General Category >> The Cafe >> Mechanic Liability

Message started by x1karr0usx on 03/08/12 at 13:07:46

Title: Mechanic Liability
Post by x1karr0usx on 03/08/12 at 13:07:46

I am so darn pissed off with the Suzuki stealership that is working on my Savage! I took it there to get the head cap switched out. I was too busy to do it myself, and the quote was cheap. Well, they then said I needed the head gasket replaced, so I took their word for it and had them switch it out. At each phase of this, I had to wait a week for the new parts to come in. After a good amount of time, they were putting the motor back together and ripped the base gasket where the head meets the crankcase. So they ordered a new one.... Tick tock.. Another week passes and I just gave them a call today. They were putting the motor back on the frame and broke off the piece off the crankcase that holds the clutch and speedo cables!! By god I was furious! So I left work early to see what the hell is going on. Looks like they got it JB Welded back on..

Aside from giving me an outlet to blow some steam so I don't catch their garage on fire, I was curious if these "reputable" dealerships have any liability against their work.. Can I make lemonade out of this craptastic situation?

I really should've read through my "notes to self" and just did the work my darn self!

Title: Re: Mechanic Liability
Post by verslagen1 on 03/08/12 at 13:19:22

How the hell do you rip a gasket sandwitched between 2 parts.
Naw, the idiots broke it loose when they did the head gasket and didn't notice.  Or did notice but needed another week to put it back together.

And JB weld that support back on?  No, I wouldn't take that.  Weld it.

Title: Re: Mechanic Liability
Post by x1karr0usx on 03/08/12 at 13:25:42

Well, I checked and they have current certifications and are adults. From the phone, sounded like they hired high school kids!

They rips the base gasket while replacing it... Wow. It took so darn long because they didn't rush ship anything that they needed to replace. If I broke something on the job, I surely wouldn't take my sweet time getting it fixed again!

They took it to another garage to weld it, but they wouldn't (or couldn't) do it. This is what I was getting at with the liability deal.. If I don't want them JB Welding the crap together, can I make them eat the cost and order that side of the crankcase? I mean, it's not a separate part that broke off.. Replace what you broke?  :o

Title: Re: Mechanic Liability
Post by Serowbot on 03/08/12 at 15:14:48

652C767C6F6F2D686E651D0 wrote:
... can I make them eat the cost and order that side of the crankcase? I mean, it's not a separate part that broke off.. Replace what you broke?  :o

I'd sure try... That ain't right, and there's no reason for it.  Dozens of us have pulled and installed engines here, and I never heard of anybody doin' that...
That sucks!...  They sucks!...

Title: Re: Mechanic Liability
Post by x1karr0usx on 03/08/12 at 15:32:45

Granted, I shook the guy's hand, and BAM he only had one finger on his right hand... Explains some things I guess.  :-X

Title: Re: Mechanic Liability
Post by Savage_Rob on 03/08/12 at 16:10:36

662F757F6C6C2E6B6D661E0 wrote:
Granted, I shook the guy's hand, and BAM he only had one finger on his right hand... Explains some things I guess.  :-X


Title: Re: Mechanic Liability
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/08/12 at 16:19:26

Another shop butchered savage.,.

Title: Re: Mechanic Liability
Post by Routy on 03/08/12 at 16:26:45

They already proved they can't do nothin right, and you want them to split the cases ?? !! I don't know what I would do,.....maybe cry ?? I feel for you :-[

Title: Re: Mechanic Liability
Post by Oldfeller on 03/08/12 at 18:59:12

It is sad, but this is a repeated scenario here on the list -- inept mechanics.

"Hey, it's just a big single -- Mikey works on all the little 75s and 125s and 250 singles that the kids bring in"


Title: Re: Mechanic Liability
Post by built2last66 on 03/08/12 at 18:59:57

The mechanic that "re-jetted" my bike didn't even tighten down the header bolts (they were finger loose) and he didn't attach the exhaust support.. I had to drive up and get it and put it on myself.. he wasn't at a dealer ship, at a "custom cycles shop".. but he was missing about 99 teeth.... always meet your mechanic in person before hand I guess..

