General Category >> The Cafe >> Do you carry?

Message started by bojangals43 on 06/29/12 at 11:21:40

Title: Do you carry?
Post by bojangals43 on 06/29/12 at 11:21:40

Hopefully this question is appropriate (for those at work and in the forum in general).  I was curious as to whether or not any of you "carry" while riding?  Obviously, I mean a handgun or something similar.  I have a permit to carry but have been leary to while riding  yet - what are your thoughts?  

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by Serowbot on 06/29/12 at 11:45:54

I ride within a couple miles of the border,.. and I don't carry...

I'm not interested in having a gunfight...  My protection is under my bed, in case I'm caught off guard...
When I'm awake and about,.. I'll avoid trouble, rather than look for it...

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/29/12 at 11:53:31

Your lack of interest in a gunfight means there wont be one, even if you encounter someone who wants one, about the same as keeping your hands in your pockets when someone else wants a fistfight, There wont be a fistfight, youll just get yer face beat in,

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by Greg on 06/29/12 at 11:57:16

Sometimes when I ride. Since I don't wear a lot of protective gear in the summer, it is usually just a mouse gun for when I am backed into a corner.

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by Serowbot on 06/29/12 at 12:12:59

I go some pretty rough places,... never had a problem...
If someone is willing to kill me for my $1500 bike, or the$45 I got in my wallet,.. then, they need it more than me...
I'm not taking a life for it...

If it's just some loon shootin' random,.. he's got the drop on you anyway...

Odds are higher, you'll be shot with your own gun...
Except of course, those that carry are sure they're not that guy... 'Cause they are experts, and tough, and smart... and ... ooops!...
I've shot a few 100k rounds and can fill a pie plate all day at 25yrds, fast hand-held... 22, 38, 357...
I have no delusions... in day to day life,.. the criminal has the drop on me...
I'd rather be no threat,.. and let him be on his way...
I've put a lot of thought in this... and I'm going with the odds...

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by splash07 on 06/29/12 at 13:13:31

I dont carry, here in SC you can carry in/on your vehicle without a CWP, but I choose not to for the same reasons as Serow. That being said, that does not mean I would not carry. I have always wanted a rifle scabbard for my bike and a set of saddlebags with built in pistol holsters on the outside. If I ever run into a mad max style road gang just reach back and start raining down the peace.

As for the rifle scabbard, that is to put my umbrella in. An umbrella with a rifle stock as the handle.  ;)

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by bojangals43 on 06/29/12 at 13:17:50

That's some sound advise Serow, But I will say don't give everyone else too much credit.  There are some crazy people out there who don't "need" your bike or money and are just crazy.  I'm pretty sure I saw something in the news about a Florida man who chew the face off of a homeless man and had nothing but Marijuana in his system.  I feel I have a duty to make sure my family has a provider... but then again I still haven't started carrying while riding and only occassionaly other times.  Maybe I'm conflicted  :-/

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by Greg on 06/29/12 at 13:21:23

Serowbot, even if I carried every firearm I own, I wouldn't risk my life for my empty wallet or cheap scooter. I carry to protect my life. If I am at a restaurant and some psycho comes in with a gun, I won't be drawing a bead on him. When he comes over to shoot me or my friends/family, then I will try my best to shoot him first. It isn't about being a tough guy, just a guy who is the only one responsible for his own life. And yes, if it someone shooting random, you are pretty much S.O.L. And I believe the only ones that get shot with their own guns are the ones who don't truly respect it.

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/29/12 at 13:22:37

Considering the nature of riding being such a potentially dangerous event, it would seem that Not Riding would be the order of the day. I didnt ride until my girl was old enough to make it w/o dad.,for the very reason you stated.

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by Pine on 06/29/12 at 13:22:43

No carry for me, as I could not take it into the office. Certainly not leaving it on the bike! Other than that, not much reason to carry ( I dont go many places).  My wife, 14yo son, 20 yo daughter all have been trained by a licenced trainer. They each have thier own pistol ( and hunting rifle) If they want thier CCW, I will pay for it. No one has taken me up on it.

I don't think we are either fearless nor afraid. The option is there, but need is not.  

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by rfw2003 on 06/29/12 at 13:26:41

I used to carry all the time, but not so much anymore.  No real need to in the areas I tend to be in.  I myself am for the right to defend yourself by all means, but I also tend to avoid confrontation if I can all possibly can.

Right now I can't carry anyways  >:( darn crooked cops around here came into my house and attacked me then one of them turned around and filed charges against me for assaulting him when I didn't do nuts.  So now it's up to the courts to decide my future on my rights to own firearms and carry again  >:(

Word of advice,  before you call someone a pregnant dog,  make sure they don't have a friend that's a crooked cop.

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by Drifter on 06/29/12 at 13:37:04

  Rule 1 never bring a fist to a knife fight.
   Rule 2 never bring a knife to a gunfight.
   Rule 3 Be prepared!

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by SimonTuffGuy on 06/29/12 at 14:57:12

272A2F242B222429367176450 wrote:
Hopefully this question is appropriate (for those at work and in the forum in general).  I was curious as to whether or not any of you "carry" while riding?  Obviously, I mean a handgun or something similar.  I have a permit to carry but have been leary to while riding  yet - what are your thoughts?  

Why leary? Is it any different than carrying while driving a car or walking?

Mine goes in a pocket holster and in my front pocket when I carry.

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by bill67 on 06/29/12 at 15:21:18

Carrying a gun is a good way to spend the rest of your life in jail.Thats if you don't get killed.

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by cowboy on 06/29/12 at 15:23:22

I love guns as much as anyone. i don't carry very  often.  a gun can get you into trouble but can't get you out. ::)

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by Serowbot on 06/29/12 at 15:30:10

PS...   pepper spray is not a bad option,.. at closer than 15ft it can be more effective than a non-lethal gunshot...
... and it doesn't carry the stigma of a sidearm...

I tested a tiny bit once... Man!, that stuff burns!...
I keep that memory in my "huge mistake" box... ;D...

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/29/12 at 15:45:00

pepper spray is not a bad option

True, I have some around. Im not excited about the idea of shooting someone.Id much rather get someone to realize they shouldnt be here w/o hurting them, Im also not willing to let some big dog chew me up, & some come traipsing thru & I have small, yappy dogs. So far, theres never been a Big Ugly moment,,but some of the dogs that cruise thru here are Pitts & others are just BIG,, so, I keep that stuff in the shop & in the house, handy. I also have some special wipes to neutralize it,,

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by rfw2003 on 06/29/12 at 15:50:44

Now stray animals that rome into my yard I shoot on site. Stray people I don't fancy shooting unless there is a real reason to do so.  So far I've never had to.  I've only drawn one of my weapons once on someone at that has only been at my residence but I didn't have to fire it. Drawing the weapon was enough to get them to leave.  That shook me up plenty enough after the situation just having to draw it on a person.


Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/29/12 at 15:54:34

If I have time, I have a pellet rifle & can run the dogs off.. Im not about to pop a dog with a gun,, we are oput in the country & there are loads of people whose dogs run free. As long as its not doing damage Ill let it pass freely. Ive had one show up on cold wet nights a few times & Ive given it a place to get warm & dry,,dang, thats an ugly dog, but, I expect someone loves it., so,, Im cool to it.

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by rfw2003 on 06/29/12 at 15:56:57

I'm out in the country myself,  that is why my first 2 rounds in the Shotty are rock salt rounds.  I do give the dogs a chance now that one of my neighbors has moved and taken their mean dogs with them, that tended to try and attack in a pack fashion. Most of the animals that tend to come onto my land, do create damage that's why I do shoot at them. I don't do it just for sport.

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/29/12 at 16:02:02

Hey,, different situations require different ways of dealing,, rock salt is a Great Deterrent!
What gauge Shotty you using?

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by 360k+ on 06/29/12 at 16:04:18

I've always found it interesting that some folks think guns are the problem, and others who think they are the solution.   For those who think the latter...   since you feel safer with a gun, how would you feel if everyone was packing?  Doesn't the same thinking extend to everyone?  In fact, let's extend the philosophy and give every nation a nuke - same idea; just a matter of scale.   If you don't agree with that, just reduce the concept back down to one person and I think you see my point.

I have guns and enjoy plinking at tin cans, but I don't and wouldn't carry one for the reasons that Serow and some others have stated.   However, that said, there were two times in my riding experiences where I actually found myself reconsidering...

