General Category >> The Cafe >> Let's move Memorial Day back to the 30th of May

Message started by Starlifter on 05/26/12 at 22:24:35

Title: Let's move Memorial Day back to the 30th of May
Post by Starlifter on 05/26/12 at 22:24:35

This day should not be used as a "kickoff to summer." It should not be a three day party weekend. I know that people who have fun and enjoy this weekend can also remember what the holiday is for. But this really should be a somber holiday and not a three day weekend to be made into a party.

Title: Re: Let's move Memorial Day back to the 30th of Ma
Post by Midnightrider on 05/26/12 at 23:25:51

I agree but its probably never gonna happen. The only people affected by the wars now are the Vets and their families. The average American gets bored with it. We dont fight to win anymore so people lose interest. To all you Vets on this website who served our country you have my deepest gratitude. You dont get the recognition you deserve but I would like to say thanks for a job well done.

Title: Re: Let's move Memorial Day back to the 30th of Ma
Post by Serowbot on 05/26/12 at 23:35:04

30th,,.. also my dad's birthday...  so, I visited his grave today...
I go early, so other vets will see his flowers...

... but,... I also plan a barbecue...

Honour the fallen...
Respects to you, Star,...

Title: Re: Let's move Memorial Day back to the 30th of Ma
Post by arteacher on 05/27/12 at 05:58:59

Up here we celebrate the "May 2-4" weekend, on the closest Monday to May 24. A weekend for young people to go camping and drink large amounts of beer. Also known as Victoria Day, to celebrate the birthday of a dead queen from another country. (England).
Our Veterans Day is Nov. 11, but we don't have a holiday.  :-?

Title: Re: Let's move Memorial Day back to the 30th of Ma
Post by Southpaw on 05/27/12 at 19:11:47

I ,too, would like to see it taken more seriously but from what I see on a retail floor, we may be the last generation to fully appreciate it! If they don't respect the living why should they respect the dead?

Title: Re: Let's move Memorial Day back to the 30th of Ma
Post by on 05/27/12 at 19:38:29

I hesitate to bring it up, but the isolation of our military from the population happens because we have a volunteer military.  When you have a draft, every family has an investment in the military.

Title: Re: Let's move Memorial Day back to the 30th of Ma
Post by thumperclone on 05/27/12 at 20:22:27

friday flags placed at every tombstone @ our local fed cem
today retire(and destroy w/proper honors) the flag that flies over the quad there
tommorow gathering of living vets and citizens to remember the fallen
who sacrificed themselves for our freedom

Title: Re: Let's move Memorial Day back to the 30th of Ma
Post by Boofer on 05/27/12 at 21:13:25

Boys and girls, we need to educate our children. My daughter and I just finished watching the Gary Sinese Joe Mantegna Capitol salute to Memorial Day. It was entertaining but very touching. She asked me lots of questions. (She's 14) I told her all the Viet Nam folks and Korea folks and Iraq and Afghanistan people we go to church with during the show and watched a tribute to our Mississippi people from mostly Viet Nam. We can moan all we want about school and society and all the bad stuff in the world and our own government, but WE need to take time to show our children what is important.

Serowbot. my wife and I took our daughter to the cemetery to put a flag on dad's grave yesterday just after we came from the funeral home where his brother lay. Thanks to any and all who served in any way.  :)  

Title: Re: Let's move Memorial Day back to the 30th of Ma
Post by EJID on 05/28/12 at 09:16:23

Here's the NBC Nightly News coverage of my hometown's tribute to our fallen heros...

Title: Re: Let's move Memorial Day back to the 30th of Ma
Post by Boofer on 05/29/12 at 06:39:25

Thanks, Ejid.

Title: Re: Let's move Memorial Day back to the 30th of Ma
Post by mpescatori on 05/29/12 at 06:57:55

Italy has two Veterans' Days, one on May 24th, to celebrate May 24th, 1915, when Italy joined the WW1 effort (and got back quite a slice of Italian territory from Austria).

The other is November 4th, to celebrate Nov.1918 when Austria said " 'nuff! " and signed the Armistice.

We do not feel there is anything worth celebrating re: WW2, although the "Democratic Party" (previously known as "Communist Party"  :o) will rouse a lot of hubbub over April 25...

5C5E495A575F15534E5C535E483B0 wrote:
I hesitate to bring it up, but the isolation of our military from the population happens because we have a volunteer military.  When you have a draft, every family has an investment in the military.

I lived in the US during the Nixon years, and I remember all the protesting and marching not only against the war in Vietnam, but against the draft as well.
A well-fed nation which lives in peace generally does not like to see its youth whisked away for the draft.
This was true in Europe as well. Italy revamped its "love affair" with the military only when it switched from draft to enlistment some 15 years ago.

Title: Re: Let's move Memorial Day back to the 30th of Ma
Post by drharveys on 05/29/12 at 20:58:15

I don't think it should be solely military, but some sort of national service would be a positive force for our country.  Pulling young people off the labor market, taking them away from home and having them do something useful while meeting their contemporaries from different backgrounds would truly expand their education.  Maybe tie it in with a college/technical training grant, too.

