right now, you're darn right I'm going to put it in the bank and save it, NOT invest it, NOT spend it, now I understand that allows the bank to invest with it, but that's going into a investment system that creates little in the way of jobs, well in a very very round about way it might create some jobs, but it's not very efficient at it (probably more efficient at it than the government though)

Ask corporations. They’ll tell you they are scared the unknown. They don’t like or trust Obama. They are afraid if they invest in growth, taxes will go up on regulations will chock them. The company I saw today needs to invest couple hundred thousand dollars on equipment. Will they do it? One factor is tax policy. They'd be happier under Romney than Hopey. You might not like it, but it's a fact. That's how business people are. Now, before you throw a hissy, remember, you can’t call evil, rich business men greedy, selfish and only looking out for themselves on one hand while complaining they don’t loosen up funds because they don’t like Hopey-change on the other hand. By definition, evil, greedy, selfish business men shouldn’t care who’s in office, they only care about their bottom line, right? So doesn’t the fact they are skittish about investments give you the answer to your question?

so, these plants, do they provide a service for just rich people or are their some poor people paying your compensation too?

I can with 99% certainly, guarantee you’ve eaten food out of one of these plants. Everyone contributes to my compensation. What’s your point?

I'm not saying that CEO's aren't worth more or that their job is easy, but they would be NOTHING without everyone working below them, and too many times they neglect those people

I was a personal manger for a year or so. I used to ask a couple question designed simply to get people to talk. Give a person enough rope, and they’ll hang themselves. It’s amazing when you are interviewing someone, if you just don’t talk, people will just start talking and tell you what you really want to know about them. One of my favorite questions was one I heard Microsoft always asked, not sure if it’s true or not. Why are manhole covers round and not square? Great question to ask.
Anyway, the one question I always asked which told me a lot about the person goes something like this: consider your typically manufacturing company. It’s composed of Executive management, sales, accounting, production, quality control, shipping & receiving for example. Now; of those departments, is there one more important than the other?
What’s your answer?

your attitude is why I can't buy any of your BS, your high and mighty attitude is aggravating as hell,

I don’t mean to come off as high and mighty, I’m just right on most topics.

Edit: okay, the jack ass thing is over the line, sorry Web No worries, doesn’t bother me. I get called worst on my good days.

Title: Re: When Will JOG's head explode?
Post by WebsterMark on 07/17/12 at 18:17:35

"Presumably, Costco has a 401K retirement plan and yes, that 2000% increase does matter to them."  See if its there when they get old enough to draw it.  The greedy SOB's cant stand the thoughts of that much money laying around untouched. It will be gone just like mine was.
no, i pulled mine out and reinvested it. I didn't trust the last CEO of the company I had it in so I moved it. Also, just wait, and it will be Democrats that try to push thru the idea of a one time tax on 401k funds. I, and many others, will march on DC with hardware if they try that. That ain't gonna happen....

Title: Re: When Will JOG's head explode?
Post by Starlifter on 07/17/12 at 18:18:32

Edit: "Okay, the jack ass thing is over the line, sorry Web."


That's a pretty mild assertion considering that Webster is the king of hate and nasty name calling here...just say'n.

Title: Re: When Will JOG's head explode?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/17/12 at 18:45:04

Title: Re: When Will JOG's head explode?
Post by Greg on 07/17/12 at 18:46:24

I guess JOG's head explodes now.  :)

Title: Re: When Will JOG's head explode?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/17/12 at 18:48:23

Thar she blows!

Title: Re: When Will JOG's head explode?
Post by Starlifter on 07/17/12 at 19:20:14

;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: When Will JOG's head explode?
Post by WD on 07/17/12 at 20:30:02

Lasted longer than I thought you would... ;D

Title: Re: When Will JOG's head explode?
Post by LostArtist on 07/17/12 at 20:36:37

3D2224233E3908380830222E65570 wrote:
Thar she blows!

good one!!   ;D

I knew you could take a lil ribbing, good natured and all, JOG is a really impressive man here, now let's help him spread the word a bit, just try to keep our collective heads on our shoulders  


Title: Re: When Will JOG's head explode?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/17/12 at 21:18:02

5142060 wrote:
Lasted longer than I thought you would... ;D

Took me that long to even think of hunting up a pic of a head exploding,,
& with so much to pick from,, I went for color that wasnt gross..

