General Category >> Rubber Side Down! >> Bad Wreck!

Message started by ebonysresearch on 05/30/12 at 17:37:21

Title: Bad Wreck!
Post by ebonysresearch on 05/30/12 at 17:37:21

2 saterdays ago I was on my way to work running at 40 through bartlett ohio.  the bank clock said 7:59 am.  An on coming car turned left in front of me and dead on into me.  Over the bike and over the car i flew 25 feet.  landed on my pelvis which broke in 4 places, left foot fractured, right knee fractured, 4 stitches in my junk.    2 days in the Hospital.  Except the driver didn't own the car...and the owner has not presented insurance.  It gets much worse.  The short version is that the guy admitted to drinking that mourning. and that he never saw me.  But was only sited with failure to yield.  I spent since I was 15 working to get to be a Phd Master Level Harley Tech.  I'm 36.  Used to own my own shop in Greenville texas.  21 years of riding.  Went through an 8 month divorce and became a single dad while going to MMI orlando.  24K in student loans, 13K in tools.  Just made master last year.  2 weeks of pain have lead to little progress.  except more Pain.  My love for machines with 2 wheels is standing on shaky ground.  Luckily I'm ALWAYS wearing a helmet, because it was a hard impact. Its hard to put into words the thought that an uninsured, drunk driver may have just flushed everything that my dreams are made of down the tube.

Title: Re: Bad Wreck!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/30/12 at 17:43:10

Ohh My God,, Man,, Just hang in there,, Its way to soon to be letting go of your dreams, Im so sorry, this isnt the way things are supposed to go,, but it sure seems to be getting more common,,
Jerry,, can you advise this man on what he should do to get as much out of the police as he can to get the responsible party or parties to pay up?

Title: Re: Bad Wreck!
Post by Serowbot on 05/30/12 at 17:50:35

Just keep on healing... let some time pass..

2 weeks ain't long.  

You ain't dead... that's good... ;)...

Title: Re: Bad Wreck!
Post by prechermike on 05/30/12 at 17:56:04

Hating that.

Title: Re: Bad Wreck!
Post by Boofer on 05/30/12 at 17:58:33

ebony, don't give up. I felt the same way when I had to take disability and lost 66% of my income. I felt the same way again when I got to where I can't run anymore, because my foot just quit working. Back pain and bipolar for years. Every time I try to be something I end up messed up. Not trying to outdo you...just that I understand. And your pain and the meds for it cause depression in most people. Stay with us. We'll give you advice, and some of it will be good. The rest will be haters trying to get you to kill the drunk. Does kinda seem fair, doesn't it? No. Better not. MCN Magazine ran an article about the fines and punishment for people hitting mc and even killing people. They are low presumably because we are a small sub group who are taking the risk they wouldn't assume. Hang in there. I will not forget to think of you every day. Let us know of your progress and any setbacks, too. Barry  :)

Title: Re: Bad Wreck!
Post by SimonTuffGuy on 05/30/12 at 18:00:01

Wow... Good luck on a quick recovery. Hopefully it'll work out on your side. I'm pretty sure the owner of the car is responsible at this point, since he allowed someone to drive his car.

I'm sure Jerry can chime in with a better legal aspect, at least from what his state would have to say.

Like Serow said... you're not dead, so that's a positive.

Title: Re: Bad Wreck!
Post by verslagen1 on 05/30/12 at 18:16:32

It's a test of character, you can give up or rise above it.  your choice.

but give it some time before you make your decision.  with the closure of every door, there opens another.

as far as the drunk driver in a loaned car... both of them are at fault.
get a good lawyer, rake the drunk over the coals if you have to.  the loaner may be a good guy loaning a car to a friend, but he should know whether he had insurance or not.

Title: Re: Bad Wreck!
Post by teabowl13 on 05/30/12 at 19:45:21

That sucks immensely, and will take time for sure to recover from, but surely you can and will recover, even if it seems overwhelming right now.
Your life isn't over; you're still here, and you're still a Dad, even if you need to get a different job, or a different hobby, or whatever else changes.
Hang on to your kid, they will get you through this.

Title: Re: Bad Wreck!
Post by Wolfman on 05/30/12 at 21:26:21

Its like riding a horse. You get bucked off you cuss em and get back on. You don't you'll always wonder, it will eat at you.

I still got three toes bother me and the odd headache from last years side swiping. Would love to beat the snot out of the kid that hit me and have a few choice words for the state trooper that really botched up the accident report.

