General Category >> The Cafe >> Upsetting news

Message started by babyhog on 06/22/12 at 08:48:37

Title: Upsetting news
Post by babyhog on 06/22/12 at 08:48:37

Well, I just found out that my mother has colon cancer.  They are operating this afternoon to remove a section of her colon and the tumor.  They also found a couple of spots on her liver that they want to do chemo on in a few weeks.  Let her recover from the surgery first.  

She is 78, and up until last September, has always lived near me, and we have always been close.  She met a man and decided to move to Arizona last fall.  I guess I'll be finding out just how hot it is out there in a few weeks.

If you are so inclined, prayers would be welcomed.  Also feel free to share any stories you may have with me.  I need some uplifting....   :'(

Title: Re: Upsetting news
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/22/12 at 08:56:14

Its not that I dont care, I just have no words,, Im so sorry,

Title: Re: Upsetting news
Post by Serowbot on 06/22/12 at 09:13:59

Very sorry, Piglet...  Hugs.... :-?...

Keep us apprised...

Title: Re: Upsetting news
Post by 360k+ on 06/22/12 at 09:18:29

My sympathies to you both.

Title: Re: Upsetting news
Post by Boule’tard on 06/22/12 at 09:22:29

Here's hoping your mom makes a full recovery!  Lucky they found it before she got too old for the surgery to remove it. My neighbor was not that fortunate, he will die soon.

Title: Re: Upsetting news
Post by verslagen1 on 06/22/12 at 09:33:37

Strength and courage piglet, I know you already have.
May your mother draw from them in her time of need.
I'll pray for mom's recovery.

Title: Re: Upsetting news
Post by babyhog on 06/22/12 at 09:37:57

Just spoke with her on the phone.  She is feeling good.  There is a possibility that they can remove it laparoscopically, which would greatly lessen recovery time, so let's hope they are able.  

Sorry about your neighbor Boule'  

Title: Re: Upsetting news
Post by bill67 on 06/22/12 at 09:52:55

Thats the same as my wife had colon that had spread to her liver.

Title: Re: Upsetting news
Post by babyhog on 06/22/12 at 09:58:08

2F2421217B7A4D0 wrote:
Thats the same as my wife had colon that had spread to her liver.

How long did she survive?

Title: Re: Upsetting news
Post by bill67 on 06/22/12 at 10:01:19

1 1/2 years at the time they said 5 years would be maximum  but that was almost 30 years ago.

Title: Re: Upsetting news
Post by bill67 on 06/22/12 at 10:03:37

She had a colostomy all that time.

Title: Re: Upsetting news
Post by babyhog on 06/22/12 at 10:30:00

Yes, they have come a long way in 30 years.  They are saying no colostomy at this point.  Just like cutting a bad section out of a hose and putting it back together.  The liver spots are worrisome, but they think they can get them too.

Title: Re: Upsetting news
Post by Serowbot on 06/22/12 at 10:46:31

7D76737329281F0 wrote:
1 1/2 years at the time they said 5 years would be maximum  but that was almost 30 years ago.

That's a shame, Bill...  
She must have been very young... it's clear that she's still remembered and missed...

Title: Re: Upsetting news
Post by Savage_Rob on 06/22/12 at 11:51:01

So sorry to hear that.  Best wishes and prayers for a speedy recovery with as little discomfort as possible.

Title: Re: Upsetting news
Post by prechermike on 06/22/12 at 14:20:08

Prayers piglet.  And you want a story, you might be sorry.

Soon after I got my savage, I was coming home from the hospital in Greenville, about 35 miles one way.  It was a beautiful. Bluebird kind of day and I was riding a motorcycle, what could be better?  Anyway, I had not had the bike long, so I was just putting along, checking things out, waving to the people in cars that passed and so forth.

I noticed it seems like everyone was really interested in me, looking, waving and so forth.  I was thinking, “I am looking good on this bike.”  I looked down and my shirt had blown up over my belly.  So, I just reached down, pulled the shirt over and kept on riding.  Well, the shirt promptly blew up again.

So, I just kept riding and waving, my big ole belly shining.  Kids would point, wave, laugh and then mom and dad would look.  Kind of gave a new meaning to the term fat boy.

Sorry, but you asked.     Proverbs 17:22, “A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.”

Title: Re: Upsetting news
Post by Serowbot on 06/22/12 at 14:47:25

Beautiful and moving story, Preach... It really touched my gut... ;D...

Title: Re: Upsetting news
Post by Trippah on 06/22/12 at 19:57:06

Clearly  a gut wrenching experience, Preach.

Modern surgery is amazing.  My thoughts are with you and your Mom..I hope it works out well.

Bill67 - I hope you had some great years together before the loss.

Title: Re: Upsetting news
Post by bill67 on 06/22/12 at 20:12:03

Yes we did she put 40000 miles on 3 different motorcycles.5' 2   105 pounds

Title: Re: Upsetting news
Post by Boofer on 06/22/12 at 20:24:07

bh, I'll keep her in my prayers. I know a BUNCH of folks living with cancer, and a lot of survivors.

