General Category >> The Cafe >> A lot of Iranians are quite awesome

Message started by Stimpy - FSO on 05/14/12 at 16:45:38

Title: A lot of Iranians are quite awesome
Post by Stimpy - FSO on 05/14/12 at 16:45:38

Not taking any sides here,
I just wanted to show you
something you won't ever
see on CNN.

This place is kind of a mix between japan,
gemany, egypt, russia and its riches regarding
history, culture, resources and infrastructure
are vast, it is quite far from an uncivilized
"desert monkey land" as many ppl believe,
far from it, just like was the situation with
Syria and Libya a few years ago; don't forget
the MSM (main stream media) literally only
shows half the story.  

I know from first hand the other side of the story,
a friend of mine who owns a pizza place and
has been here in germany for 22 years is from
iran and goes there about once a year and always
brings photos and stories and it sounds like a
wonderful place, of course, like any country,
it has its problems but nothing they can't handle
on their own. 

Full 82 photo gallery here
(and you can google many more).

:) (
. ( (
. (

Title: Re: Real Iran & Iranians (what the warmachine
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/14/12 at 17:09:54

Clearly not what the media wants us to envision. Theyve sure come a long way from the days when they bought the 57 chevy dies & were punching them out new,
In the past, it was not unusual for Americans to envision Iranians as uncultured ( YOu want uncultured, come to N. America) heathens, desperately in need of a good carpet bombing & humanitarian invasion.

Title: Re: Real Iran & Iranians-what the warmachine hides
Post by mpescatori on 05/15/12 at 06:22:32

A few words, if I may.

I personally know quite a few Iranians. Only some Iranians are Persians; to say "Persia" is like to say "Virginia", not all Americans are Virginians.

Persia meant as the ancient heartland of Iran is a nation as old as history itself.
Cyrus, Darius, Xerxes and Artaxerxes are Persian kings mentioned in the Old Testament.

The Persians made war against ancient Greece more than once, are regularly depicted as "evil" (see the film "300") but were actually more civilized than the Greeks themselves.

Only once in history were those lands "defeated", by Alexander the Great; not always by military battle, as more than one local ruler  (Satrap) switched sides from Darius to Alexander to keep his position and save his own dinasty.

During the Roman Empire, the Romans expanded east to seize Anatolia (modern turkish peninsula) Syria and Palestine (which included modern Jordan).
However, Mesopotamia, the Fertile Crescent, lay beyond the Iraqi desert; the Romans tried more than once, but never succeeded
in defeating the Persians (mentioned as "Parti") and more often than not the Persians proved to be more than a match.

The Persians were the only people to resist the Arab onslaught to propagate Islam.
True, they converted; not all, as their original religion, Zoroastrism, is still alive and well, and is perhaps the oldest surviving religion on earth, along with Judaism.

The Persians "educated" the furious mongol hordes into civilized city dwellers, and the raging turks into civilized rulers and administrators.

Anyone who has read "the 1001 Nights" (which, by the way, is so decent you could read it as a bedtime story) will realize the grandeur of the Caliphs of the Middle Ages, when Rome, London and Paris were little more than oversize villages.
Science as we have today has been handed down to us by the Caliphs of Baghdad, Damascus, Teheran and Shiraz.

Throughout time Iran has been sovereign and independent, and has never been invaded nor defeated, with the sole exception of Alexander in the 3rd Century BC.

Even Russia never succeeded in invading Iran.

My advice ? Leave Iran alone. Do business with Iran, but don't mess with Iran.
Iran is an old dog with quite a few tricks up its sleeve, and could prove to be more than a match for anyone who have to "import" their military a few thousand miles just to sit on the border.

To the best of my recollection, the only time the US attempted anything against Iran in the last 30-50 years was with Operation Eagle Claw, and we all remember how it ended.  :-X

Even Israel is wise enough to bout in a shouting match, but no more.