But as my daddy used to say there aint no use worrying about things you can't change. You'll just worry yourself into an early grave.
Your chances of dieing are as good or better slipping in the bathtub then riding a bike.

Ride to live, live to ride.

Title: Re: Bad Wreck!
Post by SuperSavage on 05/30/12 at 21:40:29

That's a bummer! No matter where you go, or what you do, the injury or illness bug get's us all at one time or another. Your injuries might seem overwhelming at the present, but they will improve and so will your bruised spirit and outlook. I've overcome many injuries (and still am). Hang in there, eat well, follow your Doc's advice and remain steadfast and positive that your body will heal just fine. :)

                                                    Good Luck,


Title: Re: Bad Wreck!
Post by Serowbot on 05/30/12 at 23:40:51

I got t-boned 2 1/2 years ago... took weeks to feel improvement... over 6 months to start getting back in shape... flinchy at intersections for more than a year (even in a car) ... (I also had great distress, just backing my car out of a parking space)...
... but,.. time does heal...  

I'm an experienced crasher... but, I'd never been blind-sided before... It's a very different feeling, to realise that you have no control...

Rest and heal... time will take the edge off...
.. and you can decide later...  every day, is a gift... and healing is happening, even if you don't see it...

This happened to you... but, many riders ride for years and it never does...  it just happened... and may never happen again...
Just bad luck...

Title: Re: Bad Wreck!
Post by wambr on 05/31/12 at 01:48:52

Unfortunately on the roads is still very much drunk drivers and drivers,  "without own head". I'm sorry. I wish you a speedy recovery and that such situations did not have anyone!
p.s. sorry for my english

Title: Re: Bad Wreck!
Post by tizzyfit on 05/31/12 at 03:00:49

Ebony, please check with your auto insurance agent/company.  If you have uninsured/under-insured coverage, which is very inexpensive to add to your base policy, your auto insurance company should be providing some financial assistance plus going after the owner of the car that hit you.  Recovering from a serious accident is no fun, give it time and remain positive.  It will get better!

Title: Re: Bad Wreck!
Post by Fish on 05/31/12 at 05:37:15

darn man, sorry to hear that.
It's going to take more than a couple of weeks for you to start feeling any better, just have patience.
When you do start to improve keep working hard for your kid and your passion of being a mechanic.
If you haven't already, get a good lawyer. If you don't have too much money up front get one that only gets paid if he wins for you.

Title: Re: Bad Wreck!
Post by LANCER on 05/31/12 at 05:38:06

My heart goes out to you.  A year ago Feb. I landed in the ER busted up, ICU for 3 days while the doc's tried to decide if I was in immediate danger of being paralyzed with/without spinal surgery; other stuff broken and smashed, 1 week after ICU and then another week in another hospital for therapy.  The morphine drip barely kept the pain bearable.  Wore a body brace for broken vertebrae for 4 months.  It took 6 months before the neurosurgeon finally said the bones had healed well enough that I no longer had a need for surgery to avoid paralysis.  
Getting busted up hurts big time, but with some time your body will heal.
Take one day at a time; do what you can do for that day and be thankful for the day.  Your kid still has their dad ... think on that and be thankful for that if nothing else..

We never know how much time we are allotted on this earth ... there is no guarantee for tomorrow ... so all we can do is make the most of each day.  Love you child and teach by example how to live a good productive life even when faced with adversity.  While healing you are going to have a lot of good one on one time with your child so make the most of it and grow that relationship as strong and deep as possible.  This can be a huge blessing in the midst of a situation like this accident.
Make a choice to be positive and think of what you DO have; life and family.  Your body will heal.

Title: Re: Bad Wreck!
Post by built2last66 on 05/31/12 at 05:46:34

If bikes are your passion, then you won't let this set back stop you..  You're accomplished, you're giving up everything over something that was not your fault, even if justice isn't served and you aren't repaid your losses you shouldn't even put a notch in your belt because you've already won.. winners never quit (or something positive like that)  :D

Title: Re: Bad Wreck!
Post by Routy on 05/31/12 at 05:57:42

Sorry to hear when anyone goes down, but time will heal,.....
We wish a fast and full recovery for you,.....and I'll say a little prayer.

I received a note yesterday of another short time forum member/reader.....a "Jeremy",...who went down 2 days ago,.....left turn right in front of him at 40 mph, totaled his bike, he went up and over everything....dove into the pavement, messed up perdy bad.
He only wrote me asking to return FCs that he never had a chance to put on. We hope a fast and full recovery for him too.

