General Category >> The Cafe >> Latest on Skat

Message started by prechermike on 03/27/12 at 09:58:10

Title: Latest on Skat
Post by prechermike on 03/27/12 at 09:58:10

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but she asked me to post here.

Last week Katherine was in kidney failure, coma for 4 days. She was not expected to survive the weekend. Family and friends came and basically pulled her thru - the doctors say it’s a miracle she is alive. During all the testing during the crisis it was discovered that just 3 months after finishing breast cancer treatment that she has developed terminal brain cancer. With aggresive chemo and radiation treatment she may have up to 12 months. She will be treated and staying in PA. She will be putting her NC house up for sale and be placing the whippets in new homes. She will also be putting her 2006 Suzuki up for sale. In addition, there will be a major estate sale and we are planning a NC memorial service.

Title: Re: Latest on Skat
Post by thumperclone on 03/27/12 at 10:01:32

send my best wishes to Skat and family

Title: Re: Latest on Skat
Post by Dj12midnit on 03/27/12 at 10:13:41

truly saddened.

Title: Re: Latest on Skat
Post by runwyrlph on 03/27/12 at 10:16:45

feels like a punch in the gut

best wishes and prayers from me

Title: Re: Latest on Skat
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/27/12 at 10:40:00

How incredibly sad.. I do so like that woman,, & I am so tired of such young people being taken by cancer.. It wasnt this way when I was a kid.. whats changed?

Title: Re: Latest on Skat
Post by Serowbot on 03/27/12 at 10:51:21

So sorry,..  her spirit has been inspirational, both before and after her illness...
... a 1%er in the very best way....

Peace and love,

Title: Re: Latest on Skat
Post by youzguyz on 03/27/12 at 10:57:56

I am .. truly devastated..   :'(
May her time remaining be free of worry and pain..  or at least as she wants it to be.
She is a fighter.. and a hell of a nice lady.

Title: Re: Latest on Skat
Post by Boule’tard on 03/27/12 at 10:58:23

I can't believe it.  

Somebody who has an extra small savage part, like a headlight, side tin or tank emblem, please send it to prechermike so they can put it out at the memorial service along with other tokens of her life.

Kindest regards to Katherine and her family.

Title: Re: Latest on Skat
Post by Stimpy - FSO on 03/27/12 at 11:06:58

My thoughts and love are focused your way brave woman.

Fear not because there is no such thing as death,
it is no different than changing sweaters like Mr.Rogers
used to do and walking over to the next room;
we've all seem to have done this countless times already.

Also be ready to answer the one question:
"how much did you love?"

p.s.  I would take the doggies from you if I was in the US.

Mercy and peace to you and yours,

Title: Re: Latest on Skat
Post by kimchris1 on 03/27/12 at 11:21:49

My heart aches so deeply with this news. I will forever have the
"SKAT" ribbon magnet on my tank in her honor.
I wish for her peace and strength. She continues to inspire me
even while battling this fight.
Katherine, know your loved and well missed here in the forum.
I will always think of you and the beautiful smile you have as
well as the love you give to so many.
I will continue to hold out hope you can survive this even though
it is said to be terminal.
Much love to you pal and know their is not a day I don't think of
Preacher Mike, thank you for placing this news even if it is sad
and not the news we all were hoping for. I will be in touch with
you soon. Love, kim

Title: Re: Latest on Skat
Post by babyhog on 03/27/12 at 11:48:47

I haven't been around much, but something told me to check in today.  I am deeply saddened by this news.   Isn't amazing how someone you have never met can touch your heart in such a way?  Mike, I'm glad you are close by her and doing what you can.  I wish I were closer, but a piece of my heart is there.  I'm glad she cared enough about us to share her fight.  Such a remarkable woman!  Please pass along all our love and well-wishes.

Title: Re: Latest on Skat
Post by arteacher on 03/27/12 at 11:58:40


Title: Re: Latest on Skat
Post by Arnold on 03/27/12 at 12:52:15

Yea, why does everyone end up with cancer? Someone out there knows the answer and something's got to be done, how do they sleep at night?

Title: Re: Latest on Skat
Post by bill67 on 03/27/12 at 13:54:09

She would do much better without the radiation or chemo.

Title: Re: Latest on Skat
Post by Stimpy - FSO on 03/27/12 at 14:15:33

55405B585851405146340 wrote:
Yea, why does everyone end up with cancer? Someone out there knows the answer and something's got to be done, how do they sleep at night?


