General Category >> The Cafe >> Those who wave and those who don't...

Message started by Greg on 06/17/12 at 17:20:57

Title: Those who wave and those who don't...
Post by Greg on 06/17/12 at 17:20:57

I am constantly being amused by the "wavers" in "the club". I wave to everyone. Sometimes I initiate the wave, sometimes I respond. Of course there are some Harley people that don't wave. The rest of 'em probably do wave because I have a half helmet with a design and wear a denim vest with patches and they are just confused. I have found that scooter people (real scooters) won't wave. They just look at me like I'm from another planet. Some trikes won't wave. I guess because they have too many wheels or something. The backasswards trikes that look like a snowmobile haven't had the opportunity yet. I only see them when I am parked. Perhaps they have heard of the way I drive and stay off the road when I am on it? The 2 things that floor me the most are quite a few black guys on crotch rockets won't wave and kids love to wave! I don't get the black guy/sportbike thing at all. If I am waving I am not showing hatred. By them not waving, I think they are though. And the kids...they always stop to watch and wave! Tonight I had a couple of kids yelling "hey motorcycle man!" and waving because I didn't see them playing! I wonder if they purchase a HD when they get older if they will still wave to us lowly metrics?

Title: Re: Those who wave and those who don't...
Post by Serowbot on 06/17/12 at 18:20:50

Beemer guys hardly ever wave,... I think it's in their secret handbook or somethin'...

Title: Re: Those who wave and those who don't...
Post by Dave on 06/17/12 at 19:08:18

I had to laugh last night.  I was going through a town and a kid on a scooter, white Ipod headphones in his ears, no helmet......and I waved and got nothin' in return.  He's just too cool to wave to me!

Title: Re: Those who wave and those who don't...
Post by clearush on 06/17/12 at 19:13:06

Seems to be a crap shoot around here who will wave and who won't. but seems to be about 70-80% will no matter what they are riding. Not many real scooters in my part of town so I can't say what the emo hipsters do or think of real bikes  ;D

Title: Re: Those who wave and those who don't...
Post by Cavi Mike on 06/17/12 at 23:22:32

People on scooters don't have any idea what motorbike etiquette is. They just bought them because they're cheap, small and economical, not because bikes are fun and thrilling. Expecting a scooter rider to know to wave is like expecting a Prius owner to know what race gas smells like.

As far as HD riders - most definitely just confused. They see a big round headlight coming at them and they instinctively wave. Most of them waved at me when I was on my Ducati Monster...

Title: Re: Those who wave and those who don't...
Post by Wolfman on 06/18/12 at 03:07:57

During the week i get maybe 7 out of 10 waveing. Come fri evening till late sun its more like 3 of 10 will wave.
The non wavers generally are baggers or spyders.

Title: Re: Those who wave and those who don't...
Post by mpescatori on 06/18/12 at 04:40:29

4056415C44515C47330 wrote:
Beemer guys hardly ever wave,... I think it's in their secret handbook or somethin'...

That is not quite correct.

Beemer People are like Harley People.

Some are People on a bike, and wave at People on a bike.

Others are people on a Bike, and only wave at people on a Bike.


Look at the caps, see where I'm getting at...

When touring, I wave at anything from gnats to mosquitoes to fellow tourers  8-)

When commuting, I'm too busy shaking my fist at scooters and crotch rockets and school moms and grandpas on errands... :P


Title: Re: Those who wave and those who don't...
Post by Nick Z on 06/18/12 at 11:57:21

536B686269656A040 wrote:
During the week i get maybe 7 out of 10 waveing. Come fri evening till late sun its more like 3 of 10 will wave.
The non wavers generally are baggers or spyders.

