General Category >> The Cafe >> Last night,.. I tried to light a smoke...

Message started by Serowbot on 05/17/12 at 22:24:17

Title: Last night,.. I tried to light a smoke...
Post by Serowbot on 05/17/12 at 22:24:17

.. sin of sins, as it is today... ...and, if you've never smoked,.. you won't get this...

... but,..
... it was the last one in the pack,..
I couldn't sleep,.. it was, I pulled it out, and threw it on the bed,... crumpled the empty pack, and tossed it aside...
I reached for the last gem I had, laying upon the bed, and stuck it to my lips... and flicked the lighter,.. spark, spark, spark,... twenty or thirty times... but no light...
So, I get up and go to the lighter fluid on the bookcase, pop the bottom off the lighter, cigg still dangling from my lips... but, it's too dark to see...
In,... to the bathroom,.. where the closest light is... and in front of the sink,... I fill the lighter with fluid, and replace the cover...
... as I flick the lighter,.. I look up into the vanity mirror, and see myself,... as the lighter approaches the white filter end of the cigarette between my lips...
... and I thank the angel that made me get up, and put me though all this nuisance, in the middle of the night... to spare me, that rank taste of sucking burnt filter into my lungs...

Smoking is bad enough... bless my angel for sparing me this horrid, indignity.....
What would I do without you, my angel?... :-?.. .

Somewhere, in some way... there exists a very busy being,... that has saved my life, more than once... and even watches for such ludicrous  behaviour as, lighting the wrong end of my smoke, in the middle of the night... 

I'm just glad I noticed my reflection in the mirror... or the next step might have been to make the ceiling fan crash unto my head...
These angel folk,... are a stubborn people...
They will make themselves heard...
One way, or,.. another...

Title: Re: Last night,.. I tried to light a smoke...
Post by babyhog on 05/18/12 at 07:39:41

Funny story, and yep, almost as bad as burnt hair!   ;D  And the last one in the pack?  That woulda been even more tragic!  

Oh, and I appreciate YOUR angel very much.  ;)

Title: Re: Last night,.. I tried to light a smoke...
Post by Savage_Rob on 05/18/12 at 11:56:27

Yup.  It's been a long time but I remember that taste.  Good angel you got there.

Title: Re: Last night,.. I tried to light a smoke...
Post by mpescatori on 05/20/12 at 11:03:11

Next time you feel like a smoke, go to a proper shop, speak to the man, and buy yourself a pipe smoker's starter pack.

So much more dignity, time to think, techniques to master and flair.


Unlike cigarettes, which are full of "self-combusting" additives so that the cig never goes out, the pipe demands your attention, like a true lady  ;)

Anyone can look like a hoodlum with a bogey dangling from his lips.

But light a pipe, and you're Sir Serow from Castle Bot  8-)

(do I hear bagpipes in the wind and rolling thunder in the bay?)

Title: Re: Last night,.. I tried to light a smoke...
Post by Serowbot on 05/20/12 at 11:48:19

Mmm?... Sir Serow... I like that...
Do I need a monocle and satin jacket?... :-?...

Title: Re: Last night,.. I tried to light a smoke...
Post by mpescatori on 05/20/12 at 13:15:17

7066716C74616C77030 wrote:
Mmm?... Sir Serow... I like that...
Do I need a monocle and satin jacket?... :-?...

Nay, Sire, but thou would'st require a pwopah ax'ent and a somewhat aloof disposition whilst discussing hawses and cawses with thine neighbours...


Tea, Sir Serow? From Long Island, may I suggest ?
Quite a refreshing afternoon drink, Sir, it's from the Colonies,  :D

Title: Re: Last night,.. I tried to light a smoke...
Post by SuperSavage on 05/20/12 at 19:44:32

2C3A2D30283D302B5F0 wrote:
Mmm?... Sir Serow... I like that...
Do I need a monocle and satin jacket?... :-?...

Seated on a button-tucked, High Winged-Back chair, surrounded by many leather bound books, with the distict aroma of mahogany wafting through the softly lit study... 8-)

Title: Re: Last night,.. I tried to light a smoke...
Post by Serowbot on 05/20/12 at 23:14:24

280D0A0C0C1B01031650525353620 wrote:
Seated on a button-tucked, High Winged-Back chair, surrounded by many leather bound books, with the distict aroma of mahogany wafting through the softly lit study... 8-)

Yeah,... I gotta' buy all that stuff,too... :-?...