1 in 3 persons alive today will statistically die from cancer;
the rest mostly of heart conditions and few from actual old age.

There is not one single thing that causes cancer.

There are around 200 different types of cancers (mutated-rogue cells).

Every body reacts different at a cellular level.

It is our lifestyles, environment, pesticides, fertilizers and factory
farming hormones and antibiotics, it is chemtrails, heavy metals,
microwaves, cellphone towers, wi-fi and all our toxic, untested
discount wally-products and electronic gadgets, asbestos, teflon
and fire retardants, along with pharmaceuticals and vaccine
side-effects and the all CRAP we put into our bodies. Also the
funny thing about food additives and GMO's is that they're NOT FOOD!

Root canals seem to be a common denominator among cancer victims;
decades of small patches of in-body flesh necrosis seems to be an
amazing spawning ground for unnatural toxic chemical interactions
(i.e. very concentrated poisonous gases interacting with healthy cells).
A negative mindset and disposition also contributes in lowering
ones immune system and resistance to a hostile environment;
this is scientifically proven btw (mind over matter).

WE ALL can make the change and STOP THIS MADNESS
by keeping our money and attention away from the
companies that have proven time and time again that the
customer's interests and well-being is the LAST thing on
their agenda.

Also don't forget cancer makes A LOT of money, nobody
on their side wants to really cure it, healthy, happy ppl
do not generate these psychopaths any money at all.


Title: Re: Latest on Skat
Post by WD on 03/27/12 at 15:00:54

I did NOT need to hear this news.

Skat, you will always be a part of this motorcycle family. We're here for you, even if you can't talk to us directly.

You keep fighting.

Title: Re: Latest on Skat
Post by John_D FSO on 03/27/12 at 15:36:01

:'( Very sad news. My thoughts are with her and her family. Hope her time is as pleasant as possible.

Title: Re: Latest on Skat
Post by Boofer on 03/27/12 at 18:15:36

I remember certain people a certain way when they come to mind. The picture of skat girl on the German bike with the soldier is how I will remember her. You can tell she liked to play "dress up" for New Bern's commemorative days.  Barry

Title: Re: Latest on Skat
Post by verslagen1 on 03/27/12 at 18:47:28

I'm heartbroke.

some stuff from better days...

7F4E434E4B46412F0 wrote:
So how did you like an Old Thumper, a good Extra Special Ale, compared with the water washed crap such as a normal American Lager?

Title: Re: Latest on Skat
Post by Demin on 03/27/12 at 19:04:07

I don't even know what to say!!!!!!!!!!!!! :'(
Thoughts and prayers just don't seem to even begin to cover it.

Title: Re: Latest on Skat
Post by on 03/27/12 at 19:20:18

Like everyone else here, I am devastated.  I am with kimchris, I am keeping Skat's ribbon magnet on my tank to remind me of a special woman.

Title: Re: Latest on Skat
Post by Starlifter on 03/27/12 at 20:37:50

You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have...Skat has fought the strongest fight anyone can ever fight. She is my "hero".

Title: Re: Latest on Skat
Post by kimchris1 on 03/27/12 at 21:12:19

Versy, thank you for sharing those pictures. She is a
beautiful woman inside and out.
As the tears come and go with this news, I know she
will fight with all the strength she has.

I would love to thank all of you for your prayers, good
thoughts, love and support you have shown her in the
past. I ask we continue as she battles thru this.

I will continue to carry her spirit with me on every ride.
When I get my pink leathers, I will have "skat" embroidered
on them. hugs to all, kim

Title: Re: Latest on Skat
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/27/12 at 21:31:42

Yes, thank you for those pictures. She just LIVED life so fully. I really enjoyed her being here. She is one of those people who uplift places by being there,,Words fail, Im hurt..Im sad & Im angry.,

Title: Re: Latest on Skat
Post by SuperSavage on 03/27/12 at 21:46:31

I never knew her but I feel for her,  her family & friends. My sister is waging the same battle, Thank goodness she is in remission. You all have my condolences and sympathies for it seems she has touched you all with her spirit. Never give up, never give in...

Title: Re: Latest on Skat
Post by MMRanch on 03/28/12 at 06:34:49

Sad to learn of your turn of events.  
The Doctors can be wrong ya know .

Let me share a story with ya :  This is true and it opened my eyes to a few things.