Title: Re: Mechanic Liability
Post by x1karr0usx on 03/09/12 at 03:51:08

no no no!!! i wouldn't let them do the work lol.. i honestly don't know what i can hold against the darn place if they show me a bill for $$$ labor.

"either i aint paying your labor, or youre buying a new crankcase."

i know shops and mechanics are covered legally, but how is the customer covered?

Title: Re: Mechanic Liability
Post by drums1 on 03/09/12 at 05:32:15

I had a situation a few years back. Had the clutch done at the dealer. Of course, the "kid" worked on it. No new gasket on side cover. Oil pump drive gear was in backwards. Oil filter was in backwards. Drove 60 miles...blew head. Towed to different dealer. They haggle. Gets sent back to the original dealer. New (used) head. Same kid works on it. Breaks head bolt. They had my bike almost the entire summer that year. Never been the same since.

Point is, I told them straight up, that I was not paying a single penny for anything after the clutch job. And I didn't. They covered the cost of everything, and payed the other dealer for their time and parts. They screwed it up, they pay whatever the cost is to fix it. Period. It was always that way at every garage I've ever worked in. And I think he knew even a court of law would have agreed with me. He wasn't happy about it, but he never squawked once.

Same should be in your case. They broke it, they should replace it. I would not settle for a JB Weld repair either. But I would insist that somebody with a brain do the rest of the work.  Or have it done at a more reputable shop, and send them the bill.

Title: Re: Mechanic Liability
Post by Bubba on 03/09/12 at 06:44:31

Contact Suzuki North America and explain what happened. The Dealership is authorized by Suzuki to sell and sevice their bikes. If they are inept then Suzuki should know.
Personally, I'd have them order a new bottom end for no charge and then agree to pay for the labor to install it.
Good luck, it's gonna be an uphill battle...

Title: Re: Mechanic Liability
Post by Retread on 03/09/12 at 07:19:30

753C666C7F7F3D787E750D0 wrote:
Granted, I shook the guy's hand, and BAM he only had one finger on his right hand... Explains some things I guess.  :-X

  I wouldn't have shook it, you know where that finger has been seeing the work on your bike..... ;D

Title: Re: Mechanic Liability
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/09/12 at 07:34:14

I would write down everything I could remember about this whole ordeal, take anything from them you have, anything that shows work done/damage done, everything you can document & go sit down with the owner of the shop. I wouldnt tell him I was considering suing or anything, your course of action is not yet determined, all you are wanting to know is how is he gonna make this mess right. NO matter the outcome of that meeting, I wouldnt tell him anything about what you plan on doing. Let him wonder, & do NOT get angry, stay straight business, even if the guy is an ass. Dont tell him he isnt getting paid, dont tell him hes gettin sued, stay calm, present yourself from the authoritative position of a man, yea he owns his own business, but hes just a man, dont be intimidated & dont try to intimidate,

YOu really cant be expected to pay for someone to vandalize your bike. You are being put upon by all this mess in your life + you dont get to ride.,IMO, they need to repair your bike completely at no cost to you. Honestly, if you did that to someone could you hand them an invoice? Be about like going to a restaurant with a friend & during the meal the friend keels over from food poisoning & they still want you to pay for your food after the ambulance hauls him off.. NOOO, they pay for the ambulance & the hospital & they can shove that bill for the food.

Title: Re: Mechanic Liability
Post by BrettKeiselsbeard on 03/09/12 at 07:44:59

You may have to contact a lawyer. If they balk on your demands for a complete fix, for a small fee you can get a lawyer to send them a nice letter explaining your intentions of taking this case to small claims. They know you would win and they wont want to waste their time and reputation. Reputation is key in a down economy.  


Title: Re: Mechanic Liability
Post by LANCER on 03/09/12 at 08:36:56

I agree with those suggestions;  have a calm business discussion with the OWNER of the shop and lay out all of the FACTS of what has happened since you took your bike in for a simple plug change and a then ask him what he intends to do about it.
If he balks then spend a few bucks to have an attorney write a letter for you explaining what the owners legal choices are if he chooses to go to court; including of course to pay for your attorney fee's.
He will likely see the light by then.
At this point of the saga, the shop owner should be reassuring you that everything will be done properly and in a timely manner, offer his apology for all the hassle you have been subjected to, and tell you that you owe nothing.
A good dealership would do that at this point considering what you have been subjected to at the hands of their incompetent maintenance staff.  

