General Category >> Rubber Side Down! >> There,.. I fixed it...

Message started by Serowbot on 04/29/12 at 13:38:23

Title: There,.. I fixed it...
Post by Serowbot on 04/29/12 at 13:38:23

My wacky, angle grinder press did the job... ;)...
Oversize pulley is running true now...
My thanks to MMRanch for finding it,.. and other members for throwing out ideas and suggestions...
If anyone else is contemplating the swap... keep in mind, it's a lot of grinding, and the end surface must be made true flat...
Pulley is 25 tooth, +2 of stock,.. from a Kawasaki LTD454...
Yippie!... ;D...

The rig...

Pulley installed...

the movie...

Title: Re: There,.. I fixed it...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/29/12 at 15:09:59

& remember,, any tool can be the right tool.

Title: Re: There,.. I fixed it...
Post by RycaShawn on 04/30/12 at 17:02:55

So what does this mod do to final gearing?

Title: Re: There,.. I fixed it...
Post by Serowbot on 04/30/12 at 18:30:52

8% over...

RPM at 60 mph in 5th gear...  
   4008 with stock 23 tooth pulley....
   3688 with 25 tooth pulley...
   400 RPM difference...

RPM at 100 mph...
   6680 stock... redline of 6500 @ 97.3mph...  
   6146 w/ 25 tooth... redline of 6500 @ 105.8mph...

Handy toy here...
Gearing Commander

... with oversize 140/80 -15 tire... redline moves up to 110.7 MPH...
   60 mph cruise 3525rpm

Title: Re: There,.. I fixed it...
Post by teabowl13 on 04/30/12 at 18:51:55

I must admit, Sir, that when I saw your angle grinder/drill press/thing-a-ma-jig I thought Red Green was hovering over you, but I'm very impressed that it worked!! Congratulations. Guess that $5 pulley was worth it after all!
Let us know how you like the ride!

Title: Re: There,.. I fixed it...
Post by bill67 on 04/30/12 at 18:55:30

Serowbot you should start making them and selling them if it works alright.

Title: Re: There,.. I fixed it...
Post by teabowl13 on 04/30/12 at 19:00:29

62696C6C3637000 wrote:
Serowbot you should start making them and selling them if it works alright.

Don't forget to build in the cost of a new grinding disc or two with each one!  ;D

Title: Re: There,.. I fixed it...
Post by Serowbot on 04/30/12 at 22:30:27

I have ridden local, (under 50mph) for 30 miles or so.... No noticeable difference in low end take-off... .. but, more belt noise.  
I had the old one dead silent...
This new pulley was pretty rusty in the teeth... hoping the belt will buff it clean, and quiet it down, with some miles...
Gonna' put 500 miles on it, and inspect...  

Maybe not 100% trued,... but, eyeballing it, I can't see any wobble...

Will update...

Title: Re: There,.. I fixed it...
Post by BelizeanBanman on 04/30/12 at 22:53:55

7C6A7D60786D607B0F0 wrote:
   6680 stock... redline of 6500 @ 97.3mph...  

  how on EARTH (or wherever it is that you are) can you get your bike to go 97.3MPH stock? I can barely get mine to 80 going downhill with the wind

Title: Re: There,.. I fixed it...
Post by Serowbot on 05/01/12 at 02:41:35

Good question.... ;D ;D ;D...

I haven't... These are theoretical numbers based on the Gearing Commander program... calculating the speed with this gearing at redline...
I'm mostly interested in a lower rpm at 60 to 70mph cruise...

I do have my bike well tuned, lightened and slightly modded,... and I'm pretty lean at 140lbs...  
I have gotten up to about 94mph (actual) on flat...
I've done a few mods since that time, and with the gear change, I just might get to 100mph... ... if I do, it'll only be once, to say I did it...
That's way too fast for this bike... :-?...

It's a personal challenge for me to get this bike to do "the ton"...
For no reason other than, I'm an Ace Cafe' history buff...
... and I'd like the status of a "ton up" bike...

I realise it's a way too easy feat on a majority of modern bikes,... but it presents a perfect challenge on this one...
The other part of the challenge is,.. I average about 62mpg... and I'd like to keep that at least over 60 mpg...
It'll be ridin' the ragged edge to manage both...

At heart,.. I'm more of an efficiency buff, than a performance buff...

A favourite expression I read once... "Tucked in like paint"...
I just might manage it, if I can "tuck in like paint"...;D....

