General Category >> The Cafe >> Michigan Resends Motorcycle Helmet Law

Message started by Starlifter on 05/13/12 at 20:00:20

Title: Michigan Resends Motorcycle Helmet Law
Post by Starlifter on 05/13/12 at 20:00:20

Well now our assshole Republican governor here in Michigan has resended our helmet law.

I think the next thorn in our Gov. Rick Snyder’s side should be a class action suit for reckless endangerment of our citizens. Why? For signing the “no helmet” law into effect giving motorcyclists the right to scatter their brains on Michigan roads.

It seems to me like a thinly veiled attempt to help the insurance companies rake in still more profits, as they will be writing more policies with the $20,000 additional insurance coverage requirement.

And we here in Michigan all know that Snyder’s all over anything that promotes a corporate society.

I suspect most of those folks giving the helmet a toss are just begging Darwin to do what Darwin does best: clean up the gene pool.

I would suppose to some that freedom of choice means more to them than life itself...well lets see how many freedoms the can enjoy as a vegetable in some nursing home (that the rest of us more 'responsible' riders will have to pay for).

However, since the new law has come into effect I am very happy to report that through my personal observations hardly anyone is riding without a helmet despite the new law, proving that Michigan riders are a lot smarter than our stupid governor.

ATGATT *Starlifter

Title: Re: Michigan Resends Motorcycle Helmet Law
Post by Trippah on 05/13/12 at 20:19:53

I was watching tv yesterday when the gal speaking noted (topic of discussion was the TIME mag picture of the lucky 3 yr old boy) that the government has the right to mandate reasonable safety standards eg seat belt and motorcycle helmets  but shouldn't get into the child rearing business.

I wonder why she felt the government has the right to require  our safety?  

Title: Re: Michigan Resends Motorcycle Helmet Law
Post by Starlifter on 05/13/12 at 20:37:25

"I wonder why she felt the government has the right to require our safety?"

Umm, well because without seatbelts, traffic rules, drunken driving laws, helmet laws, RR crossing signals, safe food & drug laws, firearms restrictions, and a hundred other safety regulations, rules and laws, there would be even higher costs to us all in the form of additional hospital care, law suits, insurance costs etc. not to mention a much higher risk to all of us every time we venture outside our houses.

Your freedoms end where the other persons safety concerns, out of pocket costs, and other considerations of the costly stupidity of who others affect us all.

Title: Re: Michigan Resends Motorcycle Helmet Law
Post by Dj12midnit on 05/13/12 at 20:54:31

It is amazing that the population has been able to explode the way it has with out the government having been there to keep them from killing themselves off. Anyone who wants to have the freedom to choose if they wear a helmet should just shut up and move to a free country.

Title: Re: Michigan Resends Motorcycle Helmet Law
Post by Serowbot on 05/13/12 at 23:23:47

No helmet law here...  80% wear helmets anyway....
The rest,... Darwin takes care of....
Proof.... evolution trumps creationism :-?...

Title: Re: Michigan Resends Motorcycle Helmet Law
Post by mpescatori on 05/14/12 at 03:55:03

5A4C5B465E4B465D290 wrote:
No helmet law here...  80% wear helmets anyway....
The rest,... Darwin takes care of....
Proof.... evolution trumps creationism :-?...

True... until the widow / mother of the late "Junior" sues you to hell and back, and you have to work your 4$$ off for the rest of your life to pay the multimillion dollar compensation...

On the other hand, how long does it take you to don a helmet?
How long is one year's physiotheorapy to recuperate from accident-induced paraplegy?

Freedom, yes; running the risk that someone else will spatter his brains on MY windshield? No thanks...

Title: Re: Michigan Resends Motorcycle Helmet Law
Post by Uno-Lung on 05/14/12 at 04:29:26

Starlifter, I agree with you that it was an attempt to line the insurance companies’ pockets, but it wasn’t a veiled attempt in my case.  Days before Snyder signed on the dotted line my insurance renewal came in the mail with the Twenty Thousand additional coverage and a Twenty Dollar increase in annual premium.  Who are they fooling – Twenty Thousand won’t get you through the emergency room.

Here I was looking for a decrease going from insuring a Triumph Trophy 1200 to my Savage, and I get an increase – bummer.  Well at least there is three less carbs to cause trouble and better fuel milage.