Title: Re: When Will JOG's head explode?
Post by LostArtist on 07/18/12 at 14:52:03

102225343322350A26352C470 wrote:
I'm not saying that CEO's aren't worth more or that their job is easy, but they would be NOTHING without everyone working below them, and too many times they neglect those people

I was a personal manger for a year or so. I used to ask a couple question designed simply to get people to talk. Give a person enough rope, and they’ll hang themselves. It’s amazing when you are interviewing someone, if you just don’t talk, people will just start talking and tell you what you really want to know about them. One of my favorite questions was one I heard Microsoft always asked, not sure if it’s true or not. Why are manhole covers round and not square? Great question to ask.
Anyway, the one question I always asked which told me a lot about the person goes something like this: consider your typically manufacturing company. It’s composed of Executive management, sales, accounting, production, quality control, shipping & receiving for example. Now; of those departments, is there one more important than the other?
What’s your answer?

your attitude is why I can't buy any of your BS, your high and mighty attitude is aggravating as hell,

I don’t mean to come off as high and mighty, I’m just right on most topics.

Edit: okay, the jack ass thing is over the line, sorry Web No worries, doesn’t bother me. I get called worst on my good days.

I'd say the sales people are probably the most important, and in a way, CEOs are the chief salesperson for the company.  but again, I'm not arguing that there's not a hierarchy to jobs and work, I'm arguing that the spaces between the roles in the hierarchy should be smaller. and instead, those spaces keep getting wider and wider. if a company is successful it should reward it's employees, but more and more, that doesn't happen, and employees are discarded for a .5 increase on the stock market regardless of how hard they work in any aspect of the hierarchy.  companies should be responsible for and to their employees, instead the shareholder has replaced the employee in that aspect now.  I know it doesn't really matter how hard I work or how successful the company I work for is, the only way I see any serious raises is when I prove that my pay is substantially under the market value for the work I do (aka, go out an get another job and give my current company a chance to match the wage offered by that company) so personal responsibility for my work means almost nothing

oh, and one reason manhole covers are round because then they cant' fall through the same hole they came out of, there's no short side to angle and let it drop through

Title: Re: When Will JOG's head explode?
Post by WebsterMark on 07/18/12 at 17:33:23

those spaces keep getting wider and wider. if a company is successful it should reward it's employees, but more and more, that doesn't happen, and employees are discarded for a .5 increase

I'm not sure, are things that much different today than years ago?

Yes, sales staff is number one, everyone else is number two. Within sales, hunters are number one, lovers are number two. (sharks or farmers etc.. several different metaphors apply)

yes, that's what I read. Manholes are round because they don't fall into the hole. I read somewhere that it's not important if the applicant gets it right, it's important to listen to them talk the problem out. I think it would be fun to come up with another question, that people have not heard before, that reveals how people think thru problems they've not faced before.

Title: Re: When Will JOG's head explode?
Post by Midnightrider on 07/18/12 at 17:53:28

043631202736211E322138530 wrote:
"Presumably, Costco has a 401K retirement plan and yes, that 2000% increase does matter to them."  See if its there when they get old enough to draw it.  The greedy SOB's cant stand the thoughts of that much money laying around untouched. It will be gone just like mine was.
no, i pulled mine out and reinvested it. I didn't trust the last CEO of the company I had it in so I moved it. Also, just wait, and it will be Democrats that try to push thru the idea of a one time tax on 401k funds. I, and many others, will march on DC with hardware if they try that. That ain't gonna happen....
You just proved my whole point, thanks Web. One minute you're telling us the CEO's are worth billions, the next minute you saing you dont trust them. once again thanks Web, maybe you are right most of the time, let people talk enough and you'll find out what you really wanna know  ;D

Title: Re: When Will JOG's head explode?
Post by LostArtist on 07/18/12 at 17:58:59

477572636475625D71627B100 wrote:
those spaces keep getting wider and wider. if a company is successful it should reward it's employees, but more and more, that doesn't happen, and employees are discarded for a .5 increase

I'm not sure, are things that much different today than years ago?

Yes, sales staff is number one, everyone else is number two. Within sales, hunters are number one, lovers are number two. (sharks or farmers etc.. several different metaphors apply)

yes, that's what I read. Manholes are round because they don't fall into the hole. I read somewhere that it's not important if the applicant gets it right, it's important to listen to them talk the problem out. I think it would be fun to come up with another question, that people have not heard before, that reveals how people think thru problems they've not faced before.

yes, things are that much different today than years ago, the middle class has continue to shrink over the last 30 YEARS! it hasn't just been happening in the last 4 years, or even the last 12 years.   that's how that is happening, our jobs are being devalued and/or shipped over seas all to save the CEOs and shareholders and investors money to increase their profit taking from the MIDDLE CLASS.  and this is all with the blessings of our government who has been lobbied heavily to allow and even encourage these things to happen and offer tax breaks and all kinds of incentives for this kinda stuff.  This is what is driving JOG nuts, the government is just a puppet of our corporate overlords.  He's narrowed it down to a few distinct groups to focus on, but I don't think it's just them, I fear it is at the core of how our system works.  

