General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Coming economic meltdown?

Message started by justin_o_guy2 on 06/17/12 at 14:40:15

Title: Coming economic meltdown?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/17/12 at 14:40:15

I foresee troubling times, times that require preparation in all areas of life.
Ive watched the "progress" of America since I was 12, I am 57. Ive watched things done that made no sense, things done by intelligent people, things that they had to be able to see the end result, I did, but they did them anyway, while the people stood against them, I see debt growing, wars fought that are meaningless to the people., & treachery from every point on the compass.. Do you? Are things desperate as I see them or are things generally okay? Can we "tweak" the direction of America & get back on track or do we need to spin the wheel like we are trying to keep the ship of state off the iceberg? Are we headed for a cliff or are we just on a bumpy road?

Title: Re: Coming economic meltdown?
Post by Oldfeller on 06/17/12 at 16:06:33

Meltdown is coming -- debt ratio is completely out of sight and no matter which goober we elect the day of reckoning must come eventually.

Our dollar supply is grossly too large to match our country's falling net GNP and the only thing propping this situation up is the dollar is still the "default" global currency.   This is changing however as gold is becoming a preferred global currency and gold is now what OPEC wants for its oil and China wants for manufactured goods.

Europe is going to shake off some of its weak sisters and the Euro will stabilize afterwards at some level.   Our dollar will be 'adjusted' during this same natural process.

We Americans will come out in the end "ok" but just that, ok.   All us boomers aren't going to see the golden age retirement we had hoped for, but if we bought some land or metal with our dollars last year we will be better off than if we didn't.

Title: Re: Coming economic meltdown?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/17/12 at 16:17:25

Everyone is aware that the Euro is sitting on the edge of ruin, but no one seems to notice it takes more than a dollar to buy one,, that being the case, what does that say about the dollar? Less valuable than a currency on its death bed??

Title: Re: Coming economic meltdown?
Post by bill67 on 06/17/12 at 16:34:28

To fix the economy the first 2 things that need to be none is stop the wars put our troops on the Mexican border and make credit cards illegal most people and the young people for sure can't handle them right and the interest is unbelievable on them.I haven't had a credit card in 40 years,Wife got one once and after about 6 month I tore it up.I read some were when you buy gas with a credit card it cost you 6 cents a gallon more.All that money gos to the big banks.

Title: Re: Coming economic meltdown?
Post by Serowbot on 06/17/12 at 18:09:04

The big picture, as I understand it,.. is that it truly is a global economy, and so,... ours is not the only currency/debt/ credit in turmoil...
Most all the first world countries are in similar situations...
Even China is doing it's own crazy accounting with currency and inflation...

Talk about "Too big to fail"... it's the whole world...

Eventually,.. all the countries of the world will need a "bailout" from the real rulers... Global corporations... and they'll get one.  Because without us consuming their cr@p,.. GE, Archer Daniels Midland, Monsanto, Exxon, and the Kohl brothers will loose everything...

Whatever money we have left, will become the going rate for what we need,... because it has too... It's all there is...

Tuff nuts...

It's all about balance... :-?...

Title: Re: Coming economic meltdown?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/17/12 at 22:03:24

YOure So close to getting it Row. Youre just Riiiight There,, but not quite.
Its not just that is is a Global economy, its how it came to be that way. & its not just that bailouts are gonna be needed, its why it came to be that way,
Nafta? REally? WHY? It was obviously a bad idea.
Repeal Glass Steagal? WHY? It was obviously a bad idea.
Invade Iraq? Why? Because Saddam wanted to stop taking dollars for oil?
Gadaffi? Wanted no dollars & had no need for World Bank $$$.

Look into
Confessions of an Economic Hit Man,

Letter: Economic hit man tells some tales
Chico Enterprise-Record
Posted:   06/16/2012 01:06:17 AM PDT

"U.S. corporatocracy" is the term John Perkins uses in his book "Confessions of an Economic Hit Man" (available at the library) to describe how countries are now controlled by a coalition of the U.S. government, banks such as the World Bank and International Monetary Fund and U.S.-based international corporations.

He had a lot of courage to write this book considering heads of state that have not gone along with our government and the U.S.-based international companies' suggestions have met with an early death defined as accidental.

He describes his experience of going into other countries like Indonesia, Panama, Ecuador, Columbia, Saudi Arabia, Iran and other strategically located countries and convincing them to take out huge loans for infrastructure and make sure that U.S. corporations were used for the construction. The huge loans will probably never be repaid but the countries came under the control of the U.S. government, World Bank and other U.S. aid agencies. In many cases the environment was permanently damaged.

His book gives a good brief history of our intervention in other countries' well-being and suggests our actions make a lot of people hate America and could even lead to some of them becoming terrorists.