Over on this side of the State there seems to be bunches of bikers taking advantage of their new freedom to wear do-rags, but as the better half quipped, “ They are all old guys on Harlys.”  I have to agree with her on that one.  It looks dumb and I won’t be using that freedom.  Oh, and I always agree with her, or there is Hell to paid.

Going up to Baldwin this weekend for the blessing. I’ll bet dollars to donuts that I’ll be wishing I had stock in a Do-Rag company.

Title: Re: Michigan Resends Motorcycle Helmet Law
Post by WebsterMark on 05/14/12 at 04:59:49

I don’t recall ever riding a motorcycle without a helmet, but I also don’t recall putting one on because Uncle Sam told me to.

I’ve climbed a few mountains, camped in the winter snows, kayaked, rode dirt bikes, raced a few times, shot some guns, assorted other stupid things, decided who to work for and who not to work for, married a woman, we raised two kids, and helped them pick a college. Somehow managed to do all this without somebody from the government looking over my shoulder and insisting I follow every nosey-a$$ opinion that they managed to get written down as a law.

You want to splatter your grey matter out all over the interstate, go ahead, but here’s the deal. Don’t come to me asking for help paying someone to change your diapers for the next 30 years and I won’t treat you like a baby by pushing helmet laws.

It’s your life; it does not belong to the government of the United States of America.  Kudos to the people of Michigan for remembering this.

and yes uno, do-rags are just another piece of the typical Harley rider's uniform they have to put on before they go for a ride, but freedom to look stupid is something to be celebrated.

Title: Re: Michigan Resends Motorcycle Helmet Law
Post by verslagen1 on 05/14/12 at 05:05:08

As I recall, helmets reduce the chance of death in an accident.
but you'll have to agree there's a better chance of living with a disability.

Title: Re: Michigan Resends Motorcycle Helmet Law
Post by WebsterMark on 05/14/12 at 05:11:55

How out of control has the nanny state become?....

I literally just made my post, had the TV on in the background and heard a story about a town in New Jersey banning Texting while walking!!! Really?! What’s next? ATGATT while taking the mutt for a walk around the block?!

Title: Re: Michigan Resends Motorcycle Helmet Law
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/14/12 at 05:25:55

Ohh, Lifter,, Im shocked. YOu act as if someone is requiring people to not wear a helmet.,

Title: Re: Michigan Resends Motorcycle Helmet Law
Post by splash07 on 05/14/12 at 07:20:13

I personally like the no helmet option. I am one that feels the world is already past its carrying capacity (AKA way effing overpopulated) so the more opportunity to get rid of some of the darwin award winners the better.

Title: Re: Michigan Resends Motorcycle Helmet Law
Post by built2last66 on 05/14/12 at 07:56:07

Liberals, the defenders of human rights and upholders of "freedom" always telling someone else what to do...

I wear a helmet, but why force someone to use a safety precaution that only affects them self?

Why not just outlaw motorcycles altogether?

Title: Re: Michigan Resends Motorcycle Helmet Law
Post by Savage_Rob on 05/14/12 at 09:23:32

776473726D6066646F30010 wrote:
As I recall, helmets reduce the chance of death in an accident.
but you'll have to agree there's a better chance of living with a disability.

Regarding other bodily disabilities, that may well be true.  However, it does reduce the incidence of both death and that of living with a debilitating brain injury (or as a vegetable).

Title: Re: Michigan Resends Motorcycle Helmet Law
Post by Arizuno on 05/14/12 at 10:04:56

Everyone who refuses to wear a helmet should be required to submit to a vaginal - or anal - probe. Every time they refuse. Purpose? To ascertain the location of their head.

Title: Re: Michigan Resends Motorcycle Helmet Law
Post by Drifter on 05/14/12 at 11:11:30

I was in a bike wreck 4 weeks ago and was knocked unconcious when my head hit the pavement, if i had not been wearing a helmet there is a very good chance i would not be typing this today...... :o

This is learned advice if you love your children and family ALWAYS WEAR A HELMET!!!!

Title: Re: Michigan Resends Motorcycle Helmet Law
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/14/12 at 11:38:59

That it is obvious a helmet should be worn is one thing, to have the government demand it is another,

Title: Re: Michigan Resends Motorcycle Helmet Law
Post by Dutch82 on 05/14/12 at 11:49:38

785F4A5947424D5F4E592B0 wrote:
However, since the new law has come into effect I am very happy to report that through my personal observations hardly anyone is riding without a helmet despite the new law, proving that Michigan riders are a lot smarter than our stupid governor.