Title: Re: When Will JOG's head explode?
Post by WebsterMark on 07/18/12 at 18:31:04

You just proved my whole point, thanks Web. One minute you're telling us the CEO's are worth billions, the next minute you saing you dont trust them. once again thanks Web, maybe you are right most of the time, let people talk enough and you'll find out what you really wanna know

There's no conflict with what I said. I knew this guy, he could do amazing things, but I didn't trust him with my money. The moral of the store is, as always, buyer beware. Wasn't it Martin Luther who said something like he'd rather have a smart Turk than a stupid Christian as a ruler?

Title: Re: When Will JOG's head explode?
Post by WebsterMark on 07/18/12 at 18:34:38

that's how that is happening, our jobs are being devalued and/or shipped over seas all to save the CEOs and shareholders and investors money to increase their profit taking from the MIDDLE CLASS.

What role do you think productivity gains have in this? 150 years ago, we had thousands of blacksmiths because there was a market created by horses. Today we have only a few, but we have a lot of mechanics....
Would you rather ride a horse everyday or a car?  

Title: Re: When Will JOG's head explode?
Post by LostArtist on 07/18/12 at 19:03:35

6F5D5A4B4C5D4A75594A53380 wrote:
that's how that is happening, our jobs are being devalued and/or shipped over seas all to save the CEOs and shareholders and investors money to increase their profit taking from the MIDDLE CLASS.

What role do you think productivity gains have in this? 150 years ago, we had thousands of blacksmiths because there was a market created by horses. Today we have only a few, but we have a lot of mechanics....
Would you rather ride a horse everyday or a car?  

yes, that happens, and it may be amplifying some of this, and I'm not saying we need to go backwards in tech or anything like that. but that wasn't what I was addressing, CEOs and shareholders and investors now have so many financial tools to make money from a company without even touching production, merging, splitting stocks, sometimes doing an IPO, offering credit cards, etc, etc, etc. . . those are also things that are devaluing work and the middle class

Title: Re: When Will JOG's head explode?
Post by Serowbot on 07/18/12 at 19:18:35

This thread has gone way off topic... >:(...

When exactly, will JOG's head explode?...  ;D...

JOG's not allowed to guess,.. 'cause he could cheat... :-?...

Title: Re: When Will JOG's head explode?
Post by Midnightrider on 07/18/12 at 19:19:13

Yea Web, once again you proved my point. He did amazing things for the wonderful sit on their ass all day shareholders who contribute absolutely nothing to this country because they shouldnt have to pay taxes while he's screwing the loyal Costco employees who made it all possible out of their 401K. Keep talking brother, tell it like it is Amen.

Title: Re: When Will JOG's head explode?
Post by WebsterMark on 07/19/12 at 03:49:24

Midnight; ‘sit on their ass shareholders who contribute absolutely nothing’ is so far from reality it’s honestly not even funny.

Where do you suppose the money that companies use to expand and grow comes from? Where do you suppose most of the retirement funds people rely on comes from? People who retire comfortably don’t rely on social security. It’s from investments and 401k type accounts which invest in companies. Almost everyone is a ‘sit on their ass sharehoulder’. If you’re not, you’re missing out. I hope you didn’t sit there and ask yourself, “let’s see… should I invest for my retirement by myself thru IRA’s, 401k, or other retirement accounts or should I rely on social security? Hmmm…. I think I’ll pick social security”.

And he didn’t screw loyal Costco employees! What are you talking about?! There are 10,000 people today getting up to go to a job this morning because this guy created this company from nothing. Despite what idiot obama says, no one else created Costco, not government for sure. And 10,000 doesn’t count all the feeder jobs that supply product.

You need to open your eyes a little bit. This is what I don't understand about so many people on this board. It's like you think you deserve something without working for it. If there is a fundamental difference between those that have a liberal ideology and those that have a conservative ideology, maybe that's it.

Title: Re: When Will JOG's head explode?
Post by Midnightrider on 07/19/12 at 10:03:56

Web I worked my tushy off for 37 years and the evil bastards you're so in love with stole my retirement  from me. According to you they deserve it, then a page later you say dont trust them with your money LOL. Are they hero's or crooks, most of us on this forum know the answer to that question. darn right I have an attitude. Dont EVER acuse me of wanting something for nothing. All I want was what was promised to me that I worked hard for, nothing more. Being that you're most always right you should also know the stock market has done the best the last 50 years under Democratic Administration. Playing the stock market and voting Republican is against your own self interest, dont argue with me, argue with history. The Republican Party has used racism, lies and religion to get the common man to vote against his own self interest. And for the record I'm not crazy about Dems either. Obama continued with the bailout and drug the war out as long as he could, he's a great Republican president, the racist just arent gonna leave him alone. They could have taken that bailout money and paid everyones crooked mortgages off in this country and what would have happened to the economy? Any idiot knows the answer to that. Instead they give it to the greedy SOB's that claimed they lost it in the first place. I can look it up for you and prove it (I did on the old TT) but as soon as the filthy SOB"s got their hands on it they outsourced more jobs overseas and give themselves huge bonuses. darn right I have an attitude but its not from being lazy and wanting something for nothing, its from experience.