Yep - down here in South Florida almost all of the regular 7-days-a-week riders wave. When the weekend rolls around, out come the folks who don't wave. Most of them probably just bought their bikes

Title: Re: Those who wave and those who don't...
Post by Wolfman on 06/18/12 at 12:27:03

You'd think with route 66 going right through the middle of town there would be a LOT of waving on the weekend.
MAYBE 1 in 10 of them wave on the weekend.
Most waves come from the same harleys, sport bikes n naked metrics i see during the week.
The shiny high dollar rolling couches i usually just get a dirty look. That is IF they even look my

I do have one local on a naked Harley, large fellow(fat) that wears a lil Nazi helmet that's unfriendly. Kinda get that 'who the F*** are you dirty look' when i wave at

I wave, they can take it or leave it. 8-)

Title: Re: Those who wave and those who don't...
Post by babyhog on 06/18/12 at 12:31:52

I wave most of the time.  Like Wolfman, they can take it or leave it.  Sometimes I'm even surprised when one that I think won't wave and he does, or ones that I think will, that don't.   I've also been known to muddle to myself a few choice words at some who don't wave.. lol  But I guess around my area, most do wave.  

Title: Re: Those who wave and those who don't...
Post by 360k+ on 06/18/12 at 13:05:39

6D7B6C71697C716A1E0 wrote:
Beemer guys hardly ever wave,... I think it's in their secret handbook or somethin'...

Now hold on there big fella!     8-)

I am an old school waver because that was the way I was brought up.   In the 50's from about age 5, riding poker runs on the back of my Dad's Harley or Indian, I was taught to wave to other bikers.   There were no Jap bikes then, and even the Brits were considered somewhat exotic, but you waved at ALL bikers regardless.  Back then, it was part of the mystique of biker world, almost like a secret hand signal acknowledging that you both understood the "magic".

I've owned 2 Harleys; an Ultraglide, and a 1200 Sporty, and of course the Harley guys waved at me when riding one of those.  However, when I was riding another make, many no longer waved, which made me consider how pretentious and snooty the whole custom had become.   I've even had Harley guys start to wave then withdraw their hand when they realized I was not on a Harley - funny!

One thing that kinda irks me is my Beemer isn't usually offered the respect of a wave, even tho it has a heritage in Europe much like HD.  BMW started out making aircraft engines, but due to the Treaty of Versailles after WWI, Germany could no longer make "military hardware".  The result is, they started making motorcycles, producing their first boxer motorcycle in 1921.

I guess some Beemer guys are a little clicky, but the ones I've met are wavers and not hostile in the way some Harley riders seem to be.  Having owned both Harleys and Beemers, one distinction I noticed is a Harley is expected to be shined and polished when you ride into a rally like Sturgis, whereas Beemer guys are completely opposite, almost taking pride in the mud splatters, dirty windshields, and camping equipment bungied on.

One last thing is, I don't wave in town.   I'm usually too busy shifting and avoiding cages to be bothered.

Title: Re: Those who wave and those who don't...
Post by Brian on 06/18/12 at 13:42:02

I wave at about everybody, maybe 90% wave back.  Got all kinds around here, HD's, true choppers, sport bikes, etc...  Moped morons just look at you confused (I'm in a college town).  Most of the time if I don't wave it's because I'm shifting, it's fairly congested around where I am pretty much any time of the day.

Title: Re: Those who wave and those who don't...
Post by damiancds on 06/18/12 at 14:11:04

I try to wave to everybody, regardless of what they're running. The only times I don't are when I can't, ie, I didn't notice them in time, or I'm going around a corner...

I do know my waving skill still sucks, but it's getting better with every biker I pass...

Title: Re: Those who wave and those who don't...
Post by Paraquat on 06/18/12 at 16:38:41

0624332C082C2E20450 wrote:
People on scooters don't have any idea what motorbike etiquette is. They just bought them because they're cheap, small and economical, not because bikes are fun and thrilling. Expecting a scooter rider to know to wave is like expecting a Prius owner to know what race gas smells like.

I wave at everyone unless I've got busy hands. Then they have to settle for a nod. I do agree with this quote though.


Title: Re: Those who wave and those who don't...
Post by Starlifter on 06/18/12 at 20:12:19

I have always waved at anything on two or three wheels. About 90% wave back.

This riding season in Michigan (our stupid Republican governor) repealed the mandatory helmet  4 out of 5 riders still wear helmets, the ones who don't, do not get a wave. (It's a matter of principle.)