Title: Re: Last night,.. I tried to light a smoke...
Post by mpescatori on 05/21/12 at 01:23:43

And don't forget the hounds !

Two Afghan hounds for the fireplace, two mastiffs to the Butler for the front door, and a pack of yapping beagles for the fox hunt !

(You want cuddly beagles for the foxhunt, else the girls get scared away...)


Title: Re: Last night,.. I tried to light a smoke...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/21/12 at 04:27:40

I stopped liking commercially available cigs years ago. They have, over the years, gone the way of Fast Food. No longer palatable,& full of chemicals. So, I tried a pipe,, Waay too frustrating, hard to work & smoke a pipe, hard on teeth & jaw, spit gets in the stem,, so, I buy imported pipe tobacco & roll my own, I spend about $15.00 every 2 weeks on papers & baccy, I have a nifty little rolling method, a dollar bill mounted on a block with a dowel rod attached on the loose end to spin it up with, I have it all set up on an old Sonic window tray from the 80's. All American tobacco has Thimerosol sprayed on it, thats mercury for them who dont know, & every cig manufacturer has its own concoction of chemicals they add, like gasoline companies,
Just give me a pinch of tobacco & a rolling paper,,

I did manage to learn how to smoke a bowl when I was playing with the CB radio a lot, it takes practice to feel how to pack a bowl. Ive heard of pipe smoking competitions, where people take their pipe & pipe tool, everybody loads out of the same bunch of tobacco & everyone gets ONE match,, the last one still smoking wins,.

Title: Re: Last night,.. I tried to light a smoke...
Post by mpescatori on 05/21/12 at 06:58:09

Yep ! That's the spirit !  8-)

The pipe is like a woman, she wants to be treated with respect and due care, diligence and... a little TLC.

And if you treat her right she'll keep you warm  ;)

Else, she'll go out cold on you  ::)

I stopped smoking my pipe when my dentist "tsktsktsk"-ed me and ... devitalized two molars...
Not quite the fault of my smoking, but related, as my gums had pulled back much farther than I thought after plastic surgery to my throat.
So the soot slowly made its way in over time and I eventually had to teeth going into decay from the inside...

I occasionally toy with a cigar nowadays, little tightly packed thingies called "Toscano", the traditional Italian cigar made in Lucca, the city of Puccini.

TOSCANO CIGARS ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... GIACOMO PUCCINI

Link to the Manifacture of Toscano Cigars

Link to the City of Lucca
It's worth a visit  :)

Title: Re: Last night,.. I tried to light a smoke...
Post by arteacher on 05/21/12 at 08:02:17

I have smoked pipes for many years, and collect and smoke Meerschaums, mainly. I have 34 pipes, 11 of which are meerschaums.
Mpescatori, you are absolutely correct. Each pipe has a different personality, just like women. Some are cool and laid back, some are hot and edgy, some are easy to live with, some are more difficult. Each has to be handled differently.
I like the rituals of packing and lighting, and being able to choose a pipe that suites my mood.
I have two Calabash's. They are heaven to smoke.
I smoke a hand blended tobacco called Black Cavendish, which has vanilla in it and smells like cake.
If anyone were to start smoking a pipe I recommend you buy three inexpensive wood pipes, as you can only smoke a wood pipe for a day and it has to rest for two days, to dry out, so the moisture doesn't burn your tongue, called "biting". Meerschaum does not do this. Also start with the mildest tobacco you can find. I know several people who got fed up with cigarettes, bought a single pipe and were disillusioned with it because it "went sour" after a day.
Gee, until I wrote this post I never realized how sensual pipe smoking is. ::)

You can always tell a pipe smoker by his dirty thumb, and the holes in his tie.

And it is REALLY hard to light the wrong end. ;D
My youngest son went to Cuba recently and brought back a Cohiba VI for me, considered to be one of the best cigars in the world. He paid US$18 for it. They cost $70 each here and have to be special ordered.