Title: Re: When Will JOG's head explode?
Post by LostArtist on 07/19/12 at 10:49:20

5D6F68797E6F78476B78610A0 wrote:
This is what I don't understand about so many people on this board. It's like you think you deserve something without working for it. If there is a fundamental difference between those that have a liberal ideology and those that have a conservative ideology, maybe that's it.

yeah, that's not it, try again, SS, medicare, etc. . . are all paid for via taxes, OUR taxes, money we WORKED for, and now you're saying its wrong for us to want a return on that money, a return that was promised us??  You'd rather give that money to the upper classes instead via tax cuts for them and have the middle class pay for it, yet you complain about wealth "redistribution" . . .  something fishy there man.  

I agree though, this "fair share" argument is BS. when you look at it, we aren't asking the rich to pay their  "fair share"  we are asking them to help pay for a system (a highly flawed system that needs to get it's priorities in order desperately, no doubt) without passing those costs down to the rest of us. I'm not going to pretend like that's fair. but I"m not going to pretend like it's fair that they get to live off of capital gains either, or that they get to be paid in stocks so they can get taxed less, it's not fair that the government treats that income differently than other kinds of income, they do it to encourage investment, I understand that, but dont' try to play me to think that that investment = job creation, sometimes it does, but sometimes it doesn't. what it definitely does is funnel money directly through investment bank firms, making them "too large to fail" who can hijack our economy with a bad decision.

the "fair share" thing comes out of our frustration of all the tax breaks the "so called rich" are ENTITLED to, try taking that away and you'll get nothing but complaining from them about how they "deserve something without working for it"  

it used to be you could work hard and increase your lifestyle via your own hard work, not anymore, now they pay china and india and mexico, etc to work hard and in America you increase your lifestyle via the monetary system and it's games, 401k's, stock market, investing in gold/silver, etc. . . literally, the value of hard work has fled this nation and gone overseas, now if you're lucky and creative, you still have a chance, but it's a crap shoot there too.  American businesses focus too much on keeping costs low instead of increasing revenue or starting new revenue streams, because by simply reducing costs they see an immediate stock market bump up, but if they take a chance to increase revenue, everyone is a skeptic and stocks may suffer for that.

Title: Re: When Will JOG's head explode?
Post by splash07 on 07/19/12 at 13:42:23

5244534E56434E55210 wrote:
This thread has gone way off topic... >:(...

When exactly, will JOG's head explode?...  ;D...

JOG's not allowed to guess,.. 'cause he could cheat... :-?...



Title: Re: When Will JOG's head explode?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/19/12 at 21:29:50

Its gonna be a while, but when it goes, its gonna go BIG,, cuz Ive wrapped it up tight, with that special tape, with the tin foil, so, I get the reinforcement of tape AND Ive got me one fine lookin tin foil hat,,

Title: Re: When Will JOG's head explode?
Post by Midnightrider on 07/20/12 at 11:47:52

Dont go outside during a storm.

Title: Re: When Will JOG's head explode?
Post by Midnightrider on 07/20/12 at 11:54:24

3B2D3A273F2A273C480 wrote:
This thread has gone way off topic... >:(...

When exactly, will JOG's head explode?...  ;D...

JOG's not allowed to guess,.. 'cause he could cheat... :-?...

I actually started off defending JOG, before you know it I was defending myself. George Orwell said it the best “In a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”

Title: Re: When Will JOG's head explode?
Post by thumperclone on 12/03/16 at 00:29:18

0A2935320734322F3532460 wrote:
just wondering if we should have a pool or something for this.  

He's not wrong in what he says, he might be a little "conspiracy" happy though.  

if simple human nature didn't explain away most of his "conspiracy" ideas

but humans are social beings so yeah, they are "conspiring" to make more money and get themselves more power.  not sure how yelling about it and getting all worked up is going to help much though.

head hasn't exploded yet just a small scar

still beating the same dead horse tho ::)

Title: Re: When Will JOG's head explode?
Post by MnSpring on 12/03/16 at 16:55:28


Awesome   Information and  Posts.

Such  fodder, to, 'continue' the thread. !
(Was not a member when it started)

BUT,   I want  Nominate  the  Quote of   JOG:
"  ... Do Not Eat Again, You'll just get hungry again, so whats the use?  ..."

For inclusion in the new,
"Classic Quotes"  section

Title: Re: When Will JOG's head explode?
Post by Kris01 on 12/03/16 at 17:10:26

283E29342C39342F5B0 wrote:
JOG's not allowed to guess,.. 'cause he could cheat... :-?...

That's hilarious!!!  ;D

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