Title: Re: Those who wave and those who don't...
Post by Boofer on 06/18/12 at 20:19:24

Here in the South, they mostly wave, but I have to say sometimes on the 4 lane I don't always catch them till it's too late for me to wave. Could be the same with them...just not seeing 'cause of traffic, etc.

Title: Re: Those who wave and those who don't...
Post by Stimpy - FSO on 06/19/12 at 02:57:41

For safety reasons...

I "wave" with one finger (index finger)
while keeping my hand on the bars/clutch,
it's better that way.

Title: Re: Those who wave and those who don't...
Post by bess227 on 06/19/12 at 10:00:25

may sound corny........but if they got their "knees in the breeze" i figure they are dodging the same cages and dealing with the same stuff i am.  i wave as kind of my own "be safe brother" blessing of sorts.

i don't think any of us want to see someone take a lick at an intersection from a teen blonde with a cell phone addiction or high side one in a turn.....even a lowly squid.  ;)

if they wave back that's fine......if not......i still am wishing them a safe ride.....all of them.

Title: Re: Those who wave and those who don't...
Post by Boule’tard on 06/19/12 at 11:48:44

Well since I have been riding the Vino scooter around, I can tell you the scooters are not considered motorcycles.  There is no wave club, even among fellow scooterers, it is just a means of transport.  Scooter folks are no more likely to wave to other scooters than people in cars are likely to wave at other cars.  Motorcyclists have picked up on this and by-and-large do not wave at scooters either.

The DR650 gets tons more waves from other motorcyclists, Harley riders included, than the scooter.

Also, I never take it personally if a person does not return a wave.. since I often don't either, being preoccupied with paying attention to traffic or, bad time to let go of the handgrip (a safety thing) .

Title: Re: Those who wave and those who don't...
Post by babyhog on 06/19/12 at 13:16:55

Speaking of waving in cars, around here, people in Jeep Wranglers often wave at each other.  I have a Liberty now, and don't get the waves, but always did in either of my Wranglers.  Is that local or has anyone else experienced that?

Title: Re: Those who wave and those who don't...
Post by Greg on 06/19/12 at 17:03:02

393A3B36342E570 wrote:
Speaking of waving in cars, around here, people in Jeep Wranglers often wave at each other.  I have a Liberty now, and don't get the waves, but always did in either of my Wranglers.  Is that local or has anyone else experienced that?

I was a member of the Jeep waving club as well. It is not just a local thing. I would wave to Libertys but they did the scooterer response. If they waved first we always waved back. There was an unofficial rule that stated the less off road capable jeep had to wave first.

Title: Re: Those who wave and those who don't...
Post by 360k+ on 06/20/12 at 18:16:02

17302536282D22302136440 wrote:
I have always waved at anything on two or three wheels. About 90% wave back.

This riding season in Michigan (our stupid Republican governor) repealed the mandatory helmet  4 out of 5 riders still wear helmets, the ones who don't, do not get a wave. (It's a matter of principle.)

Just wait a while and the no helmet riders will diminish via the natural selection process.    However, you're right about your govenator, but that's another topic...

Title: Re: Those who wave and those who don't...
Post by Starlifter on 06/20/12 at 18:58:57

Yes, well...the very few no helmet folks have been waving at me, and I will certainly wave back at anyone. I guess I'll just have to figure out another way to educate / scorn these no helmet people.

Title: Re: Those who wave and those who don't...
Post by ZAR on 06/21/12 at 08:18:31

Now hang on a minute folks!!!! Let's not turn this into a nasty by dragging the helmet/no helmet discussion into the thread. I don't question any ones decision to wear or not( I do sometimes and don't sometimes) but I'm a firm believer it's no ones business but the individual rider. To snub another rider because they don't have a helmet on is the same as snubbing a rider because they are on a Beemer/sportbike/Harley/bobber....just pick one.

Just for the record...I started fighting for bikers rights way back in 1978 and was one of the early members of ABATE of Indiana. That was also when we started working for Rider Education laws and the MSF was developing their courses.

Back to normal programming  :) I wave at all riders when I can. Sometimes in traffic/at shift points etc I at least nod.