Title: Re: There,.. I fixed it...
Post by RycaShawn on 05/03/12 at 17:21:44


My CS1 has a 96mm piston and the Web cam and with the raptor petcock, every 45 miles I'm flipping to reserve and heading to the gas station. My build will love the 25T gear. I hate seeing 5000+RPMs cruising around 80mph

Also, what exactly did you have to modify? The offset on the pulley was wrong? Clearances to the engine case? Easier to modify on a lathe if you have access one?

Title: Re: There,.. I fixed it...
Post by Serowbot on 05/03/12 at 18:49:25

RycaS.. got your PM, but here's the original post from MMRanch...

... and my earlier update...

I bought mine at a junk yard...
I haven't decided if I like it or not... Maybe I'm just too used the the old shift points after 6 yrs...
I used to gear up all my bikes, but I never waited 6yrs before... it's very awkward on familiar roads...
;D ...

Title: Re: There,.. I fixed it...
Post by RycaShawn on 05/03/12 at 19:23:44

Excellent! Thank you. I just found one on ebay. Looking forward to the lower revs at 80mph!

How much would you say your rear axle is displaced forward compared to the 23 tooth pulley? - NM! just finished reading your thread  ;)

Title: Re: There,.. I fixed it...
Post by mjs3790225 on 05/25/12 at 18:58:16

I've got my pulley on standby until I can get a hold of my machine shop friend. How has your's been running for you so far? Any good word on it breaking in nice?

Title: Re: There,.. I fixed it...
Post by Serowbot on 05/25/12 at 19:18:54

Well,.. visually, it looks to be running quite true,... but I am hearing more belt noise than I used to... Unfortunately,.. while I was installing, I also decided to mod the cover plate, so I'm not sure if that's part of the noise increase or not...
Shift wise... definitely higher gearing...  4th now feels taller 5th used to...
I've noticed uphill mountain roads, now require a specific gear... where there used to be some overlap... every turn, I am running a gear lower than I used to...
... can hit 40mph in 1st easy... 60 in 2nd,... 85 in 3rd,... 4th?... ...5th?...
Of course, this doesn't show on the speedo,.. because it's geared to the engine... sets speedo off by 8% over... so, careful... don't get a ticket...

Still debating whether I like it or not...  going to ride with it some more, and see if I settle in to the rhythm...
Just had to find out... irresistible option...

PS... you may need to replace a sidecase bolt at the lower rear of the front pulley... it was contacting the belt as it left the pulley... I used a roundhead allen type, and had to grind it a bit flat on the head... ..but, I also have 12" shocks...

Good luck..  ;)...  

Title: Re: There,.. I fixed it...
Post by SuperSavage on 05/25/12 at 19:30:56

Sir Serow, how's the power with the larger front sprocket? I went with a smaller rear sprocket on my Vulcan 800 and it definitely helps as far as super-slab cruising buzziness. The vulcan has alot more power on tap so I don't even notice the difference right after launch...

Title: Re: There,.. I fixed it...
Post by Serowbot on 05/25/12 at 19:42:32

As long as I'm in the right gear,.. power is still plenty good...  but each step is bigger,... so, to go fast, I think I'm shifting out at a higher rpm to catch the prime torqueband of the next gear......  
I've been riding this bike for 6 years... so, the unconscious shift points now require some attention...
Gonna' give it some time...

Funny, but switching to a completely different bike, is easier than adjusting to a change in one that you are very used to...

Title: Re: There,.. I fixed it...
Post by mjs3790225 on 05/25/12 at 21:16:20

Great info thanks! I'm in the middle of planning a long trip for later this summer and am really hoping to get this pulley business accomplished. Lol, that among a pile of other things XD

Title: Re: There,.. I fixed it...
Post by RycaShawn on 05/25/12 at 23:27:03

Hey guys. I installed this on my Ryca. Fits great. The larger rear tire rubs against the swing arm at high speed when the tire expands so I have to grind on it a little to add clearance.

Overall, I love it. I think it works quite well with my big bore and web cam. I'm not sure what it would be like on a stock motor. My Ryca is sooo much fun to ride now!!! Oh and on the freeway I usually forget I am in 5th with the stock pulley and want to upshift to another gear that's not there. I caught myself a few times with the new pulley cruising in 4th not realizing I have one more gear. It almost feels like an overdrive now, but not quite.