Once was on the Lakota Sioux reservation in South Dakota.   I had made a side trip to the Wounded Knee cemetery to visit and pay my respects.  When I exited my bike was surrounded by 3 big drunk Lakota Sioux Indians who demanded a "tour fee" of $50.   I was riding solo on their reservation, and there was no one else around for as far as you could see.   I only had about $35 in my wallet, which they graciously accepted and drove away.  If I had been packing and pulled the gun, I'm sure things would have turned out differently, and I may not be writing this today.

The only other time was riding across the Yukon Territory and Alaska.   Up there, you have to rethink trip planning and safety because something as simple as a flat tire or running out of fuel can kill you in any number of ways.

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by rfw2003 on 06/29/12 at 16:22:08

4C4A5952121E1819122B0 wrote:
I've always found it interesting that some folks think guns are the problem, and others who think they are the solution.   For those who think the latter...   since you feel safer with a gun, how would you feel if everyone was packing?  Doesn't the same thinking extend to everyone?  In fact, let's extend the philosophy and give every nation a nuke - same idea; just a matter of scale.   If you don't agree with that, just reduce the concept back down to one person and I think you see my point.

I have guns and enjoy plinking at tin cans, but I don't and wouldn't carry one for the reasons that Serow and some others have stated.   However, that said, there were two times in my riding experiences where I actually found myself reconsidering...

Once was on the Lakota Sioux reservation in South Dakota.   I had made a side trip to the Wounded Knee cemetery to visit and pay my respects.  When I exited my bike was surrounded by 3 big drunk Lakota Sioux Indians who demanded a "tour fee" of $50.   I was riding solo on their reservation, and there was no one else around for as far as you could see.   I only had about $35 in my wallet, which they graciously accepted and drove away.  If I had been packing and pulled the gun, I'm sure things would have turned out differently, and I may not be writing this today.

The only other time was riding across the Yukon Territory and Alaska.   Up there, you have to rethink trip planning and safety because something as simple as a flat tire or running out of fuel can kill you in any number of ways.

Myself I don't think Guns are the Problem Nor are they the Answer. The people themselves are the problem.  It's not the guns that kill it's the people using them that kill.  Same with the nukes. The bomb itself doesn't decide when and where to blowup it's the people controlling it, that does.

Mostly I have guns just to do target shooting. Yes I have them around for protection as well, and hope they never have to be used for that. I don't go around looking for trouble, because if you do that's exactly what you will find. One day I will get me a Remington 700 style rifle in .338 Lapua so I can start learning long range target shooting like I've always wanted to.  The 10/22 is fun for backyard plinking but I really want to get into the long range stuff and see if I can master that.


Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/29/12 at 16:29:34

Just because someone is a black belt, that doesnt mean they should go Bruce Lee every time someone does them wrong. Being armed & pulling a gun when its possible to walk away with a loss but no huge drama & trauma is wiser. Just HAVING a gun doesnt demand its use. WISDOM & Self control are important. Nukes kill across an area,indiscriminately, a gun kills its target, No Comparison, thats a game people play,, weak, very weak,

As long as criminals KNOW they are operating in an armed society, they never know if their intended victim is armed. Its not important that everyone carry to put a crimp in their style.,

I remember when car jackings were all the rage. Louisiana was very hard hit. Finally, they said "If you want to carry a gun in your car to protect yourself, Okay". In a few short weeks, there had been a few successful jackings & a few Not so successful, where the car jacker was left kicking, screaming, bleeding & dying in the street with Gut Shot wound,,
Car jacking fell out of favor Very quickly,..,
Guns are a tremendous asset in stopping crime, just the fact that someone May be armed is a deterrent. Make guns illegal? Well,, you go hang out in Chicago a while & report back on how that works.

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by WD on 06/29/12 at 18:13:12

Depends. If my trip involves going to the city, most of the time I'm packing. .22WMR, fits in my pants pocket and is carried on an empty cylinder. At home or in the pick up, either of 2 .380s (one hollow point, one mil-spec round nose FMJ). Or either of the .44s (one cap and ball, one Police Special aka long Colt).

If the pecans are in season, I carry, Lisa carries, Doug carries. And keep a scatter gun loaded with slugs (16g) or squirrel shot handy (12g or 20g).

If I'm going to my pond... .22LR with hollowpoints and a .410 pistol. We have snakes (cottonmouths, copperheads, timber rattlers). And poachers.

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/29/12 at 18:54:19

If theyre poachin snakes, Id leave 'em alone,

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by verslagen1 on 06/29/12 at 19:07:12

I carry one of these...

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by Serowbot on 06/29/12 at 19:27:02

That's diabolical clever!... :-?...

So funny I saved it to my 'puter...  ;D ;D ;D...

Thanks Verse... ;)...

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/29/12 at 20:36:25

Thats a great tool,, or toy, or whatever, I LIKE it.,

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by on 06/29/12 at 20:44:58

It is a cinch that you can use it to wipe somebody out.

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by 12Bravo on 06/30/12 at 07:01:08

I carry all of the time. I try my best to avoid bad situations but like knowing that I can defend myself if backed into a corner.

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by Gyrobob on 06/30/12 at 10:05:48

Lots of the same old bogus remarks:
-- if you have a gun around, you are more likely to get shot with it than the bad guy
-- if everyone was packing, there would be unlimited murder and mayhem in the streets
-- a stick or a club or a knife or spray is more effective
-- etc.

Here are a few facts:
-- 99% of the folks who carry will never have to use the weapon for real
-- Most of the time a gun is used to defend one's self, it is not fired, and was very effective in diffusing the situation
-- Communities that allow unrestricted concealed carry for law-abiders have a lower crime rate.  "An armed society is a polite society."
-- Communites that make it hard for law-abiders to defend themselves have a higher crime rate.
-- Pepper spray is NOT more effective than a bullet.  Many of those who would assault you are on drugs, ... they don't even feel it.  
-- The percentage of people who get shot firing their own gun in self-defense situations is less than 1% of 1%.  That's a rate of less than one in ten thousand for all the times a gun was fired in self-defense.  How many times has that happened so far this year?  zero.
-- Less than 1/2 of 1% of the time a gun was drawn for a successful self-defense was the gun fired at the attacker.

Like JOG says, just because you aren't interested in having a gunfight, doesn't mean there won't be one.  If someone acts like he is about to shoot my Granddot, I will be very very concerned and glad I am carrying.  True, if I am in a Denny's and some bad guys come in to rob the place, I am not going to risk my life for the cash drawer, but if I or mine are threatened, it will be a different story.

I get a kick out of hearing of the many incidents you hear about in places like Oklahoma, Wyoming, Arizona,  Nebraska, etc., where a bad guy trying to hold up a bank (or a Denny's) turns around and sees seven customers with a bead on him.

If you aren't comfortable with carrying, don't.  Many of the folks that weren't comfortable, though, who buy concealed guns, buy them because they had an incident of some sort, and now defending themselves is more of an issue than being comfortable.

My recommendation for everyone is to get trained well, stay proficient, and carry.  An armed society is a polite society.

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/30/12 at 10:08:17

In recent years, weve seen record gun sales, IF more guns = more shootings, then why is violent crims going down?

You wanna see shootings? Go to Chicago, where guns are illegal,

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by on 06/30/12 at 12:20:20

In Arizona, an open carry state, deaths from firearms have exceeded deaths from automobile accidents.  

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/30/12 at 14:41:39

I had no idea Arizona had such good drivers..lets see them survive Dallas.

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by Gyrobob on 06/30/12 at 18:33:30

373522313C347E382537383523500 wrote:
In Arizona, an open carry state, deaths from firearms have exceeded deaths from automobile accidents.  

What a bogus apples/oranges statement!!  

Alright then, here are some more stats:

There are ~ 30,000 deaths associated with guns each year compared to ~ 75,000 alcohol related deaths each year

Where does the firearms related accident rate show up in the top five categories of accidental deaths in the U.S.?  It doesn't.

This could go on forever.  The point is that if you are a law-abiding, properly trained carrier of a concealed weapon, you and your family are safer, and you are VERY unlikely to do yourself any harm with it.

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/30/12 at 19:20:06

I brought my lunch instead of riding my bicycle.

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by ToesNose on 06/30/12 at 19:25:01

I'm with you Gyrobob, if they outlaw guns only outlaws will have guns.
In my opinion it's better to be trained with a firearm, own one and have the option to never use it then be in a situation where you need it and wind up S.O.L.  

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by ZAR on 06/30/12 at 21:36:40

I have to agree that in areas that have higher legal gun ownership and concealed-carry laws it really does seem there are less crimes commited.

I know if I were prone to comit a crime I'd do it in an area where there was less chance of a citizen shooting at me!

