General Category >> The Cafe >> Rats!  Uhh, no,, I meant Bats!

Message started by justin_o_guy2 on 04/23/12 at 10:07:02

Title: Rats!  Uhh, no,, I meant Bats!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/23/12 at 10:07:02

Mite be time to get a bat box up in a few trees,,
I KNow its time to get some bees going,, just gotta get around to doin that,,

Bucknell University Professor: White-nose Syndrome is ‘Unprecedented wildlife disaster.’
With 6.7 million bats already dead, scientists believe the fast-spreading disease called White-nose Syndrome could lead to the extinction of some species.

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Dr. DeeAnn Reeder, a professor at Bucknell University, is a leading expert on White-nose Syndrome

Dr. DeeAnn Reeder, a professor at Bucknell University, is a leading expert on White-nose Syndrome
Quote start“This is like bringing small pox to the New World. It is surely an unprecedented wildlife disaster for North America.”
- Dr. DeeAnn Reeder, Bucknell UniversityQuote end

Lewisburg, PA (PRWEB) April 10, 2012

More than six million bats are dead, and millions more are expected to fall victim to a disease known as White-nose Syndrome, or WNS. First identified in the northeastern United States, WNS has wiped out an estimated 95% of Pennsylvania’s bat population and is quickly spreading across the country. It was most recently discovered in Missouri, Delaware and Alabama.

“This is like bringing small pox to the New World. It is surely an unprecedented wildlife disaster for North America,” said Bucknell University professor Dr. DeeAnn Reeder. Reeder is one of the country’s leading experts on WNS, and one of the researchers responsible for identifying the cause of the disease in 2011. “We can’t stop this thing. It’s marching across the country and we’re going to see some extinction.”

Reeder has been studying the disease since shortly after it was discovered in a New York cave in 2006. Since then it was been detected in at least 17 other states. Few bats exposed to the fungus that causes WNS survive.

“I was recently in a mine where I should’ve seen 10,000 or so bats. There were 150,” Reeder recalled. “We don’t know if the survivors have some immunity, or are lucky. If they’re just lucky, we’re in trouble.”

While Reeder and other scientists are turning their attention to surviving bats, and the clues they may provide in slowing the spread of WNS, the impact of the devastation to the country’s bat population could be severe. Reeder says for every one million bats that die, 692 tons of insects that would have been eaten by the bats, survive the summer months. That includes mosquitoes and agricultural pests. Recent studies show bats provide billions of dollars worth of agricultural and pest-killing services.


   Andy Hirsch
   Bucknell University
   (570) 577-3698

Title: Re: Rats!  Uhh, no,, I meant Bats!
Post by Serowbot on 04/23/12 at 10:08:59

...mosquitoes...       great... :-?...

Funny thing,.. 20 yrs ago mosquitoes were as rare as penguins out here.  Now, every summer, I can't work for 5 min in my carport with becoming a human pincushion...

Title: Re: Rats!  Uhh, no,, I meant Bats!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/23/12 at 10:28:17

Put some bat boxes up in the trees,, ohh ,yea,, uhh,, quick,, plant some trees,,

Title: Re: Rats!  Uhh, no,, I meant Bats!
Post by Stimpy - FSO on 04/23/12 at 12:12:14

I don't know if this is just an internet thing
or if it's for real, but if it is real this would
sadly just be another drop in the bucket for
the alarming mass die-offs of all kinds of
species worldwide.

Possibly the earths natural balance has finally
been upset beyond self-repair.

From the collapse of the bee colonies to thousands
of dead dolphins to a mysterious "robotic cat" illness
that is puzzling vets in europe things are not good.

Now the question is:  WHY?

Are these occurrences "normal" and simply
today much more reported on and televised?
or is this just a preview of things to come regarding
changes in our planet because of modern pollution??  

Could this be related to the gulf or fukushima?

Could these occurrences be maybe related to the
magnetosphere and solar storms?

Are "they" maybe going a bit overboard testing GMOs,
pesticides, biotech, nanotech and scalar weapons?

Einstein Once said:
“If the bee disappeared off the surface of the globe,
man would have only four years to live,”  this due
to almost 1/2 of ALL crops in the world being dependent
on insect pollination to survive to the next harvest season.

...wanna read something interesting?
"Blamed for Bee Collapse, Monsanto Buys Leading Bee Research Firm"
Read more:

i don't really know what to think but all this looks real bad,
here are just the 2012 casualties so far:

19th April 2012 - Thousands of Fish, also Cows and Dogs killed in Pakistan.

18th April 2012 - Hundreds of dead Fish, Tortoises, Turtles and several other animals dead in Pakistan.

17th April 2012 - Thousands of fish (30 species) dead in a creek in Tennesse.

17th April 2012 - Thousands of fish continue to turn up dead in the Zandvlei Estuary in South Africa.

17th April 2012 - Several thousand Fish found dead in River in India.

17th April 2012 - Thousands of Dead Fish found floating in Pond in India.

13th April 2012 - Mass Bees falling dead in Canyon Country California.

13th April 2012 - Hundreds of dead Fish litter Ocean Floor in Durban South Africa.

11th April 2012 - 300 more Dolphins found dead on beaches in Peru.

11th April 2012 - 14,000 Fish dead in Creek in Missouri.

9th April 2012 - Thousands of fish found dead in Lake in India.

9th April 2012 - 3 Whales wash up dead in India.

6th April 2012 - Over 50 Turtles wash ashore dead in India.

6th April 2012 - Thousands of Dead Fish found in waterway in Malaysia.

5th April 2012 - Thousands of Dead Fish found floating in Ganga river in India.