Title: Re: Last night,.. I tried to light a smoke...
Post by arteacher on 05/21/12 at 08:31:01

36292F2835320333033B29256E5C0 wrote:
I stopped liking commercially available cigs years ago. They have, over the years, gone the way of Fast Food. No longer palatable,& full of chemicals. So, I tried a pipe,, Waay too frustrating, hard to work & smoke a pipe, hard on teeth & jaw, spit gets in the stem,, so, I buy imported pipe tobacco & roll my own, I spend about $15.00 every 2 weeks on papers & baccy, I have a nifty little rolling method, a dollar bill mounted on a block with a dowel rod attached on the loose end to spin it up with, I have it all set up on an old Sonic window tray from the 80's. All American tobacco has Thimerosol sprayed on it, thats mercury for them who dont know, & every cig manufacturer has its own concoction of chemicals they add, like gasoline companies,
Just give me a pinch of tobacco & a rolling paper,,

I did manage to learn how to smoke a bowl when I was playing with the CB radio a lot, it takes practice to feel how to pack a bowl. Ive heard of pipe smoking competitions, where people take their pipe & pipe tool, everybody loads out of the same bunch of tobacco & everyone gets ONE match,, the last one still smoking wins,.

Back in my college days I went out with a hippie chick who used to hitch hike a lot. She would put loose tobacco and papers in her pocket, stick her hand in and role a decent smoke with one hand, in her pocket.

Title: Re: Last night,.. I tried to light a smoke...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/21/12 at 12:08:28

Thats amazing,, on my best day it takes 2 hands.. out in front of me,

Title: Re: Last night,.. I tried to light a smoke...
Post by Serowbot on 05/21/12 at 12:13:14

... and she could tie a knot in a cherry stem, with her tongue... :-?...

Title: Re: Last night,.. I tried to light a smoke...
Post by arteacher on 05/21/12 at 13:13:48

I knew someone would come up with that, and I am not surprised it was 'Bot. ;D

Title: Re: Last night,.. I tried to light a smoke...
Post by bojangals43 on 05/22/12 at 18:50:06

I got a good laugh out of that story!  I'm not much for cigs but I got a pipe for Christmas and love it!  I would recommend one for ya serowbot!  I don't have the monacle or library to back up such an image but it does seem to relax ya more - plus you look more dignified.  AND that angel can focus on more important things like you trying to put that shirt on inside out before work... :o  God help ya

Title: Re: Last night,.. I tried to light a smoke...
Post by kimchris1 on 05/22/12 at 19:55:35

It has been almost 5 years since I last smoked a cigarette.
I do remember the bad tasted it left when lighting the wrong
Hope your Angel is around you all the time just in case something
else is about to happen..
Oh and I tried a wood pipe and a corn cob pipe. NO it was not for the
wacky tobacco either..  ;)
Hugs.. :) kim

Title: Re: Last night,.. I tried to light a smoke...
Post by LANCER on 05/23/12 at 04:34:53

484A4E404B514A5012230 wrote:
It has been almost 5 years since I last smoked a cigarette.
I do remember the bad tasted it left when lighting the wrong
Hope your Angel is around you all the time just in case something
else is about to happen..
Oh and I tried a wood pipe and a corn cob pipe. NO it was not for the
wacky tobacco either..  ;)
Hugs.. :) kim

Ohhhhh .... too bad.   8-)

Title: Re: Last night,.. I tried to light a smoke...
Post by WD on 05/24/12 at 19:16:15

I've had pipes for years. Burl mostly, need to have a couple if you smoke as much as I do. I do have a late 19th century Meerschaum in the big house, haven't smoked it, need to make a new stem for it. Have a brand new carve your own meerschaum kit floating around here somewhere (unless the stepson swiped it out west and made a bong out of it)...  ;D

Can't stand cob pipes.

Anyone else like the little white clay pipes that wash up along Long Island from the 1700s? You can still buy them new, restored fur trading posts usually have them in the gift shop.  8-)

I smoke menthol cigarettes (ultra light cheapies) but only unflavored pipe tobacco.

I had dropped from 3 packs a day to 1/2 a pack a day, at the moment I'm about 4 sticks into pack 3 of the day. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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