I expect Iran to be next on the hit list because of its strategic location, water and oil resources.

— Norm Dillinger, Chico

Title: Re: Coming economic meltdown?
Post by Pine on 06/18/12 at 08:32:08

796F78657D68657E0A0 wrote:
The big picture, as I understand it,.. is that it truly is a global economy, and so,... ours is not the only currency/debt/ credit in turmoil...
Most all the first world countries are in similar situations...
Even China is doing it's own crazy accounting with currency and inflation...

Talk about "Too big to fail"... it's the whole world...

Eventually,.. all the countries of the world will need a "bailout" from the real rulers... Global corporations... and they'll get one.  Because without us consuming their cr@p,.. GE, Archer Daniels Midland, Monsanto, Exxon, and the Kohl brothers will loose everything...

Whatever money we have left, will become the going rate for what we need,... because it has too... It's all there is...

Tuff nuts...

It's all about balance... :-?...

There is a conspiracy nut out there saying the same thing BUT with a horrible little twist...
So everyones currency goes to pot.. therefore obviously government cant be trusted to oversee currency... (just like with the Fed a private corp).. so what to do? Why have a corp or several create a "private currency". They will gladly buy your worthless government fiat for their corporate fiat... everyone will jump in.. The corporate will promise to be better at fiscal control.

all fixed... well as long as you were't really using that liberty stuff anyway...

Title: Re: Coming economic meltdown?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/18/12 at 09:03:03

There was about a 50 year period, dates prior to 1913, when we had goob created money, outrageous & consistent growth in America, the % unemployed was low, people were getting wealthier.

Title: Re: Coming economic meltdown?
Post by Starlifter on 06/18/12 at 18:31:21

If you are really and honestly worried...

Plant gardens, raise chickens, buy a cow, stock up on essentials...and I hate to say this...but, buy ammo.

Title: Re: Coming economic meltdown?
Post by WebsterMark on 06/18/12 at 19:48:49

and I hate to say this...but, buy ammo.

who do you think you're going to have to shoot?

Title: Re: Coming economic meltdown?
Post by Sam7.62 on 06/18/12 at 20:05:55

193E2B3826232C3E2F384A0 wrote:
If you are really and honestly worried...

Plant gardens, raise chickens, buy a cow, stock up on essentials...and I hate to say this...but, buy ammo.

I have thought about a cow. Goat would be easier but I can't stand the taste of goat milk.  

Title: Re: Coming economic meltdown?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/18/12 at 20:29:12

714344555243546B47544D260 wrote:
and I hate to say this...but, buy ammo.

who do you think you're going to have to shoot?

People who didnt prepare.

Title: Re: Coming economic meltdown?
Post by Stimpy - FSO on 06/19/12 at 04:45:38

26393F3825221323132B39357E4C0 wrote:
[quote author=714344555243546B47544D260 link=1339969215/0#9 date=1340074129]and I hate to say this...but, buy ammo.

who do you think you're going to have to shoot?

People who didn't prepare. [/quote]

Wise words.

Talk about Zombies.

Title: Re: Coming economic meltdown?
Post by Serowbot on 06/20/12 at 10:30:59

3C2325223F3809390931232F64560 wrote:
[quote author=714344555243546B47544D260 link=1339969215/0#9 date=1340074129]and I hate to say this...but, buy ammo.

who do you think you're going to have to shoot?

People who didnt prepare. [/quote]

Nope... People that prepared more that you...
They'll have more guns and bullets than you, and will want your stuff... because you have it...
Those who didn't prepare, will just wait for all the gun nuts to kill each other off...
I doubt it will take very long... ;D...

Title: Re: Coming economic meltdown?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/20/12 at 11:20:47

Nope, those who didnt prepare will be gone in a matter of weeks, those who did will stay in their places & protect them from the hungry hordes.,

Title: Re: Coming economic meltdown?
Post by Starlifter on 06/20/12 at 19:51:59

I see trees of green........ red roses too
I see em bloom..... for me and for you
And I think to myself.... what a wonderful world.

I see skies of blue..... clouds of white
Bright blessed days....dark sacred nights
And I think to myself .....what a wonderful world.

The colors of a pretty the sky
Are also on the faces.....of people ..going by
I see friends shaking hands.....sayin.. how do you do
They're really sayin......i love you.

I hear babies cry...... I watch them grow
They'll learn much more.....than I'll never know
And I think to myself .....what a wonderful world

The colors of a pretty the sky
Are there on the faces.....of people ..going by
I see friends shaking hands.....sayin.. how do you do
They're really

I hear babies cry...... I watch them grow
You know their gonna learn
A whole lot more than I'll never know
And I think to myself .....what a wonderful world
Yes I think to myself .......what a wonderful world.