What about all the young single moms?  Well, four days a week at their primary assignment and one day working at the child care center.  Heck, there's a lot of parenting and child-care skills they can pick up.

Title: Re: Let's move Memorial Day back to the 30th of Ma
Post by Serowbot on 05/30/12 at 00:51:27

I'm with Doc H... military, or Peace Corps,.. or volunteer at Habitat for Humanity, or any of many services to the public good...
... but,.. a selfless service... to better humanity...
... and rewarded by assistance to education, apprenticeship, or employment...
A chance to equal the playing field... for those born without a silver spoon, to make their place using a steel shovel...

Equal access is not a reality,.. but, at least equal opportunity, with determined effort...
Poor people don't want a free ride... just a ride... ;)...

Title: Re: Let's move Memorial Day back to the 30th of Ma
Post by mpescatori on 05/30/12 at 03:14:08

2F39232A393D2E32384B0 wrote:
I don't think it should be solely military, but some sort of national service would be a positive force for our country.  Pulling young people off the labor market, taking them away from home and having them do something useful while meeting their contemporaries from different backgrounds would truly expand their education. ...

I second that.

All Nations throughout Europe have some kind of "Civil Defense" or "Civilian Protection" organization. I believe in the US it is called FEMA.

Drafting young High School graduates for a one year stint working for FEMA would be an interesting experience.
Out of State, obviously  ;)

Possibly really really far away from home (I'm not kidding, one year away from your family, having to look after yourself, before going to College, would mean Freshmen would be a lot more responsible for themselves)


Title: Re: Let's move Memorial Day back to the 30th of Ma
Post by Savage_Rob on 05/30/12 at 07:11:47

I think two years of mandatory service at age 18 would be very appropriate.  It like the idea of it being focused primarily on military service but other areas like National Guard, forest/parks service, border patrol, FEMA or some other civil service capacity could also be a part of this.

On the subject of changing Memorial Day back to the 30th, I agree.  I'm not sure if, prior to changing it in 1971, studies may have been done and they decided that a 3-day weekend leaving an uninterrupted 4-day work week disrupted productivity less or something like that but I agree with the idea of getting the focus back to the real intent of remembering our fallen.

Title: Re: Let's move Memorial Day back to the 30th of Ma
Post by Boofer on 05/30/12 at 18:17:57

Guys, Listen up. We have always helped others and never joined a group to do it except for the few times we go with a church group. We passed a house last summer with a lady clipping the grass around her porch with SCISSORS! Since my daughter was cutting a yard down the road for pay she looked at me and asked if we maybe should cut the lady's grass. We ran home and I loaded the rider while she loaded the pusher. The lady protested, but we just mowed it anyway. Then she cried and hugged us.You do good stuff every day--some of it on here. Teach your children or find someone to mentor. Kids teach a lot while you are working or playing together and that is the time they are open to our ideas. Try it. You'll like it.

Title: Re: Let's move Memorial Day back to the 30th of Ma
Post by Trippah on 05/30/12 at 20:03:50

I've hesitated to comment on this because I might inflame everyone.  I served in Vietnam (MACV TM 21 Pleiku, 1969-1970)  in the US Army.

and I found that war sucks..and the that the US Government will not take care of the wounded..and that the streets become littered with homeless the Walking Dead.   Chemicals eg like agent orange, the noise of combat, getting sprayed by you buddies flesh and blood..all leads to costs we as a nation still try to pretent do not exhist.  That the War in Iraq was off the books astonished me. With the exception of chasing Al-Quida; we have conducted a series of Wars based on political/ecopnomic theory, miss direction and outright lies.  We have not been threatened by Vietnam, Iran, Afghanistan, the former Yugolav states etc etc.  Thus, to say all those who have died in these wars died to keep us free etc is not wholly truthful and that is why I have this problem with this holiday..that and of course survivors' remorse.

Title: Re: Let's move Memorial Day back to the 30th of Ma
Post by Serowbot on 05/30/12 at 20:13:30

+1 Trippah... but I don't blame the soldiers...  They deserve honor...

Screw the warmonger politicians... ;)...

Title: Re: Let's move Memorial Day back to the 30th of Ma
Post by Savage_Rob on 05/31/12 at 08:10:34

6A7C6B766E7B766D190 wrote:
+1 Trippah... but I don't blame the soldiers...  They deserve honor...

Screw the warmonger politicians... ;)...

Agreed.  I won't honor the wars; just the men and women who fought and died in them.  Thank you for bringing this up, Trippah.  I believe it's at least as important to remember how worthless some of the sacrifices have been as it is to remember how worthy others have been.  Neither should be forgotten nor swept under the rug.

Title: Re: Let's move Memorial Day back to the 30th of Ma
Post by Starlifter on 05/31/12 at 17:43:58

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