General Category >> The Cafe >> New quilt for skat

Message started by verslagen1 on 03/28/12 at 18:15:36

Title: New quilt for skat
Post by verslagen1 on 03/28/12 at 18:15:36

Skat said the quilt kim gave her was a big comfort, besides being warm and comfy, it was a big hug from kim.

Now she needs something a hundred times stronger.
Kimmy has volunteered to put together another.
How about we each give Kimmy a panel so she can have a hundred hugs all at once.

Now I don't sew a lick, but I can get a T shirt with a pic on it, and cut the panel from it.

Any other ideas?

How big will the quilt need to be?

Title: Re: New quilt for skat
Post by on 03/28/12 at 21:34:10

Figure out what is needed, and provide an address of the quilter, and I will certainly send a patch.

Title: Re: New quilt for skat
Post by verslagen1 on 03/28/12 at 21:48:12

This would be simple for a needle phobic bachelor like me.
Cut it into a 1 foot square and 20 to 30 of us buy in to it... we got a quilt.

Title: Re: New quilt for skat
Post by thumperclone on 03/28/12 at 22:03:59

ill send  an "old thumper" tee shirt
thats the beer shes drinkin in the pic
...need address...

Title: Re: New quilt for skat
Post by verslagen1 on 03/28/12 at 22:28:17

As soon as we get a few pledges will finalize and send out the address.

Title: Re: New quilt for skat
Post by thumperclone on 03/28/12 at 23:41:11

776473726D6066646F30010 wrote:
As soon as we get a few pledges will finalize and send out the address.

this is a good thing you do mr V [smiley=thumbsup.gif]

Title: Re: New quilt for skat
Post by babyhog on 03/29/12 at 05:35:48

First thing that came to mind is some "log cabin" squares I have done.  Was planning a quilt with them, but shifted gears, so I would be honored to donate one or several.  Actually I'd make new ones, in Pinks and (what other color) in her honor.    

And I would also be willing to help assemble.  I'll get with Kimmy and see if she would like my assistance.

like this:

And here's one I just finished...  King size bed!  (not totally finished in the pic, edge binding wasn't done yet, but it is now!)

Title: Re: New quilt for skat
Post by Demin on 03/29/12 at 06:44:07

I'm a Harley guy I have a T or one of my MSF shirts I will donate.Or just tell me what you want...I'M IN!!!!!!!!

Title: Re: New quilt for skat
Post by ALfromN.H. on 03/29/12 at 08:49:22

what size squares are you looing for?

Title: Re: New quilt for skat
Post by verslagen1 on 03/29/12 at 09:02:08

depends on response.

so far 6 have posted so at least 2 sq. feet each.

I would like to see that get down 1 square foot or smaller.

Title: Re: New quilt for skat
Post by kimchris1 on 03/29/12 at 10:04:39

Thank you all for your response to the request..
I would like to get started in the next couple weeks
if all the squares are received by then.
The size of the quilt will depend on how many squares
I receive. Then of course I will add material as well.
This is going to be a one of a kind quilt for a one of a
kind gal.
She has  givien up so much. Now we can give her something
to cuddle with and give her warmth from all of us.
I am excited and honored to be doing this and can't wait to
get started..
Shoot, guess I best get my own square made..  ;)
:-* :-* :-* to you all.. kim

Title: Re: New quilt for skat
Post by on 03/29/12 at 16:18:24

So, where do we sent the squares?

Title: Re: New quilt for skat
Post by Tonydtiger1971 on 03/29/12 at 16:52:01

6E6C7B68656D27617C6E616C7A090 wrote:
So, where do we sent the squares?


Title: Re: New quilt for skat
Post by Savage_Rob on 03/29/12 at 17:01:52

Yes.  Let us know how to make the squares and where to send them.

Title: Re: New quilt for skat
Post by verslagen1 on 03/29/12 at 18:04:24


That's about 10 sq. feet if we all send a 12" sq. panel.
Or 2x5 with a border more or less 3x6 or so.

If you want to donate some border material, padding and what-not...
Kimmy let us know what you need.

I'll cover shipping.

Title: Re: New quilt for skat
Post by Boule’tard on 03/29/12 at 18:27:28

3F2C3B3A25282E2C2778490 wrote:
If you want to donate some border material, padding and what-not...

