General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> The Whiners Thread.

Message started by Drifter on 07/08/12 at 08:14:37

Title: The Whiners Thread.
Post by Drifter on 07/08/12 at 08:14:37

Here you go....
Do you dislike politics ?    Yes. who dosent?
Do you dislike Mitt or Obama?     Yes.
Do you dislike the US?     No, I Love the USA!
Do you dislike Yourself?   No, some on here do!
Do you dislike Laws?       Some.
Do you dislike clean water and air?   No, i like both,
Do you dislike the weather?    Sometimes.
Do you dislike this thread?  No.
Do you dislike smilys?         No.
Do you dislike healthcare?  No, all Americans should have it!
Do you dislike electric cars?  No, like air powered better!
Do you dislike Pizza or veggies?  No i like both!
Do you dislike ?????????  :o   Yes sometimes.
Do you dislike whiners?  ;)     Perpetual Whiners Yes!!!!

Title: Re: The Whiners Thread.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/08/12 at 09:28:21

I dislike people who accept what comes out of the mouths of the media & politicians without looking to see if its based in fact or if its just more propaganda.

Title: Re: The Whiners Thread.
Post by Serowbot on 07/08/12 at 10:07:01

Sweet potato's...  Two words that just don't belong together... "Sweet", and "potato"...
Good god man,.. they look like turds...
I don't even want them near the table when I eat...

Thanks, Drift... I feel better now... :-?...

Title: Re: The Whiners Thread.
Post by arteacher on 07/08/12 at 10:26:18

I dislike people who dislike something on principle alone. ;)

Title: Re: The Whiners Thread.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/08/12 at 10:35:52

626969606C636278790D0 wrote:
I dislike people who dislike something on principle alone. ;)

Man,, that smiley just almost wasnt enough,,

Title: Re: The Whiners Thread.
Post by arteacher on 07/09/12 at 11:31:20

67787E7964635262526A78743F0D0 wrote:
[quote author=626969606C636278790D0 link=1341760477/0#3 date=1341768378]I dislike people who dislike something on principle alone. ;)

Man,, that smiley just almost wasnt enough,,[/quote]
Sorry JoG, I don't understand what you meant.

Title: Re: The Whiners Thread.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/09/12 at 12:21:54

Well,, then I have to ask, is principle insufficient? Are some thngs not just wrong? I have Principles, I believe in certain things, & when there is a program that supposedly "Provides goods or services" that is in conflict with what my principles dictate is right, I oppose that program, Can all programs that are born in wrong thinking just be eliminated today? No, We have several things going that we have to continue, but we could start working away from them, SS, food stamps come to mind, But for now, we have them,, & considering the direction of the nation, I dont see them going away until the country goes bust.

Title: Re: The Whiners Thread.
Post by heroicseven on 07/09/12 at 13:21:29

I hate strongly dislike hate when you spend all that time peelin an orange only to find its dry and nasty. That really erks me

Title: Re: The Whiners Thread.
Post by Blinky on 07/09/12 at 14:33:33

Small. nasty, designer dogs that are best cut up for catfish bait. Oh, and slow golfers. Just hit the dang ball and, with any luck, you will hook it out of bounds and among the houses and hit one of the previously mentioned small, nasty designer dogs.

Title: Re: The Whiners Thread.
Post by Boule’tard on 07/09/12 at 14:35:36

3C2325223F3809390931232F64560 wrote:
Well,, then I have to ask, is principle insufficient? Are some thngs not just wrong? I have Principles, I believe in certain things, & when there is a program that supposedly "Provides goods or services" that is in conflict with what my principles dictate is right, I oppose that program, Can all programs that are born in wrong thinking just be eliminated today? No, We have several things going that we have to continue, but we could start working away from them, SS, food stamps come to mind, But for now, we have them,, & considering the direction of the nation, I dont see them going away until the country goes bust.

I don't get that either.  Principles are just solid theories.  Truths that are safe to generalize.  Natural laws.  There is no "principle alone," all principles are formed through repeated observation of actions and consequences.