Title: Re: There,.. I fixed it...
Post by mjs3790225 on 05/26/12 at 00:33:54

Now that's what I want to hear! Highway improvement! =D How did you go about getting the gear to fit on your bike? Did you grind it like Serowbot did or you do it some other way? Or is the Ryca so much different you didn't even need to worry?

Title: Re: There,.. I fixed it...
Post by RycaShawn on 05/26/12 at 08:55:43

I turned down both sides of the pulley on a lathe. Made sure the original surface I was cutting down had less than .002" of runout before I cut the new surface.

Btw, I too get a little more belt noise. When I roll to a stop with the engine disengaged, there's a mild drone. Serowbot, experiencing the same thing?

Title: Re: There,.. I fixed it...
Post by Serowbot on 05/26/12 at 09:09:06

062D3735073C35233A540 wrote:
Btw, I too get a little more belt noise. When I roll to a stop with the engine disengaged, there's a mild drone. Serowbot, experiencing the same thing?

I'm opposite... dead quite on decel... whine is when the gas is on...
Still experimenting on how to remove...

(... and I mean experimenting...
Last try used a grease splatter shield,... a cooking pot,.. and a turkey baster...
I decided it was the trailing edge of the belt teeth against the leading edge of the pulley teeth... so, I sifted dirt with the screen into a pot, and used the baster to squirt fine sand between the pulley and belt, as I turned the wheel...
If it had worked, it would have been my masterpiece... sadly,.. it helped only 20%...  
...polished the pulley nice though.. :-?)..

Title: Re: There,.. I fixed it...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/26/12 at 09:40:21

Try some of that stuff from at the pool hall,.,heck,, IDK what it even IS,, but its the white stuff ya rub on yer sweaty gripper,, Its not powder, is it? Sure not lookin very powderish,, Is it chalk? I bet itll knock the whine down..

Some white chalk,, pulverized, ? Ill bet thatd work some too,.

Title: Re: There,.. I fixed it...
Post by Serowbot on 05/26/12 at 09:47:13

Chalk... ;)... Hmmm?.. Excellent idea...  I have a bottle of it for filling a chalk line...
... but it's blue... (only comes in blue or red)...
Heck,.. I 'll try it anyway... It'll wear off eventually... :-?...

Title: Re: There,.. I fixed it...
Post by Cavi Mike on 05/26/12 at 19:05:42

I'm glad this worked out for you but I really suggest people get theirs milled or turned. Hell, I'll do it for free just to allow myself to sleep better at night.

Title: Re: There,.. I fixed it...
Post by Stimpy - FSO on 05/28/12 at 02:58:58

Great find, great thread, great idea!

I opened this page waiting to find something kinda like this: (
.. ( (
.. (

but oh surprise surprise, there it was, the motorcycle part
I was looking for years and never found, I got up to 90+mph
with the help of carb tuning and an oversized rear tire but
never could do the TON; if I only still had a savage  ::)

Title: Re: There,.. I fixed it...
Post by mjs3790225 on 07/16/12 at 21:11:26

Finally was able to get a hold of my machinist friend. He was able to throw the pulley on lathe and grind it down to the size of the original. Haha! When he gave it back to me he said it was harder than it looked and that he went through 6 tips cutting the thing! At any rate, he did a real fine job.

Got the pulley on, ground some contact points on the case, and gave it a nice 40 mile ride on the highway. So far so good.

Also, it should be noted to adjust the rear brake after doing this mod!  :o Where'd you go!? lol

Can def see a speed difference from the speedo and GPS comparison. As soon as you get past 30, watch out! It just keeps drift'n farther off!

Gonna have to get used to running in different gears in the city, but I think I'll like it in the end.

Title: Re: There,.. I fixed it...
Post by arteacher on 08/05/12 at 12:41:10

My solution for belt noise was.... mustache wax. You can make it yourself with bee's wax and Vaseline at about a 60-30 ratio. Heat it up till it melts and brush it on the belt. My initial application has worked for 2000 miles so far.

Title: Re: There,.. I fixed it...
Post by 87 savage on 08/05/12 at 17:47:53

7066716C74616C77030 wrote:
... with oversize 140/80 -15 tire... redline moves up to 110.7 MPH...
   60 mph cruise 3525rpm

Hey Serowbot, awesome mod. Any recent comments? I'm a little confused though, 140/80 -15 is the stock size rear tire?? » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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