My wife says she has some extra material that will work for a quilt border or backing.. just give us send-to address and we will send it.

Title: Re: New quilt for skat
Post by kimchris1 on 03/29/12 at 19:23:17

Alright here is my address...

Kim Christian
71 NE Anchor Drive
Belfair, Wa 98528

I ask that you attach your forum
name with your panel so I can
let you know it arrives.

I thank you all for your panels and
any other materials you wish to

Piglet, any panels you wish to send
will be added to the quilt as well.

I will take and post pics as I go along
on this project from start to finish..

I would like the panels to have your
pic along with your bike if that is
possible.. If not then send the
panel that your comfortable with.

Thank you all again. Katherine is going
to be so surprised and be surrounded by
so much love...

If your not sure how to transfer the pic onto
a t-shirt. Go to Wal Mart or any craft store.
They have the transfer paper to use for this
Hugs and  :-* :-* :-* :) kim

Title: Re: New quilt for skat
Post by Boule’tard on 03/29/12 at 20:11:36

Random scraps comin' your way..  Mostly solids, one piece is a cool pattern, one is corduroy.. it won't hurt our feelings if you don't use them. But in the spirit of a quilt.. I bet some of them can fit SOMEwhere.  ;D

You're a darn good person, Kim.

Title: Re: New quilt for skat
Post by ALfromN.H. on 03/30/12 at 08:56:51

The book keeper where I work(also my golfing buddy) is a quilter and she is gonna do something for me to send. I should have it ready in a couple days.


Title: Re: New quilt for skat
Post by kimchris1 on 03/30/12 at 09:24:34

Soo I was thinking a square the size of
8x8 would make be a nice size.
Now if your square comes out a little
larger or smaller that is ok.. I can make
it work either way..

With working full time nights, the gym,
and Zumba, I may not get here to answer
your questions right away..
If you want to e-mail me, here is my addy..

I will check in at least twice per day to see how
things are progressing and answer questions should
any of you have any.

Thank you all once again for your generosity and support..
I am honored to be part of such a great group of people..
Hugs to all..  :-* :-* :-* kim

Title: Re: New quilt for skat
Post by ALfromN.H. on 04/02/12 at 12:02:24

Kim, You should be getting a square from me in a couple days. I just put it in the mail.


Title: Re: New quilt for skat
Post by kimchris1 on 04/02/12 at 13:14:33

Thanks Al, I will let you and all the others
know when your squares arrive..

Btw, today I received an e-mail from Skat.
She was lying down and had the "Hello Kitty"
quilt on her. She keeps it with her and it
travels to the hospital with her..
I do believe this new one will be traveling along
with her as well...
Hugs and take care.. :) kim

Title: Re: New quilt for skat
Post by youzguyz on 04/02/12 at 13:45:34

Soo.. all you need is the top part of the square.. right?  Not the filler or backing.
OK, yeah, I'm an ignoramous when it comes to quilting.

Title: Re: New quilt for skat
Post by Savage_Rob on 04/02/12 at 14:45:52

647268677A6864671D0 wrote:
OK, yeah, I'm an ignoramous when it comes to quilting.

Yeah, so don't feel alone in that...

Title: Re: New quilt for skat
Post by kimchris1 on 04/02/12 at 20:48:43

Yes the square is the main concern right now.
Once I receive the squares, I then can judge
on how large of a quilt to make.
If I was to receive enough squares, I could
place some on the back as well as the front..

O and Boule'tard, I received yours today..
Thanks and hugs to all.. :) kim

Title: Re: New quilt for skat
Post by thumperclone on 04/05/12 at 10:34:02

sent tee today priority you should have nlt tues..

Title: Re: New quilt for skat
Post by kimchris1 on 04/05/12 at 19:45:04

Thanks Thumperclone.. Today I received
squares from Verslagen1, Ginger and
Thanks guys for your contributions on
this project.. :) kim

Title: Re: New quilt for skat
Post by thumperclone on 04/05/12 at 23:06:24

kim you gonna need a new thimble ??
or scissors?

Title: Re: New quilt for skat
Post by Starlifter on 04/05/12 at 23:35:01

Do you need cash to buy stuff?