Title: Re: Mechanic Liability
Post by x1karr0usx on 03/09/12 at 08:43:15

thanks everyone for the insight! what sucks the most is i have to choose to not ride in this beautiful weather and wait for them to replace the bottom end, or just ride with a scarred savage!!!

well, that's really a no brainer... i guess....  :-/

what a darn nightmare! could be way worse though. for some reason the mechanic showed me a bike they've had since 2010 in the garage... red flag? lol..

Title: Re: Mechanic Liability
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/09/12 at 08:55:45

Honestly, I would rather have a machinist/welder look at that pedestal & see if it would repair than allow such idiots into the bowels of the engine. Youve seen their level of incompetence already. IF it wont fix & be solid, Id offer them the opportunity to buy me another bike, You dont have time for more of their BS, its time to ride,, yours is totaled if the pedestal doesnt fix,  He has insurance,  If you took your car to a mechanic & one of his employees accidentally dropped a ball bearing in the intake while it was wound up & blew the motor, he would have to fix it., This shop has wrecked your bike, it would save, given enough $$$ & TIME,, but thats YOUR time too,,

Title: Re: Mechanic Liability
Post by youzguyz on 03/09/12 at 08:56:13

5C154F4556561451575C240 wrote:
thanks everyone for the insight! what sucks the most is i have to choose to not ride in this beautiful weather and wait for them to replace the bottom end, or just ride with a scarred savage!!!

well, that's really a no brainer... i guess....  :-/

what a darn nightmare! could be way worse though. for some reason the mechanic showed me a bike they've had since 2010 in the garage... red flag? lol..

Ask for a loaner.  Probably won't happen, but can't hurt to ask.

Title: Re: Mechanic Liability
Post by x1karr0usx on 03/09/12 at 09:01:50

504F494E53546555655D4F43083A0 wrote:
Youve seen their level of incompetence already.

yeah, that's why i'm especially reluctant to get them to replace the bottom end... i foresee myself on the side of the road because they bolted it up some tools still inside of it!

Title: Re: Mechanic Liability
Post by Bubba on 03/09/12 at 09:08:29

call these guys...what can it hurt? maybe they will stear you towards someone that can do the work proper...

2) Should you have a situation that you believe requires American Suzuki's immediate assistance you may call Customer Service at 714-572-1490. Customer service representatives are available from 8:30AM to 5 PM PST.

from the suzuki site
"It is essential to have your facts organized and available before calling us. This will speed the resolution process. Relevant information would include the following: model, vehicle identification number (VIN), mileage, date of purchase, selling and servicing dealer, names of dealer staff you have approached already plus a summary of your needs and expectations."

Title: Re: Mechanic Liability
Post by x1karr0usx on 03/09/12 at 09:32:14

called Suzuki America and they are on it.. they are going to send a regional technician to see what these jokers are done. also got them flagged for low quality service and will be audited.

game on.

Title: Re: Mechanic Liability
Post by greenmonster on 03/09/12 at 09:35:20

Way to go! Companies want to know if their dealers are screwing around. The only way they find out is by having customers give them feedback.


Title: Re: Mechanic Liability
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/09/12 at 09:52:47

Thats a BIG +1 for Suzy America..

Title: Re: Mechanic Liability
Post by LANCER on 03/09/12 at 09:55:41

That should up the pucker factor for the owner and/or manager of this dealership.

Title: Re: Mechanic Liability
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/09/12 at 10:02:46

Kinda surprised Jerry hasnt weighed in.

Title: Re: Mechanic Liability
Post by bill67 on 03/09/12 at 10:14:00

Tell them to throw the old bike away and give you a brand new one,For your  time and suffering.  ;)

Title: Re: Mechanic Liability
Post by Bubba on 03/09/12 at 10:49:30

Yeah for Suzuki.
I've had a couple of instances where poor work performance gets straightened out after you go up the chain of command. It may not resolve your situation completely but the dealership will at least get dinged for lousy service.