Title: Re: Bad Wreck!
Post by 360k+ on 05/31/12 at 07:40:14

I feel for you Bro.   Healing takes time (been there), but it does happen eventually, ummm, mostly anyway.   I've lost several friends over the years (was a pallbearer for some) as well as seeing a few more injured badly.   Those accidents caused me serious introspect, but it all comes down to what life is all about - quality or quantity?

Take care, take time, don't fold, and consider your options and future.

Title: Re: Bad Wreck!
Post by MrBrownTX on 05/31/12 at 08:36:17

Hang in there man.  Hopefully you have some good friends and family near to help you out.  It's going to take a many weeks but you will hit a point where you notice things are getting better.  Your body will transition to a turning point.  I am 3 months down the road from my accident and I am walking with a cane now, still hurts like hell but that will pass in time.  I went from stuck in bed for 7 weeks to wheel chairing around, to a walker and now the cane.  It's a long process stick with it!

Title: Re: Bad Wreck!
Post by MrBrownTX on 05/31/12 at 08:36:59

And Amen to the helmet comment.  I wouldn't be here either with out mine.

Title: Re: Bad Wreck!
Post by gcsdls on 05/31/12 at 11:23:41

New rider wreck yet, thank God.  But as someone who's read the fine print on insurance documents, I can tell you that the car owner's insurance should cover it, if he had anything like a legal insurance contract.  And if the owner doesn't step up, it's time to put the screws to him.  And as someone else also mentioned, if you have uninsured/underinsured riders on your policy, your own insurance company should be able to help put the screws to them.  Just so you know....

Title: Re: Bad Wreck!
Post by LANCER on 05/31/12 at 11:47:29

Not long after I posted my earlier comment I was opening some mail and had a letter from a law firm that specializes in motorcycle accidents.  This group practices in SC, NC & VA.  You might check or have someone check for you for a similar group in your area.  Some always advertise in bike mag's as well and they may be national.
It's just a thought to consider.  Expertise in a specific area can pay off at times like this.

Title: Re: Bad Wreck!
Post by 360k+ on 05/31/12 at 12:09:35

These scumbag lawyers who advertise usually make me ill; i.e., the injured person is merely a conduit to THEIR pot-o-gold!   However, in a case like this, maybe these vermin do serve a useful purpose to humanity after all.

Q:  What do you call 1000 lawyers chained together at the bottom of the ocean?

A:  A darned good start!

Title: Re: Bad Wreck!
Post by Dave Sisk on 05/31/12 at 13:06:47

I completely agree with Lancer here.  Dude, glad that you are still alive and able to post here.  I will send one up for you, my friend.


Title: Re: Bad Wreck!
Post by Trippah on 05/31/12 at 14:19:46

and a +3 to Lancer's comments....we will hope for a fast and full recovery for you so that you and your child can have that wonderful relationship.  The career and all that will sort itself out.  Seek advice about Dr.s and lawyers as needed so you get the best help available.

Title: Re: Bad Wreck!
Post by arteacher on 05/31/12 at 14:26:50

Your dreams can only be flushed down the tube if you let them. Consider this to be a "time out" on the path to where you want to be.
Hire a lawyer, keep track of your expenses and go after them for everything plus pain and suffering. Heck, you might even be able to pay back you student loan after all the dust has settled.
In 1988 my son, then 15, was riding his bicycle, was stopped at a light and hit by someone who ran the caution and hit another car, knocking it into him. He was knocked 30 feet. He had a badly bruised and sprained knee and a severe concussion. We hired a lawyer on his behalf and he wound up with a new bike, some new clothes, and $13000.
The only charge laid at the scene was failing to yield.
One of my neighbors was  t-boned by a fire truck, running a stop sign, on it's way to a fire, while riding his Harley. His ankle was pretty much crushed. (he still walks with a cane)
I don't know what his settlement was, but it was enough to buy his house, a car, and another Harley at least, and I don't think he has to work any more.

Title: Re: Bad Wreck!
Post by ebonysresearch on 05/31/12 at 15:18:22

Thanks for the prayers.  This is definately not the first time ive laid a bike down.  something is different this time though.  as if a nerve is pinched.  I am thankful to be alive and still have all my parts.  My right leg, sometimes doesn't work.  Simplest way to put it!  pain is unstoppable.  and yes. time is slow right now. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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