It is the opposite over here on the West side of the state.  Since the law was repealed I would say I see over half (if not more) of folks not wearing a helmet.  

Title: Re: Michigan Resends Motorcycle Helmet Law
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 05/14/12 at 12:15:30

Some of you need to refresh your 4th grade math skills.

How repealing a helmet law would increase insurance company profitability is illogical and impossible.

How many millions does it cost your health insurer to keep a vegetable on a ventilator for years who got that way thru traumatic brain injury?

What about your life insurer's premature payment of your life insurance benefits or your disability insurer's paying out decades of disabililty payments?

Insurance companies are the primary sponsors and advocates of helmet and seat belt laws; but some folks will promote any illogical idea to bash insurance comanies.

I guess insurance companies are a lot like lawyers - everyone loves to hate them until you need them.

Title: Re: Michigan Resends Motorcycle Helmet Law
Post by Dutch82 on 05/14/12 at 12:26:15

09060A000B060D010611040611630 wrote:
Some of you need to refresh your 4th grade math skills.

How repealing a helmet law would increase insurance company profitability is illogical and impossible.

How many millions does it cost your health insurer to keep a vegetable on a ventilator for years who got that way thru traumatic brain injury?

What about your life insurer's premature payment of your life insurance benefits or your disability insurer's paying out decades of disabililty payments?

Insurance companies are the primary sponsors and advocates of helmet and seat belt laws; but some folks will promote any illogical idea to bash insurance comanies.

I guess insurance companies are a lot like lawyers - everyone loves to hate them until you need them.

Jerry - The way the law was written was that in order for you to be eligible to go helmetless (is that a word?) you must be 21 or older, have your MC endorsement for 2 years or pass the safety course, and also have at least $20,000 in medical coverage through your insurance company.  The last caveat is the direct result of insurance lobbyists claiming they needed to offset their losses from the probable increase in severe injuries.

So the helmet law isn't simply repealed, they are forcing you into purchasing more insurance and increasing your premiums if you want to ride without a helmet.  Its a win for the conservative Governor who can say he is repealing laws and creating "less government", and its a win for the insurance companies who get to collect higher premiums.

Title: Re: Michigan Resends Motorcycle Helmet Law
Post by verslagen1 on 05/14/12 at 12:41:59

You guys aren't required to have medical?

Hell, that all I have is medical and liability.

the bike is so cheap, I don't care, I'll get a new one.
and if someone else runs me over, they pay for it.

Title: Re: Michigan Resends Motorcycle Helmet Law
Post by Boule’tard on 05/14/12 at 12:46:03

Yep.  It seems to me that whatever increases the danger and treachery (is that a word?  :D) of motorcycling will ultimately increase the size of the insurance business as it pertains to motorcycling.  That remains true whether the govt requires mandatory minimum coverage, or just that premiums naturally go up as a result of more severe or frequent claims.

Personally, I like when a helmet law is repealed, as it was in Texas.  Because when a cop sees you with your helmet on, and you're not required by law to have it, he regards you as a safe rider and is less likely to hassle you over a minor traffic or sticker infraction.

For a short while, the helmet law had been repealed for motorcycles in Texas, but there was still a bicycling helmet law in Austin.  So if you went lidless, your bike had better have a motor on it, or you were in trouble.  After a couple of weeks, the city noticed the absurdity of that, and repealed the bicycle helmet law.

Title: Re: Michigan Resends Motorcycle Helmet Law
Post by Dutch82 on 05/14/12 at 13:26:20

495A4D4C535E585A510E3F0 wrote:
You guys aren't required to have medical?

Hell, that all I have is medical and liability.

the bike is so cheap, I don't care, I'll get a new one.
and if someone else runs me over, they pay for it.

Here is Michigan we also have no-fault insurance.

Title: Re: Michigan Resends Motorcycle Helmet Law
Post by Savage_Rob on 05/14/12 at 13:36:01

Yeah, the Texas law used to require that you be over 21 as well as have successfully completed an approved basic motorcycle safety course or have $10K in health insurance in order to receive a sticker for your license which would allow you to ride without a helmet.  Texas Senate Bill 1967 ( was signed into law by Gov. Rick Perry on June 19, 2009.  As I read it, this law still requires health insurance but removes the $10K minimum.  It also appears to now require successful completion of the motorcycle safety course before an original class M license is granted, as well as requiring additional motorcycle awareness training being added to all driver's education programs.