I've managed (and still work) in a service industry. I've found that unless people say something to the higher ups then usually the service continues to go downhill...sad but true

Title: Re: Mechanic Liability
Post by x1karr0usx on 03/09/12 at 11:27:23

i figure if i don't get anything else out of this, Suzuki will at least know that they are garbage mechanics so that way no one else gets screwed.

i hope it gets squared away in a timely manner though... there are a ton of 65+ degree days coming up. i've missed three good days since they have had it.  :'(

Title: Re: Mechanic Liability
Post by verslagen1 on 03/09/12 at 11:37:02

Aside from suzuki working over the dealership...

2nd step is to make a complaint to BBB

while it's in zuki's best interest to maintain their reputation, it's not their business.  So the best that can be hoped for is retraining of their mechanics.

Title: Re: Mechanic Liability
Post by x1karr0usx on 03/09/12 at 12:18:50

yeah, i get that.. they are independently owned, but i figure BBB is next if they don't get their stuff together... i doubt i have to get a lawyer to take it to those measures, so i am keeping my fingers crossed.

it's just very annoying... everyone there is very nice and has no problem taking you into the garage to show you what's up. but at the same time, they told me they would call me yesterday and i still haven't heard from them. i'm having a hard time keeping my cool with these dudes.. i'm going to blow a darn gasket (then rip the replacement gasket during reassembly).

honestly, sounds like the need a new service manager.

Title: Re: Mechanic Liability
Post by x1karr0usx on 03/12/12 at 08:04:23

GOT THE BIKE BACK... And well, here is the list of things that they screwed up:

-Tail light works, brake light is now non-functional
-Clutch/Speedometer cable mounting bracket broken and fixed (ie, rigged)
-Broken fin on cylinder head
-Muffler was not mounted to the bracket
-Drive belt is rubbing on the rear tire
-Head cover is missing the bolt to reattach the chrome covers
-Breather tubes are missing clamps (one to the head, one to the petcock)
-Header was not tight, causing an exhaust leak and some epic backfires
-Battery box has some deep scratches from sanding their rig-job on the clutch/speedo mounting bracket
-Vacuum to petcock is no longer operating correctly.. Sporatically stalls out like it doesn't have gas, but runs great on PRI

Some of these, I'm obviously being picky.. But, I took this bike to a reputable dealer/mechanic and ended up with this garbage. Most of this I can fix. Brake light wiring may have been separated. I cleaned their rig job on the clutch/speedo cable mount, and hopefully it continues to work. I can sand the broken fin down and clean it up. I mounted the muffler. I can live without the chrome covers on the head. I can get spring clamps for the breather tubes, or even tiny pipe clamps. Tightened the header, and adjusted the idle knob and I am getting very few backfires. I'll re-sand the battery box and throw some paint over it. The petcock will probably get replaced with a Raptor petcock. The drive belt probably shouldn't be rubbing the tire lol. I didn't notice this until I got back from a ride. I'll check the allignment and tire pressure, and hope the issue is there.

This is absolute BS though. I didn't expect any of this crap to happen!  :-[

Title: Re: Mechanic Liability
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/12/12 at 08:24:46

I would not have accepted deliver of the bike without a signed statement from the shop owner showing he accepted responsibility for the bikes condition. Now, all they have to say is you took it home & damaged it,.Unless you covered that angle.,

Of course, there is the ongoing thread here,,
What have they said they would do about the damage theyve done?
Have you got anything in writing?

Title: Re: Mechanic Liability
Post by verslagen1 on 03/12/12 at 08:53:07

I'd leave it as it is till you contact suzuki since you've alread had a conversation with them.

Take lots of pictures.

And talk with the manager of the shop.

All that stuff will impact the resale price of the bike.

Title: Re: Mechanic Liability
Post by x1karr0usx on 03/12/12 at 09:41:41

Suzuki updated all of the information with what I just griped about. They said it's not an issue that I took it since I had already provided the info and since the technician got pictures of everything. I don't see a problem fixing those issues, but I hope I get something out of this situation.