Title: Re: New quilt for skat
Post by babyhog on 04/06/12 at 09:07:03

Sorry to be so slow, my local post office's hours are horrible.  But I think I will get my package mailed this afternoon.

Title: Re: New quilt for skat
Post by kimchris1 on 04/06/12 at 10:29:34

Thanks Piglet, I will let you
know when it arrives.

Star, quilt fund is ok for now.
Main thing we are needing are
the squares or blocks.. :) kim

Title: Re: New quilt for skat
Post by ALfromN.H. on 04/06/12 at 11:45:08

Can't wait to see the finished product.

Title: Re: New quilt for skat
Post by Savage_Rob on 04/07/12 at 14:42:07

080A0E000B110A1052630 wrote:
Thanks Piglet, I will let you
know when it arrives.

Star, quilt fund is ok for now.
Main thing we are needing are
the squares or blocks.. :) kim

I'll get mine to you this coming week.

Title: Re: New quilt for skat
Post by kimchris1 on 04/07/12 at 19:49:16

Thumperclone, your t-shirt arrived today..
Very cool... Would you rather I send it
to her along with the quilt, rather than
cut it up to make it part of the quilt?
Seems like too cool of a shirt to cut up..
She may enjoy wearing it while snuggling
in the quilt..
Just an idea. Let me know as can do
either one..
Thanks again for your contribution.. :) kim

Title: Re: New quilt for skat
Post by thumperclone on 04/08/12 at 07:35:37

6361656B607A617B39080 wrote:
Thumperclone, your t-shirt arrived today..
Very cool... Would you rather I send it
to her along with the quilt, rather than
cut it up to make it part of the quilt?
Seems like too cool of a shirt to cut up..
She may enjoy wearing it while snuggling
in the quilt..
Just an idea. Let me know as can do
either one..
Thanks again for your contribution.. :) kim

it is an XL so may  make a good pj  
whatever you decide is fine by me
thanks for what you are doing   [smiley=thumbsup.gif]

Title: Re: New quilt for skat
Post by youzguyz on 04/08/12 at 15:57:58

My square (base concept by me, actual work by the Mrs.) will be in the mail tomorrow.

thanks for putting this together Kim

Title: Re: New quilt for skat
Post by kimchris1 on 04/09/12 at 13:07:17

Thanks to all of you for your
willingness to supply the materials
so that this can be made..  :-* :-* kim

Title: Re: New quilt for skat
Post by kimchris1 on 04/09/12 at 20:38:52

Received Piglet's beautiful blocks today..
She also sent some pretty pink fabric which
I will place in the quilt. Thanks gal, beautiful
work you do.. Hugs. :) kim

Title: Re: New quilt for skat
Post by babyhog on 04/11/12 at 07:40:09

3634303E352F342E6C5D0 wrote:
Received Piglet's beautiful blocks today..
She also sent some pretty pink fabric which
I will place in the quilt. Thanks gal, beautiful
work you do.. Hugs. :) kim

Glad you got it.  Use any of it as you see fit.  I found those pieces of pink in the pieces that my mother left me when she moved (a whole friggin' cabinet full!) and she is 9+ year survivor of breast cancer, so I thought her fabric would be fitting.

Title: Re: New quilt for skat
Post by kimchris1 on 04/11/12 at 17:57:17

Youzguyz, your wife made a beautiful
block. Thank you both.. I received it
today. It will be a nice addition to
Skat's quilt.. Hugs.. :) kim

Title: Re: New quilt for skat
Post by kimchris1 on 04/12/12 at 16:11:48

Preacher MIke, your t-shirt arrived today..
Nice pic and it will make a nice addition to
the quilt. Thank you.. Hugs.. :) kim

Title: Re: New quilt for skat
Post by kimchris1 on 04/12/12 at 16:37:56

I am going to get started next Monday
on the quilt. I will start firs by cutting
out the blocks from those of you that
sent t-shirts, with the exception of
Thumperclones. His shirt will be sent
along with the quilt for Katherine to
wear as a night shirt.
I will start a new post and keep it updated
with pics as well as the progress as it goes.
I thank you all once more for your contributions.
:-* :-* :-* kim

Title: Re: New quilt for skat
Post by thumperclone on 04/22/12 at 09:43:23


Title: Re: New quilt for skat
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/22/12 at 09:55:48

How is she doing?