When I was a kid, I smacked my hand on a concrete floor and it stung.  Then I smacked my hand on a brick wall and that also stung. Hmmm, almost as if in principle, my hand will sting if I smack it into a rigid object. Well go ahead and dislike me for adopting that principle and disliking the idea of smacking my hand onto say, a metal plate.

Perhaps arteacher means an incorrect principle that one was told, and never learned it was false because he never tested it out for himself. Yes, that is annoying when people take wrong principles at face value and run with them.

And yeah, those rotten oranges!  >:(   ;D

Title: Re: The Whiners Thread.
Post by Serowbot on 07/09/12 at 14:41:16

Mosquito's... what in the world was God thinkin' when he made those.... :-?...  

Title: Re: The Whiners Thread.
Post by Savage_Rob on 07/09/12 at 14:54:31

2D3B2C31293C312A5E0 wrote:
Mosquito's... what in the world was God thinkin' when he made those.... :-?...  

Disease vectors and general piss-me-offs for mammals (and birds too, I think) would be my guess.  I feel the same about all the vampire insects.

Title: Re: The Whiners Thread.
Post by Dave on 07/09/12 at 14:56:33

5354425B5B370 wrote:
Small. nasty, designer dogs that are best cut up for catfish bait.

I got a name for those dogs.......Kickapootchee!

Title: Re: The Whiners Thread.
Post by arteacher on 07/09/12 at 15:17:47

"Perhaps arteacher means an incorrect principle that one was told, and never learned it was false because he never tested it out for himself. Yes, that is annoying when people take wrong principles at face value and run with them. "

That's exactly what he meant!

Title: Re: The Whiners Thread.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/09/12 at 22:52:46

Id like an example,
At this point, Im not able to understand.
To me, principle is the difference between right & wrong, I dislike some thngs on principle, theft, vandalism, the fed, because theyre wrong, morally.,Thats reading the course on MY moral compass. YMMV,

Title: Re: The Whiners Thread.
Post by Serowbot on 07/09/12 at 23:28:43

Perhaps, Art,.. is pointing out, that there are always exceptions to any rule... and standing on principle, precludes these...

Is it wrong to take a loaf of bread, if you are starving?...
Is it wrong to write "Molester" on the car of a man that attacked your child?...
Is it wrong to lie, and tell Granny she looks good today,.. when she's in hospital?...
Even principals have grey areas... :-?....

Title: Re: The Whiners Thread.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/09/12 at 23:43:12

Those are good examples of exceptions, & for # 1, No, its not wrong to steal if youre starving, Youre supposed to stay alive,& protect your family,

If a man is able to just write on the car of the guy who messed with is kid, Id say the bad guy got off lite,, I still see the pic of the guy whose son was molested by his martial arts teacher, He was "On the phone" in the lobby of the courthouse when they brought the guy thru on the way to the court room. He laid the phone down, pulled a pistol out of his waistband, spun around, stuck the gun to his head & dropped him,,

Title: Re: The Whiners Thread.
Post by Serowbot on 07/10/12 at 00:34:15

26393F3825221323132B39357E4C0 wrote:
they brought the guy thru on the way to the court room. He laid the phone down, pulled a pistol out of his waistband, spun around, stuck the gun to his head & dropped him,,

Yarp... :-?...

Title: Re: The Whiners Thread.
Post by splash07 on 07/10/12 at 07:01:43

2B343235282F1E2E1E26343873410 wrote:
Those are good examples of exceptions, & for # 1, No, its not wrong to steal if youre starving, Youre supposed to stay alive,& protect your family,

If a man is able to just write on the car of the guy who messed with is kid, Id say the bad guy got off lite,, I still see the pic of the guy whose son was molested by his martial arts teacher, He was "On the phone" in the lobby of the courthouse when they brought the guy thru on the way to the court room. He laid the phone down, pulled a pistol out of his waistband, spun around, stuck the gun to his head & dropped him,,

Not easy to take care of a recently molested son from a prison cell. But I cant say I wouldnt do the same thing.

Title: Re: The Whiners Thread.
Post by Starlifter on 07/10/12 at 18:55:18

I dislike riders who don't wear helmets, looking like fools, and giving motorcycling another black-eye.