Title: Re: Mechanic Liability
Post by Serowbot on 03/12/12 at 11:22:57

Amazing amount of sucky quality workmanship in all areas of repair and service industries...

They never care as much as I do...
I try to DIY everything I can for home, car, bike, appliances, even guitars and amps...
Seems like nobody does a good job anymore...

X1,.. you got an especially gifted screw-up...  I can't even think of a fair remedy for what they did...

Title: Re: Mechanic Liability
Post by Ed L. on 03/12/12 at 16:37:09

Dealer mechanics are monkeys with a bunch of hammers but that comparison wouldn't be fair to any real monkeys.

Title: Re: Mechanic Liability
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/12/12 at 18:25:02

Id want a different bike,,hand them that one & go somewhere else & buy something comparable,. Used Savage picked up somewhere.,.,Id never be able to trust that one unless I spent a LOT of time on it & that clutch pedestal needs repaired by a welder/machinist

Title: Re: Mechanic Liability
Post by Bubba on 03/13/12 at 14:23:08

What's Suzuki N.A.'s take on it? Are they going to do anything for you?

Maybe you could get them to give you a credit on the bike for a new one??? Possibly, get ya a rebuilt engine from another dealer?

Man, that just stinks...but at least ya got it out of the hands of some lousy mechanics...

Title: Re: Mechanic Liability
Post by SuperSavage on 03/13/12 at 20:38:18

JB weld? No way! They broke it, they are responsible for fixing it correctly. They have to replace the broken parts with new or like new condition. JB weld? Really???? :-?

Title: Re: Mechanic Liability
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/13/12 at 21:26:14

Who is gonna take care of you when the clutch dumps & runs you in front of someone?

Title: Re: Mechanic Liability
Post by x1karr0usx on 03/14/12 at 05:52:10

Still waiting to hear back from the Suzuki NA technicians and customer support. From what I hear, they are on my side and will try to make this right. The issue will be that the dealership is independently owned, and there is only so much Suzuki can do. I'll wait to hear back from them and let them do their job before I raise hell.

Title: Re: Mechanic Liability
Post by LANCER on 03/14/12 at 09:57:11

3C752F2536367431373C440 wrote:
Still waiting to hear back from the Suzuki NA technicians and customer support. From what I hear, they are on my side and will try to make this right. The issue will be that the dealership is independently owned, and there is only so much Suzuki can do. I'll wait to hear back from them and let them do their job before I raise hell.

Even if an independently owned dealership, Suzuki Nat. can pull the Factory Authorized Dealership status, and that is a BIG HAMMER.

Title: Re: Mechanic Liability
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/14/12 at 11:48:45

Id stay off that thing.. that JB weld is good stuff, but you give it vibration, hot & cold cycles & the pull that the clutch makes & its simply not gonna last, You could get hurt over it,
Id like to know how they broke that pedestal,, dang.
If Suzuki cant get anything done, & done SOON,, Id be in a lawyers office, In fact, Id be makin a few calls & seeing if I could find one in the consumer protection arena,
One thing I learned a long time ago., finding a lawyer to go after a hospital in the same city they live in isnt easy, IDK if its hard to get a lawyer to go after a business in his own town,, you mite consider looking in the nearest big place if you cant find an ENthusiastic , ready to attack, local guy.. Im sittin here wondering if your bike is totaled. The parts & labor to get it right exceed 50% of the value, wouldnt you think? I sure wouldnt let the craptasticanichs that did it fix it,, but you need a new jug, to have all your cooling fins back, & how did they break it? Trying to pry the head cover off after they missed a bolt, Ill bet the head cover is warped, so, youll need a new head & cover, theyre a matched pair, due to being line bored for the cam, & one side of the case, because of the busted pedestal,,
How many miles on yours? If they can find an engine with low miles, it would be easier & cheaper to swap engines,, You should be able to keep the old one just because theyve screwed your day up so bad, if your belt is damaged, they can replace that.,,
I dont even know these people & I dont like them, not at all..