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by Gyrobob on 07/01/12 at 05:13:21

544B4D4A5750615161594B470C3E0 wrote:
I brought my lunch instead of riding my bicycle.

Yes, but which culls more, a penguin or a commercial?

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by Gyrobob on 07/01/12 at 05:15:00

5D666C7A47667A6C090 wrote:
I'm with you Gyrobob, if they outlaw guns only outlaws will have guns.
In my opinion it's better to be trained with a firearm, own one and have the option to never use it then be in a situation where you need it and wind up S.O.L.  

Zackly.  Can you imagine how you would feel for the rest of your life if your Daughter got hurt by a bad guy, and you could do nothing but watch?

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by Gyrobob on 07/01/12 at 05:27:51

504B580A0 wrote:
I have to agree that in areas that have higher legal gun ownership and concealed-carry laws it really does seem there are less crimes commited.

I know if I were prone to commit a crime I'd do it in an area where there was less chance of a citizen shooting at me!

"Seems" nothing!!!  It is a fact.  Check the FBI stats.  Every single time in the good old USA, when gun laws make ownership more restictive for law-abiders, the crime rate goes up.  The converse is also very true.  Many many examples of this happening.

Remember how lovely it was when Florida changed their laws?  When they became a "shall issue" state and they adopted the castle doctrine and the "Make my Day" laws?  
-- The libs decried the murderous mayhem that would break out once the citizens could have easy access to firearms and would probably not be prosecuted for defending themselves or their property with deadly force.
-- Well,,.... what happened to the rate of the break ins, the muggings, the shootings, the robberies/burglaries?  Within MONTHS it declined a lot and has stayed well below previous levels since.
-- The libs were wrong.  Again.
-- This same phenomenon always happens.  In our society, our culture, when the bad guys think there is a chance they'll come up against someone armed, they go somewhere else.  They'll go to someplace where it is hard to get a gun.

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by bill67 on 07/01/12 at 06:29:55

I must live in the good part of the USA I don't know are heard of anybody that carry guns.

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by Greg on 07/01/12 at 06:33:28

I've been wondering...what's the best oil to use on my firearms?  ::)

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by rfw2003 on 07/01/12 at 06:36:33

Myself I use Butch's Gun oil.  

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by Blinky on 07/01/12 at 07:26:12

I've been wondering...what's the best oil to use on my firearms?  

LOL. There's a trouble maker. Well. everyone knows the best gun oil is sewing machine oil by Rotella. I will get out of the line of fire now.

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by Gyrobob on 07/01/12 at 07:33:36

3231417162756C030 wrote:
I carry all of the time. I try my best to avoid bad situations but like knowing that I can defend myself if backed into a corner.


Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/01/12 at 07:53:45


Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by Cavi Mike on 07/01/12 at 15:02:51

312E282F32350434043C2E22695B0 wrote:
Your lack of interest in a gunfight means there wont be one, even if you encounter someone who wants one, about the same as keeping your hands in your pockets when someone else wants a fistfight, There wont be a fistfight, youll just get yer face beat in,

The wild-west ended about a century ago.

I live in a city with 4x the crime rate of NYC and am in the thickest parts quite often. If you're not part of a drug war or getting in the way of some organized crime, no one is going to pull a gun on you. If you're getting mugged? You go right on ahead and try pulling your weapon on someone who already has theirs drawn and aimed. You'll be a statistic.

Carrying a weapon is for two types of people: Those that are always in the line of fire and those that are scared. If you're not in the line of fire, you're just over-compensating.

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by Gyrobob on 07/01/12 at 15:37:41

This is a pretty dumb statement:
Carrying a weapon is for two types of people: Those that are always in the line of fire and those that are scared. If you're not in the line of fire, you're just over-compensating.

For one thing, those that are in the line of fire are usually scared.

For another, how can you possibly ever predict when you will or will not be in the line of fire?  Since I don't have a crystal ball,.... I'll carry just in case.

For yet another, "over-compensating" is a meaningless term here.  If you are sure you will never ever be in a threatening situation, unnecessary is the correct term.  I'm not totally sure I will never ever be in a threatening situation, so I think I'll use the term "prepared."

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by bill67 on 07/01/12 at 15:50:18

I'm totally sure I will never be in a threatening situation.

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/01/12 at 15:51:51

1032253A1E3A3836530 wrote:
[quote author=312E282F32350434043C2E22695B0 link=1340994100/0#2 date=1340996011]Your lack of interest in a gunfight means there wont be one, even if you encounter someone who wants one, about the same as keeping your hands in your pockets when someone else wants a fistfight, There wont be a fistfight, youll just get yer face beat in,

The wild-west ended about a century ago.

Yea,, havin a gun is just stupid.

I live in a city with 4x the crime rate of NYC and am in the thickest parts quite often. If you're not part of a drug war or getting in the way of some organized crime, no one is going to pull a gun on you. If you're getting mugged? You go right on ahead and try pulling your weapon on someone who already has theirs drawn and aimed. You'll be a statistic.

Carrying a weapon is for two types of people: Those that are always in the line of fire and those that are scared. If you're not in the line of fire, you're just over-compensating.[/quote]

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by bill67 on 07/01/12 at 15:55:16

Don't take your guns to town son leave your guns at home.

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by Serowbot on 07/01/12 at 16:17:25

7749425F525F52300 wrote:
For yet another, "over-compensating" is a meaningless term here.  If you are sure you will never ever be in a threatening situation, unnecessary is the correct term.  I'm not totally sure I will never ever be in a threatening situation, so I think I'll use the term "prepared."

Just for the sake of argument,.. I know it will never change a made up mind, but for someone weighing the possibilities...
May I offer, from your own stats (which I would question the validity of )...

Here are a few facts:
-- 99% of the folks who carry will never have to use the weapon for real

Seeing that only a small percent of people carry,... and in their entire life, there will be only a 1% chance of ever really using it,...
This seems equivalent to ladder tying your shoelaces because someday, in some situation the laces might catch as you fall from a cliff and save you...  
Except,.. they might just as well catch somewhere when you're not falling, and cause you to fall and die...
Personally,.. I spend a good deal more time not falling, than falling...

I'll bet there is a bigger likelihood that you will have your weapon stolen, a lose it, or break it, or have an accident and have it injure you, than the 1%,... over your entire life...

If I am a robber in a bank,.. you will be the first person I shoot... because I'll see you move for your gun, an I'll take you out... Everyone else in the bank is still okay... you're dead...
Or,.. if I'm a cop at the scene of a lone-nut gunman situation,... and I see you reaching for anything,.. you are goin' down... because I'm looking for a nut with a gun... oopsy,.. you're dead again..

I see people around here occasionally, (it's Arizona) packin' either un-concealed, or I can often spot the concealed... and I watch them like a hawk... so do many others...
You make the wrong move,.. and you may find a (insert nearby hard object here) wrapped 'round yer' skull...
No offense intended...
I'd do the same for some nut walkin' around with a Machete or a baseball bat..  :-?...

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/01/12 at 16:21:24

The unarmed condition of the legal citizen opened the door to the car jackers in Louisiana. That stopped within weeks of them allowing carry in the car to defend against carjackers.
In Florida, it was so bad the rental companies stopped putting their decals on the cars, because the thugs would target the tourists. Then, they made it legal to carry & defend, that stopped..

You have your opinion, dont carry, I dont, But in a society where the criminal KNOWS his victim is unarmed,, hes a brave & brash individual,
Leave the Guns ALONE,

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by bill67 on 07/01/12 at 16:31:07

Remember a year or so ago 2 guys in a Wal Mart got mad at each other both had guns and shot and killed each other.

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by Greg on 07/01/12 at 16:35:14

32393C3C6667500 wrote:
Remember a year or so ago 2 guys in a Wal Mart got mad at each other both had guns and shot and killed each other.

Well, they were idiots. Sounds like they deserved it. Hopefully no innocent bystander was hurt.

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/01/12 at 16:40:51

Actually, heres something to try on for size.

My Rights, not granted BY the Constitution, but Guaranteed in it, are not up for a vote,
Even if 99% of America Voted to Ban Guns, they couldnt do it, because thats a direct contradiction of the Big C.