Title: Re: The Whiners Thread.
Post by arteacher on 07/11/12 at 05:56:34

City bus drivers really p!ss me off. Twice I have been forced off the road by idiot drivers when they cut across lanes in blind curves, and then the city passed a bylaw that everyone has to yield automatically when they pull out of recessed stops. The reasoning for that is valid- people weren't letting them out. The problem is that they abuse it, and expect people to yield all the time. They will pull out right in front of you to change lanes. One of them gave me the finger when I yelled at him after he had forced me into the oncoming lane. >:(

Title: Re: The Whiners Thread.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/11/12 at 12:34:59

Take the bus number, note the time, location & file a complaint with the police. Write a letter to the editor & suggest others do the same,

Title: Re: The Whiners Thread.
Post by Paraquat on 07/11/12 at 18:31:34

554A4C4B5651605060584A460D3F0 wrote:
Id like an example,
At this point, Im not able to understand.
To me, principle is the difference between right & wrong, I dislike some thngs on principle, theft, vandalism, the fed, because theyre wrong, morally.,Thats reading the course on MY moral compass. YMMV,

Curse my defective memory...
I was going to try to find a youtube link to post but I don't remember what it was so bear with me as I try to explain it:
There was a whole episode of a show I was watching arguing about whether or not religion exists which led into a discussion of morality. At the end of the show the main character, who didn't believe in religion, was speaking to himself and said something to the tune of "If only there was some basic set of guidelines to follow for right and wrong" as the screen panned out over the 10 Commandments.

So... imagine that.


Title: Re: The Whiners Thread.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/11/12 at 20:05:12

I think I can follow that, you offered a good break down of the story line,,

I dislike cheaters, on principle., IDK if thats an offshoot of a Moral position, but it is from an ethical position, I think. It goes to the heart of competition, if I cheat, no matter what the score, I didnt win.,I cant win, by definition, if I cheat,,, because winning, by definition, requires playing a game & the game has rules,, cheating is loss by default. I think its sad that some people are able to feel the same sense of achievement by taking a game by cheating as if they won it fair & square.

Quick story, 9th grade, coach finally made me captain of a flag football team in PE.First pick was a big fat guy who was always picked last, I picked him after I got him to agree to do what I said if I picked him first,,He was a very nice, always quiet & reserved kid. I told him he was gonna be the blocker for the quarterback, every other team used 2 blockers. Next, I picked a quarterback. Every other captain was that teams QB.. I chose to not do that, because I would rather be just a team member on a winning team than captain of a losing team,,
and, when we hit the field every day for the next 2 weeks, I told my team to let the other team make the rules,, I didnt want to argue about rules, I wanted to play the game, & as long as everyone uses the same rules, its a fair game, Let me tell ya,, we got cheated, a lot, not every team cheated us, but enough did that we didnt win the top spot,, a cheater team did,, & they acted like they really did something,,they believed they won,, our team knew who won the thing,, & Kendall Dotson, now deceased, had the time of his life, being the Big Guy the qb hid behind. & Kendall learned how to KNock people down & he was so happy, being treated with respect & being appreciated for doing a good job.
PLaying fair is its own reward,,

Title: Re: The Whiners Thread.
Post by WD on 07/13/12 at 07:33:04

24120906140512600 wrote:
Here you go....
Do you dislike politics ?    Yes. who doesn't...
Do you dislike Mitt or Obama?     Too light a term...
Do you dislike the US?     No, but I like a lot of European social freedoms much better than I do our stateside ones...
Do you dislike Yourself?   Nope...
Do you dislike Laws?       Some.
Do you dislike clean water and air?   No, I like both, but I don't drink water (fish poop in it)...
Do you dislike the weather?    Sometimes.
Do you dislike this thread?  No.
Do you dislike smilys?         No.
Do you dislike healthcare?  No, all Americans should have it!
Do you dislike electric cars?  Yes, but I don't like cars in general.
Do you dislike Pizza or veggies?  Like pizza, hate most veggies
Do you dislike ?????????  :o   Yes sometimes.
Do you dislike whiners?  ;)     Especially the ones whining about they don't get enough gov't cheese, gov't money, better gov't housing... » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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