Title: Re: New quilt for skat
Post by WD on 04/23/12 at 15:20:38

I'll check my stash o'stuff and see what I can come up with. I know I have a couple HUGE pieces of trade blanket that will never get used for anything around here. If I remember right they are a blush pink and other pastels. Was going to use them as seat underlayment in one of my antique trucks (or SCA cloaks, can't remember) but if you can use them, I'll send them. Also have a couple yards of the black cordura type material that motorcycle soft bags are made from. Protective casing during shipment?

Let me know. And I'll try to find my favorite motorcycle shirt and send it your way to cut a square out of. I've had it for 15 years, nice and soft, perfect for a quilt panel.

Title: Re: New quilt for skat
Post by kimchris1 on 04/24/12 at 07:58:17

WD, that sound good. I accept and will use
whatever you send. Thanks for your offer
and contribution in advance.

As far as Katherine's health. It is not the best,
she is a trooper though. She has a rough and
long road ahead of her.

She is going to be surprised and surrounded by
all of us with this quilt..

So let's all get out and enjoy the heck out of our
lives and bikes.. Remember we ride for those that
aren't able to.. :-* :-* :-* kim

Title: Re: New quilt for skat
Post by WD on 04/24/12 at 14:58:37

I'll start digging them out. Could take a day or two to find everything... been here for over a year and still haven't finished unpacking the trucks, let alone the stuff stashed in the cabs... ;D

Title: Re: New quilt for skat
Post by thumperclone on 04/24/12 at 21:35:46

5744000 wrote:
I'll start digging them out. Could take a day or two to find everything... been here for over a year and still haven't finished unpacking the trucks, let alone the stuff stashed in the cabs... ;D

been here for 10 this july still boxes in the carriage house ::)

Title: Re: New quilt for skat
Post by WD on 05/08/12 at 02:43:31

Watch for a box in the mail.

Title: Re: New quilt for skat
Post by kimchris1 on 05/08/12 at 20:40:10

Thanks WD and I will let you
know when it arrives.. Thank
you so much.. It will be a great
quilt with all the contributions..
Hugs and have a great evening. :) kim

Title: Re: New quilt for skat
Post by WD on 05/09/12 at 16:18:06

You're welcome. Should be about 4 yards total in the box.

Title: Re: New quilt for skat
Post by kimchris1 on 05/10/12 at 11:14:06

WD thanks so much for your large contribution.
I may take and sew the bandana onto a panel from
the dark material. I thought it might stand out better
that way.
Thank you and hugs to Lisa as well..  :) kim

Title: Re: New quilt for skat
Post by WD on 05/10/12 at 16:02:59

Every ride for the last 16 years involving that bandana went off without a hitch. Figured it would bring her some much needed luck. That bandana saw me on rides on MS, TN, AR, KY, AL, FL and WA.

And the Rebel biker skulls kinda look like me... ;)

And since Skat IS a Southern historic re-enactor...

Whatever is left over is yours to do with as you see fit. Figured the trade blanket material might make you an easy core layer.

Title: Re: New quilt for skat
Post by Southpaw on 05/11/12 at 15:48:11

I sent my shirt this morning. Postal worker said figure 2-3 days.

Title: Re: New quilt for skat
Post by kimchris1 on 05/15/12 at 17:24:46

Mailman delivered
Southpaw's and
Rob's panels..
Their great and will
look so cool in the
quilt.. Thanks again
everyone.. :-* :-* :-* kim

Title: Re: New quilt for skat
Post by Southpaw on 05/16/12 at 10:41:34

Thank you Kim for putting this together and letting us participate in some way.

Title: Re: New quilt for skat
Post by Savage_Rob on 05/16/12 at 14:43:25

172B31302C342533440 wrote:
Thank you Kim for putting this together and letting us participate in some way.

Yes.  Thank you Kim.

Title: Re: New quilt for skat
Post by scroop on 05/20/12 at 12:29:57

Hey, late guy here.  I'll get a photo today and send the shirt as soon as it is printed.  Great job all!! great idea!!  Glad to be a part of the forum!
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