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by Serowbot on 07/01/12 at 16:41:44

796660677A7D4C7C4C74666A21130 wrote:
You have your opinion, dont carry, I dont, But in a society where the criminal KNOWS his victim is unarmed,, hes a brave & brash individual,
Leave the Guns ALONE,

I get what you're saying... but,.. for someone just considering whether or not to carry...
I'm just saying,.. carrying.. should require, not only an increased responsibility, but, a special attention to the image you are presenting to the regular public... .. because whether you realize it or not, as you walk about your business, some people are likely eying you closely for any suspicious behavior, because they've noticed that weapon or suspicious bulge......  
No right or wrong about it, it just is... and I know it is, 'cause I do it, and I know others that do it...
If I'm in Taco Bell and I notice one customer packin'... my attention will be 90% on that dude...  and whatever is nearby to wack him silly...
.. and I notice others notice these things too...
A man with a gun in public, has my attention, in a bad way... he is within a second or two of some extreme hurt...  not from a gun,.. just whatever is nearby...
Just the way it is...

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by Greg on 07/01/12 at 16:50:59

2C3A2D30283D302B5F0 wrote:
[quote author=796660677A7D4C7C4C74666A21130 link=1340994100/45#54 date=1341184884]You have your opinion, dont carry, I dont, But in a society where the criminal KNOWS his victim is unarmed,, hes a brave & brash individual,
Leave the Guns ALONE,

I get what you're saying... but,.. for someone just considering whether or not to carry...
I'm just saying,.. carrying.. should require, not only an increased responsibility, but, a special attention to the image you are presenting to the regular public... .. because whether you realize it or not, as you walk about your business, some people are likely eying you closely for any suspicious behavior, because they've noticed that weapon or suspicious bulge......  
No right or wrong about it, it just is... and I know it is, 'cause I do it, and I know others that do it...[/quote]
There is increased responsibility. It ain't a toy. I don't take it out and play with it. The gun, anyway. It doesn't get drawn unless needed. And I don't have a problem with a bulge.  ::)

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by Serowbot on 07/01/12 at 16:57:38

3D383F3433395A0 wrote:
And I don't have a problem with a bulge.  ::)

Sorry about that, Greg... :-?...

A guy put a pickle in his pants to impress the ladies,.. and when it wasn't working too good, he asked his buddy...
Buddy said,..."Put it in the front of yer' pants, not the back"...

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by rfw2003 on 07/01/12 at 17:16:41

4650475A42575A41350 wrote:
[quote author=796660677A7D4C7C4C74666A21130 link=1340994100/45#54 date=1341184884]You have your opinion, dont carry, I dont, But in a society where the criminal KNOWS his victim is unarmed,, hes a brave & brash individual,
Leave the Guns ALONE,

I get what you're saying... but,.. for someone just considering whether or not to carry...
I'm just saying,.. carrying.. should require, not only an increased responsibility, but, a special attention to the image you are presenting to the regular public... .. because whether you realize it or not, as you walk about your business, some people are likely eying you closely for any suspicious behavior, because they've noticed that weapon or suspicious bulge......  
No right or wrong about it, it just is... and I know it is, 'cause I do it, and I know others that do it...
If I'm in Taco Bell and I notice one customer packin'... my attention will be 90% on that dude...  and whatever is nearby to wack him silly...
.. and I notice others notice these things too...
A man with a gun in public, has my attention, in a bad way... he is within a second or two of some extreme hurt...  not from a gun,.. just whatever is nearby...
Just the way it is...[/quote]
I don't know how it is in other States, but here in TX if it's obvious you are carrying you can be arrested and heavily fined even if you have your CCW permit, because at that point you are not concealed. They make a special point of that in the classes you have to attend here in TX, and it's more then a 1/2 day thing, it's 2 full days.


Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by Serowbot on 07/01/12 at 18:05:20

In Arizona,.. you can walk around balancing an AK-47 on head if you want...
;D ;D ;D...

I wouldn't recommend it,.. 'cause I'll be right behind you, with the neck end of a full wine bottle in my hand...

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by Greg on 07/01/12 at 19:16:12

6076617C64717C67130 wrote:
In Arizona,.. you can walk around balancing an AK-47 on head if you want...
;D ;D ;D...

I wouldn't recommend it,.. 'cause I'll be right behind you, with the neck end of a full wine bottle in my hand...

Full? Do you have open bottle laws there? :)

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by bill67 on 07/01/12 at 19:23:03

6366616A6D67040 wrote:
[quote author=32393C3C6667500 link=1340994100/45#55 date=1341185467]Remember a year or so ago 2 guys in a Wal Mart got mad at each other both had guns and shot and killed each other.

Well, they were idiots. Sounds like they deserved it. Hopefully no innocent bystander was hurt. [/quote]
They were idiots,they were carrying guns, If they didn't carry a gun they would still be alive.

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by rfw2003 on 07/01/12 at 19:28:40

03080D0D5756610 wrote:
[quote author=6366616A6D67040 link=1340994100/45#56 date=1341185714][quote author=32393C3C6667500 link=1340994100/45#55 date=1341185467]Remember a year or so ago 2 guys in a Wal Mart got mad at each other both had guns and shot and killed each other.

Well, they were idiots. Sounds like they deserved it. Hopefully no innocent bystander was hurt. [/quote]
They were idiots,they were carrying guns, If they didn't carry a gun they would still be alive.[/quote]

Yes I'll agree those 2 were idiots.  But just because you carry a gun, that doesn't mean you are.  If that was the case you are calling everyone in our military services and law enforcement services idiots as well.

Some people should not carry I agree with that as well, as they lack the proper education and attitude that is needed to use a firearm appropriately, but branding everyone that carries as an idiot, makes you the idiot as you are the UN-informed and UN-educated one.

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by Gyrobob on 07/01/12 at 21:28:01

If bill carried a gun he would be an idiot.

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by Gyrobob on 07/01/12 at 21:29:30

"Some people should not carry I agree with that as well, as they lack the proper education and attitude that is needed to use a firearm appropriately, but branding everyone that carries as an idiot, makes you the idiot as you are the UN-informed and UN-educated one."

Sorry, bill, he beat me to it with the idiot remark.

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by verslagen1 on 07/01/12 at 21:34:02

23282D2D7776410 wrote:
[quote author=6366616A6D67040 link=1340994100/45#56 date=1341185714][quote author=32393C3C6667500 link=1340994100/45#55 date=1341185467]Remember a year or so ago 2 guys in a Wal Mart got mad at each other both had guns and shot and killed each other.

Well, they were idiots. Sounds like they deserved it. Hopefully no innocent bystander was hurt. [/quote]
They were idiots,they were carrying guns, If they didn't carry a gun they would still be alive.[/quote]
naw, obvious darwin candidiots, they would've off themselves next time they cleaned their guns.

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by rfw2003 on 07/01/12 at 22:19:59

Just realized this topic is in a moderated section.  So I will refrain from any further posts, as I can see this getting very heated.  Not just from me but from others as well.  There are those of us that take our 2nd amendment rights very seriously.  Sorry if you took offense bill but the way you wrote that, that is the way I took it.  Maybe this particular topic would be best served if it was to be continued in the way it has gone, in the political section?


Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by Serowbot on 07/02/12 at 01:57:43

707572797E74170 wrote:
[quote author=6076617C64717C67130 link=1340994100/60#62 date=1341191120]In Arizona,.. you can walk around balancing an AK-47 on head if you want...
;D ;D ;D...

I wouldn't recommend it,.. 'cause I'll be right behind you, with the neck end of a full wine bottle in my hand...

Full? Do you have open bottle laws there? :)[/quote]

Duhh!.... Yes!... do you think it would be full, otherwise?...  ;D...
I'm bringin a bottle to gunfight!... That's gotta' be dumber than bringin' a knife..
I need a drink... :-?...

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by bill67 on 07/02/12 at 03:41:06

744A415C515C51330 wrote:
If bill carried a gun he would be an idiot.


Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by Gyrobob on 07/02/12 at 07:05:09

53585D5D0706310 wrote:
[quote author=744A415C515C51330 link=1340994100/60#66 date=1341203281]If bill carried a gun he would be an idiot.


Remember your classes in logic back in college bill?  Saying  "if bill carried a gun, he would be an idiot," does not mean the same as "bill is not an idiot for not carrying a gun."

If you had a holster, it would probably have a bottle of klutz in it, anyway.

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/02/12 at 07:47:03

Nor does it say
Since Bill doesnt carry, he is not an idiot.

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by bojangals43 on 07/02/12 at 08:50:49

Holy crap!  :o  I must have picked the right topic to bring up cause it seems like I struck a chord that everyone heard (some liked/some didn't).  I was just wondering if anyone felt a difference in carrying while riding opposed to carrying in general... I probably should have stated my question a little differently.  But hey, at least I got some interesting info/ideas from a lot of people.   :D I hope no one was offended.  