Title: Re: Those who wave and those who don't...
Post by Greg on 06/21/12 at 08:25:46

3A2132600 wrote:
I don't question any ones decision to wear or not( I do sometimes and don't sometimes) but I'm a firm believer it's no ones business but the individual rider. To snub another rider because they don't have a helmet on is the same as snubbing a rider because they are on a Beemer/sportbike/Harley/bobber....just pick one.

You got that right!

Title: Re: Those who wave and those who don't...
Post by Serowbot on 06/21/12 at 08:40:53

About a year ago...

I waved at a dude on a MX bike in my buddies neighbourhood... As he went by he waved back, and I noticed he wasn't wearing... anything...
When me and my buddy pulled up at the stop sign, my buddy flipped up his faceshield and said,...
"Was that guy,....???"....
I said,.. "yes,.. I think so"...
"Did you wave?"...
"Yes,... I did"...
"Did he wave back?"...
"Okay,.... just checkin'"...

Title: Re: Those who wave and those who don't...
Post by ZAR on 06/21/12 at 08:45:16

7264736E76636E75010 wrote:
About a year ago...

I waved at a dude on a MX bike in my buddies neighbourhood... As he went by he waved back, and I noticed he wasn't wearing... anything...
When me and my buddy pulled up at the stop sign, my buddy flipped up his faceshield and said,...
"Was that guy,....???"....
I said,.. "yes,.. I think so"...
"Did you wave?"...
"Yes,... I did"...
"Did he wave back?"...
"Okay,.... just checkin'"...

Good Grief Sero  :o !!!!!!!!!  Did you go back to double check  ;D ?????

Title: Re: Those who wave and those who don't...
Post by WD on 06/21/12 at 09:12:45

Sometimes I'll wave back, usually I don't. Depends on my mood, how cute the girl on the pillion is (the other bike's pillion, I don't carry passengers on a Savage), whether or not I like the bike they are on... Heck, even the bacon bits (motorcycle cops) wave here.

Over done to the point of nauseating.

Was the same way with Jeep. I had a CJ5, got lots of waves from other CJ owners but completely ignored by the drivers of less capable TJ , YJ and XJ rigs. Until they started building their rigs, suddenly I was cool enough to wave at... I guess.

Wave, don't wave, whatever.

With my current set ups, waving is inherently dangerous... high bars on one bike, track bars on the other. Got better things to worry about (like getting up on the curb when Ditzarella in her Plastang yammering on her cell phone decides to use me for target practice)...

Title: Re: Those who wave and those who don't...
Post by weracerc on 06/21/12 at 09:49:34

6360616C6E740D0 wrote:
Speaking of waving in cars, around here, people in Jeep Wranglers often wave at each other.  I have a Liberty now, and don't get the waves, but always did in either of my Wranglers.  Is that local or has anyone else experienced that?

so this wave deal could be applied to any transport vehicle - i wonder in the Ferrari peeps in Italy wave at each other and snub the Mercedes drivers while the Mercedes peeps in Germany wave to each other and dis the BMW & Ferrari drivers....hummm something to ponder for sure.....I drop 2 on every 2 or 3 wheeled vehicle that i see provided i am not in the middle of clutching or heavy traffic - i dropped 2 on a dude this morning as i was in the middle of the right turn off the main road on to the side street my workplace is on.....kind of caught him off guard i think. Scooter-Doofi seldom drop 2 they do the "Hee Haw-High 5".

I actually forget sometimes when i am in the car and drop 2 out the car window when a bike passes me - talk about confused looks!

Title: Re: Those who wave and those who don't...
Post by groupus on 06/21/12 at 10:18:23

I used to be all about waving, now i can take it or leave it. It used to be about respect for fellow riders, now its about being cool. The guys I see commuting everyday with a backpack and safety gear on I'll wave back at out of respect. The guys who dress up like pirates to take their Harleys out on weekends I don't make a point to wave to. It all depends on my mood. And big custom choppers, spending $50k on a garage queen does not make you my friend. I have definitely had Harley guys withdrawl the wave once they got close enough to see that one of my cylinders fell off. I have a cafed Honda Goldwing with clip-ons too. I get more sport bike waves and much less Harley waves on that.
Idiots on Hybusas that just want the attention I ignore.