I was there when my Grandfather passed away .   He rose-up in bed and raised his hands while looking up , as if  in  greeting.    The words he spoke wasn't to my Grandmother and I who were in the room , they were to himself and who he was greeting.    He  said loudly in a willfull manner , "OH Lord , I got to go"  with a smile on his face and glee in his heart .    And as his soul left , his body returned to the bed.  Then the nurses came running in with there defibulators and such trying to get his body back to life , but GrandMother and I both knew it would never happen .   Grandmother and I looked at each other and neither of us was sad for Grandpaw , we were both smilling and there was a great feeling of peace in the room  (except the nurses) .

That was in 1978 .

It seemed like his sprit would show up every now and then over the next 2-3 years  , just like checking in -kinda-.

Well ;  four years after his passing I was talking with a cousin I hadn't seen since Grandpaws funeral , and the  conversation turned to Grandpaw ,   and  he told me about it seemed to him that Grandpaw's sprint had been following him around for the last couple years and at times it was plainly undeniable ......

No this is not an "X" file ...

Just a few Facts .

Title: Re: Latest on Skat
Post by babyhog on 03/28/12 at 07:32:15

Hey Kimmy, I think we should find some long skirts and take a ride in them in her honor!  

Title: Re: Latest on Skat
Post by Savage_Rob on 03/28/12 at 07:41:38

I find this kind of thing extremely unjust and frustrating.  She is in my thoughts and prayers, as are her friends and family.

Title: Re: Latest on Skat
Post by Arnold on 03/28/12 at 08:41:20

75524F4B565F260 wrote:
[quote author=55405B585851405146340 link=1332867490/0#12 date=1332877935]Yea, why does everyone end up with cancer? Someone out there knows the answer and something's got to be done, how do they sleep at night?


1 in 3 persons alive today will statistically die from cancer;
the rest mostly of heart conditions and few from actual old age.

There is not one single thing that causes cancer.

There are around 200 different types of cancers (mutated-rogue cells).

Every body reacts different at a cellular level.

It is our lifestyles, environment, pesticides, fertilizers and factory
farming hormones and antibiotics, it is chemtrails, heavy metals,
microwaves, cellphone towers, wi-fi and all our toxic, untested
discount wally-products and electronic gadgets, asbestos, teflon
and fire retardants, along with pharmaceuticals and vaccine
side-effects and the all CRAP we put into our bodies. Also the
funny thing about food additives and GMO's is that they're NOT FOOD!

Root canals seem to be a common denominator among cancer victims;
decades of small patches of in-body flesh necrosis seems to be an
amazing spawning ground for unnatural toxic chemical interactions
(i.e. very concentrated poisonous gases interacting with healthy cells).
A negative mindset and disposition also contributes in lowering
ones immune system and resistance to a hostile environment;
this is scientifically proven btw (mind over matter).

WE ALL can make the change and STOP THIS MADNESS
by keeping our money and attention away from the
companies that have proven time and time again that the
customer's interests and well-being is the LAST thing on
their agenda.

Also don't forget cancer makes A LOT of money, nobody
on their side wants to really cure it, healthy, happy ppl
do not generate these psychopaths any money at all.


So read labels before putting stuff in your mouth, if no one buys their poison they'll stop selling it?

Title: Re: Latest on Skat
Post by photojoe on 03/28/12 at 11:29:21


Title: Re: Latest on Skat
Post by drharveys on 03/28/12 at 11:34:47

So sorry to hear such news.
We can look on life as a battle we know we will eventually lose, but I prefer to see it as an art form -- grace, style and vision lift us above the fray!

All the best to Skat and her family.   :'(

Title: Re: Latest on Skat
Post by webhead on 03/28/12 at 17:23:36

Hi everyone. When I first got my S40, I was honored by the people in this site. I made a lot of friends here the short time I was here. Katherine is one of them.

I help families in my spare time dealing with cancer. After losing my wife three years ago to breast cancer I decided to take my experience to educate people and help them. Katherine was a person I reached out to when I found out about what happened to her.

I got in touch with Kim a couple of weeks ago after visiting here and trying to get in touch with Katherine. I got the email today of her condition from Kim.

The only advice I can give is this. Don't give up hope. Its the only thing they can't take from you. I've seen this disease tear down people And at the same time become an inspiration to the people around them. It changes people. Katherine is a fighter. The fire inside of her is as red as her hair.

Don't give up Kat!

Title: Re: Latest on Skat
Post by SimonTuffGuy on 03/28/12 at 18:28:41

Very sad news... It IS amazing how close you get to people that you barely know, just because of an internet forum.