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/02/12 at 09:02:32

Probably be best to take any gun, economy, political ( gun = political, dunnitt?) stuff to the Tall Table area next time,, Im kinda surprised no one pickd it up & hauled it over there,, but, Im pleased it stayed, I am I am.,

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by 12Bravo on 07/02/12 at 09:03:56

I use a IWB holster most of the time no matter if I'm riding or not.

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by Serowbot on 07/02/12 at 09:44:00

I carry one of these bad boys...

Just in case...  :-?...

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by Gyrobob on 07/02/12 at 10:26:03

687E69746C79746F1B0 wrote:
I carry one of these bad boys...

Just in case...  :-?...

Yeah, I like to trim my nails and eyebrows when I am out on a ride, too.

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by Gyrobob on 07/02/12 at 10:27:25

786761667B7C4D7D4D75676B20120 wrote:
Nor does it say
Since Bill doesnt carry, he is not an idiot.


Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by Gyrobob on 07/02/12 at 10:53:32

636E6B606F66606D723532010 wrote:
Holy crap!  :o  I must have picked the right topic to bring up cause it seems like I struck a chord that everyone heard (some liked/some didn't).  I was just wondering if anyone felt a difference in carrying while riding opposed to carrying in general... I probably should have stated my question a little differently.  But hey, at least I got some interesting info/ideas from a lot of people.   :D I hope no one was offended.  

This is America, Bojangals,.... we get passionate about this one on both sides.  Only one side, though, has the history and stats to support it,... the other side just doesn't like guns,... they feel bad about them, so they want to take them away from everyone.

To your original point, I don't see any diff between carrying while riding compared to carrying in general.  The logic that says I should carry in general includes while riding.  The places I go on a motorcycle aren't any safer or riskier than any place else.

I use a pocket gun, so I don't worry about anyone seeing it at all.  I can dress however I want, and not have to worry about showing and getting myself into trouble or scaring anyone.  Yes, Yes,.. I know,... pocket guns take longer to get into action, and they generally are smaller calibers,... but I'll deal with that.  

I go to IDPA shoots a few times a year to get practice using the thing in other-than-relaxed situations.
-- Yes the stress is less intense, and not all that realistic, but there really is some genuine distraction when you have to shoot a timed semi-realistic scenario with 30 people (most of them experts) watching you.  
-- Another thing that adds to the stress of those IDPA shoots is that I use my everyday pocket gun,... I will not be winning anything that day.  
-- A full 9mm in a 14 oz gun is hard to shoot well, and gives you a sore hand at the end of the day.
-- Most of the folks there shoot guns that are actually concealable, but they use larger guns in holsters that are a lot easier to draw from than a pocket.  Some of those guys are amazing.

As to being offended, I'm sure some guys here got their panties all wadded up.  
-- At 65, I've mellowed so much, even bill doesn't offend me.  
-- One must keep the big picture in view.  Think about it.  
  --- Here we all are, with the money and time and computers to chat about anything we want, most of us get to ride really cool vehicles, and we can blast away on any topic/opinion we want.  
  --- It's downright silly to get your feathers ruffled by someone that says something jerky.  
  --- I submit there is NOTHING anyone could say in any of these forums that would be worth getting upset over.
  --- Look at all the abuse sent my way in the Wheat Belly thread.  It's just a chat group!!  Jeeeeezz.  At least the folks saying what I think are goofy things are participating,... bandying about some ideas.  It just gives me more practice at debating the issues I like!!
  --- Life is good.  For anyone with wadded panties, let them unwad.  mellow out.

Glad you started this thread, Bo!

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by Boule’tard on 07/02/12 at 11:03:55

081711160B0C3D0D3D05171B50620 wrote:
Probably be best to take any gun, economy, political ( gun = political, dunnitt?)

Not necessarily.  But of course, the issue of gun laws is going to creep in.  If anyone complains, we can easily move it, no problem.  Just remember it's a one-way ratchet, or I should say "flush"  ;D and we ain't touching it once it's in the tank.

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/02/12 at 11:05:23

Im not whining, Im tickled its been left here so those who dont frequent the back alley can participate.

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by bill67 on 07/02/12 at 12:20:50

If I was going to carry I would carry a bow and arrow,Which is scarier a bullet in you that you can't see or arrow that you can see.You will sure scare off those gunny guys

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by rfw2003 on 07/02/12 at 13:36:11

Yeah I'm not whining either,  Just saw the turning of the post towards more of the gun laws then the OP.

As far as the OP goes.  Carrying while riding isn't any different then any other time. I actually find it easier to carry while riding because most of the time I use a jacket when riding which makes concealing easier.


Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by verslagen1 on 07/02/12 at 14:28:10

As I understand it, for the grannola state, unless you got a permit, transporting weapons should be secured out of the immediate reach of the driver (and that may include passengers) locked trunk preferred or the furthest storage area second.  Should also be unloaded.

A bow or a rifle on a bike would present issues, which I would have to investigate how to carry.

And yeah, I've heard of someone going to their trunk and pulling out a bow.

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by ToesNose on 07/03/12 at 05:10:29

Verslagen did they brandish the bow themselves, or did they have a trunk monkey to take care of business for them?  Those commercials were funny as hell  ;D

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by verslagen1 on 07/03/12 at 07:49:21

Yes he did... been a while, think it was in NJ.

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by on 07/03/12 at 08:14:44

I guess that I should state that I am a gun owner and have been since I was 12.  I think that anyone who wants to carry should.  On the other hand, I think that carrying poses risks that I do not wish to take.  If you are interested, and willing to take the time to do the research, the FBI has a wealth of data on their web site.  Most people want to carry because they think that it will make them safer.  The data shows that this is not true.  When gun fatalities occur during the course of robberies or public altercations, A person is far more likely to be killed if they are carrying.

In a unsettling side note.  Police officers are trained and regularly tested in the use of firearms.  Yet, if a police officer dies from a gunshot, it is overwhelmingly self inflicted.  Check the data.  This form of suicide is so common among police officers that they refer to it as "eating their gun."  Policemen would be far safer over their entire career, if they did not carry.  Try to convince them of that.

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by Midnightrider on 07/03/12 at 08:59:53

Gerald I've been married to a police officer (now retired) for 12 years. She's had her throat cut with a beer bottle and she's carrying buckshot in one cheek and her leg. You cant convince me or her that she would still be here if she wasnt carrying her gun. There was 4 officers killed in the line of duty while she was on the force, none of them was self inflicted. You cant take a billy stick or a knife to a gunfight, you have to fight fire with fire. She's been pinned down to her car by gunfire more than once. It might work with the Bobbys in England where the general population can only own shotguns for hunting weapons, but it will never work here. I hated seeing her drive off in that patrol car every day because I never knew if a crazy wife beater or a sleezbag dope pusher was gonna try to take her out. I know almost all bikers hate cops, you think you live in a bad neighborhood now just take the cops and their guns away and see what happens.

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by bojangals43 on 07/03/12 at 09:46:53

I see conflicting posts about "stats" on guns through this topic.  I think if you're going to give these "so-called stats" then you need to provide a reputable site otherwise I'll choose to ignore the statement.  

I will say that from what I've read, there isn't a lot of accuracy in the statistics because alot of them come from polls and not hard data.  I'll also say that regardless of if I'm carrying, I'll do whatever is in my power to protect my family.  

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by Gyrobob on 07/03/12 at 19:29:18

I use FBI stats.

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by ToesNose on 07/04/12 at 18:15:12

Side question pertaining to this topic, if you do carry how do you carry on the bike?  Shoulder holster under a jacket, In the waist band front, Small of the back, Jacket pocket etc. etc.  

I carry and usually prefer IWB (In the Waist Band) Front, but a few times I've thought if I ever do get into an accident what carry spot is the least likely to cause harm if I strike the ground or anything else where the gun is   :-?

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by Serowbot on 07/04/12 at 19:17:18

615A50467B5A4650350 wrote:
...what carry spot is the least likely to cause harm if I strike the ground or anything else where the gun is   :-?

No real way to know until after the crash... depends on what and how you hit...

A helmet designer once said something to the effect of,...
"I can make a perfectly safe helmet, just tell me exactly how you are going to crash"...

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by tizzyfit on 07/05/12 at 00:31:34

392D3C797B7B784B0 wrote:
Myself I use Butch's Gun oil.  


Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by Gyrobob on 07/05/12 at 09:01:03

4873796F52736F791C0 wrote:
Side question pertaining to this topic, if you do carry how do you carry on the bike?  Shoulder holster under a jacket, In the waist band front, Small of the back, Jacket pocket etc. etc.  