Ok, beat this. I'm 19 and cool on my Kawasaki 500. A girl was staying the summer with her sister and brother in law in our tiny town. When I asked if she could ride with me sometimes, her sister called her folks and vouched for me being a safe driver and all around saint. After a couple weeks of dating and a few motorcycle "dates" I pulled up in front of a store just as the girl, her sister, and her visiting mother walked out. I proceeded to dismount, make a stab at the kickstand, miss and get overbalanced. Somehow the bike went over on the right side with me sitting on the side of the engine/gas tank on my butt. (Hold on...I need to fan my face.)  :-[  True story. I promise.

Title: Re: Upsetting news
Post by babyhog on 06/22/12 at 21:34:48

Great stories guys, and great images you put in my head.  Laughter is good.

Finally got news, surgery started about 90 minutes late but went very well.  They were able to remove it laparoscopicly so that's even better.  Will find out more tomorrow when she is out of recovery.  So far, so good.  

Thanks for all the good thoughts!

Title: Re: Upsetting news
Post by MMRanch on 06/22/12 at 21:55:50


My sister has had colon cancer , 5 years ago had a colorospispy couse so much of it was bad.  Its amassing what medical science can do now days.   Didn't slow her down a bit.   I pray your mom will not be slowed down either !


I saw a lady about 5'2" riding a GoldWing once , she couldn't touch the ground when she stoped .   She left one leg over the seat and hop half off it when she stoped at the light next to me.   Well when the light changed she just hopped back on top it and "Time seem to stand still while she put it in gear" then she took off.   Well about time she was a half/block away the guy behind me blew his horn, so , I pushed my lower jaw shut and put mine in gear too , but she was gone by that time.!!!

One of you mom's bike wasn't a GoldWing was it ?

Title: Re: Upsetting news
Post by SuperSavage on 06/22/12 at 22:49:17

Babyhog, best of luck to your mom. My neighbor across the street has colon ca. surgery and is doing fine post op, 5 years later. I hope your mom has the same success...

Title: Re: Upsetting news
Post by Serowbot on 06/22/12 at 22:57:57

Well,... if embarrassing stories will cheer you up, Piglet,.. I got a million of 'em...
Went for ride with my buddies,.... must be near 10 years ago, and it was hot summer,... so, I wore a brand new, crisp, white, all cotton, button down, business shirt... to reflect sun...
Turned out,... once we hit the open road,... the left chest pocket flapped wickedly against my nipple...
First it was just numbing,... but it slowly went from irritating,.. to painful,.. to agonising...
When we pulled over for a break,.. I'm looking down, inside my shirt at my ,.. well, know... to see if it was still there...
My buddy George says,.. "What!,... are doin'?"... So, I explained...
I didn't think it was that funny... honestly,... (I guess you had to be there, and not be me)...

Ten years later,... just occasionally,.... we stop for break, and George says...
"How you doin'?... Nipples okay?"... :-?...

Title: Re: Upsetting news
Post by Midnightrider on 06/22/12 at 23:50:11

Best wishes and prayers for you and your Mother. My Mother is 78 and she had breast cancer two years ago. Last year it was hip replacements. She can get around better and do more physically than I can.

Title: Re: Upsetting news
Post by Pine on 06/23/12 at 08:16:39

My prayers and thoughts are with you and and your family.

Title: Re: Upsetting news
Post by weracerc on 06/23/12 at 20:53:37

DANG! - sorry to hear about your mom BH - we will be praying for her.

Title: Re: Upsetting news
Post by ZAR on 06/23/12 at 21:50:22

Piglet my dad had a combination of prostrate and colon cancer diagnosed almost 10 years ago. Surgery was done and today he's out working in the shop,raising his garden and all that neat stuff. Unfortunately almost 20 years ago he had some blackout spells that turned out to be heart problems..they have been controlled with pacemakers....but mom got afraid to let him drive and had lis driving privledges taken away on medical grounds. Now she has mid-stage alzhimers and neither of them can drive and it's 15 miles to town for them  :( .

Any way...our prayers are with you sis !

Title: Re: Upsetting news
Post by babyhog on 06/25/12 at 08:44:36

Thanks everyone!  I get such friendship and comfort from this site, it still amazes me.  I appreciate the funny stories... they gave me some needed laughs... as well as the stories of those going through similar issues or knowing someone who has.  

Update - still doing as well as possible.  She's having a little more pain, trying to get rid of the gas... moreso than the incision site and the surgery itself.  Told my husband, I can't ever imagine him having trouble getting rid of gas!  LOL  But Mom beat the breast cancer almost 10 years ago, so she will beat this too.  

While I'm praying for Mom, I'm adding prayers for all those who have mentioned someone close to them in this thread.  May we all share many more happy times with our friends and loved ones. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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