Title: Re: Coming economic meltdown?
Post by Sam7.62 on 06/20/12 at 19:55:03

Shooting people is bad idea for 2 reasons
1. Lots of noise lots of attention  2. Order will be restored and you will be accountable

Title: Re: Coming economic meltdown?
Post by WD on 06/20/12 at 22:00:52

Nothing that can't be fixed with sub-sonic .22 rounds, a 2 litre pop bottle and a shovel. Simple problem simple solution.

Everybody around here already knows don't be messing with the crazy bikers at the old plantation. We're pretty much armed all the time already, and don't like trespassers.

Something satisfying about sneaking up on the (insert favorite prejudice here) raiding the garden in the wee hours... and firing off a round behind him. Done it a couple times, all you see is shoe bottoms and they never come back.  ;D

Title: Re: Coming economic meltdown?
Post by mpescatori on 06/21/12 at 00:46:53

I'm surprised (not) of the apocalyptic picture the "survivalists" have been selling since the 1980's... that's when I personally became aware of "survivalism".

I am sure, however, that survivalism existed since the 1950's one way or another.

What strikes me is the aggressiveness of the US scenario vs. the European scenario.

Considering that the last time a city in the US was war-torn (this definitely excludes 9/11 and other terrorist attacks), we have to look back to the Civil War.

Europe, on the other hand, only has to look back to... 1945?
Look at Kosovo and Bosnia, we still have EU Peace Keeping troops there (NATO pulled out years ago).

I can assure you that big cities WILL riot and become the Hell for the living, but small rural town and villages should be able to carry on as usual.

Sure, there will be less fuel for pickups, so what ? Ride a motorcycle, ride a bicycle, ride a horse... WALK !
Save gas for generators, farm tractors and more important items.

As for shooting at whomever steals tyour apples, well, we have a tradition (here in the Mediterranean Basin) to save on precious lead.
Lead is traceable and much too important for hunting.
We shoot rock salt or bacon rind.
They are both good only at little more than point blank range, won't kill anybody, but burn the bejeezers out of you AND, what's best,
you can't see bacon rind in an XRay !!!


Title: Re: Coming economic meltdown?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/21/12 at 05:12:16

People stealin apples isnt the issue, it could easily be people coming in, killing home owners & taking everything, because they watched football & knew every players name & it was IMportant stuff to know about that, because thats the way many Americans are. Its also important to simply trust that everythng is okay, Because we ARE IN aMERICA & bAD THINGS DONT HAPPEN HERE, Ooops, caplox, sorry, Anyway, Americans are taught things in school & by the TVs & Newspapers about How to Feel about the World, & I dont buy it,The people who Do buy it are in for a very rude awakening, because things arent as advertised & they arent going well.,
& the dumb butts who live their lives thru the TV are gonna starve & theyll be dangerous from the time they realize theyre in trouble till they starve down & cant fight,

Title: Re: Coming economic meltdown?
Post by Starlifter on 06/24/12 at 19:49:44

...well whatever comes about, now or later, Ms. Starlifter and I are very glad that we elected NOT to have children...we've been quite happy this way...Kids, they're wonderful and we love e'm...but one needs to have a certain aptitude, a calling if you will, time, and dedication in order to do it right.

So God bless the parents out there, and may the future not be as bleak as we think.

Title: Re: Coming economic meltdown?
Post by Paraquat on 07/02/12 at 09:48:15

615354454253447B57445D360 wrote:
and I hate to say this...but, buy ammo.

who do you think you're going to have to shoot?

Do you have a generator? Do you own a gun?
Does your neighbor own a generator? Does your neighbor own a gun?
Now you own a generator.


Title: Re: Coming economic meltdown?
Post by WebsterMark on 07/02/12 at 17:54:34

Interesting thoughts…..

Question: How different are things now than during the Great Depression era?

The financial situation was much, much worse than things are today, but nothing happened on a large scale like what you are describing.
So, that would seem to mean two things:
1) there will be a financial collapse greater than the Great Depression or 2) a cultural shift has occurred between then and now that causes much stronger reactions.

Which is it or is there another reason(s)?  

Title: Re: Coming economic meltdown?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/02/12 at 21:26:53

A tremendous social shift has taken place that will make the coming economic events more painful. In the Depression era, the % of people who lived in rural areas & were self sufficient were Much Higher.,.

Title: Re: Coming economic meltdown?
Post by bill67 on 07/03/12 at 05:11:58

Up until the 1960's the dad worked and the mother stayed home,And every one survived it.

Title: Re: Coming economic meltdown?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/03/12 at 05:39:42

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