I carry and usually prefer IWB (In the Waist Band) Front, but a few times I've thought if I ever do get into an accident what carry spot is the least likely to cause harm if I strike the ground or anything else where the gun is   :-?

I carry a pocket gun, irrespective of the activity involved.  If I get dethroned, having a PF-9 in my pocket won't make much diff one way or the other, I would think.

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by tizzyfit on 07/05/12 at 12:33:03

Yes.  When riding, a shoulder holster w/ 9mm Glock.  Otherwise, ankle holster w/ Kahr PM9.

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/05/12 at 18:24:41

& we are all safer because criminals have no idea how many out of a crowd of 20 are packin.. TRhey have no idea if that lone woman walking to her car at nite is carrying, but they have the odds on their side. I wish more women would carry..

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by Gyrobob on 07/05/12 at 20:02:17

7C6365627F7849794971636F24160 wrote:
& we are all safer because criminals have no idea how many out of a crowd of 20 are packin.. TRhey have no idea if that lone woman walking to her car at nite is carrying, but they have the odds on their side. I wish more women would carry..


Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by High_Plains_Thumpr on 07/05/12 at 22:57:40

7E6167607D7A4B7B4B73616D26140 wrote:
They have no idea if that lone woman walking to her car at nite is carrying, but they have the odds on their side. I wish more women would carry.

There was one rider named Susan (CobbersMom) who used to post on Reeky (, whom I gathered was the wife of a dairy farmer. In her sig she had the statement,

Feminine Protection:
Light days - Glock 27 w/ Crimson Trace
Heavy days - Ruger Redhawk .44 mag

She would be one tough customer to deal with!  ;)

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by dirtydom on 07/06/12 at 14:27:02

always carrying.  ;)

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by Mario Verasso on 07/06/12 at 20:08:46

6B6065653F3E090 wrote:
Carrying a gun is a good way to spend the rest of your life in jail.Thats if you don't get killed.

Is everyone that carries a gun a criminal? I carry a small derringer just because it fits in my small pocket nicely. I used to carry a colt 45. I do  live in TEXAS. I would say 50% have a bigger gun on them than i could carry. Up where you live there are more animals than people & believe no one should own firearms. But some of the people in a major city are animals as well.<----Where I live.

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by tizzyfit on 07/07/12 at 00:48:19

4E42514A4C5546514250504C230 wrote:
[quote author=6B6065653F3E090 link=1340994100/0#13 date=1341008478]Carrying a gun is a good way to spend the rest of your life in jail.Thats if you don't get killed.

Is everyone that carries a gun a criminal? I carry a small derringer just because it fits in my small pocket nicely. I used to carry a colt 45. I do  live in TEXAS. I would say 50% have a bigger gun on them than i could carry. Up where you live there are more animals than people & believe no one should own firearms. But some of the people in a major city are animals as well.<----Where I live.[/quote]

Bill.........Not carrying is a good way to spend the rest of your time 6' under.  Everyone get's to make choices, obviously, you've made yours just as I've made mine.  Your only option, when someone is breaking into your house is to call the local police and hope they arrive within 20 minutes.  
I prefer to "negotiate" from a position of strength rather than a position of weakness.  Telling the "intruder" you've just called the police probably won't illicit the type of response your hoping for.  On the other hand, the muzzle flash from a handgun or shotgun just might get their attention.

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by bill67 on 07/07/12 at 06:14:45

How many times have you Wyatt Erps had to pull your gun in the last 30 years,Thats about how many times you will be pulling it in the next 30 years.

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by tizzyfit on 07/07/12 at 07:34:01

686366663C3D0A0 wrote:
How many times have you Wyatt Erps had to pull your gun in the last 30 years,Thats about how many times you will be pulling it in the next 30 years.

You could be right Bill.  The real question is, if your wrong, I'll be prepared and you'll be standing there with the telephone in you hand, soiling your step-ins, as you try and explain to the perps they should leave because the police will be arriving within the next 10 to 60 minutes....... maybe.

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by WD on 07/07/12 at 09:57:27

Bill, I have absolutely ZERO issues pulling the trigger on a 2 legged threat. Have done it before, likely will again. In my part of the country, you carry or you get hurt. Especially if you have to go to the big city (Memphis).

As for how to safely carry on a bike? .22 Magnum revolver, hammer down on an empty chamber. Gun small enough to fit in my pants pocket. Can't fire if I land on it, small enough not to cause serious injury if I do so.

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by Serowbot on 07/07/12 at 10:23:20

Somewhat ironic, that so many pistol packers are riding motorcycles...

Riding a 350lb motorcycle among tens of thousands of 3,000lb projectiles... is equivalent to bringing a pen knife to a gunfight...

... and the odds are far more likely that the car will hit you than a bullet...

I assume you all, always wear FFhelmet and armor?... ... but that's equivalent to wearing a bulletproof vest...
The equivalent of carrying a gun,.. is driving an SUV... not any motorcycle...
... and, I don't feel safer because some people are armed,... any more than I feel safer because some people are driving SUV's....

Even a cop, is more likely to be hurt or killed in a car accident than by a gun...

I'm not saying don't carry,.. just that the justification is unrealistic...
IMHO,.. if you carry,... it's for some other reason than a rational risk assessment...

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by Greg on 07/07/12 at 10:26:09

796F78657D68657E0A0 wrote:
IMHO,.. if you carry,... it's for some other reason than a rational risk assessment...

How about it's my right to carry? Reason enough for me...

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/07/12 at 10:56:05

I havent had a flat or a wreck in so long, I couldnt begin to say when it was..I guess Ive been avoiding places where flats happen, so, I guess I carry a spare out of sheer paranoia, & I wear a seatbelt, cuz Im skeert,, even tho I havent felt one go tight on me due to a wreck in,, geeze,, IDK that Ive ever been saved by one.. I think the only car wrecks I was ever in I wasnt wearing one,
I guess Im doing these things for some reason other than the unlikely event of needing them,

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by bill67 on 07/07/12 at 10:57:41

Anyone know were I can buy a bullet proof cover alls and helmet.

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by Serowbot on 07/07/12 at 11:14:40

0603040F0802610 wrote:
[quote author=796F78657D68657E0A0 link=1340994100/105#106 date=1341681800]
IMHO,.. if you carry,... it's for some other reason than a rational risk assessment...

How about it's my right to carry? Reason enough for me...[/quote]

Absolutely,... in Arizona, it's also my right, not to wear a helmet...
I don't exercise that right either...

5D4244435E5968586850424E05370 wrote:
I havent had a flat or a wreck in so long, I couldnt begin to say when it was..I guess Ive been avoiding places where flats happen, so, I guess I carry a spare out of sheer paranoia, & I wear a seatbelt, cuz Im skeert,, even tho I havent felt one go tight on me due to a wreck in,, geeze,, IDK that Ive ever been saved by one.. I think the only car wrecks I was ever in I wasnt wearing one,
I guess Im doing these things for some reason other than the unlikely event of needing them,

... it's been a long time,.. but you have had flats, and you have had accidents...  
When was the last time you were shot?... :-?...
Most people have had a flat,.. and most people have been in some kind of accident, or at least know somebody...
... and when was the last time you were shot at?...

Ladder tie your shoe laces people... I swear, I heard of a guy once, that fell of a cliff, and the ladder tie of his shoelaces caught him and saved him...
Someone could shoot your motorcycle in a turn and cause you to go off a cliff and your shoelace could get caught on a hanging branch and save you...
... and from there, if you are packin', you could whip out yer' pistol and shoot that guy... ;D...

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/07/12 at 11:43:17

and when was the last time you were shot at?..

I was about 12, in the sandhills outside of Monahans, its pretty unnerving hearing a bullet sing off the sand a few feet away,, & yep, If I woulda had a gun, I woulda shot at that guy.,

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by Greg on 07/07/12 at 14:43:36

7F697E637B6E63780C0 wrote:
Absolutely,... in Arizona, it's also my right, not to wear a helmet...
I don't exercise that right either...

I exercise each of those rights at times. It's the only exercise I get!  :o

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by royblueboy on 07/07/12 at 21:31:16

I have a permit but usually do not carry.

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by dinsdale on 07/08/12 at 20:18:43

Guns are used millions of times a year to defend human life in the US and Canada.
FBI stats back this up.
Shooting is most often not required.

Read any John Lott or Gary Mauser. Both used to be anti-gun until they tried to find facts to support that view.

