General Category >> The Cafe >> Record breaking heat.

Message started by arteacher on 05/25/12 at 15:12:14

Title: Record breaking heat.
Post by arteacher on 05/25/12 at 15:12:14

29 deg C (84.2 deg F) here today. And it's only May. We are now on restricted water use, which means we can't use any water outdoors. The river is at it's lowest level ever recorded for this time of year. It rarely gets this low in August.
Global warming?

Title: Re: Record breaking heat.
Post by Serowbot on 05/25/12 at 16:05:26

84' in May?...  That would be a record here, too...
... 'been 'round 100' all week... normal for here...

But, windy!... nearly blown off the mountain today... wind hit coming around a 90' curve... gust musta' been close to 50mph...
Pee'd a little... :-?...

Title: Re: Record breaking heat.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/25/12 at 16:50:48

Gust O wind out of the west, right down an alley in Odessa, slammed into the back of a strip mall, blew one of the garage doors in, filled the building up with air, popped the whole roof off & put it in the parking lot.
About 70' worth,, just layin upside down, right in front of the individual shop doors,, wind is powerful,,

Title: Re: Record breaking heat.
Post by Cavi Mike on 05/25/12 at 17:18:06

Not for nothing but if you look at almanacs, you'll notice most of the record high temperatures are from the early 1900's, still yet to have been broken. Do you think it was "global warming" then, also?

Title: Re: Record breaking heat.
Post by Starlifter on 05/25/12 at 20:53:12

No not then, but it is now. Whole lot more going on with this climate change than record setting temp's.

It no longer matters if you believe in science, are a 'useful tool' denier of climate change, or even one of these:

Pentecostal pastor says "Spring tornadoes were 'demon possessed' and a sign of the apocalypse".

We are too late now to interceed and effect any meaningful change, it's irreversable.

So everyone quit worrying, relax, and let er' rip. :D

Title: Re: Record breaking heat.
Post by SALB on 05/25/12 at 21:07:00

It's been unusually cool and damp here.  The weatherman claims its because of el nino in the Pacific Ocean.  I guess time will tell.

Title: Re: Record breaking heat.
Post by thumperclone on 05/25/12 at 22:32:10

earth has its own way of flushin out the carp.good thing theres no dinosaurs or we wouldnt be is a good time for the north american elephant extinction...

Title: Re: Record breaking heat.
Post by Drifter on 05/26/12 at 04:51:27

95 in central fla yesterday, i heard on the radio from 2000 this area has had the 10 driest years in history and the 2 hottest years. Last year it seemed like every day broke some record. The weather is changing quickly!

Title: Re: Record breaking heat.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/26/12 at 04:55:08

I dont know that the heat is actually record breaking, but I can tell you that if you leave an album on the dash in the sun, itll warp it up so bad you cant play it, so, I guess it mite as well be broken,,

Title: Re: Record breaking heat.
Post by bill67 on 05/26/12 at 05:44:48

I don't know whats going on in Wisconsin but we've been have weather ever day now for a while.

Title: Re: Record breaking heat.
Post by Starlifter on 05/26/12 at 13:50:25

"Now is a good time for the north american elephant extinction..."

;D ;D ;D  +1000

Title: Re: Record breaking heat.
Post by Jon on 05/26/12 at 15:18:18

It's hot and sticky here. I can't walk to class without looking drenched.

Title: Re: Record breaking heat.
Post by Savage_Rob on 05/30/12 at 06:23:19

We've been in the 90's most of the month and it looks like this summer will be another scorcher.  So far the water tables are not as low as last year though.  Problem is, since they now have zebra mussels in Lake Texoma, that water is not allowed to be channeled anywhere else in Texas so the rest of the lakes and streams aren't contaminated.  That takes it out as part of the normal water supply.  Anyway, this year is starting off a bit better than last year.

Title: Re: Record breaking heat.
Post by mpescatori on 05/30/12 at 07:11:46

When I hear or read these "global warming" prophets of doom, I can only smile and shake my head in sadness.

Why ?

They will tout "The hottest year since 1990!" and I will argue "so what?"

Was 2008 hotter than 1492 ?

Was 1861 cooler than 1776 ?

The point is these "Prophets of Doom" only read the data they want to read, and thump their own "Bible" and attack anybody who contradicts them very aggressively.

Why ? Because they KNOW they are pushing a very questionable argument, one which is SO EASY to debunk !

Governments have tarted keeping reliable records of temperatures, precipitation etc. only around 1840-1860.
Before then, data is fragmentary, often unreliable or barely usable as a "historian's reference"
but barely acceptable by climatologists and paleo-climatologists (those who study weather and its patterns in ancient times).
The study of tree rings is a much more reliable source in these cases.

What has paleo-climatology told us ?

1) Britain and Scandinavia were much warmer 100BC than they are now: evidence ?
They grew oats and barley in Scandinavia, and cultivated grapes in Britannia to make wine;
both forms of agriculture would be impossible these days, and certainly NOT because of global warming !

2) The last Ice Age came to an end around 10-12.000 BC, that's what school books teach our kids.
Since then, would you say climate has warmed, or cooled down ?  ::)
I'd say that since the Ice Age... ENDED... climate must have warmed up indeed !
And which were the causes of global warming ?  :-X Not modern industry !!!

Quite simply, our planet is heated by the sun and kept warm and cozy by the atmosphere.

If the sun has sunspot tantrums, the warming pattern WILL change.

In a wonderful series of slides that Verslagen once linked us to, it was made evident Planet Earth is subject to three global weather patterns;
- one, which is about 120.000 years long,
- one, which is about 40.000 years long,
- one, which is about 2400 years long.

But I DID manage to find a little something browsing through Wikipedia...

Most unfortunately for professional skiers, and most fortunately for professional surfers,
we are now living in a time when these three patterns are overlapping AND coming to their individual climax at the same time;
in other words, the effects of each is summed to the effects of the others.

In short, the planet will heat up (through no fault of the industry) for the next 50, maybe 100 years, and then go through some 2000 years of global cooling,
and in 2000 years archaeologists clad in furs will wonder in utter disbelief at pictures of bikini-clad surfer girls  :D
and wonder how these maidens could brave the oceans populated by hairy sea lions and woolly whales... ::) ::) ::)

Get my point ?

Title: Re: Record breaking heat.
Post by babyhog on 05/30/12 at 07:48:06

mp, I soooo agree with you!  And you make the point so eloquently.

But now factor in the idiots that are trying to "reverse" global warming.  What effect is all that they are doing going to have when the cooling period comes?  Hopefully none, as I believe nature has a way of balancing everything out, no matter what anyone does.  And are they really doing anything anyway?      

Title: Re: Record breaking heat.
Post by mpescatori on 05/30/12 at 08:07:19

Trying to reverse global warming is like saying "look, the sun is rising, let's put out the bonfire so the day will stay cool..."

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