General Category >> Rubber Side Down! >> fast and which gear?

Message started by Dave Sisk on 05/31/12 at 13:19:36

Title: fast and which gear?
Post by Dave Sisk on 05/31/12 at 13:19:36

OK, so I've been thinking about what I do at turns.  I don't mean curvy roads, I mean hard right or left turns at intersections, side streets, etc.

I know the right technique is slow down/down shift/etc. before the turn so that you're already in the right gear and at the right speed speed entering the turn, then gently accelerate out of the turn.  (Same thing you do in a manual car.)

What's your typical speed taking a right-angle turn?  What gear are you usually in?  I seem to be around 15-20mph or so, and find myself in 2nd gear.  I prob need to be in 1st gear, the engine revs are generally too low to gently but firmly accelerate out of the turn. I just not pushing the bike (nor myself) to anywhere near the traction limits?  Assuming stock tires, how quick can you safely take a right-angle turn?


Title: Re: fast and which gear?
Post by arteacher on 05/31/12 at 13:33:52

I never looked at the speedo (what's the point?) but I almost always am in 2nd gear. Exceptions are when pulling into a driveway or parking lot, or when the road surface is questionable.

Title: Re: fast and which gear?
Post by EJID on 05/31/12 at 13:35:37

It depends  ;D

No, seriously, it does depend on if you are talking right hand turns from a 35mph road or a 20mph road... or left turns as well. I usually end up taking left turns faster because I can take a more sweeping turn in a larger arc going across an extra lane. My biggest worry in sharp turns is not seeing loose gravel or sand that might cause you to loose traction.

Title: Re: fast and which gear?
Post by Dead Fish on 05/31/12 at 13:44:22

It seems first is a rather tall gear so for right turns on residential streets, I am always in first and usually have the clutch in the friction zone. The biggest scare I have had in my first 800 miles of riding is drifting wide on a hard right and looking an oncoming mini-van in the grill. Thank goodness she was coming to a stop. I go slow and keep them tight as I can.
For what it is worth

Title: Re: fast and which gear?
Post by Dave Sisk on 05/31/12 at 14:08:34

OK, good points...a right turn is tighter than a left 2nd gear for a left turn, I'll try 1st gear for a right turn.  I also drifted a little too far to the outside of a right turn once (with an oncoming car...I didn't end up in the oncoming lane, but I was a little too close for comfort). I also hit some gravel on a right turn about a week ago, and the rear wheel did slide to the outside of the turn...luckily, I was going slow enough to kinda bounce my right foot off the road and just keep going.  

Regardless, I think I'll continue to take those right turns easy until I get my accuracy to 100%.  ;)


Title: Re: fast and which gear?
Post by Arizuno on 05/31/12 at 14:17:39

The only answer that matters here is your own, which means absolutely NO faster than your comfort zone allows. That zone will expand organically with your experience, with no apologies to anyone.

Title: Re: fast and which gear?
Post by verslagen1 on 05/31/12 at 14:19:06

If you're on the superslab in 2nd gear... you'll be road pizza in seconds.

appropriate gear for the speed.
higher rpm's are better for speed control and smoother application of power pulses.

Title: Re: fast and which gear?
Post by Dave Sisk on 05/31/12 at 14:36:00

405344455A5751535807360 wrote:
If you're on the superslab in 2nd gear...

Superslab?  :-?

Yeah, agreed...slow and erect is much better than quick and flat for most things.  ;D


Title: Re: fast and which gear?
Post by Dave Sisk on 05/31/12 at 14:37:38

55667D6E617A7B140 wrote:
That zone will expand organically with your experience...

Agreed...just like anything else, practice makes perfect.


Title: Re: fast and which gear?
Post by AlphaBarney on 05/31/12 at 14:45:51

Read "Proficient Motorcycling" by David L. Hough...I took the MSF last year and a they and a number of other people have recommended it to me for a beginner read.  Great book that talks extensively on this point.  Slow...Look...Lean/Press...Roll.

And yes....practice makes perfect!

Title: Re: fast and which gear?
Post by Dj12midnit on 05/31/12 at 15:54:50

I have a rule. Never look at the speedometer when the pegs are scraping.

Title: Re: fast and which gear?
Post by bess227 on 05/31/12 at 18:20:53

727C27247B7F72787F62160 wrote:
I have a rule. Never look at the speedometer when the pegs are scraping.

now that is funny........and words to live by.  ;)

Title: Re: fast and which gear?
Post by Serowbot on 05/31/12 at 18:42:32

Corners collect 99% of the debris and juices of any street...
.. so if you're going to slide out,.. it'll probably be on a 90' corner...

So,.. as far a riding technique,... don't use any... the technique for the twisty's...   ;)...

Title: Re: fast and which gear?
Post by Dave Sisk on 05/31/12 at 19:19:17

Actually, that sounds like some awefully good wisdom.  ;)

I've heard the "Proficient Motorcycling" book mentioned twice now...I've ordered a copy for me and a copy for my lady friend.  Thanks for the recommendation.


Title: Re: fast and which gear?
Post by CaptialThumper on 05/31/12 at 19:28:19

+1 for Proficient Motorcycling. Great tool to learn the stuff that isn't obvious.

Title: Re: fast and which gear?
Post by TheSavagePJ on 05/31/12 at 19:52:13

New rider... about 350 miles under my belt, but I feel fairly confident in my abilities as a rider. Left turns, if I don't have to stop for oncoming traffic, I will take in 2nd. I don't look at my speed, but a rough estimate would be 10-15 mph. Hard right turns I will take in first, usually 10 mph or under until the bike straightens out then I''ll upshift.

Depending on where you live, take the motorcycle safety course (Here in NY, its called MSS), regardless of how long you've been riding. Not only does it get you your license if you dont already have it, you get a reduction in your insurance and you come out of it a better rider. Worth every penny honestly.

Title: Re: fast and which gear?
Post by 360k+ on 06/01/12 at 20:06:03

340805330116010705302A600 wrote:
New rider... about 350 miles under my belt, but I feel fairly confident in my abilities as a rider

Just a safety reminder...   I have 360,000 miles under my belt and NEVER feel entirely confident.   All that mileage has taught me many things, but one stands out...  I can only control ME, which is a small part of the overall.   Never lose respect for the machine you are riding.   It has the ability to kill you as fast as any gun could.

Title: Re: fast and which gear?
Post by teabowl13 on 06/02/12 at 15:49:06

Yeah, I've done over 350 miles in just one day.
And I've been riding for over 25 years.

Whether going through turns or not, NEVER get over-confident or cocky, and never think that you know exactly what's ahead in the road; even if it's a road you've ridden every single day.

The simplest things; things you'd never think twice about in a car, can put you flat in an instant; a golf-ball sized rock, a slight amount of sand, spilled oil, squirrels, and other drivers doing stoopid sh*t. These things are everywhere. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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