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by Ed L. on 07/09/12 at 17:36:27

Yes I just started to carry. I've been a long gun owner since I was 16 years old. I started with a .22 and used a 30-06 for hunting deer and target shooting. I reload for all my rifles and also shot black powder. I got my CCP two years ago and finally got a little Ruger LCP .380 pocket pistol two months ago. My wife and I carry around some pretty expensive camera gear on the weekends and after being out in the middle of Ocala national forest with no cell phone reception the need for self protection came up. After a long talk we decided that a small handgun was something that should be included on some of the photo trips.
 I know how to shoot and can hit whatever I shoot at, I just hope I will never need to use that little .380 for anything except target shooting. If someone is going to kill my wife or me I'll stop his clock if at all possible.

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by LANCER on 07/09/12 at 18:12:31

When traveling...yep.
Don't carry locally but when at home ... L&L.
No one is coming through my door or window or threatening my family.

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by Sam7.62 on 07/09/12 at 19:24:30

ballpein hammer or cold steel safemaker2 . avg person can cover 21ft in about 2sec. by the time you bring to bear,aim and fire how long is that?

don't believe me? get an air soft gun and holster. have someone 21ft away run at you with a training knife or something like it. try and react to the threat before they cut you and get back to me.

also read up on the o.o.d.a loop

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/09/12 at 22:18:19

1F2D217B627A7E4C0 wrote:
ballpein hammer or cold steel safemaker2 . avg person can cover 21ft in about 2sec. by the time you bring to bear,aim and fire how long is that?

don't believe me? get an air soft gun and holster. have someone 21ft away run at you with a training knife or something like it. try and react to the threat before they cut you and get back to me.

also read up on the o.o.d.a loop

They did this on Mythbusters,

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by Serowbot on 07/09/12 at 23:15:53

Yup...  knife's as good as a gun at 20ft or less... maybe better...

Plus... against zombies... you never have to reload a knife... ;D...

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/09/12 at 23:22:03

Zombies move soooo sloooww,, but they keep on catching their targets,, whats that about?

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by ToesNose on 07/10/12 at 05:10:18

Rule#1  keep up on Cardio Justin!!!   :D

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by babyhog on 07/10/12 at 07:50:02

Saw that this thread was several pages, and didn't have time to read it all until now.  My area is fairly calm, so I don't feel the necessity to carry while riding.  If I'm going somewhere on the bike that I would feel it necessary, then hubby will be going with me and he will be carrying.  He is much more capable, and he is carrying the majority of the time anyway.  He has had concealed carry permit for many years, just actually renewed it again last month.  He carries at work, because he manages several buildings and never knows when a bum might sneak into a vacant building.  He has had to run off several, and they can get pretty abusive.  If one of them had a gun, I'd be glad knowing hubby had one too.  He also was a Marine, so I feel pretty protected with him.  But I would have no problem getting to any of the several guns scattered about my house, should someone try to invade my property.  I have no problem defeding myself or my family.    

So to the original question... I think it all depends on your own abilities, and circumstances whether to carry or not.  But there have been some interesting opinions and points raised!

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by Dave on 07/10/12 at 10:25:43

As City Engineer, Zoning Administrator and Building Inspector for a small town I pride myself in being very helpful, honest, and dedicated to helping everyone.  Not too long ago a fellow wanted to open up a business in town, and I did everything I could to help him.  He refused to get permits, install the required emergency and exit lights, and started doing the work illegally.  I found out later that he had been charged and convicted with carrying a concealed weapon in another town - and shortly afterwards I had to place a "Stop Work" order on the business when had began doing plumbing and electrical work without permits...he was at the site and was very hostile.  The next day the Police Department found out he had Felony Warrants for his arrest - so he spent the next week in jail with my name on his lips.  Although I have always been comfortable around guns and for a few years I competed at the State level with a target pistol - I never felt a need to carry one.  When I found out this fellow lived 3 miles from my house......I got my concealed carry permit and started to carry a gun with me at all times.

That threat is now gone, and I carry when I feel it is a good idea.  I realize that not carrying 100% of the time reduces the chances that I will actually have a gun when I might need one......but there are times when a gun stuck under my shirt is uncomfortable.  I also spend a lot of time in public buildings where a concealed weapon is not permitted.

I have not read the entire thread and maybe this has been said before - but shooting someone may change your life forever.  I have a nephew that was an Army Ranger and since getting out of the Army he has attended combat training courses regularly.  One of the courses discussed the consequences of shooting a person......and they explained how you could lose everything you own....even if the shooting was completely justified and proven to be legal.  The George Zimmernam/Trevon incident got me thinking real hard about how this might happen.  I don't know what happened between Mr. Zimmeran and Trevon - but even if you are 100% correct in shooting someone it could go very wrong for you.  If you shoot someone and are charged you may end up sitting in jail waiting a trial for months or years while you lose everything you own.  Even if you are not charged the victums family could file a civil lawsuit for wrongful death or some other charge and lose everything you have while trying to defend yourself.  If the victims family files a will end up spending money to defend yourself in court.

I realize the legal system has given me the right to carry a concealed weapon.....but I don't have enough faith in the legal system to protect me if I have to use my gun to defend myself.  When I hear about burglers winning lawsuits against building owners because they broke and fell through a skylight while attempting to break into a business and rob it....I just think the legal system has lost sight of who they are supposed to be protecting.

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/10/12 at 10:49:46

When I hear about burglers winning lawsuits against building owners because they broke and fell through a skylight while attempting to break into a business and rob it....I just think the legal system has lost sight of who they are supposed to be protecting.

Blame the juries. Blame the social engineers who trained Americans to have sympathy for the criminal over the rights of the property owners. In 1960, can you imagine such a suit even getting to court? If it did, a jury would laff the burglar right out of the courtroom.

" So, let me get this straight. YOure trespassing with criminal intent, you break thru a skylight & fall & get hurt & you think HE owes YOU?.. NO<, heres how this works, when you get out of jail, your first task while youre on parole is pay him back for the whatever it cost him to repair what you broke & pay him back for whatever losses he had incurred defending himself from YOU.;"

But justice escapes the mind of the collectivists,

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by Sam7.62 on 07/10/12 at 18:24:37

4D5254534E4978487840525E15270 wrote:
[quote author=1F2D217B627A7E4C0 link=1340994100/105#117 date=1341887070]ballpein hammer or cold steel safemaker2 . avg person can cover 21ft in about 2sec. by the time you bring to bear,aim and fire how long is that?

don't believe me? get an air soft gun and holster. have someone 21ft away run at you with a training knife or something like it. try and react to the threat before they cut you and get back to me.

also read up on the o.o.d.a loop

They did this on Mythbusters, [/quote]

lol never saw it. don't watch much tv

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by Sam7.62 on 07/10/12 at 18:31:48

6A757374696E5F6F5F67757932000 wrote:
When I hear about burglers winning lawsuits against building owners because they broke and fell through a skylight while attempting to break into a business and rob it....I just think the legal system has lost sight of who they are supposed to be protecting.

Blame the juries. Blame the social engineers who trained Americans to have sympathy for the criminal over the rights of the property owners. In 1960, can you imagine such a suit even getting to court? If it did, a jury would laff the burglar right out of the courtroom.

" So, let me get this straight. YOure trespassing with criminal intent, you break thru a skylight & fall & get hurt & you think HE owes YOU?.. NO<, heres how this works, when you get out of jail, your first task while youre on parole is pay him back for the whatever it cost him to repair what you broke & pay him back for whatever losses he had incurred defending himself from YOU.;"

But justice escapes the mind of the collectivists,

100% right! the jury of your peers has been poisoned.


to the people that say you have a right to carry. how can it be a right if you need a license to carry? its no more a right then driving.  

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/10/12 at 23:43:54

o the people that say you have a right to carry. how can it be a right if you need a license to carry? its no more a right then driving.  

That the rights have been watered down to the point of being privileges that may or may not be granted has your thinking headed in the direction the licensing was meant to accomplish./
TRAVEL is a right, TRavel by common means, not walking, not riding a horse, but travel by automobile, because thats what is common, o9r a bike, same thing, & in some places, Open Carry is legal, no license required,
That the goobs dont follow the law is something we should all be used to by now,

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by bill67 on 07/12/12 at 13:01:48

Zimmerman was carrying a gun it worked out great. ::)

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/12/12 at 21:07:13

73787D7D2726110 wrote:
Zimmerman was carrying a gun it worked out great. ::)

Yea,, he passed a polygraph, drs agreed his story & the evidence matched, yet, he is being charged,,Is it to punish him? Could be, he'll be wrecked financially, but he will be judged by a jury of 12, which is at least twice as good as being carried to the grave by 6 pall bearers.