Title: Re: A lot of Iranians are quite awesome
Post by Starlifter on 05/15/12 at 21:39:13

The general population of Iran are good people. We used to fly into Terrain back in the 60's frequently. This was before the revolution when the Shaw (an American puppet leader) was still in charge.

Please, lets just leave them alone.

Title: Re: A lot of Iranians are quite awesome
Post by Stimpy - FSO on 05/16/12 at 01:36:49

Nicely written pescatori,

say, have you've given thought to professionally
blogging (with sponsors and everything or writing
a book) cause not only do you have perfect
command of the language but also you somehow
have the "writer's touch" making your stuff easy
and fun to read; what is your area of expertise?


and yes,
I'll try to be even more PC from now on   ;)

Title: Re: A lot of Iranians are quite awesome
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/16/12 at 05:24:47

That photo tour is Great,, If you havent done it, there are a few in there that are just too much,, the colors are so beautiful, tile floor that looks like the ocean, carvings with such detail , made in a time when tools to accomplish it, well,, you decide how it was done,

Then have a look at Puma Punku.

Title: Re: A lot of Iranians are quite awesome
Post by Drifter on 05/16/12 at 06:21:47

Stimpy, the world is glad to here you are going to be even more PC from now on!

I worked with the chief engineer from egypt building there flight simulators another from iran and iraq and 2 israelis.  The arabs always treated us with respect even went for beers after work. Cant say that about the other 2 both were aholes!

Title: Re: A lot of Iranians are quite awesome
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 05/16/12 at 08:47:11

Back in the 1990s I had a friend from Iran.  He was getting his PhD in computer science, and had converted to Christianity.  That's how we met him, at our church.

I introduced him to flying, and he got bitten by the bug big time.  He quickly got his private pilot license, and then decided that he wanted to become a U.S. Naval Aviator.  After months of hassles surrounding security issues, he made it and the last I talked to him a few years ago, he was flying an F/A-18.

The security problems weren't related to him, but like all refugees, our gov't is concerned with what can happen if he's captured, and the bad guys use threats against his family in Iran to coerce him into betrayal.  He obviously convinced our snoops that wouldn't happen.

The rest of the story - during the revolution, his parents were living in France on a temporary assigment of some sort, and he was staying with his grandparents in Iran.  The parents somehow hired a "guide" to help their son escape Iran.  He and the "guide" traveled by night and hid by day, for about 2 solid weeks before making it out of the country.

He did eventually get to France to see his parents again, but he decided he wanted to live in the U.S. and came here.  He's quite a guy.

Title: Re: A lot of Iranians are quite awesome
Post by Pine on 05/16/12 at 12:35:55

Ahhh yes ... of course for me its living in Mississippi. Wher we just got slammed ( again) by another state governor as an example backwards rednecks (she was commenting on her own states policits at the time)

As to the 1001 nights... I have a verion that is the "literal" translation from French to English.  Not a kiddie book! bedtime story, maybe, but only between consenting adults!

Genie = Jin

Not sure who gave it the "adult" flavor... but yeah.. its in there.

Title: Re: A lot of Iranians are quite awesome
Post by Dj12midnit on 05/16/12 at 23:26:00

Is this thick or thin crust?

Title: Re: A lot of Iranians are quite awesome
Post by mpescatori on 05/18/12 at 03:22:45

7C72292A75717C76716C180 wrote:
Is this thick or thin crust?

Depends on your culinary traditions  ;D

Thick crust is typical of Naples

thin crust is typical of Rome.  ;)

Crustless Pizza...

I'll leave to the odd ones who also enjoy the meatless burger... or the dry lemonade, or anything else which is "counterfeit imitation of authentic copy" of... how sad, eh ?  :-?

As for the Mods locking, scolding and unlocking, may I say Thank you...
I would like to thank those who complimented my English, my question is: why can't others be just as careful with their own spelling?  ::) » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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