4th April 2012 - 615 Dolphins Found Dead on Beaches in Peru.

4th April 2012 - Over 100 Dead Catfish found in Boyne River Australia.

3rd April 2012 - Thousands of Dolphins are dying in Gulf of Mexico.

1st April 2012 - 9,000 Livestock killed by Foot and Mouth Disease in Egypt.

1st April 2012 - 3,000 Dolphins have washed up dead this year in Peru.

30th March 2012 - Hundreds of Birds Killed in Hail storm in Texas. Link

20th March 2012 - Thousands of dead Fish wash up on riverbank in Singapore.

20th March 2012 - Thousands of dead Fish found in River in Minnesota.

17th March 2012 - 4 beached Whales die in East China. Link

13th March 2012 - 5,000 Fish found dead in a lake in Malaysia.

12th March 2012 - Disease Kills 170 Chickens in South Africa.

9th March 2012 - Dozens of birds drop dead in University grounds in Florida.

8th March 2012 - 34 Dolphins wash up dead along coast in Texas.

4th March 2012 - 400 Grey Seals found dead off Cape Breton in Australia.

3rd March 2012 - Many Little Penguins Dying in Perth, Australia.

2nd March 2012 - Thousands of Jellyfish wash ashore in Texas.

1st March 2012 - 800kg dead fish found in Cyprus.

NOTE: During 2011 - Record number (335) of Sea Otters either found dead or ill along California coast in America.

28th February 2012 - Over 20,000 Chickens dead in Dharke in Nepal.

27th February 2012 - Thousands of fish found dead at nature reserve in UK.

25th February 2012 - 60 Gulls found dead in New Zealand.

21st February 2012 - 3,000 Tuna Fish found dead off coast of Dubai.

21st February 2012 - 25 Rare Turtles wash up dead in Bangladesh.

18th February 2012 - Thousands of Lambs being killed by incurable virus in the UK.

16th February 2012 - Tonnes of dead Fish wash ashore in Somalia.

15th February 2012 - 100 dead birds found along highway in Maryland America.

14th February 2012 - 124 Dolphins have now beached and died in Cape Cod America.

9th February 2012 - Over 200 Dolphins wash up dead in Peru.

9th February 2012 - 800 dead Birds found in Christchurch New Zealand.

7th February 2012 - Dozens of dead Birds found on beach in Florida.

6th February 2012 - Tens of Thousands of Birds to be "culled" due to H5N1 virus in Nepal and India.

3rd February 2012 - Thousands of Fish wash up dead in Nigeria.

3rd February 2012 - 100 Pigeons found dead in South Dakota.

3rd February 2012 - 1,000 Fish found dead floating in two ponds in Virginia.

31st January 2012 - Massive Fish death in Philippines.

27th January 2012 - 64 Dolphins and Porpoises found dead along the Atlantic Coast.

27th January 2012 - 10,000 Fish found dead in Japan.

27th January 2012 - 12 Dolphins wash up dead in Louisiana.

27th January 2012 - 10,000 Ducks to be Killed in Australia.

24th January 2012 - 5,000 Fish found dead in Perth's River in Australia.

UPDATE: 85 Dolphins beached, 61 dead in Cape Cod in America.

24th January 2012 - 82 Whales dead in New Zealand.

22nd January 2012 - Hundreds of dead Birds found in India.

21st January 2012 - 4 Whales found dead on beach in New Zealand.

19th January 2012 - 20,000 Birds killed by oil spill in New Zealand.

19th January 2012 - 3 TONNES of dead Fish wash ashore in Somalia.

NOTE: During the past 6 years, 6.7 MILLION Bats have died from White Nose Disease in America.

16th January 2012 - 53 Fur Seals found dead on Beach in Australia.

14th January 2012 - 30 Dolphins beach, 20 dead in Cape Cod in America.

11th January 2012 - Hundreds of dead Fish wash ashore in The Bahamas.

10th January 2012 - 2000 Chickens dead in India.

10th January 2012 - Large number of dead fish found floating across 3km of river in China.

9th January 2012 - Hundreds of Wildlife Animals found dead in Zimbabwe.

9th January 2012 - Dozens of Turtles found dead in Florida.

8th January 2012 - Thousands of Deer have died during past few months in Northern Plains in America.

7th January 2012 - Thousands of Dead Fish found floating in the Gholani River in India.

7th January 2012 - 7 Whales become stranded and die in New Zealand.

7th January 2012 - Thousands of Fish found dead in California.

5th January 2012 - 3000 Dead Fish in Ghana.

4th January 2012 - Oil soaked birds washing up dead on Western Isles of Scotland.

2nd January 2012 - 20 TONNES of Fish wash up dead on beach in Norway.

1st January 2012 - 200 Blackbirds found dead in Arkansas USA.


Title: Re: Rats!  Uhh, no,, I meant Bats!
Post by Stimpy - FSO on 04/23/12 at 13:10:07


"The planet isn't going anywhere.
WE are!"
 G. Carlin

Title: Re: Rats!  Uhh, no,, I meant Bats!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/23/12 at 13:12:30

If this thing continues, & we lose bats like this guy is talking about,, say, like he found 150 or so in a cave where 10,000 should have been, then we will see bugs at a level weve never dreamed, err had nightmares about,,

Title: Re: Rats!  Uhh, no,, I meant Bats!
Post by WD on 04/24/12 at 15:03:11

Plenty of bats here... my chimney and all 3 on the old manor house are over run with them. So is the pool house. And the old chicken house. Even found one in the engine compartment of my 49 Dodge truck. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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