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by bill67 on 07/13/12 at 06:21:35

It proves that mining your own business is best thats why most people do it.

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/13/12 at 06:55:32

So, if you saw someone prowling around in an area that had been hit by burglars, youd do nothing,,
What happens when someone is prowling your neighborhood & no one does anything?
Youve been Taught that its best top not get involved.
Is it possible thats why theyre dropping on Zim? To teach people its best to not get involved? Hes financially ruined, even if he walks,,

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by splash07 on 07/13/12 at 07:21:59

Hey the fact is that zimmerman chased that kid down and killed him, maybe the kid did turn to fight zimmerman but it was only because zimmerman was chasing him. That is murder anyway you slice it, even the 911 operator told him not to follow. On the recording, Zimmerman is heard saying, "these assholes, they always get away." The dispatcher asked Zimmerman if he was following him. When Zimmerman answered, "yeah," the dispatcher said, "We don't need you to do that." Zimmerman responded, "Okay." After Zimmerman ended his call with police, a confrontation between Martin and Zimmerman took place and ended when Zimmerman fatally shot Martin 70 yards (64 m) from the rear door of the townhouse where Martin was staying. The poor boy was running home. And who is to say zimmerman didnt self inflict those head wounds before police arrived. just sayin its a possibility.

All that kid knew was that someone who was not police was chasing him, I bet zimmerman never identified himself as neighborhood watch. Why chase him anyway, no crime had been committed, what did he expect to accomplish if he caught him. Probably falsely charge him with all the other crimes that had been committed there recently.

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by Greg on 07/13/12 at 07:28:49

696A767B69722A2D1A0 wrote:
Hey the fact is...

We don't know the facts. The media spins them every which way but true. The "facts" that I am aware of are he stopped following, not chasing, when he was told to do so. His 911 recording was modified to fit an agenda. He ain't white so why is this making so much attention?

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by splash07 on 07/13/12 at 07:38:13

Greg you are right, we dont know the facts. What we know is the evidence that is presented to us by the media and we all know that can be questionable at best. But, from what I have read it appears that Zimmerman did overstep his bounds. If he did stop "chasing" the boy then why did the incident end with a fatal shooting, when I am running from something I never think "hey they stopped following me, I better loop back and try to beat their ass."

Besides, who brings a gun to a fist fight? No need to pull the gun unless your life is threatened. Some may say that Zimmerman was defending his life and had he not shot the kid then Martin would have killed him, but seriously, he was able to pull his gun and point it at Martin's chest, you cant do that if you are struggling and fighting someone.

we can speculate but we will never know what actually happened.

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by WD on 07/13/12 at 07:38:51

Because making an issue of it fits a certain social engineering agenda. Or ten.

Won't stop me from carrying when necessary, especially on my place. Everybody around here knows who is and is not allowed on the property, the neighbors watch the place too. I feel sorry for anybody messing with, as it's known, "old Mr Jack's farm". I've seen our elderly black neighbor come out of his house with a rifle more than once when somebody he didn't know was at our place... and he's a preacher.

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/13/12 at 10:44:10

Thats a good neighbor,,

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by bill67 on 07/13/12 at 13:26:08

Zimmerman     JOG read the bible thou shall not kill.

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by Greg on 07/13/12 at 13:44:16

Doesn't that same book tell me that I can stone my wife to death for infidelity?

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by splash07 on 07/13/12 at 13:58:09

2D282F2423294A0 wrote:
Doesn't that same book tell me that I can stone my wife to death for infidelity?

Sounds right to me ......hehehe ;D

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by Mario Verasso on 07/15/12 at 20:34:06

696267673D3C0B0 wrote:
How many times have you Wyatt Erps had to pull your gun in the last 30 years,Thats about how many times you will be pulling it in the next 30 years.

I have pulled a pistol three times in my life. The first time was when i was working at a prison & an inmate that was released came after me. The second time someone tried to car jack me. The third time someone entered my home.

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/15/12 at 21:19:13

555E5B5B0100370 wrote:
Zimmerman     JOG read the bible thou shall not kill.

Thats misquoted, Bill,, Murder & Kill are 2 very different things,with only 1 thing in common, thats a corpse.
Actually, its your Duty as Husband & Father to protect your family, & if that means killing someone who is putting their lives at risk, so be it,

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by bill67 on 07/16/12 at 04:13:13

So Zimmerman was protecting his family,Or was he playing tough guy.

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by Gyrobob on 07/16/12 at 07:06:43

What "thou shalt not kill" means is "thou shall not murder."

Killing is okay, according to the bible, if it is justified.  
-- Killing a bad guy who is about to rape your daughter is okay.  
-- Killing a bad guy who sold you a lousy motorcycle under false pretenses would be murder,.... not okay.

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by splash07 on 07/16/12 at 07:17:56

744A415C515C51330 wrote:
-- Killing a bad guy who sold you a lousy motorcycle under false pretenses would be murder,.... not okay.

hmmmmmm :-?  are you sure about that?

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by Oldfeller on 07/16/12 at 08:38:09

Keep bringing up religion guys and you'll get this thread sent to the TT

(last warning)

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by arteacher on 07/16/12 at 11:55:59

That is where it belongs anyway IMHO.

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by Gyrobob on 07/16/12 at 16:20:02

You're walking down a deserted street with your wife and two small children. Suddenly, a raghead with a huge knife comes around the corner, locks eyes with you, screams obscenities, praises his god, raises the knife, and charges at you.

You are carrying a Kel-Tec PF-9,... you practice with it every other month or so. You have mere seconds before he reaches you and your family. What do you do?

If you are a Democrat, you consider the issue,...

  Well, that's not enough information to answer the question.

  Does the man look poor? Or oppressed?

  Have I ever done anything to him that would inspire him to attack?

  Could we run away?           What does my wife think?

  What about the kids?    What does the law say about this situation?

  Why am I carrying a loaded gun anyway, and what kind of message does this send to society and to my children?

  Does he definitely want to kill me, or would he be content just to wound me?

  Should I call 911?

  Why is this street so deserted? We need to raise taxes, have a Paint and Weed Day and make this a happier, healthier street that would  
      discourage such behavior.

  We should just run away, I think.


If you are a Republican,...


If you are a Republican from, say, somewhere like like Wyoming or Georgia or Texas,...


CLINK,.. goes the empty magazine on the sidewalk

THUNK,.. goes a full magazine into the Glock,


Daughter: Nice grouping, Daddy! Were those the Winchester Silver Tips or Hollow Points?

Son: Can I shoot the next one!?

Wife: You are NOT going to take that to the taxidermist!

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by bill67 on 07/16/12 at 16:57:03

Zimmerman must be a republican.

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by Mario Verasso on 07/16/12 at 19:35:20

I must be a Independent. I would shoot his @$$ & leave that person there for him to call 911 for himself.

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by Midnightrider on 07/16/12 at 22:06:57

Why worry about it? You're a thousand times more likely to crash your motorcycle than all the BS in this thread if you guys really need something to worry about.  ;D

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by Gyrobob on 07/17/12 at 08:27:05

587C717B7C727D61677C717067150 wrote:
Why worry about it? You're a thousand times more likely to crash your motorcycle than all the BS in this thread if you guys really need something to worry about.  ;D

Your statistics might be exaggerated a bit, but true nonetheless.

I'm NOT worried about it for that reason, and because in the very unlikely event a bad situation arises, I'll have a fighting chance at least.

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by WD on 07/17/12 at 16:32:19

I just like the noise and the smell of spent gunpowder... preferably blackpowder but cordite/nitro types will do in a pinch.

Have crashed 4 memorable times. Have been in a firefight 6 times.

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/17/12 at 21:39:56

Note to self** Never ride with WD,, which Im starting to think may be short for Wild Dude..

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by LANCER on 07/18/12 at 03:40:09

5043070 wrote:
I just like the noise and the smell of spent gunpowder... preferably blackpowder but cordite/nitro types will do in a pinch.

Have crashed 4 memorable times. Have been in a firefight 6 times.

I love the smell of gunpowder in the morning

Have not been in a fire fight outside of a combat zone...thank God
If there is but one event in my life that required a weapon to protect myself and/or family then having that weapon at hand for immediate use is worth it

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by WD on 07/18/12 at 04:35:10

Justin, it's Wanton Destruction...

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by Gyrobob on 07/18/12 at 06:11:24

I'm with Lancer on this one.

Title: Re: Do you carry?
Post by Brian on 07/18/12 at 07:17:54

I carry on the weekends and on casual rides.  I can't carry at work so that's a no go. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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