Skat - Best of luck with your battle. You've got a great group of friends on your side.

Title: Re: Latest on Skat
Post by Skid Mark on 03/28/12 at 20:44:37

So sorry to hear this bad news. I can't find words that would express how sad I feel.u :'(

Title: Re: Latest on Skat
Post by Demin on 03/29/12 at 06:49:07

We're still sporting this on one of the bike builds.For everybody that has gone through it.

Title: Re: Latest on Skat
Post by SuperSavage on 03/29/12 at 10:31:37

Beautiful tank, "Save the Ta Ta's...LOL

Title: Re: Latest on Skat
Post by weracerc on 03/30/12 at 10:30:46

I am very sorry to hear about the latest news with Skat - I had a 13yr old friend fellow Rc racer who was diagnosed with Leukemia Jan 22 - 10 - went through all the treatments (side effects etc) and passed away from treatment complications June 23 - 11........I wonder how long and what quality of life he would have had if they had just left him alone?.......I hope her remaining days on earth are on her terms and by her wishes. She will meet God in due time, no need to rush it along.

Title: Re: Latest on Skat
Post by bill67 on 03/30/12 at 11:17:21

Give a healthy person with no cancer at all,Chemo and Radation and see how long they live.

Title: Re: Latest on Skat
Post by serenity3743 on 03/30/12 at 13:38:47


Title: Re: Latest on Skat
Post by prechermike on 04/03/12 at 05:09:35

Skat asked me to pass on that she is out of the hospital and in home care (as of March 30).  She is taking chemo and seems to be in extremely good spirits.  She is very grateful for the kind words, prayers, thoughts and support.

Title: Re: Latest on Skat
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/03/12 at 07:35:50

You hyave no idea how afraid I was to open this thread. Thanks for the good news,, God bless that woman & carry her thru..

Title: Re: Latest on Skat
Post by youzguyz on 04/03/12 at 07:36:38

2C3335322F2819291921333F74460 wrote:
You hyave no idea how afraid I was to open this thread. Thanks for the good news,, God bless that woman & carry her thru..

+1 .. and thanks for the good news.

Title: Re: Latest on Skat
Post by Tonydtiger1971 on 04/03/12 at 14:51:21

6F6D7A7C777A6D7276747A1F0 wrote:
Skat asked me to pass on that she is out of the hospital and in home care (as of March 30).  She is taking chemo and seems to be in extremely good spirits.  She is very grateful for the kind words, prayers, thoughts and support.

 My prayers are with her and her family.

Title: Re: Latest on Skat
Post by Tonydtiger1971 on 04/04/12 at 19:04:32

I have lost my grandmother, watching my sister's father-in-law going through treatments, and seen my dad have surgery for cancer.  Try to make every Relay for Life Ride and Ride for Cancer I can, just had one last Sunday in Cleveland.

Title: Re: Latest on Skat
Post by Silly Ogre on 04/08/12 at 05:44:06

Have not been around much since I am no longer a Savage owner...However I have been logging on just to check on Katherine...I must say I was heart broken when I saw this news...Skat Prayers and thoughts are with you...I know you will fight this fight with everything you have, and you will prevail a Heroine...

Title: Re: Latest on Skat
Post by Fish on 04/08/12 at 07:04:01

I've never spoken with Kat since I joined the forum but I'm sorry to hear the news. Keep up those good spirits though.

Title: Re: Latest on Skat
Post by Sunchasers on 04/27/12 at 11:38:12

Wow...  coming back to the forum after being away for some months...I am gobsmacked....gutted by this tragic news.  For those fighting breast cancer (like my sister) or any cancer, this is their greatest fear.  God's speed to you dear Skat!  Will continue to keep you in our thoughts and prayers, and hope for the greatest of miracles!

As with Kim, the pink ribbons on my Savage from day one of this journey shall remain permanently displayed in honor Skat, my sister, and everyone else enduring this courageous fight.

Title: Re: Latest on Skat
Post by SuperSavage on 04/27/12 at 20:58:37

Keep up the postive vibes. My sis has been in remission for 6 years and going strong. Skat, my prayers are with you...

Title: Re: Latest on Skat
Post by scroop on 04/29/12 at 18:47:35

I've been out of the loop for a while and am big-time bummed to hear the news.  You're an important part of all of our lives, Skat, and when you're hurtin' - we're hurtin'.  We love ya, sis.  Keep fighting! » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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