The wave differs too. I just give a little flick off the end on my bars Weekenders will usually throw their whole arm down like they're pulling a gun on you.

I have an e30 BMW beater and have gotten a wave or nod from other e30 owners.

Title: Re: Those who wave and those who don't...
Post by Serowbot on 06/21/12 at 10:53:57

I think it's funny how crotch rocket riders have their cool little flick wave,.. and Harley/cruiser dudes haves that low, side slap wave,...

Sometimes I just try to give the geekiest, most spaz,  wave I can manage... just to upset the mood...
...especially to to the high-dollar, butt jewelery, custom chopper guys...
Scooter guys just return the wave the same way...

Beemer guys do more of a "sig heil" type thing...
Scary... glad they don't wave much... :-?...
(just kidding 360,... my buddy is picking up an old R69S from Tennessee next week...)  ;)...

Title: Re: Those who wave and those who don't...
Post by Greg on 06/21/12 at 11:27:26

A few months ago I tried to start a minivan waving club. For about a week I waved at every minivan I saw on the road. My daughter was embarrassed. It didn't catch on so I quit.

Title: Re: Those who wave and those who don't...
Post by verslagen1 on 06/21/12 at 11:35:19

maybe if you had a cool car... like a yugo   :-?

Title: Re: Those who wave and those who don't...
Post by 360k+ on 06/21/12 at 17:39:13

4A4F4843444E2D0 wrote:
A few months ago I tried to start a minivan waving club. For about a week I waved at every minivan I saw on the road. My daughter was embarrassed. It didn't catch on so I quit.

LOL, that's funny.   A few years ago I got into this waving thang where I'd wave to every car and truck, even when I was driving my car or truck.   My wife would tell me to stop doing it, and when I asked her why, she said it embarrassed her???

Title: Re: Those who wave and those who don't...
Post by Greg on 06/24/12 at 06:13:30

Not to beat a dead horse or preach to the choir, but my ride yesterday was interesting. I spent the day in York County, PA. Every scooter-scooter I saw initiated the wave to me! I finally saw 2 snowmobiles (the backasswards trikes) on the road. They both waved. Some 1%-looking people didn't wave and some withdrew their hands quickly when noticing that I didn't share their enthusiasm for bike brands. I am still dumbfounded by the black sportbike riders. I must have seen 6 or more and not a single one returned my wave. Do they have their own private waving club or something? People of all colors on other style bikes waved without hesitation. I will still continue to wave and wish safe travels to everyone I pass no matter what their skin color or scooter choice. Now the guy in the cage that intentionally sped up to get between me and my buddy while we were merging onto Rt 30 got a special one finger wave. And an audio explanation.

Title: Re: Those who wave and those who don't...
Post by Haggis on 06/24/12 at 12:18:58

I wave to every bike I pass, if I can, if not it's a nod, I even do it when I'm in the car oooooops :-[

Title: Re: Those who wave and those who don't...
Post by arteacher on 06/24/12 at 14:34:46

For my bad weather ride I have a Scion Xb, which are kind of rare up here. When I see another one I give a thumbs up, and usually get one back in return. It was the same with my previous vehicle, a 20 yr old Land Cruiser.

Title: Re: Those who wave and those who don't...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/24/12 at 15:40:19

After a few thousand miles, I got a bit tired of the feeling that I was Supposed to wave,, eventually, I got down to the Oklahoma wave, farmers raise the forefinger from the wheel,, sometimes, I just dont even acknowledge the other rider, but generally, if theyre on a scooter or something smaller, I will,.,cuz I dont wanna have someone thinking I think Im superior,, (Geeeze, what kinda emotional blackmail have I bent to?)
The sport bike riders are leaning on their hands, so theyre less able to wave comfortably

Title: Re: Those who wave and those who don't...
Post by Greg on 06/24/12 at 15:43:41

If the Oklahoma wave is acceptable, I like it! Good point concerning sportbike riders. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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