General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Re: MMA argument against helmet laws. part 1

Message started by WebsterMark on 07/03/12 at 05:27:21

Title: Re: MMA argument against helmet laws. part 1
Post by WebsterMark on 07/03/12 at 05:27:21

Forget it Jef; a few unelected bureaucrats decided your fate while attending some overly-feminized university 15 years ago, you just didn’t know it ‘til now. The ironic part is we gave them that power over us.

Clearly you are too stupid, selfish and Neanderthal-like to make decision for yourself so someone ‘smarter’ than you will have to step in and make decisions based not on your needs/beliefs, but based on their view of what’s good for the little people….

Reminds me of a few years ago when some Californian bureaucrat decided to ban minibike sales to kids because they had lead in them…

These are the things that happen when we voluntarily turn over our lives to the State. Get used to it.

Title: Re: MMA argument against helmet laws. part 1
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/03/12 at 05:43:26

The Libertarian concept is NOT what the collectivists push.,
These people know whats best for you & society. THEY dont really need anyone telling them how to live, because theyre smart & they know what theyre doing, but everyone else needs a nanny state to live safely, & theyre so certain of that they will wear the same shackles they want for you.

Title: Re: MMA argument against helmet laws. part 1
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/03/12 at 05:49:48

& Ohh Yea,, the little gutless types who prostrate themselves in front of every petty "authority" figure & fall in line & obey every little dictate & buy into the whole concept that man must be watched & directed constantly for his own good will Rat you OUT if you decide you dont want to play by every stinking rule.

Title: Re: MMA argument against helmet laws. part 1
Post by ZAR on 07/05/12 at 12:01:58

435C5A5D40477646764E5C501B290 wrote:
& Ohh Yea,, the little gutless types who prostrate themselves in front of every petty "authority" figure & fall in line & obey every little dictate & buy into the whole concept that man must be watched & directed constantly for his own good will Rat you OUT if you decide you dont want to play by every stinking rule.

Got that right JOG...and unfortunately several of those Rats ad my family members  :-?

Title: Re: MMA argument against helmet laws. part 1
Post by High_Plains_Thumpr on 07/08/12 at 06:09:52

784A4D5C5B4A5D624E5D442F0 wrote:
Forget it Jef; a few unelected bureaucrats decided your fate while attending some overly-feminized university 15 years ago, you just didn’t know it ‘til now. The ironic part is we gave them that power over us.

Yes and we can take it back. Due to outcry, some states repealed their helmet laws or heavily modified them. Laws can be changed.

However, I use a brain bucket out of concern for my own personal safety, a full face at no less. I don't need to be legislated to know it is in my best interest to wear one.

I also wear a proper jacket and overpants with over the ankle boots and leather gloves.

And I wear them even if I don't look as cool as one with a doo-rag, knuckle gloves, wife beater T-shirt, leather vest and chaps.   [smiley=evil.gif]

Title: Re: MMA argument against helmet laws. part 1
Post by Starlifter on 07/10/12 at 19:06:09

Too bad some people are so stupid we need laws to protect us from them.

Title: Re: MMA argument against helmet laws. part 1
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/10/12 at 22:02:28

67405546585D52405146340 wrote:
Too bad some people are so stupid we need laws to protect us from them.

IDK if more laws are needed,, reckless behavior is already a legally noted act.

Recklessness usually arises when an accused is actually aware of the potentially adverse consequences to the planned actions, but has gone ahead anyway, exposing a particular individual or unknown victim to the risk of suffering the foreseen harm but not actually desiring that the victim be hurt. The accused is a social danger because they gamble with the safety of others, and the fact they might have acted to try to avoid the injury from occurring is relevant only to mitigate the sentence.

IMO, texting & driving is as reckless as putting on mascara or reading the paper..

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