Texas Department of Public Safety Motorcycle Helmet Exemptions (

Title: Re: Michigan Resends Motorcycle Helmet Law
Post by Savage_Rob on 05/14/12 at 13:46:52

6B5A5B4C47171D2F0 wrote:
Here is Michigan we also have no-fault insurance.

Is that where the cage driver says "I never saw the motorcycle. He came out of nowhere!" and then it's not his fault?

Title: Re: Michigan Resends Motorcycle Helmet Law
Post by Uno-Lung on 05/14/12 at 16:01:11

Rob, you sly fox, in the Great Lakes State when any motorcycle is involved in an accident with another vehicle it is the other vehicle’s responsibility to pay for the personal injuries of the road potato cyclist ; no matter who is at fault.

When Mister Tree, Peter Pitbull, or Joey Mailbox jump out in front of a  Do or Don’t Dewrag – the foul stench of finger pointing and litigation rear their ugly heads as body parts are collected in plastic bags.

Consensus in the Coffee Shop?  All Do the Dew Rag road kill becomes automatic parts donors except for one organ – the brain !!!!

Title: Re: Michigan Resends Motorcycle Helmet Law
Post by WD on 05/14/12 at 17:54:11

I've known people who lived because of their helmets. I've buried plenty of others who would have walked away if they had been without one. Depends on how you wreck. And how you land.

I prefer to ride without a helmet. And do, at places I deem safe to do so. Freeways and city streets don't fit that category for me.

Try living in a true nanny state (Washington). Where you have to have a helmet and endorsement, but motorcycle insurance is optional (as in, not required). State seems to be happy to pick up downed riders' tabs. Kinda makes me miss living under Marxist rule...NOT. I'll pay my $86 a YEAR for full coverage, wear my lid (have you seen the so called drivers in west TN) on the road and go across the river to Arkansas if I want to ride lidless. Lower population in that state than in my county.

Title: Re: Michigan Resends Motorcycle Helmet Law
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/15/12 at 00:13:04

The first total I had on a bike, if I had been wearing a helmet, I woulda been dead, immediately, with a broken neck, cracked 3 vertebrae anyway,the bottom of a helmet between shoulder & head would have jacked my head up & away from my back when I landed on the side of my head..

Second total. no helmet.. & I didnt hit my head & it was a pretty bad single vehicle crash.

First 2, single vehicle.,.

3rd total.,Stuffed it into the side of a pickup, when the guy decided to turn left as I was working on passing him, I bent the cab corner with my face, well, it woulda been my face, but I was wearin a flip face & walked away..I mite have lived, but I woulda been way seriously hurt.l

I wish WD would expand some on his knowledge/experience.

I guess Popeye had it right,

Ya pays yer money & ya takes yer chances..

Title: Re: Michigan Resends Motorcycle Helmet Law
Post by WebsterMark on 05/15/12 at 05:15:19

That's the point JOG; not anymore...

Ya pays yer taxes, Uncle Sam decides what chances ya take...

Title: Re: Michigan Resends Motorcycle Helmet Law
Post by built2last66 on 05/15/12 at 06:01:30

382721263B3C0D3D0D35272B60520 wrote:
That it is obvious a helmet should be worn is one thing, to have the government demand it is another,


Title: Re: Michigan Resends Motorcycle Helmet Law
Post by Southpaw on 05/15/12 at 12:24:59

 I spent a couple days in our state capitol in Mo. during Senate Transportation Committee hearings talking to reps. Its a real eye opener. The amount of insurance company lobbyist pressure is pretty great and some of the statistics were so ridiculous that even the Senators were questioning how they could come up with the conclusions they were spouting as "fact" from the data they had submitted. When lobbyists have a hand in HOW a law is written, it should come as no great surprise that the outcome would favor the industry he represents!
 On a side note, I was told, off the record, by one committee aide that one of the Senators that used to oppose a change in helmet laws has decided the "Darwin Award" contingent wasn't going away but they would probably be the first to go helmetless in poor weather conditions and thus reduce the gene pool. It made for a good story but kind of reduced mt respect for the guy! » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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