Title: Re: Mechanic Liability
Post by built2last66 on 03/14/12 at 18:59:08

x1karr0usx, where are you from? See if there's any motorcycle specific law firms in your town.. for example here in VA we have

Title: Re: Mechanic Liability
Post by x1karr0usx on 03/15/12 at 06:19:07

Northeast/Central Pennsylvania near Williamsport, PA. I really want to know how Suzuki will handle this issue, but I am considering bringing a lawyer into this.

And just the head and crankcase replacement alone would get it considered "totalled". I got a buyer lined up for $3500, but I can imagine that he will use all of the dealership's screw ups as leverage points to get a good deal. I ain't in the business of selling mechanically questionable motorcycles anyways, so hopefully Suzuki comes through on this.

Title: Re: Mechanic Liability
Post by arteacher on 03/15/12 at 06:31:08

Fer sher get a lawyer involved.

Title: Re: Mechanic Liability
Post by Bubba on 03/15/12 at 07:23:46

In Ohio...

I'd try to make the dealership pay for the whole thing...

Title: Re: Mechanic Liability
Post by Oldfeller on 03/15/12 at 08:32:58

Mind you I like JB weld and I use it, but I have had occasions where it cracked off in stressed locations, especially ones that go hot/cold all the time.   The resin degrades over time.  

Using it for the clutch cable holder is BUILT TO FAIL over time.

Since you have the bike back, please post pictures of the broken cooling fin and the botch job with the JB weld and the  other items you mentioned.

This thread may make it into the Tech Section as a "Why you don't let dealerships work on your bike  --  do it yourself instead" thread.

Title: Re: Mechanic Liability
Post by x1karr0usx on 03/15/12 at 09:05:26

lol i will post pics as soon as i get home today.

Title: Re: Mechanic Liability
Post by prsavage on 03/15/12 at 10:14:27

I feel really fortunate to have a good relationship with my Suzuki dealer (especially since he's the only bike-primary dealership of any brand in my region)  I had him replace both tires on my Intruder and the following season I had a definite leak in the front tire.  I took the bike to a tire shop and they found the cause was a (brand new) cotter pin was somehow inside my rim between it and the tire and wore a hole in the tube.  Long story short the dealer went good for the repair at the tire shop and gave me a $100 in store parts credit.  There are some good ones out there.

Title: Re: Mechanic Liability
Post by bill67 on 03/15/12 at 12:02:18

All the Dealers in my area are good and charge reasonable prices.Remember you can wash your car cheaper than having it done.

Title: Re: Mechanic Liability
Post by Savage_Rob on 03/15/12 at 12:08:54

Yeah, this kind of crap spooks me and just reinforces my desire to do as much of my own maintenance as possible.  I did have my tires put on at a local dealership (I bought the tubes from them) and they did a good job on mine.  I was talking with another fellow who'd just had his tires done and they left the rubber liner out of one of his rims when they reassembled and the spokes chewed his tube in less than a couple of miles.  He said they apologized and "made it right".  I don't know if they just fixed the issue or went above and beyond but he seemed satisfied.  I still want to learn how to do most of it myself if at all possible.  I trust myself to care about the outcome and you guys have enough combined knowledge and experience to put me on the right track if I'm astute enough to ask the right questions.  Then it's all a matter of parts, time, tools and patience.

Title: Re: Mechanic Liability
Post by x1karr0usx on 03/15/12 at 15:12:09

Title: Re: Mechanic Liability
Post by Oldfeller on 03/16/12 at 13:13:28

4F4441411B1A2D0 wrote:
All the Dealers in my area are good and charge reasonable prices.Remember you can wash your car cheaper than having it done.

Remember, Bill does not believe in routine maintenance.  It has been 29 years by his own reconning since he last adjusted the valves on a motorcycle.

He tends to sell off a bike once it begins "to act funny".

Also, Bill really thinks $13 a quart oil is sensible spending, so take his advice on these maintenance type things with a little bitty grain of salt.


Title: Re: Mechanic Liability
Post by greenmonster on 03/16/12 at 13:45:21

Bill sounded pretty tongue-in-cheek on that one.

Title: Re: Mechanic Liability
Post by Savage_Rob on 03/16/12 at 15:34:30

594C5B5B505351504D4A5B4C3E0 wrote:
Bill sounded pretty tongue-in-cheek on that one.

I thought so too.

