General Category >> Rubber Side Down! >> Velocity stacks

Message started by wombat on 02/27/12 at 10:07:49

Title: Velocity stacks
Post by wombat on 02/27/12 at 10:07:49

I have shop that made custom velocity stacks for one of my other bikes and was wondering if you guys would like them for your LS650s. They are made from aluminum with a knurled ring, three set screws to hold it in place, and a fine-mesh brass screen. The workmanship is excellent. He has blanks that would work for the Mikuni 40ss carbs with its 57mm mouth, that are about 44 mm from base to outer edge, and 76 mm in diameter. His price for one is about  $40 (plus shipping), which is cheap. If we get a few orders together he might bring the price down even more. Let me know by email.
Also, let me know if these photos show up, I'm new at pasting them on a post ;-)

Title: Re: Velocity stacks
Post by Bubba on 02/27/12 at 12:00:11

Wombat, have you installed one of these on the Savage? I'd be interested in knowing if your jetting would go all wonky again and you'd have to start tuning again...

Title: Re: Velocity stacks
Post by thumperclone on 02/27/12 at 12:10:09

6D5A4D4D4E1E1F171C2F0 wrote:
Wombat, have you installed one of these on the Savage? I'd be interested in knowing if your jetting would go all wonky again and you'd have to start tuning again...

whenever airflow is changed fuel needs to be adjusted also

Title: Re: Velocity stacks
Post by teabowl13 on 02/27/12 at 12:12:59

Those are beautiful; really well made, but Yeah, I would assume no mater what carb or set up you had, you'd have to re-jet with any kind of velocity stack. It basically creates absolutely uninterrupted airflow with no back pressure at all - even more open than any kind of cone filter...

Title: Re: Velocity stacks
Post by wombat on 02/27/12 at 12:56:47

No, I haven't installed one yet. And yes, you'd have to fool with the jetting

7B4C5B5B580809010A390 wrote:
Wombat, have you installed one of these on the Savage? I'd be interested in knowing if your jetting would go all wonky again and you'd have to start tuning again...

Title: Re: Velocity stacks
Post by arteacher on 02/27/12 at 13:16:33

I would imagine that a K&N slab filter is less restrictive, so the only benefit would be looks.

Title: Re: Velocity stacks
Post by MotoBuddha on 02/27/12 at 14:23:32

Sign me up!

Title: Re: Velocity stacks
Post by Smokestack on 02/27/12 at 15:27:13

Ooooooh, shiny!  I'd be interested if I wasn't getting a new carb setup soon.  Does yer guy have anything that'll fit a 36mm Mikuni?

Title: Re: Velocity stacks
Post by wombat on 02/27/12 at 15:49:15

Contact me (Wombat) by email and we'll get you set up.  

43617A614C7B6A6A666F0E0 wrote:
Sign me up!

Title: Re: Velocity stacks
Post by skeebo on 02/27/12 at 18:01:08

 Jet this...Tune what!.....Those things are freak'in kool

Title: Re: Velocity stacks
Post by singlesgoinsteady on 02/27/12 at 22:45:33

Ya I'm in for one.  Once that airbox is gone, yanking the carb is cake.  How much extra velocity is this going to give me, ha ha.

Title: Re: Velocity stacks
Post by LANCER on 02/28/12 at 02:34:41

427C7E7A74626570727A110 wrote:
Ooooooh, shiny!  I'd be interested if I wasn't getting a new carb setup soon.  Does yer guy have anything that'll fit a 36mm Mikuni?

That was my first thought there one for the 36/38mm VM carb ?

The filter side is 62mm

By the way, very nice photo's   ;)

Title: Re: Velocity stacks
Post by built2last66 on 02/28/12 at 05:19:33

Is that thing gonna clean the air?

Title: Re: Velocity stacks
Post by Bubba on 02/28/12 at 08:43:03

Done my share of jet tuning so yeah I can do that. My guess is this would keeps leaves out and that's about it.
It is incredibly cool lookin' tho'
rt now I've got a K&N drop in filter

Title: Re: Velocity stacks
Post by Bubba on 03/01/12 at 07:48:58

I'd be interested in what performance one gets after someone installs this on a savage.
Any thoughts on what this is going to do to your engine since the screen basically keeps bugs out?

Title: Re: Velocity stacks
Post by teabowl13 on 03/01/12 at 07:58:53

774057575404050D06350 wrote:
I'd be interested in what performance one gets after someone installs this on a savage.
Any thoughts on what this is going to do to your engine since the screen basically keeps bugs out?

What it's going to do will depend on where, when, and how you ride it. Yes it will keep the bugs and leaves out, but should otherwise give you unrestricted airflow. If you ride in the rain, or wet, or dirt/fine dust/road salt (A serious condition up here in the great white North...) those fine particles will get sucked right in.
I can't speak directly about this particular Velocity Stack - I'm just talking generally. Most usually come with some sort of screen, like this one. The finer the screen, the more protection it will offer, but it's NOT a filter.
A lot of guys who use them, will keep a cone filter on hand for wet/dirty conditions and use the stack on clean, dry days. You just need to have a cone filter with REALLY good air flow so that the jetting wouldn't need to be changed.
With the Savage, it should be an easy 5 minute swap every time, (I'm guessing...) so it wouldn't be impractical to have both, and this looks like a very nicely made unit for a very good price...

Title: Re: Velocity stacks
Post by LANCER on 03/02/12 at 04:34:11

6" velocity stock on Edelbrock carb in this photo.  I use a microscreen filter that fits over the outside of the intake...will take a photo of that later and post it here

Title: Re: Velocity stacks
Post by teabowl13 on 03/02/12 at 06:49:53

Can you tell us more about it; how it works for you, and why you have it set up that way? Why is it so long? Does that help with turbulence?
I'm sure you've posted this info elsewhere, so just some links, or tell us where to look for it would be helpful.

Title: Re: Velocity stacks
Post by beacon on 03/02/12 at 08:35:22

Contact me (Wombat) by email to get your order in.

3822252C272E382C242225383F2E2A2F324B0 wrote:
Ya I'm in for one.  Once that airbox is gone, yanking the carb is cake.  How much extra velocity is this going to give me, ha ha.

Title: Re: Velocity stacks
Post by LANCER on 03/02/12 at 17:36:54

1223272429312A7775460 wrote:
Can you tell us more about it; how it works for you, and why you have it set up that way? Why is it so long? Does that help with turbulence?
I'm sure you've posted this info elsewhere, so just some links, or tell us where to look for it would be helpful.

The longer the tunnel the more the air flow is straightened out before it enters the engine, and should improve air velocity as a result.
More velocity = more power & responsiveness.

Title: Re: Velocity stacks
Post by Savage_Rob on 03/02/12 at 21:53:16

I considered putting one on my MK2, as Amal makes one for it, but decided to stick with my K&N.  It's a personal preference but I feel I'm choosing cleaner air over faster air.  Is that not a correct assessment?

Title: Re: Velocity stacks
Post by ST33ZY-G on 10/22/12 at 22:20:00

Hey wombat are you still getting those velocity stacks cuz id really be down to get one from your guy making those things i cant pm cuz i need to reach 10 posts  >:( since im just signed up for the site lol

Title: Re: Velocity stacks
Post by Charon on 10/23/12 at 10:49:57

It is difficult to judge from the pictures, but I would guess the wire mesh essentially blocks off about half of the area of the stack, and would thus restrict the airflow. Also, the round wires from which the mesh is made are not streamlined, so the flow around and downstream from the wires would be turbulent. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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