Title: Re: Mechanic Liability
Post by bill67 on 03/16/12 at 17:23:18

7F5C5456555C5C5542300 wrote:
[quote author=4F4441411B1A2D0 link=1331240866/45#52 date=1331838138]All the Dealers in my area are good and charge reasonable prices.Remember you can wash your car cheaper than having it done.

Remember, Bill does not believe in routine maintenance.  It has been 29 years by his own reconning since he last adjusted the valves on a motorcycle.

He tends to sell off a bike once it begins "to act funny".

Also, Bill really thinks $13 a quart oil is sensible spending, so take his advice on these maintenance type things with a little bitty grain of salt.

Whats it like when a bike acts funny,I never had one that did.

Title: Re: Mechanic Liability
Post by Boofer on 03/17/12 at 20:14:53

Everything I buy has been "acting funny". That's how I get a good price.  ;)

Title: Re: Mechanic Liability
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/18/12 at 00:02:00

Hey Karr,, I posted this with your pictures,

Look on up & back, under the upper fin,, screwdriver marks, they left a bolt in the head cover! I TOLD Ya! Your head cover is warped,
FWIW, the head gasket most likely didnt need replaced,.,These idiots owe you a bike. Id be talking to the owner tomorrow & if you havent already gone hunting a lawyer, you better get ready to.

What did you pay for it? Have you paid them anything? Parts?
Back to top

Title: Re: Mechanic Liability
Post by arteacher on 03/18/12 at 07:26:40

Let's not paint all dealerships with the same brush. Mine has been pretty good to me most of the time.The only thing they have done incorrectly is adjust the belt too tight.

Title: Re: Mechanic Liability
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/18/12 at 22:48:29

575C5C555956574D4C380 wrote:
Let's not paint all dealerships with the same brush. Mine has been pretty good to me most of the time.The only thing they have done incorrectly is adjust the belt too tight.

I agree,, I had mine in once & they didnt destroy it, charged me more than what they should have & didnt do hoot,, but they didnt wreck it!

Title: Re: Mechanic Liability
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/24/12 at 16:01:12

So? Hows it goin?

Title: Re: Mechanic Liability
Post by x1karr0usx on 03/24/12 at 20:07:58

I was out of town all week, so I got the bike painted and let it sit.. Also did some of the little things fixed. I didn't touch the broken fin or the speedo mount, just in case it comes into question. I was reallllllllly hoping to get a call from Suzuki America, but haven't heard from them yet. Going to give them a call Tuesday morning when I'm back.

Real happy with how the bike is running and looking right now. Still pissed about the shoddy work, but unless Suzuki does something, or unless I get a lawyer, I'm probably out of luck. It's crazy to get a bike back from a garage and the engine mount nuts aren't even hand tightened!

Title: Re: Mechanic Liability
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/24/12 at 22:56:36

I hope you understand HOW that fin was busted. YOur head cover is WARPED. They missed a bolt & tried to pry it off. You pop that thing off & lay it on a piece of thick glass.. I Gay Rawn TEE its warped., Which means they owe you a head & a head cover.

Title: Re: Mechanic Liability
Post by x1karr0usx on 03/25/12 at 08:52:24

Any way of knowing if it's warped without taking it off? Would there be any noticeable symptoms?

Title: Re: Mechanic Liability
Post by Serowbot on 03/25/12 at 09:49:16

I suppose it will leak...  (Maybe,... they didn't leave a bolt in,.. but just pried in the wrong place to break the bead)...
Still, shoddy for a dealer, but hopefully cosmetic...

I'd be most worried about the broke clutch actuator perch...

Title: Re: Mechanic Liability
Post by x1karr0usx on 03/25/12 at 13:31:41

I don't see any leaks, which is great. I took a nice hard look at the broken piece, and I see exactly what you're talking about and everything makes sense. They definitely used a screwdriver to pry the two pieces apart, and the cooling fin was the pivot point. Everything lines up, and I see those screwdriver marks, so I have no doubts that this is what happened!

As of right now, that perch is still holding together. I want to keep testing it a little bit before I put some miles on it.

I will chat with Suzuki before I fix or clean up any of these issues. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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